Citrine stone properties and meaning of the zodiac sign. Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology. Products with citrine

Historically, citrine has long been one of the favorite stones of the nobles, but no one knew its true origin. For a long time, the gem was confused with other minerals, calling it by other names, and is now mistaken for other nuggets, while giving out different minerals for it.

History and origins

Citrine is a rare variety of quartz. For jewelers, a honey-golden nugget belongs to class IV precious stones. Citrine differs from ordinary quartz only in color. The minerals closest to it are pink, smoky and transparent varieties of quartz, as well as morion, and rock crystal.

Ancient peoples once revered citrine for its magical abilities. The Greeks and Romans made golden quartz the talisman of politicians and orators, as they believed that with the help of the stone they acquire the gift of eloquence. But the African and South American natives used the stone as amulets against poisonous snakes.

Not so long ago, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, citrine was popular with businessmen, officials, merchants, and other representatives of the nobility. The stone was complemented by gold personal seals used to seal letters or documents.

Do you know that although golden quartz has been known since antiquity, the stone took its own name and place in mineralogy only in the 17th century, when in 1747 the chemist Valerius officially introduced the nugget into scientific literature.

Since that time, citrine has become fashionable in the royal chambers and among the representatives of the upper class. All kinds of jewelry began to be made from the gem, as well as to complement royal crowns and other symbols of power.

The name of the gem is derived from the Latin word "citrus", which means "lemon" in translation, reflecting the main color of the gem. Until this turning point, lemon nugget, depending on color, was mistaken for golden or Spanish topaz, although physical properties citrine are significantly different. And today, specimens of a greenish hue are mistaken for light-colored emeralds.

Place of Birth

Of all the many varieties of quartz, citrines are the rarest. The largest mining areas are located in Brazil and the island of Madagascar.

The Russian field is located in the Perm region. The mineral is also mined in Kazakhstan, Scotland, USA, Spain, France and Poland.

Physical properties

By chemical composition citrine is silicon oxide, similar to quartz. The characteristic shades of yellow provide impurities of lithium, iron, aluminum or hydrogen. In nature, the mineral is formed in large crystals, often twinned, forming druses.

Interesting fact! The Smithsonian Institution holds a 22.9-carat processed citrine crystal.

Stone kept at the Institute

Natural citrine is transparent, endowed with shades of light yellow. However, if the citrine crystal is heated to a certain temperature, the stone will become more saturated. yellow. However, heat treatment deprives the nugget of pleochroism, which is characteristic of an untreated stone.

Color varieties

Citrine color palette starts with pale yellow shade, and ends with brownish-honey or amber. Gemologists often refer to light-colored stones as "Bohemian citrines" and darker varieties as "Spanish topazes". Although, in fact, the natural mineral is close to the color of a lemon, and all the brighter stones are thermally ennobled.

There is also a light green citrine, which is popularly referred to as a false emerald. Such a gem has no value, as it quickly discolors from the sun's rays.

Pendant with false emerald

A very rare, unique stone is considered to be a mixture of Citrine and Amethyst. In appearance, it is a striped mineral with alternating lilac amethyst and light yellow stripes. In mineralogy, it is called amethyst-citrine quartz, this variety is found in Brazil.

Healing properties

In lithotherapy healing abilities citrine apply to all organs located in the navel chakra zone, as well as the solar plexus chakra. This means that the stone has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestines).

The energy of the stone is concentrated in the areas of these two chakras, which means that the mineral is especially useful for pregnant women and women who want to get pregnant. In addition, citrine has a beneficial effect on the brain, improving concentration, memory and clarity of thought.

Some undeveloped diseases of the spine, the golden nugget is also on the shoulder. The stone will have an analgesic effect in case of vertebral hernia, as well as enhance the effect of drugs.

Citrine is able to calm emotional storms, overcome insomnia, drive away nightmares. Lithotherapists advise using the mineral to eliminate problems with the development of speech in children. If the problem is not running, the gem will help the child cope with stuttering or other defects up to the age of 11.

Also, specialists in stone treatment note the rehabilitating effect of the mineral on the human body after physical or psychological injuries. In the absence of its own energy, citrine contributes to the rapid accumulation of the owner's own vital energy, repelling chronic fatigue.

