Denim rug. DIY rugs from old things: how to give a second life to T-shirts, tights, towels and jeans. Materials for the future rug

Denim has not gone out of fashion for several decades. Popular interior designers use this material to make furniture and designer textiles. In this case, most often it is not new, but artificially aged fabric that is used. Why not use their ideas to make homemade crafts? Moreover, you always have an old windbreaker and frayed work jeans at hand. Throwing away a good piece of fabric is wasteful when it could be used to create a stylish piece of decor. Make a rug out of old jeans with your own hands by giving new life old things using one of the ideas selected for you.

Fluffy denim rug

Terry rugs made from frayed shreds and stripes look very unusual. This carpet will decorate the nursery and living room, and will definitely appeal to fans of eco-style. The idea behind this rug is that several layers of fabric are stitched and then cut along the seam to create a wavy fringe.

Here's how to do it step by step:

  1. You will need from 2 to 5 equally sized pieces of denim. The more layers, the more magnificent the fringe will be.
  2. Fasten the fabric and stitch it diagonally.
  3. Edge the edges with tape.
  4. Take a sharp knife and cut top material along the line, leaving only the backing. To make the rug more voluminous, straighten the fringe by hand.

Important! For greater wear and tear, wash the finished rug in the washing machine.

Patchwork track

This master class will tell you how to make a patchwork rug from old jeans with your own hands. The idea can be used for children's blankets, bedspreads and pillows. Small patches are sewn onto a dense base and create a very pleasant, fluffy surface:

  1. Cut lots of small squares of denim in different colors.
  2. Fold them in a corner, stitch one to the other in the middle so that the tops point in the same direction.
  3. Sew ribbons with shreds along the line onto the base fabric, arranging them as much as possible closer friend to friend.

Important! Thanks to this method, you can dispose of small, unnecessary scraps from old clothes. By combining colors and shades, the back and face of the fabric, create geometric pattern or a smooth gradient that gives the rug its own personality.

Embossed denim rug

This rug is suitable for the bathroom and hallway. It is woven like a tapestry, in which the warp thread is replaced by strips of denim.

For a rug measuring 80*60 cm you will need:

  • 4 pairs of jeans;
  • furniture stapler;
  • ribbon;
  • cardboard frame;
  • sewing machine.

The whole process looks like this step by step:

  1. Steam and trim the pant legs along the inseam, cutting off the stitching.
  2. Cut the fabric into 3.5 cm wide strips.
  3. Sew the ribbons into tubes and steam them so that the seam is in the middle.
  4. Secure the strips to the cardboard with a stapler.
  5. Pass a thick thread alternately over and under the strips, weaving the base of the rug.
  6. Remove the finished rug from the frame.

Looking at this runner, you wouldn’t guess that it was made with your own hands from unwanted jeans.

Important! Using strips of fabric or edging instead of thread, make a rug with a tighter weave.

Rug made of denim braids

From old blue or blue jeans blue color you will get an original round rug. Light reverse and dark color material will create an attractive colorful contrast. The rug is sewn from braids, which means this manufacturing option is suitable for beginner handicrafts:

  1. Cut the fabric into strips 4 cm wide, weave a braid from 3 strips. Pin or hand stitch the beginning, securing the strips.
  2. Wrap the chain into a tight spiral and sew the snake together.
  3. Gradually increase the rows, connecting them manually with a seam over the edge.
  4. Having formed a rug of the desired diameter, sew and trim the edge.
  5. Fold it inside out and hem it.

If you don’t like the fabric to fray while weaving, fold the edges inside the tape and iron them.

Important! Choose threads that match the color of the rug, then it will look neat.

Denim scrap rugs

After making the previous tracks, there will be unnecessary edges with thick seams and trimmings. They can be used to sew a thick rug for the hallway. The side seams from the clothing are sewn onto the base, and the rug is durable and dense.

This is how the whole process looks in more detail:

  1. Take a strip of fabric with a seam and align one of the sides close to the stitching. Process all scraps in this manner.
  2. Sew the first seam to the base. We overlap the second one on it, and also stitch it.
  3. Let's fill the entire surface of the rug.
  4. We make the edging of the canvas.

