How can an expectant mother overcome a sore throat? Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) during pregnancy - symptoms, treatment and danger

Infectious diseases pose the greatest danger to the fetus in the first trimester, but in longer periods there is also a risk premature birth due to pathology of the placenta, deterioration of the pregnant woman’s condition. Sore throat during pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the woman and the fetus. It can be caused by both the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and the use of prohibited drugs.

Depending on the form of tonsillitis, a different clinical picture is observed:

  • The catarrhal form is manifested by moderate symptoms of intoxication, low-grade hyperthermia, and sore throat. At this stage, the doctor, when examining the throat, reveals redness, swelling, and infiltration of the tonsils. With early initiation of treatment, it is possible to avoid taking antibiotics and disease progression. Symptoms regress within 3 days.
  • Lacunar, follicular are characterized by more pronounced signs of intoxication, when the temperature reaches 39 degrees, intense painful sensations sore throat, cephalalgia, joint pain, myalgia. Pharyngoscopy visualizes festering follicles in the form of grains, and purulent discharge accumulates in the lacunae. A film appears on the surface of the tonsils.
  • Ulcerative, necrotic forms are manifested by the formation of ulcerative defects on the tonsils, the appearance of a gray, dull coating. When you try to remove the film yourself, an open wound remains. Necrosis subsequently spreads to the posterior pharyngeal wall and palatine arches. The fever reaches 40 degrees, there is difficulty opening the mouth, intense pain in the throat, which causes the woman to refuse to eat and not speak.

If a pregnant woman experiences a sore throat, she should immediately begin rinsing with antiseptic solutions, without waiting until hyperthermia appears.

This will help stop the spread of infection and inflammation until diagnosis is made.

Why is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy? The danger of a sore throat lies in the high risk of penetration of an infectious pathogen into the general bloodstream, after which a septic condition develops and internal organs are affected.

Complications of sore throat for a pregnant woman

Incorrect and untimely treatment of tonsillitis leads to the development of local and general complications. Depending on the level of immune defense, the disease may be complicated by generalization of infection and damage to internal organs.

The most common complication is rheumatic fever. It develops as a result of immune dysfunction, when one’s own tissues are perceived by the immune system as foreign. This is due to the fact that the complex of antigens in streptococcus is similar to the antigens of the cardiac muscle, kidneys, and joints, so the immune system begins to synthesize antibodies against the pathogen and, accordingly, its tissues. As a result, a systemic pathological process with damage to many organs of autoimmune origin is diagnosed.

Local complications include:

  • otitis media, which manifests itself as pain in the ear area, hearing loss, and hyperthermia;
  • abscess, when the tonsil becomes swollen, tense, and sharply painful;
  • phlegmon is characterized by the spread of a purulent process to surrounding tissues without clear outlines;
  • Laryngeal swelling is a serious complication that requires immediate attention. As swelling increases, breathing becomes difficult, which leads to hypoxia;
  • bleeding from the vessels feeding the tonsils, which melt with purulent masses in lacunar tonsillitis.

The danger of antibiotic therapy for the fetus

In the treatment of tonsillitis, antibacterial agents are used to combat pathogenic pathogens. The doctor prescribes medications, taking into account the duration, characteristics of the course of pregnancy, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The advisability of using antibiotics is determined solely by the doctor. The actions of each group of drugs are aimed at combating a specific type of infectious microorganisms. Long-term antibiotic therapy can cause many side effects which negatively affect the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

It is also worth noting that antibiotics have a detrimental effect not only on pathogens, but also on beneficial microorganisms. As a result, the microflora suffers and the body's immune defense decreases. In addition, the drugs increase the risk of dysfunction of internal organs (liver, kidneys, hearing).

Antibiotic therapy is especially dangerous in the 1st trimester, when the harm to the embryo reaches its maximum level. Toxic substances penetrate through the placental protection into the bloodstream of the fetus. The greatest harm is caused to the organ that is at that time in the active stage of development. Often teeth, bone structures, heart, kidneys, and hearing organs suffer from toxic effects.

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, drug toxicity is not so aggressive for the embryo, but caution in choosing medications must be observed until the end of pregnancy.

Independent choice of antibiotic leads to the emergence of resistance of infectious pathogens and the development of complications in the fetus.

