How to tell a friend that I love him? How to confess your love to a guy, man or husband How to confess your love to a friend

They say that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Just recently, you were ready to argue with this statement until you were hoarse and proudly cited as an example own relationships with a childhood friend... And today, as soon as he, so familiar and reliable, is near you, you blush, stammer and feel warmth in your chest. It happened - you fell in love. What to do next? Fight? Open up? Give up and trust fate - let everything go as it goes?

We all get carried away and give in to momentary impulses. If the object of fleeting passion is not connected with you by long-time acquaintance, there are fewer problems. In the worst case, you have to endure an unpleasant explanation and run away forever: “sorry, goodbye, dear, it was a mistake...” With a loved one, the situation is different. Risk the same trusting relationships I don’t want to at all, because love may never work out. But you will lose a friend with whom you can share success, cry about failures, and ask for help. What are the signs to determine that the feelings raging in your chest have really overtaken you seriously and for a long time?

  1. You constantly think about him, regardless of whether you broke up 5 minutes or a couple of days ago.
  2. Previously, you were calm about your friend’s new passions, but now you are going crazy with jealousy.
  3. You invent excuses to meet him once again, although before you could freely not see each other for several weeks or even months.
  4. You constantly look at the man, catch random friendly signs of attention, and then with pleasure go over all the details of the meeting in your memory.
  5. You can no longer communicate with this person as carelessly as before: you hum, struggle to find words and carefully weigh each phrase before opening your mouth.
  6. Flirting with attractive young people who show interest in you no longer seems attractive. But you enjoy, although not without fear, imagining what will happen if He decides to kiss you or confesses his love.
  7. You used to be condescending about your friend's passion for superhero films and sports competitions, and now you know exactly how Thor differs from Spider-Man and can easily understand the rules of football.

Take a closer look: what if they have tender feelings for you too?

If your friend starts showing some of these signs—he no longer discusses his girlfriends with you, looks at you often, tends to touch you, becomes taciturn, or makes awkward remarks—you can hope for reciprocity.

Confess to a friend or remain silent?

Before you decide on anything, you need to clearly imagine the prospects. What can you gain as a result? What will you lose? And are you willing to jeopardize your existing friendship for the uncertain chance of turning it into love?

Disadvantages of active actions on your part:

  • You can quietly end an unsuccessful love affair and maintain a friendly relationship with your ex-partner. But try to elevate a strong friendship to the level of love, fail and return to previous relationships almost impossible. The awkwardness will still remain. Even if a failed lover readily supports the idea of ​​remaining friends, he will still begin to be wary of you and suspect you of residual tender feelings. And if you have every chance of building a relationship with another young man, then finding a new friend is not so easy.
  • You went through a global renovation side by side, your scandalous breakup with your “ex” and a trip to the ski lodge, after which you had to faithfully visit your friend in the hospital for two weeks and draw butterflies on his cast leg. You can spend half a day together choosing a faucet of the desired design and can get drunk together in the kitchen after another failed romance. You are definitely aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of each other and are sure that there will be no surprises... Take your time! A friend who has retrained as a lover may reveal an unexpected side that you will not like at all.


But there is still one major advantage. You are probably aware of previous novels young man. Try to look at them from a different angle - not as a friend, but as a woman. Why didn't the relationship work out? How did the supposed lover treat his girlfriends? What complaints did you make? What does he expect from his girlfriend? Unlike a new contender for your heart, who needs to be recognized from scratch, here you can assume how the romance will develop.

Writing down your thoughts will help you see the situation more clearly.

Use an old psychological trick: divide the sheet into two parts and write down all the pros and cons that your confession might entail. Having a clear idea of ​​possible prospects will make it easier for you to make a decision.

We act after choosing

Let's assume that you have already weighed everything, thought it over and made a decision. Surely it was difficult, but the main part is still ahead - it needs to be brought to life.

How to deal with your feelings?

The game is not worth the candle. A bird in the hands is better than an incomprehensible pie in the sky. They don’t look for good from good... If you decide not to give free rein to your feelings, you can give reasonable arguments for as long as you like - they will be of little use. Try to act in two directions:

  • Stop communicating with the young man for a while. Find a reason to do this without arousing suspicion, because your task is to maintain friendship and not quarrel with the object of passionate feelings?
  • Keep your thoughts busy. Load yourself with work, learn an unusual hobby, or make a new acquaintance. The latter option is preferable, since during communication it is more difficult to have your head in the clouds than to bend over the keyboard or knitting. And if this is an acquaintance with a young man, it may have far-reaching and very pleasant consequences.

If possible, go on a trip. Nothing heals like that broken heart like new places and experiences.

How to confess?

Most girls find it easier to courageously fight love than to admit their feelings. But this is not about you. You are a desperate person who has weighed everything, brushed aside doubts and is ready to hear a categorical “no” if necessary. However, rushing into an attack with a saber drawn is not good! A careful and thoughtful strategy will be required. What can be done?

