How to pin up loose hair with bobby pins. How can you pin up medium length hair? Holiday hairstyle

There is probably no girl who, as a child, would not do her dolls’ hair. Many, growing up, turn this childhood habit into real art, creating magnificent, elegant hairstyles.

Nowadays there are a variety of beauty salons where they will do any hairstyle you want, style it beautifully and pin your strands, but due to lack of time, many do not have the opportunity to go there.

Every girl dreams of looking beautiful, and therefore there is only one way out - to know how to pin up her hair beautifully middle length.

There are many ways to beautifully style your hair, both for everyday looks and for special occasions. The presence or absence of bangs, the height of the forehead, the length of the nose and the shape of the face should be taken into account in order to use styling to hide flaws and highlight advantages.

A low forehead can be smoothed out with a high hairstyle, decorating it with a bright hair clip. Excessively a long nose can be visually shortened using thick voluminous bangs. And the original asymmetrical bangs will distract attention from a heavy and large chin.


Various hairpins will help you pin up your hair beautifully and diversify your hairstyle.

  • Crab hairpin;
  • Clamp;
  • Invisible;
  • Automatic hair clip;
  • Scallop;
  • Hairpin.

Beautifully collect medium length hair

Medium length is quite versatile and works best for hairstyles. Make them beautiful hairstyle It’s easy and it takes very little time.

A simple and at the same time elegant way is to comb your hair and twist it to the opposite side along the growth line from below. Secure this with bobby pins and hairpins bright colors or pearls.

Another original version This is how it is done: a ponytail is collected, then it is broken into strands and each strand is twisted into a rope. Then, using the same bobby pins, secure the strands in any order.

Beautiful bun

One can hardly argue with the fact that a bun is a very beautiful and stylish hairstyle. It is simple, elegant and very helpful for a woman when she lacks free time.

It's very simple to do: first, pull your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head. You can use a comb to lightly comb the inside to emphasize volume. Then make a tourniquet and wrap it around the elastic band. The ends can be pinned with hairpins.

The bun has so many varieties that you can easily choose an option for work in the office, for a walk with friends, or for a seaside holiday.

Bundles twisted from the side, back or top, low bun or tall. Or maybe casually twisted and decorated with a bright hairpin... The choice is yours.

The desire to look beautiful and stylish, one way or another, will lead you to such an elegant hairstyle like a shell. This is a classic styling, long known for its simplicity and effectiveness at the same time.

It is done like this: the hair is combed into a side parting and thrown over the shoulder opposite the parting. Several bobby pins will help pin them up vertically, dividing the back of your head into two parts. Then you should twist the strand around your palm and secure it with bobby pins.

Shell - interesting hairstyle, but it is only suitable for girls with straight hair. It is unlikely to work on curls, since they do not allow the strands to be wrapped well.

Little tricks:

  • Don't do a shell on wet hair. When it dries, it will disintegrate;
  • Do not use hairspray - it will create the effect of dirty hair;
  • You don’t have to put the fallen curls under hairpins, it will look cute and flirty;
  • If you have thin and sparse strands, you can use a chignon or backcomb it. This will add volume to your hairstyle and make it look fuller.

If you can't make a shell, don't be discouraged. Chinese chopsticks will help you. into the tail, pinch it between the sticks. Then, gradually wind it onto the sticks, directing it to the middle of the back of the head. Then secure with pins and carefully remove the sticks.


This hairstyle is one of the ways to beautifully style medium-length hair. She adds femininity to any look, focusing on fragility and sophistication.

To create it, you need a minimum of details - an elastic band, bobby pins, a roller and a comb.

  • A tail is made at the back of the head and divided crosswise into two parts;
  • One part (the smaller one) is folded over the face, and the other is carefully combed;
  • Then, with the help of a roller, it is tucked up and pinned from the inside with invisible ones;
  • We cover the top with the second part and pin the ends with bobby pins.

If necessary, you can make an accent and decorate your hair with a ribbon, tiara, bright bow and other accessories.


This hairstyle is done quickly and does not require much effort.

The hair is gathered into a ponytail at the back of the head and twisted into a rope. Clamping it in this way along its entire length, go over it with an iron. Afterwards, separate a strand from the total mass of hair and wrap it around an elastic band, and hide the tip under it.

