Easy painting on nails at home. Manicure with patterns on nails: the best techniques. First you need tools

Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but do beautiful manicure You can do it at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Let's look at beautiful and modern designs on nails.

A beautiful manicure is an important part of any woman’s look. After all, men often pay attention to female hands and how well-groomed they are. Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but you can get a beautiful manicure at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Today Manikurchik.ru will give you ideas for nail designs that can be done without any special skills.

What tools and materials are needed

The design will not be neat if the nails are broken or have different shapes and unkempt cuticles. First you need to get your nails in good order. Next, you can proceed to varnishing and drawing.

Modern nail art involves the use of various kinds of improvised means, with the help of which beautiful designs are obtained. Absolutely everything is used as decorative materials, from stickers to rhinestones.

To create drawings you may need:

  • Scotch
  • Thin brush
  • Needle
  • Glitter powder
  • Nail stickers
  • Glue and foil
  • Pebbles and rhinestones
  • Varnishes and paints
  • Toothpick
  • Sponge

The selection of materials will be easy if there is an exact diagram of the future design.

Toothpick pattern

It requires a toothpick and colored varnishes. If everything is done correctly, the result will look neat, and a manicure will be suitable for both a holiday and a weekday:

  • Nails are covered with a plain dark varnish.
  • A little contrasting varnish is poured onto a sheet of paper.
  • Using a toothpick, apply a design.
  • When it dries, coat it with colorless varnish.

It’s so convenient to draw a heart, a flower, a twig or any other pattern - it all depends on how much free time you have and what you want to depict on your nails.

Simple drawings with a needle

If you want to create a neat pattern, then you can’t do without a needle to draw fine lines. An ornament is created using a needle on nails of any length, constantly changing color and creating contrast.

To do everything correctly, follow these instructions:

  1. A transparent base is applied to the nails.
  2. Make small dots with bright varnish using a brush. To make it more convenient, the varnish can be poured into a small bowl or onto a sheet of paper.
  3. A drawing is drawn with a needle - all the dots are connected or other patterns are drawn.
  4. Afterwards it all should dry out.
  5. Fix the result with a fixative varnish so that the design lasts on the nails as long as possible.

This technique is very convenient for drawing butterflies, flowers, twigs because thin needle Suitable for depicting small details.

Varnish drawings step by step

If you are not comfortable using a toothpick or a needle, you can buy several polishes with thin brushes and apply patterns with them.

For example, the youth pattern of “sneakers” looks bright due to the use different colors. But applying it will require a little time and patience:

  • Nails are covered with different colors of varnish.
  • Using white, draw the toe of the nail.
  • Lines are drawn along the length.
  • All strips are connected diagonally.
  • Use black varnish to place dots on top of the “toe” and draw them.
  • Colorless varnish is used to consolidate the result.

Classic manicure became popular back in the 60s and has remained relevant ever since. This combination is suitable for both a young girl and an older lady:

  1. Prepare your nails for applying polish.
  2. Special manicure stencils are glued to the base. They should form a semicircle.
  3. Apply 2-3 layers of varnish of the main color.
  4. Dry it.
  5. Peel off the stickers and paint the semicircle with a different shade of varnish. It can also be left unpainted.
  6. Apply a sealing layer of clear varnish.

Brush drawings

In specialty stores there are many varieties of painting brushes. They have different lengths, shapes and thicknesses. Using them, you can create all kinds of nail art masterpieces.

If you like to experiment, buy two different brushes. This will make it convenient to apply large and small details to decorate your nails.

Design with tape

Using simple tape you can create a lunar or French manicure, as well as apply complex geometric patterns on the nails. You just need to think through the design in advance, and at the end cover everything with a fixing varnish.

Dots and techniques for working with them

Dots are a tool for manicure, appearance resembling a pencil with a ball at the end. With its help any patterns can be applied. The technique of working with it is that a different shade is applied to the main color applied to the nail - the dots are carefully dipped into the liquid and designs are created over the entire surface. It is convenient for them to create dots and draw lines, and the main rule when working is to apply varnish to a damp surface.