Remind you that you are a woman
  1. Change your image. You hardly prepared for friendly meetings in the same way as for a date. Most likely, your friend is used to seeing you in the standard uniform of “jeans, shirt, sneakers.” Surprise him! Wear an elegant blouse with a deep neckline, a flowing skirt, stilettos... Let me see the woman in you!
  2. Arrange an unplanned date. Come up with a reason to go somewhere alone so that it seems like an accident. Let's say a distant relative gave you a certificate for go-kart racing, not knowing that you don't currently have a pair. Would a friend agree to join you? You can go to a club or to the beach (a great reason to show off your figure in a revealing swimsuit!), motivating the trip by the fact that you are in a low mood and need moral support. The more unexpected the proposal, the better: in an unusual environment, you have a greater chance of appearing before the young man in a different light. Let the thought flash through his mind: “Hey, it turns out I didn’t know this girl at all!”
  3. Hint. After you’ve had your fill of karting, dancing or swimming, consolidate your success by as if casually saying thoughtfully: “It’s so easy with you. We would be a great couple." If your friend laughs at this idea, alas, he doesn’t see you as a friend yet. If he hesitates or hesitates, consider that you have sown the necessary seed in his thoughts.
  4. Try to touch him more often. Tactile contact is a great force, especially when influencing a man.
  5. Invite a friend to be your ally. Let her one day ask the object of your passion if he is blind, if he does not notice that you have not looked at him as a friend for a long time. Important: let the man have the feeling that he was accidentally told about a secret. This will relieve him of the need to give an immediate answer, will intrigue him and force him to take a closer look at you.

Try the easiest way. Without any tricks, detours or attempts at seduction, just say: “You know... I fell in love with you. Do you think we have a future as a couple?” But remember that by asking such a question, you are going all-in. If he answers: “Sorry, but no,” it will no longer be possible to rewind everything back.

What to do in case of refusal

Even if it will be very offensive, contain your negative feelings

Resentment, shame, disappointment... All these are natural feelings for a girl who has just opened her heart and been rejected. Even if your friend tried to be as delicate as possible, even if he spent a long time describing how amazing and extraordinary you are - but not for him - there will definitely be an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Don't give in! Afterwards you will bitterly regret every harsh word that escapes your tongue.

Show that nothing fatal happened to you. If you have enough self-control, smile and say something light on the topic: it’s a pity, but it’s not scary, so it’s not fate. You will worry and even more so cry at home. While you haven't yet decided whether to cut this man out of your life forever, don't force him to go through scenes worthy of women's TV series! Step back for a month or two to get over the rejection, and then act according to the circumstances.

  • If a man still has feelings for you warm feelings, after a while he himself will appear in your life to find out if everything is okay.
  • If a friend does not make himself known, and you are not yet ready to lose him, try to meet in some company on neutral territory. Let him see: the obsession has passed, you are cheerful and are not going to make a scene. True, it will be very difficult to return to the old friendship, but why not try? At the very least, you will maintain good relations.
  • If you feel that you are no longer able to treat him as a comrade, break ties. What can you do, it didn’t work out. Let this person go and move on in search of mutual feelings.

Human relationships are not subject to prediction. What will come of your confession, and whether it will come out at all, cannot be guessed in advance. If you are ready to take risks to win, desperately bet everything “on red”. Value your friendship too much to put it in danger - look for ways to get rid of the uninvited feeling. You decide.

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How to confess your love to a boy if you are modest and indecisive? Suddenly he, too, is embarrassed to approach first, then everything will end in nothing. No, don’t let the situation take its course, act. We'll show you how to do this.

Should boys come first?

It is generally accepted that the boy should approach first, the girl just needs to wait. The tradition came from ancient times, when princes won the heart of a lady by proving their worthiness to their parents: with wealth, courage, and a high title. But in this case, they did not ask the bride’s opinion, they passed her off as the most worthy, according to parents. If she didn’t want to, it was believed that people would get used to each other.

But everything has changed a long time ago. Today everyone is equal, it’s time to forget about medieval traditions. It's nice when someone unexpectedly confesses their love to you, especially if you like the boy.

But not everyone is so decisive, guys. it's harder to take the first step, they are less sociable, often cannot speak beautiful words. It's easier for them to talk about new brand car, yesterday's football match. If your chosen one is like this, don’t wait, act.

In this video, Veronica Morina will tell you whether boys should be the first to confess their love:

The school where you study usually has a psychologist. You can contact him with such a problem. Solving difficult life situations is his task. If you are shy, there are online consultations.

  1. Take it and tell it. One caveat, do it better alone . You will not clear your doubts as long as you walk in circles;
  2. Adolescence is a special age in a person’s life, emotions overwhelm, doubts overwhelm. It can be difficult to decide at this time to take a serious step, and even in private. Therefore, girls often write about their feelings in letters. This is possible, but it is dangerous, the young man may not answer, you will again be tormented by doubts;
  3. It is not necessary to use complex and loud words; in the initial stages, use the phrase: “ I like you!», « You stand out among others!», « I'm interested in spending time with you.»;
  4. Save common sense. If the guy reciprocates, don't let him get too close right away. Let him confirm his words with deeds. This is important so as not to get into a situation where hot boys offend girls, taking advantage of their naivety.

It’s hard to admit, but tormented by doubts and waiting for him to come up on his own is worse. Close the question and move on with your life.

How can I tell a boy that I like him?

Shooting with your eyes is often ineffective. Boys sometimes rudely ignore signs of attention due to the fact that haven't grown up yet.