Today there is huge selection antibacterial agents. This is necessary for the most accurate selection of medication against infectious pathogens, which makes it possible to achieve positive result without a minimum number of side effects.

Some antibiotics can have a detrimental effect on the embryo, so you should consult your doctor before starting to take antibiotics. Among the prohibited drugs it is worth highlighting:

  1. Doxycycline, tetracycline, which easily penetrate the placenta, disrupt mineral metabolism, accumulate in tooth buds, bone structures, and damage the liver.
  2. Fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin) when penetrating the embryo damage joints (cartilage, bone tissue).
  3. Macrolides (clarithromycin, otherwise fromilid, klacid, roxithromycin) have a toxic effect on the fetus.
  4. Aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin) after passing the placental barrier have a damaging effect on the kidneys and the inner ear, which leads to the development of deafness.
  5. Chloramphenicols (syntomycin, chloramphenicol) quickly pass through the placenta, inhibit hematopoiesis, affect the bone marrow, and disrupt the healing process of blood cells, especially in the second half of pregnancy.
  6. Co-trimoxazole (Biseptol), when taken in high doses, penetrates the placental barrier, leading to the development of heart defects and mutations.
  7. Nitrofurans (furazolidone, furadonin) disrupt the formation of the urinary system in the embryo.

Of course, not all of the antibiotics listed are used to treat sore throat even outside of pregnancy, but a woman should remember the dangers of each drug and not take them on her own.

If a woman took prohibited antibiotics during the “pregnant” period, when she did not yet know that the fetus was pregnant, this can lead to spontaneous abortion and fading of the pregnancy.

It is especially dangerous to take antibiotics on the advice of friends who assure that the drug is effective and that there are no adverse reactions during pregnancy.

As for the approved antibiotic therapy that is used for sore throat during pregnancy, the following should be highlighted:

  • The group of penicillins, which includes amoxiclav, amoxicillin, augmentin. The medications do not have a negative effect on the embryo and are well tolerated by the woman.
  • Cephalosporins (cefepime, cephalexin, ceftriaxone) are prescribed quite widely in the presence of an allergy to penicillins or insensitivity of pathogenic pathogens to them. They do not have a toxic effect on the fetus.
  • Macrolides (erythromycin, sumamed) penetrate the placental barrier in minimal concentrations and are not capable of causing developmental abnormalities with short-term use. Prescribed in case of ineffectiveness, allergic reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

In addition to antibacterial agents, antiseptic agents in the form of rinses, sprays, and lozenges are used to treat tonsillitis.

  • Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin are well suited for preparing rinsing solutions. Thanks to antimicrobial components, pathogenic microorganisms are combated without harm to the fetus. The procedure is repeated every 1.5-2 hours.
  • Hexoral, Ingalipt, Tantum-Verde, Chlorophyllipt are used as a spray to irrigate the tonsils in between rinses.
  • Lizobakt, Faringosept in tablet form are used for resorption.

For hyperthermia above 37.5-38 degrees, it is necessary to take paracetamol-based antipyretics. Preparations with aspirin are prohibited. However, it should be remembered that frequent use of Nurofen and paracetamol is also not advisable. It is recommended to use first physical methods cooling ( warm shower, drinking plenty of water, wiping with a vinegar solution diluted with water).

In some sources you can find recipes for traditional medicine based on herbs (infusions, decoctions for internal use, rinses), but you need to be careful.

We focus on the fact that many herbs that are used in the treatment of tonsillitis can influence hormonal levels, uterine tone, which threatens miscarriage.

Also, any procedures using high temperatures, for example, hot showers, foot baths, compresses, are not recommended for a pregnant woman. Particularly important in acute period illnesses, bed rest, plenty of warm drinks and proper nutrition with the exception of spicy, hard, hot dishes. Fruit drinks, compotes, and jelly are great for preventing dehydration and accelerating the removal of toxins from the body.

We have discussed in detail why sore throat is dangerous during pregnancy - the impact and consequences for the fetus, now the woman’s task is to follow the recommendations and regularly visit the doctor for preventive examinations. This will help control the course of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Sore throat during pregnancy is a disease of viral or bacterial etiology, the causative agents of which can be adenoviruses, pneumococci, streptococci, and staphylococci. Sore throat manifests itself as acute inflammation of the tonsils, the lymphoid tissue of the throat. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and transmission is also possible through contact and even household contact (through dirty objects contaminated with bacteria).