The strips make excellent, durable rugs with geometric patterns. You can sew one strip after another or lay out an interesting pattern from them.

Important! If you are planning to make an oval rug, start from the center of the rug. To prevent the seams attached around the circumference from puffing up, the denim fabric is trimmed with scissors.

What else can you make a denim rug from?

Surprisingly, even belts with pockets are used:

  1. Open the belt and straighten it into a strip. The result was a tape with a beautiful, worn surface.
  2. Place the belts one next to the other on the backing and sew them to the base.

Important! Do the same with pockets and labels from old jeans. It turns out to be a fun rug that can be used as a blanket and even an organizer for small items if you hang the rug on the wall.

How else to make a rug from old jeans with your own hands?

  • The smallest scraps and strips can be attached to a plastic canvas or mesh - you will get a fluffy rug with fringe.
  • By cutting the trouser leg so that the fabric is straight and even on all sides, we are left with gussets with a side seam. They can be assembled into a round rug and sew on a center that differs in color from the rest of the material.
  • Scraps are useful in a variety of patchwork projects. Sort them by color so you can sew a rug from the scraps. Collect all unnecessary scraps of denim and brightly colored fabric and sew them randomly onto a base mat. You will get an interesting colorful rug.

Important! Lovely denim is that it is perfectly combined with other natural materials: burlap, cotton, linen. Use combinations of these materials to create a beautiful rug for your home.


I made this cute rug with my own hands from old belts, lapels and internal seams. These pieces were left over from a previous craft for which I needed denim. The rug can be taken with you on picnics, used as a mat for meditation, or (by sewing on a polyethylene or rubberized base) placed by the front door. The mat is quite thick, so it is comfortable to sit on even on hard ground. The product is characterized by high strength and durability.

This is an unusual do-it-yourself rug

Step 1. Materials

You will need:

Lots of belts, cuffs and inseams of old jeans. For this project I used waistbands, 53cm wide cuffs and eight inseams. Do not cut off the tags sewn onto the belts; they will make the rug look more original.

Sewing machine with a #16 needle (often called a “leather needle”)

Cotton threads (if you want to make an original rug, use brightly colored threads)

Basic Sewing Skills

Not necessary:

A piece of muslin measuring 8*10 cm

Permanent black marker.

Step 2. Lay out the blanks

Lay out the strips of fabric in the order that they will be placed in the finished rug.

Align the edges. Combine colors, sizes and label placement to create an interesting and beautiful rug.

Trim the protruding ends, I cut all the strips to the size of the shortest one (about 80 cm). Don't forget to cut the buttons off the belts; they won't be very comfortable to sit or stand on.

Leave a few inner seams of the trousers, which you will later use to trim the perimeter of the rug. I used stitching from pink jeans, which contrasted with the color of the rug itself and made it more colorful. To get a colored rug, you can dye strips of denim with a special paint.

Step 3. Sew the strips

Sew the strips together using a zigzag stitch. When making such a seam, the needle pierces both adjacent strips in turn. You will make the task easier if you stitch from right to left.

A size 16 needle can pierce 4 layers of denim (the thickness of an inseam or waistband), but for even thicker fabric you will need to use an industrial sewing machine. The main thing is to place the strips so that they fit tightly to each other but do not overlap, then your machine will cope with the task.

When sewing trouser cuffs, try to keep the needle stitching the fabric stitch by stitch on the bottom edges. The fabric in these places wears out very quickly, and it can fall apart.

Don’t try to achieve the impossible from a household machine - it already works at the limit. You need to work delicately, do not use excessive force, and do not tug at the fabric, otherwise the needle may hit the needle plate and break.

Step 4: Edge the rug

To make the rug more durable, trim its edges with piping (the inside seams of the trousers that were set aside at the beginning). The fabric on the short sides of the carpet is not processed, so without piping the threads will begin to fray.

Tie off all the ends of the threads left after sewing the denim strips together and trim off the excess. Trim the edges of the rug using scissors.