It is worth remembering that only natural, pure minerals without the slightest dark inclusions or impurities have healing abilities.

magical powers

The magic of citrine is versatile, although it has one main direction - the acquisition of sociability by a person. With such a talisman, anyone becomes a charismatic, self-confident, charming person. The stone endows the owner with oratorical talent, the gift of persuasion, and helps to establish new connections. Any dispute or discussion becomes winning, no matter how good the opponent is.

However, every medal has two sides. The nature of citrine is such that the mineral does not distinguish people by character. He helps good and evil, people with pure intentions and swindlers at the same time. The receptive female energy of Yin contributes to changing the personal qualities of a person under society in such a way that everyone and everywhere likes the owner of the stone. This makes it easy for wicked people to ingratiate themselves with scams.

Thus, citrine favors people in such professions as businessmen, politicians, managers, lawyers. Although he loves creative people, engaged in crafts or any precise work - jewelers, surgeons, watchmakers no less.


It is also believed that if a mother gives a baby a citrine amulet at birth, then such a charm will protect the child all his life. The stone will protect the owner from any evil forces, misfortunes, premature death.

Golden quartz is able to resolve financial failures, improving the financial situation in the shortest possible time. This is a bonus for entrepreneurs.

The gem sharpens the intuition of an ordinary person, and also enhances the magical talent of clairvoyants. The first citrine helps to catch the deceit in a timely manner, thus avoiding trouble, and the second - to establish contacts with the world of spirits.

Citrine is allowed to be worn around the clock, without parting with the talisman. The amulet can be both in the form of jewelry, and simply in the form of a crystal of a natural nugget.

Videos told magical properties stone.

Compatibility with other stones

The lemon-yellow mineral is the gem of Air. Best of all, the stone feels close to its fellow elements. These include:

  • amethyst;
  • all types of quartz, with the exception of morion;

Regarding the minerals of Fire, citrine maintains friendship and enhances the energy of heliolite, and. A good relationship stacks also with elemental counterparts Air-Fire:

Earth minerals citrine does not seem to notice. In such a tandem, each of them will be "for himself." Neutrality is maintained with stones such as:

  • all shades except blue.

The forbidden combination is Air and Water. Usually such an alliance threatens with a storm warning, but in the case of citrine it is a little different - due to the lack of its energy, golden quartz will not affect water minerals in any way. But the Water stones will be dissatisfied with the neighborhood of citrine. Among them:

Not the best tandem will be a combination with the elemental counterparts of Water-Earth -, or Melanite.

Jewelry with a mineral

Citrine is widely used in jewelry as an insert in silver, gold-plated silver, and sometimes gold. For the needs of jewelry, the best copies of the gem are cut with a brilliant or combined cut. Opaque stones are flat cut, and samples with defects go to cabochons.

The variety of jewelry is great, and the cost is quite different:

  • Rings. Silver item starts from 7000 rubles.
  • Silver earrings cost from 7 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Pendants are estimated at an average of 15-18 thousand.

Beads, bracelets are also made from citrine, brooches and tiaras are encrusted with stone.

How to distinguish a fake

Most of the gems on domestic shelves are not exactly of the origin they should be. The lion's share of the stones are refined varieties of quartz, such as amethyst or smoky quartz. Such gems are calcined at a temperature of 500 to 700 ° C, obtaining minerals of honey shades.

Gives burnt crystals a thick amber or brown-honey color, as well as a reddish tint, which is not found in natural citrine. Natural stone is never bright, saturated - its color is always pale. In addition, a natural gem is endowed with slight pleochroism (it changes shade depending on the viewing angle), while ennobled quartz does not. Also in the calcined nugget, a white matte base is visible, stretching like a train to the top of the crystal.

Interesting fact! In some African amethyst deposits, nature itself has created an imitation of citrine. Where the mineral appeared on the surface, in placers under the scorching sun and lain for about ten years, citrine is formed. In fact, it is an amethyst, but under the influence of temperature, it has changed from lilac to orange.

However, the ennobled quartz crystal is not exactly a fake, but rather an imitation. On shop windows there is a falsification of glass or plastic. Even rare ametrine is forged. The clear demarcation lines of the bands give out a fake - the natural gem has smooth transitions between colors.

The glass can be identified by the absence of dichroism inherent in natural citrine - a sunbeam passing through a natural crystal splits into two. In glass, you cannot see such a bifurcation.

