I am pleasantly plump, but I am considered plump. How to determine your body type. A special point should be made about makeup

Look at the photo. Beautiful, plump woman. If you have a plus-size body, you may feel completely differently about it. You may like it, you may fight it, you may do absolutely nothing. However, you have to do one thing for sure - don't give up if you don't look like a Supermodel = it doesn't mean you can't look good.

You can simply feel from your own example how differently you perceive people with different builds. After all, there are fat people who cause disgust, there are those whom you treat with tenderness, there are simply impressive people, there are real beauties. At the same time, a real beauty heavy weight doesn't interfere at all.

So how is it that one overweight woman wants to sing praises, and another wants to tell her to go actively work in the gym?

Survey data

A small survey was conducted that showed what should not be allowed if you full build, and what is expected of you in the first place.

How to be a plump and beautiful woman?

So, if you want to look good, then you are not allowed to have a bad mood, a gloomy face, a dissatisfied appearance or angry eyes. All this negatively affects the attitude of people around you towards you. All these indicators make any face ugly, and even more so a full face.

Take very good care of your hair

You cannot allow a mess on your head, a bad haircut, or overgrown, undyed roots. Your hair should always be perfectly styled - this is what is expected of a plus-size woman. Only under this condition will such a woman be called plump and sweetheart, otherwise she will remain a fat aunt. And even if nature has not given you decent hair, you need to take care of your hair even more carefully. You need to try to create at least the appearance of a beautiful hairstyle.

If you don't have enough time or opportunity to constantly do yourself beautiful hairstyle, then go to the hairdresser and ask them to give you a hairstyle that will always make you look good.

As a rule, long hair suits plump women (the same conclusion was reached by men surveyed this issue), however, not everyone can boast of such luxurious wealth.

A special point should be made about makeup

Done without makeup will be bad. However, if there is too much of it, it’s even worse. You can afford to not use makeup at all when you are a bright brunette with beautiful skin. For them, cosmetics are not needed, only if it is an evening option. However, other plump women need to apply a certain minimum of cosmetics to their faces, which will help make their face brighter and eliminate dullness.

First of all, get your eyebrows in order - light eyebrows need painting, wide ones need to be tucked, and only then tint. A plump woman has absolutely no need to draw unnecessary attention to her bushy eyebrows, like Brezhnev’s. The rest of the cosmetics should match your face type. However, the main emphasis should be on the eyes, but you should not overdo it, because you risk becoming vulgar or noticeably aged.


And a little about clothes - overweight women often like to choose dark, careless and ugly clothes. It is already obvious to everyone around you that you are fat. You will not be able to become less visible and less fat if you wear such clothes. But such clothes will make you ugly, boring, and will only spoil your mood.

You not only can, but you must wear bright colors. Choose colorful blouses, wearing them under a vest, jacket or sweater. Why not wear a bright dress?

The frame of glasses also plays a significant role.

Anyone, even the nicest one appearance, the thick plastic of the glasses kills me. No one will even look at your hairstyle or your good looks if you wear glasses with such frames. Today there is a huge selection of any glasses frames, and their prices are quite liberal, so you don’t have to disfigure your face with these frames, which will only add an extra ten years to your life, and even an extra ten kilos. Glasses in general are quite rarely an adornment for a full face, but for overweight men, for example, they, on the contrary, make them somewhat more representative and respectable.

There is an opinion that anyone suits the face hat and glasses, only for this you need to choose them correctly, which will be your task.

Victory over shyness!

A large number of fat women begin to feel embarrassed about their weight, body, and belly, which leads them to stoop, which, in their opinion, will make their flaws less noticeable.

Absolute nonsense! If you stand in front of the mirror and straighten your shoulders, you will understand that large breasts are wonderful, it would be much worse if they were not there. Well, if you think about it, it becomes completely clear that just a big belly is much better than a big belly combined with a hump.

Today, a popular style of clothing is unisex.

