What to give for your 50th birthday. What to give a woman for her 50th birthday. Gift for an elderly woman

Many modern women aged 50 are actively involved in sports, use expensive cosmetics, and therefore look much younger than their years. Therefore, age is not an indicator when choosing a gift. There is no need to focus on it. It’s a woman’s 50th birthday, the gift should be memorable and pleasant. Some people adore bouquets of flowers, some are crazy about electronic technology, and others pleasant surprise it turns out holiday greetings beloved granddaughter or grandson. The main thing when choosing a gift for 50- summer anniversary Do not make a mistake - you should not give something that would indicate the age of the birthday girl.

Congratulations to the woman on her 50th birthday

It was once very fashionable to present a common family photo from all family members as a gift. The tradition has lost popularity over time, but for the 50th anniversary, why not surprise the recipient of the gift with a family photo. For her, such a surprise will be pleasant and unexpected.

No matter what age a woman is, she does not remain indifferent to jewelry and decorations. Moreover, such gifts will be kept for years. If a woman firmly believes in the horoscope, jewelry with a stone that will be favorable for her will suit her, this may be pearl necklace, amber bracelet or peridot ring.

If the hero of the day is in active and healthy physical shape, an excellent present would be a horse ride or, say, Flight to hot-air balloon . Such original surprise will delight any woman. A reverent gift for a birthday girl on her 50th birthday can be a congratulation from a dear son or daughter in the form of a song or performance dedicated to the anniversary. Beautiful congratulatory speech will also cause a lot of positive emotions in the hero of the day.

It’s a little easier to choose a gift for male or female relatives. This could be a set, for example, a tea set or set of dishes, as well as beautiful bed linen. However, this is all quite formulaic, but the dear birthday girl really wants to make a memorable and gorgeous gift. To do this you need to think outside the box. If a woman is interested in growing flowers, you can arrange for her winter Garden on the balcony or loggias. Beautiful then unusual flowers will delight the birthday girl throughout the year.

If the hero of the occasion has started a renovation, a purchase certificate would be an excellent gift for her. necessary materials. In this way, relatives will show her their attention and care.

Of course, more practical gifts are much more useful. On her 50th birthday, a woman will receive a pleasant surprise with a camera or video camera, with which she can capture the bright moments of her vacation. If she already has such equipment, then a brand new laptop or tablet will please the woman no less.

Colleagues are always happy to congratulate their employee on her anniversary. At the same time, we can recommend that they opt for the following gift options:

  • business card holder of original shape;
  • desk set;
  • painting (French tapestry);
  • an aquarium with fish (if the office space allows);
  • musical congratulations from the entire team.

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary to a colleague (male or female) can be inexpensive, but status-bearing. In this case, it is important to present them with respect and warm wishes.

50 years is a solid and significant date for both men and women. A woman at this age is purposeful, has her own taste and style. Therefore, gifts should look solid and high quality.

Traditional 50th Anniversary Gifts

It will be a pleasant surprise for the hero of the day basket of roses. Moreover, they should be burgundy, purple, coral or some other bright shades. Also traditional gifts are wrist watch . In this case, you can ask the birthday girl to buy them back for a few kopecks, since there is an opinion that watches shorten the years of life of the one who receives them as a gift. Earrings, bracelets, and brooches are also popular items that have been given as gifts for several generations.

An aesthetic gift in the form paintings will always pleasantly surprise the hero of the occasion. However, it must match the interior of the woman’s home. It is best if it depicts her favorite artist or a family portrait of the hero of the day.

Convenient and very a relevant gift will become computer or orthopedic chair. By purchasing cosmetical tools, it is important to make sure that they do not indicate that this is, for example, an anti-aging or wrinkle-smoothing cream; this can confuse a woman. In this case, it is better to present bathing products: gel, body lotion, bubble bath.

It will be an irreplaceable gift book by your favorite author, well-bound and with bright, high-quality illustrations. The list of traditional gifts also includes perfumes. But here it is very important to know the preferences and tastes of a woman.

If the choice is made on a household appliance for kitchen purposes ( electric meat grinder or kettle, blender, yogurt maker or steamer), you need to make sure that the hostess definitely doesn’t have it.

