Caucasian history Asya, you're a nonentity. Love Asi. Comparison with Tatiana Pushkina. Caucasian love story Asya, you're a nonentity. Read an essay on the topic of a love story in the story by Asya, Turgenev for free Group “Caucasian Love”

Salaam Alaikum to everyone) this is my first time writing a story, so please don't judge too harshly.
Strictly +18 so that children and those who do not like such things Let's Pass By.

Morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing in the trees. Despite the fact that it was September, the weather was hot.
The phone rang (It was mine best friend Ferina)
A-Hello, I answered in a sleepy voice
F-Hello hare
A-Hello baby doll
F-Are you still sleeping?
A-I was just about to get up when you called)
F-You know that tomorrow is the first day that we will go to college
A-Bliiin another headache(
F-No noah, come on: D Today we are going to the shopping center for shopping
A-Okay, but let's go to bed in an hour.
F-No, I'll pick you up in an hour,
to be ready!
A-Okay: D
(Aisha was 17 years old. Not much about her appearance: she had an elegant figure; guys always approached her, but oddly enough, she turned them off.
The eyes were dark brown that even almost the pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and a neat nose, the lips were plump
Her hair was medium brown and fell to her back, as they say, she had everything with her
Her family was rich. They lived in Turkey and were originally from Turkey. In her family she had 5 people, including Aisha: Papa-Revan (He was a strict man, but he also showed his love and care to his beloved family and was often not at home because of work and therefore visited other cities;
Mama-Inel (the woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, but not because there was no money, but out of boredom and she worked for a wedding dress designer;
He loved Maga (brother Aisha very much and at the same time was strict towards her; he already had a daughter-in-law to whom he was engaged and the wedding should take place in 3 months;
Dinar (the little brother who goes to school is a cheerful kid) I think I have described enough and you will learn about others in the continuation of the story.
Aisha still decided to get out of her favorite bed. She went to the bathroom and did all her water treatments and left. She wore a soft beige dress with a black belt at the waist that clearly showed her figure and 10 cm black heels. She straightened her hair and let it down and delicate makeup and was ready) and at that moment Ferina called
F-come down, I won’t wait)
How cruel you are, I’m already running)
She came down and the table was already set for the family assembled. Everyone had breakfast
(Mom Papa Maga Dinar)
A-Good morning everyone)
Mom, Dad - Good morning daughter)
Mom - Sit down and have breakfast
A-mom I won’t, I’m late Fidanka is waiting for me
Mom - should I eat?
Let's go to a cafe there
Mom - say hi to Ferina
A-Bon appetit everyone and bye)
Dinar stuck out his tongue
And Maga said, however, as always - bye and be careful and don’t linger
Oh good
And her parents smiled after her.
Leaving the house she saw a car she knew, it was
her best friend's white foreign car
The friend got out of the car and was not happy and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
I'll tell you a little about Ferina
(Ferina had long dark brown hair down to her butt, everyone always thought that she had black hair. Her eyes were dark brown, just like her friend’s hair. Friends often said that she had black eyes, but if you look closely, it’s completely different. The eyelashes are also long and thick, raised up .Lips are not plump, nose is neat.An ideal figure is shorter. Everything is to yourself.
She was wearing black dress which was below the knees and hugged her body and on the back of the dress there was a gold-colored zipper that was full length and heels were 8 cm black and the hair was straightened and gathered in a ponytail.
She was kind girl Aisha and I were friends from school and they were also relatives
Fidan's family was rich and was very good friends with Arinkina.
I think I dragged you on with this and so on)
F-What took you so long?
A-Well, please forgive me, dear)
F-Come on ;)
On the way they joked, laughed, chatted and didn’t even notice how they arrived at the shopping center)
Having done all their shopping, the girls decided to go to a cafe)
They went into a cafe and sat down at an empty table. And they took the order and finally the waiter brought the dishes.
The girls started eating and at that moment

The girls began to eat and at that moment a group of guys consisting of 5 people entered the cafe. They laughed and talked loudly as they sat down at the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aisha and Ferina too, but then they continued talking and eating.
A guy from that company came up to them and sat down next to them:
“G-girl, can I meet you,” he addressed Aisha
A-I don't meet guys
P-Don’t break, come on, and don’t show yourself to be hard to touch.
A-Listen, fuck off, she said!
A group of his friends and Fidan watched all this.
F-Listen, can you leave here?
Sh-Shut up. Just keep silent.
A-Don't talk to her in that tone!
Get out!
P-I see a long tongue, right?
A-fuck you!
A-easy! Yes-Fuck-You! -rising from the table
F-let's get out of here Aisha
A-let's go, it's impossible to stand next to people like THIS
She was about to leave when he suddenly grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her sharply towards him.
W-Will you answer for the words you just said? - he said smiling sarcastically
They looked into each other's eyes and Aisha took a glass of Coca Cola
And I say again - Easy!
And she poured every last drop on him.
The guy stood in shock and looked after her as she left with her friend.
W-We'll meet again - the guy was furious
Friends looked at it with rounded eyes
Leaving the cafe, the friends quickly walked to the car and got into it. And they locked all the doors and, looking at each other, began to laugh and joke:
F-you're so impudent, I didn't know
Ahahaha I didn’t expect this from myself)
F-but he really pissed me off
And so I let him understand how to pester a girl
And they started laughing and making fun of each other)
Having reached Aisha’s house, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house; there was no one there; the girl was glad about this because she wanted to be alone. She went and washed her makeup, put her hair up comfortably and changed into pajamas, she lay down on the bed, it was 21:30, she wanted to sleep, she was tired.
She thought about today, about the guy, about how others looked, and with these thoughts she fell asleep.
Morning. Time 08:30.
The phone rang. She barely picked up her iPhone and pressed answer and didn’t even read who it was calling.
Well, you guessed it, it was Ferina)
A-hello, a hoarse voice sounded
F-good morning
F-Do you know what day it is today?
F-Fool! The first day when we go to college
Oh, I forgot! -quickly jumping out of bed
F-get ready, I'll pick you up in half an hour; there's a traffic jam on the road, so I won't wait for you as quickly as possible.
A-Okay, don't distract me!
She ran to the bathroom, cleaned herself up, washed her face, etc.
She quickly opened the closet and took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a slit in the back and a soft pink blouse with black buttons.
I wore all this and looked gorgeous)
All that was missing were heels and a bag
She wore black heels, 15 cm high, and a black Chanel bag, not too big, shorter.
And she tied her hair high on top, did makeup and looked cute
She left the house, closed the door and went to the car.
Ferina was sitting there and they said hello:
F-how are you? Well, what shall we eat?
A-fine, I’m very worried, how are you?
F-too) you look gorgeous
A-thank you) you too)
(Ferina was wearing a sundress, well, like a skirt and a blouse, but it was a black and white sundress all together.
White heels 10 cm and a bag the same not big as Aisha’s and her hair was tied up in a bun, it also looked beautiful)
When they reached the institute, they got out of the car. The institute was very large and classes started in 10 minutes. The girls, without waiting for anything, decided to quickly find an audience so as not to be late. While they were walking, looking for the office, everyone looked at them, some with envy, some with admiration. The girls walked without noticing anything, talked, smiling at each other, they didn’t care)

It would be better not to care.
As they passed, the girls walked without noticing yesterday's company of guys, there were also five of them. And the guy who remembered Aisha well.
Let me describe the guy so you have an idea about him.
(The guy’s name is Aylan, a very handsome and sexy guy, tall and with a very sexy physique. His nose is neat and his mouth is not large, not plump, and the most important thing about him was His Eyes, they are either golden or light chestnut and from all this the girls were blown away. Well, since you already know that girls were blown away, he is a Terrible Womanizer. He has a very rich family. His character is very strict, but sometimes he is kind and he has no patience and he is cruel and quite Selfish. And if he wants something, then that’s it he will just leave nothing and the guy is smart and loves to take revenge)
Standing with the guys were girls called Barbies.
Aylan saw Aisha and her friend and immediately recognized them. He was a little surprised, but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that he would simply not leave it. He decided to act. He left with his best friend from company.
And I decided to close the plan.
(My best friend's name is Fariz; he has been friends with him since the cradle. Fariz knew everything about Aylan. He has short haircut dark Brown eyes the pupil is not visible. A neat nose and a neat mouth. The guy was also of good build (m “Jock”), okay, well, in short.
Fariz was a very smart guy and when he got bored with something, and he gets bored quickly, he was rude. he always makes advances and likes to touch girls.
Womanizer in short.
He will also play a big role in this story) well, I described the main characters to you, I think it’s time to start
And so the plan:
In short, brother, look and listen carefully:
1. I will steal that bitch who spilled Coca-Cola.
2. And you are different.
3. And in short, when she’s around, well, that bitch and you’re on the other one, call me and I’ll put it on speaker. In short, you threaten her like you’ll rape her, so do it like you’re pestering her but don’t do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we’ll let them out, okay?
F-this is a bad idea, maybe it's not worth it?
A-after what she did? I embarrassed myself in front of everyone!
F-okay, but let’s just hang out right now and go hang out and relax?
A-great idea) thanks friend)
The friends went to the strip bar without thinking about anything. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Parties, etc. And it was time to leave.
F-Let's go Aylaaan)
A-Let's leave)
And they were already on their way to college.
And at this time the girls.
We left the last classes and headed to the cafe at the institute.
We sat there and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
F-I'm really tired(
A-be patient.
like this every day
The girls talked whatever came to mind and so half an hour passed)
The boys were already there and watching from the car. And everyone had their own car.
As the girls approached the car, the boys sprang into action.
Aisha got into the car and waited for Ferin, who was talking with her mother on the street.
Aylan quietly approached the car, opened the door and put her to sleep; she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Aylan took her in his arms and put her in the back seat and sat down and, winking at his friend, drove off.
And Ferina, not noticing anything, continued to talk when they grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hands and dragged her somewhere, the phone fell out of her hands and the car was also left behind. Famil barely dragged her to the car and threw her into the back seat. She was already crying and wanted to get out when he closed all the doors and, pressing on the gas, we drove off sharply.
At this time, Aylan was drunk and was driving fast, not paying attention to the traffic lights, and Aisha was passed out at that time.
Having arrived, Aylan stopped at a large house, one might say a mansion.
He came out, took Aisha in his hands and walked towards the house.
Fariz also did not lag behind on the road. Ferina threw a tantrum:
F-let go! who are you!
Fah, don’t yell, your brain hurts, just sit in silence!
F-fuck you! She already wanted to break the glass
Fa-stupid! I said something unclear! - shouted at the entire interior of the car
Fidan remained silent for 30 seconds and began:
P-please take me home - she cried.
Fah, I’ll do some work, I’ll take it away
F- where is Aish

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Video Caucasian love stories: Ramadan & Leila

So, this happened when I was in my first year. I was 17 years old at that time. I am originally from Mordovia, of mixed nationality: my father is Mordovian, my mother is Ukrainian. I lived at that time in a dormitory. I am quite a girl attractive, she was never deprived of male attention, but she never dated anyone. And so, in the evening I was walking to the hostel after a walk in the park. Well, I’m walking, then I hear someone behind me, I’m walking, and someone is behind me. I walk another twenty meters, everything is the same. I turn around, I see in front of me a handsome, stately Caucasian man, with eyes black as night, coal hair... He smiles, but is silent. He also stopped. I was scared, I ran, he runs after me. I then stopped.

Young man, what do you need?

Girl, it’s okay, tell me, is this your handbag?

And then I just remembered that I really didn’t have the bag that I left with))). Well, I thanked him, he led me to the hostel, asked for the number, I, naturally, didn’t give it, I was afraid, then he went somewhere... then in the other direction. A month passes, I see him again. Near the institute.

“Oh, what’s your name, beauty?” he asks.

Without saying anything, moreover, without even looking at him, I walked on, he caught up with me.

Why are you always running away? I don’t bite... I want to meet you.

But I'm not with you.

Tell me, what course are you in?

On the first one, if so interested.

Interesting. Thanks!

Listen, what do you want from me?

He didn’t say anything, he just looked into my eyes. I walked away, he didn’t try to stop me. After classes, I ran into him again near the institute.

Asya, 17 years old, unmarried, Moksha..., gives me my entire biography further.

I look at him in shock.

Well, who told you all this?

Your friends. They know everything. I even have your number.

Who exactly?!

“Military secret,” he smiles, “let me introduce myself, Alkhuzur Ramzanovich, 25 years old, originally from Grozny, unmarried, dentist.

Well, what do you want from me, Alkhuzur Ramzanovich?

To please you is the only thing I want.

Are you following me?

Leave me alone, please!

Do you have someone?

No! And it wasn’t!, I blabbed, “But I definitely won’t date an idiot like you!” , - and again I went to the hostel.

He added me to VKontakte, called me every day, wrote SMS. And finally, I agreed to go on a date with him. And so our relationship with him began. Beautiful flowers, tons of compliments, gifts, so courted... And here he is calling me.

Hello, Asya, I’m calling to say that I have to go to Grozny.

I was silent.

Asya, I love you, I don’t want to lose you, do you hear?! Do you hear me?!

I was silent, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I know you couldn’t stand me, but...You were my only one, and again a ton of memories.

He said that he would never forget me, I hung up and cried all night... He didn’t know that I loved him. In two months we kissed only once... But I loved him! I loved him, more life.And then, three days later, I was leaving the hostel. It was cold, I was completely frozen, a car drove up to me, someone ran out of it, and, taking me in his arms, literally threw me into the back seat. I don’t really understand. I managed to see what happened - the door slammed, the car drove off somewhere very quickly. Having come to my senses a little, I started screaming and trying to break free, get out of there.

No. Now you’re only mine,” said a painfully familiar voice.

Alhuzur, are you? What does all this mean?!

I stole you, stupid. You will become mine.

I was in shock, I demanded that he let me out, but he didn’t want to listen, finally, he carried me out of the car in his arms, and, taking me to his apartment, laid me on the bed... I was afraid to even imagine that will happen to me now, but... Nothing happened. He sat down next to me and silently gave me an engagement ring.

But a Chechen can only marry a Chechen, I said, especially since your family...

I’ve already talked to my father. He’s against it, of course. But that doesn’t bother me. I’m an adult, and I have the right to decide who to be with and who not to be with. I love you. I want to marry you. I’ll get married. ..

I didn't say yes.

You didn’t say “no,” he smiled.

I told my parents that I was getting married, at the institute I went to correspondence courses, together with Alkhuzur, we went to Chechnya, to Grozny, where we had a wedding. Ten years have passed since then. I gave birth to two daughters, of course, Alkhuzur’s family was categorically against it, I said that Chechens are all savages, that they will beat me, etc., but in all the years I lived with him, he never once raised his hand to me, did not demand that I change my faith, they decided that the children themselves would choose, when they grow up, who to be... I knew what he was going to, I understood what he was doing. His father did not communicate with him for two years after the wedding, nor did his brothers. But we are together, and this is the main thing .He became my first love, and, I hope, for life...

16 years. Studying in 10th grade in Rostov. Every summer he comes to Ingushetia. Good girl Only fours and fives. She herself is very sweet and gentle, kind and friendly. From a wealthy family. She has elder sister Tanzila. There is a mother, Larisa, but no father, he died in a car accident. Amina also has heart problems. It often hurts her. This causes fainting, dizziness, and pain. Of course she is undergoing treatment, taking medications and all sorts of pills. Larisa is afraid that it may suddenly stop. But her older sister Tanzila and Amina assure her that everything will be fine.


19 years. She studies at the medical faculty in Rostov. She graduated from school with a gold medal. Keep it up. Very kind and sweet. They don't look alike at all with their sister. Amina is like dad, and Tanzila is like mom. They are very friendly, always help each other, never quarrel. They also help mom. Tanzila works part-time as a nanny in a kindergarten in Rostov. She loves little children very much. There is always enough time for both study and work.

38 years. The same kind, sweet and very affectionate mother. She runs her husband's business. She continues working. That's why they are so rich. We also have our own store in Ingushetia and Rostov, plus Tanzilina’s salary. Not very bad. Smart Larisa tries for her princesses, and they, in turn, for their beloved mother

Father of Tanzila and Amina, husband of Larisa... He was the best. He did everything for the sake of his beloved daughters and wife. Worked every day and every night. Then he started his own business, which his wife now takes care of. He also opened a store in Rostov, and his brother opened a store in Ingushetia and gave it to Larisa. Despite all these riches, the girls and Larisa feel very bad without their beloved daddy... They miss him. They cry almost every day.. He is in their hearts..

Summeroooo! Our ladies were preparing to leave for Ingushetia, their beloved Motherland. They went shopping in different shopping centers. We bought long ones beautiful dresses, sundresses, knee-length skirts, long T-shirts, T-shirts, sunglasses, flip flops, shoes (for Tanzila and Larisa), ballet shoes, various summer handbags and jewelry

Amina put on a long beige dress, denim ballerina, ballet shoes, jewelry, straightened her hair, made up her eyes.. Ugh.. Beauty
Tanzila, in turn, put on a green floor-length sundress, heels, makeup, jewelry... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
Mommy also didn’t lag behind, wearing a dark blue pencil skirt, a white T-shirt with all sorts of patterns, ballet shoes, jewelry, and makeup and that’s it! Irresistible! GorgeousJust the bomb
Our ladies took their purses, suitcases, registration of all business and flight
On the plane, the girls played music. Mom read either a newspaper or a book.
Finally these painful two hours have passed!!
-Ingushetia, meet us! - with these words our princesses RUNNED out of the plane
They were met by Larisa's brother, the girls' uncle.
31 year. A very proud, independent man. Always serious. Works.
Beslan and Larisa also have an older brother.
40 years. The man is pumped up! Ohhh. Married and has two sons. Serious, business lawyer. Very kind man. And beautiful. Good husband and father
Beslan and Ilez live in the same house. The house is divided by a large veranda. So, Beslan’s housing is shared with Ilez’s family. And great

Half an hour later they arrived at Larisa’s family’s house. She took out the keys and opened the huge front door. Home sweet home How they missed him)* Beslan helped them with their bags, said goodbye and went on business. The girls walked around the house, each carrying their bags into their rooms. Yes.. There has been no one in the house for two years.. Grandmother died.. Grandfather died, and Hassan too.. The house was large, two-story. For 9 months everything was dust. And it was necessary to tighten things up a little. Having changed into home dresses, the girls began to clean the first floor, and then the second. They swept the yard, tidied up the veranda and by evening everything was clean. The girls got hungry and decided to cook dinner

After eating and cleaning up after themselves, they went to their rooms to lay out their things. Then we fell asleep.

Morning* Tanzila woke up at 9 o'clock and prepared breakfast. Later Larisa and Amina woke up.

A-maa, we need to buy SIM cards.

Y-yes, by the way. I need internet.

L-I'll give you money, go to the market and buy it. For one thing, let them cut them off for us. And buy something to eat.

The little girls had dinner and breakfast with food from Rostov. They brought with them cucumbers, sausages (halal), sausages, and all sorts of buns.

Already in the afternoon, two sisters went to the market. We bought some goodies, normal food, and SIM cards.

T, A-We're home.

L-Girls, prepare a delicious lunch! The neighbors are coming to us.

These were the parents of our hero Murad.

20 years. He also studies in Rostov. That is, I studied. He was kicked out for being a hooligan. He’s also a womanizer. Larisa’s family knew them well, the girls knew these hooligans. Murad has two younger brothers.

17 years. Beautiful. Studying in Ingushetia. In 11th grade. Very good guy, but he often freaks out and swears... Well, it... happens.

13 years old. Such a kind sweetheart. The sweetest and nicest boy. Studying in Ingushetia in 7th grade. In their family, only Murad studied and lived in Postov. I also came to Ingushetia for the summer.

Lunch was ready. Guests arrived. Fatima and Suleiman. Murad's parents. Very good people and friends. Very cute couple.

L-As-Salamu Aleikum, come to the table.

F,S-Vaaleikum Salam.

Everyone sat down at the table. It was covered with our princesses. The dishes looked very appetizing. They ate, talked about everything in the world, about girls, about boys, about studying... They sat there for another 3 hours and left. They lived in a neighboring house.

The girls cleaned everything up and went into the hall.

L-Murad is a handsome guy..

Y-yeah, Amiina, how do you like him?

What do I have to do with it?

Y-don’t you like it? hahaha

A-normal.. You’d better not look at other boys, otherwise I’ll tell Abdul,” Amina said offended.

22 years old. Tanzila's boyfriend. They have been together for 2 years. They want to get married. He is very handsome and kind. Respects Larisa and adores Amina. He is with her as with a sister. They love to make fun of our Tanzika

They went to bed.. But Amina could not sleep. I took out my phone and went to classmates.

Message from Iznaur. She communicates with him like two goals with her brother. Previously, they were not very common.

And-My bro, you've already arrived!

A-yeah! I'm so glad!

I-I'm tode! Why aren't you sleeping at all?

A-I can’t sleep for some reason (and you?

A-what are you doing?

And yes, I’m just lying around) and you?

A-me too((so boring)

Shall we go for a walk tomorrow? I'll take Sabina with me too.

A-well, I’ll ask my mom tomorrow and we’ll see then)

And-okay, stump)) I'm going to bed)) Good night

A-ahah, log) calm down))

So they fell asleep))

6 years. The youngest in their family. Very lively, cheerful and the same hooligan as the brothers

In the morning Amina ran to her mother. A-Maaaam, can I go to the park with Iznaur and Sabina??

Hm-well, if not for long)

A-yeah, of course)

Amina ran to the room to choose an outfit, and then went into her classmates

A-I'm going for a walk!

Me too) let's go to the park in half an hour)

A-okay, stupid

Amina wore a dark blue knee-length skirt and a white T-shirt with a picture of shoes.

I-Oooh, Amina, As-Salamu Aleikum.

A-vaaleikum salaam, stupid) how are you doing?

So, okay, how are you?

A-not bad either..

So they started chatting.. Then they bought ice cream.. they walked around, ate, laughed) and welcomed Sabina. Murad was also in the park and watched them, he knew that they were just friends.

Two hours later they separated.

A-I'm home

Let's go have some tea!

They sat down to drink tea.

H-how is your Iznaurchik doing?

A-he's not mooo, maaa tell her

L- hahahaha shut up both) we know very well that she likes Murad ahhah

A-well maaaaaammmm

Y-okay, we're being funny

In short, we finished everything, cleaned up and went to our rooms)

Amina went to classmates and there was a message.

"Hi, how are you?" it was Murad.

Hmm..why did he write to her?

Hello. Thanks, everything is fine. How are you?

M-Norm. What are you doing?

Oh, nothing, I’m lying around) and you?

M-listening to music... by the way, I saw you in the park. She became so beautiful))

A-thank you))

M-and the figure is absolutely class

A-don’t talk about it) let’s change the topic)

M-I'll decide what we'll talk about.

A-mmm, well, well.

M-boring you.. doesn’t tell your future husband)


M-Because you are bored, and although with such and such a figurine he will have something to do hahahaha

A-whahaha, you're a fool. I'm offended.

M-phaha) take offense as much as you like.

Amina left the site without responding to the message.

"What's wrong with him? What a rude guy"

So the days passed. Larisa and the girls visited relatives. We walked through the parks. Dada went to pennies. A month passed like this. It was hot and very boring. One day Fatima came to visit and said that their nephew was having a wedding and that they were also expecting them) Larisa told all this to the girls. The wedding was supposed to be on July 12, that is, in 3 days. Dresses and everything else were bought in Rostov. They had something to wear

Our ladies were getting ready.

Amina put on a floor-length black dress. She painted her eyes beautifully. Curled my hair! Everything was amazing

Tanzila put it on more faithfully Brown knee length dress. Heels makeup and you're done)

Larisa put on a long sundress and jacket. Our princesses are ready. They got into a taxi and went to a big house. There

there were a lot of people. Everyone is so beautiful and fragile... Murad was there. Yes.. Our Amisha liked him a little, and he liked her too! But he didn’t show it.. And he didn’t quite feel it))

Amina joined some girls, they were all chatting)) then they ate and Amina went off to serve young guys))

So, take these cookies to the table where the boys are sitting)

Oh good)

Amina took the plate with cookies and headed to the table)) Murad was there too.. Her heart was already beating wildly.

“M-bring some tea,” Murad shouted in a nonchalant manner.

Amina felt offended and went to get some tea.

A-they ask for tea...

It will be ready now!

She took the tray and brought tea to Murad.

M-I want a lemon!

She brought a lemon.. All this time he looked at her lips and eyes.. “Uff what.. I wish I could kiss her right now.”

She brought him a lemon, and her mother immediately allowed her. It's time to go home)

They were already at home) tired)) it was already dark.. And they immediately went to bed..

So June has passed. Murad left for Rostov.. Another month later and the girls.

A- I'm soooo lazy to get up

D-don't yell, duuura! mother sleeps!


The girls quickly got dressed and left the apartment! No, they didn’t come out, they ran out!

Luckily none of them were late. The day went well... Amina slowly walked home. Then the car suddenly braked and Murad got out)


W-where are you going?

A-none of your business..

He turned her sharply towards him and said

M-believe me! That's my business. Where are you going I ask??

A-I'm going home! Home! Why are you bothering??

M-wanted and pestered) where are you coming from?

A-from school.. now leave me alone, please..

I-I like you.

A-very nice. Bye.

M-pfft.. chow. see you)

After that, he grinned and got into the car and drove away)

Amina quickly went home. I sat down at the computer, played and went to do my homework. Then I lay down and turned on music in my headphones.

That's how I fell asleep

In the morning she packed her bag and went to school. Everything went well, on the way home she met Murad again...

A-you again?

Is there something you're not happy with?

M-so what?

A-your presence!

M- I told you that I like you

A-I already said it was cute.

M-don’t act like a child) she’s an adult already)

A-pfft.. but I like it anyway

Mm-well, never mind.. we’ll re-educate))

A-Murad, I need to go home

M-go go..

And like this every day. The whole month of September went by like this. Murad did not lag behind our Aminochka. One day in October they met again


Hello, Murad)

M-I need to talk to you) let's go to that cafe)

Um...well, let's go.

They came to the cafe and sat down at the farthest table)

What did you want to talk about?

M-just don't interrupt me)

M-Amina, you and I have known each other for a long time, and so have our parents. I really liked you. Previously, of course, it infuriated me. But.. Now.. Now everything is different. You are very sweet and beautiful.. So kind. Compared to me. In general, Amina, let's talk seriously? Just.. Yes or No.

A-Murad.. I..

M-Amina! Just YES or NO. I don't want to hear anything else.

Amina looked at him for 10 seconds, and then, lowering her eyes, said: “Yes.”

Murad began to smile and glow.

M-You are my princess:* Now at least give me your phone number

A-write it down

They drank tea, ate cakes and

went home.

A-Tanziiiiil, Maaaam!

Y-we're in the kitchen, don't yell soooo

Amina went into the kitchen.

D-daughter, what happened?

A-I was in a cafe with Murad today..