Don't be offended, act:

  • If you are shy, ask a friend to help you talk, pass a note from you;
  • Try to spend more time with him, pay attention to whether he shows signs of attention. If you feel it, talk;
  • You can send an SMS with text or poetry. But there's a chance he won't take her seriously;
  • Offer to help with homework, it will bring you closer together. Over time, as you communicate, you will become bolder and be able to confess.

Try to look serious when talking in private, and don't laugh. Speak softly, this will win over your interlocutor.

The most important thing, oddly enough, is not to scare him with the phrase: “We need to talk!” This scares the male sex the most.

How to confess your love to a boy by correspondence?

The Internet expands opportunities; people communicate more often there. You can write a message on a social network, with pictures, postcards and emoticons for greater persuasiveness.

But again, don’t say big words, start modestly:

What to do if a boy confesses his love?

It is not always possible to react adequately to recognition. Usually everything happens unexpectedly, you get scared: “ Do I experience reciprocal feelings?», « What if I just think I love him?»

Here's how you should react:

  • If you can’t reciprocate, thank your friend for his frankness, tell it like it is. It will be honest, he will not be tormented by doubts, he will continue his life;
  • Avoid the phrase: "Let's be friends." They are for those who cannot refuse. We are accustomed to these words; they sound offensive, if only because they hide a direct refusal. The person is not offering you friendship, he wants more. And you can remain friends anyway, without clarification. You get away with this answer;
  • It's really hard for you to understand yourself. Ask for time to think. But have a conscience, a day or two no more. The person is suffering and worried. Prolonged uncertainty and waiting are worse than refusal.

Learn to refuse and agree, you will make life easier for yourself and others. Many people have this problem, but after making a few mistakes, you can understand how to do it correctly.

The truth of life about love confessions

The time when lovers sorted things out through letters is a thing of the past. Confessing in SMS, social networks is unreliable and can be misunderstood.

Only personal audience will decide everything finally, irrevocably. There will be no misunderstandings. Confess in person, in a comfortable environment.

Yes, it’s scary to see a person’s reaction. But your whole life is ahead of you, and that’s what makes youth so wonderful. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, even if it seems like this is a defining moment for your entire life. You will have to make a lot of decisions, be afraid, worry. It's time to grow up and take responsibility.

Young girls, our article was written to help you. Don’t torment yourself with doubts about how to confess your love to a boy, confess it. Believe me, it is impossible to predict the result, rid yourself of doubts.

Video about girls' love confessions

In this video, Alina Soboleva will tell you how to carefully and unobtrusively confess your love to a boy:

Is there love between a woman and a man? Each person may have their own opinion on this issue, but friendship between male and female representatives is indeed possible. It can arise out of the blue and last for many years, while being as strong, mutual and fun as male friendship. Therefore, one should not take the statement that friendly relations does not happen between a man and a woman, because one of the friends can fall in love with the other. There is no need to be afraid of this, and if you really want to be friends with a person of the opposite sex, then feel free to start a friendly relationship with him.

Intergender friendship can cause a guy or girl to fall in love. That is, flirting and advances on the part of a man or woman can develop into a friendship rather than a relationship. Initially, this may upset the person who experienced feelings of love, but if the friendship is good, then they will quickly fade into the background and will soon be forgotten.

Friendship does not exist only between men and women who loved each other and decided to remain friends when they parted. After all, even if the separation went well and by mutual consent, it may happen that one of the partners harbors a grudge or, on the contrary, retains the same love feelings. So there can be no talk of any friendship between a guy and a girl after a breakup. The exceptions that do occur are only confirmation of this fact.

It also happens that friendship between a woman and a man becomes the result of long-term communication between people. Initially, in such friendship there is not even a hint of love. However, one friend can actually fall in love with another, for example, a girl can fall in love with a guy with whom she was only friends. Such changes in relationships are now observed frequently. Therefore, it is not surprising that many girls are faced with the question of how to confess their love to a friend, so as not to spoil the friendship.

Preparing for recognition

1. Before confessing your feelings to a friend, you need to think about everything carefully. The fact is that you may not have love as such. You may confuse this strong feeling with ordinary infatuation or deep sympathy that can develop over the time that you communicate with a person. You need to learn to separate these feelings in order to avoid possible problems. After all, if you confess your love to a friend, and then realize that you do not have similar feelings for him, then this can ruin your friendship. Moreover, if he reciprocates your feelings and you begin a relationship based on false feelings, then they will not last long. Along with the relationship, you will lose the person forever, since there is no friendship after a breakup. So test your feelings with time before you lay your cards on the table.

2. Usually falling in love passes as quickly as it appears. So if you think you've fallen in love with a friend, don't tell him right away. Give it some time as these feelings may dissipate like morning mist. If they don’t fade away, act!

3. If you are sure that you feel a feeling of love for your friend, and not ordinary sympathy or affection, then you need to admit this to the guy. Otherwise, you will suffer in ignorance and guessing about how your friend feels about you and whether he experiences similar feelings. And in general, it hurts to see the object of your love every day, communicate with him and spend free time, but know that you are not together. Believe me, in this case, recognition is not as scary as ignorance. After all, if you love a person with whom you do not communicate, then your feelings for him can be cooled by simply ignoring him. However, this method will not work with a friend, because if you start to ignore him, then your relationship can deteriorate significantly, which no one would want.