This option is very good for roasts. summer day so that the hair does not hang over the shoulders, but is styled in a stylish and effective hairstyle. In this case, thick curls are better; a thin ponytail will look more like a mouse ponytail than a horse ponytail.

I advise you to look at another simple option:

Now you know how to beautifully style medium-length hair. The main thing is that the hairstyle matches your image and emphasizes your individuality.

Don't be afraid to experiment and show your imagination. Then you will always look harmonious, interesting and original.

Medium hair length is most common among average European women. On the one hand, strands scattered over the shoulders look very feminine and beautiful, and on the other hand, the absence of excessive length makes it easier to care for your hair. In addition, many stylists unanimously agree that if your strands fall below the bra clasp, it can be called a manifestation of bad taste. Believing it or not is everyone’s business, but it would be stupid to question the presence of fine taste because of a few centimeters of hair, therefore, an average length hairstyle is the most optimal solution for any woman.

The dress code prohibits ladies from appearing at the workplace with loose haircuts. In addition, showing off with unkempt hair can be simply inconvenient. In this case, the skills and knowledge of how to pin up medium-length hair come in handy. Mastering these skills will give you the opportunity to do hair quickly and, importantly, beautifully.

Often, mothers and grandmothers teach us to pin up our hair in childhood. Well, we ourselves enjoy playing hairdressers, styling our beloved dolls, boldly experimenting with the curls of a mother, daughter or sister. Despite this, not everyone knows how to style medium-length hair perfectly, and they are obliged to either go to a beauty salon for help, or always wear their hair down.

In the photo - the formation of a fascinating hairstyle

Now we would like to tell you about different methods, which will help you quickly and beautifully create a charming hairstyle that will attract others. Our summary will be useful both to those who have no idea about this procedure at all, and to those who already have some experience in creating hairstyles.

Pinning methods for curls of different lengths

In this section we will talk about how to pin up loose hair. different lengths.

This information will help you:

  • reduce installation time;
  • make beautiful charming hairstyles;
  • help in shaping hairstyles for friends, employees, etc.

There are a huge number of ways to pin up your curls

Average length

First, let's talk about strands of a more popular length - medium, because many ladies wear this particular hairstyle.

Direct your attention. The description below can be safely used for long hair. It is simple and understandable, allowing you to do styling in a matter of minutes.

So, in order to do your own hairstyle, you will need the following tools:

  • comb;
  • wonderful hairpin.

You see, absolutely few - they should be in the arsenal of every lady.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the hair must be divided into two parts with an even parting in the direction from ear to ear;
  • both parts are tied on the crown with an ordinary, ordinary knot;
  • using an ordinary comb, you need to smooth the strands a little;
  • after which, holding the hair down, carefully pin it to the overall hairstyle with an ordinary, beautiful, pleasing hairpin that suits your look.

The photo shows a method for pinning medium-length strands

Direct your attention. You can throw the strands that gently fall onto your shoulders straight. Or curl them a little. Nice curls will add femininity and charm to you.

Little hairstyle

Now let's talk about how to pin up short hair, because not enough women and ladies prefer short strands. By the way, they also look quite beautiful and presentable! In addition, they open up a wide range of abilities for tests.

There are several methods for pinning short curls with hairpins.

The first of them predicts subsequent actions:

  • form a tail in the crown area;
  • form rings from the strands;
  • use hairpins to secure curls;
  • You should not use a lot of colorful, bright accessories and decorations, as this will make your image not harsh.

The photo shows an example of pinning up bangs for a short hairstyle.

Option 2 implies:

  • divide the strands into 4 completely similar parts;
  • the two upper parts should be fixed with varnish, ensuring they are laid in waves;
  • the lower parts need to be curled using curlers or an ordinary curling iron;
  • you will end up with an elegant hairstyle.

There is another way - the so-called shell.

To implement it you should:

  • comb your hair painstakingly;
  • lay the strands in the upper part of the head, fixing them with medium-level fixation varnish;
  • Secure the remaining curls at the back with a hairpin.

What if you have long hair?

Would you like to find out how to stab curly hair, especially if they are a bit long?

There is a good option for an unusual tail:

  • make a regular ponytail;
  • divide it into two similar parts;
  • Carefully wrap one of these parts around the base of the tail.

In the photo - an ordinary tail

Direct your attention. Naturally, the more common way to deal with long curls is to create a tail, but if the strands are curly, then they will need to be straightened first. But this is not necessary, since a slightly “curly” tail looks presentable.