Acrylic drawings

Not so long ago, acrylic paints began to be used to create beautiful manicures. Their color range is varied, moreover, the brightness remains for a long time, since the paints are resistant to steam and moisture.

This technique can be used to draw twigs and butterflies.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that nail designs are limited only by your imagination. Feel free to experiment with color solutions, combine techniques and select the method that is less labor-intensive, but at the same time allows you to achieve better results.

Video “Simple drawing of Ladybug”

Have you already tried to show your imagination and create an original design on your nails? Show your result in the comments!

Nail design and nail art have long been elevated to the rank of art. Many women want their manicure to be decorated with beautiful designs on their nails, but most of them do not know where to start or how to draw. Here we will give quite interesting tips, with which you can independently create stylish and very beautiful designs on your nails.

Nail design, particularly nail art, is fun and interesting activity. If you decide to design “for yourself” and decorate your manicure yourself, first of all you need to purchase tools and materials that may be useful to you.

Drawing tools and materials

1. Nail polishes, nail polish base, fixative, top coat, nail polish solvent, nail polish remover - this is the minimum where the design begins.

When buying varnishes, pay attention to its structure and smell - it is better to avoid strong-smelling varnishes. Also pay attention to the expiration date.

2. Acrylic paints - they are absolutely harmless to the health of nails, have a huge palette of colors, are easy to apply to the nail, acrylic paints dry quickly and, finally, they are relatively cheap.

If you don’t need the whole set of paints, then you can buy one or several specific colors, which, you see, is very convenient.

3. Those new to design will also need to buy several brushes, preferably a set of brushes of different sizes made from natural hair.

4. A collection of various decorative elements necessary for design - these are rhinestones, stones, sequins, beads, foil, mica, feathers, colored threads, mesh, confetti, mirror dust, fimo, stickers, fabric decorations, shells, dried flowers, sparkles, broths , lace, etc..

5. Glue is simply necessary for fixing various decorative elements.

Beginning creators should definitely study the theoretical component of painting acrylic paints, and only then proceed to the practical part.

Certainly, to an experienced master It won’t be difficult to apply the most ornate designs on your nails in a matter of minutes. But if desired, such a design is quite possible for a beginner.

A simple design is made with a thin brush and acrylic paints. You can start with simple lines and points of different diameters, in this case the risk of making a mistake is minimal, and the result will definitely please you.

To create an exquisite manicure, you will have to try and, above all, be patient.

The procedure for applying designs on nails

So, are your nails and hands okay? This means you can start creating beautiful drawings using acrylic paints.

  1. To begin with, the nails are degreased. For this purpose they use special remedy, besides, it will extend the life of the manicure.
  2. Then nail plate covered with a transparent base. Professional craftsmen advise using such a product, otherwise the unprotected plate may deteriorate under the decorative coating.
  3. The base can be varnish of very different shades. Apply a layer of varnish and wait for it to dry completely. On a surface that is not completely dried, a drawing made with acrylic will “float”.
  4. The time has come for the most important and exciting stage - the painting itself - applying the design to the nails. If the drawing is being done for the first time, then it is better to first experiment on a piece of cardboard. This will allow you to adjust your hand to the brush, determine the pressure applied and the intensity of the selected color. Several similar attempts will already make it possible to create clear and beautiful lines, and even patterns and simple drawings.

It’s better to start by painting the ring finger. For example, you can draw a butterfly with white paint, and then decorate it with smooth lines and neat dots.

The drawing should not be overloaded, but a couple of gentle strokes will be quite appropriate. You can remove excess paint or varnish using a toothpick dipped in nail polish remover. If you don't like something, you can always start over.

The resulting pattern is secured with a top coat. It will add shine to your manicure. The result will definitely please you, because the painting will give your nails a romantic design and highlight the image of the owner!

One of the most simple options design on the nails - decorate the edges with colored glitter. Although it is very easy and simple, such a manicure looks bright and impressive.

Nail designs - varieties

Classic French manicure can serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. For example you can change traditional colors and make it brighter and more intense.

A plain white line can be decorated with decorative elements and various designs.

Nail art with cats

Do you prefer bright colored manicure? You can also decorate it with a pattern and add some golden shades - this adds airiness.