A-I’m telling you... I was in a cafe with Murad

W-what were you doing there??

Well, let me tell you... In short... He offered to communicate seriously

Well, are you deaf?

M-So, Amina.. what about you?

A-and I... agreed, you don’t mind, do you?

M-no...but you need to be careful. You know what a womanizer he is...

A-Maam, everything will be fine. I went to do my homework.

Amin went into her room and started doing her homework.

Suddenly an SMS arrived:

M-What are you doing?

A-lessons, and you?)

I’m watching M-TV) what time do your classes end tomorrow?

14:15, what?

Shall we go for a walk after school?

A-come on)))

M-agreed))* my sunshine)*

This ended their SMS communication. At night she received an SMS saying “Good night, my princess”, to which she replied “Good night”..

In the morning Amina went to school, and after school she went for a walk with Murad. They walked, laughed, talked about everything in the world... It was so cute. And after two hours he walked her home.

Should I kiss you??


M-well in the neck


M-one time

Noooo, Muraaad.

Then he pulled her hand and sharply kissed her not on the cheek, but on the lips. She didn’t answer, so she pulled away and hit him on the shoulder..

A-are you an idiot?? I hate you, fool!

She ran home with these owls, and he stood and smiled contentedly.

Amina was very angry with him, but she didn’t show it to her mother and Tanshila.

She sat for a long time and listened to music.. She looked out the window and thought about Murad..

“Or maybe he’s playing with me?”..”Although no..or yes.” Her head was a mess. She was already confused.. After much thought, she sat down to do her homework.. And then fell asleep listening to music

The next day they made peace. And so everything went smoothly.. A month passed, two or three.. It was already a year.

Amina is already 17. Tanzila is 20. Murad is 21. Tanzila’s wedding is coming soon. Everyone was getting ready. It was already April. In another month and a half, Amina will have to take her exams.

Tanzila, Amina and Camilla walked around the village shops, looking for evening dresses and wedding.


17 years. A very nice girl. Friend of Tanzila and Amina. They've been friends for a very long time.

In general, Amina and Kami quickly found dresses for themselves. Amina found it dark blue dress knee-length with a denim cape, and Kami found a long red dress. An hour later they found and Wedding Dress! It was awesome!

After a lot of shopping, the girls went to a cafe. And then we went home. At home they showed their outfits to their mother, Camilla stayed with the girls for the night. Before going to bed, Amina spoke on the phone with Murad. He said that he would also be at the wedding because he knew Abdul well.

Wedding day

Tanzila put on all her makeup and did her hair. And then she noticed one girl... This was hers ex-girlfriend, Asya. They haven't seen each other for 4 years. They had a big fight over Abdul. He left Asya for Tanzila, but Tanzila herself did not know about it, she fell in love with him. Asya thought that Tanzila did this on purpose. Tanzila learned about this story only 3 years later. She cried for a long time and was very offended by Abdul. She screamed at him, beat him... But then she calmed down. And Asya still loves him..

Let's return to the wedding.. Tanzila looked at Asya with regret. She sat peacefully and watched what was happening. Everyone was so beautiful.. Tanzila had already put on her snow-white, fluffy dress and in an hour and a half they were supposed to come for our beauty. The photo shoot lasted half an hour. A little boy ran into the room. He had cherry juice in his hands. And then Tanzila took him in her arms to take a photo. And after two pictures with the baby, she felt something wet on her chest.. The girls ran up to her and what do you think it was?? Cherry juice! It spilled right onto the dress! Asya also noticed this. She suddenly got up and ran away. Tanzila sat down to cry and thought that it was Asya who set the child up to do this. But no... Half an hour later Asya came with a large box. From there she took out a DRESS OF UNREAL BEAUTY! It was great! 100 times better than that! Tanzila went up to Asa and hugged her tightly, she also hugged her friend.. They burst into tears and apologized to each other. Asya, in turn, wished them happiness..

Soon they came for Tanzila. She was taken away. Amina and Mom cried) And the other girls too.. They will miss her

Amina has already passed her exams. They are already going to Ingushetia: Amina and Larisa. One day Amina came out of the shower and suddenly she received a text message from Murad: “I don’t love you. We need to break up. Bye.” Amina was in shock. She started calling him, but the number was unavailable. She sat down to cry.. Mom was not at home, she went to the store to buy flip flops. When she arrived, Amina showed her the message.
L-well, I told you he’s a womanizer.
A-Ma, you know.. I fell in love with him..
N-nothing, my girl. You'll find a guy 100 times better...
The next day they went to the shopping center together. Amina was not in the mood. At all! I lost my appetite. She didn’t really want to go shopping, but her mother supported her, consoled her, and helped her with her choice.
L-Daughter, how do you like this black dress?
Oh well, nothing like that..
L-well, try it on.
Amina reluctantly took the dress and went to the fitting room. After 5 minutes she came out..
L-wow, wow
And what? Doesn't fit?
L-even very suitable, darling We'll take it
They took this dress, several sundresses, summer shoes etc..
This long-awaited day has come. Registration, plane..2 hours..Ingushetia
They arrived home by taxi. They were very hungry and Larisa sent Amina to buy food.
She took the money and left the house..
- Amina?
A man's voice was heard. It was another neighbor. Shamil. Always pissed off Amina.
Oh yeah
-How are you? when did you arrive?
A-just now..
-Welcome) By the way, Murad moved to another house with his family..
A-I somehow don’t care! Leave me alone.

She quickly went into the store, bought everything she needed and quickly went home. She was throwing bags in the kitchen and ran to her room.. Turning on her player, she cried and fell asleep..

"Why did he go... where? why? FOR WHAT? What was that all about? A game? Was he playing with me??" Amina asked herself these questions. June passed slowly. Amina and her mother went to see relatives.. And my wife Ileza and children came for a week.. Amina often went out with them for a walk. Many guys came up and got acquainted... But she turned me down. Well, that's right. She only loved Murad. She couldn't live without him... She became so attached to him!

July.. Hell. It was terrible. Amina was stolen by some idiot who just wanted to play around and have fun...

Amina was walking in the park and suddenly a large Jeep stopped, two healthy bulls ran up and threw her into the car.. She lost consciousness. I was very scared. Shock shock shoook. They took her somewhere very far away. Larisa was already worried, but a day later she received a message from the guy’s parents.

"Your daughter agreed to stay in our house. Don't wait for her."

L- Oh you little bitch! How could you even?? Why did she run away with this bastard?? For what??

Larisa immediately bought tickets to Rostov and flew away.

Amina cried every day.

Hello, honey*

A-Bastard! Let me go!!

Calm down. Your mother abandoned you. And she left for Rostov. Hahahaha

A-Idiot! I hate you)*

Ahahahaha oh don't make me laugh)

He left... And she opened the window and jumped... From the second floor. Of course, there were guards there, but she ran away carefully... She ran to nowhere... She was afraid that she would be caught. It started to rain and she got all wet, two hours later she ran to someone sitting down.. It was already dark.. And then her heart.. knock, knock, knock.. Amina fainted..

This was the village where Murad and the others moved. At this time Suleiman was returning home. As you remember, Murad's father. He saw a small body right in the middle of the road. Quickly running out of the cars, he took the girl in his arms and, looking at her face, whispered: “Amina..” Suleiman carefully put her in the car and took her home. As always, none of the boys were at home, only Suleiman’s sister, Bella, wife Fatima and daughter Sabina. They were in their rooms. Suleiman was in a little shock and all tired, so he took Amina to the first room he came across on the second floor... Murad's room. He put her in bed and covered her.. Then he left and went to Fatima.

S-Fatima! Come here!

S-Fatima.. In Murad’s room lies Amina.. Larisa’s daughter. I don’t know how she ended up in our village. You know that it was apparently stolen and Larisa abandoned it.. Oh, Allah.. I'm confused, what is this? What was that... Poor girl. So.. So, when she wakes up.. Give her something to wear.. She’s all wet, and so is Murad’s bed. and feed the girl..

After these words, he got up and left. Iznaur and Ismail came home. More precisely, we arrived by taxi, since it was raining. They were visiting a friend. It was already evening

21:35.. Murad was walking as always. Came home late. And Amina was still sleeping... She felt bad. After all, she has heart problems, and she was so scared... the girl was nervous... Fatima and Bella often came into the room to see how she was doing..

Everyone was sitting drinking tea. Without Murad and Amina, of course.

S-Amina is in our house. She needs peace and rest. We all know that she has heart problems. She is very cold and is now lying in Murad’s room.

Here Iznaur choked on his tea.

Suleiman continued - She needs help. We don't know exactly what really happened. Maybe she was driven away or she ran away. Well, we'll find out in the morning. Now go to sleep..

Suleiman went to his room.. He racked his brains for a long time, “What happened to her??”

Iznaur wanted to go to Murad's room, but Bella did not allow him.

B-no need, Iznaur.

E-Bella, I'll quickly...

B-no, you know Suleiman will be angry!

Uff, okay...

They all went to bed. 20 minutes later Murad arrived. He was in no hurry to sleep. I went out onto the veranda. There was a kitchen there. He opened the refrigerator, took out juice, cakes and let’s eat everything. Then he went into the hall, watched TV for about 30 minutes, and fell asleep in the hall. Well, thank God

His room is still occupied

It's morning. The sun was shining brightly. It was a little cool and a warm breeze was blowing. There was silence on the street. Everyone was sleeping. Very soon Fatima woke up. She prepared a delicious breakfast and then went to visit Amina. She slept peacefully, but had a fever. My forehead was just burning!

“Oh, poor thing,” Fatima sighed and left the bedroom. She was sitting on the veranda and watching something on TV. Everyone had already woken up, except Murad and Amina. The boys, father, Bella and Fatima sat down to have breakfast. Mmm, it was so delicious

Did anyone go to see Amina this morning?

F- I went. her forehead is just burning... the poor thing is cold((

S-when he wakes up, let him drink warm tea.

F-yes, good)

Where's Murad? He came home?

F-he fell asleep in the hall.

B-does he know that Amina is in his room?

F-well, probably)

While they were all eating, Murad woke up and went upstairs. Oh, now he will be delighted with our sleeping gift. He opened the door and tuuuut wide, opening his eyes, squealed like a girl, “Aaaaaa monsterrr” Phahaha, I’m kidding. He, of course, was shocked. Standing at the door, he looked at the soundly sleeping creature and yelled angrily: “So, I don’t understand, what is this stupid little thing doing in my bed??!!??”

Iznaur, choking on his tea, simply lost his mind, and Bella quietly whispered: “Oh, Mural woke up.” Suleiman quickly ran upstairs, thinking that Murad would drive her away. Yes, he can do that too.

S-Don’t touch her, O fiend of hell!

Hmmm, I don’t touch her, WHAT IS SHE DOING IN MY BED?? So stop.. Did she.. Pee herself? Why is the bed wet??

S-Idiot, she fell out in the rain yesterday! Go to the kitchen, don't wake the baby!

M-Ufff, what's going on here??

S-to the kitchen he said! You're going to spoil her now...

Murad left and went to the others.

M-No, did you see? This cow laid down on my MY bed!! And I peed myself too!!

Ahahaha, bro, it's sleeping beauty ahahaha

A-Are you stupid? This is a sleeping CREATURE. How did she even end up in our house??

Then Fatima intervened!

F-Calm down! Now Suleiman will come and tell you everything, Murad! Act normal! Not small!

Meanwhile, Suleiman was sitting next to Amina. She slowly opened her eyes...

S-Daughter, you woke up. Get up, you're in wet clothes...

Amina carefully stood up, and Suleiman called Fatima and Bella and said that they should clean her up and feed her. Then he went down to the boys. The girls, in turn, gave her clothes. Bellin. It was a long black sundress and a denim ballerina. Fatima braided her hair, and Bella applied a little makeup and powder to her eyes so that her bags and paleness would not be noticeable. . Meanwhile, Suleiman told Murad about yesterday. He was not very happy about this, because he left her without explaining anything. And the family, by the way, knew nothing about it. The girls went downstairs...

S-Amina, sit next to me.

She obediently sat down..

S-Tell me how you ended up in this village yesterday? Do you remember?

A-I don’t remember well, uncle.. But I got out of there.. And I’m very happy about it. I actually didn’t love him.. And I don’t even know WHO HE IS AND WHERE HE CAME FROM. And my mother... was lied to. And she abandoned me...

Amina began to cry. And Murad just didn’t CARE and do you know what he told her?!

M-Why did you write on my bed?!!

Here Iznaur, Ismaio and Sabina began to laugh like crazy, and Bella and Fatima held back their laughter, it wouldn’t be nice in front of Suleiman..

S-MURAD! What is this kindergarten?? The girl ran in the rain and I put her in your room! Now get out of here!

M-Yes, please. Iznaur, Oh, my servant, bring some cookies into my room.

M-Ahaha, Figuuushki.

Murad froze abruptly, he remembered how he asked Amina to kiss him, and she replied, “Fiiiigushki.”

Without saying anything, he went to his room. Bella followed him to change the bed linen.

B-Murad, why don’t you love this girl so much??

M-What do you want?

B-can you stop being rude to me? I'm your aunt!

M-Yes? Aunty, please get out of my bedroom.

Bella's eyes sparkled with tears. She quickly took the laundry and left the room, slamming the door. She ran to the bathroom, closed herself and started crying.. Of course she was offended.

By the way, about Bella.

24 years. The most younger sister Suleiman. Aunt of his sons and daughter. A very well-mannered girl, kind, beautiful, neat. I graduated from school with a gold medal. I studied to become a nurse. Now he works in one of the hospitals in Ingushetia. Not married, but a lot of fans. She is in no hurry to get married. Although I already put it on one eye

Having already calmed down, Bella went to Fatima and Amina. Iznaur went to his bedroom to play laptop. Ismail is outside with the boys, and Sabina is with the girls. Amina sat drinking tea. She didn’t want to eat at all, she lost her appetite. Temperature.. Throat hurt.

F-Can you at least eat something?

A-No, aunt..I don’t want to.

You need to finish your tea. He didn't even move from his spot!

Amina took one sip slowly.

F- So, you need to allocate a room. Bell, you need to clean one of the extra rooms. They had two rooms that no one lived in, and these rooms were dusty and a little messy. Bella happily got up and began her cleaning, she really loved cleaning! Smart girl

Within an hour the bedroom was ready. Our Bella removed all the dust, vacuumed, washed the floors, took out everything unnecessary, washed the cabinets, chests, cleaned the mirrors and laid out new linen. Everything was just great! The room is perfect! And Amina, having not finished drinking her tea, sat in the hall and watched TV. Suleiman went on business, Fatima was cleaning the kitchen. Amina tried to help, but Fatima ordered her to watch TV

Then Suleiman called Fatima and told Bella and Amina to go to the market and buy some clothes for the girl and all sorts of accessories. Fatima gave them money and they went to the market. Murad sat in his room and thought: “What is this little thing doing in my house?! Damn, stupid. She also ruined her favorite underwear.. Maybe she really wrote?? Although no.. Ahha, what a thought I have.. Damn "What should I do? Is her father really leaving her? Damn" And Amina walked around the market with Bella, they were choosing different skirts, T-shirts, house dresses. Bella told her various funny moments from her life. So she tried to console her so that she would not think about what happened to her. Soon they arrived. Only Fatima was at home. The rest are walking, and only Suleiman is at work. The girls sat down to drink tea..

What do you think, should I call my mom?

F-she is abroad.. She flew to Italy with Tanzila’s family.

Ahaha, nothing special)) let's play X-box?

A-come on))

They played and laughed, sometimes even throwing pillows at each other. Friends, so to speak. Then they played cards at will. The first time Amina lost, she had to play the role of Murad's wife. At the same time, Iznaur warned everyone at home about this so that they would not be surprised when Murad came and Amina would treat him like a husband. The second time Iznaur lost, he, in turn, had to go into the hall where Bella, Fatima and Sabina were sitting, and sing the song “Chunga-Changa” to them while dancing. So he did, everyone laughed heartily!

It was already half past five. Murad came home, Iznaur pushed Amina in the side, saying, go wifey, meet your husband Murad, went into the kitchen and started yelling, “Oh, people! Be so merciful to me, LET ME EAT.” Then Amina comes running and says:

W-what was that..?

Ahahahahaha Waaaaa Muraad I can't ahhahahaah

M-uh, ram, STOPING! Breathe through your nose! Come on baby, inhale and exhale. Tell me what happened??

A-ahhaha, in short, she played cards for me, saying that she will be like your wife WAAAAHHAHAHAHAHA

M-why are you laughing so hard? idiot.

And-nothing nothing.. Phew.

W-well, you are idiots. With these words he went to his room and went to bed. But Iznaur and Amina didn’t stop there either, they waited until Murad was fast asleep, and then they crawled (!!!) into his room and, taking feathers with them, began to tickle his feet. Then Amina quietly and carefully began to shave his corrected leg, and Iznaur painted his lips with bright red lipstick and blue shadows. Such a beautiful woman came out. Murad suddenly began to move, and out of fear, our little naughty girls ran out of the room, and then finally began to neigh.

Exactly 20 minutes later Suleiman arrived. He gave the package to Fatima; in the package there was an iPhone 5 box for Amina and a SIM card. Fatima told Bella to take this gift to Amina. She did just that, she was delighted and ran downstairs to Suleiman, hugged him and thanked him.

H-how are you feeling? has it gotten better?

A-yes, yes) much better))

I hope you're not bored here))

A-noooo)) you won’t get bored here

W-well okay) you can go back))

Amina quickly went up to Iznaur and together they began tinkering with the iPhone. We immediately connected to the Internet, surfed everywhere, and then went completely separate ways. It's time to sleep... Somewhere in

00:40 our Man woke up. He wanted to drink water, so he went downstairs, took a glass, poured it, drank it and saw red marks on the glass. “What is this? Blood?” got our rude guy. He ran his finger over his lip and realized it was lipstick. He quickly rushed into the bath and saw Cinderella in the reflection

Damn beautiful.

He washed away all this beauty. And he decided to take revenge on our soldiers. First he proceeded to Amiiiiiiine!!! I took the scissors. I cut off a little hair and made it into a mustache, gluing it over upper lip with tape. Then he made a UNOBROW for her with a black marker.. After which he went downstairs, took two jars of jam, poured it all into a small basin, added a little water and placed it near Amina’s bed, so that when she got up, she would step in this basin. Then he brought honey... and... he smeared it on her hair, a teaspoon at a time. Trying not to laugh, he went to IZNAUUUR's bedroom. he shaved BOTH of his legs. I did a great manicure! I painted my lips not with lipstick, but with purple paint! Even an idiot? Then I made arrows for him with a red felt-tip pen and orange painted on the shadows. A little blush and Freedom! Bombita directly With a satisfied look, Murad went to bed.

“The campaign stepped where it shouldn’t,” thought Murad and began to laugh a little. Everyone else, frightened, ran into her room and when they saw Amina’s face, Suleiman, Fatiima, Bella and the children simply laughed, and then Murad came running, laughing at the top of his lungs. Iznaur woke up to all this noise. He comes into Amina’s bedroom and says, “What’s going on?” and as soon as they looked at him, they started laughing wildly! He also neighed at the sight of Amina, and Amina at the sight of Iznaur!

S-phew.. Everyone.. shut up everyone.. what does this all mean?

Only Murad could not stop.

M-it was me ahhahaha I did it all ahahah I took revenge on them Woohahahahaha

Oh, what a fool you are!

I-you idiot, I didn’t shave your legs at all, BUT YOU SHAVED BOTH OF ME!

W-what?!? did you shave my leg??

He immediately began to feel his legs and realized that there was no hair on his right leg... this jam??? Is this my jam?? MURAAAAD

Hm-yes, ma, don’t be so angry... you know, this jam is said to be very moisturizing for the skin of the feet. And then at night I walked past this crazy woman’s room and saw how dry her skin was. Ugh right. So I decided to fix it! Down with dry skin! With these words, he quickly ran out of the room. Everyone sat in shock. After that, Bella and Fatima helped Amina with honey on her head and jam on her feet. Iznaur went to wash everything off himself. And Murad sat contentedly, eating a pancake and watching TV. Suleiman also went to eat.

S-Murad, try not to offend her anymore. It’s already difficult for her. There’s no father.. Her mother abandoned her.. Plus you’re bringing her down, and she’s small and her heart is small and sick.. Do you understand me? She shouldn't be nervous, she shouldn't be scared.

I understand, I understand.

The children and Iznaur came to the table. He looked angrily at Murad, and then in turn began to make faces. Then the girls came. Everyone sat and ate. Suleiman left for work. The children went to play, Murad to his place, Iznaur to his place, the girls stayed to clean the kitchen.

B-what did you do to him that made him take sooo much revenge on you?

A-hihi, I shaved him off right leg, and Iznaur painted his face))

Is that why you laughed so much yesterday when he was sleeping??

A-ahhaa, yesss))

After cleaning, the girls went into the hall to watch TV.

A strange love story.“...I liked her soul,” notes N. after several days of meeting Asya. But this sympathy is not unconditional. N. finds it difficult to get used to the endless metamorphoses of the girl’s behavior. Sometimes he is indignant - “what kind of childish prank?”, sometimes he calls a new acquaintance “a capricious girl with a forced laugh.” And this is not just the irritation of an adult observing the whim of a child. Outwardly free, Mr. N. was accustomed to obeying the laws of the world. Like the “prim Englishmen” he met on a walk, who “as if on command, followed Asya with cold amazement with their glass eyes...”, he is shocked by the girl’s too free behavior.

Asya has to take the first step herself. She, like Tatyana, sends young man a note inviting you to a date. Pushkin had to defend his heroine:

Why is Tatyana more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity She knows no deception And believes in her chosen dream? Is it because she loves without art, Obedient to the attraction of feeling, That she is so trusting, That she is gifted from heaven with a rebellious Imagination, A living mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart?

These lines, written about Tatyana, characterize Asya as well as possible.

Two men, a brother and a lover, stop in confusion before a “fiery and tender heart.” They may be superior to Asya in “prudence,” but they are immeasurably inferior in vitality and uncompromisingness. Gagin laments in the tone of an old nanny: “...She’s crazy and will drive me crazy.” Mr. N. “sat down and thought” after receiving the note. His confusion is reinforced by Gagin’s direct, sincere question: “Maybe... who knows? “Do you like my sister?” “Yes, I like her,” N finally answers. But something in the tone of his voice makes Gagin say with conviction: “But we’re leaving tomorrow, after all, because you won’t marry Asa.” And he repeats with confidence: “Don’t get married.”

Turgenev inserts a symbolic episode into the plot development of the story. N. decided to wait for the time of the meeting in a small tavern. “A pretty maid with tear-stained eyes brought me a mug of beer; I looked into her face... “Yes, yes,” said a fat and red-cheeked citizen who was sitting right there, “Our Gankhen is very upset today: her fiancé has become a soldier.” She pressed herself into the corner and rested her cheek on her hand; tears dripped one after another down her fingers..."

Gankhen... This is an affectionately diminutive form of the name “Anna” in German, like Asya in Russian. Thus, a double of the girl in love appears before us. But what can misfortune bring to Asya? There are no objective reasons, like the unfortunate German maid who is forced to come to terms with the fact that her fiancé is being recruited as a soldier. Asya and N. are both free, there are no external obstacles. Gagin himself offered his sister’s hand to his friend.

As if sensing silent condemnation, Asya moves the date to a more “decent” place, to the house of the old German woman Louise. We remember that the poetic vision of a young girl in an old woman’s house gave the writer the first impetus for the story. “The wrinkled face of the burgomaster’s widow” with a “sweetly sly smile” and “dull eyes” resembles a witch who is hiding a young princess behind bars. The hero must break the evil spell and free his beloved. He finds Asya hiding in the upper room. Her pose evokes a poetic comparison with a frightened bird. Direct feeling is best expressed in a glance. Now N. focuses on her eyes: “Oh, the look of a woman who has fallen in love - who can describe you? They begged, these eyes, they trusted, questioned, surrendered... I could not resist their charm.”

The impulse of immediate response did not last long. Like Onegin, the young man begins to read instructions to her. Asya has to justify herself in a “frightened whisper.” “The thought that now everything was lost, everything, everything that Gagin knows about our date, that everything was distorted, discovered - it was ringing in my head,” this is how N. explains his condition. He clearly forgot that he himself considered it necessary to tell her brother about the fateful note with the invitation.

The meeting also reveals the difference between the two heroines, Pushkin’s and Turgenev’s. Like Tatyana Larina, Asya “became ashamed and scared” every minute. Subsequently, Tatiana the Princess’s “blood runs cold / As soon as I remember the cold look / And this sermon...” And yet “through tears, seeing nothing / Barely breathing, without objection, / Tatiana listened to him ( Onegin)". “So humbly / I listened to your lesson...” she reminds Evgeniy. On the contrary, Asya cannot endure such humiliation for even a minute. As soon as she realized that her love was rejected, Turgenev’s heroine quickly runs away. Disappears - to the great surprise of the simple-minded German woman, who did not expect (like us, by the way) such a development of events. The “Witch” suddenly turns into a kind-hearted, confused old woman.

Well, is the hero a “knight”? In fact, what motivated Mr. N.? Does N. seriously share secular prejudices regarding the girl’s “illegal” origin? And Turgenev descends into the very depths of his soul. There is rarely one reason for human actions. We are driven by a complex, contradictory tangle of high and low impulses. Perhaps the hero’s behavior was influenced by the already noted fear of the strength of Asya’s character. “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her temperament, how is that possible!” - N. thought, just getting ready to go on a date.

He was partly embarrassed by the intrusion of a stranger into the maturing world of love. Gagin's attempts, albeit delicate, to become a mediator between his friend and sister. To achieve a categorical answer in the sphere of feelings means to touch upon the elusive movements of the heart. The writer never allowed himself this, even on the pages of a novel, when communicating with fictional characters.

Turgenev the heart specialist goes further. He reports that love, like everything else in the world, also has an age. The young man’s feeling is somewhat “younger”; it is delayed in comparison with the decisive rhythm of Asya’s love. Not for long - just a few hours. But this is enough for a fatal outcome. “When I met her in that fateful room,” N. explains, “I still did not have a clear consciousness of my love.” The hero tries to comprehend the bizarre logic of the development of the feeling: “It flared up with uncontrollable force only a few moments later, when, frightened by the possibility of misfortune, I began to look for and call her... but then it was too late.”

As if taking pity, fate gives Mr. N. one last chance. Having set out with his brother on a search, he did not find the girl. I just caught a glimpse of a figure flashing by the cross (You can imagine with what fervor Asya prayed there, remembering the “cross” over her mother’s grave!). Upon returning, N. finds out that Asya came home late at night. She is here, in this house. But the power of decency again dominates him: “I wanted to tell Gagin then that I was asking for his sister’s hand. But such matchmaking at such a time. “See you tomorrow,” I thought...” The matured hero accompanies these words with a bitter comment: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment.”