A woman’s immunity during pregnancy is somewhat reduced so as not to harm the nascent life – the fetus – with its active properties. In addition, the pregnancy period is quite long, one way or another it covers a cold period for nine months, when acute inflammatory diseases and viruses are activated.

Sore throat is dangerous for any person, regardless of age, gender, it can provoke cardiac, rheumatic, and urological pathologies.

Types of sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throat is caused by various pathogens, the course of the disease depends on their type. The most common is a sore throat of bacterial etiology, that is, provoked by streptococci or staphylococci. Inflammation can also be caused by enteroviruses, adenoviruses

In clinical practice, it is customary to systematize sore throats as follows:

  1. Catarrhal tonsillitis, which differs from bacterial sore throat in that there are no white spots or plaques on the swollen and reddened tonsils. The tonsils are covered with mucus, all other symptoms are similar to those of purulent tonsillitis.
  2. Purulent sore throat. Purulent tonsillitis during pregnancy can be in the following forms:
    • Follicular (the mildest form), with characteristic white dots (pustules).
    • Lacunar tonsillitis, in which the tonsils are covered with a yellowish coating in the form of a film.
    • Necrotizing tonsillitis or agranulocitranic is the most severe form in which the tonsil tissue becomes necrotic.

Purulent tonsillitis occurs most often during pregnancy. You can distinguish its forms yourself by the following characteristics.

Follicular tonsillitis during pregnancy, as in all other patients, is characterized by specific white and yellow spots, which are “scattered” on the surface of the inflamed tonsils. These points are the source of inflammation.

Lacunar tonsillitis is characterized by the fact that the tonsils are gradually covered with a specific white-yellow film, practically covering their entire surface, thus creating a lacuna (cavity).

The necrotic form of tonsillitis most often develops against the background of scarlet fever, which in itself is a deadly threat to the fetus. With this type of sore throat, the tissue of the tonsils dies and becomes necrotic.

Sore throat on early stages pregnancy is fraught with severe toxicosis, placental abruption due to hyperthermia, there is also a threat of miscarriage or intrauterine abnormalities in the development and formation of organs and systems of the fetus. Sore throat in the first weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, is much easier to tolerate and less dangerous. This is explained by the fact that the mother’s immunity has not yet adjusted to a different mode of functioning, and adequately carries out its defense. Sore throat poses a much greater threat in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially if a woman is diagnosed with a purulent, follicular form. Bacteria can be transmitted through the bloodstream and provoke general septic poisoning of the body, which often leads to miscarriage or fetal death.

Sore throat on later pregnancy is no less dangerous, since the reserve properties of the mother’s body are already depleted, there is a threat of developing myocarditis and even heart failure. Also, quite often, sore throat in late pregnancy provokes the development of glomerulonephritis. In addition, purulent tonsillitis can cause weak labor.

Why is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy?

Sore throat during pregnancy threatens the health of the mother and the health of the fetus if the disease takes on an acute form or is in an advanced state, which happens with improper, usually self-treatment. Is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, there are dangers, among them the main threats are the following:

  • Laryngeal abscess with large purulent lacunae (cavities).
  • Meningitis, which can develop due to the spread of infection into the cranial cavity.
  • Septic intoxication of the body.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes – lymphadenitis.
  • Infectious polyarthritis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Rheumatic myocarditis.

Sore throat can also occur in an atypical form, especially at the very beginning of its development. Sore throat without fever during pregnancy occurs periodically because the immune system the mother directs her resources to preserving the fetus rather than to adequately responding to bacterial invasion. This onset of sore throat is fraught with rapidly developing exacerbation, when body temperature can rise to 40 degrees within one to two hours.

What else is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, it is a threat to the health of the baby, because any ailment of the mother affects all developing organs and systems of the fetus, in addition, hyperthermia in the mother during the illness causes oxygen starvation The child has. Fetal hypoxia can end very badly - miscarriage or fetal death. Sore throat during pregnancy can have the most serious consequences, so at the first warning sign to the expectant mother you need to see a doctor and get timely help.