4. Don't wait for your friend to make the first move. Even if you are sure that your friend is not indifferent to you, this does not mean that he will take the first step. The fact is that now guys are quite modest and girls have to take all their hands. In addition, the comrade may be afraid that by confessing he will ruin everything. Therefore, if you love a guy, then you should not wait for him to make the first move. Be brave and do it first.

5. Don't be afraid that your confession will ruin your friendship. If you sincerely confess your feelings to a guy, and he reciprocates, then your relationship will reach a whole new level. From ordinary friends you will turn into a couple in love. In the same case, if a man cannot answer you in kind, this does not mean that this will ruin your friendship. A true friend will understand everything correctly and draw the necessary conclusions. If he does not want to move the relationship to a new level, he will make sure that your confession will not affect the friendship in any way. He will try to avoid this topic so as not to offend you. Well, if he starts teasing you with your confession, making you hurt and unpleasant, then such a friend is not needed at all. Try to avoid such people and not let them into your life.

6. It is imperative to prepare for recognition so as not to get confused at the last moment. Even if you calmly communicate with a friend on a variety of topics, this does not mean that it will also be easy for you to confess your love to him. So prepare in advance the words you will say to him if you want to make a personal confession. It would be ideal if you write the text of the confession on a piece of paper and say it out loud several times to understand how it sounds. There is no need to memorize this text, you just need to remember the main points from it.

If you doubt that you will remember everything and be able to choose the right words during a conversation with a friend, then you can take the piece of paper with you and read your confession directly from it. There is no need to be afraid that it will look ugly, since it is important for you to convey your idea, and not to surprise the person.

7. To declare your love to a friend, you can choose absolutely any method. The main thing is to make sure that he understands everything correctly. His reaction and further development of events depend on this, and not on how you do it.

How to confess your love to a friend?

1. If you often communicate with a friend, including by phone, and also spend a lot of time with him, for example, going to the movies, clubs, concerts or other events, then it will be much easier for you to confess your love to him. Moreover, the chance that the guy will reciprocate your feelings will increase, which many would probably like. Well, if you have the opportunity to go on a trip together, even if not just the two of you, but with a company, then the likelihood of a positive outcome of your recognition will increase significantly.

2. If you do not communicate closely with your friend, then try to increase the time of your communication. Find common interests that will allow you to spend more time together. For example, if your friend goes to the gym, then sign up for the same place.

This will allow you not only to begin to get to know the guy more closely and communicate with him more, but also to improve your figure, health and well-being. Don't worry, it may also happen that after you start spending more time with your friend, you will become disappointed in him as a potential loved one. So start spending as much time together as possible and let it put everything in its place. After all, time is not only best doctor, but also an ideal judge. So don't be afraid to trust him.

3. If your friendship is just beginning, then in this case it will be quite simple to confess your love to a guy, because perhaps he expects this from you. To do this, it is enough to simply talk with the person and tell him about your feelings and the desire to move the relationship to a different plane. This can be done, including in an intimate setting, when you walk together or are alone in a room. During this conversation, remain serious so that your friend understands everything correctly.

4. Change your communication style with your friend and start flirting with him. If your communication has always been restrained and chaste, then try to change the style to relaxed and frank. Hug your friend when you meet him and kiss him on the cheek if you haven't done this before. Start flirting with him, but without fanaticism. Do this gradually so as not to frighten your friend, as he may misjudge such a sudden change in communication style. If your friend also likes you, then after you start flirting with him, he himself can make the first step towards you.

5. Change yourself. If you want your friend to take the first step towards you, then start changing your image. Surely the guy has gotten used to you over the entire period of communication. Therefore, dramatic changes in your image and style will make him look at you in a completely new way. Appear before him as a woman, not as a friend.

6. If you are not ready to confess your love to a friend in person, then you can do this via SMS or message on a social network. This method is now gaining more and more popularity, so it’s worth paying attention to. You have the opportunity to carefully work out the confession text and send it to a friend. At the same time, you will not need to worry about his reaction, because you will not see how your friend reacted to the message.

Before you fully open up to your friend, you can test the waters by sending a simple message, “I love you!” If, in response to this message, he tells you about his feelings, then your confession has happened. Well, if he starts writing that he doesn’t need love and a relationship with you, then write to him that he misunderstood everything, and you just love him as a friend. This way you will know his feelings without ruining your friendship.

7. Invite your friend to try dating. If you have been friends with a guy for a long time and you have a wonderful and open relationship, then as an experiment you can calmly invite him to try dating. And if your friend does not have a girlfriend and he likes you, then there is a high probability that he will agree to this proposal.

Before you start this fake relationship, you can discuss in advance how far you are willing to go. Additionally, the possibility of one of you finding another partner will also need to be discussed. If this happens, then you will have to return your relationship to its previous level.

During such experimental relationships, one must clearly understand that they are just for fun. You cannot deceive yourself into thinking that you are in love with a friend. Such self-deception can end badly.

8. Spontaneous confession can become in a great way tell a friend about your feelings for him. During one of your next walks together, you can stop your friend and tell him your feelings right to his face. It should be noted that you do not insist on immediately transferring friendly relations to a new plane, but simply inform him.