The next day N. finds out that Asya and her brother have left. In Asya's farewell note, the hero finds confirmation of his guesses. Only he is to blame for the inglorious end of their relationship: “Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you had said one word to me, just one word, I would have stayed. You didn’t say it...” “Apparently, it’s better this way. Goodbye forever!" - the innocent and bitterly offended girl ends her letter. In her humility there is great strength of spirit.

We are responsible for those we have tamed.
A. de Saint-Exupéry

The action of the story "Asya" takes place in the 19th century in Germany. Its main characters are N.N. and Asya, and the story is their love story.
Mr. N.N., a rich young man, meets his compatriot Gagin and his sister Asya. He liked Asya immediately. He saw something special and attractive in her. Arriving at Asya’s home, N.N. got to know her better. The young man understands that this girl is not like everyone else, not a coquette. At first Asya was afraid of the stranger, but soon she started talking to him.
Returning home, N.N. was filled with pleasant feelings and considered himself happy. He realized that he loved Asya. And Asya fell in love with him just as much.
All this time, N.N. suspected that Asya was not Gagin’s sister. Asya's overheard conversation with Gagin, in which the girl confessed her love for N.N., seemed to dispel his doubts. N.N. thought that he could not love Asya, and also thought that the Gagins were deliberately lying to him. And he decided to retire, to get away from all this and spent three days in the mountains. Having returned, he meets Gagin again, and he tells N.N. Asya’s story. This story explains the girl's strange behavior. N.N. goes to Asya and spends the whole day with her. This day was the happiest in his life. He felt in love.
A few days later, Asya made an appointment with N.N. She hoped that he would confess his love to her, but N.N. began to reproach Asya for telling her brother everything. The girl decided that he did not love her. One word could have made Asya and N.N. happy. But it was not spoken. Asya left with Gagin, N.N. looked for her for a long time, but never found her.
Having already grown old, remaining alone, having never met true love, N.N., as the most precious thing, keeps the geranium flower thrown to him by Asya. The story of Asya and N.N. is a warning to us, the young: after all, indeed, “happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.” Therefore, you need to appreciate and cherish love and loved ones, understanding them and forgiving them their little whims.

– Don’t argue with me, everything will be top class!

Dora finally showed me the script, tasteless like herself. Some gypsies, a Moscow punk band, Opera singer, published in circulation, TV news presenter as a toastmaster and two hundred people invited.

I haven’t mentioned the final amount of this bedlam to Igor yet, although, most likely, he will pay all the expenses without even checking the estimate.

Igor is my fiance, and the event that will be the first in Dora’s career is my wedding.

“Okay,” I say, looking at the ironed edges of Dora’s bob, “let’s say.” But where did the list of two hundred people come from? Until yesterday, there were twenty-five on my side, and barely a dozen on his. Dora, who are the other people? Are these some of your guests?

– These are the people you need! Do not you understand?! You must blow up the city!

“We’re not terrorists, honey.” And what are all these " necessary people“If after the wedding we set sail from here, have you forgotten?

- Even more so, dear, even more so! Everyone needs to remember it forever! Leaving the stage, so to speak, gracefully!

Leaving the stage is not yet in my plans, and besides, I can’t stand this expression.

Dora twists her mouth and flashes her aquamarine lenses. I once loved her as few people remember her: an angular C student with a thin ponytail at the back of her head, who was afraid to blurt out something stupid and therefore smiled constantly, like Mona Lisa in her adolescence. Now “talking nonsense” has become Dora’s profession, and the smile is firmly glued to her snow-white, polished face, but for different reasons: Dora is not ashamed to show her new teeth.

I stopped respecting Dora a long time ago and only tolerate her because I don’t get along well with people. Dora is the only one who doesn’t demand anything from me, calmly reacting to all my attacks of misanthropy, self-criticism and delusions of grandeur. By and large, now we don’t care about each other, which makes our relationship stable, and at times even pleasant.

I take the list and cross off thirteen names that mean nothing to me, jumping over one. After thinking, I remove ten more that are hard to read. Dora widens her eyes and tries to explain to me that I’m doing something stupid, because “The Kuksinskys are those who have a beauty salon, Yudin PePe is a friend of our mayor, Katenka Klimova is his mistress, and Drobot, well, Drobot, well, that’s !...You can’t help but remember him, he’s such a huge bandit!”

I pinch Dora’s hand, she groans and wails:

“I’m crazy, I’ll still have a bruise, and my dress is sleeveless.” Abnormal, sadistic!

– Cross out up to a hundred people without talking, understand? And look for another room, I can’t stomach this toilet.

In our city they call a “toilet” a narrow and long banqueting hall, built on the site of a public restroom.

At this moment, my cell phone buzzes with a text message. Igor is waiting for me downstairs at Dora’s entrance. I take the estimate, stained along the edges with pink varnish, and run down the stairs to the street.

Igor without a car. This is very strange, because he does not part with his jeep.

He's in a place unfamiliar to me leather jacket with a collar of smooth gray fur, in skinny jeans, tucked into black short boots. Burnt hair falls on the forehead, eyes are cunning and contented.

- How do I like you, kitten? Suddenly?

He hugs me around the waist, pulls me towards him, slides his lips along my neck.

I pull away:

- Stop it, I'm ticklish. Where's the car?

Igor doesn’t even think of being offended, taking my hand.

– I drove the car to the station. Let them put it in order before the event. In the meantime, my old friend is driving us around, he and I once did all sorts of nonsense. Yes, I want us to take a walk, what’s the weather like, my love, look... “Autumn time, the charm of my eyes, yours is beautiful to me...”

No, not that, no need for poetry! I wince, covering his mouth with my hand, he bites my fingers and pulls me towards him again:

- I do not like? And I’m trying so hard!... Soon, soon, Mashulya, soon you and I will no longer be here. And where there is the sea and people in white pants.

- Listen, Igor. Then Dora slipped me an estimate of unaccounted expenses, please take it.

- “Oh, women, your name is treachery!” I’m telling her about autumn, she says shut up, I’m talking about the sea and she’ll sweep away. Well, okay, what's there? Let's.

As I expected, the amount leaves Igor unperturbed. He casually folds the paper and hides it in his inner pocket. We wander along the sloping street down to the embankment. Three days until the wedding. I already see a rickety gazebo by the river, and I pull Igor to the side, because...

The story contained an episode from the life of an old man. He has long lost contact with his family because of his loving nature, and now he can only talk about his past and complain about his life to a social security worker who visits him twice a week. A compassionate woman promises the old man to find out something about his relatives and quickly finds his daughter and grandchildren, expecting that this news will please her ward. But the old man angrily kicks out his assistant, and then complains about her to his superiors, accusing her of an invented sin - the theft of his pension. At night the old man dies.

I remember the story captivated me. I read without feeling pain in my frozen fingers. Vit sat quietly next to him, squinting, looking at the rattling tram on the bridge. And only when I turned over the last sheet did he ask:

– Do you think I should stop writing?

I raised my eyes to him - there was not a shadow of uncertainty in them. Calm and dark, like water in the cracks of March ice.

– What are you saying, Vit!...You write amazingly. Reading you is... - I couldn’t find the words, something I’ve always had difficulty doing, - it’s like a movie with your favorite actor, when two hours fly by like one moment.

- Thank you, Masha. Let’s go, it’s cold,” he picked up my fallen mittens and handed them to me. I barely pulled them onto my reddened fingers. On the way home we were silent. I dreamed that Vit would take me by the hand and pull me up the hill with him, my boots slipped terribly on the thawed ground. But he walked alongside, walking heavily with his wide boots, thinking about something of his own.

That year we saw each other often, usually in groups, at someone’s birthday, at a graduation party, at the theater, and sometimes at concerts of visiting rock bands. He left the school where he taught history and did odd jobs.

I once read his story, published in a poorly published local almanac, and still fell into another dimension, although his heroes were ordinary people with simple destinies. I dialed his phone number and waited a long time for the call to be answered at the other end. Vit was sleeping and answered me indifferently in a hoarse voice. But when I began to talk confusingly about how much I liked his story, he gradually woke up and invited me to his place.

Six months flew by for me like in a dream. We walked and went to nature together. Sometimes I lived with Vita and read what he wrote. It seemed to me that he was doing better and better. Everyone noted that Vit had changed, became more cheerful and simpler. My friends found me very happy; I let them read his stories, although not everyone liked them.

But no other magazine ever published it. Vit often became gloomy and retreated into himself, as before. These days I returned home thinking that I was disturbing him.

Once, when I had already been living at home for a week, I came late in the evening with new job(I got a job in a company producing wardrobes that were becoming fashionable), he called me and announced that he was leaving for Moscow to visit a friend.

- When? – I noticed that I was shaking slightly, although the room was warm.

­ Love story

Many works were written by the magnificent Russian classic I. S. Turgenev and many of them were devoted to the theme of love. One of the most popular books on library shelves for many years has been the story “Asya” about a girl who was ready to sacrifice everything she had for the sake of love. This love story, unfortunately, does not have a happy ending. Love in the story played a wayward, cruel joke on the main characters, but they are also to some extent to blame for the fact that the relationship did not work out, in particular main character story - Mr. N.N.

Once, while traveling around Germany, in a quiet town on the banks of the Rhine, he met two Russians who immediately took a liking to them. The young man introduced himself as Gagin. He was a successful artist. And the girl whom Gagin introduced as his sister was called Asya. N.N. quickly became friends with them and became a frequent guest in their house. At first Asya avoided the guest, but then she began to communicate with him more and more. As N.N. himself noted, she was always different. One day she could seem like a mischievous, eccentric child, another day - a serious young lady. He had no idea why such changes were happening in her.

In fact, Asya's behavior was associated with her dual origin. He and Gagin had one father. He was a rich and respected nobleman. And Asya’s mother was a modest maid. Since her parents died and she was in the care of Gagin, it was difficult for her to get used to the society of a different way of life. In any case, she got used to the presence of Mr. N.N. and even chatted with him cheerfully. One day Gagin arrived and told a friend that his sister was not feeling well, was refusing food and was running a fever. She admitted to her brother that she was in love with their new friend and would like to connect her life with him. Gagin, believing that N.N. did not have any serious intentions, recommended that his friend honestly explain the whole situation to Asya.

The fate of the young lovers was decided on the day of their only frank conversation. During the date, Asya found herself in the arms of N.N. and did not regret her “first step” at all, but he began to reproach her for telling her everything to her brother, thus making their personal happiness impossible. Asya escaped from her lover’s arms and ran away. In vain he tried all day to find her in the city, and only calmed down in the evening, noticing the light in her window. From that day on, he firmly decided that he wanted to marry Asa and would formally propose to her. The next morning, when he came to his friends, they were no longer in the house, and the maid said that the owners had left.

The only explanation was the note Asya left, which said that if N.N. had said at least one word, she would have stayed. Gagin also left a note to a friend in which he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. This is how the love story of the heroes of Turgenev’s story ended, almost without beginning. The only shame was that years later N.N. realized that he would never meet such an extraordinary girl as Asya again. She remained in his soul the only love for the rest of his life.

16 years. Studying in 10th grade in Rostov. Every summer he comes to Ingushetia. Good girl Only fours and fives. She herself is very sweet and gentle, kind and friendly. From a wealthy family. She has an older sister, Tanzila. There is a mother, Larisa, but no father, he died in a car accident. Amina also has heart problems. It often hurts her. This causes fainting, dizziness, and pain. Of course she is undergoing treatment, taking medications and all sorts of pills. Larisa is afraid that it may suddenly stop. But her older sister Tanzila and Amina assure her that everything will be fine.


19 years. She studies at the medical faculty in Rostov. She graduated from school with a gold medal. Keep it up. Very kind and sweet. They don't look alike at all with their sister. Amina is like dad, and Tanzila is like mom. They are very friendly, always help each other, never quarrel. They also help mom. Tanzila works part-time as a nanny in a kindergarten in Rostov. She loves little children very much. There is always enough time for both study and work.

38 years. The same kind, sweet and very affectionate mother. She runs her husband's business. She continues working. That's why they are so rich. We also have our own store in Ingushetia and Rostov, plus Tanzilina’s salary. Not very bad. Smart Larisa tries for her princesses, and they, in turn, for their beloved mother

Father of Tanzila and Amina, husband of Larisa... He was the best. He did everything for the sake of his beloved daughters and wife. Worked every day and every night. Then he started his own business, which his wife now takes care of. He also opened a store in Rostov, and his brother opened a store in Ingushetia and gave it to Larisa. Despite all these riches, the girls and Larisa feel very bad without their beloved daddy... They miss him. They cry almost every day.. He is in their hearts..

Summeroooo! Our ladies were preparing to leave for Ingushetia, their beloved Motherland. They went shopping in different shopping centers. We bought long beautiful dresses, sundresses, knee-length skirts, long T-shirts, T-shirts, sunglasses, flip flops, shoes (for Tanzila and Larisa), ballet shoes, various summer handbags and jewelry

Amina put on a long beige dress, denim ballerina, ballet shoes, jewelry, straightened her hair, made up her eyes.. Ugh.. Beauty
Tanzila, in turn, put on a green floor-length sundress, heels, makeup, jewelry... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
Mommy also didn’t lag behind, wearing a dark blue pencil skirt, a white T-shirt with all sorts of patterns, ballet shoes, jewelry, and makeup and that’s it! Irresistible! GorgeousJust the bomb
Our ladies took their purses, suitcases, registration of all business and flight
On the plane, the girls played music. Mom read either a newspaper or a book.
Finally these painful two hours have passed!!
-Ingushetia, meet us! - with these words our princesses RUNNED out of the plane
They were met by Larisa's brother, the girls' uncle.
31 year. A very proud, independent man. Always serious. Works.
Beslan and Larisa also have an older brother.
40 years. The man is pumped up! Ohhh. Married and has two sons. Serious, business lawyer. A very kind man. And beautiful. Good husband and father
Beslan and Ilez live in the same house. The house is divided by a large veranda. So, Beslan’s housing is shared with Ilez’s family. And great

Half an hour later they arrived at Larisa’s family’s house. She took out the keys and opened the huge front door. Home sweet home How they missed him)* Beslan helped them with their bags, said goodbye and went on business. The girls walked around the house, each carrying their bags into their rooms. Yes.. There has been no one in the house for two years.. Grandmother died.. Grandfather died, and Hassan too.. The house was large, two-story. For 9 months everything was dust. And it was necessary to tighten things up a little. Having changed into home dresses, the girls began to clean the first floor, and then the second. They swept the yard, tidied up the veranda and by evening everything was clean. The girls got hungry and decided to cook dinner

After eating and cleaning up after themselves, they went to their rooms to lay out their things. Then we fell asleep.

Morning* Tanzila woke up at 9 o'clock and prepared breakfast. Later Larisa and Amina woke up.

A-maa, we need to buy SIM cards.

Y-yes, by the way. I need internet.

L-I'll give you money, go to the market and buy it. For one thing, let them cut them off for us. And buy something to eat.

The little girls had dinner and breakfast with food from Rostov. They brought with them cucumbers, sausages (halal), sausages, and all sorts of buns.

Already in the afternoon, two sisters went to the market. We bought some goodies, normal food, and SIM cards.

T, A-We're home.

L-Girls, prepare a delicious lunch! The neighbors are coming to us.

These were the parents of our hero Murad.

20 years. He also studies in Rostov. That is, I studied. He was kicked out for being a hooligan. He’s also a womanizer. Larisa’s family knew them well, the girls knew these hooligans. Murad has two younger brothers.

17 years. Beautiful. Studying in Ingushetia. In 11th grade. A very good guy, but he often freaks out and swears... Well, what... happens.

13 years old. Such a kind sweetheart. The sweetest and nicest boy. Studying in Ingushetia in 7th grade. In their family, only Murad studied and lived in Postov. I also came to Ingushetia for the summer.

Lunch was ready. Guests arrived. Fatima and Suleiman. Murad's parents. Very good people and friends. Very cute couple.

L-As-Salamu Aleikum, come to the table.

F,S-Vaaleikum Salam.

Everyone sat down at the table. It was covered with our princesses. The dishes looked very appetizing. They ate, talked about everything in the world, about girls, about boys, about studying... They sat there for another 3 hours and left. They lived in a neighboring house.

The girls cleaned everything up and went into the hall.

L-Murad is a handsome guy..

Y-yeah, Amiina, how do you like him?

What do I have to do with it?

Y-don’t you like it? hahaha

A-normal.. You’d better not look at other boys, otherwise I’ll tell Abdul,” Amina said offended.

22 years old. Tanzila's boyfriend. They have been together for 2 years. They want to get married. He is very handsome and kind. Respects Larisa and adores Amina. He is with her as with a sister. They love to make fun of our Tanzika

They went to bed.. But Amina could not sleep. I took out my phone and went to classmates.

Message from Iznaur. She communicates with him like two goals with her brother. Previously, they were not very common.

And-My bro, you've already arrived!

A-yeah! I'm so glad!

I-I'm tode! Why aren't you sleeping at all?

A-I can’t sleep for some reason (and you?

A-what are you doing?

And yes, I’m just lying around) and you?

A-me too((so boring)

Shall we go for a walk tomorrow? I'll take Sabina with me too.

A-well, I’ll ask my mom tomorrow and we’ll see then)

And-okay, stump)) I'm going to bed)) Good night

A-ahah, log) calm down))

So they fell asleep))

6 years. The youngest in their family. Very lively, cheerful and the same hooligan as the brothers

In the morning Amina ran to her mother. A-Maaaam, can I go to the park with Iznaur and Sabina??

Hm-well, if not for long)

A-yeah, of course)

Amina ran to the room to choose an outfit, and then went into her classmates

A-I'm going for a walk!

Me too) let's go to the park in half an hour)

A-okay, stupid

Amina wore a dark blue knee-length skirt and a white T-shirt with a picture of shoes.

I-Oooh, Amina, As-Salamu Aleikum.

A-vaaleikum salaam, stupid) how are you doing?

So, okay, how are you?

A-not bad either..

So they started chatting.. Then they bought ice cream.. they walked around, ate, laughed) and welcomed Sabina. Murad was also in the park and watched them, he knew that they were just friends.

Two hours later they separated.

A-I'm home

Let's go have some tea!

They sat down to drink tea.

H-how is your Iznaurchik doing?

A-he's not mooo, maaa tell her

L- hahahaha shut up both) we know very well that she likes Murad ahhah

A-well maaaaaammmm

Y-okay, we're being funny

In short, we finished everything, cleaned up and went to our rooms)

Amina went to classmates and there was a message.

"Hi, how are you?" it was Murad.

Hmm..why did he write to her?

Hello. Thanks, everything is fine. How are you?

M-Norm. What are you doing?

Oh, nothing, I’m lying around) and you?

M-listening to music... by the way, I saw you in the park. She became so beautiful))

A-thank you))

M-and the figure is absolutely class

A-don’t talk about it) let’s change the topic)

M-I'll decide what we'll talk about.

A-mmm, well, well.

M-boring you.. doesn’t tell your future husband)


M-Because you are bored, and although with such and such a figurine he will have something to do hahahaha

A-whahaha, you're a fool. I'm offended.

M-phaha) take offense as much as you like.

Amina left the site without responding to the message.

"What's wrong with him? What a rude guy"

So the days passed. Larisa and the girls visited relatives. We walked through the parks. Dada went to pennies. A month passed like this. It was hot and very boring. One day Fatima came to visit and said that their nephew was having a wedding and that they were also expecting them) Larisa told all this to the girls. The wedding was supposed to be on July 12, that is, in 3 days. Dresses and everything else were bought in Rostov. They had something to wear

Our ladies were getting ready.

Amina put on a floor-length black dress. She painted her eyes beautifully. Curled my hair! Everything was amazing

Tanzila wore a brown knee-length dress. Heels makeup and you're done)

Larisa put on a long sundress and jacket. Our princesses are ready. They got into a taxi and went to a big house. There

there were a lot of people. Everyone is so beautiful and fragile... Murad was there. Yes.. Our Amisha liked him a little, and he liked her too! But he didn’t show it.. And he didn’t quite feel it))

Amina joined some girls, they were all chatting)) then they ate and Amina went off to serve young guys))

So, take these cookies to the table where the boys are sitting)

Oh good)

Amina took the plate with cookies and headed to the table)) Murad was there too.. Her heart was already beating wildly.

“M-bring some tea,” Murad shouted in a nonchalant manner.

Amina felt offended and went to get some tea.

A-they ask for tea...

It will be ready now!

She took the tray and brought tea to Murad.

M-I want a lemon!

She brought a lemon.. All this time he looked at her lips and eyes.. “Uff what.. I wish I could kiss her right now.”

She brought him a lemon, and her mother immediately allowed her. It's time to go home)

They were already at home) tired)) it was already dark.. And they immediately went to bed..

So June has passed. Murad left for Rostov.. Another month later and the girls.

A- I'm soooo lazy to get up

D-don't yell, duuura! mother sleeps!


The girls quickly got dressed and left the apartment! No, they didn’t come out, they ran out!

Luckily none of them were late. The day went well... Amina slowly walked home. Then the car suddenly braked and Murad got out)


W-where are you going?

A-none of your business..

He turned her sharply towards him and said

M-believe me! That's my business. Where are you going I ask??

A-I'm going home! Home! Why are you bothering??

M-wanted and pestered) where are you coming from?

A-from school.. now leave me alone, please..

I-I like you.

A-very nice. Bye.

M-pfft.. chow. see you)

After that, he grinned and got into the car and drove away)

Amina quickly went home. I sat down at the computer, played and went to do my homework. Then I lay down and turned on music in my headphones.

That's how I fell asleep

In the morning she packed her bag and went to school. Everything went well, on the way home she met Murad again...

A-you again?

Is there something you're not happy with?

M-so what?

A-your presence!

M- I told you that I like you

A-I already said it was cute.

M-don’t act like a child) she’s an adult already)

A-pfft.. but I like it anyway

Mm-well, never mind.. we’ll re-educate))

A-Murad, I need to go home

M-go go..

And like this every day. The whole month of September went by like this. Murad did not lag behind our Aminochka. One day in October they met again


Hello, Murad)

M-I need to talk to you) let's go to that cafe)

Um...well, let's go.

They came to the cafe and sat down at the farthest table)

What did you want to talk about?

M-just don't interrupt me)

M-Amina, you and I have known each other for a long time, and so have our parents. I really liked you. Previously, of course, it infuriated me. But.. Now.. Now everything is different. You are very sweet and beautiful.. So kind. Compared to me. In general, Amina, let's talk seriously? Just.. Yes or No.

A-Murad.. I..

M-Amina! Just YES or NO. I don't want to hear anything else.

Amina looked at him for 10 seconds, and then, lowering her eyes, said: “Yes.”

Murad began to smile and glow.

M-You are my princess:* Now at least give me your phone number

A-write it down

They drank tea, ate cakes and

went home.

A-Tanziiiiil, Maaaam!

Y-we're in the kitchen, don't yell soooo

Amina went into the kitchen.

D-daughter, what happened?

A-I was in a cafe with Murad today..

A-I’m telling you... I was in a cafe with Murad

W-what were you doing there??

Well, let me tell you... In short... He offered to communicate seriously

Well, are you deaf?

M-So, Amina.. what about you?

A-and I... agreed, you don’t mind, do you?

M-no...but you need to be careful. You know what a womanizer he is...

A-Maam, everything will be fine. I went to do my homework.

Amin went into her room and started doing her homework.

Suddenly an SMS arrived:

M-What are you doing?

A-lessons, and you?)

I’m watching M-TV) what time do your classes end tomorrow?

14:15, what?

Shall we go for a walk after school?

A-come on)))

M-agreed))* my sunshine)*

This ended their SMS communication. At night she received an SMS saying “Good night, my princess”, to which she replied “Good night”..

In the morning Amina went to school, and after school she went for a walk with Murad. They walked, laughed, talked about everything in the world... It was so cute. And after two hours he walked her home.

Should I kiss you??


M-well in the neck


M-one time

Noooo, Muraaad.

Then he pulled her hand and sharply kissed her not on the cheek, but on the lips. She didn’t answer, so she pulled away and hit him on the shoulder..

A-are you an idiot?? I hate you, fool!

She ran home with these owls, and he stood and smiled contentedly.

Amina was very angry with him, but she didn’t show it to her mother and Tanshila.

She sat for a long time and listened to music.. She looked out the window and thought about Murad..

“Or maybe he’s playing with me?”..”Although no..or yes.” Her head was a mess. She was already confused.. After much thought, she sat down to do her homework.. And then fell asleep listening to music

The next day they made peace. And so everything went smoothly.. A month passed, two or three.. It was already a year.

Amina is already 17. Tanzila is 20. Murad is 21. Tanzila’s wedding is coming soon. Everyone was getting ready. It was already April. In another month and a half, Amina will have to take her exams.

Tanzila, Amina and Camilla went to the local shops, looking for evening dresses and wedding dresses.


17 years. A very nice girl. Friend of Tanzila and Amina. They've been friends for a very long time.

In general, Amina and Kami quickly found dresses for themselves. Amina found a dark blue knee-length dress with a denim cape, and Kami found a long red dress. An hour later they found the wedding dress! It was awesome!

After a lot of shopping, the girls went to a cafe. And then we went home. At home they showed their outfits to their mother, Camilla stayed with the girls for the night. Before going to bed, Amina spoke on the phone with Murad. He said that he would also be at the wedding because he knew Abdul well.

Wedding day

Tanzila put on all her makeup and did her hair. And then she noticed one girl... This was her ex-friend, Asya. They haven't seen each other for 4 years. They had a big fight over Abdul. He left Asya for Tanzila, but Tanzila herself did not know about it, she fell in love with him. Asya thought that Tanzila did this on purpose. Tanzila learned about this story only 3 years later. She cried for a long time and was very offended by Abdul. She screamed at him, beat him... But then she calmed down. And Asya still loves him..

Let's return to the wedding.. Tanzila looked at Asya with regret. She sat peacefully and watched what was happening. Everyone was so beautiful.. Tanzila had already put on her snow-white, fluffy dress and in an hour and a half they were supposed to come for our beauty. The photo shoot lasted half an hour. A little boy ran into the room. He had cherry juice in his hands. And then Tanzila took him in her arms to take a photo. And after two pictures with the baby, she felt something wet on her chest.. The girls ran up to her and what do you think it was?? Cherry juice! It spilled right onto the dress! Asya also noticed this. She suddenly got up and ran away. Tanzila sat down to cry and thought that it was Asya who set the child up to do this. But no... Half an hour later Asya came with a large box. From there she took out a DRESS OF UNREAL BEAUTY! It was great! 100 times better than that! Tanzila went up to Asa and hugged her tightly, she also hugged her friend.. They burst into tears and apologized to each other. Asya, in turn, wished them happiness..