Once upon a time it was customary to give dishes made of silver, however, in our time it is quite expensive. An alternative could be a stainless steel set - this is very worthy gift. For business woman An organizer framed with a leather cover and an original writing pen is ideal.

Template gifts also include sets. As a rule, by the age of 50, a housewife has accumulated quite a lot of them, so in this case it is better to present a sushi set or various stands (for a teapot, cups). A floor or tabletop flower vase will also be a relevant gift for the birthday girl. To enhance the effect of surprise, you can put freshly cut roses or any other flowers in them that a woman is simply crazy about.

If a woman has a lot of jewelry, a two-story box. It is clear that at 50 years old she will have something to store in it.

Perhaps the most significant holiday There is a birthday in every person's life. And even more so if it’s an anniversary, and even a big date. Let's imagine that we have a hero of the day. What can you give a man for his 50th birthday on this day?

When preparing to congratulate a man on such a date, you need to know what he is like. Usually he is married, or, in rare cases, single, has accumulated considerable life experience, often has children and grandchildren, he has already made a career and has a certain place in the social environment. In any case, romantic gifts are no longer for him. Therefore, when preparing to go to a celebration for the hero of the day, you should think in advance about what you will give him. After all, we want to make this day a little more fun, and at the same time more enjoyable. This means that the gift must be special, not like the ones we give for ordinary birthdays.

The gift should hint to the hero of the day that he still has a lot of untapped opportunities ahead, an unlimited number of tasks that he can solve, as well as goals worthy of achieving.

Well, let's move on to considering gift options for the fiftieth anniversary. Here you need to take into account who your hero of the day is. If he is very close to you, or a relative, the gift should be more expensive and personal.

Jubilee - work colleague

If the tastes of your colleague are unknown to you (due to your recent stay in the team, for example), and it is impossible not to honor the hero of the day with attention, then you can limit yourself to a gift of office supplies, such as, for example, an original stand for pens or a mobile phone, an elegant frame for photographs, business card holder and the like.

The hero of the day is the boss

When a leader is honored, usually the entire subordinate team does this. That's how life is. Therefore, having previously discussed thoughts on this matter with colleagues, it is quite appropriate to give a male leader a good chair, a beautifully made painting (optionally, from Swarovski crystals), an original wall clock or, alternatively, elite alcohol for his anniversary. Also suitable, for example. An original paperweight, a diary or an expensive pen; a retro-style table lamp may also be suitable. In general, the gift should emphasize the status of the hero of the day, add solidity and dignity to him.

A classic of the genre - a book. Since we are giving it to the manager, it must be bound in leather, with gold or silver embossing. Such a gift is good because of its symbolism - for example, a book about money can be presented with wishes for material stability, and a book, for example, about hunting, may well become a symbol of commercial flair and insight.

The hero of the day is your husband

If you are preparing to celebrate your husband's 50th birthday, then try to put all your love both into preparing the celebration and as a gift for the hero of the day. Over the years life together You probably gave your loved one a huge number of gifts, but were there any special ones among them, ones that you will remember for a lifetime? If not, then it's time to correct the situation. Dedicate a song to your beloved husband, record a professional video and demonstrate it on the day of the holiday to the birthday boy and invited guests. Believe me, no one will give such an anniversary gift except a loving wife!

The hero of the day is your father (father-in-law, father-in-law)

Celebrating 50 years for a man who is your relative is much easier. You are aware of his wishes and needs, so choose the appropriate gift to please him. loved one, it will be much easier. Who knows, maybe it will suit him mobile phone business class, or he has long wanted to purchase an e-reader or tablet. A car enthusiast will certainly like car-related gifts, such as a GPS navigator, a video recorder, a good car radio, or a mini-TV. If a person is interested in philately, he will certainly be delighted with a leather notebook with embossing. It is worth considering that the symbol of the 50th anniversary is gold, so a very good solution would be to congratulate a man on his anniversary in the form of a beautiful chain, tie pin, cufflinks or ring made of this noble metal.