Often the citrine itself shades of green becomes an imitation of an emerald. It is impossible to determine a fake on your own - here you will need the help of a qualified jeweler.

How to wear and care

Buying citrine is not subject to lunar or any other rules - tune in and go shopping any day.

Citrine does not like the sun, the stone turns pale from it. But in a room with artificial lighting, the gem plays as brightly as possible.

Golden quartz looks good on brown-haired or blonde women, and also emphasizes well tanned or natural dark skin. On red-haired girls, the stone shines in a special way. The best hostesses for citrine are brown-eyed or green-eyed girls.

As for the wardrobe, citrine jewelry looks good with clothes of lemon color and other shades, gradually reaching the brown palette. Great combination will be green or blue wardrobe items. Universal black, white and gray colors also make an excellent tandem with citrine. Light chiffon items with a floral print are harmoniously combined with delicate citrine earrings. But with flashy red you need to be careful.

Stone care is not limited to strict limits, but rather universal:

  • Wash in warm soapy water with a soft sponge.
  • Separate storage in a soft pouch.
  • Careful handling to minimize mechanical damage.

There is a belief among the people that it is better to store citrine next to cash reserves in order to save and also increase finances.

Name and Zodiac Compatibility

The golden nugget is especially reverent towards people with names:

  • Angela. The stone will give her calmness and filter out energy.
  • George. In his life, the gem will attract success, enhancing the intuition and business inclinations of the owner. The amulet will support George's vitality.
  • Daria will feel an increase in the level of intuitive thinking. The mineral will clear the energy background, harmonize the inner world.
  • Oksana will gain mutual understanding with others.
  • Stella. For her, the talisman will be a filter for the body, cleansing it on a psychological and physical level. With citrine, Stella will find the most correct solutions.

Citrine is a type of transparent quartz with a lemon yellow color. It is thanks to the resemblance to citrus that the stone got its modern name. Until the 18th century, it was called Spanish topaz due to the similarity of these minerals. Natural citrines are quite rare in nature, so the craftsmen processed quartz and amethyst, getting stones similar in color, strength and density.
The main deposits are located in South America (Brazil). There are deposits in Spain, the Urals, France, Kazakhstan and the USA. The mineral is most often found in hydrothermal and sedimentary rocks.
Citrine consists of silicon oxide, and aluminum and iron impurities give it a warm sheen. Jewelers refer it to precious stones of the 4th class. Despite its hardness, the mineral lends itself well to cutting.

Varieties and colors of stone

The main classification of citrines is based on color:

  • Pale yellow. This is the color of natural specimens.
  • Bright yellow. Obtained as a result of heat treatment of smoky quartz.
  • Orange brown. These are processed amethysts.
  • Orange. These stones are called Madera.
  • Lemon yellow. Burnt topaz from Madagascar.
  • Wine yellow. Processed amethyst from Brazil. Alternative names are palmyra topaz, sierra topaz, baya topaz.

Features of jewelry with citrine

Ideal citrines without chips and turbidity are used for inserts into brooches, earrings, rings and pendants. Sunstone looks stylish in a frame of white and plain gold. Minerals with flaws in cut or color are used to make bracelets, beads and necklaces. Due to their transparency, they look best after being brilliant cut. Turbid samples are cut into flat plates. The best large gems are cut in the form of a cabochon. A smooth spherical stone without facets is inserted into pendants and earrings.
When buying products with citrine, you should not give preference to specimens with a rare color. They often lose it and become cloudy after a few years of wearing. Prices for jewelry with it depend on the metal in which they are inserted. The stones themselves have fallen in price since the beginning of the industrial production of synthetic citrines.
The darker the stone, the more likely it is not natural citrine, but burnt amethyst or morion. The main mistake when buying jewelry is to buy citrine instead of the more expensive topaz.