First, stitch the piping along the left side of the rug. When you reach the corner, lower the needle and raise the machine foot, turn the mat and begin sewing the piping along the long side.

Align the new piece of piping with what you have already stitched to create an even rectangle. Stitch the corner several times so that the edges are well fixed. Sew the piping along the entire length of the side.

In the same way, sew the edging around the entire perimeter, moving clockwise. If you need to connect several pieces of edging on one side, turn the rug over and stitch the area where the edgings join several times. After this, unfold the rug again and continue sewing the piping to the edge.

When you reach the first piece of edging, stitch the junction several times.

Then go around the perimeter again, stitching the edging with a zigzag stitch. Watch the position of the needle and make sure that the finishing material is securely fastened. An additional seam is made to prevent the fabric from fraying.

Step 5: Decorate the rug

Tie and trim the ends of all the threads sticking out of the edge corners. Set the iron to the “cotton” setting and iron the mat thoroughly (you may have to set the iron to maximum temperature to iron such thick material).

Today, denim is perhaps the most popular fabric on earth. Almost every person has denim clothes, since denim items are both cheap and relatively durable. Surely everyone has wondered what to do with old denim clothes? Things seem to be old and worn, but it’s still a shame to throw them away. So don't throw it away! After all, these things can literally be useful to your feet.

If, after rummaging through your closet, you found several pairs of jeans that you will definitely never wear again, but you don’t want to throw them away, read this article; your jeans, although slightly modified, will still serve you well. How, you ask? It’s very simple, from unnecessary denim items you can easily, without any seamstress skills, make a creative denim rug that can take up absolutely any place in your home or garage.

In order to make such a rug we will need:

  • a little imagination;
  • old jeans;
  • knife or sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine, so you can sew strips by hand thick fabric may not be the most interesting, fast, and simple activity;
  • soap, scissors;
  • lining fabric.
  • How to sew a rug from jeans

    So, we take all our unnecessary denim trousers in an armful and take them to the sewing machine. First, we will need to rip the legs of the trousers with a knife along the seam so that we get 2 denim strips (the jeans also need to be cut below the waist, since in childhood we made shorts from old jeans, only now we need not the upper part of these very shorts, but just the bottom one).

    Having cut it and thus obtained a lot of denim strips, we sew them along the seams, but narrower in width. If your jeans had different colors, then that’s even better; you can alternate the stitched strips, and in the end we’ll get a rug with a beautiful color scheme. You can get creative and cut the strips into several rectangles, then fold the pattern from different color pieces of jeans.

    And then sew the denim scraps into one piece.

    When the denim strips are sewn, use a ruler, chalk and scissors to align the edges and give the desired shape to the future rug.

    Now we will need to cut out the lining - to do this, we shallow the rug from denim strips and cut out a part from the lining along the contour. We fold the parts face to face, pin them together, sew a line around the perimeter, leaving a 20 cm section unsewn for turning. We turn the carpet right side out, straighten it, lay a finishing stitch along the edge to the width of the foot, paralleling the remaining section for turning.

    The edges of the rug can also be done - then the parts are folded with the wrong sides inward, sewn along the contour, bias tape is cut out from the lining and the edge of the rug is sewn by hand or on a sewing machine.

    Such a rug can take its rightful place both in the hallway and in the living room, but if you are a car enthusiast, then such a rug has a place in your garage.

    Making such a wonderful carpet from old jeans is not at all difficult. You don’t need any special skills or abilities; it doesn’t take much time to make this accessory either – an hour or an hour and a half maximum. But there is no doubt about the quality and creativity of such an invention, because everyone knows the strength of denim and the current fashion for such things. Treat yourself and surprise your friends!

    Do you still throw out old jeans? Before you throw out the next ones, remember that denim is one of the thickest fabrics and is suitable for creating home accessories. Items made from old high-quality jeans denim shirts, jackets, will last a long time and look original.