The hero of the day is your friend

Here, too, everything is not so complicated, since your good friend is no less familiar to you than any of your relatives. A male friend's 50th birthday deserves a nice personal gift. For a traveler you can choose an expensive leather suitcase, for a photography enthusiast - a camera, a fisherman can be pleased with a modern spinning rod, a tent, waders or a rubber boat. A good gun, knife, camouflage, family man For those who love trips to the sea, nature, a good barbecue or picnic set will do, and a wine collector will certainly appreciate a gift in the form of wine accessories, several bottles of an elite drink or a minibar. For those who love cigars, you can give smoking accessories or a humidor.

The hero of the day is your friend

What to give to a man who is your friend, I think, is also not a problem. To honor him with attention and please him, give him a beautiful object. For example, if he smokes, an original ashtray.

The hero of the day is a lover of everything unusual

An anniversary gift for a man should match his lifestyle. And if your hero of the day is an extreme sports enthusiast, an adventurer, and a connoisseur of everything unusual, give him a parachute jump, an ATV ride, pay for extreme car driving lessons or a hang gliding flight. It seems that such gifts will delight the hero of the day and will be remembered by him for a long time. Send him to a ski resort, or to warm countries, but just first inadvertently inquire about the birthday boy’s plans for the near future, so that your gift does not interfere with his business.

In general, a gift can be completely different. Therefore, in each specific case, decide on the amount that you are willing to spend on a gift, and do not forget about the preferences of the hero of the day, his requests and wishes, if any, and, based on the available information, purchase a gift.

Remember that it should emphasize the status of the hero of the day, who probably has something to be proud of on his half-century anniversary, and show your respect, respect and love for him. Buy an expensive but high-quality item, do not save money by purchasing consumer goods that will fail after some time. Take into account the taste and hobbies of the hero of the day, and then you will be able to pleasantly surprise and delight him with your gift.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing a gift?

Most men wait for gifts with trepidation and impatience. This is their nature. Therefore, do not really believe the words that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention. A real man he will never show that he is disappointed with the gift, he will pretend that he is extremely pleased with it. But you probably want to sincerely please the hero of the day?

No clothes!

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for the 50th anniversary, you should not give the birthday boy items of clothing - slippers, sweaters, underwear. These gifts can be given on less significant dates.

It's possible, but not for everyone

Alcohol can be given to your boss or friends, colleagues, but not to the person with whom you have tender feelings. The only exception can be made for a wine and beverage collector.

Men's cosmetics?

Men's cosmetics are also not the best best gift on the anniversary evening.

Avoid decorative and creative gifts

Beautiful boxes, vases, figurines are more likely to puzzle the hero of the day (if he is not a collector of such things), as well as homemade baskets, knitted sweaters...

Not a joy, but a burden

A pet is a very dubious gift for the hero of the day. Rather, he will puzzle the hero of the day if he is not a passionate animal lover or does not engage in farming.

Dubious pleasure

IN Lately It has become fashionable to order strippers, gypsies, clowns, and singers for anniversary banquets. Before giving such a surprise to the hero of the day, you need to take into account his tastes. It’s not a fact that such a gift doesn’t shock him.

Universal gifts

These can be valuable and expensive things that will emphasize the status of the birthday person and his position in society. Consider how well you know the birthday person and his hobbies. Based on this, build the cost of the gift.

Try to avoid the mistakes listed above and you won't have to blush during festive event, and subsequently reproach yourself for the mistake.


Modern women at the age of 50, as a rule, lead an active lifestyle: they play sports, make a career, travel, learn something new. Therefore, in our time, the fiftieth anniversary for a woman in our time is not at all a sad date. Moreover, for many, many new opportunities open up at this time, because children (and sometimes grandchildren) have already grown up and there is more free time to devote to themselves. What gift can you give a woman for her 50th birthday?

There are many possible answers, it all depends on what the interests and inclinations of the birthday girl are.

Some women are passionate about work and careers, others love home more and willingly take care of their grandchildren. There are women who are actively involved in sports, who are interested in traveling and even such seemingly traditionally male activities as fishing or hunting. Other ladies may be interested in exotericism, self-knowledge, and enjoy attending various seminars and trainings. In a word, the hobbies of the birthday girl can be very different, so gifts cannot be universal, suitable for every birthday girl.

Even a seemingly universal gift like gorgeous bouquet flowers, will not suit every lady. Some women do not like cut flowers, and it is better to give them a beautiful plant in a pot.