However, in a normal context, this is considered a little masculinity, that is, an ordinary woman who adheres to this style simply becomes bleached, becomes a sexless creature. At the same time, most ladies in the body prefer a sporty style in clothing and in the manner of movement. Just one way of moving makes them visually larger several times - their movements become sharp and impetuous.

Others' perception of you

Do not count on a romantic perception of you from others, because they associate you with the chieftain of robbers in the cartoon about "Bremen Town Musicians". This flaw is quite difficult to correct, but nothing is impossible.

Most easy way to correct this shortcoming - go dancing. If they started convincing you that you urgently need to lose weight in order to dance, then you have definitely been deceived.


Let's take stock– a plump woman must certainly be cheerful, feminine and well-groomed. So you don’t have to lose weight to be pretty and pleasant. In this case, you will have every chance of attracting the attention of men, because in modern trends, when a woman is more like a boy in her constitution. Men today are so lacking in femininity.

Do not miss. . .

Compatibility -

What to do? -

How does he live? -

Body types are determined by body type. TOWhat are the body types? overweight women? The same types as those of thin people, only the shortcomings are expressed in a more obvious form. The difference in choosing clothes for thin and overweight women is that for the former the main emphasis done to hide shortcomings, and for the second - to emphasize advantages, leaving shortcomings in the shadows. This is why it is so important to know exactly your body type.

There are many body type classifications, but there are 5 main body types (from left to right in the picture):pear (type A), inverted triangle (type V), hourglass (type X), apple (type O) and rectangle (type H).

Pear (type A)- the volume of your hips is much larger than the volume of your chest. That is, you usually buy skirts and trousers 2-3 sizes larger than blouses. Often women of this type may have full legs.

Inverted triangle (type V)- the volume of your breasts is much larger than the volume of your hips. Accordingly, you buy skirts and trousers 2-3 sizes smaller. Typically, women of this type have broad shoulders and massive arms.

Hourglass (type X)- luxurious volume of the chest and hips with a pronounced waist. The difference between bust, hip and waist measurements is usually about 25 cm.

Apple (type O)- the waist size of women of this type of figure is usually larger than the chest and hips. The impression of a very large volume is created due to the protruding belly. Women of this type usually have luxurious breasts and beautiful legs.

Rectangle (type H)- a woman with an H-type figure has approximately equal chest, hip and waist circumferences. There is no clearly defined waist. Often women of this physique have slender legs and arms. The main task in clothing is to create the illusion of a waist and highlight the beauty of the legs.

I hope you were able to determine your type? Of course, your figure can combine several different types. But at this stage you need to determine the general silhouette of the figure. If in doubt, ask a friend or loved ones for advice; it’s always easier to evaluate from the outside.

Let's look at each body type in a little more detail.

Try to understand the basic recommendations for creating a balanced silhouette of your figure. Of course, each figure is individual and has its own characteristics (neck, arms, chest, legs, etc.). We will consider detailed recommendations for selecting each type of clothing in subsequent issues. Now check out the general and recommendations for body types.

Rectangle (type H).

You have what all other body types don't have, the right overall body silhouette! You have balanced hips and chest, slender legs, beautiful hands, which corresponds to standard proportions with all parts of the body. The problem area is the invisibly expressed waist or its absence. This is due to the special structure of the chest. Therefore, even diets and fitness classes will not be able togive you a wasp waist. Do not worry!

In fact, a wide waist is not such a big problem, because... There are many ways to visually shape the waist or shape it using shapewear. You can simply not focus on the waist, but emphasize the beauty of your flattering shapes!

When choosing clothes, always emphasize your advantages - beautiful legs, arms, chest, because other types do not have such a set of advantages! Update your wardrobe in accordance with the latest fashion trends, emphasize your femininity, and you will be irresistible!

The basic rule is to use straight silhouettes for a rectangular figure. Belts and girdles that emphasize the waist should be used with great caution, and it is better to completely abandon them.