9. You can also confess your feelings to a friend with the help of a good mutual friend whom you trust. If you are afraid to personally confess your love to a friend, then you can turn to a mutual friend. Ask him or her to tell the person about your love in confidence and ask him or her what he or she thinks about it. If a friend answers that he doesn’t have any feelings for you, then nothing will change for you. If he also loves you, then the information he receives will allow him to take the first step.

10. Accidentally declaring your love to a friend can be the most in a simple way tell him about your feelings. To do this, it is enough to drop the phrase “How I love you” in a conversation and look at his reaction. If he does not pay attention to these words, then you can repeat them several more times. If after this there is no reaction, then it is better to postpone your confession until another time.

What to do if you or your friend are in a relationship?

If a friend already has a girlfriend, then it is better not to reveal information about your feelings. Don't ruin other people's relationships. If you are in a relationship, but also love your friend, then you will need to make a choice. You won't be able to date one and flirt with the other.

How to confess your love to a guy

How difficult it is for us to say the words that flow from our hearts with tenderness... Probably every person is familiar with the situation when, having fallen in love with someone, you really want to tell him about it, but you can’t, because it’s not easy to do. Especially for the first time, especially if you are not sure of reciprocity. After all, love sometimes comes completely unexpectedly. For example, after communicating with a person for many years as a friend, you suddenly realize that he has begun to evoke the most tender feelings in you. Indignant about this yourself, you still want to tell him about it, because love is not like that. But the joy from the feeling that has arisen is every now and then blurred by the shadow of doubt. We don't want to lose what we already have, strong friendship in our time is like mutual love- worth its weight in gold. So what to do in such a situation? How to confess your love to a person if you are not sure that your feelings are reciprocated?

Most The best way– do it honestly and openly. For example, if the object of your feelings is your good friend, then you probably go somewhere with him, meet somewhere to chat face to face. In this case, follow the usual pattern, make an appointment and come to it as usual. If you are meeting in a simple cafe, there is no need to choose an expensive restaurant for this meeting. Communicate in the same way as always, but you can, for example, start preparing the ground by giving compliments. How a person reacts to them will determine how you should move forward. And at a convenient moment, just talk about your feelings. This method is honest, and you will receive answers to all questions at once. But the disadvantage of this method is that it can be extremely difficult to decide on it. In such tense situations, not everyone knows how to remain calm. And if you still can’t make up your mind, then do it from a distance.

There are many ways to confess your love from a distance. One of them is SMS in love. This method is simple but very reliable. its advantage is that in case of failure, you can turn everything into a joke. The scheme is simple. You write to a person about your feelings in an ambiguous way, for example, “I love you so much” is the most banal option. If he has feelings for you, an SMS dialogue will begin between you, during which he will try to find out what exactly you meant. Well, if there is no reciprocity, you can send an SMS that will decipher the meaning of the previous one, for example, “You supported me so much at such and such a moment, I’m so glad that you are my friend.” As a result, you won’t ruin what you have and won’t remain silent.

And the last thing is the worst thing you can do in such a situation. After all, we are given only one life, maybe you will miss your chance for happiness! So the main thing is to make up your mind and tell the person about your feelings, openly or not, it’s up to you to decide, but, as they say, “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.”

The best friend confessed his love!

This often happens... You were friends, and then suddenly it turned out that he loves you. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re friends with kindergarten or met a few months ago at a disco.

The fact that the guy wanted more than friendship is natural. For him you really are best girl in the world, because no one but you understands it the way you do. Do not under any circumstances think that he is just interested in sex! After all, the fact that he wants more than just friendship, specifically with you, already sets you apart from all the girls around you, says that he wants to freely express his love for you, to express it in everything, including intimate relationships.


The first question that a girl has in such a situation is: “Why?!” Can’t guys treat you like a friend?!”

And the second question that arises immediately after the first is: “What to do now?”

There are many answers to both of these questions, and none of the options will be absolutely correct. Think for yourself which one is more suitable for your situation.


In fact, many guys can treat a girl as a friend. But a lot also depends on how the girl behaves with them. You may not even notice it. Any girl is a coquette; it’s simply in the blood of many. One way or another, you're probably being flirty. You do this not on purpose, but because you subconsciously perceive him as a man. And with them you are always a little flirtatious.

What to do?

Take a closer look at yourself and your behavior. Pay attention to how you talk to your friend, how you look, how you look, how you behave. Try to avoid flirtatious and languid glances when communicating with him. Don't hug him or sit on his lap (even if you think it's just a sign of friendship). Do not wear seductively short skirts and blouses with deep necklines to meet him.


Perhaps he decided that your relationship should move to a whole new level. I decided this because I realized that you are the best in the whole world.

What to do?

Have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Find out what exactly he lacks in the current situation. Slowly, step by step, you will have to figure out how to solve this problem together. If he lacks stability in your relationship (he is not sure that your friendship is strong), come up with some kind of ritual in which you vow to always be best friends. If he needs affection and tenderness, help him meet a cool girl. If he wants new experiences from life, then invite him to skydive or go rock climbing together. And so on. The main thing is to get to the very core of the problem. The fact that he likes you and you are just an awesome girl is already clear, but this is not the answer.

He doesn’t always want exactly what he says. Maybe he didn’t really understand himself. And he talks about his feelings simply because there is such a stereotype. Because he saw it in the movies. Because it’s necessary, everyone does it that way. Remember that the words of another do not always mean the same thing as they mean to you.