Gift from husband

A half-century anniversary is a serious date, so a husband should present his beloved wife with some expensive item.

Jewelry is considered an ideal gift at all times. The husband, as a rule, is aware of his wife's preferences. But if he is afraid of “missing the mark” with a gift, then he should bring the hero of the day to jewelry salon and invite her to choose a decoration to her taste.

An expensive fur coat or coat can be a good gift. But such a gift may not please a lady who is a supporter of the Green Party and opposes the killing of animals for the sake of making clothes.

What to give a woman for her 50th birthday if she doesn’t like jewelry or fur? Such a lady can be pleased with some new electronic product - a multifunctional expensive phone, laptop, etc.

A travel lover will be pleased with a trip to a resort or an excursion trip to a country she has dreamed of visiting.

In addition to the main gift, the husband should prepare a surprise for his wife. For example, serve her breakfast in bed or invite her to romantic dinner, in a word, to show that she is a beloved and desirable woman for her husband.

Gift from children

By the age of fifty, ladies, as a rule, already have adult children who can give their mother nice gift. You can give it to mom jewelry, good perfume(children, as a rule, know their mother’s taste), a trip to a good holiday home or a tourist trip.

Accessories can be a good gift self made. Handicraft daughters can prepare a beautiful embroidered picture, a knitted shawl, a hand-made topiary, etc. as a gift for their mother. If you don’t have talent in needlework, don’t be upset; today you can buy various handmade accessories.

Gifts from grandchildren

If the hero of the day is a happy grandmother, then parents need to help the children prepare a gift for the grandmother for her anniversary. The kid can tell grandma a poem or sing a song and make a homemade card for her (it’s okay if mom or dad helps him a little with this).

Older children, with the help of their parents, can make a souvenir “family tree” with photographs of all family members or sew a soft toy.

If there are several grandchildren and they are already quite old, then they can prepare a small concert for grandma or perform a theatrical skit.

Gift from friends

Girlfriends usually know the tastes of the hero of the day well, so they can easily choose good gift. From friends with whom you have been friends for many years, it will not be a shame to receive as a gift an annual subscription to a fitness center or swimming pool, or a certificate to visit a beauty salon to attend a course of anti-aging procedures. But having received such a gift from a loved one or from colleagues, many ladies will consider that this is a hint of her age and may be offended.

You can also give your friend the opportunity to do something she has long dreamed of by paying, for example, for dance classes or Japanese language courses.

Comic gifts from your beloved friends will be quite appropriate. You can make a funny photo collage or wall newspaper, edit a video clip telling about the hero of the day, or compose a song for her.

Gifts from colleagues

You should congratulate a colleague on such a significant date with a stylish but unpretentious gift. If the hero of the day works in a management position, then you can present an office chair, stylish office accessories, or a beautiful table lamp.

Many ladies love home flowers, so they will be pleased to receive a rare or simply beautiful plant in a pot from their colleagues.

A neutral gift could be a bouquet of flowers and a nice chocolate set. Even if the hero of the day does not particularly like roses and is constantly on a diet, such a gift from colleagues would be quite appropriate, since they may not be aware of the personal preferences of the birthday girl.

Original gifts

If you want to especially surprise the birthday girl, you should choose original gift for a woman's 50th birthday.

For example, you can order a portrait of the hero of the day to be painted on canvas. It is not necessary to take a recent photo for such a portrait; you can order a portrait made from a particularly successful photograph of the hero of the day, taken in her youth. You can order a portrait of a lady from the past in a suit and hairstyle in the fashion of the 18th century.

To express your love for the hero of the day, you can order the making of a “portrait made of words.” To do this, take a photo of the birthday girl, the master will process it, remove everything unnecessary, and, if desired, replace the background. But the main “trick” of this portrait is that it seems to be “woven” from words and phrases (words and phrases are selected at the request of the customer).

If the birthday girl loves to read, then you can give her a book. The originality of this gift will lie in the fact that a unique binding will be made for her, on which a wish for the birthday girl can be placed. Congratulations with wishes can also be placed on the title page.

In addition, you can order the production of various items with images printed on their surfaces, selected at the request of the customer. These could be sofa cushions, umbrellas, etc.