Nail designs - floral motifs

Floral motifs are applied using a thin brush, sometimes you can use a needle. Drawing such a picture is quite difficult and requires patience and talent.

Nail designs - flowers

This particular print never goes out of style. And making such a drawing is not so difficult. First of all, you need to apply varnish twice. Depending on which print you have chosen, apply the patterns with a thin brush and acrylic paints.

But if the spots are not even, then do not despair, because they do not all have to be the same, this is the advantage of this design on the nails.

Watch the video on how to make beautiful designs on your nails:

It is important to have the entire arsenal necessary tools. When creating a beautiful painted manicure, there are several key points to consider.

First of all, this is, of course, a well-groomed appearance of both nails and hands in general. After all, even with luxurious painting, imperfect nail shapes, untidy cuticles and dry hand skin will erase everything positive impression. At the end of this article we will give basic care recommendations.

Non-standard designs on nails - hieroglyphs

IN Lately There is a great interest in everything related to the East.

This also applies to new trends in manicure. Drawings - hieroglyphs on nails give a positive charge. Each of them has its own meaning - it could be happiness, health, beauty, etc.

When using these symbols, it is important to choose the right colors that can bring out their full beauty. It is best to draw the symbols in the traditional black color, and choose red nail polish as the base, which, combined with black, will become a beautiful Japanese theme.

Nail designs - hieroglyphs

How to decorate nail designs with rhinestones and stones

Nowadays it is very fashionable to do manicures with stones and rhinestones. Rhinestones must be selected based on the length of the nails. Apply two layers of varnish. Outline the design with clear varnish and use tweezers to add prepared rhinestones and stones to certain points of your design. This design gives your nails a unique look.

On short nails You can also create simply amazing drawings, look at some options.

The more you draw, the better you will do it, the main thing in this matter is not to give up - draw whatever you like and what comes to mind. This way you will find only your own unique nail design.

How to care for your nails and hands

Don't forget that even the most beautiful nail designs will lose their attractiveness if your hands and nails are not well-groomed. Here are the basic recommendations for hand care:

  1. Nails should rest from the varnish - after removing the old varnish, do not rush to cover it with a new layer, let them “breathe” for several hours.
  2. Nails hate washing dishes and using any chemicals, so always wear rubber gloves when doing housework.
  3. Pamper your nails with baths - dissolve in hot water sea ​​salt, add vegetable oil, 3 drops of iodine and 5 drops of lemon juice, and keep your nails in this mixture for 5-10 minutes.
  4. To have shiny and healthy nails, rub a mask of lemon juice, vinegar, grape or cranberry juice in them from time to time.
  5. Pay attention to your diet - eat yoghurts, cheeses - preferably fresh, nuts and marmalade more often.

Beautiful, well-groomed hands always reveal a sophisticated girl who knows her worth. Thin, flaking nails different lengths and shapes can give your appearance a touch of untidiness, sloppiness, even if the rest of your appearance is impeccable.

Therefore, never forget about your hands and nails. And having learned how to quickly and beautifully apply designs on your nails, you will always have a unique, inimitable manicure.

Nail designs video

Nail designs photo

Pictures are clickable

Day by day it is becoming more and more popular to make nail designs at home. For beginners, the initial stage raises many questions: how to paint your nails, what tools to use and what type of manicure will be suitable at the initial stage.

Any girl or woman can create a unique and elegant nail design at home if she has a great desire to learn the basics of this artistic skill. After all, a beautiful manicure requires a lot of patience and endurance.

What you need to know at the initial stage

First you need to understand what tools will be useful in your work. Without them, it is impossible to create a high-quality and bright manicure. Of course, at first you can look for one of the tools for yourself, try it in practice, if it brings success, purchase others.

Day by day it is becoming more and more popular to make nail designs at home.

Oddly enough, you don’t even have to buy some items to create nail decor. Many people have toothpicks and needles in their home. They can become the first assistants in this matter.. They are suitable for drawing small elegant patterns or flowers.

For more complex techniques and patterns, you need to use other tools. For example, paint brushes. They come in a variety of varieties; it is advisable to purchase several options from the thinnest to medium thickness.