What to do?

You can try to explain this to him. But this is unlikely to help. Then try playing a game with him. Agree that from today until next week you will meet. You are given a unique opportunity to play out to the fullest. You've been calling him twenty times a day all week, writing a ton of text messages, interfering in every aspect of his life, boring him with advice (“Zip your jacket, you'll catch a cold, honey!”), asking him to go to parties that he traditionally only went to. with the guys. And you continue like this until you get tired of it. And at the end of the week you'll see what happens. Firstly, he can see that everything that is happening is not at all what he wanted. Then he himself will be glad that it was just an agreement and you didn’t start dating for real. You can laugh together, you will convince him that you are a great girlfriend, but a terrible girlfriend, and you will remain good friends. Secondly, he will understand that he himself did not know what exactly he meant by his proposal to meet. And when faced with reality, he will back up.


What to do if you are wondering: should you say “yes” to him?

Loved ones, first of all, should be friends. Often the longest, harmonious and happy relationship are formed precisely between former friends. It's good if you understand that the main mistake you can make when you start dating is changing the relationship itself. They can be enriched, not changed! Before you started dating, you valued each other as soul friends. Once you've become boyfriend and girlfriend, you can impose standard obligations on each other. It’s better to call yourself a guy and a girl, but add sex and care for each other to the relationship. After all, you are valuable to each other precisely as friends. Let the essence of yours remain the same. The fewer restrictions and obligations you place on each other, the more likely it is that everything will work out well for you. Just remember that if you decide to have this kind of intimacy, you risk losing your friend. And if you break up with him, you will lose two people in one person at once: both a friend and a loved one.

Beautiful declarations of love - poems

You are the most wonderful man

Whom I met!

And there is only this reason

Say it without hiding anything!

I love you, but I don't know

How did this happen to me!

Kiss me, hug me...

How sweet, oh my dear!

Why do I love you? Don't know?

I just feel bad without you.

I don't understand myself without you.

Without you, am I like without fire?

Everything goes out in the world, like in a fog

And the faces are gray all around,

And storms splash in a glass,

Neither the skirt nor the heel pleases me...

When you're not around I get sick

I'm breaking in a thousand mirrors!

When you're near I light up

It's like a ray of sunshine has fallen!

I feel good next to you, you know,

I can’t say why and for what...

But I know one thing when you leave

I just freeze and don’t even breathe...

How to confess your love to your best friend

In love into your best friend and don’t know what to do next with your feelings? Open up! You shouldn’t keep everything to yourself, suppress your love and pretend that nothing is happening.

According to scientists in the field of psychology, the strongest relationships and marriages are based on friendship. We are constantly searching for our ideal other half, and she is nearby at that moment, you just need to look closely and want to consider this fact. You, of course, may be afraid to reveal your feelings to your friend, so as not to spoil your relationship and not lose his affection. No need, no need! If your friendship In fact, she is real, then she is not afraid of any confessions. Try to predict your friend's reaction to your revelation.

Model the following situation: while crossing (jumping) over a large puddle, take your friend by the hand. What is his reaction? Did he pull away? Did you let go of your hand immediately after successfully overcoming an obstacle? Or does he still continue to hold your hand in his? By his reaction, you will immediately understand whether you should force things or whether you need to wait a little. In the latter case, repeat a kind of attempt at getting closer and testing the waters after a few days, and compare the results of his reaction to your proximity, your touches with the previous one!

Make him an unexpected confession! At a time when he is not even aware of the feelings raging in your soul and heart, reveal to him the whole truth. Explain, looking steadily into his eyes, how strong emotions you feel for him, and that he has a choice: to accept your Love or reject it.

You can also arrange for your friend to write confession. Pour out your suffering and worries on paper, then invite him to some romantic place and read the contents of the note. Perhaps, imbued with the intimate atmosphere of what is happening, your friend will also suddenly understand what he feels for you feelings much stronger and deeper than just friendship.

Try to be together more often: go out into nature, go to the cinema, to a cafe, and finally, go on a trip to the sea together. This way you will have a better chance of winning the affection of your gentleman friend. If neither you nor your best friend have regular partners, then you can try dating each other. What if something comes out of this? Moreover, if there is a spark between you, then it can transform into a passionate blazing flame. In the event that nothing comes of this venture, do not despair, you can always return to the stage of your relationship from which it all started! But there are also situations when recognition should still be delayed.

Let's look at them at specific examples:

1. Your friend has a constant young woman. Do not interfere in their relationship under any circumstances, do not put a spoke in their wheels, do not try to cause a quarrel. Remember, their feelings concern only the two of them, you have no place in them. And they must also make decisions about continuing/terminating this relationship independently, without outside help.

2. You yourself have a boyfriend. Look, don't get too carried away! After all, as you know: if you chase two hares, you won’t catch either!

3. He did not accept or share your feelings. If you find the strength to remain just friends with him, do it. Don't insist, otherwise you risk ruining your friendship.

4. Next to a friend you feel calm and comfortable. This is good, but not enough to build strong and harmonious relationships, think, maybe you mistake completely different feelings for love?

5. You don't want to see your friend in the arms of another girl. Jealousy and selfishness do not at all decorate a person and this is not at all a reason to make your friend your life partner. Therefore, do not be a child and let your friend decide for himself who to be with.