Magical and healing properties

The yellow color and crystalline shape with many iridescent facets are reminiscent of the warm midday sun. Therefore, lithotherapists consider citrine a strong energy. He is able to nourish a person with strength during depression and apathy. "Citrus" mineral gives confidence, raises self-esteem, stimulates the manifestation of creative abilities.
A crystal placed in a wallet will bring financial success and good luck in trading. The brighter and richer the color, the more it attracts financial well-being. The mineral has long been used by business people to achieve success in commercial activities. In addition, a product with a "stone sun" will bring warmth to family relationships.
The magical properties of the stone are due to its light energy. Citrine helps in a variety of risky and adventurous affairs. He does not accumulate negative energy, so he does not need energy cleansing. The mineral cleanses the chakras well, meditation with a stone fills a person with the energy of the sun. Citrine aligns the energies of Yin and Yang, helping to smooth out the sharp corners of a problematic nature. A ring or pendant with this stone, worn at night, will give you a calm and deep sleep.
It was not in vain that speakers wore citrine jewelry before their speeches. The stone has a positive effect on speech center and diction. The main direction of action of the stone is the solar plexus. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and endocrine system. Forming a protective aura around a person, it stabilizes the psychological state and relieves fatigue.
Citrine will help the student or schoolchild to focus and concentrate. It regulates the physical and mental condition person. It has a very good effect on people whose activities are related to working with their hands (jewelers, seamstresses, watchmakers). In some countries, it used to be considered a stone of deceivers, cheaters and swindlers. Now it is a strong amulet for people whose profession is associated with risk and excitement.
Jewelry with citrine is often given for lace and pewter weddings. The positive effect of the mineral makes it a good gift people who are depressed or in financial difficulty. It brings joy and vitality, pacifies anger and bitterness, fills the soul with bright sunny feelings.

stone in astrology

Astrologers consider citrine to be a universal stone. It is neutral for the aura of any zodiac sign. The only exception is Scorpio. It will be a good talisman for fiery Lions and Aries. He will bring good luck and happiness into their lives. The rest of the signs can also safely wear jewelry with citrine, but the stone will not have a special effect on them.

Citrine is the stone of Mercury. He patronizes in trade, travel, obtaining and using information. Citrine is highly valued in Feng Shui practice. Located in the money zone, it will bring prosperity and prosperity to the house.

Few people know that the citrine stone is one of the types of quartz rocks, and among its closest "relatives" are smoky topaz, all amethysts and even aventurine. However, despite this a large number of related stones, citrine does not lose its bright personality in comparison with them and always stands out against their background. It is very easy to distinguish it from other minerals.

From the history of citrine

At first glance, this may seem strange, but for a very long time this mineral had no name. He found it only in the Enlightenment, in the 18th century, as a lemon-colored stone. In those days, this stone was so fond of the nobility that they began to decorate the seals with which the nobles marked their letters.

Citrine appears in the same way as any quartz - as a result of centuries-old processes in the bowels of the earth. For example, from hardened volcanic lava - magma. And this is not surprising: after all, it is quartz that makes up more than 12% of the entire earth's crust.

Among all the mineral formations resulting from certain processes, it is citrine that stands out for its special and memorable beauty. In addition to the recognizable yellow color of various shades, it is distinguished by the ability to take the form of several crystals fused with each other.

The yellow color of this stone is the result of the fact that it contains a certain amount of trivalent iron. Citrine crystals are quite large when found. This stone, compared to other varieties of quartz, comes across to seekers much less frequently. Places where it can be found are still in the Brazilian state of Goyas, as well as on the island of Madagascar and in the mountainous Pyrenees. On the European continent, citrine can be found in France. In the United States, its deposits have also been preserved. In our latitudes, citrine is very rarely found in the Urals.

Since this stone is quite rare, it is common to find artificial counterparts in the retail trade - quartz, which has gone through a process called annealing.

Miraculous and beneficial properties of citrine

Many believe that this stone has wide magical and medicinal properties. Its yellow color is often associated and associated with the life energy of the Sun. It is believed that the person who constantly wears citrine jewelry receives special patronage and protection from the Sun. In addition, esotericists claim that he also has a connection with the planet Mercury, which since ancient times has been considered the patron saint of merchants and travelers.

Citrine stimulates the development of creativity, helps to get rid of the blues and depressive states. Contributes to the establishment of business contacts and successful negotiations with partners.

There is a well-established opinion among esotericists that it is this quartz, due to its constant connection with the Sun, that cannot accumulate negative “lunar” or “Yin” energy. And therefore, unlike many other stones, it does not need to be energetically cleansed.

If a person wants to learn how to speak beautifully, he definitely needs to wear citrine. It will help you find a beautiful manner of speaking and will attract the right and useful people to its owner.