Sponges, tape and foil will also help you create a unique design on your nails. The choice of tool also depends on what techniques and types of manicure the woman wants to master.

Therefore, before making a final decision, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all possible options how to make designs on nails. For beginners, today there are many books specifically designed for mastering a popular hobby at home.

There are also professional tools for beginners; you can move on to them as soon as you get better and better at making designs on your nails.

These include:

  • tweezers;
  • dots;
  • nail drill.

Professional brushes for painting nails

Tweezers are needed for manicure, which involves the use of rhinestones or small decor. Dots is the most perfect way create even circles and dots. A drill is necessary when piercing nails.

Important to remember! Many people do not consider it necessary to purchase specialized materials for work, but with them the final result will look more professional and of better quality.

Popular manicure techniques

The modern variety of nail design techniques knows no bounds. Every year new ones appear unusual ways decorations.

Nail art using tape

A manicure using adhesive tape looks original and memorable; it immediately catches the eye and attracts the attention of others. Some cannot even imagine that such a simple, everyday object was used in its creation.

Scotch tape is used mainly to create a variety of geometric designs and lines. But there is an option that involves using it in the form of a stencil. In order to experiment with this type of nail art, you need to stock up on basic materials for work.

A manicure using adhesive tape looks original and memorable, it immediately catches the eye and attracts the attention of others

Be sure to have sharp scissors, small single-sided tape, colored and base varnishes, and tweezers. You should start working from the cuticle, it is cut and removed using special tools. Next comes the treatment of the nail itself. They are trimmed to length and burrs are removed.

Then you need to decide on the design, which will show off on your hands. For example, you can cut out several small ones from tape geometric shapes and stick them over the entire surface. Paint your nails with the main color, not paying attention to the tape.

When the base layer dries a little, carefully remove the sticky base and try to paint it with the same quality without falling beyond the edges of the design.

In stores you can purchase a special color sticky tape and use it to make the edging of the resulting figures. The manicure will look stylish and extravagant.

Point technique

This is where dots find their application. It helps to accurately and evenly apply a beautiful dot pattern. There is nothing complicated about this technique. Basic nail care procedures are also carried out before directly working on the pattern, and a base varnish is applied. Afterwards the base varnish is applied.

Drawing dots is not difficult with some practice. You must first practice applying varnish using dots on paper and only then proceed to the original.

Note! Must be observed important condition: The base tone should not be allowed to dry before applying the dots, as they should look harmonious on the nails, merging with the base.

Drawing dots is not difficult with some practice. You must first practice applying varnish using dots on paper and only then proceed to the original. The designs can be varied: trees with leaves, ladybug, chess, starry sky, polka dots, etc. This is a matter of fantasy and imagination.

Drawings with a needle

When the fashion for decorating nails first began, girls wondered how to make designs on their nails for beginners in such a way that they would look like they came from a beauty salon. And then they a needle came to the rescue. It was with her that today’s experienced needlewomen began their journey.

When the fashion for decorating nails first started, girls wondered how to make designs on their nails for beginners so that they would look like they came from a beauty salon.

The needle replaces professional brushes and is suitable for the initial stage in mastering home manicure. After preliminary work on the cuticle and nails, base and main varnishes are applied. The needle is carefully dipped into paint intended for drawing or varnish, and through simple movements, patterns are drawn.

These could be: spruces, trees, waves, Japanese characters. The most important thing to understand is that the essence of this method is that the needle is applied to the nail in the form of a bold dot and then from this point the creation begins in various directions.

Painting with a brush

This is an evolution that should be adopted after using the needle. Brushes help to more accurately apply the pattern and spread it using acrylic paints. Professionals always have a set of such brushes.

This is an evolution that should be adopted after using the needle. Brushes help to more accurately apply a pattern and spread it using acrylic paints

So a pattern using one brush will look poor quality. Basically, if you hone your brush skills different sizes, then the technique itself will be quickly mastered. This type of manicure is in demand, since masters of their craft can depict on the nails whatever the client desires.