Soon they came for Tanzila. She was taken away. Amina and Mom cried) And the other girls too.. They will miss her

Amina has already passed her exams. They are already going to Ingushetia: Amina and Larisa. One day Amina came out of the shower and suddenly she received a text message from Murad: “I don’t love you. We need to break up. Bye.” Amina was in shock. She started calling him, but the number was unavailable. She sat down to cry.. Mom was not at home, she went to the store to buy flip flops. When she arrived, Amina showed her the message.
L-well, I told you he’s a womanizer.
A-Ma, you know.. I fell in love with him..
N-nothing, my girl. You'll find a guy 100 times better...
The next day they went to the shopping center together. Amina was not in the mood. At all! I lost my appetite. She didn’t really want to go shopping, but her mother supported her, consoled her, and helped her with her choice.
L-Daughter, how do you like this black dress?
Oh well, nothing like that..
L-well, try it on.
Amina reluctantly took the dress and went to the fitting room. After 5 minutes she came out..
L-wow, wow
And what? Doesn't fit?
L-even very suitable, darling We'll take it
They took this dress, several sundresses, summer shoes, etc.
This long-awaited day has come. Registration, plane..2 hours..Ingushetia
They arrived home by taxi. They were very hungry and Larisa sent Amina to buy food.
She took the money and left the house..
- Amina?
A man's voice was heard. It was another neighbor. Shamil. Always pissed off Amina.
Oh yeah
-How are you? when did you arrive?
A-just now..
-Welcome) By the way, Murad moved to another house with his family..
A-I somehow don’t care! Leave me alone.

She quickly went into the store, bought everything she needed and quickly went home. She was throwing bags in the kitchen and ran to her room.. Turning on her player, she cried and fell asleep..

"Why did he go... where? why? FOR WHAT? What was that all about? A game? Was he playing with me??" Amina asked herself these questions. June passed slowly. Amina and her mother went to see relatives.. And my wife Ileza and children came for a week.. Amina often went out with them for a walk. Many guys came up and got acquainted... But she turned me down. Well, that's right. She only loved Murad. She couldn't live without him... She became so attached to him!

July.. Hell. It was terrible. Amina was stolen by some idiot who just wanted to play around and have fun...

Amina was walking in the park and suddenly a large Jeep stopped, two healthy bulls ran up and threw her into the car.. She lost consciousness. I was very scared. Shock shock shoook. They took her somewhere very far away. Larisa was already worried, but a day later she received a message from the guy’s parents.

"Your daughter agreed to stay in our house. Don't wait for her."

L- Oh you little bitch! How could you even?? Why did she run away with this bastard?? For what??

Larisa immediately bought tickets to Rostov and flew away.

Amina cried every day.

Hello, honey*

A-Bastard! Let me go!!

Calm down. Your mother abandoned you. And she left for Rostov. Hahahaha

A-Idiot! I hate you)*

Ahahahaha oh don't make me laugh)

He left... And she opened the window and jumped... From the second floor. Of course, there were guards there, but she ran away carefully... She ran to nowhere... She was afraid that she would be caught. It started to rain and she got all wet, two hours later she ran to someone sitting down.. It was already dark.. And then her heart.. knock, knock, knock.. Amina fainted..

This was the village where Murad and the others moved. At this time Suleiman was returning home. As you remember, Murad's father. He saw a small body right in the middle of the road. Quickly running out of the cars, he took the girl in his arms and, looking at her face, whispered: “Amina..” Suleiman carefully put her in the car and took her home. As always, none of the boys were at home, only Suleiman’s sister, Bella, wife Fatima and daughter Sabina. They were in their rooms. Suleiman was in a little shock and all tired, so he took Amina to the first room he came across on the second floor... Murad's room. He put her in bed and covered her.. Then he left and went to Fatima.

S-Fatima! Come here!

S-Fatima.. In Murad’s room lies Amina.. Larisa’s daughter. I don’t know how she ended up in our village. You know that it was apparently stolen and Larisa abandoned it.. Oh, Allah.. I'm confused, what is this? What was that... Poor girl. So.. So, when she wakes up.. Give her something to wear.. She’s all wet, and so is Murad’s bed. and feed the girl..

After these words, he got up and left. Iznaur and Ismail came home. More precisely, we arrived by taxi, since it was raining. They were visiting a friend. It was already evening

21:35.. Murad was walking as always. Came home late. And Amina was still sleeping... She felt bad. After all, she has heart problems, and she was so scared... the girl was nervous... Fatima and Bella often came into the room to see how she was doing..

Everyone was sitting drinking tea. Without Murad and Amina, of course.

S-Amina is in our house. She needs peace and rest. We all know that she has heart problems. She is very cold and is now lying in Murad’s room.

Here Iznaur choked on his tea.

Suleiman continued - She needs help. We don't know exactly what really happened. Maybe she was driven away or she ran away. Well, we'll find out in the morning. Now go to sleep..

Suleiman went to his room.. He racked his brains for a long time, “What happened to her??”

Iznaur wanted to go to Murad's room, but Bella did not allow him.

B-no need, Iznaur.

E-Bella, I'll quickly...

B-no, you know Suleiman will be angry!

Uff, okay...

They all went to bed. 20 minutes later Murad arrived. He was in no hurry to sleep. I went out onto the veranda. There was a kitchen there. He opened the refrigerator, took out juice, cakes and let’s eat everything. Then he went into the hall, watched TV for about 30 minutes, and fell asleep in the hall. Well, thank God

His room is still occupied

It's morning. The sun was shining brightly. It was a little cool and a warm breeze was blowing. There was silence on the street. Everyone was sleeping. Very soon Fatima woke up. She prepared a delicious breakfast and then went to visit Amina. She slept peacefully, but had a fever. My forehead was just burning!

“Oh, poor thing,” Fatima sighed and left the bedroom. She was sitting on the veranda and watching something on TV. Everyone had already woken up, except Murad and Amina. The boys, father, Bella and Fatima sat down to have breakfast. Mmm, it was so delicious

Did anyone go to see Amina this morning?

F- I went. her forehead is just burning... the poor thing is cold((

S-when he wakes up, let him drink warm tea.

F-yes, good)

Where's Murad? He came home?

F-he fell asleep in the hall.

B-does he know that Amina is in his room?

F-well, probably)

While they were all eating, Murad woke up and went upstairs. Oh, now he will be delighted with our sleeping gift. He opened the door and tuuuut wide, opening his eyes, squealed like a girl, “Aaaaaa monsterrr” Phahaha, I’m kidding. He, of course, was shocked. Standing at the door, he looked at the soundly sleeping creature and yelled angrily: “So, I don’t understand, what is this stupid little thing doing in my bed??!!??”

Iznaur, choking on his tea, simply lost his mind, and Bella quietly whispered: “Oh, Mural woke up.” Suleiman quickly ran upstairs, thinking that Murad would drive her away. Yes, he can do that too.

S-Don’t touch her, O fiend of hell!

Hmmm, I don’t touch her, WHAT IS SHE DOING IN MY BED?? So stop.. Did she.. Pee herself? Why is the bed wet??

S-Idiot, she fell out in the rain yesterday! Go to the kitchen, don't wake the baby!

M-Ufff, what's going on here??

S-to the kitchen he said! You're going to spoil her now...

Murad left and went to the others.

M-No, did you see? This cow laid down on my MY bed!! And I peed myself too!!

Ahahaha, bro, it's sleeping beauty ahahaha

A-Are you stupid? This is a sleeping CREATURE. How did she even end up in our house??

Then Fatima intervened!

F-Calm down! Now Suleiman will come and tell you everything, Murad! Act normal! Not small!

Meanwhile, Suleiman was sitting next to Amina. She slowly opened her eyes...

S-Daughter, you woke up. Get up, you're in wet clothes...

Amina carefully stood up, and Suleiman called Fatima and Bella and said that they should clean her up and feed her. Then he went down to the boys. The girls, in turn, gave her clothes. Bellin. It was a long black sundress and a denim ballerina. Fatima braided her hair, and Bella applied a little makeup and powder to her eyes so that her bags and paleness would not be noticeable. . Meanwhile, Suleiman told Murad about yesterday. He was not very happy about this, because he left her without explaining anything. And the family, by the way, knew nothing about it. The girls went downstairs...

S-Amina, sit next to me.

She obediently sat down..

S-Tell me how you ended up in this village yesterday? Do you remember?

A-I don’t remember well, uncle.. But I got out of there.. And I’m very happy about it. I actually didn’t love him.. And I don’t even know WHO HE IS AND WHERE HE CAME FROM. And my mother... was lied to. And she abandoned me...

Amina began to cry. And Murad just didn’t CARE and do you know what he told her?!

M-Why did you write on my bed?!!

Here Iznaur, Ismaio and Sabina began to laugh like crazy, and Bella and Fatima held back their laughter, it wouldn’t be nice in front of Suleiman..

S-MURAD! What kind of kindergarten is this?? The girl ran in the rain and I put her in your room! Now get out of here!

M-Yes, please. Iznaur, Oh, my servant, bring some cookies into my room.

M-Ahaha, Figuuushki.

Murad froze abruptly, he remembered how he asked Amina to kiss him, and she replied, “Fiiiigushki.”

Without saying anything, he went to his room. Bella followed him to change the bed linen.

B-Murad, why don’t you love this girl so much??

M-What do you want?

B-can you stop being rude to me? I'm your aunt!

M-Yes? Aunty, please get out of my bedroom.

Bella's eyes sparkled with tears. She quickly took the laundry and left the room, slamming the door. She ran to the bathroom, closed herself and started crying.. Of course she was offended.

By the way, about Bella.

24 years. Suleiman's youngest sister. Aunt of his sons and daughter. A very well-mannered girl, kind, beautiful, neat. I graduated from school with a gold medal. I studied to become a nurse. Now he works in one of the hospitals in Ingushetia. Not married, but a lot of fans. She is in no hurry to get married. Although I already put it on one eye

Having already calmed down, Bella went to Fatima and Amina. Iznaur went to his bedroom to play laptop. Ismail is outside with the boys, and Sabina is with the girls. Amina sat drinking tea. She didn’t want to eat at all, she lost her appetite. Temperature.. Throat hurt.

F-Can you at least eat something?

A-No, aunt..I don’t want to.

You need to finish your tea. He didn't even move from his spot!

Amina took one sip slowly.

F- So, you need to allocate a room. Bell, you need to clean one of the extra rooms. They had two rooms that no one lived in, and these rooms were dusty and a little messy. Bella happily got up and began her cleaning, she really loved cleaning! Smart girl

Within an hour the bedroom was ready. Our Bella removed all the dust, vacuumed, washed the floors, took out everything unnecessary, washed the cabinets, chests, cleaned the mirrors and laid out new linen. Everything was just great! The room is perfect! And Amina, having not finished drinking her tea, sat in the hall and watched TV. Suleiman went on business, Fatima was cleaning the kitchen. Amina tried to help, but Fatima ordered her to watch TV

Then Suleiman called Fatima and told Bella and Amina to go to the market and buy some clothes for the girl and all sorts of accessories. Fatima gave them money and they went to the market. Murad sat in his room and thought: “What is this little thing doing in my house?! Damn, stupid. She also ruined her favorite underwear.. Maybe she really wrote?? Although no.. Ahha, what a thought I have.. Damn "What should I do? Is her father really leaving her? Damn" And Amina walked around the market with Bella, they were choosing different skirts, T-shirts, house dresses. Bella told her various funny moments from her life. So she tried to console her so that she would not think about what happened to her. Soon they arrived. Only Fatima was at home. The rest are walking, and only Suleiman is at work. The girls sat down to drink tea..

What do you think, should I call my mom?

F-she is abroad.. She flew to Italy with Tanzila’s family.

Ahaha, nothing special)) let's play X-box?

A-come on))

They played and laughed, sometimes even throwing pillows at each other. Friends, so to speak. Then they played cards at will. The first time Amina lost, she had to play the role of Murad's wife. At the same time, Iznaur warned everyone at home about this so that they would not be surprised when Murad came and Amina would treat him like a husband. The second time Iznaur lost, he, in turn, had to go into the hall where Bella, Fatima and Sabina were sitting, and sing the song “Chunga-Changa” to them while dancing. So he did, everyone laughed heartily!

It was already half past five. Murad came home, Iznaur pushed Amina in the side, saying, go wifey, meet your husband Murad, went into the kitchen and started yelling, “Oh, people! Be so merciful to me, LET ME EAT.” Then Amina comes running and says:

W-what was that..?

Ahahahahaha Waaaaa Muraad I can't ahhahahaah

M-uh, ram, STOPING! Breathe through your nose! Come on baby, inhale and exhale. Tell me what happened??

A-ahhaha, in short, she played cards for me, saying that she will be like your wife WAAAAHHAHAHAHAHA

M-why are you laughing so hard? idiot.

And-nothing nothing.. Phew.

W-well, you are idiots. With these words he went to his room and went to bed. But Iznaur and Amina didn’t stop there either, they waited until Murad was fast asleep, and then they crawled (!!!) into his room and, taking feathers with them, began to tickle his feet. Then Amina quietly and carefully began to shave his corrected leg, and Iznaur painted his lips with bright red lipstick and blue eye shadow. Such a beautiful woman came out. Murad suddenly began to move, and out of fear, our little naughty girls ran out of the room, and then finally began to neigh.

Exactly 20 minutes later Suleiman arrived. He gave the package to Fatima; in the package there was an iPhone 5 box for Amina and a SIM card. Fatima told Bella to take this gift to Amina. She did just that, she was delighted and ran downstairs to Suleiman, hugged him and thanked him.

H-how are you feeling? has it gotten better?

A-yes, yes) much better))

I hope you're not bored here))

A-noooo)) you won’t get bored here

W-well okay) you can go back))

Amina quickly went up to Iznaur and together they began tinkering with the iPhone. We immediately connected to the Internet, surfed everywhere, and then went completely separate ways. It's time to sleep... Somewhere in

00:40 our Man woke up. He wanted to drink water, so he went downstairs, took a glass, poured it, drank it and saw red marks on the glass. “What is this? Blood?” got our rude guy. He ran his finger over his lip and realized it was lipstick. He quickly rushed into the bath and saw Cinderella in the reflection

Damn beautiful.

He washed away all this beauty. And he decided to take revenge on our soldiers. First he proceeded to Amiiiiiiine!!! I took the scissors. I cut off a little hair and made it into a mustache, gluing it above my upper lip with tape. Then he made a UNOBROW for her with a black marker.. After which he went downstairs, took two jars of jam, poured it all into a small basin, added a little water and placed it near Amina’s bed, so that when she got up, she would step in this basin. Then he brought honey... and... he smeared it on her hair, a teaspoon at a time. Trying not to laugh, he went to IZNAUUUR's bedroom. he shaved BOTH of his legs. I did a great manicure! I painted my lips not with lipstick, but with purple paint! Even an idiot? Then I made arrows for him with a red felt-tip pen and painted the shadows orange. A little blush and Freedom! Bombita directly With a satisfied look, Murad went to bed.

“The campaign stepped where it shouldn’t,” thought Murad and began to laugh a little. Everyone else, frightened, ran into her room and when they saw Amina’s face, Suleiman, Fatiima, Bella and the children simply laughed, and then Murad came running, laughing at the top of his lungs. Iznaur woke up to all this noise. He comes into Amina’s bedroom and says, “What’s going on?” and as soon as they looked at him, they started laughing wildly! He also neighed at the sight of Amina, and Amina at the sight of Iznaur!

S-phew.. Everyone.. shut up everyone.. what does this all mean?

Only Murad could not stop.

M-it was me ahhahaha I did it all ahahah I took revenge on them Woohahahahaha

Oh, what a fool you are!

I-you idiot, I didn’t shave your legs at all, BUT YOU SHAVED BOTH OF ME!

W-what?!? did you shave my leg??

He immediately began to feel his legs and realized that there was no hair on his right leg... this jam??? Is this my jam?? MURAAAAD

Hm-yes, ma, don’t be so angry... you know, this jam is said to be very moisturizing for the skin of the feet. And then at night I walked past this crazy woman’s room and saw how dry her skin was. Ugh right. So I decided to fix it! Down with dry skin! With these words, he quickly ran out of the room. Everyone sat in shock. After that, Bella and Fatima helped Amina with honey on her head and jam on her feet. Iznaur went to wash everything off himself. And Murad sat contentedly, eating a pancake and watching TV. Suleiman also went to eat.

S-Murad, try not to offend her anymore. It’s already difficult for her. There’s no father.. Her mother abandoned her.. Plus you’re bringing her down, and she’s small and her heart is small and sick.. Do you understand me? She shouldn't be nervous, she shouldn't be scared.

I understand, I understand.

The children and Iznaur came to the table. He looked angrily at Murad, and then in turn began to make faces. Then the girls came. Everyone sat and ate. Suleiman left for work. The children went to play, Murad to his place, Iznaur to his place, the girls stayed to clean the kitchen.

B-what did you do to him that made him take sooo much revenge on you?

A-hihi, I shaved his right leg, and Iznaur painted his face))

Is that why you laughed so much yesterday when he was sleeping??

A-ahhaa, yesss))

After cleaning, the girls went into the hall to watch TV.

We are responsible for those we have tamed.
A. de Saint-Exupéry

The action of the story "Asya" takes place in the 19th century in Germany. Its main characters are N.N. and Asya, and the story is their love story.
Mr. N.N., a rich young man, meets his compatriot Gagin and his sister Asya. He liked Asya immediately. He saw something special and attractive in her. Arriving at Asya’s home, N.N. got to know her better. The young man understands that this girl is not like everyone else, not a coquette. At first Asya was afraid of the stranger, but soon she started talking to him.
Returning home, N.N. was filled with pleasant feelings and considered himself happy. He realized that he loved Asya. And Asya fell in love with him just as much.
All this time, N.N. suspected that Asya was not Gagin’s sister. Asya's overheard conversation with Gagin, in which the girl confessed her love for N.N., seemed to dispel his doubts. N.N. thought that he could not love Asya, and also thought that the Gagins were deliberately lying to him. And he decided to retire, to get away from all this and spent three days in the mountains. Having returned, he meets Gagin again, and he tells N.N. Asya’s story. This story explains the girl's strange behavior. N.N. goes to Asya and spends the whole day with her. This day was the happiest in his life. He felt in love.
A few days later, Asya made an appointment with N.N. She hoped that he would confess his love to her, but N.N. began to reproach Asya for telling her brother everything. The girl decided that he did not love her. One word could have made Asya and N.N. happy. But it was not spoken. Asya left with Gagin, N.N. looked for her for a long time, but never found her.
Having already grown old, remaining lonely, having never met true love, N.N., as his most precious thing, keeps the geranium flower thrown to him by Asya. The story of Asya and N.N. is a warning to us, the young: after all, indeed, “happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.” Therefore, you need to appreciate and cherish love and loved ones, understanding them and forgiving them their little whims.

So, this happened when I was in my first year. I was 17 years old at that time. I am originally from Mordovia, of mixed nationality: my father is Mordovian, my mother is Ukrainian. I lived at that time in a dormitory. I am quite a girl attractive, she was never deprived of male attention, but she never dated anyone. And so, in the evening I was walking to the hostel after a walk in the park. Well, I’m walking, then I hear someone behind me, I’m walking, and someone is behind me. I walk another twenty meters, everything is the same. I turn around, I see in front of me a handsome, stately Caucasian man, with eyes black as night, coal hair... He smiles, but is silent. He also stopped. I was scared, I ran, he runs after me. I then stopped.

Young man, what do you need?

Girl, it’s okay, tell me, is this your handbag?

And then I just remembered that I really didn’t have the bag that I left with))). Well, I thanked him, he led me to the hostel, asked for the number, I, naturally, didn’t give it, I was afraid, then he went somewhere... then in the other direction. A month passes, I see him again. Near the institute.

“Oh, what’s your name, beauty?” he asks.

Without saying anything, moreover, without even looking at him, I walked on, he caught up with me.

Why are you always running away? I don’t bite... I want to meet you.

But I'm not with you.

Tell me, what course are you in?

On the first one, if so interested.

Interesting. Thanks!

Listen, what do you want from me?

He didn’t say anything, he just looked into my eyes. I walked away, he didn’t try to stop me. After classes, I ran into him again near the institute.

Asya, 17 years old, unmarried, Moksha..., gives me my entire biography further.

I look at him in shock.

Well, who told you all this?

Your friends. They know everything. I even have your number.

Who exactly?!

“Military secret,” he smiles, “let me introduce myself, Alkhuzur Ramzanovich, 25 years old, originally from Grozny, unmarried, dentist.

Well, what do you want from me, Alkhuzur Ramzanovich?

To please you is the only thing I want.

Are you following me?

Leave me alone, please!

Do you have someone?

No! And it wasn’t!, I blabbed, “But I definitely won’t date an idiot like you!” , - and again I went to the hostel.

He added me to VKontakte, called me every day, wrote SMS. And finally, I agreed to go on a date with him. And so our relationship with him began. Beautiful flowers, tons of compliments, gifts, so courted... And here he is calling me.

Hello, Asya, I’m calling to say that I have to go to Grozny.

I was silent.

Asya, I love you, I don’t want to lose you, do you hear?! Do you hear me?!

I was silent, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I know you couldn’t stand me, but...You were my only one, and again a ton of memories.

He said that he would never forget me, I hung up and cried all night... He didn’t know that I loved him. In two months we kissed only once... But I loved him! I loved him more than life. And Now, three days later, I was leaving the hostel. It was cold, I was completely frozen, a car drove up to me, someone ran out of it, and, taking me in his arms, literally threw me into the back seat. I didn’t even have time to really understand, what happened - the door slammed, the car drove off somewhere very quickly. Having come to my senses a little, I started screaming and trying to break free, get out of there.

No. Now you’re only mine,” said a painfully familiar voice.

Alhuzur, are you? What does all this mean?!

I stole you, stupid. You will become mine.

I was in shock, I demanded that he let me out, but he didn’t want to listen, finally, he carried me out of the car in his arms, and, taking me to his apartment, laid me on the bed... I was afraid to even imagine that will happen to me now, but... Nothing happened. He sat down next to me and silently gave me an engagement ring.

But a Chechen can only marry a Chechen, I said, especially since your family...

I’ve already talked to my father. He’s against it, of course. But that doesn’t bother me. I’m an adult, and I have the right to decide who to be with and who not to be with. I love you. I want to marry you. I’ll get married. ..

I didn't say yes.

You didn’t say “no,” he smiled.

I told my parents that I was getting married, at the institute I went to correspondence courses, together with Alkhuzur, we went to Chechnya, to Grozny, where we had a wedding. Ten years have passed since then. I gave birth to two daughters, of course, Alkhuzur’s family was categorically against it, I said that Chechens are all savages, that they will beat me, etc., but in all the years I lived with him, he never once raised his hand to me, did not demand that I change my faith, they decided that the children themselves would choose, when they grow up, who to be... I knew what he was going to, I understood what he was doing. His father did not communicate with him for two years after the wedding, nor did his brothers. But we are together, and this is the main thing .He became my first love, and, I hope, for life...

A strange love story.“...I liked her soul,” notes N. after several days of meeting Asya. But this sympathy is not unconditional. N. finds it difficult to get used to the endless metamorphoses of the girl’s behavior. Sometimes he is indignant - “what kind of childish prank?”, sometimes he calls a new acquaintance “a capricious girl with a forced laugh.” And this is not just the irritation of an adult observing the whim of a child. Outwardly free, Mr. N. was accustomed to obeying the laws of the world. Like the “prim Englishmen” he met on a walk, who “as if on command, followed Asya with cold amazement with their glass eyes...”, he is shocked by the girl’s too free behavior.

Asya has to take the first step herself. She, like Tatyana, sends the young man a note inviting him on a date. Pushkin had to defend his heroine:

Why is Tatyana more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity She knows no deception And believes in her chosen dream? Is it because she loves without art, Obedient to the attraction of feeling, That she is so trusting, That she is gifted from heaven with a rebellious Imagination, A living mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart?

These lines, written about Tatyana, characterize Asya as well as possible.

Two men, a brother and a lover, stop in confusion before a “fiery and tender heart.” They may be superior to Asya in “prudence,” but they are immeasurably inferior in vitality and uncompromisingness. Gagin laments in the tone of an old nanny: “...She’s crazy and will drive me crazy.” Mr. N. “sat down and thought” after receiving the note. His confusion is reinforced by Gagin’s direct, sincere question: “Maybe... who knows? “Do you like my sister?” “Yes, I like her,” N finally answers. But something in the tone of his voice makes Gagin say with conviction: “But we’re leaving tomorrow, after all, because you won’t marry Asa.” And he repeats with confidence: “Don’t get married.”

Turgenev inserts a symbolic episode into the plot development of the story. N. decided to wait for the time of the meeting in a small tavern. “A pretty maid with tear-stained eyes brought me a mug of beer; I looked into her face... “Yes, yes,” said a fat and red-cheeked citizen who was sitting right there, “Our Gankhen is very upset today: her fiancé has become a soldier.” She pressed herself into the corner and rested her cheek on her hand; tears dripped one after another down her fingers..."

Gankhen... This is an affectionately diminutive form of the name “Anna” in German, like Asya in Russian. Thus, a double of the girl in love appears before us. But what can misfortune bring to Asya? There are no objective reasons, like the unfortunate German maid who is forced to come to terms with the fact that her fiancé is being recruited as a soldier. Asya and N. are both free, there are no external obstacles. Gagin himself offered his sister’s hand to his friend.

As if sensing silent condemnation, Asya moves the date to a more “decent” place, to the house of the old German woman Louise. We remember that the poetic vision of a young girl in an old woman’s house gave the writer the first impetus for the story. “The wrinkled face of the burgomaster’s widow” with a “sweetly sly smile” and “dull eyes” resembles a witch who is hiding a young princess behind bars. The hero must break the evil spell and free his beloved. He finds Asya hiding in the upper room. Her pose evokes a poetic comparison with a frightened bird. Direct feeling is best expressed in a glance. Now N. focuses on her eyes: “Oh, the look of a woman who has fallen in love - who can describe you? They begged, these eyes, they trusted, questioned, surrendered... I could not resist their charm.”

The impulse of immediate response did not last long. Like Onegin, the young man begins to read instructions to her. Asya has to justify herself in a “frightened whisper.” “The thought that now everything was lost, everything, everything that Gagin knows about our date, that everything was distorted, discovered - it was ringing in my head,” this is how N. explains his condition. He clearly forgot that he himself considered it necessary to tell her brother about the fateful note with the invitation.

The meeting also reveals the difference between the two heroines, Pushkin’s and Turgenev’s. Like Tatyana Larina, Asya “became ashamed and scared” every minute. Subsequently, Tatiana the Princess’s “blood runs cold / As soon as I remember the cold look / And this sermon...” And yet “through tears, seeing nothing / Barely breathing, without objection, / Tatiana listened to him ( Onegin)". “So humbly / I listened to your lesson...” she reminds Evgeniy. On the contrary, Asya cannot endure such humiliation for even a minute. As soon as she realized that her love was rejected, Turgenev’s heroine quickly runs away. Disappears - to the great surprise of the simple-minded German woman, who did not expect (like us, by the way) such a development of events. The “Witch” suddenly turns into a kind-hearted, confused old woman.