If you become a happy owner of a natural, and not artificial citrine, it will activate all the necessary processes in the body, increase visual acuity and help cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This stone can cure a child of stuttering and timidity, improves the condition of patients suffering from serious mental disorders.

Citrine as a talisman and amulet

Traditionally, jewelers and watchmakers consider it their talisman of good luck and good work. For representatives of those professions in which the participation of fine manual motor skills is especially required, it always brings good luck and success in business.

For creative professionals, wearing this quartz as a talisman will always bring new inspiration. Of course, given that citrine contributes to the development of communication skills in all their manifestations, it can and should be worn by real estate agents, sales managers. For people with a strong emotional vulnerability, this stone will give resistance to environmental stressors and make them less touchy and vulnerable.

Bright orange citrines are recommended for young people who open their own business. In pre-revolutionary Russia, he was always considered a talisman of wandering merchants: he radiates a strong aura that can protect both from open and secret enemies.

Among the Indians of South America, this mineral was famous for the fact that it could protect its owner from the attack and bite of any dangerous snake.

Color spectrum

As already said, different shades The yellow colors of citrine are created by iron, aluminum and silicon rocks. The shades are very different: among them there are light yellow, the colors of fresh lemon. Citrine is very beautiful, the color of which resembles the color of thick amber.

There are stones that are called zonal. These are mixed varieties of citrine and which look very beautiful due to the combination of purple and yellow. Such mixed specimens are called ametrines. They can be found in Bolivia, but there are very few of them left.

Natural citrines are also found in nature and are less and less commercially available. Most often in jewelry stores and at sales exhibitions you can only buy an artificial stone obtained by heating smoky gray quartz.

Smoky gray quartz, which has undergone high-temperature processing, acquires a beautiful bright yellow color, as well as honey, amber and wine hues. An interesting fact: there is an amethyst that has undergone such processing and has received the name "Madeira" - in honor of the famous brand of wine.

Unfortunately, scammers often give out citrine for more expensive stones - such as or. However, any topaz has a higher density than standard quartz rock, is harder and can be easily tested with a special pencil. There is a device called a refractometer that allows you to recognize citrine in a fake emerald.

Is it possible to visually recognize a fake?

It is possible to recognize a fake if you carefully look at the stone:

  • Natural quartz always has a natural haze, and its artificial counterparts become suspiciously transparent.
  • If you have in your hands natural quartz that has not been processed, it will certainly retain the quality that experts call dichroism. When a light beam passes through a crystal with double refraction, the beam will split in two, and the two beams will oscillate in planes that are mutually perpendicular.
  • If the quartz was subjected to staining, then the rays are absorbed in different ways and, when they come out of the crystal, the color of each of them is different.
  • If a natural stone is in a stationary state, the rays are not visible, and if you take it in your hands and turn it a little, then its color will change.

The presence or absence of citrine dichroism can be checked using any LCD monitor. The monitor screen must be made white, and the stone should be substituted with its sharp end to the screen, while twisting it in the clockwise direction.

If the citrine is real, you will definitely observe a change in color, and if it is a well-forged glass, nothing will change.

Horoscope and stone citrine

If you answer the question of which zodiac sign this stone most corresponds to, you can safely answer that almost everyone can wear it, and there will be no harm from it.

It is believed that most of all it corresponds to the representatives of fire signs - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - and gives them luck and success in all areas of activity.

How to properly care for a stone

Natural citrine is quite strong in its structure. However, if it has gone through any kind of processing, there is a danger that the stone will become quite brittle. It may show cracks and scratches. Therefore, it must be protected from external mechanical influences and exposure to direct sunlight.

Do not clean it with powders and popular detergents: use a simple soap and a soft brush to clean it. After the stone has been washed, it must be wiped dry and stored in an opaque container, not placed next to other jewelry.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:citrine stone" width="280" height="224">!} Beautiful golden - sunny citrine stone will give a rainbow mood and draw eyes to its owner, endow with warm and charming energy, improve mood and add cheerfulness. The clear brilliance of the sun in a magnificent mineral will delight even on the most cloudy day.

The stone got its name for its color, similar to the bright color of citrus fruits - lemons and oranges. It is sure to attract attention with its richness and elegance. Jewelry with a handsome citrine can be a great gift for your beloved woman.