Using a sponge

It will be needed for gradient manicure. Take 2 or 3 contrasting varnishes, one of them is applied to the material and then the nail is soaked. Next, the sponge is impregnated with a second varnish and applied to the drawing in the same way.

Take 2 or 3 contrasting varnishes, apply one of them to the material and then saturate the nail

A basic colorless varnish will help brighten up and highlight the imperfections and unevenness of this technology.

Note! It is not necessary to purchase a special sponge. At the initial stage, cosmetic sponges or an applicator for applying eye shadow are suitable.

Drawing using tulle

Tulle helps to create an unusual and bright pattern that will be as openwork and unusual as possible. The technology is simple and to use it you need a small piece of tulle with a beautiful and small openwork pattern, base and main varnish.

Tulle helps to create an unusual and bright pattern that will be as openwork and unusual as possible.

This type of manicure is so simple that anyone can understand how to make designs on nails using regular tulle; for beginners, this is a great option for experimenting.

First, the main varnish is applied and until it has dried, tulle is applied and pressed as much as possible onto the nail. Afterwards it is quickly removed, forming a pattern that is secured with base varnish.

Brushes and acrylic paints

Upon achieving a certain skill in various techniques, you can move on to a more professional version of manicure using brushes and acrylic paints.

Once you achieve a certain skill in various techniques, you can move on to a more professional version of manicure using brushes and acrylic paints

If you have minimal artistic abilities, then it is quite possible that nail art will be not just a hobby, but also additional income. Today this type of manicure is in great demand.

Popular patterns in DIY manicure

To understand how to make designs on nails, for beginning craftswomen there are several simple patterns that anyone can handle with diligence and desire. One of them is “Zigzag”, which can be performed in two ways. The first is to use tape.

Special patterned scissors sketches of zigzags are made and glued to the nails. First, the area free of tape is painted, then it is removed and a varnish of a different shade is applied to the areas that were sealed.

The second method is to use acrylic paints and brushes, with the help of which the necessary drawing is created.

With the help of adhesive tape and dot techniques, you can realize the most creative ideas

Another pattern that is very popular and quite simple to perform is "Windy Sunset" To implement it you need a base varnish. Thin perpendicular stripes of a different color lie on top of it. You can endlessly experiment with shades.

This undeniable advantage this technique. To make “Windy Sunset” perfect and beautiful, you need to make thin stripes using a special brush, which can be bought in stores. It is called a fan, and it can be used in a variety of techniques.

Manicure using the gradient method has one of the simple patterns called “explosion of colors”

Manicure using the gradient method has one of the simple patterns called “explosion of colors.” Using a sponge, as described above, you apply not two or three shades, but several. The result is a bright rainbow and a gorgeous inflorescence that is ideal for a summer manicure.

At the initial stage, an experiment with foil is also suitable. For example, marble nails that are very easy to do. You will need special foil to create a marble manicure. It is cut out to fit the nail, applied to it and secured with a base colorless varnish.

Today there are many techniques, types and patterns for creating your own manicure. They are easy to perform, the main thing is that there is a desire and opportunity to improve in this type of creativity.

Useful video on the topic

This video shows a master class on manicure with drawings:

How to make a beautiful design on your nails using varnish and watercolors is shown in this video:

Learn how to make nail designs using this video:

Manicure makes a girl's hands well-groomed and beautiful. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, not everyone can visit a beauty salon, so the most important thing is to learn how to make simple designs on your nails with your own hands.

The easiest and most beautiful nail designs

The art of nail art is easy to master. Well-groomed hands, like a girl’s face, can tell a lot. After getting a manicure, you can apply a design to your nails with your own hands. The simplest ones are waves, stripes, and dots.

Start drawing with thin lines, which teaches you how to hold a brush correctly and will help you understand how much varnish and what consistency to apply to the brush. As a result, it will be possible to determine how much time is needed to apply the drawings. Having mastered the simplest drawings, you can learn how to apply more complex patterns and miniatures.

What you will need to independently master the nail art technique:

  • multi-colored varnishes;
  • toothpicks, needle;
  • small sponge;
  • cotton pads;
  • removal liquid;
  • scotch;
  • any available means that can make a pattern.