Do not wear clothes that have gathers at the waistline, or dresses that are cut off at the waistline. Clothing like this will only expand it. Do not wear very tight clothes, they focus attention on the waist.

O shape (apple).

Owners of an O (apple) figure usually have a beautiful bust and chic, slender legs. These are the wonderful benefits that men love so much! However, the presence of a rounded and protruding belly and the absence of a waist make this type of woman serious problems and even nervous disorders when choosing clothes. Don't despair! Remember Alla Pugacheva: her apple figure does not at all prevent her from being an irresistible Diva, because she just focuses on her legs.

Women of this type usually have a short neck and large breasts, so the best way will be used V -shaped cutouts in the neckline area. Boat necklines and stand-up collars also look great. Clothing in the chest and hips area can be tight, but in the waist area it must be loose! No belts or belts!

Don't hide yourself in baggy clothes and robes with lots of folds and waves of fabric. This is what women with an apple figure usually do when they unsuccessfully try to pick something up. As a result, you will look like a huge watermelon! You have something to show: your legs and bust are your great assets! Dazzle with your beauty, and no one will notice your flaws!

Figure typeV(inverted triangle).

Women with this body type have full breasts, broad shoulders, and usually full arms. When combined with narrow hips, the silhouette of a letter is obtained. V . This body type is also called the T type or masculine body type. IN Lately This type of figure is becoming more and more common, this is due to the desire of modern women to be independent and self-reliant, to achieve everything on their own. Fitness club workers admit that womenMore and more often they began to come with the goal of pumping up the shoulder muscles.

When compiling your wardrobe you should consider following rules: The top should be simple, unadorned and not draw attention to broad shoulders, with the entire emphasis placed on the lower torso. You can use gathers, folds, pockets and bright patterns, appliqués - anything that will attract attention. Accordingly, the tone of the top should be darker to visually reduce the size, and the bottom should be lighter or brighter. Thus, the overall silhouette of the figure will be visually compensated. If you have a waist, be sure to emphasize it with wide belts and sashes. Just don't tighten it too tight.

Often women with a body type V have beautiful slender legs. This is another way to draw attention away from your upper torso. Wear nice shoes.To elongate your upper torso, choose clothes with a deep V -shaped neckline, you can also use a deep oval neckline. Dresses with open shoulders will look great.

Choosing clothes for your figure V is related to the following problem. The size of the top part of the clothing is usually 2-3 sizes larger than the bottom part. Since clothes are made according to standard measurements, finding a dress or suit becomes a big problem. There are some stores that sell suit tops and bottoms separately. Therefore, such stores will be a lifesaver for you. If the difference in size is not so great, then the trousers or skirt from suits, as well as the lower part of the dress, can be sewn in. This is a common service in clothing repair shops. The main thing is to buy the right items according to your body type, and you will be irresistible!

Body type A (pear).

For women with a type A figure wide hips contrast with the relatively small breasts. Therefore, when choosing clothes you need to focus onthe upper part of the body, including your beautiful narrow waist, and the wide hips should be left in the shade.

Your figure creates a big problem when choosing suits, since the size of trousers and skirts should be 2-3 sizes larger than the size of blouses and jackets. There are some stores (though there are very few of them) that sell costume parts separately. You need to know such stores in your city, because... this is your “magic wand”. If the difference between the volume of the chest and hips is not so great, then it is quite possible to buy standard suits, focusing on the size of the hips. And the upper part of the suit needs to be sutured; this is a common service in many clothing repair shops. Just before purchasing, you should definitely consult whether it is possible to sew this model to the desired size.

To focus attention on the top, use various decorations on the neck and décolleté area. Wide collars suit you V -shaped necklines, decorative elements and inserts in the chest and décolleté areas. You have a unique opportunity to afford almost any jewelry that other women cannot wear, for example, with a body type V. Shiny fabrics, as well as fabrics of bright colors, are suitable for the upper part, as they visually increase the volume.