6. You are firmly convinced that your confession will destroy your friendship. Do you think the game is worth the candle in this case? I think no! After all, real, reliable friends It’s very difficult, so is the fragile hope for illusory happiness worth such a sacrifice? You won’t be nice by force, and if loves only one, then the relationship is doomed to failure!

How to confess your love to your best friend - general articles - catalog of articles - life to the rhythm of your heartbeat on

Think about it

Many people do not dare to sort out their relationship so as not to spoil it in the future and lose a friend. Cast aside your doubts. If you are true friends, then you are destined to remain so. But first, give yourself some time to reflect and make sure you are ready for a new relationship. Maybe he's just your crush? You feel sympathy for him or even love, but these feelings are changeable and can easily melt away. In this case, indeed, a cooling of the relationship and even a breakup may occur, but this will not happen because of recognition, but because your romantic feelings will disappear.

Do an experiment

If you're nervous, try testing his possible reaction to your confession first. To do this, conduct a small experiment. There are many little subtle tricks that you can use to find out if he has reciprocal feelings for you and whether he will reciprocate them. Here is one of them: without crossing the road, to escape the rain or splashes of a passing car, take his hand and run! This simple technique will allow you to answer the question you will get at the end of your short run: are you still holding hands or has he freed himself from your hand immediately after the “danger” has passed? What is his reaction? Is he embarrassed? Did you both feel awkward? These are all good signals. Having assessed the situation, you can decide whether to rush to speed up your relationship. If you do not receive any obvious signals after this approach, try again in a few more days and compare his reaction with the previous one.

Be spontaneous

At the moment when he least expects it, take it and tell him the whole truth. Just look up from what you are doing, turn to your friend and tell him that the feelings you have for him are so strong that nothing can stop you and you are even ready to survive his possible refusal. You think about him in the morning when you wake up, it’s hard for you to part with him every evening. Explain to him that you are opening your heart to him and he has a choice: reciprocate your feelings or simply leave. Yes, there is some risk involved, but the chance that it could be yours is worth it.

Plan your confession

Put what you feel down on paper ahead of time, then invite him somewhere very romantic and read it out loud to him. Let this be a kind of proposal to move to another stage of your relationship. Say something about your past together, your present, and what your future looks like. Whatever way of expressing your feelings you choose, remember that in this moment The first sparks of the future flame of your love are ignited. Maybe someday you will remember and tell your grandchildren wonderful story your confession. Try to make this moment unforgettable.

Let time tell

Try to spend more time with your friend than usual. For example, go to the movies, discos, concerts or sporting events with him more often, and have dinners together more often. If possible, go somewhere together for the weekend or vacation. If you spend more time together, your chances of success will increase.

Experimental dating

Why don't you suggest to your friend that they just try dating? If both you and he are in a free search, and both sympathize with each other (and since you are friends, it cannot be otherwise), why not take advantage of the current circumstances? Agree that if nothing comes of this experiment or one of you finds another passion, you will be ready to return to the previous level of relationship.

Just do it

If you think he is likely to reciprocate your feelings, try one of the romantic gestures that others have already taken advantage of.

We congratulate you and send greetings!

Your birthday has finally arrived!

On this holiday I want to wish you a lot of things:

Happiness, wealth, love and luck of blooming,

So that the dawn slumbers at your doorstep!

So that the glasses are filled with success,

May prosperity be on the way!

May your life be brighter than carnival nights,

So that you can walk along the road more cheerfully!

So I give a message in eternal hexameter,

To keep this one from losses and insults.

Fate will be favorable, the smile will be carefree,

Let your life burn brighter than the flame of the sun!

Guy you are always calm

And you behave with dignity:

You don’t throw words to the wind,

You keep your promises.

Music lover and book lover,

And in life - monogamous.

You don't smoke, you drink in moderation,

In general, you are living right!

You know and can do a lot

You can always help us,

You are a great, great friend!

You are an example for everyone around

I raise a glass to your birthday

I wish you success in business and health

And also a car of the latest model

So that car owners look with envy

Thick wallets lying in pockets

Sea trips, holiday romances

In short, so that everything works out for you

And he met with us, friends, more often!

Such an ordinary day,

Your fate will improve slightly.

Friends, girlfriends dashing shadow

He will leave cute gifts.

And I hasten to put it into your mouth

Words that tease centuries.

And I’ll sign in the corner of the sheet -

I congratulate!

Happy Birthday!

On your birthday, buddy,

I will voice the wishes of a thousand.

Health, joy, success,

Good luck, cheerfulness and laughter!

Pounds of “greenery” in winter and summer,

So that the tail is always a pistol,

So that a girl loves you,

So that the traffic police will score on you,

I want to celebrate a housewarming party.

Let your life be fun

And I'll add some light:

After all, our friendship is forever!

Happy Birthday Buddy!

We went through fire and water,

Thousands of troubles, thousands of obstacles,

Adversity did not break us!

The seas are all knee-deep to us

And the heat of fires is not scary.

Be happy, my faithful friend!

We are strong through friendship, comrade!

I wish, my friend, for you what I wish for myself:

So that the sandwich does not fall butter side down,

And the thieves did not climb the cornice,

So that you get up on the wrong foot in the morning

And he paid his debts on time,

So that the wind does not carry away your hats,

And may you have enough strength for everything!