    And also, the denim is made from real cotton, which means that fans of eco-style should be especially delighted;)

    1. We sew a fluffy rug from denim fabric

    For such a rug you need several pieces of fabric of the same size (for the rug in the photo, five layers of denim were used).

    Place all the cuts together and draw diagonal parallel lines. Sew all five layers along the drawn lines, and then cut four layers of fabric between the stitched seams. Trim the edges of the four cut layers of fabric; for a greater decorative effect, wash the denim rug in the washing machine.

    2. An even fluffier rug made from old jeans

    For such a rug, you can use small scraps of denim fabric. Moreover, to make a denim rug more interesting, you can use not only denim, but also shreds of other brighter fabrics.

    Take a large piece of thick fabric for the base of the rug.

    Then cut many, many small squares of denim or whatever fabric you want to make the rug out of. In the photo, the rug is made from jeans of different colors: shades of brown, white jeans, blue denim. The squares are simply placed in a random order.

    Before sewing the squares onto the fabric, they must be folded in half diagonally (to form triangles). Place each triangle on the edge of the fabric, as shown in the photo, and then sew in the middle.

    3. Knitted rug made from old jeans

    Preparing yarn for knitting. We start from the bottom of the trouser leg and cut it in a spiral with scissors. When the yarn is ready, we knit a rug according to the square patterns familiar to us all (for example, the so-called granny square) or round motifs. You can also knit a rug from denim yarn with just a straight fabric.

    Example of squares:

    Also see on our website many other patterns and patterns for sewing or crocheting and knitting rugs and other interior items. There are also other ideas for using old denim.

    Denim is the most popular fabric. Therefore, many things are created from this material. And what? Many will agree that this material is incredibly durable and very cheap. But all things lose their attractiveness over time. And that’s why housewives throw away old things, not knowing that they can be used to make the most interesting things that will decorate the house and give it comfort. And that’s why we chose the topic for today’s article: DIY denim rug. If you do not have sewing skills, then rugs from old jeans can be easily sewn using scrap materials. Therefore, it is worth starting to make them. With little effort, you can create an extraordinary thing that will decorate not only your home, but also your garage.

    Materials for the future rug.

    So to create DIY rug made from old jeans First of all, you need your own imagination. Then, of course, you will need unnecessary jeans. It is also worth taking a sharp knife or sharp scissors. You will also need a sewing machine. Take an eze lining fabric and soap.

    When all the materials are selected, you can try to sew rugs from old jeans with your own hands . In the beginning, all unnecessary jeans must be carefully ripped apart and left with 2 straight legs. The jeans themselves must be cut to make shorts. However, the rug will need a bottom piece. Now the bottom part needs to be cut into strips. The resulting strips are stitched across the width of each other. To make rugs made from old jeans beautiful, you need to use denim in different shades. After the strips of jeans are sewn together, you need to use chalk and scissors to align the edges. To understand the sewing technique you need to watch the video.

    To give the rug its final shape, it is necessary to create a lining that must be sewn to the canvas using denim strips. Fabric lining is easy to create. To do this, you need to measure the rug and cut a piece of fabric of the appropriate size.

    Well, after this, the edges of the resulting rug are treated with bias tape. This article will definitely answer the question of how to make a rug out of jeans with your own hands. This product will attract attention with its simplicity and practicality. And you can only spend about an hour making a rug. Therefore, boldly get to work and create a unique product from familiar materials. DIY jeans rugs will be a wonderful decoration for any modern interior. So make this decoration for your home.

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    Main news

    I remember well how, as a child, I helped my grandmother weave braids from strips of fabric of different colors and textures. From these braids she then sewed colorful round rugs that were soft, cozy and cute. My grandmother had woven rugs everywhere - at the front door, in the bathroom, toilet, on the balcony, in the hallway. Also, my grandmother used braids to make seats for stools and decorative pillows. Old things were used - from multi-colored grandmother's cotton robes to children's tights, of which there is always a lot in a large family, thanks to the always skinned knees and worn out heels))…
    It turns out that this tradition is quite in demand in our time - remaking old things with your own hands is always relevant!