Another method that relatively recently became popular among our ladies is the introduction of the so-called Chinese chopsticks.

To create a hairstyle using them, you need:

  • take one stick;
  • twist strands around it;
  • 2nd fix the hairstyle you have done.

This option will allow you to add charm to your own image, corresponding to the mysterious oriental ladies.

Example of using chopsticks

And there is one more method, perfectly suitable for long curls:

  • gather your hair in a regular ponytail;
  • make about 10 similar strands out of it;
  • Sprinkle each strand with medium hold varnish and roll into a tight rope;
  • secure with regular pins by inserting them specifically at the base of the tail.

What devices should I use?

There are a lot of accessories that can be used to create hairstyles. For example, many people prefer to use an automatic hairpin, but almost always everything depends on what specific goal you are pursuing when styling.

Various devices will help you both pin up your curls and decorate them.

Namely, ordinary invisible ones are quite common, the cost of which is a pittance, and you can buy them in almost any store (not counting the grocery store, of course).

With their help you can fix your curls:

  • on the crown;
  • in the lateral areas;
  • in the temporal zone, etc.

Invisible people can be any color

Ordinary hairpins, which are used when developing a beam, are also constantly needed.

There are a huge number of hairpin models:

  • ordinary;
  • colored;
  • with decorations;
  • with rocks;
  • plastic;
  • iron, etc.

Hairpins with flowers are suitable for creating formal and evening hairstyles

You can’t do without crabs, which allow you to create indescribably tender, feminine images.

There are also a great number of them:

  • multi-colored;
  • monochrome;
  • with crystals;
  • with patterns;
  • various sizes, etc.

Asian chopsticks appeared in our country not so long ago, but have become quite popular

It is also necessary to emphasize ordinary sticks, which allow you to pin up your hair in an original way.

Such products are:

  • metal;
  • woody;
  • plastic;
  • with and without decorations.

Sticks can be used on both long and medium strands, but on small ones they will be completely useless.

At the end

You immediately learned several methods on how to pin up your hair so that your hairstyle is not just neat, but beautiful and unusual, and charms those around you.

The additional video in this article will help you better understand some of the methods.

2401 03/26/2019 5 min.

Of course, freely flowing curls are beautiful, but such a hairstyle is unlikely to be suitable for work or school - for many employers or administration educational institutions There are quite strict rules regarding women's hairstyles, and loose hair will not be appropriate everywhere. It is for these reasons that you need skills in styling your hair - quickly, modernly and fashionably.

From early childhood, girls gain experience styling dolls - they comb their hair, braid their hair, make ponytails with ribbons or multi-colored elastic bands. Well, some people also have younger sisters - it’s much easier to practice styling, and over time the desire for new experiments with your hair only intensifies.

You can go to the hairdresser and ask to style them beautifully and pin them there, but it will be difficult to go there every day, so you need to learn simple and simple techniques at home.

Options for short strands

Too much short hair It will be very difficult to pin up beautifully, but if you use additional accessories, for example, a headband, scarf or crab, you can get a very original hairstyle:

  • If your curls are not too short and can be pulled into a small ponytail, then gather your hair at the top of your head;
  • Divide it into small strands and roll each into a ring;
  • Then use hairpins and bobby pins to secure the rings to your head.

Try not to use a lot of multi-colored details - this can ruin a strict image.

Or this hairstyle:

  • Divide your hair into 4 equal parts;
  • Take 2 top curls one by one, apply a fixative on them and make a charming wave out of them;
  • The lower curls need to be curled in a way convenient for you - with curlers or a curling iron, and just leave the curls in this form.

But what are the best and most popular short haircuts for older women can be seen in the photo in this

This is a very romantic hairstyle and you will notice how the eyes of the opposite sex stop on you.

Another variant:

  • Create a tight backcomb on the top curls;
  • Lay them in a wave and fix with varnish;
  • The lower strands can be secured with hairpins, or with a crab - the latter option, with loose ends, will be a little naughty.

Video on how to pin up your hair beautifully:

Using accessories

  • We use automatic hairpin. It looks a little like a clamp, and if you grab your hair with it vertical position, then the hairstyle will look very original. It is also good for pinning strands - the pre-twisted strands are put into a clamp - everything turns out strict and at the same time unusual.
  • On the market you can find a strange hairpin made in the form of combs fastened together. But! In the place where they connect, there is a very elastic part, it can be adjusted to any thickness of the strands, the accessory is decorated with rhinestones or multi-colored beads, which gives the hairstyle a charming charm.