Happy birthday!

I want you to succeed in everything in life,

What was planned to come true,

Career growth so that it is rapidly high,

The limit of dreams was unspeakably far.

I want to meet a beautiful girl,

To buy a car that you like,

And may all congratulations be fulfilled,

What are you hearing today?

On your birthday!

If your conscience is alive!

If you remember your friends!

If friendship is not just words

And not a scale for three!

Throw away all your affairs

Stop messing around in the dacha,

Pack your suitcase quickly -

You will meet your friends again!

Follow your destiny without looking back

Love and be loved yourself.

May everything in life be all right,

And don't forget old friends.

In difficult times when you can’t

Go through troubles alone

Remember us. We will be able to

We can come to help.

I wish you a good journey,

Walk this path with friends,

Health so as not to take away,

And never lose heart.

Smiles, joy, good luck,

Live to be a hundred! And not otherwise.

Good friend- like the wind.

In case of misfortune

He will take away both grief and misfortune,

Like leaves that fell in bad weather

In the autumn cooling garden.

And in joy - he is a powerful shaft,

Safe in the path of your enemies.

I love reliable, real friends.

I appreciate it. And I raise a toast to them.

Beloved friend, I wish you a lot of money,

A car, a dacha and a beautiful wife.

Let failures roll away from the threshold,

And your dear mother-in-law - a pig!

Diseases, failures and defeats,

Falling down and grief from separation.

And all sorts of empty acquisitions,

I wish you to escape, my friend!

It's your turn in the constellations

Reveal on the calendar day.

All congratulations for you,

Gathered the stars in the skies.

I wish, on your birthday,

Smiles, happiness for the soul

And so as not to torment the pennies,

Your waste is for a generation.

Be happy, my dear friend!

Live successfully, without mistakes;

And let the number of smiles

You will be warmed with warmth.


I wish you

Stay like this forever

What were you like when you were a child?

Cheerful, joyful, simple.

Let there be no sadness in your life,

May happiness meet you everywhere.

Be kind, and gentle, and waiting,

Forever loved, forever desired.

My best friend!

In the middle of everyday life, bustle -

You are a bright holiday,

Dream come true.

You have so much

Given from birth!

You conquered me a long time ago,

So conquer Fate again!

And let her

Your attention

I'm immensely flattered

Will give you joy

The shine of victories

Love and happiness light

For many years.

A bird sang to us about your birthday

And I managed to tweet so much:

That you are understanding, kind and sensitive,

Strong intellect and a good judge of a joke,

Any minute you can help with advice,

You know how to lift your spirits!

“One can only dream of such a friend!” –

The bird chirped again and again...

Even though this bird is terribly chatty,

And yet we completely agree with her!

Pages for friends

1. Hurry up for cover!
It started to rain heavily, from which you need to take shelter immediately. Great, it's time to try to find out the level of your relationship. Grab your hand and run for cover. Next, we look at his reaction: he trusted, running after you, without separating his hands, or immediately released his palm. After this experiment, it will become clear whether it is worth taking the next step or abandoning this idea.

2. Homemade dinner
Do you know his food preferences? Go ahead, cook his favorite dishes and invite him to try them. After a good meal, when you are both in a good mood and when it’s time to drink a cup of tea, ask your friend to prepare the tea ceremony, and prepare a note about your feelings in a mug, in a jar of tea, in a bowl of sweets, for example. : “Misha, you are the only person who understands and supports me. I love you so much!". But it is worth remembering that you do not need to describe all your feelings in the message. The note should be maximalist in style, small in size and carry a certain meaning. After what he has seen, your friend will start a conversation about it himself, where everything will be explained.

3. Your talents and strengths
Are you good at table tennis, billiards, darts, or maybe you sing great? Great! All success in your hobby will now work for you. To do this, invite your friend to a place where you can demonstrate your talents to the fullest. For example, to a competition, then admit that if it weren’t for him, you would not have won, and then continue with the course of events.

4. Joint recreation
Invite your friend to go on some kind of vacation with you, be it at your dacha, Egypt, a neighboring city, etc. If the question arises why exactly him, then you can answer that at this very period your friends are busy and you don’t want to go alone. In just a few days joint recreation everything will become clear: either your feelings will strengthen even more, or all love will remain in the past. This result will be due to the fact that you will spend more time together and will be able to see some advantages and disadvantages, while finally dispelling all fantasy and finding yourself faced with a fact. After such a trip, you can confess your feelings to a friend, or remain friends as before.

5. Jealousy
Visit a nightclub, party together or with mutual friends. There, flirt, play with the opposite sex in front of your friend (BUT DO NOT OVERDO IT: remember that you cannot play on feelings (if you have them), because you may lose what you have been trying to achieve for so long). At this very moment, your friend will understand how dear you are to him. And after the fun is over, you can explain your feelings.

6. Wedding of relatives
Your relative, classmate, friend is getting married and invites you to the celebration, do not miss this chance, warn that you will not come alone, but with a friend, invite him. Believe me, even men’s hearts can tremble to the sounds of Mendelssohn. So maybe this is the moment? Start small, discuss some little thing at the celebration, while getting closer to your feelings.