What is important for a novice master to know?

What do you need to know to make your own nail art?

The most simple tips will help you figure this out:

  • Buy various colors. To get started, 7 shades of the rainbow, white and black, will suffice.
  • Don't buy all professional tools at once. To learn how to draw, all you need is a brush and available tools.

Draw in a good mood

  • If you don’t get straight lines right away, don’t be upset.
  • Any errors can be corrected with nail polish remover.
  • Use a palette to apply to the instrument.
  • You can paint not only with varnish, but also with acrylic paints.
  • Stickers, glitter, and various three-dimensional acrylic elements will help you decorate your manicure.

Beginners may not immediately get perfect drawings, but don’t stop, the skill will come with experience.

Scotch tape to the rescue

Scotch tape is a universal remedy that is found in every home. It is used to make stripes, patterns, or individual elements are cut out of it.

Using tape, you can create the following simple designs on your nails yourself:

Moon manicure is considered the most popular; to perform it you will need the following materials:

  • varnish in two shades;
  • scotch;
  • fixing varnish.

Application process:

  1. Paint with the main color and wait for it to dry completely.
  2. Take a small piece of tape and cut out teeth or waves from one edge.
  3. We glue the tape onto the hole so that the teeth look down.
  4. Paint the hole with the second shade, wait for it to dry completely and remove the tape.
  5. Cover with clear varnish. It will add shine and extend the life of your manicure.

Patterns on nails using dot technique

This technique allows you to get quite interesting drawings. You can make the pattern cheerful and bright, stylish and businesslike.

To master the technique you will need:

  • toothpicks;
  • varnishes of various shades;
  • hairpins;
  • optional dots - tools for drawing.

Process of drawing points:

  1. Apply the main shade to the nails. We choose the color as desired. For example, to get a similarity watermelon slice, the main color is red, and the secondary color is black.
  2. After the layer has dried, carefully dip a toothpick into a different shade and make drops.
  3. The size of the dots depends on the device used to apply the pattern.
  4. After applying all the dots, you need to let the varnish dry thoroughly.

If desired, you can apply a layer of clear varnish.

Note! If you want a complex drawing using any technique to turn out perfect, practice drawing it on a sheet of white paper.

Decorating nails with a gradient

One of the easiest and simple ways apply a design on your nails with your own hands - color transition. Gradient is a real find for lovers of unusual manicure. The simplicity of the technology makes it accessible to everyone. A bunch of color combinations will allow you to choose shades for any occasion.

What is needed to perform a gradient:

  • top coat or clear varnish;
  • a piece of sponge or foam rubber.

Gradient on nails: step-by-step instruction application

Application process:

  1. We prepare the nails and polish the plate.
  2. Apply the first layer. Dip the sponge in the first shade and press it to the part of the nail near the cuticle. Let's dry it.
  3. We also apply the second, darker shade to the sponge and then, slightly touching the first layer, cover the middle. Let it dry.
  4. We finish the color transition with the third layer.
  5. When everything has dried, coat it with finishing varnish.

The color boundaries are smooth, and the manicure will look impressive.

Drawing with a needle

You can make actual patterns using a needle, applying the design to your nails with your own hands. The simplest ones can set the tone for a girl’s entire image.

Let's prepare materials:

  • varnishes of various colors and shades;
  • base coat;
  • top or clear varnish;
  • needles.

Drawing with a needle on a dry first layer

For short lengths, patterns with a small number of elements are suitable. Long nails give free rein to imagination and allow you to apply any drawings. Beginners should start with simple shapes in the form of stains, flowers, dots. You can make patterns with a needle on one nail.

It is better to perform the first drawings on a plain background

You can draw with a needle in two techniques: dry and wet. The first is done after the base color of the varnish has dried. In the second, drops are applied immediately, without waiting for drying. The dry method is easier to perform.

The process of making a simple pattern using a needle:

  1. Apply the base coat. Let's dry it.
  2. Apply the main shade of varnish. Let it dry.
  3. Make a stripe or add a drop of the second shade of varnish.
  4. Let's draw a pattern. We turn the strip into a twig by moving the needle left and right. Dots, using a needle, with light movements, into the flower.
  5. After drying, coat with top varnish.