Well, is the hero a “knight”? In fact, what motivated Mr. N.? Does N. seriously share secular prejudices regarding the girl’s “illegal” origin? And Turgenev descends into the very depths of his soul. There is rarely one reason for human actions. We are driven by a complex, contradictory tangle of high and low impulses. Perhaps the hero’s behavior was influenced by the already noted fear of the strength of Asya’s character. “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her temperament, how is that possible!” - N. thought, just getting ready to go on a date.

He was partly embarrassed by the intrusion of a stranger into the maturing world of love. Gagin's attempts, albeit delicate, to become a mediator between his friend and sister. To achieve a categorical answer in the sphere of feelings means to touch upon the elusive movements of the heart. The writer never allowed himself this, even on the pages of a novel, when communicating with fictional characters.

Turgenev the heart specialist goes further. He reports that love, like everything else in the world, also has an age. The young man’s feeling is somewhat “younger”; it is delayed in comparison with the decisive rhythm of Asya’s love. Not for long - just a few hours. But this is enough for a fatal outcome. “When I met her in that fateful room,” N. explains, “I still did not have a clear consciousness of my love.” The hero tries to comprehend the bizarre logic of the development of the feeling: “It flared up with uncontrollable force only a few moments later, when, frightened by the possibility of misfortune, I began to look for and call her... but then it was too late.”

As if taking pity, fate gives Mr. N. one last chance. Having set out with his brother on a search, he did not find the girl. I just caught a glimpse of a figure flashing by the cross (You can imagine with what fervor Asya prayed there, remembering the “cross” over her mother’s grave!). Upon returning, N. finds out that Asya came home late at night. She is here, in this house. But the power of decency again dominates him: “I wanted to tell Gagin then that I was asking for his sister’s hand. But such matchmaking at such a time. “See you tomorrow,” I thought...” The matured hero accompanies these words with a bitter comment: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment.”

The next day N. finds out that Asya and her brother have left. In Asya's farewell note, the hero finds confirmation of his guesses. Only he is to blame for the inglorious end of their relationship: “Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you had said one word to me, just one word, I would have stayed. You didn’t say it...” “Apparently, it’s better this way. Goodbye forever!" - the innocent and bitterly offended girl ends her letter. In her humility there is great strength of spirit.

­ Love story

Many works were written by the magnificent Russian classic I. S. Turgenev and many of them were devoted to the theme of love. One of the most popular books on library shelves for many years has been the story “Asya” about a girl who was ready to sacrifice everything she had for the sake of love. This love story, unfortunately, does not have a happy ending. Love in the story played a wayward, cruel joke on the main characters, but they are also to some extent to blame for the fact that the relationship did not work out, in particular the main character of the story, Mr. N.N.

Once, while traveling around Germany, in a quiet town on the banks of the Rhine, he met two Russians who immediately took a liking to them. The young man introduced himself as Gagin. He was a successful artist. And the girl whom Gagin introduced as his sister was called Asya. N.N. quickly became friends with them and became a frequent guest in their house. At first Asya avoided the guest, but then she began to communicate with him more and more. As N.N. himself noted, she was always different. One day she could seem like a mischievous, eccentric child, another day - a serious young lady. He had no idea why such changes were happening in her.

In fact, Asya's behavior was associated with her dual origin. He and Gagin had one father. He was a rich and respected nobleman. And Asya’s mother was a modest maid. Since her parents died and she was in the care of Gagin, it was difficult for her to get used to the society of a different way of life. In any case, she got used to the presence of Mr. N.N. and even chatted with him cheerfully. One day Gagin arrived and told a friend that his sister was not feeling well, was refusing food and was running a fever. She admitted to her brother that she was in love with their new friend and would like to connect her life with him. Gagin, believing that N.N. did not have any serious intentions, recommended that his friend honestly explain the whole situation to Asya.

The fate of the young lovers was decided on the day of their only frank conversation. During the date, Asya found herself in the arms of N.N. and did not regret her “first step” at all, but he began to reproach her for telling her everything to her brother, thus making their personal happiness impossible. Asya escaped from her lover’s arms and ran away. In vain he tried all day to find her in the city, and only calmed down in the evening, noticing the light in her window. From that day on, he firmly decided that he wanted to marry Asa and would formally propose to her. The next morning, when he came to his friends, they were no longer in the house, and the maid said that the owners had left.

The only explanation was the note Asya left, which said that if N.N. had said at least one word, she would have stayed. Gagin also left a note to a friend in which he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. This is how the love story of the heroes of Turgenev’s story ended, almost without beginning. The only shame was that years later N.N. realized that he would never meet such an extraordinary girl as Asya again. She remained in his soul the only love for the rest of his life.

A strange love story.“...I liked her soul,” notes N. after several days of meeting Asya. But this sympathy is not unconditional. N. finds it difficult to get used to the endless metamorphoses of the girl’s behavior. Sometimes he is indignant - “what kind of childish prank?”, sometimes he calls a new acquaintance “a capricious girl with a forced laugh.” And this is not just the irritation of an adult observing the whim of a child. Outwardly free, Mr. N. was accustomed to obeying the laws of the world. Like the “prim Englishmen” he met on a walk, who “as if on command, followed Asya with cold amazement with their glass eyes...”, he is shocked by the girl’s too free behavior.

Asya has to take the first step herself. She, like Tatyana, sends the young man a note inviting him on a date. Pushkin had to defend his heroine:

Why is Tatyana more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity She knows no deception And believes in her chosen dream? Is it because she loves without art, Obedient to the attraction of feeling, That she is so trusting, That she is gifted from heaven with a rebellious Imagination, A living mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart?

These lines, written about Tatyana, characterize Asya as well as possible.

Two men, a brother and a lover, stop in confusion before a “fiery and tender heart.” They may be superior to Asya in “prudence,” but they are immeasurably inferior in vitality and uncompromisingness. Gagin laments in the tone of an old nanny: “...She’s crazy and will drive me crazy.” Mr. N. “sat down and thought” after receiving the note. His confusion is reinforced by Gagin’s direct, sincere question: “Maybe... who knows? “Do you like my sister?” “Yes, I like her,” N finally answers. But something in the tone of his voice makes Gagin say with conviction: “But we’re leaving tomorrow, after all, because you won’t marry Asa.” And he repeats with confidence: “Don’t get married.”

Turgenev inserts a symbolic episode into the plot development of the story. N. decided to wait for the time of the meeting in a small tavern. “A pretty maid with tear-stained eyes brought me a mug of beer; I looked into her face... “Yes, yes,” said a fat and red-cheeked citizen who was sitting right there, “Our Gankhen is very upset today: her fiancé has become a soldier.” She pressed herself into the corner and rested her cheek on her hand; tears dripped one after another down her fingers..."

Gankhen... This is an affectionately diminutive form of the name “Anna” in German, like Asya in Russian. Thus, a double of the girl in love appears before us. But what can misfortune bring to Asya? There are no objective reasons, like the unfortunate German maid who is forced to come to terms with the fact that her fiancé is being recruited as a soldier. Asya and N. are both free, there are no external obstacles. Gagin himself offered his sister’s hand to his friend.

As if sensing silent condemnation, Asya moves the date to a more “decent” place, to the house of the old German woman Louise. We remember that the poetic vision of a young girl in an old woman’s house gave the writer the first impetus for the story. “The wrinkled face of the burgomaster’s widow” with a “sweetly sly smile” and “dull eyes” resembles a witch who is hiding a young princess behind bars. The hero must break the evil spell and free his beloved. He finds Asya hiding in the upper room. Her pose evokes a poetic comparison with a frightened bird. Direct feeling is best expressed in a glance. Now N. focuses on her eyes: “Oh, the look of a woman who has fallen in love - who can describe you? They begged, these eyes, they trusted, questioned, surrendered... I could not resist their charm.”

The impulse of immediate response did not last long. Like Onegin, the young man begins to read instructions to her. Asya has to justify herself in a “frightened whisper.” “The thought that now everything was lost, everything, everything that Gagin knows about our date, that everything was distorted, discovered - it was ringing in my head,” this is how N. explains his condition. He clearly forgot that he himself considered it necessary to tell her brother about the fateful note with the invitation.

The meeting also reveals the difference between the two heroines, Pushkin’s and Turgenev’s. Like Tatyana Larina, Asya “became ashamed and scared” every minute. Subsequently, Tatiana the Princess’s “blood runs cold / As soon as I remember the cold look / And this sermon...” And yet “through tears, seeing nothing / Barely breathing, without objection, / Tatiana listened to him ( Onegin)". “So humbly / I listened to your lesson...” she reminds Evgeniy. On the contrary, Asya cannot endure such humiliation for even a minute. As soon as she realized that her love was rejected, Turgenev’s heroine quickly runs away. Disappears - to the great surprise of the simple-minded German woman, who did not expect (like us, by the way) such a development of events. The “Witch” suddenly turns into a kind-hearted, confused old woman.

Well, is the hero a “knight”? In fact, what motivated Mr. N.? Does N. seriously share secular prejudices regarding the girl’s “illegal” origin? And Turgenev descends into the very depths of his soul. There is rarely one reason for human actions. We are driven by a complex, contradictory tangle of high and low impulses. Perhaps the hero’s behavior was influenced by the already noted fear of the strength of Asya’s character. “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her temperament, how is that possible!” - N. thought, just getting ready to go on a date.

He was partly embarrassed by the intrusion of a stranger into the maturing world of love. Gagin's attempts, albeit delicate, to become a mediator between his friend and sister. To achieve a categorical answer in the sphere of feelings means to touch upon the elusive movements of the heart. The writer never allowed himself this, even on the pages of a novel, when communicating with fictional characters.

Turgenev the heart specialist goes further. He reports that love, like everything else in the world, also has an age. The young man’s feeling is somewhat “younger”; it is delayed in comparison with the decisive rhythm of Asya’s love. Not for long - just a few hours. But this is enough for a fatal outcome. “When I met her in that fateful room,” N. explains, “I still did not have a clear consciousness of my love.” The hero tries to comprehend the bizarre logic of the development of the feeling: “It flared up with uncontrollable force only a few moments later, when, frightened by the possibility of misfortune, I began to look for and call her... but then it was too late.”

As if taking pity, fate gives Mr. N. one last chance. Having set out with his brother on a search, he did not find the girl. I just caught a glimpse of a figure flashing by the cross (You can imagine with what fervor Asya prayed there, remembering the “cross” over her mother’s grave!). Upon returning, N. finds out that Asya came home late at night. She is here, in this house. But the power of decency again dominates him: “I wanted to tell Gagin then that I was asking for his sister’s hand. But such matchmaking at such a time. “See you tomorrow,” I thought...” The matured hero accompanies these words with a bitter comment: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment.”

The next day N. finds out that Asya and her brother have left. In Asya's farewell note, the hero finds confirmation of his guesses. Only he is to blame for the inglorious end of their relationship: “Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you had said one word to me, just one word, I would have stayed. You didn’t say it...” “Apparently, it’s better this way. Goodbye forever!" - the innocent and bitterly offended girl ends her letter. In her humility there is great strength of spirit.

This story is about an abnormal couple... All jokes aside!!! So let's start with)))

I will write in the first person)) My name is Asil, I am 17 years old, the nation is not that important). There are 5 of us in the family. Dad is Alik, mom is Zulfiya, and two older brothers... Islam and Rasul... I’ll describe myself to you first)))

Me: hair below the shoulders, naturally straight)) black eyes, neat nose and plump lips, by the way, I’m 17 years old)

Islam: the oldest brother, very strict ((tough!!! He is very handsome!! All the girls loved him, well, it seemed to me)) He is 21 years old... He studied at an academy, ummm, I don’t remember the name... But We couldn’t even sit in the same room with him.. He had slightly dark chocolate, black eyes, and plump lips))

Rasul: my chike, my most beloved brother... He and I were very similar, and we loved each other more than anyone))) He also had chocolate hair, but his lips, they were plumper than ours with Islam... Rasul was higher than Islam... Rasul is 18 years old... He studied to be a doctor, he dreamed of it since childhood... Well, what about me? I was resting, it was the month of June... The brothers had not returned yet, they had a session, which I was very happy about... I passed all the Unified State Examinations, and was resting to spite everyone) No, but what? I deserved... I also had a best friend... Her name was Jack, for me Dzhekichan... She was my sister, friend, and many other things, I love her...

Jack: long hair, almost black, normal brown eyes and lips... We had a terrible figure... But we wore scarves and long things... She and I had been friends since we were 6))))... And we wanted to do it together to the Medical Academy.... Our families were very wealthy... Therefore, I was not denied anything...

Jackie had an older brother Aslan...

So the story began in the park... One fine summer day...

Morning: Jack calls me and says

D-As Salamu Alaikum

I am Wa Aleikum...

D-did I wake you up?

I- no, I got up a long time ago...

D- can I ask you something?

I - of course, come on)

D-Will you go with me to the shopping center today to buy clothes?

I- I would love to, dad won’t allow it(

D-maybe you can persuade him?

I'll see))

Well of course she woke me up!!! I had to get up. Since dad is at work and mom is in her room, I could freely go out in my Spongebob pajamas))). I went out, went downstairs, and, as always, took the tangerines and went back up)

Soon I called my dad and asked him to let me and Jack go shopping

I- dad, can I go to the shopping center with Jack?

P- you can’t, daughter...

I'm dad, please (((

P- I can’t let you go alone with Jack!

I- her brother will take us and take us (((well, daddy, can I?

F-okay, just be home by 4 o’clock in the afternoon!

I- thank you dad, okay)...

I called Jack

I'm Jackaaaa, sorry

D-what have you done again??

Where am I, your brother?

D- Yes, I think I’m downstairs with a friend, but what happened?

I-he’ll take us to the shopping center?

D- nooo, can’t wait

I- persuade him, huh?

D- everything is for you Janym) (soul)

I put on long dress, golden color and white ballet shoes... Hair in a muzzle and a scarf). When I was tying a scarf, my mother came into my room)

M-what are you doing?

I’m mom, dad let me go with Jack to the shopping center? Can I go?)

M- since dad let me in of course! Do you have money?

I- yes there is, thank you ma)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Jack called me and told me to go out already) It seems she persuaded her brother to take us to the shopping center) I went out and Aslan’s car was nowhere to be seen. And suddenly someone beeps!!! I almost died, honestly! I stood and could not move from fear). Jack quickly came up to me and began her interrogation))

    D-uh, what happened? Are you scared? I will kill Aslan!! Let's go!!

    Since I was still in a stupor, she took me and dragged me into the car).. Soon Aslan began to lecture Jack, which also applied to me! With him was his friend, who sometimes supported him like crazy!

    A- If I see or someone tells me that you and the guys were flirting, then Jack and Asil are finished for you!

    Friend Shamil - yes, yes, you are a khan!

    Me- Aslan, we don’t do things like that, you know?

    D- Amalka (brother) I will never disgrace you! And especially the father!

    A- Asil, I know that you are not like that, it’s just that right now the time is such that it’s even very nice girls become different! You saw it yourself! Isn't it?

    I-yes you're right)

    We got to the shopping center))) Ehuuu) Dzhekichan and I flew out of the car like a bullet, and go to the shopping center)

    We searched for a long, long time! Damn, but they didn’t find anything!!

    Loch - this fate (... And suddenly this balashka pulls my hand and says

    D- look there)))

    I- could you at least show me where)

    D-vooon there, let's go, last store)

    I'm okay Google)

    D- don't Google!

    Honestly, this fool will kill me! And how could I just meet her? I’m surprised myself) Well, we found a dress! I bought 3 dresses, and she bought 4!

    I won’t describe it, but they were very beautiful)))

    Well, we went to the park, there was delicious ice cream there) When we were already entering the park, one guy hit me! There were 4-5 of them.!! Of course I almost fell when he hit ((

    P-didn’t you see where you were going?

    I'm sorry!! (I don’t know how to be rude to guys, and I’m afraid of them)

    P2- the students have already left)

    P3- leave him! Can't you see he fell in love))

    I don't need your apology!!

    I- I left, of course I was offended (.. You ask why Jack didn’t tell them anything? Her brother would have killed her! If my brothers find out that I went to the park, I definitely won’t live.. We bought ice cream and sat on a bench)

    D-you didn’t push him, did you?

    D-why did you apologize?

    I-and if I passed, he wouldn’t do anything to me?

    D- you're a fool!

    I'm all about Jack ((

    Damn, stop sulking!

    I'm ok panda))

    We finished the ice cream and called Aslan). He said that he would arrive in 20 minutes)

    While we were waiting for him, those guys drove up in a car and shouted something, we tried not to pay attention... The one who pushed me got out of the car and grabbed me by the elbow!! I began to tremble even more strongly.. He noticed this and said

    Why are you shaking? And why are you pretending to be religious??

    Jack stood silently and watched, and he said something to me there)

    He was already dragging me to the park... Aslan arrived.

    A- let her go brother

    W-Who are you?

    A- I’m her husband, let her go!

    P- brother sorry I didn’t know)

    Oh good

    Aslan told us to quickly get into the car, and I started crying!! This would definitely save me)))

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Do you know what I found out? I have a husband too

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    That's how I fell asleep...

    Morning: I woke up at 7 am, and this always happens)) My cousin calls me) Malika: very cute, long hair, Blue eyes and chick's lips))

    M- hi little horse

    I am Salaam Aleikum

    M-how are you?

    I'm okay, how are you?

    M-too)) Come to me today?

    I-and you persuade my dad!!)))

    M-ha, this is easy! ))

    I- well, well...

    M- you get ready, I’ll call him right now)

    I- noo, I'll arrive at 2 o'clock in the afternoon

    Pfft, she also opened America for me! I knew it)

    I'm fine bye)

    She was 19)

    I put on a long blue dress, a black leather belt around my waist, tied a black scarf on my head) and left the room)

    Suddenly an unfamiliar number called me. I decided not to answer! He called and called, then an SMS came...

    Answer, this is Aslan

    And he called again, I answered

    A- As Salamu Alaikum..

    I am Wa Alaikum

    A-what are you doing?

    A- at work)

    I- clear, bye

    Did they tell you?

    I what? (I included the "fool" image)

    And about the fact that they want to marry you to me?

    “I-yes,” I said sadly

    A- you don’t want this wedding?

    A- me too, I respect you like a sister (

    I-I treat you like a brother too)

    A- we need to decide something, I’ll arrive at 12, be ready)

    I- I can't today

    Are you going somewhere?

    I don't care)

    A- important for me!!

    I'm going to my sister((((

    Oh, okay, I'll give you a ride...

    I-okay, will you take Jack with you?))

    A- I'll come home from work)

    I-okay (

    I went down to the kitchen. My brother followed me... Mom went to see her sister), and dad was at work!

    R- how small are you?

    I'm fine, are you like Einstein?)

    R - too) Dad told me that they want to marry you...

    I was silent, I was very ashamed!(

    Do you want this yourself?

    I - you know, I won’t go against my father’s will, and it’s not for me to decide what will happen next) Everything is according to the will of Allah, dear)

    R - okay, okay, I'm off) Aika is waiting for me) (his girlfriend in quotes)

    I'm fine...

    He kissed me on the cheek and left)

    I decided to clean up and cook something) by the time I cleaned up it was already 12

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:04

    The day passed, I arrived home. It was bad to honestly describe my condition (.. I asked myself a lot of questions!! But there were zero answers! My soul was empty (The thought that I would be his wife was killing me! Who would be pleased to live with someone you don’t love? Of course love will come over time) Well, what if he doesn’t come? It will be bad (very bad... My thoughts were interrupted by a call, “Dzhekichan” appeared on the screen, I answered

    D- hi

    I- hmm, hi

    D-how are you?

    I'm not so much, what about you?

    D-and I’m very good))

    D- your dad agreed)))) Ahhhh, I'm so glad...

    The phone fell out of my hands, I believed until the last moment that it would refuse, but (((I didn’t cry, tears won’t fix everything, I decided to give up!! I couldn’t do that, I still considered myself small((after all, 17 is not so a lot(((...For whomever((... I went downstairs, my mother was sitting in the hall with a thoughtful face, I went up to her, hugged her tightly and cried!!!

    M-what are you doing? Please do not cry ((

    I am mom((what should I do?? How will I live there mom(((

    M-daughter everything will be fine, mom also cried quietly

    I am a mother, but what if he loves someone else? I will destroy someone else's happiness!! Mother??

    M- everything will work out daughter, don’t cry, tears won’t fix anything....

    I-okay I went to my place, I love you ma)

    M- and I am your sunshine)

    I went up to my room and saw the phone lying on the floor).. I took the phone and saw 17 missed ones from Jackie, and 5 from Islam ((I allowed Islam first!

    I-Salaam Aleikum

    I- uh, well, Salam

    And how are you, little sister?

    I- I'm fine, how are you?

    Me-me? I have? No, no)) He’s not shaking...

    And - I know everything, my dad told me)

    What did I say?

    And - about you and Aslan

    Am I Amalka? (brother) There was nothing between us!! I mean we didn't communicate((

    And - I know, little one, I know))

    I-okay, I'm off to bed)

    Go Panda)

    I cried with happiness that for the first time he called me “sister” “little one”.. We never talked to him, or rather I was very afraid of him ((((

    Then I called Jack

    D-what's wrong with you? How are you What happened?

    I-nothing, I just felt bad)))

    D- don’t you want to marry my brother?

    I - he is good, but I respect him as a brother! Understand?

    Y-yes I understand((

    I- come to me tomorrow?

    D - okay, calm down)

    I put on my pajamas and fell asleep...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    The next day, I got up at 12, I was shocked by myself) I put on a long dress, black).. I went downstairs, guests arrived, fuss, and a reason? Now we’ll find out))... First I said hello to my family and friends... I went up to my mother

    I'm a mom, what's all the fuss?

    M- let's go to another room

    I- let's go))

    We went to another room

    M- I’ll tell you everything briefly, everyone was informed that they wanted to marry you... And so they arrived

    I- Mom, you know that I’m already feeling bad? Can I be in my room?

    M- good

    I went to my room, it felt like they were playing with me right now... Sometimes it was very funny to me, honestly!!! Maybe I was going crazy? Or am I just crazy? Damn.... So, someone is calling, and it's... Aslan! He was missing right now! I answered

    And how are you?

    Hello, are you okay?

    Oh, too, get ready, I’ll come for you

    I- I can’t, I feel bad

    A- because of what?

    I just

    A- get ready anyway

    I silently threw it off

    I stayed in the same clothes and tied a black scarf)))... I warned my mother that I was leaving and went out...

    He's already arrived (

    I sat back

    And how are you?

    I'm ordinary

    A- I couldn’t cancel the matchmaking, and the wedding will also take place!!!

    Explain to me? What was that now? What did he say?

    I- what did you say?

    Oh, what have I heard!

    We had already reached the restaurant.. He stopped and told me to get out

    A-don't you hear? Come out quickly.

    I- I just froze

    A- are you here?? I'm telling you, come out already!

    And I fainted... I woke up, I was in the same place where I was, only now I was surrounded by doctors...

    Doctor - she's too tired... She needs to rest

    I- what happened?

    Oh, nothing, lie down...

    I was in his car, still... The doctors left, he got into the car and looked at me... My phone vibrated. It was Jack

    D- where are you? I'm standing at their gate, but she doesn't open it!!

    I - where did your brother take me?

    Damn, okay. I'm sitting in your room!

    I'm good jan***

    We went into a restaurant where there is a separate room... We were sitting and there was a message from an unfamiliar number

    Nez. - Hello detkaaa)) (that’s what my friend always called me, and I realized that it was her)

    I'm hello dear...

    P-how are you, dear?

    I'm fine, how are you?

    Aslan - is it okay that I’m sitting here too?

    A-give me your phone

    Oh, let me tell you!!!

    He took it away and left (. 10 minutes later he came

    Oh, take it

    I leave it for myself

    A- no drizzle!!

    It's my own fault!!! And you could cancel the wedding and matchmaking!! But he didn’t cancel!! Why?? You are guilty!!

    I said this while crying(

    A- tell me why? You want to know?? Because I love you!! Do you think I just always reprimanded you? I'm just asking you???

    I - which one do you like? What are you saying?

    A- come out quickly, it’s time to go home!!

    I sat in shock!! He loves me? No, it can't be!! So calm down Asil and come out!! I went out and called a taxi in advance, it just arrived, I quickly got in and left... On the way I cried so much that even the taxi driver asked what happened to me...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    After that we didn’t talk to him))) Which made me very happy!! I’ll skip a little) Otherwise I’ll talk for a long time))... Fast forward to the day of the matchmaking.. I ordered a dress, I can send you a photo, since I ordered it from the Internet...

    Matchmaking: everyone was happy, everyone was just glowing with happiness... Except me) I’m bald!))... They did it for me beautiful hairstyle, makeup, dress, I was chickee))).... On this day Islam also arrived... Rasul and Islam were in the same suits)) I love them xx))) We are already in the restaurant ((People from Aslan’s side arrived, including Jack... But Aslan himself was not there, I was glad)))

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    So they put a ring on me (Tears welled up, they fucking rolled down by themselves! Of course it hurt to know that you would soon leave your parents’ house (That you are already an adult, and you already have a great responsibility to be good and loving wife, mother, love and also respect my second parents.. If I list it, it will take a lot of time (((As I said, they put the ring on me, after they put it on everyone took pictures with me, I already felt like a star)) ... Bye one fool didn't drag me into a separate room...

    D-how are you as a fiancee?

    Me - how should I be?

    I- I'm stupid!! What to do? I'm scared Jack((

    D-everything will be fine)))

    I hope....

    In short, the day is over... I don’t even want to remember that day! I really want to cry...

    At home: I changed clothes, bathed, ate and went to bed.. I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I looked at the ring in my hands... And again tears (... Well, what can you do, that’s fate... I sometimes talked to myself... I I stopped communicating with everyone, it was again painful, offensive, bad...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    The next day Jack called me

    D: in short, I don’t have time, get dressed and go out!!!

    Me: what happened?

    D- faster!!!

    I was seriously scared!! Honestly!! Wearing a long dress Pink colour and a scarf!! I run out and see this picture)

    Aslan and Jack are standing and saying something to each other)

    Why did I call?

    I pretended that I didn’t see him

    D- I’m already tired of him!! Make peace already!

    Do not you see me?

    I'm Jack, I have to go, sorry(

    A- quickly got into the car!!!

    D- Aslan just don’t shout)

    I- don't tell me!

    Jack quietly left and we were left alone..

    A- I have every right to you, do you even know what to do?

    I- leave me alone!!

    He grabbed me by the hand and threw me into the back seat ((I started crying... Am I such a coward? He came and sat down next to me...

    Oh, you're driving me crazy!

    It's my own fault

    A- I don’t care who’s to blame!! I love you and that's it!! Here I am humiliating myself in front of you, while all the girls are dying for me!!!

    I- so go to them!! What bothered me?? What do you need from me?