Signs and symptoms of sore throat during pregnancy:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature, up to 39-40 degrees.
  • Sore throat, which is characterized by its increase.
  • Difficulty swallowing, difficulty even swallowing liquids.
  • Redness of the tonsils, often white plaques are visible on them.
  • Weakness, aches.
  • Chills.
  • Loss of appetite, possible nausea.
  • Lymph nodes under the lower jaw are painful to the touch.

How to treat sore throat during pregnancy?

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy should be as gentle as possible, but at the same time comprehensive. It is well known that medications for sore throat during pregnancy pose a risk of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus. However, the bacterial form of sore throat can only be treated with antibiotics, so drug treatment inevitably. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs that can act on the mother’s body, bypassing the placenta and without having a detrimental effect on the fetus. Relatively safe antibiotics include the following:

  • Cephalosporin group – cefazolin, cefepime.
  • Macrolides – sumamed, rovamycin, clarithromycin.

Reducing the temperature with acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated. Only paracetamol-based drugs are allowed. The prescription should only be made by a doctor; only he knows how to cure a sore throat during pregnancy and not harm the health of the mother and baby.

Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy requires compliance with the following rules:

  • The expectant mother must observe bed rest. It is allowed to get up only if absolutely necessary to fulfill natural physiological needs and, possibly, to eat, although it is better to eat food in bed. Even for a relatively healthy woman who is not expecting a baby, and for all other people who have a sore throat, it is strictly contraindicated to endure a sore throat, which is called “on your feet.” When it comes to the health of the expectant mother, it is worth thinking about the impact of sore throat on pregnancy and how many risks and threats it carries.
  • The food intake should correspond to the wishes of the pregnant woman and her appetite. You cannot force her to eat, supposedly for the benefit of the baby. The fact is that there is a risk of transferring infection with food into the body when, when swallowing, pustules are damaged and opened. Of course, you shouldn’t go hungry either; there should be moderation in everything. Food must be dietary comfortable temperature. Spicy, hot dishes are excluded, as well as rough, irritating foods. It is better to steam dishes and make them as chopped as possible.
  • It is mandatory to drink plenty of fluids, which helps to quickly remove toxins from the body. The temperature of the drinks should not be too high. Hot teas, milk, etc. are not allowed.
  • Be sure to gargle frequently and regularly. It is better to make the solution from special pharmaceutical drugs– chlorophyllipt, furatsilin. Injections or rinsing with miramistin or a 0.1 percent solution of chlorhexidine are also effective. It is possible to irrigate the throat with Bioparox, which does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy. The generally accepted method of salt rinsing is ineffective, moreover, it can cause complications.
  • Under no circumstances should you steam, warm your feet or take hot baths. Wrapping the throat with warm scarves or compresses is also unacceptable. Any thermal procedures of this type carry the risk of miscarriage or the spread of infection throughout the body, even sepsis.

During pregnancy, treatment of purulent sore throat is the prerogative of the doctor. Only the attending physician has the exclusive right to prescribe and recommend medications, methods and methods of treating angina. All kinds of folk remedies, which I recommend as a panacea, can harm the health of the expectant mother. The use of many herbal remedies and herbs is contraindicated during pregnancy, so how to treat sore throat during pregnancy and how to cope with its consequences is best to ask your doctor.

Anyone knows what it means to have a sore throat. Sore throat comes in different forms. Follicular tonsillitis is one of the most dangerous tonsillitis. This is an acute respiratory viral disease, in which the temperature is very high, ulcers form on the tonsils, and great general weakness appears. U ordinary person This disease is very difficult, and the consequences are the most unpredictable. Complications may arise in cardiovascular system, endocrine system, joint problems, etc. Now you can imagine how dangerous follicular tonsillitis is for a woman expecting a child. Let's consider what to do if follicular tonsillitis occurs in a pregnant woman.

The course and danger of follicular tonsillitis during pregnancy

During the occurrence of follicular tonsillitis, it becomes painful for a pregnant woman to swallow, the woman feels aches, pain and weakness throughout the body. When food passes through the throat, the follicles filled with pus hurt. But for some women, symptoms may be more subtle during pregnancy. During pregnancy, follicular tonsillitis is very dangerous. Often this disease leads to such troubles as termination of pregnancy and fetal death. Intoxication, high temperature, oxygen starvation, lack of vitamins can cause miscarriage. Particularly careful monitoring of the pregnant woman is necessary in order to identify early developmental abnormalities of the child due to this disease.