Place of Birth

Citrines are quite rare minerals. They are found in:

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Citrine - description and properties

The mineral differs from other quartz in lemon-yellow color. In the 18th century, it was considered topaz. Natural citrine is rare, but they learned how to create it artificially using heat treatment, which is heating smoky quartz to a temperature of 300-400 degrees. Such stones can have a yellow color with a red tint, as well as lemon, bright orange, honey, wine, amber, Madeira color, and even green colors. Brown citrine is also obtained by roasting.

Natural citrine is usually much paler in color than its artificial counterparts, and its transparency knows no equal. If the stone is more cloudy, opaque, changes color when you turn it in your hand and has a bright color, then this indicates that it is thermally processed smoky quartz or amethyst in front of you.

It is not advised to buy stones bright colors because over time they lose their color and fade. At the same time, the properties of the citrine stone are also lost. In the process of choosing precious stone Citrine can be passed off as an expensive topaz, so it's best to shop at well-known and trusted jewelry stores.

Mineral magic

The magical properties of citrine are striking in variety. It was believed that he inspired orators and poets to acquire the gift of eloquence. When it was put in a pocket, the constraint disappeared, and all speech defects disappeared.

With the help of a stone, the Manipura chakra is opened and all diseases associated with it are healed. The mineral will protect against negative energy, attract money, abundance and wealth. If you put it in the far corner of the house, then it will clear the room of negativity, and also attract good luck and harmony to the family.

People who go on long trips will be protected from trouble by yellow citrine.

If you wear a ring with a mineral on your finger, then sleep will be restored, bad and intrusive thoughts. The energy of the sun will positively influence the owners of stone talismans, filling them with vitality. Solar quartz amulets are capable of:

  1. give joy and good mood;
  2. have a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person;
  3. attract wealth and good luck;
  4. charge with positive energy;
  5. regulate family relations;
  6. inspire people with peace and confidence.

The stone is indispensable for those who work with their hands. He patronizes needlewomen, jewelers, engravers, stone cutters and people of many other "manual" professions.

The mineral will protect against negative impacts, protect you from people with bad intentions and keep your home from thieves and ill-wishers.

Citrine crystals have a remarkable property - to purify. If you need to concentrate, gather or concentrate on a particular issue, you can turn to the mineral for help. The development of intuition is also under the auspices of the citrine stone.

You can test the magical properties of citrine by putting it in a hidden pocket of your clothes and see how it flows. everyday life. You will notice how quickly and easily all problems will be solved in the family and at work, disputes and disagreements will disappear. Thanks to the stone, a person will gain self-confidence.

The magical properties of citrine stone are so diverse that a whole article can be devoted to listing them.

The power of healing

mineral plays great importance for human health. Natural citrine is able to heal from numerous ailments. It was used by the ancient Indians, who healed various diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen and liver, with its help they eliminated eye problems and restored musculoskeletal function.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:citrine ring" width="200" height="156">!}
The solar energy of the stone has a positive effect on the human chakras, restoring in them energy balance and carrying spiritual energy through energy centers. The Manipura chakra is under the auspices of citrine quartz, which is able to restore it. correct work, and in case of a chakra blockage, it helps to open it - if it is used during meditation, the human body will be filled with the light and pure energy of the mineral.

A citrine crystal will improve brain function, heal and prevent many diseases associated with mental activity. Its powder is taken orally for a number of ailments, for example, with menopause, it alleviates the general condition and normalizes work. female body. The cleansing properties of citrine promote rejuvenation. If products from sun stone worn constantly, then the life force will never leave its owner. Citrine is able to treat complex and intractable diseases, such as stuttering.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG: citrine pendant" width="120" height="277">!} Magnificent and strong, it works better than any vitamins and medicines: wearing it, you can have excellent immunity and protect yourself from all kinds of colds and viral diseases. heals skin diseases, cleanses pores and helps with all types of allergic manifestations, restoring damaged skin cells, and in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and gynecological ailments, it simply has no equal.

The stone brings harmony, balancing mental and physical energies, helps to cope with complexes and believe in one's own strength. Seriously ill people need to wear citrine to restore vitality and energy, which he is amazingly able to concentrate in himself.

Young women wearing mineral jewelry will soon be able to experience the joy of motherhood. In general, the magnificent creation of nature gives a person strength for later life, faith in healing and well-being.

Citrine for zodiac signs

Who is citrine suitable for?