    A- I need you!! He sat closer to me, and I moved back, I couldn’t move any further (((

    He tried to kiss me!!! You can imagine??? Horror, shame!! Right in front of our gates!! I was shocked

    I'm asking you to go away

    I'm asking you to move away!!

    I was literally screaming!

    A- you're running into trouble

    I-leave me, I beg you!!!

    A- you are my girl, and I will never leave you!!

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    I forgot to describe Aslan: black hair, black eyes too, correct nose, and always red lips)))... I don’t want to drag out the story, it will take too long to write... So let’s move on to the wedding day.. I was gorgeous, but Jack was just ideal!!! I'll send you a photo of my dress and hairstyle... In the morning they did my makeup, hairstyle, and various things... Everyone is ready and vooooo... Beebeep!!! Cars were beeping, a loud lezginka sounded throughout the whole yard))) And I felt bad, very bad... Nobody likes leaving their parents' house... When he came in, tears flowed from my eyes... He had a large bouquet in his hands, I still have the photos, I’ll send them to you)) and so he handed them to me... They started taking pictures of us, they also said wishes... By the way, she was Jack’s bridesmaid... Ask why she wasn’t at her brother’s wedding? No, she was there, she decided that first she would come to mine, and then when they came for the bride, she would go with us to Aslan’s wedding..

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    It was very similar to the dress on the day of matchmaking) only the back was closed and the train was longer)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:07

    The dress was like this, only the sleeves were long and there was not a large train)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:12
    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:13

    And so the wedding was coming to an end, the dance of the bride and groom was announced) We went to the center of the hall and danced)) He tells me

    A- I can’t wait for this night)))

    Me- are you stupid or huh??

    Ahahaha, what a fool you are!!))

    I'm a fool myself (((

    A- that’s enough sulking, we’re going home after the dance)

    I'm fine

    The dance is over, and it’s time for us to leave... I wasn’t afraid of this night as much as I knew that nothing would happen) His father gave him a beautiful and big house, in honor of the fact that he got married... We are already on our way!!)) When we've already arrived, I tell him

    I- I want to go home

    And now we've arrived home

    I-I want to go to my mom(...

    And she started crying ((

    When my mother left somewhere for 2-3 days, I cried day and night, I couldn’t live without her... I couldn’t sleep at night knowing she wasn’t home! And here I have to live without her ((((

    A- let's go already)

    I'm fine

    We entered the house, I immediately went up to “our” room, took my SpongeBob pajamas and went to the bathroom.. It took 20 minutes to take off the dress, then 10 minutes to do my hair, and took a swim.. I was there for about 1 hour, How terrible not enough... Yeah, I live in the bathroom))))

    I left and went into the room where he was lying, well, he waited until I came out)

    He went in for a swim, and when he came back he started laughing... I didn’t know what was wrong.

    Me - what happened?

    Have you seen your pajamas? Ahahhaha

    I-yes I saw it?

    A- little one

    I'm a big girl))))) Ahahaa... I'm a genius

    A- come here

    I- oh well that's enough, I'm going to sleep ((

    What kind of sleep?

    I'm ordinary)))

    He fell behind, he's a beauty!! After about 10 minutes, he hugged me around the waist and pulled me towards him. Then he whispered quietly

    A-that's not fair

    I’m honest, and ease up the fight, it’s hard for me to breathe

    And I love you...

    And just like that we fell asleep...

    Morning: I woke up at 7:06)).... I woke him up quietly and asked

    Me - don't you need to go to work?

    No, I’ll be home for a whole month

    I'm fine)))

    Why are you smiling?

    I'm glad I won't be sitting at home alone)

    Or maybe you love me?

    Me-ha, me too!! I love him, hahahahah

    A-fuck you)

    I'm fine..

    I took my clothes and went downstairs... I found one room and changed there) I put on a tight dress on top, and a loose one on the bottom, and of course a long one, black and a thin golden belt, a scarf also golden... I said pancakes, I adore it... When I was cooking I thought, maybe I love him? Or not? Or maybe yes? Or maybe not? What if yes? Or maybe not?)))) 50:50.. And then he comes in...

    A-what are you cooking?

    A-don’t say such words again!!!

    I'm in this moment I’m cooking one damn thing, so I said “damn”

    Oh, here you are... And by the way, guests will arrive today... And my friends and their wives)

    I'm fine, what should I cook?

    Ah - I asked the damn one who knows everything)),

    Wow, what do you think of me?

    I- uh come down here!!


    We sat down to eat...

    In the evening the guests arrived. Of course I prepared a lot of goodies)))

    And so everyone left, only mom and dad, well, Aslan’s parents) You would know how much I fell in love with his mother, and mine already)) But they were also planning to leave

    I am mom please stay(((

    M.A - no Asil, we have to go home, Jack is alone)

    I- mom please(

    P.A - we will come to you tomorrow with good news))

    "I'm so glad about this news," he said smiling.

    Me - what's the news?

    M.A - tomorrow you will find out Asilka)

    Me - Goodbye mom and dad))

    Bye mom) Salaam Aleikum dad!)

    M.A- Good night my children)

    And they left (

    I cleaned up the kitchen and went into the living room to watch TV... Soon he came down too... I was already in SpongeBob pajamas)) and watched him too)) I love this cartoon)

    Shall we go to bed? More precisely, don't sleep...

    I- get out of here vulgar (((

    A- you are my wife;)!!!

    I- yes? I didn't know(

    Oh, what a creature you are!!

    Don’t bother me, I’m watching a cartoon!

    A-babeyka (baby type)

    I am you!

    He turned off the TV, picked me up and carried me into the bedroom!! You didn’t share it, huh?? I wish I could kill him!

    I- Aaaaaaaa, get away from me you creature!!!

    A- come here)

    I- please don't come...

    A- I want children...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    I'm still a child myself!

    And how old are you?

    I looked at the clock and it was 11:58 pm!!! And in 2 minutes I would have turned 18.. And here is the long-awaited July 28th!!!

    Oh, you were 17? Isn't it?

    I turned 18 today

    He looked at his watch and came up to me, hugged me tightly and kissed me... Damn first kiss, and I don’t even know how to kiss...

    I-go away please

    A- I’m not even allowed to kiss my wife?

    I can, but I don’t know how... Can I go out?

    Oh, of course!

    I went to the bathroom, I was very ashamed in front of him... When I am ashamed, I cry, but now is not the time... I washed my face and went out.. He was lying on the bed...

    I also lay down next to him and fell asleep. As Aslan told me at night I said these words

    I'm Jack?!! Jack!! How can you? Jack, please don't die!! Please don't leave me!! Jack!!!,

    A-wake up Asil!! Asil!!??

    I woke up all wet and started crying

    A-what happened?

    Yes, yes, bad dream...

    A- come here

    I-please leave..

    A-I won’t leave today...

    In short, that night it was all!! Well, you understand in short... In the morning I woke up, he was still sleeping...

    I went to the shower and got dressed. And she started cleaning.. Cleaning took about 2-3 hours, then she started preparing food.. He went downstairs and I gave him something to eat.

    What are you going to cook today?

    Me, since mom and dad are coming, I’ll cook something delicious)))

    A- You cook everything deliciously

    I- thank you..

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    He ate and went into the living room to watch TV. I prepared a lot of food and went to him... I sat down next to him, when I sat down they called him, the phone was on my side and I saw “Aisha” on the screen... Yes, I was jealous! I’m still the owner... I handed him the phone and listened to what he told her, and do you know what he did? He put it on speakerphone and started talking

    Aisha - Hello chick)

    A- Hello

    Aisha - how are you? Why don't you even call?

    Is your wife so beautiful that you even forgot about me?

    Ah, I haven’t forgotten about you, but my wife is the best!!

    Aisha - okay, I’ll go, call me if anything happens)

    Oh good..

    I was sitting and watching TV, and he came up and hugged me..

    Oh, that’s it, don’t be jealous))

    I- fuck you!!

    Are you seriously jealous?

    Me not!! It's just that no one remembers that it's my birthday(((...

    And as always it got bad...

    A- come to me) They all remember, my little one...

    And someone rang the doorbell.. It was Jack, mom and dad.. I went to open the door.. And I see this picture... Jack is standing with a huge bouquet of roses and mom is with a bouquet of balloons... And dad is in his arms there was a big package... Damn, I was so pleased...

    D- happy birthday puppyiiiik))))

    I - thank you joy)

    M.A - happy birthday daughter)

    I - thank you mommy)

    P.A - congratulations, daughter)

    I- thank you dad...

    We all sat and ate... And dad started talking

    P.A - your parents Asil came

    Am I mine? For what?

    P.A- they want to marry Jack to Islam..

    I choked on food and Aslan told me

    A- h1alal!!,

    I- thank you.. And what did you say?

    M.A - we agreed)))

    I choked on my food again... Jack and Aslan started laughing))

    It was already 17:30. And someone rings the doorbell, I went to open it and my parents are standing there and take... With flowers, various gifts.. They all congratulated me.. All the men went into the hall, and the women remained in the kitchen. Two mothers started talking about matchmaking... And Jack and I were cleaning up. Then I went into the hall and asked Islam to come over

    And - what happened?

    I'm going to the top

    We've risen

    I - do you love Jack or something?

    And I can’t live without her)))

    I- wow, brother you're in trouble)

    And - it’s been a long time)) How are you? Doesn't Aslan offend you?

    I- no, what are you talking about)) okay, let's go)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    Jackie's father and mine agreed that in a week there would be matchmaking, after the matchmaking, 3 days would pass and there would be a wedding)) Everything was fine for everyone... I knew that I already loved Aslan, and Jack and Islam were the happiest))) Let's move on to the day of their matchmaking...

    I wore a blue dress and a black scarf... And Aslan wore a blue suit)

    Islam and Rasul were also in suits)... Islam had black, and Rasul had blue)... Jack was in a gold-colored dress... She was gorgeous!!! I would carry such a daughter-in-law in my arms!)

    So they put a ring on her, or rather Islam put it on her... I felt very bad, I didn’t know why... I had a headache, I felt sick... I went up to Aslan’s mother.

    I'm mom, I feel bad, can I go home with Aslan?

    M.A - of course daughter, go...

    I - thank you very much mom...

    I told Aslan and we drove off... On the way we were silent, I interrupted the silence

    I am Asyok (that's what I call him)

    I'll stop near the pharmacy and buy some medicine for my headache.

    A- good Asya (that’s what he called me)

    He stopped me and went to the pharmacy

    I- can I please have some headache medicine and pregnancy tests?

    Doctor - of course, here you go

    I gave the money and went out.. I got into the car and we drove off... We got to the house, and I immediately went up to my room, changed clothes and went to the bathroom! I did a test aaaand.... Two stripes!!! I was afraid to go out! What if he doesn’t want children from me? What should I do then? That's it, I'll leave him!! No, Asil is stupid, you need to tell him everything as it is! I left and quietly went to my room, where he was lying... I came, he stood up and sat down, I also sat down next to him.

    How's your head?

    I'm not very...

    A-what's wrong with you?

    I- yes so!!

    Are you sure everything is fine?

    So, what happened?

    I-I, well, ummm, well, that's it in short

    A- You explained it so well!!

    “I-I’m pregnant,” I said it barely audible, but he heard

    And what? You are pregnant??

    I told you that he doesn’t want children from me...

    A-why are you sad?? Dumb huh? Come to me!!

    I wanted to run away, but he grabbed me and threw me on the bed and lay down next to me.

    A- Thank you my girl***

    A- I love you little *)))

    Me too!)

    This is how the day went...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    Let's move straight to the wedding day... I don't want to drag out the story... I wore a soft pink dress, and Aslan wore a black suit... I had a hairstyle made of a scarf on my head... Everything was beautiful.. Jack was gorgeous, there are no words to describe it... First I was at Jackie’s wedding, and when they came for the bride, I went with them***... I was sick all day... They announced the dance of the bride and groom, they were all after all beautiful couple... A tall and strong guy, and next to him a girl who is not very tall and so fragile*** I love them.. The dance ended and it was time for them to leave, not only for them, but also for us)... Everyone went home*** ... I don’t know what they had.. But we had this

    At night: 3 am, I got up and told my husband

    I- do you love me?*

    A - more than life**

    I - I love myself too)) Aslan buy me a Rolton

    A- this is harmful

    I say that you love more than life, but you don’t even buy Rolton!!!

    I'll go now!!

    He got up, washed, got dressed and left... He arrived 20 minutes later, with large bags)

    I-give meeee***

    A- you can’t go away..

    I'm greedy you!! Moreover, a huge...

    A- let's go eat

    He cooked me a rollton.. I ate and went to bed... He also came and lay down next to me, hugged me around the waist, and then touched my tummy..

    A- I wonder who we have

    The main thing for me is that I be healthy***

    A- You're right***

    I want to sleep...

    I'll miss a month, Aslan went to work ((I almost cried... My girl was also pregnant... I was 2 months pregnant, and she was only on her first... She was getting thinner and thinner, and her stomach was not so visible... But for me it was almost noticeable... Jack and I announced together that we were pregnant)... Everyone was happy... But one thing worried me was that she was losing weight!!

    My family won't drag out the story...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    Do you know why Jack lost weight? She was suffering from a serious illness!! My girl, my dear, my little girl(((We were already 9 months pregnant... We were sitting in the evening and my contractions started!! Aslan immediately took me to the hospital!! It was of course difficult to give birth, but when they give you... the hands of your baby, you forget about all the pain... We had a boy... You should have seen how happy Aslan was... And of course, me too... They named him Alim... That’s what dad (Aslan) wanted.. Time passed, it was time to give birth to my baby Jackie... Since she was sick, it was difficult for her... Islam prayed day and night to Allah to help him... Yes, and we also prayed for her... But this is It was the will of Allah, my Jackie was gone!! Islam named their daughter after her “Jennet”, which means “Paradise”... Islam was gradually dying... And me? I didn’t live but existed!! It was so bad that you can’t even imagine!! It can’t be described in words!!! My little, my dear girl died!! Aslan also lost all weight(((I’m silent about our parents!!(((... Jack kept a diary, I’m talking about this I found out after she died... I was allowed to open her diary... Before opening I said

    I am Jack, my dear girl, forgive me...

    And immediately opened the last pages... There were the words:

    “There are moments in life when there are no tears in your eyes, but there is a whole sea in your heart”

    “Whoever says that time heals has never known someone else’s grief! Wounds in the heart don’t heal - you just get used to the pain.”

    "Another day in which everything was except you"

    There were different phrases, the more I read, the stronger the pain in my chest... And the very last phrase was

    "Farewell Islam! You taught me to love and be loved! You taught me not to be afraid of my desires and to make a breakthrough to my happiness, to my dream, and to my love! It is a pity that fate did not give me enough time to prove to you how strong I am my feelings! I knew that I was going to die, they told me that I was seriously ill, and that there was a choice *Me or that little creature inside me*... I wanted her to live, I wanted her to be happy!! So what if it doesn’t happen her mother) But I hope, In Shaa Allah, she will be the most beautiful and happiest! I love you for the sake of Allah!"

    I fell to the floor and cried! Islam came in and helped me get up! We sat on the edge of the bed and hugged each other tightly! Our son was with the nanny during the day, and at night we picked him up... I already weighed 39 kg... I felt very bad, I can’t describe it in words!!!

    Three years later: Rasul got married, his daughter Camilla was born.. Alim and Jacka were 3 years old... My daughter Dilara was born... We still remember Jacka, we can’t forget her!! But Islam Jack's daughter already knew that her mother had flown far away... We persuaded Islam to move in with us... After much persuasion, he came to live with us. Jack calls me mom, and Islam dad... Everything is great with Aslan and I..

    With this I will end the story, love and immeasurable happiness to all❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • We are responsible for those we have tamed.
    A. de Saint-Exupéry

    The action of the story "Asya" takes place in the 19th century in Germany. Its main characters are N.N. and Asya, and the story is their love story.
    Mr. N.N., a rich young man, meets his compatriot Gagin and his sister Asya. He liked Asya immediately. He saw something special and attractive in her. Arriving at Asya’s home, N.N. got to know her better. The young man understands that this girl is not like everyone else, not a coquette. At first Asya was afraid of the stranger, but soon she started talking to him.
    Returning home, N.N. was filled with pleasant feelings and considered himself happy. He realized that he loved Asya. And Asya fell in love with him just as much.
    All this time, N.N. suspected that Asya was not Gagin’s sister. Asya's overheard conversation with Gagin, in which the girl confessed her love for N.N., seemed to dispel his doubts. N.N. thought that he could not love Asya, and also thought that the Gagins were deliberately lying to him. And he decided to retire, to get away from all this and spent three days in the mountains. Having returned, he meets Gagin again, and he tells N.N. Asya’s story. This story explains the girl's strange behavior. N.N. goes to Asya and spends the whole day with her. This day was the happiest in his life. He felt in love.
    A few days later, Asya made an appointment with N.N. She hoped that he would confess his love to her, but N.N. began to reproach Asya for telling her brother everything. The girl decided that he did not love her. One word could have made Asya and N.N. happy. But it was not spoken. Asya left with Gagin, N.N. looked for her for a long time, but never found her.
    Having already grown old, remaining lonely, having never met true love, N.N., as his most precious thing, keeps the geranium flower thrown to him by Asya. The story of Asya and N.N. is a warning to us, the young: after all, indeed, “happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.” Therefore, you need to appreciate and cherish love and loved ones, understanding them and forgiving them their little whims.

    Salaam Alaikum to everyone) this is my first time writing a story, so please don't judge too harshly.
    Strictly +18 so that children and those who do not like such things Let's Pass By.

    Morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing in the trees. Despite the fact that it was September, the weather was hot.
    The phone rang (It was my best friend Ferina)
    A-Hello, I answered in a sleepy voice
    F-Hello hare
    A-Hello baby doll
    F-Are you still sleeping?
    A-I was just about to get up when you called)
    F-You know that tomorrow is the first day that we will go to college
    A-Bliiin another headache(
    F-No noah, come on: D Today we are going to the shopping center for shopping
    A-Okay, but let's go to bed in an hour.
    F-No, I'll pick you up in an hour,
    to be ready!
    A-Okay: D
    (Aisha was 17 years old. Not much about her appearance: she had an elegant figure; guys always approached her, but oddly enough, she turned them off.
    The eyes were dark brown that even almost the pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and a neat nose, the lips were plump
    Her hair was medium brown and fell to her back, as they say, she had everything with her
    Her family was rich. They lived in Turkey and were originally from Turkey. In her family she had 5 people, including Aisha: Papa-Revan (He was a strict man, but he also showed his love and care to his beloved family and was often not at home because of work and therefore visited other cities;
    Mama-Inel (the woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, but not because there was no money, but out of boredom and she worked for a wedding dress designer;
    He loved Maga (brother Aisha very much and at the same time was strict towards her; he already had a daughter-in-law to whom he was engaged and the wedding should take place in 3 months;
    Dinar (the little brother who goes to school is a cheerful kid) I think I have described enough and you will learn about others in the continuation of the story.
    Aisha still decided to get out of her favorite bed. She went to the bathroom, did all her water procedures and left. She wore a soft beige dress with a black belt at the waist that clearly showed her figure and 10 cm black heels. She straightened her hair and let it down and delicate makeup and was ready) and at that moment Ferina called
    F-come down, I won’t wait)
    How cruel you are, I’m already running)
    She came down and the table was already set for the family assembled. Everyone had breakfast
    (Mom Papa Maga Dinar)
    A-Good morning everyone)
    Mom, Dad - Good morning daughter)
    Mom - Sit down and have breakfast
    A-mom I won’t, I’m late Fidanka is waiting for me
    Mom - should I eat?
    Let's go to a cafe there
    Mom - say hi to Ferina
    A-Bon appetit everyone and bye)
    Dinar stuck out his tongue
    And Maga said, however, as always - bye and be careful and don’t linger
    Oh good
    And her parents smiled after her.
    Leaving the house she saw a car she knew, it was
    her best friend's white foreign car
    The friend got out of the car and was not happy and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
    I'll tell you a little about Ferina
    (Ferina had long dark brown hair down to her butt, everyone always thought that she had black hair. Her eyes were dark brown, just like her friend’s hair. Friends often said that she had black eyes, but if you look closely, it’s completely different. The eyelashes are also long and thick, raised up .Lips are not plump, nose is neat.An ideal figure is shorter. Everything is to yourself.
    She was dressed in a black dress that was below her knees and hugged her body and on the back of the dress there was a gold zipper that was full length and 8 cm black heels and her hair was straightened and tied into a ponytail.
    She was a kind girl and Aisha, they were friends from school and they were also relatives
    Fidan's family was rich and was very good friends with Arinkina.
    I think I dragged you on with this and so on)
    F-What took you so long?
    A-Well, please forgive me, dear)
    F-Come on ;)
    On the way they joked, laughed, chatted and didn’t even notice how they arrived at the shopping center)
    Having done all their shopping, the girls decided to go to a cafe)
    They went into a cafe and sat down at an empty table. And they took the order and finally the waiter brought the dishes.
    The girls started eating and at that moment

    The girls began to eat and at that moment a group of guys consisting of 5 people entered the cafe. They laughed and talked loudly as they sat down at the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aisha and Ferina too, but then they continued talking and eating.
    A guy from that company came up to them and sat down next to them:
    “G-girl, can I meet you,” he addressed Aisha
    A-I don't meet guys
    P-Don’t break, come on, and don’t show yourself to be hard to touch.
    A-Listen, fuck off, she said!
    A group of his friends and Fidan watched all this.
    F-Listen, can you leave here?
    Sh-Shut up. Just keep silent.
    A-Don't talk to her in that tone!
    Get out!
    P-I see a long tongue, right?
    A-fuck you!
    A-easy! Yes-Fuck-You! -rising from the table
    F-let's get out of here Aisha
    A-let's go, it's impossible to stand next to people like THIS
    She was about to leave when he suddenly grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her sharply towards him.
    W-Will you answer for the words you just said? - he said smiling sarcastically
    They looked into each other's eyes and Aisha took a glass of Coca Cola
    And I say again - Easy!
    And she poured every last drop on him.
    The guy stood in shock and looked after her as she left with her friend.
    W-We'll meet again - the guy was furious
    Friends looked at it with rounded eyes
    Leaving the cafe, the friends quickly walked to the car and got into it. And they locked all the doors and, looking at each other, began to laugh and joke:
    F-you're so impudent, I didn't know
    Ahahaha I didn’t expect this from myself)
    F-but he really pissed me off
    And so I let him understand how to pester a girl
    And they started laughing and making fun of each other)
    Having reached Aisha’s house, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house; there was no one there; the girl was glad about this because she wanted to be alone. She went and washed her makeup, put her hair up comfortably and changed into pajamas, she lay down on the bed, it was 21:30, she wanted to sleep, she was tired.
    She thought about today, about the guy, about how others looked, and with these thoughts she fell asleep.
    Morning. Time 08:30.
    The phone rang. She barely picked up her iPhone and pressed answer and didn’t even read who it was calling.
    Well, you guessed it, it was Ferina)
    A-hello, a hoarse voice sounded
    F-good morning
    F-Do you know what day it is today?
    F-Fool! The first day when we go to college
    Oh, I forgot! -quickly jumping out of bed
    F-get ready, I'll pick you up in half an hour; there's a traffic jam on the road, so I won't wait for you as quickly as possible.
    A-Okay, don't distract me!
    She ran to the bathroom, cleaned herself up, washed her face, etc.
    She quickly opened the closet and took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a slit in the back and a soft pink blouse with black buttons.
    I wore all this and looked gorgeous)
    All that was missing were heels and a bag
    She wore black heels, 15 cm high, and a black Chanel bag, not too big, shorter.
    And she tied her hair high on top, did makeup and looked cute
    She left the house, closed the door and went to the car.
    Ferina was sitting there and they said hello:
    F-how are you? Well, what shall we eat?
    A-fine, I’m very worried, how are you?
    F-too) you look gorgeous
    A-thank you) you too)
    (Ferina was wearing a sundress, well, like a skirt and a blouse, but it was a black and white sundress all together.
    White heels 10 cm and a bag the same not big as Aisha’s and her hair was tied up in a bun, it also looked beautiful)
    When they reached the institute, they got out of the car. The institute was very large and classes started in 10 minutes. The girls, without waiting for anything, decided to quickly find an audience so as not to be late. While they were walking, looking for the office, everyone looked at them, some with envy, some with admiration. The girls walked without noticing anything, talked, smiling at each other, they didn’t care)

    It would be better not to care.
    As they passed, the girls walked without noticing yesterday's company of guys, there were also five of them. And the guy who remembered Aisha well.
    Let me describe the guy so you have an idea about him.
    (The guy’s name is Aylan, a very handsome and sexy guy, tall and with a very sexy physique. His nose is neat and his mouth is not large, not plump, and the most important thing about him was His Eyes, they are either golden or light chestnut and from all this the girls were blown away. Well, since you already know that girls were blown away, he is a Terrible Womanizer. He has a very rich family. His character is very strict, but sometimes he is kind and he has no patience and he is cruel and quite Selfish. And if he wants something, then that’s it he will just leave nothing and the guy is smart and loves to take revenge)
    Standing with the guys were girls called Barbies.
    Aylan saw Aisha and her friend and immediately recognized them. He was a little surprised, but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that he would simply not leave it. He decided to act. He and his best friend walked away from the company.
    And I decided to close the plan.
    (My best friend’s name is Fariz, he’s been friends with him since the cradle. Fariz knew everything about Aylan. He has short hair, dark brown eyes, you can’t see the pupil. A neat nose and a neat mouth. The kid also had a good build (m “Jock”) okay, well, in short.
    Fariz was a very smart guy and when he got bored with something, and he gets bored quickly, he was rude. he always makes advances and likes to touch girls.
    Womanizer in short.
    He will also play a big role in this story) well, I described the main characters to you, I think it’s time to start
    And so the plan:
    In short, brother, look and listen carefully:
    1. I will steal that bitch who spilled Coca-Cola.
    2. And you are different.
    3. And in short, when she’s around, well, that bitch and you’re on the other one, call me and I’ll put it on speaker. In short, you threaten her like you’ll rape her, so do it like you’re pestering her but don’t do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we’ll let them out, okay?
    F-this is a bad idea, maybe it's not worth it?
    A-after what she did? I embarrassed myself in front of everyone!
    F-okay, but let’s just hang out right now and go hang out and relax?
    A-great idea) thanks friend)
    The friends went to the strip bar without thinking about anything. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Parties, etc. And it was time to leave.
    F-Let's go Aylaaan)
    A-Let's leave)
    And they were already on their way to college.
    And at this time the girls.
    We left the last classes and headed to the cafe at the institute.
    We sat there and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
    F-I'm really tired(
    A-be patient.
    like this every day
    The girls talked whatever came to mind and so half an hour passed)
    The boys were already there and watching from the car. And everyone had their own car.
    As the girls approached the car, the boys sprang into action.
    Aisha got into the car and waited for Ferin, who was talking with her mother on the street.
    Aylan quietly approached the car, opened the door and put her to sleep; she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Aylan took her in his arms and put her in the back seat and sat down and, winking at his friend, drove off.
    And Ferina, not noticing anything, continued to talk when they grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hands and dragged her somewhere, the phone fell out of her hands and the car was also left behind. Famil barely dragged her to the car and threw her into the back seat. She was already crying and wanted to get out when he closed all the doors and, pressing on the gas, we drove off sharply.
    At this time, Aylan was drunk and was driving fast, not paying attention to the traffic lights, and Aisha was passed out at that time.
    Having arrived, Aylan stopped at a large house, one might say a mansion.
    He came out, took Aisha in his hands and walked towards the house.
    Fariz also did not lag behind on the road. Ferina threw a tantrum:
    F-let go! who are you!
    Fah, don’t yell, your brain hurts, just sit in silence!
    F-fuck you! She already wanted to break the glass
    Fa-stupid! I said something unclear! - shouted at the entire interior of the car
    Fidan remained silent for 30 seconds and began:
    P-please take me home - she cried.
    Fah, I’ll do some work, I’ll take it away
    F- where is Aish

    More informational articles about wedding eye makeup


    Salaam Alaikum to everyone) this is my first time writing a story, so please don't judge too harshly.
    Strictly +18 so that children and those who do not like such things Let's Pass By.

    Morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing in the trees. Despite the fact that it was September, the weather was hot.
    The phone rang (It was my best friend Ferina)
    A-Hello, I answered in a sleepy voice
    F-Hello hare
    A-Hello baby doll
    F-Are you still sleeping?
    A-I was just about to get up when you called)
    F-You know that tomorrow is the first day that we will go to college
    A-Bliiin another headache(
    F-No noah, come on: D Today we are going to the shopping center for shopping
    A-Okay, but let's go to bed in an hour.
    F-No, I'll pick you up in an hour,
    to be ready!
    A-Okay: D
    (Aisha was 17 years old. Not much about her appearance: she had an elegant figure; guys always approached her, but oddly enough, she turned them off.
    The eyes were dark brown that even almost the pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and a neat nose, the lips were plump
    Her hair was medium brown and fell to her back, as they say, she had everything with her
    Her family was rich. They lived in Turkey and were originally from Turkey. In her family she had 5 people, including Aisha: Papa-Revan (He was a strict man, but he also showed his love and care to his beloved family and was often not at home because of work and therefore visited other cities;
    Mama-Inel (the woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, but not because there was no money, but out of boredom and she worked for a wedding dress designer;
    He loved Maga (brother Aisha very much and at the same time was strict towards her; he already had a daughter-in-law to whom he was engaged and the wedding should take place in 3 months;
    Dinar (the little brother who goes to school is a cheerful kid) I think I have described enough and you will learn about others in the continuation of the story.
    Aisha still decided to get out of her favorite bed. She went to the bathroom, did all her water procedures and left. She wore a soft beige dress with a black belt at the waist that clearly showed her figure and 10 cm black heels. She straightened her hair and let it down and delicate makeup and was ready) and at that moment Ferina called
    F-come down, I won’t wait)
    How cruel you are, I’m already running)
    She came down and the table was already set for the family assembled. Everyone had breakfast
    (Mom Papa Maga Dinar)
    A-Good morning everyone)
    Mom, Dad - Good morning daughter)
    Mom - Sit down and have breakfast
    A-mom I won’t, I’m late Fidanka is waiting for me
    Mom - should I eat?
    Let's go to a cafe there
    Mom - say hi to Ferina
    A-Bon appetit everyone and bye)
    Dinar stuck out his tongue
    And Maga said, however, as always - bye and be careful and don’t linger
    Oh good
    And her parents smiled after her.
    Leaving the house she saw a car she knew, it was
    her best friend's white foreign car
    The friend got out of the car and was not happy and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
    I'll tell you a little about Ferina
    (Ferina had long dark brown hair down to her butt, everyone always thought that she had black hair. Her eyes were dark brown, just like her friend’s hair. Friends often said that she had black eyes, but if you look closely, it’s completely different. The eyelashes are also long and thick, raised up .Lips are not plump, nose is neat.An ideal figure is shorter. Everything is to yourself.
    She was dressed in a black dress that was below her knees and hugged her body and on the back of the dress there was a gold zipper that was full length and 8 cm black heels and her hair was straightened and tied into a ponytail.
    She was a kind girl and Aisha, they were friends from school and they were also relatives
    Fidan's family was rich and was very good friends with Arinkina.
    I think I dragged you on with this and so on)
    F-What took you so long?
    A-Well, please forgive me, dear)
    F-Come on ;)
    On the way they joked, laughed, chatted and didn’t even notice how they arrived at the shopping center)
    Having done all their shopping, the girls decided to go to a cafe)
    They went into a cafe and sat down at an empty table. And they took the order and finally the waiter brought the dishes.
    The girls started eating and at that moment

    The girls began to eat and at that moment a group of guys consisting of 5 people entered the cafe. They laughed and talked loudly as they sat down at the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aisha and Ferina too, but then they continued talking and eating.
    A guy from that company came up to them and sat down next to them:
    “G-girl, can I meet you,” he addressed Aisha
    A-I don't meet guys
    P-Don’t break, come on, and don’t show yourself to be hard to touch.
    A-Listen, fuck off, she said!
    A group of his friends and Fidan watched all this.
    F-Listen, can you leave here?
    Sh-Shut up. Just keep silent.
    A-Don't talk to her in that tone!
    Get out!
    P-I see a long tongue, right?
    A-fuck you!
    A-easy! Yes-Fuck-You! -rising from the table
    F-let's get out of here Aisha
    A-let's go, it's impossible to stand next to people like THIS
    She was about to leave when he suddenly grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her sharply towards him.
    W-Will you answer for the words you just said? - he said smiling sarcastically
    They looked into each other's eyes and Aisha took a glass of Coca Cola
    And I say again - Easy!
    And she poured every last drop on him.
    The guy stood in shock and looked after her as she left with her friend.
    W-We'll meet again - the guy was furious
    Friends looked at it with rounded eyes
    Leaving the cafe, the friends quickly walked to the car and got into it. And they locked all the doors and, looking at each other, began to laugh and joke:
    F-you're so impudent, I didn't know
    Ahahaha I didn’t expect this from myself)
    F-but he really pissed me off
    And so I let him understand how to pester a girl
    And they started laughing and making fun of each other)
    Having reached Aisha’s house, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house; there was no one there; the girl was glad about this because she wanted to be alone. She went and washed her makeup, put her hair up comfortably and changed into pajamas, she lay down on the bed, it was 21:30, she wanted to sleep, she was tired.
    She thought about today, about the guy, about how others looked, and with these thoughts she fell asleep.
    Morning. Time 08:30.
    The phone rang. She barely picked up her iPhone and pressed answer and didn’t even read who it was calling.
    Well, you guessed it, it was Ferina)
    A-hello, a hoarse voice sounded
    F-good morning
    F-Do you know what day it is today?
    F-Fool! The first day when we go to college
    Oh, I forgot! -quickly jumping out of bed
    F-get ready, I'll pick you up in half an hour; there's a traffic jam on the road, so I won't wait for you as quickly as possible.
    A-Okay, don't distract me!
    She ran to the bathroom, cleaned herself up, washed her face, etc.
    She quickly opened the closet and took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a slit in the back and a soft pink blouse with black buttons.
    I wore all this and looked gorgeous)
    All that was missing were heels and a bag
    She wore black heels, 15 cm high, and a black Chanel bag, not too big, shorter.
    And she tied her hair high on top, did makeup and looked cute
    She left the house, closed the door and went to the car.
    Ferina was sitting there and they said hello:
    F-how are you? Well, what shall we eat?
    A-fine, I’m very worried, how are you?
    F-too) you look gorgeous
    A-thank you) you too)
    (Ferina was wearing a sundress, well, like a skirt and a blouse, but it was a black and white sundress all together.
    White heels 10 cm and a bag the same not big as Aisha’s and her hair was tied up in a bun, it also looked beautiful)
    When they reached the institute, they got out of the car. The institute was very large and classes started in 10 minutes. The girls, without waiting for anything, decided to quickly find an audience so as not to be late. While they were walking, looking for the office, everyone looked at them, some with envy, some with admiration. The girls walked without noticing anything, talked, smiling at each other, they didn’t care)

    It would be better not to care.
    As they passed, the girls walked without noticing yesterday's company of guys, there were also five of them. And the guy who remembered Aisha well.
    Let me describe the guy so you have an idea about him.
    (The guy’s name is Aylan, a very handsome and sexy guy, tall and with a very sexy physique. His nose is neat and his mouth is not large, not plump, and the most important thing about him was His Eyes, they are either golden or light chestnut and from all this the girls were blown away. Well, since you already know that girls were blown away, he is a Terrible Womanizer. He has a very rich family. His character is very strict, but sometimes he is kind and he has no patience and he is cruel and quite Selfish. And if he wants something, then that’s it he will just leave nothing and the guy is smart and loves to take revenge)
    Standing with the guys were girls called Barbies.
    Aylan saw Aisha and her friend and immediately recognized them. He was a little surprised, but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that he would simply not leave it. He decided to act. He and his best friend walked away from the company.
    And I decided to close the plan.
    (My best friend’s name is Fariz, he’s been friends with him since the cradle. Fariz knew everything about Aylan. He has short hair, dark brown eyes, you can’t see the pupil. A neat nose and a neat mouth. The kid also had a good build (m “Jock”) okay, well, in short.
    Fariz was a very smart guy and when he got bored with something, and he gets bored quickly, he was rude. he always makes advances and likes to touch girls.
    Womanizer in short.
    He will also play a big role in this story) well, I described the main characters to you, I think it’s time to start
    And so the plan:
    In short, brother, look and listen carefully:
    1. I will steal that bitch who spilled Coca-Cola.
    2. And you are different.
    3. And in short, when she’s around, well, that bitch and you’re on the other one, call me and I’ll put it on speaker. In short, you threaten her like you’ll rape her, so do it like you’re pestering her but don’t do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we’ll let them out, okay?
    F-this is a bad idea, maybe it's not worth it?
    A-after what she did? I embarrassed myself in front of everyone!
    F-okay, but let’s just hang out right now and go hang out and relax?
    A-great idea) thanks friend)
    The friends went to the strip bar without thinking about anything. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Parties, etc. And it was time to leave.
    F-Let's go Aylaaan)
    A-Let's leave)
    And they were already on their way to college.
    And at this time the girls.
    We left the last classes and headed to the cafe at the institute.
    We sat there and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
    F-I'm really tired(
    A-be patient.
    like this every day
    The girls talked whatever came to mind and so half an hour passed)
    The boys were already there and watching from the car. And everyone had their own car.
    As the girls approached the car, the boys sprang into action.
    Aisha got into the car and waited for Ferin, who was talking with her mother on the street.
    Aylan quietly approached the car, opened the door and put her to sleep; she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Aylan took her in his arms and put her in the back seat and sat down and, winking at his friend, drove off.
    And Ferina, not noticing anything, continued to talk when they grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hands and dragged her somewhere, the phone fell out of her hands and the car was also left behind. Famil barely dragged her to the car and threw her into the back seat. She was already crying and wanted to get out when he closed all the doors and, pressing on the gas, we drove off sharply.
    At this time, Aylan was drunk and was driving fast, not paying attention to the traffic lights, and Aisha was passed out at that time.
    Having arrived, Aylan stopped at a large house, one might say a mansion.
    He came out, took Aisha in his hands and walked towards the house.
    Fariz also did not lag behind on the road. Ferina threw a tantrum:
    F-let go! who are you!
    Fah, don’t yell, your brain hurts, just sit in silence!
    F-fuck you! She already wanted to break the glass
    Fa-stupid! I said something unclear! - shouted at the entire interior of the car
    Fidan remained silent for 30 seconds and began:
    P-please take me home - she cried.
    Fah, I’ll do some work, I’ll take it away
    F- where is Aish

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    Video Caucasian love stories: Ramadan & Leila

    We are responsible for those we have tamed.
    A. de Saint-Exupéry

    The action of the story "Asya" takes place in the 19th century in Germany. Its main characters are N.N. and Asya, and the story is their love story.
    Mr. N.N., a rich young man, meets his compatriot Gagin and his sister Asya. He liked Asya immediately. He saw something special and attractive in her. Arriving at Asya’s home, N.N. got to know her better. The young man understands that this girl is not like everyone else, not a coquette. At first Asya was afraid of the stranger, but soon she started talking to him.
    Returning home, N.N. was filled with pleasant feelings and considered himself happy. He realized that he loved Asya. And Asya fell in love with him just as much.
    All this time, N.N. suspected that Asya was not Gagin’s sister. Asya's overheard conversation with Gagin, in which the girl confessed her love for N.N., seemed to dispel his doubts. N.N. thought that he could not love Asya, and also thought that the Gagins were deliberately lying to him. And he decided to retire, to get away from all this and spent three days in the mountains. Having returned, he meets Gagin again, and he tells N.N. Asya’s story. This story explains the girl's strange behavior. N.N. goes to Asya and spends the whole day with her. This day was the happiest in his life. He felt in love.
    A few days later, Asya made an appointment with N.N. She hoped that he would confess his love to her, but N.N. began to reproach Asya for telling her brother everything. The girl decided that he did not love her. One word could have made Asya and N.N. happy. But it was not spoken. Asya left with Gagin, N.N. looked for her for a long time, but never found her.
    Having already grown old, remaining lonely, having never met true love, N.N., as his most precious thing, keeps the geranium flower thrown to him by Asya. The story of Asya and N.N. is a warning to us, the young: after all, indeed, “happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.” Therefore, you need to appreciate and cherish love and loved ones, understanding them and forgiving them their little whims.

    A strange love story.“...I liked her soul,” notes N. after several days of meeting Asya. But this sympathy is not unconditional. N. finds it difficult to get used to the endless metamorphoses of the girl’s behavior. Sometimes he is indignant - “what kind of childish prank?”, sometimes he calls a new acquaintance “a capricious girl with a forced laugh.” And this is not just the irritation of an adult observing the whim of a child. Outwardly free, Mr. N. was accustomed to obeying the laws of the world. Like the “prim Englishmen” he met on a walk, who “as if on command, followed Asya with cold amazement with their glass eyes...”, he is shocked by the girl’s too free behavior.

    Asya has to take the first step herself. She, like Tatyana, sends the young man a note inviting him on a date. Pushkin had to defend his heroine:

    Why is Tatyana more guilty? Is it because in sweet simplicity She knows no deception And believes in her chosen dream? Is it because she loves without art, Obedient to the attraction of feeling, That she is so trusting, That she is gifted from heaven with a rebellious Imagination, A living mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart?

    These lines, written about Tatyana, characterize Asya as well as possible.

    Two men, a brother and a lover, stop in confusion before a “fiery and tender heart.” They may be superior to Asya in “prudence,” but they are immeasurably inferior in vitality and uncompromisingness. Gagin laments in the tone of an old nanny: “...She’s crazy and will drive me crazy.” Mr. N. “sat down and thought” after receiving the note. His confusion is reinforced by Gagin’s direct, sincere question: “Maybe... who knows? “Do you like my sister?” “Yes, I like her,” N finally answers. But something in the tone of his voice makes Gagin say with conviction: “But we’re leaving tomorrow, after all, because you won’t marry Asa.” And he repeats with confidence: “Don’t get married.”

    Turgenev inserts a symbolic episode into the plot development of the story. N. decided to wait for the time of the meeting in a small tavern. “A pretty maid with tear-stained eyes brought me a mug of beer; I looked into her face... “Yes, yes,” said a fat and red-cheeked citizen who was sitting right there, “Our Gankhen is very upset today: her fiancé has become a soldier.” She pressed herself into the corner and rested her cheek on her hand; tears dripped one after another down her fingers..."

    Gankhen... This is an affectionately diminutive form of the name “Anna” in German, like Asya in Russian. Thus, a double of the girl in love appears before us. But what can misfortune bring to Asya? There are no objective reasons, like the unfortunate German maid who is forced to come to terms with the fact that her fiancé is being recruited as a soldier. Asya and N. are both free, there are no external obstacles. Gagin himself offered his sister’s hand to his friend.

    As if sensing silent condemnation, Asya moves the date to a more “decent” place, to the house of the old German woman Louise. We remember that the poetic vision of a young girl in an old woman’s house gave the writer the first impetus for the story. “The wrinkled face of the burgomaster’s widow” with a “sweetly sly smile” and “dull eyes” resembles a witch who is hiding a young princess behind bars. The hero must break the evil spell and free his beloved. He finds Asya hiding in the upper room. Her pose evokes a poetic comparison with a frightened bird. Direct feeling is best expressed in a glance. Now N. focuses on her eyes: “Oh, the look of a woman who has fallen in love - who can describe you? They begged, these eyes, they trusted, questioned, surrendered... I could not resist their charm.”

    The impulse of immediate response did not last long. Like Onegin, the young man begins to read instructions to her. Asya has to justify herself in a “frightened whisper.” “The thought that now everything was lost, everything, everything that Gagin knows about our date, that everything was distorted, discovered - it was ringing in my head,” this is how N. explains his condition. He clearly forgot that he himself considered it necessary to tell her brother about the fateful note with the invitation.

    The meeting also reveals the difference between the two heroines, Pushkin’s and Turgenev’s. Like Tatyana Larina, Asya “became ashamed and scared” every minute. Subsequently, Tatiana the Princess’s “blood runs cold / As soon as I remember the cold look / And this sermon...” And yet “through tears, seeing nothing / Barely breathing, without objection, / Tatiana listened to him ( Onegin)". “So humbly / I listened to your lesson...” she reminds Evgeniy. On the contrary, Asya cannot endure such humiliation for even a minute. As soon as she realized that her love was rejected, Turgenev’s heroine quickly runs away. Disappears - to the great surprise of the simple-minded German woman, who did not expect (like us, by the way) such a development of events. The “Witch” suddenly turns into a kind-hearted, confused old woman.

    Well, is the hero a “knight”? In fact, what motivated Mr. N.? Does N. seriously share secular prejudices regarding the girl’s “illegal” origin? And Turgenev descends into the very depths of his soul. There is rarely one reason for human actions. We are driven by a complex, contradictory tangle of high and low impulses. Perhaps the hero’s behavior was influenced by the already noted fear of the strength of Asya’s character. “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl with her temperament, how is that possible!” - N. thought, just getting ready to go on a date.

    He was partly embarrassed by the intrusion of a stranger into the maturing world of love. Gagin's attempts, albeit delicate, to become a mediator between his friend and sister. To achieve a categorical answer in the sphere of feelings means to touch upon the elusive movements of the heart. The writer never allowed himself this, even on the pages of a novel, when communicating with fictional characters.

    Turgenev the heart specialist goes further. He reports that love, like everything else in the world, also has an age. The young man’s feeling is somewhat “younger”; it is delayed in comparison with the decisive rhythm of Asya’s love. Not for long - just a few hours. But this is enough for a fatal outcome. “When I met her in that fateful room,” N. explains, “I still did not have a clear consciousness of my love.” The hero tries to comprehend the bizarre logic of the development of the feeling: “It flared up with uncontrollable force only a few moments later, when, frightened by the possibility of misfortune, I began to look for and call her... but then it was too late.”

    As if taking pity, fate gives Mr. N. one last chance. Having set out with his brother on a search, he did not find the girl. I just caught a glimpse of a figure flashing by the cross (You can imagine with what fervor Asya prayed there, remembering the “cross” over her mother’s grave!). Upon returning, N. finds out that Asya came home late at night. She is here, in this house. But the power of decency again dominates him: “I wanted to tell Gagin then that I was asking for his sister’s hand. But such matchmaking at such a time. “See you tomorrow,” I thought...” The matured hero accompanies these words with a bitter comment: “Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment.”

    The next day N. finds out that Asya and her brother have left. In Asya's farewell note, the hero finds confirmation of his guesses. Only he is to blame for the inglorious end of their relationship: “Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you had said one word to me, just one word, I would have stayed. You didn’t say it...” “Apparently, it’s better this way. Goodbye forever!" - the innocent and bitterly offended girl ends her letter. In her humility there is great strength of spirit.

    16 years. Studying in 10th grade in Rostov. Every summer he comes to Ingushetia. Good girl Only fours and fives. She herself is very sweet and gentle, kind and friendly. From a wealthy family. She has an older sister, Tanzila. There is a mother, Larisa, but no father, he died in a car accident. Amina also has heart problems. It often hurts her. This causes fainting, dizziness, and pain. Of course she is undergoing treatment, taking medications and all sorts of pills. Larisa is afraid that it may suddenly stop. But her older sister Tanzila and Amina assure her that everything will be fine.


    19 years. She studies at the medical faculty in Rostov. She graduated from school with a gold medal. Keep it up. Very kind and sweet. They don't look alike at all with their sister. Amina is like dad, and Tanzila is like mom. They are very friendly, always help each other, never quarrel. They also help mom. Tanzila works part-time as a nanny in a kindergarten in Rostov. She loves little children very much. There is always enough time for both study and work.

    38 years. The same kind, sweet and very affectionate mother. She runs her husband's business. She continues working. That's why they are so rich. We also have our own store in Ingushetia and Rostov, plus Tanzilina’s salary. Not very bad. Smart Larisa tries for her princesses, and they, in turn, for their beloved mother

    Father of Tanzila and Amina, husband of Larisa... He was the best. He did everything for the sake of his beloved daughters and wife. Worked every day and every night. Then he started his own business, which his wife now takes care of. He also opened a store in Rostov, and his brother opened a store in Ingushetia and gave it to Larisa. Despite all these riches, the girls and Larisa feel very bad without their beloved daddy... They miss him. They cry almost every day.. He is in their hearts..

    Summeroooo! Our ladies were preparing to leave for Ingushetia, their beloved Motherland. They went shopping in different shopping centers. We bought long beautiful dresses, sundresses, knee-length skirts, long T-shirts, T-shirts, sunglasses, flip flops, shoes (for Tanzila and Larisa), ballet shoes, various summer handbags and jewelry

    Amina put on a long beige dress, denim ballerina, ballet shoes, jewelry, straightened her hair, made up her eyes.. Ugh.. Beauty
    Tanzila, in turn, put on a green floor-length sundress, heels, makeup, jewelry... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
    Mommy also didn’t lag behind, wearing a dark blue pencil skirt, a white T-shirt with all sorts of patterns, ballet shoes, jewelry, and makeup and that’s it! Irresistible! GorgeousJust the bomb
    Our ladies took their purses, suitcases, registration of all business and flight
    On the plane, the girls played music. Mom read either a newspaper or a book.
    Finally these painful two hours have passed!!
    -Ingushetia, meet us! - with these words our princesses RUNNED out of the plane
    They were met by Larisa's brother, the girls' uncle.
    31 year. A very proud, independent man. Always serious. Works.
    Beslan and Larisa also have an older brother.
    40 years. The man is pumped up! Ohhh. Married and has two sons. Serious, business lawyer. A very kind man. And beautiful. Good husband and father
    Beslan and Ilez live in the same house. The house is divided by a large veranda. So, Beslan’s housing is shared with Ilez’s family. And great

    Half an hour later they arrived at Larisa’s family’s house. She took out the keys and opened the huge front door. Home sweet home How they missed him)* Beslan helped them with their bags, said goodbye and went on business. The girls walked around the house, each carrying their bags into their rooms. Yes.. There has been no one in the house for two years.. Grandmother died.. Grandfather died, and Hassan too.. The house was large, two-story. For 9 months everything was dust. And it was necessary to tighten things up a little. Having changed into home dresses, the girls began to clean the first floor, and then the second. They swept the yard, tidied up the veranda and by evening everything was clean. The girls got hungry and decided to cook dinner

    After eating and cleaning up after themselves, they went to their rooms to lay out their things. Then we fell asleep.

    Morning* Tanzila woke up at 9 o'clock and prepared breakfast. Later Larisa and Amina woke up.

    A-maa, we need to buy SIM cards.

    Y-yes, by the way. I need internet.

    L-I'll give you money, go to the market and buy it. For one thing, let them cut them off for us. And buy something to eat.

    The little girls had dinner and breakfast with food from Rostov. They brought with them cucumbers, sausages (halal), sausages, and all sorts of buns.

    Already in the afternoon, two sisters went to the market. We bought some goodies, normal food, and SIM cards.

    T, A-We're home.

    L-Girls, prepare a delicious lunch! The neighbors are coming to us.

    These were the parents of our hero Murad.

    20 years. He also studies in Rostov. That is, I studied. He was kicked out for being a hooligan. He’s also a womanizer. Larisa’s family knew them well, the girls knew these hooligans. Murad has two younger brothers.

    17 years. Beautiful. Studying in Ingushetia. In 11th grade. A very good guy, but he often freaks out and swears... Well, what... happens.

    13 years old. Such a kind sweetheart. The sweetest and nicest boy. Studying in Ingushetia in 7th grade. In their family, only Murad studied and lived in Postov. I also came to Ingushetia for the summer.

    Lunch was ready. Guests arrived. Fatima and Suleiman. Murad's parents. Very good people and friends. Very cute couple.

    L-As-Salamu Aleikum, come to the table.

    F,S-Vaaleikum Salam.

    Everyone sat down at the table. It was covered with our princesses. The dishes looked very appetizing. They ate, talked about everything in the world, about girls, about boys, about studying... They sat there for another 3 hours and left. They lived in a neighboring house.

    The girls cleaned everything up and went into the hall.

    L-Murad is a handsome guy..

    Y-yeah, Amiina, how do you like him?

    What do I have to do with it?

    Y-don’t you like it? hahaha

    A-normal.. You’d better not look at other boys, otherwise I’ll tell Abdul,” Amina said offended.

    22 years old. Tanzila's boyfriend. They have been together for 2 years. They want to get married. He is very handsome and kind. Respects Larisa and adores Amina. He is with her as with a sister. They love to make fun of our Tanzika

    They went to bed.. But Amina could not sleep. I took out my phone and went to classmates.

    Message from Iznaur. She communicates with him like two goals with her brother. Previously, they were not very common.

    And-My bro, you've already arrived!

    A-yeah! I'm so glad!

    I-I'm tode! Why aren't you sleeping at all?

    A-I can’t sleep for some reason (and you?

    A-what are you doing?

    And yes, I’m just lying around) and you?

    A-me too((so boring)

    Shall we go for a walk tomorrow? I'll take Sabina with me too.

    A-well, I’ll ask my mom tomorrow and we’ll see then)

    And-okay, stump)) I'm going to bed)) Good night

    A-ahah, log) calm down))

    So they fell asleep))

    6 years. The youngest in their family. Very lively, cheerful and the same hooligan as the brothers

    In the morning Amina ran to her mother. A-Maaaam, can I go to the park with Iznaur and Sabina??

    Hm-well, if not for long)

    A-yeah, of course)

    Amina ran to the room to choose an outfit, and then went into her classmates

    A-I'm going for a walk!