What should a pregnant woman do if follicular tonsillitis occurs?

If a pregnant woman experiences a sore throat, she should call a doctor immediately. Treatment of follicular tonsillitis is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. Pregnant women are given medications that are safe for the baby. Conventional antibiotics, which are indicated for sore throat for ordinary people, are contraindicated for pregnant women. But if it is not possible to call a doctor immediately, you need to follow some rules.

In order to protect both herself and the baby, a pregnant woman needs to go to bed so as not to strain herself once again. You need to start gargling immediately. This can be done with furacillin solution, chamomile decoction or saline solution (a teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water). The water should not be hot so as not to further harm your throat.

If a pregnant woman has a high temperature with follicular tonsillitis, then you can use it, but one tablet at a time, after a long period of time. Aspirin is contraindicated for pregnant women. Try to reduce your temperature naturally. You can take a cool shower, put a cold napkin on your forehead. Pregnant women should not rub themselves with alcohol - it will harm the baby. Pregnant women must bring down a high temperature. In the early stages of pregnancy, a temperature above 38 degrees can cause birth defects in the child.

With follicular angina occurs severe weakness in the body and I don’t feel like eating at all. Under no circumstances should you refuse food. It is very important for mother and child to eat food that contains many proteins and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Another important point- A pregnant woman needs to take a lot of fluids. At high temperature, which is characteristic of follicular tonsillitis, quite a lot of fluid is lost by the body. Therefore, taking liquid drinks is simply necessary for you and your baby. When the body is dehydrated, the most severe consequences for pregnancy. In addition, taking fluids significantly alleviates the condition during illness. If you have follicular sore throat, you should not drink hot, sour drinks, so as not to irritate your throat even more.

As soon as the woman has the opportunity, it is necessary to call a doctor. The specialist will prescribe medications necessary for pregnant women and advise on how to proceed with treatment. In case of follicular sore throat, pregnant women must consult an otolaryngologist. Sore throat, especially follicular, can have the most tragic consequences. For example, functional disorders of the placenta, fetal development disorders, miscarriage.

Remember that during pregnancy you cannot prescribe any antibiotics on your own. Timely treatment of sore throat during an interesting period, especially such a complex one as follicular, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Pregnancy for a woman is a special condition, a time of waiting for a baby, reassessing values, taking care of herself and the child. But it is in this state that the expectant mother is most vulnerable, her immunity is significantly weakened, and her body is susceptible to various diseases and viruses. Even a sore throat during pregnancy poses a danger not only to the pregnant woman, but also to the fetus.

What is a sore throat

Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an infectious disease, it is provoked by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria, as a result of their vital activity an inflammatory process is formed, the inflammation affects the throat and tonsils.

Main types of sore throat:

  1. Bacterial - infection occurs against the background of the activity of adenoviruses, enteroviruses, staphylococci and streptococci.
  2. Catarrhal tonsillitis is characterized by severe inflammation and high temperature.
  3. Purulent sore throat during pregnancy occurs in different forms– follicular, lacunar and necrotic.

Features of the disease during pregnancy

Sore throat during pregnancy in the first trimester is the least dangerous for the health of the mother and child; often a woman encounters the disease without even knowing that she is pregnant. In the first two to four weeks, the immune system works no worse than before and easily copes with the infection; in addition, the medications taken at this time are not so dangerous for the child. But, despite the positive prognosis for recovery, tonsillitis in early pregnancy should be treated under the supervision of a doctor and follow his recommendations.

The danger of sore throat occurs after the 6th week of pregnancy, in which case the lack of therapy, as well as improper treatment, can cause Negative consequences and complications:

  • Increased toxicosis.
  • The likelihood of transmission of infection to the fetus.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Delayed organ formation and developmental delay.

With severe intoxication of the body, the likelihood of miscarriage or miscarriage increases.