You can give a cool gift if you are sure that the birthday girl will like it. You can, for example, order the production of medals “For the best mother”, “For your beloved granny”, “For taking the anniversary”, etc. And perform a solemn “awarding” of the hero of the day during the celebration.

Choosing a gift for a woman of any age is not an easy task. Here it is necessary to take into account the character traits of the hero of the day. After all, the same gift can bring one lady into indescribable delight, and make another cry from resentment. Therefore, you need to try to choose a gift that the birthday girl will like, only then will she be truly happy.

A gift for a man's 50th birthday should correspond to the golden anniversary and emphasize the status of the hero of the occasion. By doing this you will demonstrate your deep respect for the hero of the day and give unforgettable emotions and memories for many years to come. Half a century is behind us, and so many achievements are still ahead!

The fiftieth anniversary is considered the golden age and is associated with gold.

In our article we will look at various options for the most suitable gifts. You no longer have to rack your brains when choosing an anniversary gift. to the best friend, boss or father.

The fiftieth anniversary is a wonderful holiday that would be unforgivable if left unattended. Having reached this age limit, a man has almost everything he has strived for all these years: a strong family, adult children, a full house, a successful career and a favorite car.

What to give a man for his 50th birthday, what original surprise can delight any member of the stronger sex? Men are full of strength and energy to conquer more and more heights, but they are also happy to share their accumulated solid life experience. Gifts for a man's 50th birthday photo are also offered to your attention.

Ideas for a 50th anniversary gift for a man

a) gold ring; b) minibar

In many historical sources and books, the fiftieth anniversary is compared to the golden age, and literally speaking, to gold. An excellent gift for a man on his 50th birthday is a gold ring or chain. But this is a rather expensive gift that not all guests can afford, so the ideal option would be, for example, an original painting, expensive alcohol, a collectible pen with engraving and much more, the main thing is to know the preferences of the birthday person.

We bring to your attention the following gift ideas for a man’s 50th anniversary:

  • If you are closely acquainted with the birthday person and know all his preferences and hobbies, then the question of choice is much simpler. For example, for avid travelers, you can present a high-quality leather suitcase. Who has a hobby of photography - a vintage film camera. Well, in any case, the fisherman will be happy with a spinning rod, tent or inflatable boat.
  • The wine collector will be impressed by various special accessories, a minibar and, of course, a couple of bottles of an expensive luxury drink. As a birthday gift for a 50-year-old man, if he prefers to smoke cigars, he may be offered expensive smoking accessories or a humidor.
  • If it’s your father or husband’s birthday, then no one else knows what the birthday boy dreams of. It could be new phone, mini TV, e-reader or GPS navigator. Give a collector a rare coin or book edition.

Gifts can be very diverse, use your imagination and remember everything you know about the hero of the day.

Present to the boss

a) leather chair; b) handmade backgammon

When there is a birthday person in the team, and especially if the hero of the day is the boss, then colleagues cannot stand aside and are simply obliged to congratulate their boss. An original gift for a man’s 50th birthday from employees can be especially pleasant if its preparation is approached with imagination and brought to life interesting idea, for example, they made a collage of photographs of all team members with their boss, in which each of them left several warm wishes.

It can also be beautiful backgammon made from expensive material, a leather chair, a wall clock, an elite alcoholic drink, a painting, an original stand for pens and a phone, or an exclusive ashtray.

Custom gifts for a friend

Congratulate close friend Happy 50th anniversary is an important and responsible matter. Gifts from friends should be bold and memorable. An original gift for a man on his 50th birthday is a portrait painted from a photograph of the hero of the day; it can also be an antique saber. The last option will appeal to any man, because the love of weapons in the stronger sex is inherent at the genetic level.

You can amaze the birthday person by giving a piece of the territory of the Moon or Mars; certificates for naming distant stars after the names of the birthday person are also popular. Perhaps, such documents, framed under glass, occupy a leading place in the category “cool anniversary gifts for a man turning 50 years old.”

A bottle of expensive cognac or wine will always be an unshakable status gift, and a box of Cuban cigars and a guillotine to go with them will appeal to every smoker.