    Me too) let's go to the park in half an hour)

    A-okay, stupid

    Amina wore a dark blue knee-length skirt and a white T-shirt with a picture of shoes.

    I-Oooh, Amina, As-Salamu Aleikum.

    A-vaaleikum salaam, stupid) how are you doing?

    So, okay, how are you?

    A-not bad either..

    So they started chatting.. Then they bought ice cream.. they walked around, ate, laughed) and welcomed Sabina. Murad was also in the park and watched them, he knew that they were just friends.

    Two hours later they separated.

    A-I'm home

    Let's go have some tea!

    They sat down to drink tea.

    H-how is your Iznaurchik doing?

    A-he's not mooo, maaa tell her

    L- hahahaha shut up both) we know very well that she likes Murad ahhah

    A-well maaaaaammmm

    Y-okay, we're being funny

    In short, we finished everything, cleaned up and went to our rooms)

    Amina went to classmates and there was a message.

    "Hi, how are you?" it was Murad.

    Hmm..why did he write to her?

    Hello. Thanks, everything is fine. How are you?

    M-Norm. What are you doing?

    Oh, nothing, I’m lying around) and you?

    M-listening to music... by the way, I saw you in the park. She became so beautiful))

    A-thank you))

    M-and the figure is absolutely class

    A-don’t talk about it) let’s change the topic)

    M-I'll decide what we'll talk about.

    A-mmm, well, well.

    M-boring you.. doesn’t tell your future husband)


    M-Because you are bored, and although with such and such a figurine he will have something to do hahahaha

    A-whahaha, you're a fool. I'm offended.

    M-phaha) take offense as much as you like.

    Amina left the site without responding to the message.

    "What's wrong with him? What a rude guy"

    So the days passed. Larisa and the girls visited relatives. We walked through the parks. Dada went to pennies. A month passed like this. It was hot and very boring. One day Fatima came to visit and said that their nephew was having a wedding and that they were also expecting them) Larisa told all this to the girls. The wedding was supposed to be on July 12, that is, in 3 days. Dresses and everything else were bought in Rostov. They had something to wear

    Our ladies were getting ready.

    Amina put on a floor-length black dress. She painted her eyes beautifully. Curled my hair! Everything was amazing

    Tanzila wore a brown knee-length dress. Heels makeup and you're done)

    Larisa put on a long sundress and jacket. Our princesses are ready. They got into a taxi and went to a big house. There

    there were a lot of people. Everyone is so beautiful and fragile... Murad was there. Yes.. Our Amisha liked him a little, and he liked her too! But he didn’t show it.. And he didn’t quite feel it))

    Amina joined some girls, they were all chatting)) then they ate and Amina went off to serve young guys))

    So, take these cookies to the table where the boys are sitting)

    Oh good)

    Amina took the plate with cookies and headed to the table)) Murad was there too.. Her heart was already beating wildly.

    “M-bring some tea,” Murad shouted in a nonchalant manner.

    Amina felt offended and went to get some tea.

    A-they ask for tea...

    It will be ready now!

    She took the tray and brought tea to Murad.

    M-I want a lemon!

    She brought a lemon.. All this time he looked at her lips and eyes.. “Uff what.. I wish I could kiss her right now.”

    She brought him a lemon, and her mother immediately allowed her. It's time to go home)

    They were already at home) tired)) it was already dark.. And they immediately went to bed..

    So June has passed. Murad left for Rostov.. Another month later and the girls.

    A- I'm soooo lazy to get up

    D-don't yell, duuura! mother sleeps!


    The girls quickly got dressed and left the apartment! No, they didn’t come out, they ran out!

    Luckily none of them were late. The day went well... Amina slowly walked home. Then the car suddenly braked and Murad got out)


    W-where are you going?

    A-none of your business..

    He turned her sharply towards him and said

    M-believe me! That's my business. Where are you going I ask??

    A-I'm going home! Home! Why are you bothering??

    M-wanted and pestered) where are you coming from?

    A-from school.. now leave me alone, please..

    I-I like you.

    A-very nice. Bye.

    M-pfft.. chow. see you)

    After that, he grinned and got into the car and drove away)

    Amina quickly went home. I sat down at the computer, played and went to do my homework. Then I lay down and turned on music in my headphones.

    That's how I fell asleep

    In the morning she packed her bag and went to school. Everything went well, on the way home she met Murad again...

    A-you again?

    Is there something you're not happy with?

    M-so what?

    A-your presence!

    M- I told you that I like you

    A-I already said it was cute.

    M-don’t act like a child) she’s an adult already)

    A-pfft.. but I like it anyway

    Mm-well, never mind.. we’ll re-educate))

    A-Murad, I need to go home

    M-go go..

    And like this every day. The whole month of September went by like this. Murad did not lag behind our Aminochka. One day in October they met again


    Hello, Murad)

    M-I need to talk to you) let's go to that cafe)

    Um...well, let's go.

    They came to the cafe and sat down at the farthest table)

    What did you want to talk about?

    M-just don't interrupt me)

    M-Amina, you and I have known each other for a long time, and so have our parents. I really liked you. Previously, of course, it infuriated me. But.. Now.. Now everything is different. You are very sweet and beautiful.. So kind. Compared to me. In general, Amina, let's talk seriously? Just.. Yes or No.

    A-Murad.. I..

    M-Amina! Just YES or NO. I don't want to hear anything else.

    Amina looked at him for 10 seconds, and then, lowering her eyes, said: “Yes.”

    Murad began to smile and glow.

    M-You are my princess:* Now at least give me your phone number

    A-write it down

    They drank tea, ate cakes and

    went home.

    A-Tanziiiiil, Maaaam!

    Y-we're in the kitchen, don't yell soooo

    Amina went into the kitchen.

    D-daughter, what happened?

    A-I was in a cafe with Murad today..

    A-I’m telling you... I was in a cafe with Murad

    W-what were you doing there??

    Well, let me tell you... In short... He offered to communicate seriously

    Well, are you deaf?

    M-So, Amina.. what about you?

    A-and I... agreed, you don’t mind, do you?

    M-no...but you need to be careful. You know what a womanizer he is...

    A-Maam, everything will be fine. I went to do my homework.

    Amin went into her room and started doing her homework.

    Suddenly an SMS arrived:

    M-What are you doing?

    A-lessons, and you?)

    I’m watching M-TV) what time do your classes end tomorrow?

    14:15, what?

    Shall we go for a walk after school?

    A-come on)))

    M-agreed))* my sunshine)*

    This ended their SMS communication. At night she received an SMS saying “Good night, my princess”, to which she replied “Good night”..

    In the morning Amina went to school, and after school she went for a walk with Murad. They walked, laughed, talked about everything in the world... It was so cute. And after two hours he walked her home.

    Should I kiss you??


    M-well in the neck


    M-one time

    Noooo, Muraaad.

    Then he pulled her hand and sharply kissed her not on the cheek, but on the lips. She didn’t answer, so she pulled away and hit him on the shoulder..

    A-are you an idiot?? I hate you, fool!

    She ran home with these owls, and he stood and smiled contentedly.

    Amina was very angry with him, but she didn’t show it to her mother and Tanshila.

    She sat for a long time and listened to music.. She looked out the window and thought about Murad..

    “Or maybe he’s playing with me?”..”Although no..or yes.” Her head was a mess. She was already confused.. After much thought, she sat down to do her homework.. And then fell asleep listening to music

    The next day they made peace. And so everything went smoothly.. A month passed, two or three.. It was already a year.

    Amina is already 17. Tanzila is 20. Murad is 21. Tanzila’s wedding is coming soon. Everyone was getting ready. It was already April. In another month and a half, Amina will have to take her exams.

    Tanzila, Amina and Camilla went to the local shops, looking for evening dresses and wedding dresses.


    17 years. A very nice girl. Friend of Tanzila and Amina. They've been friends for a very long time.

    In general, Amina and Kami quickly found dresses for themselves. Amina found a dark blue knee-length dress with a denim cape, and Kami found a long red dress. An hour later they found the wedding dress! It was awesome!

    After a lot of shopping, the girls went to a cafe. And then we went home. At home they showed their outfits to their mother, Camilla stayed with the girls for the night. Before going to bed, Amina spoke on the phone with Murad. He said that he would also be at the wedding because he knew Abdul well.

    Wedding day

    Tanzila put on all her makeup and did her hair. And then she noticed one girl... This was her ex-friend, Asya. They haven't seen each other for 4 years. They had a big fight over Abdul. He left Asya for Tanzila, but Tanzila herself did not know about it, she fell in love with him. Asya thought that Tanzila did this on purpose. Tanzila learned about this story only 3 years later. She cried for a long time and was very offended by Abdul. She screamed at him, beat him... But then she calmed down. And Asya still loves him..

    Let's return to the wedding.. Tanzila looked at Asya with regret. She sat peacefully and watched what was happening. Everyone was so beautiful.. Tanzila had already put on her snow-white, fluffy dress and in an hour and a half they were supposed to come for our beauty. The photo shoot lasted half an hour. A little boy ran into the room. He had cherry juice in his hands. And then Tanzila took him in her arms to take a photo. And after two pictures with the baby, she felt something wet on her chest.. The girls ran up to her and what do you think it was?? Cherry juice! It spilled right onto the dress! Asya also noticed this. She suddenly got up and ran away. Tanzila sat down to cry and thought that it was Asya who set the child up to do this. But no... Half an hour later Asya came with a large box. From there she took out a DRESS OF UNREAL BEAUTY! It was great! 100 times better than that! Tanzila went up to Asa and hugged her tightly, she also hugged her friend.. They burst into tears and apologized to each other. Asya, in turn, wished them happiness..

    Soon they came for Tanzila. She was taken away. Amina and Mom cried) And the other girls too.. They will miss her

    Amina has already passed her exams. They are already going to Ingushetia: Amina and Larisa. One day Amina came out of the shower and suddenly she received a text message from Murad: “I don’t love you. We need to break up. Bye.” Amina was in shock. She started calling him, but the number was unavailable. She sat down to cry.. Mom was not at home, she went to the store to buy flip flops. When she arrived, Amina showed her the message.
    L-well, I told you he’s a womanizer.
    A-Ma, you know.. I fell in love with him..
    N-nothing, my girl. You'll find a guy 100 times better...
    The next day they went to the shopping center together. Amina was not in the mood. At all! I lost my appetite. She didn’t really want to go shopping, but her mother supported her, consoled her, and helped her with her choice.
    L-Daughter, how do you like this black dress?
    Oh well, nothing like that..
    L-well, try it on.
    Amina reluctantly took the dress and went to the fitting room. After 5 minutes she came out..
    L-wow, wow
    And what? Doesn't fit?
    L-even very suitable, darling We'll take it
    They took this dress, several sundresses, summer shoes, etc.
    This long-awaited day has come. Registration, plane..2 hours..Ingushetia
    They arrived home by taxi. They were very hungry and Larisa sent Amina to buy food.
    She took the money and left the house..
    - Amina?
    A man's voice was heard. It was another neighbor. Shamil. Always pissed off Amina.
    Oh yeah
    -How are you? when did you arrive?
    A-just now..
    -Welcome) By the way, Murad moved to another house with his family..
    A-I somehow don’t care! Leave me alone.

    She quickly went into the store, bought everything she needed and quickly went home. She was throwing bags in the kitchen and ran to her room.. Turning on her player, she cried and fell asleep..

    "Why did he go... where? why? FOR WHAT? What was that all about? A game? Was he playing with me??" Amina asked herself these questions. June passed slowly. Amina and her mother went to see relatives.. And my wife Ileza and children came for a week.. Amina often went out with them for a walk. Many guys came up and got acquainted... But she turned me down. Well, that's right. She only loved Murad. She couldn't live without him... She became so attached to him!

    July.. Hell. It was terrible. Amina was stolen by some idiot who just wanted to play around and have fun...

    Amina was walking in the park and suddenly a large Jeep stopped, two healthy bulls ran up and threw her into the car.. She lost consciousness. I was very scared. Shock shock shoook. They took her somewhere very far away. Larisa was already worried, but a day later she received a message from the guy’s parents.

    "Your daughter agreed to stay in our house. Don't wait for her."

    L- Oh you little bitch! How could you even?? Why did she run away with this bastard?? For what??

    Larisa immediately bought tickets to Rostov and flew away.

    Amina cried every day.

    Hello, honey*

    A-Bastard! Let me go!!

    Calm down. Your mother abandoned you. And she left for Rostov. Hahahaha

    A-Idiot! I hate you)*

    Ahahahaha oh don't make me laugh)

    He left... And she opened the window and jumped... From the second floor. Of course, there were guards there, but she ran away carefully... She ran to nowhere... She was afraid that she would be caught. It started to rain and she got all wet, two hours later she ran to someone sitting down.. It was already dark.. And then her heart.. knock, knock, knock.. Amina fainted..

    This was the village where Murad and the others moved. At this time Suleiman was returning home. As you remember, Murad's father. He saw a small body right in the middle of the road. Quickly running out of the cars, he took the girl in his arms and, looking at her face, whispered: “Amina..” Suleiman carefully put her in the car and took her home. As always, none of the boys were at home, only Suleiman’s sister, Bella, wife Fatima and daughter Sabina. They were in their rooms. Suleiman was in a little shock and all tired, so he took Amina to the first room he came across on the second floor... Murad's room. He put her in bed and covered her.. Then he left and went to Fatima.

    S-Fatima! Come here!

    S-Fatima.. In Murad’s room lies Amina.. Larisa’s daughter. I don’t know how she ended up in our village. You know that it was apparently stolen and Larisa abandoned it.. Oh, Allah.. I'm confused, what is this? What was that... Poor girl. So.. So, when she wakes up.. Give her something to wear.. She’s all wet, and so is Murad’s bed. and feed the girl..

    After these words, he got up and left. Iznaur and Ismail came home. More precisely, we arrived by taxi, since it was raining. They were visiting a friend. It was already evening

    21:35.. Murad was walking as always. Came home late. And Amina was still sleeping... She felt bad. After all, she has heart problems, and she was so scared... the girl was nervous... Fatima and Bella often came into the room to see how she was doing..

    Everyone was sitting drinking tea. Without Murad and Amina, of course.

    S-Amina is in our house. She needs peace and rest. We all know that she has heart problems. She is very cold and is now lying in Murad’s room.

    Here Iznaur choked on his tea.

    Suleiman continued - She needs help. We don't know exactly what really happened. Maybe she was driven away or she ran away. Well, we'll find out in the morning. Now go to sleep..

    Suleiman went to his room.. He racked his brains for a long time, “What happened to her??”

    Iznaur wanted to go to Murad's room, but Bella did not allow him.

    B-no need, Iznaur.

    E-Bella, I'll quickly...

    B-no, you know Suleiman will be angry!

    Uff, okay...

    They all went to bed. 20 minutes later Murad arrived. He was in no hurry to sleep. I went out onto the veranda. There was a kitchen there. He opened the refrigerator, took out juice, cakes and let’s eat everything. Then he went into the hall, watched TV for about 30 minutes, and fell asleep in the hall. Well, thank God

    His room is still occupied

    It's morning. The sun was shining brightly. It was a little cool and a warm breeze was blowing. There was silence on the street. Everyone was sleeping. Very soon Fatima woke up. She prepared a delicious breakfast and then went to visit Amina. She slept peacefully, but had a fever. My forehead was just burning!

    “Oh, poor thing,” Fatima sighed and left the bedroom. She was sitting on the veranda and watching something on TV. Everyone had already woken up, except Murad and Amina. The boys, father, Bella and Fatima sat down to have breakfast. Mmm, it was so delicious

    Did anyone go to see Amina this morning?

    F- I went. her forehead is just burning... the poor thing is cold((

    S-when he wakes up, let him drink warm tea.

    F-yes, good)

    Where's Murad? He came home?

    F-he fell asleep in the hall.

    B-does he know that Amina is in his room?

    F-well, probably)

    While they were all eating, Murad woke up and went upstairs. Oh, now he will be delighted with our sleeping gift. He opened the door and tuuuut wide, opening his eyes, squealed like a girl, “Aaaaaa monsterrr” Phahaha, I’m kidding. He, of course, was shocked. Standing at the door, he looked at the soundly sleeping creature and yelled angrily: “So, I don’t understand, what is this stupid little thing doing in my bed??!!??”

    Iznaur, choking on his tea, simply lost his mind, and Bella quietly whispered: “Oh, Mural woke up.” Suleiman quickly ran upstairs, thinking that Murad would drive her away. Yes, he can do that too.

    S-Don’t touch her, O fiend of hell!

    Hmmm, I don’t touch her, WHAT IS SHE DOING IN MY BED?? So stop.. Did she.. Pee herself? Why is the bed wet??

    S-Idiot, she fell out in the rain yesterday! Go to the kitchen, don't wake the baby!

    M-Ufff, what's going on here??

    S-to the kitchen he said! You're going to spoil her now...

    Murad left and went to the others.

    M-No, did you see? This cow laid down on my MY bed!! And I peed myself too!!

    Ahahaha, bro, it's sleeping beauty ahahaha

    A-Are you stupid? This is a sleeping CREATURE. How did she even end up in our house??

    Then Fatima intervened!

    F-Calm down! Now Suleiman will come and tell you everything, Murad! Act normal! Not small!

    Meanwhile, Suleiman was sitting next to Amina. She slowly opened her eyes...

    S-Daughter, you woke up. Get up, you're in wet clothes...

    Amina carefully stood up, and Suleiman called Fatima and Bella and said that they should clean her up and feed her. Then he went down to the boys. The girls, in turn, gave her clothes. Bellin. It was a long black sundress and a denim ballerina. Fatima braided her hair, and Bella applied a little makeup and powder to her eyes so that her bags and paleness would not be noticeable. . Meanwhile, Suleiman told Murad about yesterday. He was not very happy about this, because he left her without explaining anything. And the family, by the way, knew nothing about it. The girls went downstairs...

    S-Amina, sit next to me.

    She obediently sat down..

    S-Tell me how you ended up in this village yesterday? Do you remember?

    A-I don’t remember well, uncle.. But I got out of there.. And I’m very happy about it. I actually didn’t love him.. And I don’t even know WHO HE IS AND WHERE HE CAME FROM. And my mother... was lied to. And she abandoned me...

    Amina began to cry. And Murad just didn’t CARE and do you know what he told her?!

    M-Why did you write on my bed?!!

    Here Iznaur, Ismaio and Sabina began to laugh like crazy, and Bella and Fatima held back their laughter, it wouldn’t be nice in front of Suleiman..

    S-MURAD! What kind of kindergarten is this?? The girl ran in the rain and I put her in your room! Now get out of here!

    M-Yes, please. Iznaur, Oh, my servant, bring some cookies into my room.

    M-Ahaha, Figuuushki.

    Murad froze abruptly, he remembered how he asked Amina to kiss him, and she replied, “Fiiiigushki.”

    Without saying anything, he went to his room. Bella followed him to change the bed linen.

    B-Murad, why don’t you love this girl so much??

    M-What do you want?

    B-can you stop being rude to me? I'm your aunt!

    M-Yes? Aunty, please get out of my bedroom.

    Bella's eyes sparkled with tears. She quickly took the laundry and left the room, slamming the door. She ran to the bathroom, closed herself and started crying.. Of course she was offended.

    By the way, about Bella.

    24 years. Suleiman's youngest sister. Aunt of his sons and daughter. A very well-mannered girl, kind, beautiful, neat. I graduated from school with a gold medal. I studied to become a nurse. Now he works in one of the hospitals in Ingushetia. Not married, but a lot of fans. She is in no hurry to get married. Although I already put it on one eye

    Having already calmed down, Bella went to Fatima and Amina. Iznaur went to his bedroom to play laptop. Ismail is outside with the boys, and Sabina is with the girls. Amina sat drinking tea. She didn’t want to eat at all, she lost her appetite. Temperature.. Throat hurt.

    F-Can you at least eat something?

    A-No, aunt..I don’t want to.

    You need to finish your tea. He didn't even move from his spot!

    Amina took one sip slowly.

    F- So, you need to allocate a room. Bell, you need to clean one of the extra rooms. They had two rooms that no one lived in, and these rooms were dusty and a little messy. Bella happily got up and began her cleaning, she really loved cleaning! Smart girl

    Within an hour the bedroom was ready. Our Bella removed all the dust, vacuumed, washed the floors, took out everything unnecessary, washed the cabinets, chests, cleaned the mirrors and laid out new linen. Everything was just great! The room is perfect! And Amina, having not finished drinking her tea, sat in the hall and watched TV. Suleiman went on business, Fatima was cleaning the kitchen. Amina tried to help, but Fatima ordered her to watch TV

    Then Suleiman called Fatima and told Bella and Amina to go to the market and buy some clothes for the girl and all sorts of accessories. Fatima gave them money and they went to the market. Murad sat in his room and thought: “What is this little thing doing in my house?! Damn, stupid. She also ruined her favorite underwear.. Maybe she really wrote?? Although no.. Ahha, what a thought I have.. Damn "What should I do? Is her father really leaving her? Damn" And Amina walked around the market with Bella, they were choosing different skirts, T-shirts, house dresses. Bella told her various funny moments from her life. So she tried to console her so that she would not think about what happened to her. Soon they arrived. Only Fatima was at home. The rest are walking, and only Suleiman is at work. The girls sat down to drink tea..

    What do you think, should I call my mom?

    F-she is abroad.. She flew to Italy with Tanzila’s family.

    Ahaha, nothing special)) let's play X-box?

    A-come on))

    They played and laughed, sometimes even throwing pillows at each other. Friends, so to speak. Then they played cards at will. The first time Amina lost, she had to play the role of Murad's wife. At the same time, Iznaur warned everyone at home about this so that they would not be surprised when Murad came and Amina would treat him like a husband. The second time Iznaur lost, he, in turn, had to go into the hall where Bella, Fatima and Sabina were sitting, and sing the song “Chunga-Changa” to them while dancing. So he did, everyone laughed heartily!

    It was already half past five. Murad came home, Iznaur pushed Amina in the side, saying, go wifey, meet your husband Murad, went into the kitchen and started yelling, “Oh, people! Be so merciful to me, LET ME EAT.” Then Amina comes running and says:

    W-what was that..?

    Ahahahahaha Waaaaa Muraad I can't ahhahahaah

    M-uh, ram, STOPING! Breathe through your nose! Come on baby, inhale and exhale. Tell me what happened??

    A-ahhaha, in short, she played cards for me, saying that she will be like your wife WAAAAHHAHAHAHAHA

    M-why are you laughing so hard? idiot.

    And-nothing nothing.. Phew.

    W-well, you are idiots. With these words he went to his room and went to bed. But Iznaur and Amina didn’t stop there either, they waited until Murad was fast asleep, and then they crawled (!!!) into his room and, taking feathers with them, began to tickle his feet. Then Amina quietly and carefully began to shave his corrected leg, and Iznaur painted his lips with bright red lipstick and blue eye shadow. Such a beautiful woman came out. Murad suddenly began to move, and out of fear, our little naughty girls ran out of the room, and then finally began to neigh.

    Exactly 20 minutes later Suleiman arrived. He gave the package to Fatima; in the package there was an iPhone 5 box for Amina and a SIM card. Fatima told Bella to take this gift to Amina. She did just that, she was delighted and ran downstairs to Suleiman, hugged him and thanked him.

    H-how are you feeling? has it gotten better?

    A-yes, yes) much better))

    I hope you're not bored here))

    A-noooo)) you won’t get bored here

    W-well okay) you can go back))

    Amina quickly went up to Iznaur and together they began tinkering with the iPhone. We immediately connected to the Internet, surfed everywhere, and then went completely separate ways. It's time to sleep... Somewhere in

    00:40 our Man woke up. He wanted to drink water, so he went downstairs, took a glass, poured it, drank it and saw red marks on the glass. “What is this? Blood?” got our rude guy. He ran his finger over his lip and realized it was lipstick. He quickly rushed into the bath and saw Cinderella in the reflection

    Damn beautiful.

    He washed away all this beauty. And he decided to take revenge on our soldiers. First he proceeded to Amiiiiiiine!!! I took the scissors. I cut off a little hair and made it into a mustache, gluing it above my upper lip with tape. Then he made a UNOBROW for her with a black marker.. After which he went downstairs, took two jars of jam, poured it all into a small basin, added a little water and placed it near Amina’s bed, so that when she got up, she would step in this basin. Then he brought honey... and... he smeared it on her hair, a teaspoon at a time. Trying not to laugh, he went to IZNAUUUR's bedroom. he shaved BOTH of his legs. I did a great manicure! I painted my lips not with lipstick, but with purple paint! Even an idiot? Then I made arrows for him with a red felt-tip pen and painted the shadows orange. A little blush and Freedom! Bombita directly With a satisfied look, Murad went to bed.

    “The campaign stepped where it shouldn’t,” thought Murad and began to laugh a little. Everyone else, frightened, ran into her room and when they saw Amina’s face, Suleiman, Fatiima, Bella and the children simply laughed, and then Murad came running, laughing at the top of his lungs. Iznaur woke up to all this noise. He comes into Amina’s bedroom and says, “What’s going on?” and as soon as they looked at him, they started laughing wildly! He also neighed at the sight of Amina, and Amina at the sight of Iznaur!

    S-phew.. Everyone.. shut up everyone.. what does this all mean?

    Only Murad could not stop.

    M-it was me ahhahaha I did it all ahahah I took revenge on them Woohahahahaha

    Oh, what a fool you are!

    I-you idiot, I didn’t shave your legs at all, BUT YOU SHAVED BOTH OF ME!

    W-what?!? did you shave my leg??

    He immediately began to feel his legs and realized that there was no hair on his right leg... this jam??? Is this my jam?? MURAAAAD

    Hm-yes, ma, don’t be so angry... you know, this jam is said to be very moisturizing for the skin of the feet. And then at night I walked past this crazy woman’s room and saw how dry her skin was. Ugh right. So I decided to fix it! Down with dry skin! With these words, he quickly ran out of the room. Everyone sat in shock. After that, Bella and Fatima helped Amina with honey on her head and jam on her feet. Iznaur went to wash everything off himself. And Murad sat contentedly, eating a pancake and watching TV. Suleiman also went to eat.

    S-Murad, try not to offend her anymore. It’s already difficult for her. There’s no father.. Her mother abandoned her.. Plus you’re bringing her down, and she’s small and her heart is small and sick.. Do you understand me? She shouldn't be nervous, she shouldn't be scared.

    I understand, I understand.

    The children and Iznaur came to the table. He looked angrily at Murad, and then in turn began to make faces. Then the girls came. Everyone sat and ate. Suleiman left for work. The children went to play, Murad to his place, Iznaur to his place, the girls stayed to clean the kitchen.

    B-what did you do to him that made him take sooo much revenge on you?

    A-hihi, I shaved his right leg, and Iznaur painted his face))

    Is that why you laughed so much yesterday when he was sleeping??

    A-ahhaa, yesss))

    After cleaning, the girls went into the hall to watch TV.