Sore throat during pregnancy in the second trimester requires immediate treatment, although by this time the fetal organs are already formed, there is a high danger for the mother. By the end of the term, the woman’s body is severely exhausted and the immune system is weakened, as a result of which an acute infection causes serious complications.

Sore throat during pregnancy, consequences in the second trimester:

  • Myocarditis and heart failure.
  • Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease that affects the glomeruli.
  • Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidneys.

Sore throat during pregnancy in the third trimester causes the most severe complications:

  • Laryngeal abscess with a purulent form of the disease.
  • Infectious polyarthritis is inflammation of the joints.
  • Infectious meningitis is an inflammation of the brain.
  • Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Weakening of labor.

The above consequences of an infectious disease occur in cases where timely and adequate treatment was not provided, in cases of advanced disease and self-inappropriate treatment. If you consult a doctor in time and follow his recommendations, the prognosis for recovery will be positive.


Sore throat during pregnancy has pronounced symptoms; in a short period of time, the woman’s temperature rises from 38 to 40 degrees, and a severe sore throat develops.

Other signs of an infectious disease:

  • General malaise, fatigue, chills.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Headache.
  • Swollen and red tonsils.
  • White purulent spots on the tonsils.
  • Bad breath.
  • Cough.
  • Pain in the neck, ears.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Also, during a sore throat, attacks of nausea, vomiting, and pain in the abdomen may occur. In some cases, a white coating appears on the tongue.

If you notice characteristic symptoms of a sore throat, you should immediately consult a doctor; after an examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe individual treatment that will not harm the health of the mother and unborn child.


Treatment of sore throat during pregnancy is complex; antibacterial drugs occupy a dominant place in therapy; many antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant women; others are prescribed only when the disease poses the greatest danger compared to the effect of the medical substance. Such nuances require consideration of each case on an individual basis and require appropriate treatment, which is guaranteed by the doctor, in contrast to self-medication methods.

Sore throat during pregnancy is treated with antibiotics, prescribing drugs such as:

  • Penicillin.
  • Cephalosporins.
  • Erythrocin.
  • Furadonin.
  • Sumamed.
  • Rovamycin.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Gentamicin.

In addition to the main treatment with antibacterial agents, an important role is given to auxiliary methods of therapy - gargling and inhalations. How to treat sore throat during pregnancy with rinses? For these purposes, antiseptic solutions are used, soda solutions, as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can gargle every 1-2 hours; this method allows you to alleviate the most terrible symptom of a sore throat - a sore throat, and improve the general condition of the patient.

Another effective enemy of sore throat is inhalation, however, during pregnancy you should be more careful with such procedures and be sure to consult a doctor before using them. Inhalations are recommended to be done with aromatic oils thyme, rose hips or eucalyptus; decoctions of medicinal chamomile, mint, sage, and pine buds can also be used as a base.

While taking medications and performing health treatments proper daily routine, rest and nutrition should be maintained. It is imperative to wet clean the room, sleep at least 8 hours a day, ventilate the room, but not be in drafts.

It is equally important to eat right; you need to balance and fortify your diet. Proteins should be included in the menu, but sour and spicy dishes will have to be abandoned, otherwise the already irritated mucous membrane of the throat will be injured.

Treatment for sore throat during pregnancy should be combined with the correct drinking regimen - drinking plenty of fluids. During illness, doctors recommend drinking more fluids, and not necessarily water; warm tea and herbal decoctions are also allowed to be drunk. As a result, a high balance of water will remove all toxins from the body and improve well-being.


Pathology is always easier to prevent than to cure. During pregnancy, it is important to follow the rules of prevention; they will minimize the possibility of developing a sore throat.

First of all, you should avoid contact with sick people, and if communication is unavoidable, use a special medical mask. Before going outside, it is recommended to lubricate the area near the sinuses with oxolinic ointment.

To avoid contracting a sore throat, do not forget about hygiene rules and wash your hands more often, as well as carry out wet cleaning of the house and ventilate the rooms. It is necessary to regularly increase immunity, for this you need to include natural vitamins from fruits, dried fruits and vegetables in your diet, but it is better to reduce sugar consumption, since sugar reduces the body's defenses.