And this is what it looks like beautiful bun from hair, can be seen in the video in this

But what casual wedding hairstyles are the most popular among young girls can be seen in the photo in this

Middle length

For medium-length hair, there are many more options, because you can improvise according to your taste and desire:

But you can see what casual hairstyles for medium hair look like in the photo in this

In the video, how to beautifully pin up medium-length hair:

Options for pinning hair in a bun. No need to think that this is a prim hairstyle - in Lately it is gaining popularity, and many beauties of fashion catwalks go to shows with just such a hairstyle:

  • Gather your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head and comb it;
  • Now you need to twist your hair into a plait and pin it up using hairpins and bobby pins. You can use a special roller to add rigidity to the styling - with this styling you can go through the whole working day and look neat.

Babbett laying. It is popular again, just like in the 60s of the last century. For this you need to do the following:

Long hair

There are simple and complex options, they use hairpins and bobby pins - for example, simply part your hair and pin the temporal strands with bobby pins, and if you use hairpins coated with non-ferrous metal, the hairstyle will look very romantic.

But how to make a bob haircut with elongated front strands can be seen in this photo.

For long hair The option of laying it in the form of a grid may be suitable - the strands are pinned alternately on one side or the other, and a tail is made from the lower ones, tucked into a crab or a beautiful decorative elastic band.

As for stabbing with crab, they come in the most different sizes, with various decorations and decor. Well, if you take an accessory made of natural material for your hair, your hair will also look elegant. You can pin your hair from the side or from the back - various techniques diversify appearance, and you can look different every day.

Hairstyles with clips are a traditional way of styling long hair. They can be used to fix ponytails, braids, and a variety of accessories will help make your hairstyle original.

Beautiful curls are an excellent basis for festive hairstyles for prom, wedding, school party or kindergarten. Even if nature has not blessed you with curly hair, you can always curl your hair yourself and then create an elegant style. Popular hairstyles with curls, step by step process you will find their creation on strands of different lengths and photos of ready-made options in this article.

What you need to create a hairstyle

On our own curly hair They already look elegant, and if you also arrange them in an intricate way, then you are guaranteed the admiring glances of those around you. There are quite a few different ways creating elegant hairstyles for special occasions. To do them at home, you need to prepare:

  • styling product - mousse, foam or gel, for final fixation - varnish;
  • a suitable comb. To separate the strands you will need a comb with a tail, for backcombing - a comb with fine teeth;
  • styler, iron with rounded plates or curling iron, if your hair is straight and requires preliminary curling;
  • an alternative to electrical appliances - boomerang curlers, curlers, bobbins. With their help you can create curls of different sizes, vertical or horizontal;
  • when using hot tools and hot rollers, you will need a special heat protectant;
  • clips, hairpins, barrettes, bobby pins, elastic bands will help in the curling process or secure the finished result (depending on the chosen hairstyle);
  • decorative items: hoop, headband, hairpins with beads, artificial flowers and other accessories that will decorate your holiday hairstyle.

Attention! Those with curly hair need to choose a special styling product for curly hair in order to clearly separate and model curls. It doesn't matter whether the curls are the result of a perm or curl naturally.

Hairstyle options

Before you start creating your holiday hairstyle, wash your hair thoroughly. On clean hair curls last longer. If you curl your curls at night, dry them slightly, apply a styling product, and then curl using your chosen curlers or available products.

Boomerangs, foam rollers, and soft papillots will not interfere with sweet sleep. You can twist the strands around your socks or braid them. How to curl your hair without curlers, curling irons and straighteners at home, you will find on our website.

Choose the option that will allow you to get curls of the desired size. The larger the diameter of the products, the more voluminous the curl. Big curls are used in many hairstyles.

If you make curls with a curling iron, styler or flat iron immediately before styling, treat clean, damp hair with a heat protectant and dry your hair thoroughly. You should only make curls with hot tools on dry hair. If possible, it is better to do without a hair dryer.

Of course, most hairstyles with curls are designed for long and medium hair. When curled, their length will become slightly shorter, but this will not be an obstacle to the formation of a sophisticated style.

Those with short hair should not be upset. There is a lot for them too interesting options. You won’t be able to braid your hair into a ponytail or a bun, but you can backcomb it, lay the strands on one side, and decorate with accessories. The main thing is that the length allows you to curl the curls.

Side curl hairstyle

This is a great example of an evening or wedding styling. To create a classic hairstyle, you need:

  1. Make a side parting from the temple.
  2. Separate a small part of the hair at the back of the head. Pin the rest with a clamp.
  3. Curl the curls with a curling iron, iron or styler, separating one strand at a time. The diameter can be arbitrary.
  4. At the tip of each curl, make a small backcomb using a thin comb. Spray with varnish.
  5. Carefully move the curls to one side and secure with hairpins or bobby pins. You can twist the strands that you throw to the side into a light braid, and then secure with hairpins.

Advice. The hairpins can be covered with a decorative comb or an artificial flower.

Owners of medium and long hair can create chic Hollywood curls on one side:

  1. Twist all the strands one by one so that they are directed in one direction.
  2. Separate part of the hair at the temple, from which the wave will come.
  3. Comb it, secure it at the back between the ear and the back of the head. To do this, use 2 bobby pins, which must be placed crosswise for strength.
  4. Spray with varnish.
  5. Secure the strand with a third bobby pin. Do this closer to the back of your head. The rest of the hair should completely hide the hair clips.
  6. Gently comb your curls.
  7. If you need additional volume, backcomb it. To do this, use a fine comb to comb the curls at the roots, starting from the side parting. Pull the strands perpendicular to the head.
  8. Spray the bouffant with hairspray.
  9. Arrange your curls in a wave so as to hide the backcomb. Just touch upper layer styling
  10. Using clips, form Hollywood curls around your face and spray them with hairspray.
  11. After fixing, remove the hairpins and adjust them as you wish.

Curls for such hairstyles need to be twisted from the ends, but not necessarily to the roots.

French waterfall hairstyle with curls

It will add a little volume to medium-length hair, and long strands will add elegance. There are several options for braiding, which is the highlight of the hairstyle. This option uses the classic scheme.

How to create stylish French curls:

  1. Prepare your hair by curling it in any convenient way. Curls can be small, spiral, or large.
  2. Lightly separate the strands with your fingers. If you curled them with electrical appliances or hot rollers, wait until they cool down.
  3. Comb it a little root zone to simulate beautiful shape hairstyles
  4. Make a straight parting. Better with your fingers rather than a comb.
  5. Take a small section of hair from the left side.
  6. Braid a regular braid up to the ear line.
  7. Then cross the right and center strands with each other.
  8. Replace the third with a small piece of hair taken from above and cover with a loose curl.
  9. Release the right strand with a loose curl so that it falls down. This will be the beginning of the waterfall.
  10. For the remaining two sections of hair, take a third of the main mass of curls.
  11. Continue weaving in the same way, moving diagonally to the back of the head.
  12. Temporarily secure the braid with a clip or rubber band.
  13. Braid the second braid in the same way, starting from the right side.
  14. Connect the French waterfall at the back of the head, secure with an elastic band or bobby pin.
  15. Straighten your curls and spray your hair with hairspray.

Advice. To make the braids appear lace, pull the hair outward slightly.

Bun of curls

A beautiful, elegant hairstyle will be appropriate in any formal situation. To make a bun:

  1. Separate the wide bangs with a comb and place them in a side parting.
  2. Comb the rest of your hair back.
  3. Curl your curls with a curling iron or styler. Direction - from the person. To fix the curls better, when removing them from the hot plates, wrap the curl around your finger and pin it with a bobby pin.
  4. Remove the clips when the curls have cooled.
  5. Make a small backcomb in the root zone.
  6. Tie the curls that were pulled back with an elastic band, forming a loop. Move it a little to the side.
  7. Lay the curls around the bun and secure them with hairpins.
  8. Hide the smaller part of the bangs behind the ear, leave the larger part loose or pin it with a bobby pin.

Another option is a basket-shaped bun:

  1. Curl your hair in any convenient way. It is only desirable that the curls are not too voluminous.
  2. Separate the curls with your hands.
  3. Part your hair in the center or side.
  4. Separate one thick strand from each side and twist them towards each other.
  5. Secure it at the back of your head.
  6. Style the rest of your curls using pins. Give your hair a semicircular shape.
  7. Please fix the style with hair spray.

Curls with bangs

This hairstyle is universal and suitable for owners of any hair, from short to very long. It is enough to arrange the curled strands as you wish or leave them loose, and then do the bangs. It can be curled or left straight, combed back or to the side. The last option is the most popular. But it all depends on the shape of your face and what hairstyle you choose.

If your bangs are long, you can create Hollywood curls on one or both sides. For girls with short hair, the length of which goes down just below the earlobes, the “cold method” of creating an American wave is suitable:

  1. Treat dampened strands with styling product.
  2. Separate with a side parting.
  3. Take a wide strand in front and lay it back, forming the letter “C”.
  4. Secure this curl with a clip.
  5. Move it slightly towards your face, moving 2-3 centimeters away from the retaining clip.
  6. Secure the resulting wave with another clip.
  7. Do the same to the ends if your hair length allows.
  8. Repeat the procedure, laying the remaining strands in this way.
  9. Dry your hair with a hairdryer or naturally.
  10. Remove the clips and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Curls with a braid

Besides French Falls, another common way to create such a hairstyle is this is nothing more than a variation of laying curls on one side. Divide your hair with a side parting, and on the side where there is less hair, braid it. Twist all the strands on the other side and disguise the tip of the braid under them. The method is also suitable for those with short curls. The only caveat: since the “spikelet” will be short, it needs to be carefully secured to the side with a hairpin or decorated with an accessory.

You can braid the hair at the top of your head, from ear to ear, and twist the rest of your hair. This option is often used by mothers of girls who gather their princesses for graduation in kindergarten. Only the strands in this case are first braided into pigtails, paper, curlers, so as not to harm the young beauty’s hair with a curling iron or iron. Read more about how to curl your child's hair at home on our website.

Looks unusual hairstyle braid-rim, which is located not on top of the curls, but under them. For this:

  1. Make a zigzag parting from the top of one ear to the base of the other.
  2. Secure the top of your hair with a bobby pin.
  3. From the bottom, form a pigtail along the entire back of the head. It would be better if it was an inverted braid. It is made like a regular “spikelet”, but only when weaving the strands are laid not at the top, but under the bottom.
  4. To add volume, slightly fluff the braid, slightly pulling the hair out of it.
  5. Treat the top part of the hair with a styling product and curl it.
  6. Secure the curls in random order with hairpins. They should be located above the braid laid at the bottom of the head.
  7. Secure the result with varnish.

By the way. More complex hairstyles involve braiding with 4, 6 or 8 strands. It looks unusual and looks like elegant macrame. But the technique requires skill. If you want to learn this art, watch a thematic video on how to style your curls in multi-tiered braids.

Hairstyle high ponytail with curls

One of the most simple ways add variety to your everyday hairstyle. The peculiarity of any such styling is that curling the curls should be done last. To collect high ponytail:

  1. Comb your hair.
  2. Gather their upper part on the top of the head, as if for a “malvinka” hairstyle.
  3. Pick up strands from both sides and back.
  4. Hold the tail with your left hand and attach it inside collected hair invisible
  5. Then secure everything with an elastic band.
  6. Fasten the second bobby pin inside the tail - the same way as the first, but on the opposite side. This will keep your hair from unraveling.
  7. Comb the ends.
  8. If desired, select a small strand from the ponytail, wrap it around an elastic band and secure with a bobby pin.
  9. Treat the tail with a styling product and curl it in any convenient way: with thermal or regular curlers, curling iron, flat iron or styler.

Some girls find it convenient to form a ponytail with their head down.

Side ponytail hairstyle with curls

The styling is suitable for those with strands below shoulder length. Process of creation:

  1. Comb your hair, make a horizontal parting.
  2. Remove the top part with bobby pins.
  3. Throw the lower strands to either side and form a ponytail.
  4. Twist all the strands.
  5. Move the upper curls towards the tail.
  6. Using pins, lay them down and spray with varnish.

Advice. A simpler option is to make a low ponytail at the side and curl your hair with a curling iron or flat iron.

Bouffant with curls

Backcombing can be done on hair of any length, but only on dry hair. It is a source of additional volume or serves as the basis of a hairstyle. The technique is quite simple:

  1. Dry your washed hair against the direction of hair growth.
  2. Part the hair.
  3. Take a wide strand.
  4. Pull it perpendicular to your head.
  5. Using a fine-toothed comb, run it through your hair several times, toward the base. You need to start by retreating 5-6 centimeters from the roots.
  6. Perform similar steps along the entire length of the strand.