Having thought through the design and choosing the necessary shades of varnish, you can learn to draw beautiful patterns using needles.

Drawing patterns with a brush

Once you learn the basics of drawing, you can create beautiful designs using a fine brush. To make the lines smooth, you need to apply the correct pressure on the brush. Using this technique you can draw like simple patterns, and complex pictures.

Painting with a brush on nails: drawing “Cute bows”

How to create a pattern with a brush:

  1. We prepare the nails, align the ends.
  2. Apply a base clear coat.
  3. After drying, coat with the main shade of varnish.
  4. Using a brush, carefully draw the selected pattern, starting from the tip.
  5. After all layers have dried, you need to apply a top coat.

Bright polka dot nails with painted bows look very cute. More strict would be to draw lines similar to the wings of a butterfly or a flower branch.

To prevent the drawing from smearing, let each layer dry thoroughly!

You can complement the design with small rhinestones or beads. You can paint all your nails, or focus on one.

Drawing with tulle

Organza, tulle, lace, with their help you can create very beautiful and romantic designs. This manicure is suitable for any occasion. Black on a white background is strict and stylish, and white on a transparent background is gentle and cute.

To make this pattern you will need:

  • tulle, lace;
  • varnishes;
  • top and base coat.

Technique for painting nails using lace with focus on one nail

How to do it:

  1. Cut a small piece from the tulle.
  2. Apply the base coat and the main shade of varnish.
  3. While the base layer is not dry, apply fabrics and press.
  4. When the layer has dried, carefully remove the tulle. This will create a beautiful lace pattern.
  5. To ensure that the manicure lasts a long time, we cover it with top varnish.

You can do all your nails in the same style, or use a different lace for each.

Acrylic paints will decorate your fingers

Acrylic paints allow you to create the simplest designs on your nails by mixing shades with your own hands. This type of painting dries quickly and looks more professional.

An example of a drawing using acrylic paints:

  • Treat the cuticles and give your nails the desired shape.
  • Apply base coat.
  • Apply a layer of varnish of the main color and let dry.
  • After practicing on a sheet of paper, we begin to paint our nails.

  • Apply the drawing gradually. For example, first the outline of a flower, and then drawing each element.
  • Apply a layer of sealing coating.

Carefully! Do not apply another color of acrylic paint until the first one is completely dry. This can lead to their merging and the formation of a blot.

Beginners can start with simple drawings, including two to three shades.

Win-win options for the most beautiful patterns

Nails, with proper care, will become the face of every girl. What patterns will be appropriate in any situation and will add laconicism to the image?


The first pattern, which is very easy to make, is called “Zig-Zag”. It is made using tape on which teeth are cut. Patterned tape is applied to the nails, the number of stripes depends on the length of the nail plate. “Zig-zag” can also be done using a brush and acrylic paint.

Explosion of colors

Second, no less beautiful pattern, called “An Explosion of Colors.” It is most often done with acrylic paint. For this purpose, colored stains are made. Each layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. The second, simpler method: apply the shade to the brush and, as it were, shake it onto the nail, forming colored blots.

Drawing technique “Explosion of colors” step by step


Marble nails are made using foil. This design is incredibly impressive. To do this, after applying the main layer of varnish, apply the transfer foil to the nail and press it using a brush. After tearing off the foil, you will get a beautiful marble-like manicure.

windy sunset

The drawing, with a beautiful name, “windy sunset”, is done with a wide brush. After applying the main shade, three or more colors other than the main one are dripped onto the palette and the brush is dipped into each shade in turn. The design is applied to the nail using transverse lines with a brush. For beauty, the top is coated with glossy varnish.

Drawing “Windy sunset”

The simplest designs can look amazing and stylish on your nails, even if they are made by yourself. It doesn’t matter whether a beginner or a professional performs the pattern, the main thing is to do it with soul. Having chosen the right shades and patterns for yourself, you can safely take up a brush and paint incredible pictures on a small canvas called nails.