A-silhouette skirts (flared towards the bottom), as well as godet-type skirts that flare out from the mid-thigh line, are suitable for you.The bottom of the clothes should be a single color; their tone should be darker than the tone of the top. Visually, this helps to equalize the proportions of the figure.

Don't wear loose-fitting clothes that will spoil your narrow waist. Your silhouette will immediately become stockier and fuller in these clothes. Belts and sashes will help highlight your waist. The only limitation is that the width of the belt should not exceed 4 cm, because... wide belts focus attention on the large difference between the volume of the hips and chest. As a result, your hips will appear much wider.

Do not wear clothes that have a border of colors along the hip line. This line will also visually widen your hips.To visually compensate for the width of your shoulders and hips, wear clothes with shoulder pads.You have a very feminine body type. You only need to highlight your beauty by hiding just your hips. By following these simple rules, you will look irresistible!

X-type figure (hourglass).

Women with an X-shaped figure have everything they need to be irresistible! And lush breasts, and a narrow waist, and proportionately wide hips! You have the most feminine figure, rounded shapes give it that natural sex appeal that men like so much. Skinny women with such a figure they can afford almost any type of clothing. When they get fat, the bulk of the weight is gained in the hips and buttocks, a little in the chest, and the waist is practically not will change.

Thus, when choosing clothes, you should try not to visually increase your body volume and focus on a thin waist.

Clothing made from soft, flowing fabric that follows the curves of your figure suits you best. It can be plain or with a pattern. Draperies, waves, folds, round necklines and collars will only emphasize your femininity and beauty. Designs on fabrics should also have smooth outlines: flowers, peas, cucumber patterns, etc. Choose the size of the picture according to your height and size. The larger the figure, the larger the drawing.

The silhouette of clothes can be almost any: choose what you want to focus on. Straight skirts, A-line skirts, godet skirts, etc. suit you. The basic rule is that clothes should be either fitted or the waist should be emphasized with a belt or belt. Then you will look slimmer. The waist is your main trump card, especially with a full figure!

Although almost all clothing silhouettes will suit you, there are a few limitations. Try to remember them and then you will not have problems with unsuccessful purchases.

  • Baggy clothes that lose your waist are not suitable for you. Such clothes will visually add a couple of extra sizes to you;
  • do not buy clothes made of thick and brittle fabric, they will also make you look fat
  • Do not wear very wide belts or belts more than 3-4 cm wide. They will visually increase the volume of your hips by a couple of sizes. Wide belts can be worn if they are decorated with rhinestones or other decorative elements. IN elegant dress This belt will make you look sexy.
  • Do not wear very tight clothing, especially around the hips. Tight dresses and skirts look vulgar on all overweight women.

By following these simple rules, you will always be irresistible!

So, we got acquainted with general recommendations on the formation of a balanced silhouette of the figure. In special newsletter issues we will look in detail at specific examples, how to choose dresses and other clothing for each body type.

Let's start with a description ideal man. This is a troublesome matter, so we will move gradually.

So. Appearance.

Pleasant fullness is required. This is my personal term. A kind of trademark.

There is an unpleasant fullness, also called “swelling”, stuffed with Doshirak and other pasta, seasoned with mayonnaise due to the absence of meat and fish components. Such obesity is typical for minibus drivers, junior managers burdened with sedentary work and elderly security guards.

A person with unpleasant obesity has complexes about excess weight, but clumsily hides it. The fullness is complemented by a sallow complexion, a faded look and circles under the eyes caused by standing in subway passages, many months of lack of daytime sunlight in life and cheap, dusty office flooring.

But there is another completeness. A shiny face, you know, from satiety, a sleek body in an elite spa. The fat appeared as a result of excessive consumption of lobsters, king prawns, escargots and La truffe noire du Périgord. Moreover, all this splendor was consumed not during a 30-minute lunch break at a work computer after visiting the microwave, but on the cozy veranda of a Michelin-starred Mediterranean restaurant, accompanied by spiritual, unhurried thoughts and a glass of wine worth several diamonds.