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Минерал идеален для Близнецов. Лишь они могут получить от него все по максимуму. Также он дарит им раскрепощённость и уверенность в себе, которых так не хватает этому знаку зодиака. Женщины — Близнецы с помощью камня обретают интуицию и возможность разбираться в людях, а мужчины становятся успешными, их карьерный рост идёт в гору.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Обереги из камня помогут Водолеям, которые занимаются торговлей и общественной деятельностью. Он подарит им раскованность и прекрасные ораторские качества.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Lion" width="50" height="50"> Для Льва минерал тоже будет незаменим — многие представители этого знака считают его своим.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Virgo, thanks solar energy stone, they begin to relate to life easier, adjusting all life events for themselves and deriving only benefit from them.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Для Раков, занимающихся общественной деятельностью, цитрин будет хорошим подспорьем, под его влиянием эти люди начнут прислушиваться к своей интуиции, а тем Ракам, которые живут замкнутой жизнью, лучше выбрать камни поспокойнее.!}

For other signs of the zodiac, the mineral will become a good amulet in all deeds and accomplishments, and the properties of their characters will only improve under the influence of the warm solar energy of the stone.

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> He will endow Taurus with creative energy and help reduce psychological stress when communicating with other people.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Для Скорпионов солнечный кварц опасен. Им не рекомендуется носить украшения из камня, а также хранить его дома.!}

The stone goes well with other representatives of the mineral kingdom - it is so light and picky.

Mineral care

Jewelry with citrine should be stored in a dark place - it does not tolerate sunlight. Take care of stone products carefully so as not to damage the surface, when washing using only soft detergents. To restore the healing energy, it is recommended to keep it under running water, after which it is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

The unique and unsurpassed mineral looks good in any cut and, despite its natural hardness, can be processed well, can become a wonderful and valuable amulet for many people, and will also delight relatives and loved ones as a gift.

Let's talk about quartz stones today. Citrine is a semi-precious mineral known since ancient times. This beautiful pebble got its name due to its pleasant yellow, lemon color (citrus - lemon). According to an old legend, citrine is a frozen piece of the nectar of the gods. It is quite rare in nature (deposits in Brazil, France, the USA, Kazakhstan and the Urals), therefore, quartz of the same family (amethyst and subjected to heat treatment, in which they change their color and become similar to citrines. This method was known in Russia during times of Catherine the Second, when citrine jewelry was of high value at the court.Now it is almost impossible to find real citrine on the market, its true color is amber-honey, while false stones give off reddish.It goes well with silver, amethyst, chrysolite and other colored stones.Saturated color gives the widest scope for the imagination of professional jewelers.Citrine is a wonderful decoration in the form of beads, necklaces, bracelets, rings.

Stone. magical properties

Its magical properties have been known since ancient times. It was believed that the stone endowed its owner with special advantages over other people. AT Ancient Rome and Greece, it was worn by famous philosophers to gain eloquence and recognition of the public. In the Middle Ages, citrine served as a material for making amulets against danger, from evil spirits and bad thoughts at night. It has also been used for good sleep.

These stones were also widely used by Indian shamans. Citrine in India helped in the treatment of stomach diseases, eliminated pain. As for our days, lithotherapists use this stone to treat drug addiction, for headaches, vision problems, as well as to raise the tone and improve brain function. The energy of the stone is very strong. He will give his owner positive and good luck, help support friendships, and the Citrine Pendant is best for politicians and other public people, as it will give them eloquence, confidence and persuasiveness, protect them from the evil eye, be a faithful companion on business trips or travels, help a novice businessman ( develops intuition).

Sensitive and less self-confident people will be helped to gain practicality, stamina, sanity and composure precisely by stones. Citrine also has a positive effect on the psyche. noble stone it has a good effect on hand motility, so it will help jewelers, magicians, sculptors, carpenters, stone cutters and other people who work with their hands.

What else can be added about the mysterious lemon citrine - a stone, properties. Which zodiac sign is best suited for this semiprecious stone- Twins. It can also be worn by Leo and Virgo. Aquarians can use the stone when traveling for good luck. But Taurus and Scorpio, unfortunately, these stones will not work. Citrine can set them up for negativity and provoke behavior that is unusual for them.

Often on sale you can find a glass fake citrine. You can check the product for authenticity by turning it at different angles. The glass stone will not change its color.