Sore throat can occur at any time during pregnancy. Despite its simplicity, the disease actively affects the formation of the embryo if the pregnant woman falls ill in the first weeks. Sore throat during pregnancy, even last weeks third trimester requires immediate contact with a specialist to initiate the correct therapeutic measures.

There are many types of tonsillitis, some of which have a number of treatment features. Therefore, you should not try to treat the disease yourself. It is better to consult a doctor who can not only correctly determine the type of disease, but also prescribe medications and agents that do not affect the fetus.

Thus, sore throat is harmful to a woman’s body in absolutely any trimester if it is not treated correctly. A number of complications may occur, some of which can be fatal.

To avoid getting sick, you should take preventive measures


Often, a sore throat, like any cold, begins in the first days with a runny nose and headache. In some cases, it may be accompanied by a dry cough.

The classic manifestations of the disease are the following symptoms:

  • a sore throat;
  • temperature increase;
  • redness of the pharynx or the appearance of pus on its back wall;
  • swelling and redness of the tonsils.

Depending on the form of tonsillitis and the nature of the pathogen, clinical manifestations may vary slightly. Remember that if you experience a sore throat, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This will allow you to start the right treatment measures in a timely manner.

If we talk about laboratory data, then changes can be both in the blood test and in the urine test. A poor result in a urine test indicates that the disease is complicated by an inflammatory process in the kidneys. This often happens when the causative agent of a sore throat is streptococcus. This only happens if the pregnant woman does not start antibacterial therapy in a timely manner.

Types of sore throat

There are several classifications.

Thus, domestic experts identify 4 main forms of the disease.

  1. Catarrhal.
  2. Follicular.
  3. Lacunarnaya.
  4. Necrotic.

According to the nature of the pathogen, viral or bacterial tonsillitis can be distinguished. There are also specific tonsillitis, which occur only if a certain microbe enters the body. For example, diphtheria or measles tonsillitis.


Most often found in childhood. The body of adults copes well with viral sore throat. However, in pregnant women, against the background of significant hormonal changes, immunity decreases and there is a chance of getting sick.

The manifestations are no different from classic sore throat, except that it is often accompanied by signs of ARVI. The form that develops when the influenza virus enters the body is very severe. In other cases, the disease quickly stops with symptomatic therapy and does not require serious intervention.


A form of the disease that occurs without the involvement of a purulent process.

In this case, the following symptoms may occur:

  • a sore throat;
  • temperature increase;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • manifestations of intoxication syndrome.

Catarrhal tonsillitis does not require antibiotics. They are resorted to only if it is complicated by a purulent process. Has little effect on the condition of the fetus and pregnant woman with timely treatment.


Herpetic or herpes sore throat, despite the name, is not caused by the herpes virus. The causative agent of the disease is enterovirus or Coxsackie virus. It manifests itself as a significant increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, severe sore throat, runny nose, as well as dyspeptic syndrome. Abundant pustules appear in the throat, similar to herpetic rashes. This is where the name of this type of sore throat came from.

Treatment of the disease is exclusively symptomatic. Despite the presence of pus in the throat, it does not require the use of antibacterial drugs, since the nature of the inflammation is a viral agent.

Often the prognosis of the disease is favorable, however, in severe cases of the disease, complications may develop:

  • myocarditis;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

It is dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus if the disease begins in the first trimester. Otherwise, it has no effect with timely therapy.


One of the most unpleasant forms of the disease. It is purulent tonsillitis that is most often complicated by otitis, pyelonephritis and other pathologies of internal organs. This is due to the nature of the pathogen. At the beginning of the disease it is easy to confuse it with the catarrhal form. Because the clinic is no different. Only on the second day of the disease do ulcers appear.

There are three forms of purulent tonsillitis.

  1. Follicular.
  2. Lacunarnaya.
  3. Necrotic.

It is very easy to get sick, since this form of sore throat is highly contagiousness. The main problem for a pregnant woman is the need to take antibiotics. However, now there are drugs that have absolutely no effect on the fetus, therefore, if prescribed by a doctor, it is allowed to take them during pregnancy.

You should adhere to bed rest

What to do if a pregnant woman gets a sore throat

The main thing that a pregnant woman who has a sore throat should remember is to immediately seek help from her doctor. You cannot self-medicate. This can lead to serious complications.