This method is universal, but for short haircuts There are a few additional recommendations:

  • for volume, only the edges of the strands are combed;
  • hair that is too short is treated along its entire length;
  • if you plan to use an overlay or a hairpiece, only comb the root zone.

In addition to backcombing, hairdressers often use the blunting method. In this case, the strand is not pulled, but immediately laid as needed. In this case, only the upper part is combed.

​To preserve the resulting pomp, hairstyles with it are usually done after curling the curls. You can leave your curls loose or gather them into a bun and decorate with a decorative accessory. In these cases, additional volume at the top of the head will be very appropriate.

One of the simple but effective styling options for curled hair is side hairstyle with fleece. It is suitable for special occasions and for every day. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Divide your hair with a horizontal parting from ear to ear.
  2. Create light, loose curls. A hairdryer with a diffuser attachment will help with this.
  3. Leave the curls around your face straight.
  4. Distribute the hair on the back of your head into three equal parts and braid them.
  5. Accordion style each braid.
  6. Backcomb the top strands at the back of your head.
  7. Curl your hair at the crown area and place it in a backcomb.
  8. Fix with varnish.​

Prom hairstyles with curls

Many girls prefer not to let their hair down, but to put it in an updo, because it is convenient and stylish. One of simple options - bun with roller:

  1. Comb all the strands back.
  2. Take some hair from the top of your head.
  3. Put a donut elastic band on them.
  4. Divide the strand into 2 parts, secure each with bobby pins.
  5. Select a wide curl over the elastic band and backcomb it.
  6. Lay it down and smooth the surface.
  7. Make a tail, completely covering the elastic band. You can leave a couple of strands near your face.
  8. Twist the ends and put them in a bun.
  9. Secure with pins.
  10. Form beautiful curls from the strands remaining on your face and style.
  11. Decorate your hair with a ribbon or hairpin.
  12. Fix with varnish.​

Attention! The choice of styling for such a special event as a school or college graduation depends on the dress. If it is long, strictly cut and reminiscent of an evening look, then a bun of curls or laying on one side would be a good addition. For a short, elegant outfit made of light, airy fabric, small, playful vertical curls, pinned on one or both sides, are suitable.

Wedding hairstyles curls

Spectacular curls emphasize tenderness and elegance happy bride, so such hairstyles are very popular for wedding celebration.There are a variety of options:

  1. Loose curls. These can be light waves or elastic curls, complemented by a headband or a beautiful hairpin.
  2. Asymmetrical curls on one side.
  3. French waterfall styling.
  4. Elegant bun and other options.

Looks interesting at any age Greek style hairstyle:

  1. Make a horizontal parting on the top of your head.
  2. Form a low ponytail from the bottom.
  3. Wrap it in an elegant bun and secure with hairpins.
  4. Curl the top part of your hair into tight curls.
  5. Take one strand at your temples. Twist them, choosing the direction towards the back of the head, pin them with hairpins.
  6. Place the rest of the curls around the bun, hiding the ends inside it.
  7. Decorate your hair with hairpins with beads.

Another solemn styling option with a bun:

  1. Backcomb your entire head.
  2. Separate your hair with a horizontal parting.
  3. In the center, form a not very wide ponytail so that the main part of the loose hair remains above it, and a few strands are located below, at the back of the head.
  4. Place a roller under the tail.
  5. Secure it well.
  6. Place the tail on the roller.
  7. Form a bun. The strands from the tail should completely cover the roller.
  8. Hide the ends inside and secure with a bobby pin.
  9. Twist the loose strands remaining at the back of the head.
  10. Place them around the bottom of the bun.
  11. Curl the top of your hair.
  12. Place your curls over your bun to create volume.
  13. Divide the curls near your face into two parts and secure them at the sides.
  14. Decorate your hair with a headband or tiara and spray with hairspray.

Styling with curls is a win-win option for any special occasion and everyday look. The hairstyle can be intricate or, on the contrary, not very complicated, but the fact that it will attract the attention of others is certain.

You will need just a little imagination and skill to create a small masterpiece from your curls, thanks to which you will become a real queen of the evening.

Useful videos

The most fashionable hairstyles to graduation party.

Evening hairstyle for medium length hair.