Nail designs for beginners at home. Watch an interesting video:

Decor on nails: cute lace. Details in the video:

Video lessoneasy drawings on nails step by step at home:

Don't know how to paint on your nails? It doesn't matter - you can easily learn this. Let's do a cool manicure with our own hands. What do we need for this? First of all, time and patience. We sit down on a comfortable chair, stock up on acetone, files, varnish, brushes, paints, cotton wool and everything necessary for work and begin painting on our nails. We advise you to cover the table with film or paper, so you will not stain the surface. Print out the drawing so that it is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, you risk getting your equipment dirty. For beginners, we recommend starting with simple drawings.

You need to figure out what is more convenient for drawing, what to choose: brushes, needle, toothpick, dots. How to work with tape and acrylic paints.

Practice first on a suitable surface or paper, and only then draw on your nails. Before applying the design, do a manicure, giving your nails a well-groomed look. Next, you need to apply a clear base coat to your nails.

Brush drawing:

Toothpick drawing:

Our task is to understand how you can do a cool manicure yourself, at home, with beautiful drawings. With a little patience and skill, you can successfully make drawings at home without the help of a nail art specialist. Start learning with simple drawings, then complicate the task. Over time, you can take on complex designs. The easiest way is to use tools such as a toothpick or a needle.

How to draw

For nail art, the most commonly used tools are needles, dots and brushes. The technique of drawing with a needle and dots is not difficult even for inexperienced beginners.

What is a manicure needle? Such a needle does not have an eye; one end rests against the rod, the other end is intended for drawing. The needle drawings are thin and filigree. Needles are sold in specialized stores, but you can easily make it yourself. Stick one end into the stylus a simple pencil, and you can use a sharp tip.

This needle is like a thin brush, which is convenient for drawing small patterns.

And this is for more professional nail art. For beginners, a simple needle or toothpick will do, but if you want to improve your drawings in the future, it’s better to purchase professional tools. In order to do fashionable manicure at home - you need nail dots. This is a tool with which we will decorate our nails with various dots, abstractions, or other interesting designs. Dots can be used to create any fashionable design, flowers, petals, any abstraction.

Using sparkles, rhinestones and dots, you can create spectacular designs on your nails.

Of all the tools for nail art, brushes are considered the most difficult and professional. There are a huge number of manicure brushes on sale that can be used to design nails at home. A regular set always includes a liner brush, which is needed to make filigree patterns. In addition, the set necessarily includes a flat brush with which you can perform beautiful flower. For drawings with colored sand or glitter, there is a fan brush. For beginners, the best manicure brush to use is a liner.

A liner is a thin hair brush; with the help of a liner you can draw small elements, curls, circles, and other elements. The liner is convenient for drawing animal faces and drawings from comics.

To work you will need:

  1. The first coating is the base one.
  2. Varnish Pink colour.
  3. Burgundy varnish.
  4. Silver varnish
  5. Brush liner.
  6. Small rhinestones.
  7. Fixative.

  • First you need to apply a base coat to your nails.
  • After the base coat has dried, apply two layers of pink varnish. Wait 7 minutes for drying.
  • From the upper left corner of the nail, we begin to apply a thin line with burgundy varnish, and in parallel we draw another thinner line.
  • From the other corner of the nail we draw the same, similar lines.
  • We finish the drawing with silver varnish.
  • Next comes the fixer.
  • At the end, we attach the rhinestone to the nail with tweezers or a toothpick, and complete the nail art with a fixing agent.

What paints do professionals use? Masters use acrylic or watercolor paints. Watercolor drawings are more complex; this technique is called watercolor. Water is added while drawing. This allows you to get a blurry picture with a gradient. The acrylic drawing turns out convex, this is noticeable on the nails.

The choice of acrylic paints is rich and varied. Manicure acrylic paints come in four types: translucent, opaque, opaque and impasto. In order to get the desired color, you need to dilute the paint with water. The more water in the paint, the lighter and more delicate the color. You can combine 2 colors to create a unique shade.

It is better to buy acrylic paint in tubes, as it dries quickly. Tubes must always be tightly closed. St. Petersburg paint is best. Watch the thickness of the acrylic; it must not be very liquid, otherwise it will flow off the nail.