Treatment must be selected depending on the nature of the onset of angina, as well as the severity of the disease. It is not always possible to limit yourself to exclusively symptomatic therapy, and specific sore throats require immediate hospitalization.

In the early stages

No special measures are taken to treat angina in the first trimester. Therapy remains the same, but it is necessary to carefully select drugs, excluding those that have an embryotoxic effect. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, since complications in such early stages (4-8 weeks) can significantly harm the condition of the fetus.

To treat sore throat in the early stages in pregnant women, the following drugs can be used:

  • local antiseptic drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • herbal rinses;
  • antibiotics.

If you suspect a complication of the disease or lack of effect from the treatment, you must immediately return to the doctor.

In the later stages

There is practically no effect on the fetus, but this does not mean that treatment of the disease can be neglected. If symptoms of a sore throat appear, you should also seek help from a doctor to make a diagnosis and choose treatment tactics. If the sore throat is severe, hospitalization in a hospital may be necessary to treat the underlying disease and preserve the life of the fetus.

You should not self-medicate

What medications can pregnant women take for sore throat?

Expert opinion
Borovikova Olga
The main thing that scares women is the prescription of antibiotics. However, there are now many drugs that are allowed to be used during pregnancy, since they do not have any effect on the fetus. The most popular are cephalosporin and penicillin antibiotics. Remember that you should take them only as prescribed by your doctor. The use of such drugs is necessary in case of a purulent process, which they can quickly remove.

Also, to get rid of a sore throat, local remedies can be prescribed.

These include the following.

  1. Lozenges. Neo angina, grammidin.
  2. Throat sprays. Inhalipt, antiangin spray.
  3. Solutions for treating the pharynx. One of the most popular is Lugol. However, many specialists refuse to prescribe this remedy, since, despite its proven effectiveness, it causes severe damage to the mucous membrane. Better to use more safe means, such as furatsilin solution.

Recently, homeopathic remedies for sore throats during pregnancy have become very popular. An example is Angin-Hel. It must be remembered that official medicine in many countries not only does not recognize homeopathy, but even prohibits it altogether.

The effectiveness of using these products has not been proven, however, they cannot cause any harm to the body. It is recommended to avoid the use of such treatments, especially as the only treatment option.

Before using any medications on your own during pregnancy, it is important to carefully study the instructions for use. Especially the section on indications and contraindications. But it is better to consult a specialist.
Thus, curing a sore throat during pregnancy is quite simple, especially if you choose the right treatment.

Treatment of sore throat in pregnant women with folk remedies

Sore throat is one of the few diseases that doctors still treat to this day. folk remedies. Yes, decoctions for rinsing in traditional medicine came precisely from the “people”. Thus, one of the most popular methods of treating tonsillitis at home is rinsing with chamomile decoction. Due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, this remedy helps very well with catarrhal sore throat.

You can gargle with decoctions of other herbs:

  • eucalyptus;
  • Oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

So popular in folk medicine Experts do not recommend using compresses, as they can significantly worsen the patient’s condition. Especially if there is a purulent process.

Any traditional methods Treatments can only be used after consultation with a specialist. Also, you should make sure that you are not allergic to medicinal herbs.

Miramistin is sometimes prescribed

Why is sore throat dangerous for pregnant women?

There is a risk for the mother and the unborn baby in cases where the patient remains for a long time without proper treatment. It is very dangerous to get sick in the first trimester.

So, during this period the disease threatens the following complications:

  • worsening manifestations of toxicosis;
  • placental abruption;
  • violations of the formation of internal organs of the fetus;
  • miscarriage;
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal organs of women.

Expert review
Borovikova Olga
If we talk about complications on internal organs, then the kidneys are most often affected. It is this organ that has increased sensitivity to one of the common pathogens of sore throat - streptococcus. There are practically no consequences for the child if a woman gets sick in the third trimester. With timely initiation of treatment, the risk of serious complications is minimal.


There are no specific measures.

To reduce the risk of both sore throat and any colds During pregnancy, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • proper nutrition with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • timely rehabilitation of foci of inflammation in the oral cavity, in particular, timely dental treatment;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • try not to visit crowded places during outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

Compliance with these simple rules does not guarantee that a woman will not get sick, but it can significantly reduce the risk of this. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it!