    I suggest making a rug from old jeans with your own hands - it’s simple, stylish and quite impressive. A great opportunity to recycle old unwanted jeans into something new and useful for your home. We will braid braids from denim fabric.
    Such a rug will come in handy both in the country and will come in handy in the interior of a kitchen, teenager’s or children’s room. Shall we try?

    Do-it-yourself rug made from old jeans, master class - a rug woven from jeans in a pigtail:

    3 Do-it-yourself rug made from old jeans, do-it-yourself rug woven from jeans, master class rug from old jeans

    2 Do-it-yourself rug made from old jeans, do-it-yourself rug woven from jeans, master class rug from old jeans

    We cut old denim pants lengthwise into strips approximately 6-8 cm wide.

    We will fold the cut strips in half and hide the cut edges inside. But this is not important. The raw edges with threads also look quite nice in the end result.

    We put three strips together, fasten their edge with a seam or a pin, and begin to braid. Naturally, it will not be endless, so our rug will consist of several, or rather, a large number of denim braids. We start with the first one - we twist a snail out of it, in a spiral, pressing each subsequent turn tightly, grabbing the edges of the braid together with invisible seams.

    This rug is good because it is durable, as it is made of denim, and at the same time absorbs moisture well. It is suitable for a hallway or bathroom. You can use jeans of different colors for it - or scraps of other thick cotton fabric. The size can be made the way you want, you can experiment with the shape.

    You will need:

    5-7 pairs of old jeans;

    Sheet of padding polyester;

    Thick fabric for the bottom of the rug;

    Cardboard, ruler, pencil for creating a template;

    Chalk or fabric pencil;

    Scissors or roller knife + mat;


    Sewing machine and thread.

    Step 1

    Draw a hexagon with equal sides on the cardboard - this will be the template. Focus on the width of the legs of your jeans.

    Step 2

    Cut out hexagons from different jeans. The rug model in this example requires about 50 different hexagons.

    Step 3

    Lay out the hexagons on your work surface, choosing the best combination. For this model, the scheme is as follows: 1st row - 5 hexagons, 2nd row - 6 hexagons, then repeat, you should get 9 rows in total.

    Step 4

    Start stitching the hexagons. First, take two of them, fold them and pin them together. Perfectionists may try to choose the direction of the threads so that the hem of the denim of different pieces goes in the same direction, but this is not necessary.

    Step 5

    Sew two hexagons.

    Step 6

    Continue stitching hexagons. Make fastenings at the beginning and end of the lines.

    Step 7

    Check from time to time whether the canvas is even.

    Step 8

    Once you have assembled the entire rug, trim its edges.

    Step 9

    Assemble a “sandwich”: padding polyester, fabric for the bottom of the rug front side facing up, the patchwork portion of the rug is face down. Pin all layers together.

    Step 10

    Sew the rug around the perimeter, leaving an opening for turning. Trim off excess fabric and padding polyester, leaving a piece of the bottom layer, as shown in the photo.

    Step 11

    Turn the rug inside out and iron it, turning the edges of the opening inward. Topstitch around the perimeter while sewing up the opening. Ready!

    A shaggy rug made from old jeans.

    The rug really turns out shaggy, because the patches are sewn in an unusual way.

    First we prepare the base for the rug. You can take a piece of fabric or sew one from old jeans.

    Then we cut many, many small squares from denim or from the fabric used to make your rug. You can cut out perfect squares all exactly the same size. You can also cut out all the squares the same color, or you can make them different. Here the rug is made from different colors of denim: various shades of brown, some white denim squares, and some blue and white striped denim. The squares are simply placed in a random order.

    To start sewing the squares onto the fabric, you simply need to fold them in half to form a triangle. Then place it on the edge of the fabric as shown in the photo and then stitch down the middle.

    It should turn out like this.

    Start sewing the next layer next to it.

    Continue sewing until you come to the end of the rug base fabric.

    Any needlewoman, even a beginner, can sew such a rug from jeans with her own hands. Well, carpets from all over the world can be purchased in the MARQIS online carpet store, which contains a large number of models of various carpets from famous world factories. The store catalog contains carpets different forms, colors, materials, styles. Regular promotions and sales will help you save significantly on purchases. And here you can see promotional carpets with a 35% discount.