Sports and other plebeian entertainments do not interfere with the emergence and development of such delightful fullness.

If someone has this wonderful, pleasant fullness, please invite me to a meeting or at least send a photo (or a couple of high-calorie truffles to support the vital functions of a weakened body).

To appreciate all the beauty of what was written? I had to quote this text in full. I don’t know about you, dear readers, but personally, after reading this, I have associations with this image. I think that in terms of lobsters, truffles and king prawns, everything is in order here...

I already wrote on this topic, but the question remains open. What is this person under the nickname? bespridanitsa , and on what basis are there so many claims against the opposite sex. I wouldn’t be surprised if she seriously believes that a woman with her ambitions doesn’t necessarily need to know how to cook or do laundry, since Every wealthy man should have a housekeeper(C) Many people think that I, too, am not entirely okay with my personal life because of my excessive demands on women. No! Simply, my Westernized concepts of family life, where a man and a woman live together and have a common cause, where a woman is first of all a friend and comrade, where partners support each other and in case of emergency they can rely on each other, go too counter to the orthodox Christian Domostroevsky concepts of the majority that I came across life field of women in Russia, where a man is a type of breadwinner who must support a woman, and as compensation has every day on the table potatoes in lard with cracklings, as well as the unshakable right to beat her (his wife) from time to time, as if in a fatherly way. This difference can be felt too much after communicating with representatives of the opposite sex from the countries of the decaying West... It is possible that overseas princes who are ready to go through the rake in order to have a wife from the former USSR are some kind of relics of the past who want to live according to Domostroy and have a wife as property ...

However, with all my so-called claims, I at least do not hide how I look, including my genitals in a state of arousal. At the same time, I can write music and play several musical instruments. Although this did not bring me much success, a timely rethinking of creativity - making luxury items with my own hands in the form of wooden mosaics and sculptures slightly changed my worldview and is slowly but surely moving me towards recognition) In addition, I can also cook well, by the way, lobster Same...

Here's what he can do

Many modern women, considering the parameters 90-60-90 ideal, suffer from all sorts of grueling diets and torture themselves with excessive physical exercises to achieve them. This is very strange, because everything is done, first of all, to please men, most of whom, as it turns out, prefer plump beauties. If we turn to history, we can see that fashion has almost always included ladies with appetizing shapes, about whose figures we can say that this pleasant fullness.

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The desire to lose weight (the motivation for losing weight can be different) has become a fashionable hobby for the fair half of humanity, and photographs of women who have lost weight are actively advertised on the pages of glossy magazines. It is worth noting that in most cases these photographs are the result of computer processing of images. But women believe them and try to actively lose weight. Moreover, they do this uncontrollably, guided by only one goal - to quickly achieve ideal proportions. As a result, if weight is lost too quickly, instead of beautiful body they get loose saggy skin and skinny legs, i.e. the result is the opposite of the desired one.
Of course, you need to exercise and eat right too. But it is worth considering that each person is individual, and for each there is an optimal weight that ensures a quality life.

The main indicators of quality of life are, first of all, health and the right optimistic attitude. It turns out that excellent health and good mood most often accompany women whose weight slightly exceeds the model parameters. Their skin, hair, joints, and spine are in better condition. Remember Indian films. What beautiful actresses there are, how flexible they are, what skin they have! And almost none of them can be said to be thin. This is exactly what a pleasant fullness is!

Therefore, if you want to always feel happy and beautiful, do not try to fight your weight (if it is not excessive), just maintain it in a stable state and do not use advertised fat burners that dramatically reduce weight. Try to eat healthy, including healthy foods in your diet. Pleasant fullness will make your figure more feminine, because you can’t take your eyes off it, you can admire it endlessly!