Cool anniversary gifts for a man turning 50

a) hang gliding; b) ski resort

No birthday boy will refuse the latest model of telephone or gold jewelry, but if you want to be remembered for many years with your present, then you should use your imagination when choosing.

Unusual gifts for a man’s 50th birthday can be in the form of a mini-brewery, for lovers of high-quality homemade beer. A parachute jump, a hang glider, an ATV tour and a racing driving lesson will be wonderful gifts for thrill seekers.

Despite their fairly advanced age, men remain children and will be incredibly happy to swim in a pool with dolphins, rafting on a mountain river, a trip to a ski resort or to distant countries. We have offered you the most interesting gifts For a man’s 50th birthday, it’s up to you to decide what to choose!

Your gift should first of all demonstrate deep respect, a feeling of love and respect for the birthday person. Give only high-quality and useful items, taking into account the hobbies, interests and tastes of the hero of the day.

DIY gift for a man for 50 years

Only the closest relatives and friends can give homemade gifts. The birthday boy will be happy to even receive a homemade card, but for such a holiday it is necessary to prepare more carefully.

Think about what you can do best with your own hands? Knit a warm sweater, draw a portrait or still life, sew a blanket using patchwork. This is the best gift for a man’s 50th birthday and there is nothing more touching than receiving a surprise made with soul, love and on your own.

What should not be given to a man for his 50th birthday?

Often men cannot appreciate the souvenirs that make women so happy.

If you decide to make the most original and pleasant gift, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most common mistakes to prevent them in your case:

  • You should not give decorative souvenirs; men will not understand a gift in the form of an exquisite box, figurine, vase or basket
  • Pets are taboo as anniversary gifts.
  • These days it has become fashion trend order for various birthdays entertainment programs, singers, dancers, musicians, gypsies and bears. This topic should be approached with extreme caution, since all people are different and can react completely differently to such a surprise.


A half-century anniversary is not a reason to give slippers or underwear. These wardrobe elements are relevant to present for less solemn events. A man has a subconscious understanding that objects associated with personal comfort are associated with a decrease in libido. It is unlikely that anyone would want to make the birthday boy feel with his gift that he is a helpless old man who cannot live a day without warm socks.

Items of clothing

By giving items of clothing, you will at least confuse the birthday person, since such a not so original gift can do little to please. In the worst case, you will give the hero of the day the idea that you think that he himself is not able to buy everything he needs or that his style of clothing is unpleasant to you.

Personal hygiene items

Giving men's cosmetics for a 50th birthday is a serious mistake; such a holiday requires a more status gift, which should not be stunningly expensive, but at least practical and useful. Shower gel, shaving foam and Shaver save it for February 14th.

To summarize our article, we once again emphasize that expensive and valuable things are given as gifts for the 50th anniversary; they are chosen taking into account the interests and hobbies of the hero of the day and based on the amount that you are able to spend without severe damage family budget. And cool gifts for a man’s 50th birthday can give their owner positive emotions for more than one year.

Such a gift can be given if you know how to craft well enough. If such skills are absent, then this idea should not be abandoned. In this case, it is better to make a gift to order from specialists. Here are some examples of handmade gifts:

Cool ideas

Can be done cool gift woman for 50 years. Here is a list of what you can give:

  1. virtual reality glasses;
  2. funny anniversary greetings;
  3. gift diploma. For example, you can give a diploma “ Best mom"or "The best wife."

50th birthday gift for the woman who has everything

Of course, at that age a woman has everything she needs. But there are gifts that will be useful to any woman, even if she has everything.

Let's list options for what you can give to a woman who turns 50 and has everything:

An original gift for a woman's 50th birthday

Let's give list original gifts that can be presented for an anniversary.

Important! All living gifts should be given to the birthday girl only after this has been agreed upon with her! Not everyone dreams of taking care of flowers or pets. If such a gift has not been agreed upon, then there is a risk that, at best, it will be given in kind hands, and in the worst case, it will simply be thrown out.


There are a lot of gifts that you can give for your anniversary. However, choosing the one that is the best can be quite difficult.

When choosing a gift, you should focus on the interests of the hero of the day. Very When choosing a gift, it is important to emphasize her maturity, but not to hint at her passing youth. After all, by the age of 50, women often begin to feel quite sensitive about their age.