    Denim is a very popular material that is widely used in tailoring. How many denim wardrobe items does each person have in their closet? Jeans, shorts, skirts, jackets, vests... This fabric has not gone out of fashion for decades, in addition, it is very strong and durable! What to do if the thing is already boring, but it’s a pity to throw it away?

    Craftswomen of the present time have come up with a way to give jeans a “second” life.

    A new trend in fashion is to have a do-it-yourself rug made from denim shreds in your home. On this moment There are many options for translating an idea into reality, the main thing is to have imagination and the desire to work for results. Manufacturing methods will be given below in this article.

    Each needlewoman can easily find her own carpet that suits her interior.

    Making a floor rug from old jeans is a creative and exciting process, and the end result will not leave either guests or household members indifferent.

    Things and objects made with your own hands bring warmth and comfort to every home.

    For production, it is advisable to take denim of different colors in order to ultimately get interesting design solutions. The size will depend on the number of unnecessary things or on the wishes of the craftswoman. Frequently used shapes of finished products are circle, oval, square, rectangle.

    Here you can experiment and create your own unique figure.

    There are several techniques for making a carpet from jeans with your own hands:

    • sewing;
    • knitting;
    • weaving;
    • mixed techniques (for example, weaving plus sewing).

    Thanks to the variety of techniques, shapes and sizes, each product will be unique throughout the world, which is valued at all times and is considered the main indicator of creativity.

    This rug is durable and wear-resistant.

    Preparation of material

    It is necessary to conduct an audit of denim items and decide which ones will be used.

    Favorite things can be given a second life.

    Important! Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the material. Items that will go into production must be washed and steamed with an iron.

    This is done so that there are no elongated irregularities on the fabric and the finished product has a fresh, presentable appearance.

    Fluffy denim rug

    How to sew a fluffy rug from old jeans?

    For this you will need:

    • dense fabric the size of the desired carpet;
    • scissors;
    • sewing machine (if you don’t have one, you can take a thick needle and thread).

    Before you begin the creative process, you need to prepare everything you might need for the job.

    Many strips of approximately 2*8 cm in size are cut from unnecessary things. The size may be different depending on the wishes of the housewife. Each strip is folded in half and sewn to thick fabric at the fold. The next flap is sewn on the side, close to the previous one. When the first row is completed, you can begin the second, stepping back 0.5 cm.

    For the base, you can use pockets and scraps with rough seams.

    When the drawing diagram is drawn up, we proceed to stitching the parts together.

    The threads can be matched to the jeans, but a more original solution would be colored threads.

    We sew the resulting decorative part to the base.

    Such a carpet will not only decorate the floor, but will also provide a pleasant massage effect for the feet.

    Patchwork track

    A patchwork denim runner is suitable as a decoration for any corridor, or as a rug in the bathroom.

    Jeans look stylish on the floor and absorb moisture perfectly.

    Narrow strips of equal length are cut from denim pants. The width may vary (from 4 to 7 cm), it will be even more interesting. The length of each flap is the width of the future path. The pieces are sewn together with the long side, forming a rectangle with transverse stripes of different widths.

    If desired, you can overlock the edges and sew a lining underneath to make the track tighter.

    Denim scrap rugs

    You can also create beautiful and original rugs from denim scraps. Anything can be used: torn pockets, old shorts, collars and cuffs.

    The pieces can be square and rectangular, small and large, combined with each other.

    To make it you will need:

    • lining;
    • denim scraps of various sizes and shapes;
    • tailor's pins;
    • sewing machine.

    Execution process.

    • A lining of the required size is spread on the floor.
    • Scraps are randomly laid out on the lining, as if laying out a mosaic. The goal is to cover the lining with denim pieces so that it is not visible. Note! At the time of design, it is recommended to periodically step aside to look at the product from different angles.
    • If the mosaic is pleasing to the eye, you need to secure each cut with a pin or baste.
    • You can start stitching the parts together.

    These can be identical pieces of different shades, arranged in some kind of geometric pattern, or placed in a completely chaotic order.

    Round and oval braid rug

    The old method of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers is weaving round rug from braids. The process is interesting and creative.

    This carpet is quite dense and wear-resistant.

    Yarn preparation.

    • The fabric is cut into long strips of equal thickness, 2-3 cm.
    • Carefully sew the ribbons together to create a thick thread. No need to worry, finished product these seams will not be visible.
    • Now the resulting rope must be wound into a ball.

    The more ribbons, the more weaving fragments you will get.

    For a carpet with a diameter of 1 meter you will need approximately 70 meters of such yarn. The yarn is divided into three equal parts, these three threads are sewn on one side and an ordinary braid is woven.

    Take three strips and weave them into a regular braid.

    Note! The braiding must be uniform, otherwise the carpet will turn out crooked and sloppy.

    As you weave, the braid is twisted in a spiral, sewing the rows together every 3-5 cm.

    Rectangular rug made from denim braids

    You can also make a rectangular decoration for the floor from denim braids. For this you will need:

    • ready-made denim braids;
    • thick fabric;
    • thread, needle, scissors.

    The fabric is taken the size that the carpet should be.

    The braids are cut to the same length as the fabric. Their ends are carefully sewn or glued so that they do not unravel. Then the first braid is sewn evenly to the edge of the fabric, and then the next one, and so on row after row. Along the perimeter, the edge of the carpet can also be framed with a bias. Ready!

    Patchwork style rug

    A denim carpet made in patchwork style is beautiful, stylish, unusual! This sewing technique is familiar to many from childhood and is associated with grandmother’s bedspreads and pillows. Well, times go by, but fashion remains, acquiring new rounds of development.

    The always up-to-date technique of sewing from pieces of fabric will be useful to us even now.

    Patchwork is a technique patchwork resembling a mosaic. Sometimes entire patterns are made from pieces of fabric.

    In order to sew a carpet in this style, you will need:

    • denim in different colors;
    • scissors;
    • needle and thread
    • sewing machine

    Old denim, cut into pieces, will become a new practical item.

    Denim is cut into required pieces. These can be squares, rhombuses, triangles, etc. These blanks are first basted by hand, and then the joints are sewn together with a machine.

    Important! After the product is ready, it is steamed with an iron to give it correct form and a good view.

    This rug will serve you at a picnic, on the beach, at the dacha, for yoga and sports.

    Knitted rugs

    A knitted rug made from old jeans can decorate any room in the house and create a cozy atmosphere. It’s not so difficult to make it, the main thing is desire and patience, because any handmade takes time.

    For those who know how to crochet or knit new experience You will definitely like knitting from denim.

    Yarn creation process:

    • jeans are cut into long strips 2-3 cm wide;
    • the strips are sewn together with their narrow sides facing each other, forming a single thick thread;
    • The resulting yarn must be wound into a ball so that it does not get tangled.

    To knit a rug from denim stripes, use hook No. 8-12. The thicker the thread, the larger the hook number. Next, you need to decide on the desired shape of the product and you can start knitting. Round and oval rugs are knitted in a spiral with the occasional addition of loops. To make the carpet rectangular, a braid is made of air loops and a single crochet or double crochet is tied into each loop.

    And so on row by row until you get the desired size.

    Rules of care

    All denim products are easy to care for, and rugs are no exception.

    Vacuum any denim carpet only at low power!

    The stitched carpet can be shaken out and, if necessary, machine washed, after placing it in a special bag.

    Knitted items can be carefully knocked out of dust, and if heavily soiled, washed by hand by soaking in soapy water for 10-15 minutes.

    Gently squeeze out the water and hang it evenly to dry so that the edges do not stretch out.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that the only people who fail to do something are those who don’t try! Don’t be afraid to experiment, because there is nothing more pleasant than enjoying the results of your work and surprising your family and friends with them!

    VIDEO: DIY denim rug.

    50 original options for denim rugs: