Cap for the boy from jersey. We sew a hat-stocking from knitwear. Do-it-yourself double-sided knitted hat

Hello, friends!

Any mother wants her child to be dressed not only warmly, but also beautifully in cool weather. It is easier for a mother who knows how to sew. For example, a hat for a baby or a teenager, she can easily sew herself.

Today we will consider a master class on sewing an unusual headdress for a child and answer the question - How to sew a baby hat with ears. They are sometimes called animal hats.

Among the many models of such hats, there is one very simple cut. It sews easily and quickly.

Consider the cut and tailoring of hats with ears in detail. If you have any suggestions for other models, write in the comments or email.

So, let's start sewing a baby hat with ears.

You will need:

  1. Piece of material approx. 55 cm;
  2. Threads that match the color;
  3. Chalk / soap for marking;
  4. Tape measure;
  5. Ruler;
  6. pins;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Sewing machine;
  9. Iron;
  10. 30-40 minutes of free time.

What material is suitable for sewing hats

To ensure that the cap does not cause discomfort when worn, make it from an extensible material. Fine or medium-weight knitwear is perfect, for example, footer, ribana, children's knitwear, fleece, etc.

You can sew a hat from a suitable knitted t-shirt or a jumper that has served its intended purpose, if the child has grown up, and the thing is still in good condition. You can give a second life. Just pre-wash and iron.

Note: It is advisable to make a pattern, taking into account the coefficient of extensibility of the selected canvas.I'll tell you how below.

Hat pattern and measurements

The model is very simple, so any child's hat can serve as a pattern.

If it turns out that there are no hats of the right size, take two measurements:

  • Head girth Og (1);
  • Cap depth Gsh (2).

note- measurements are taken and recorded in the whole size, not in half, as is often the case when taking other measurements from the figure.

What is the tensile coefficient for and how to find it

To draw a pattern, taking into account the properties of the selected material and the size of the child, we determine the coefficient of extensibility of the canvas.

To do this, put marks on the canvas between a 10 cm section.

And stretch the material.

Record the resulting stretch value.

Suppose, from the initial 10 cm, the stretch was 2.5 cm = 12.5 cm.

Divide 10 by 12.5 = 0.8

0, 8 - coefficient of extensibility for a given web.

IMPORTANT! We stretch without fanaticism. Remember - the more you pull the canvas, the tighter the hat will fit and squeeze the child's head. We don't want discomfort!

Multiply the resulting measurement of head circumference by 0.8

For example, Og - 56 x 0.8 \u003d 44.8

Useful information:

For more information on how to determine the stretch factor,

We draw a pattern and cut a hat with ears

On a sheet of paper, draw a rectangle, with one side equal to 1/2 of the measurement of the circumference of the head (taking into account the coefficient), and the second side, equal to the measurement of 1/2 of the depth of the cap.

Then round the corners as shown.

Note: If you doubt the measurements and calculations, you can cut out the workpiece, try it on, make adjustments and make a cut on the main fabric.

Hat pattern first:

Refined pattern

Specially divided into sections so that you can see the difference. A little narrowed at the top, so more comfortable and more beautiful.

life hack
To make the detail of the cap pattern even on both sides:

  • First circle draw the pattern in full size;
  • Mark the middle of the part;
  • Exactly along the line, fold the half of the pattern;
  • Circle the contour of the second half;
  • Cut out the pattern.

We will sew a hat with ears. Therefore, we cut out additional details.

Which animal do you like best - Cat, Bear, Chanterelle, Wolf? We select and draw the “ears” of the desired animal. You will get an unusual “animal” hat. Can be embellished with matching appliqué or embroidery.

My hat has cat or kitty ears. Meow…

The result is a hat pattern:

Hat base - 1 piece with a fold;

“Ears” - 4 parts.


Fold the material in two layers - the cap will be denser, warmer, and the seam will hide inside. Do not forget to mark the points for the location of the details of the “ears”.

For a cap with a lapel, step back from the fold along the bottom by the desired amount, approximately 2.5 - 3.5 cm.

Note: Cut and tailoring interesting model we will consider hats with a lapel in the next issues. I recommend not to miss new publications.

Looking ahead, I will show a photo of the resulting cap.

If you change the design a little, even a teenager will do.

We outline the fold line. You can lay a basting line.

After cutting, an oval-shaped blank is obtained.

Note: For marking, I use a self-disappearing marker. Handy tool. The drawn line disappears after a few hours. Typically, these markers or pencils are sold in "handicraft" stores or sewing equipment stores.

It lasts a long time - mine is 3 years old, it is like new. The main thing is not to heat the markup, otherwise it will remain for a long time.

Beanie tailoring

Sewing a hat is very simple:

  • We check the evenness of the cutting;
  • We fold the details of the “ears” face to face, grind along the contour, turn inside out;
  • According to the markup, we lay the details of the “ears”, tack or pin;

  • We chip or sweep the parts along the contour, leaving an open area for eversion.

In this case, I use a special needle with a rounded tip (so as not to tear the fibers) and an elastic stitch for knitwear. A zigzag stitch and even a straight stitch will work great if you set them to the minimum pitch.

  • After grinding the parts, carefully iron along the seam.
  • We cut off excess allowances.
  • We twist.

  • Sew up the open area manually with blind stitches or on a sewing machine.
  • Having invested one part of the part in another, we form a hat.

The hat is ready. If there is material left, make a scarf.

You can decorate the model with appliqué or paint the cap with special paints or markers.

Useful information:

The resulting model is demonstrated by my son Ivan.

Well, okay, mom, at least a baby hat, but the color is cool ...

Useful information:

Video MK “How to sew a baby hat with ears”

I wish you beautiful sewing projects and good luck in all your endeavors!
Elena Krasovskaya

What hat to choose for the baby? Of course, soft, warm and comfortable. It is even better if, in addition to all of the above, the baby hat is fashionable, bright and unlike others. And where can I get such a hat? We invite you to sew a fun and bright children's fleece hat with your own hands. Because fleece the best way meets all our requirements. This is a light, soft, pleasant to the touch, anti-allergic material, synthetic "wool" made of polyester. Fleece does not absorb moisture, but passes it well. In clothes made of this fabric, children do not sweat, the fleece "breathes" and perfectly retains heat.

Based on just one pattern, you can come up with and sew many different children's fleece hats, both for boys and girls.

Kids Fleece Hat Ideas

Let's look at how to sew a children's fleece hat

For our baby hat you will need:

  • Hat pattern;
  • Gray fleece;
  • Pink fleece;
  • Fleece blue or light blue;
  • Threads in black, gray, pink and blue.

We cut from gray and black fleece, we get two parts, the gray upper part of the cap, and the black inner one.

Sewing the front seam on the gray part

Now we draw on paper and cut out the details of the “Muzzle” of the bear cub on the fabric. The ears will be pink in front and gray in the back. Therefore, we cut two pink and two gray ears.

We take a pink oval and a blue nose, we cut off each other and sew

Sew the resulting part on the top of the cap

Sew on the eyes

Then we start creating Bear's ears. To do this, take a gray part and put it on a pink one, sew

We turn the resulting ear out, grind it by 0.5 centimeters. It turned out two such ears

We sew the back seam from above by 5 centimeters, insert the ears into the top seam, pin them so that they do not run away and sew the seam

Sew a pink patch near the right ear, make decorative black seams. Sew up the back seam. The top of the hat is ready. It remains to make the inner and ties. We take the black part of the cap, sew the front and back seams, and then the top. Now we cut rectangles measuring 20 * 3 centimeters.

Fold them in half, sew and turn inside out. Got ties. We sew the black and gray part together, not forgetting to insert the ties and leave a small slit for eversion. Sewed, turned out, sewed up the opening. Got a hat.

And such a hat will be very popular with older children or teenagers. I saw this hat with ears on Etsy.

Unfortunately, I did not find a pattern for this hat, but there is a diagram. If you wish, you can carefully consider the caps and repeat. Please note that the ears on the cap are one-piece with the back of the cap, and are not sewn in, as in the example above.

How to sew a baby hat out of fleece

For the basis of a hat with ears, you can take a pattern of such a hat

Despite the fact that the stores offer a wide range of hats, find suitable model fall is not always possible. For those who like to do needlework, a great option is to make a hat yourself. If you know how to sew a knitted hat with your own hands, and the patterns for it are suitable, then the creation of the product will take only 2-3 hours. Before starting work, you need to figure out which fabrics are best to use, as well as decide on the style.

A knitted hat is an accessory that will never go out of style. Today, such a headdress is presented in different variations, so each woman will choose a model to her taste. For sewing a knitted hat, it is better to use the following types matter:

  • from cotton threads - a light translucent fabric that lets air through, stretches well, ideal for creating summer and spring models;
  • from wool - it is a dense warm cloth with a small pile, such material is used for sewing winter and autumn models;
  • from synthetics - the material stretches well, it is used to create winter and summer hats.

Also on sale you can find combined knitwear, which is the best option. The fabric is made by mixing natural and synthetic fibers. It keeps its shape well, does not wrinkle, does not shed. To sew a stocking hat from knitwear or any other model, you will need:

  • fabric of your favorite color;
  • threads in tone;
  • needle;
  • pattern;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

The nuances of working with knitwear

Before you sew a fashionable hat, you need to understand the features of knitwear. This fabric is quite capricious, has its own nuances. Cutting and sewing are carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • when cutting out the details, you need to make sure that the shared thread runs parallel to the direction of the loop column;
  • to fix parts, it is recommended to use pins with large heads, if the balls on the needles are small, they will pass through the canvas;
  • when cutting details for a knitted hat, you can not stretch the fabric in width, and the procedure should not be performed on slippery surfaces;
  • when marking the lines of parts or seams, you need to use soap, not chalk, since the dust from it will dull the needle, which can cause damage to the loops on the fiber;
  • regardless of the model, it is recommended to grind the details with a narrow zigzag stitch;
  • for basting it is better to take thin threads.

To prevent the loops from falling down at the place of cuts, it is recommended to iron special adhesive pads to the edges of the parts from the wrong side. Alternatively, the edges can be treated with clear varnish. To prevent stretching, the headpiece should only be ironed in the direction of the buttonhole.

Sewing preparation

To make the task of creating an adult or children's hat as easy as possible, you need to prepare in advance. The first step is to purchase material and tools, find and print a pattern, cut out the details. Another important step is sizing.

Taking measurements

Despite the fact that a hat made of fleece, knitwear and other elastic fibers stretches well, before cutting out the details, it is recommended to understand their parameters. If you ignore this stage, the headdress may be small or, on the contrary, will fall on the forehead. Regardless of which hat pattern is used, only 2 measurements are needed to work:

  1. Head circumference. It is necessary to take a centimeter tape, wrap it around the head along the line of the eyebrows and the most convex occipital part. The centimeter should not be too tight.
  2. Cap depth. The tape must be circled on the top of the head from ear to ear and divided by 2.

The standard size is 55-60 cm. As for the depth, it usually varies between 16-18 cm. The exception is models with a high crown, for example, a knitted sock.

Creating a pattern and transferring patterns to fabric

If you know the basics of sewing, you can draw a hat pattern yourself. But in the absence of experience, it is better to use ready-made schemes. After the drawing is found, it must be printed in real size and start creating details. To do this, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. The purchased canvas must be carefully laid out on the table, using pins, attach pre-cut paper parts to it. It is desirable that they be located as far as possible. closer friend to a friend, this will help save fabric.
  2. Next, carefully transfer the contours of the pattern with the help of a remnant, not forgetting to leave allowances (if they are not indicated in the diagram).

In specialty stores, you can find a copy chalk wheel and a disappearing ink pen. Such tools are very convenient because they do not stain the fabric and are quickly washed off. But the most accessible tool for tracing is remnant.

Building a pattern is a difficult stage that requires attention and accuracy.

Cutting fabric

After the details are transferred to the canvas, they need to be cut out. Since knitwear is very stretchy, it is recommended to use sharp scissors. It is important to remember that when cutting parts, the material cannot be pulled, otherwise the elements may turn out to be crooked. The best option is to spread the canvas on the table and cut out the details without stretching the fabric.

If a slippery stretch is used, it is better to fasten the pattern to the canvas not with pins, but with pieces of masking tape. This will prevent the material from slipping and going to the side. So that the edges do not diverge, it is recommended to lubricate them with a thin layer of transparent varnish or glue them with a special tape. You can ignore this step only if all seams are processed on an overlock.

Sewing steps based on the model

Any craftswoman can sew a hat from knitwear. But it is worth noting that in the absence of experience, it is recommended to select simple models, otherwise the headdress may not work. The main condition is to build the correct pattern.

Children's fleece

If you know how to sew a knitted hat with your own hands, and the pattern for it is suitable, it will take about 2 hours to create an accessory. To get started, it is recommended to start with simple models, try to make a headdress for a girl or a boy. You can sew a baby hat for a baby according to this pattern:

  1. Cut out the details and fix the side seam.
  2. Next, turn 5 cm inside out and stitch the edge.
  3. Now you need to sew up the top of the hat for children. To do this, we collect and sew the fabric by hand. To make the top look more interesting, you can attach a button in the center to match the product.

Alternatively, you can simply sew the top from the wrong side to form the top of the hat. In this case, you get a "cockerel" model. Wrap corners or hide outside. It is not difficult to make such a hat out of fleece with your own hands. You can complete the tailoring by decorating the product. For this, various thermal stickers, sequins or a knitted openwork flower are suitable.

The decor of the hat for the child must be made safe, without small, piercing and cutting parts. All of them must be securely fastened to the product.

Double layer sock for men

The best way to please your loved one is to make a stylish and unique headdress yourself. To create, you need a fabric with a length of 60 cm, a width of 50 cm. knitted hat sew according to this algorithm:

  1. You need to fold the fabric with the right side inward. Then again from left to right. The left side will be the front, and the right side will be the back seam.
  2. Attach finished pattern to the fabric, fix, circle and cut, not forgetting to leave room for seams. It is important to consider that the elements do not cut off from each other. The canvas must be solid.
  3. Next, you need to unfold the fabric, spread it along the length and connect along the back seam (right side inward). It is done in zigzag.
  4. Fix the seam located in the front of the cap (top and bottom).
  5. After the product must be turned on the front side and ironed.
  6. Fold the accessory in 2 layers so that the seams match. Next, you need to determine which side will be the wrong side, pin everything with pins and flash it.

It remains to turn the hat out. Such a headdress can be made not only from knitwear, but also from fleece fabric.

Elegant beret

The most important step in tailoring a beret is the correct pattern. When tracing and cutting out details, you need to make sure that they do not differ from the proposed scheme, otherwise the accessory will turn out to be uneven. We sew a hat according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first step is to fix all parts of the board.
  2. Now iron along the seam.
  3. Next, the bottom is attached to the side, correctly forming the base.
  4. After that, you need to iron the seams again.
  5. At the end, sew on the band, controlling the level of its landing on the head.

Since the beret is often made from thin knitwear, it is recommended to make a lining. Cotton can be used as the base. The inner part is cut exactly the same as he takes. The lining is fixed after stitching the main parts.

Cut and tailoring of a beanie hat with a lining. Beanie pattern. Video

Hello, friends.

I propose to consider the cut and tailoring of a beanie hat with a lining. This is a popular headdress that wins the hearts of designers and “stars” from season to season, but not only.

Beanie has long and firmly established itself in street fashion. Adults, teenagers love her. Worn by women and men. You have probably worn a beanie at least once in your life, and perhaps you still wear

Attention! If you like the video format, look for a video at the bottom of the publication, where there is a step-by-step scheme for building and sewing a beanie hat. To get a more complete picture, I recommend studying both versions.

Beanie hat - what is it?


  • Simple and concise;
  • Has many varieties;
  • It happens with pompoms, lapel;
  • It is made from materials of different textures;
  • Suitable for people with different types faces;
  • It can be used in everyday and festive clothes.

The main feature of this model- no ties and tight fit on the head. Wear a hat close to the eyebrows.

Who is the beanie hat for?

Surprisingly, such a hat suits almost everyone. The main thing is to find your model, color and material.

With the right choice, the hat will help to adjust the shape of the face, for example:

  • for round face with big features models from large textured materials are well suited - large knitting, boucle knitwear, you can add a pompom that will visually stretch the shape;
  • for square or rectangular face , especially if the chin is massive, hats with a lapel are well suited;
  • d For an oval or elongated face shape, with a high forehead you can safely choose any model beanie.

Note: In a previous publication, I talked about one service that will help determine the color type, type of face and figure. When in doubt, go to the site and take a simple test.

A nice bonus for those who know how to sew- cutting and sewing beanie hats are quite simple. In one evening, several options.

How to sew a beanie hat

cook necessary materials and set up the sewing machine.

You will need:

  1. Piece of base material approx. 40 cm;
  2. Piece of lining material approx. 35 cm
  3. Threads that match the color;
  4. Chalk / soap / marker for marking;
  5. Tape measure;
  6. Ruler;
  7. pins;
  8. Scissors;
  9. Sewing machine;
  10. Iron;

What material is suitable for a hat

It is best to sew a hat from a stretchable material.

Depending on the model, thin or tight jersey, footer, ribana, children's knitwear, fleece, velor, lace, etc. or materials with the addition of elastane.

Beanie can be sewn from light fabric and wear in the warm season or from textured tight-knit knitwear for cold weather. You choose. The hat is good in many ways.

In this case, I sewed a beanie from ribana jersey. I also tried it from light and thick textured knitwear. It also looks great.

You can transform the beanie pattern into a beautiful, feminine headdress.
Add lapel; Sew from a scarf or knitwear with a similar design. Handsomely.

Beanie hat measurements

The model is quite simple, so you can do without a pattern and cut directly onto the fabric.

If you plan to sew several hats from a canvas of similar extensibility, I recommend making patterns. This will speed up the process of cutting and sewing.

To build a pattern, take two measurements:

  1. Head girth Og (1);
  2. Cap depth Gsh (2).

Tensile coefficient and calculations

To draw a pattern, taking into account the properties of the selected material and dimensions, and also so that the hat fits snugly around the head, I recommend determining the coefficient of extensibility of the canvas.

Especially useful if you have chosen a highly extensible fabric. In other cases, you can limit yourself to a “clean” measure.

If the canvas is weakly stretchable or you do not want to make additional calculations, for cutting, take the value of the “clean” head circumference measurement.

That is, the width of the base of the pattern (cap) will be equal to the measure of Og. Next, try on and specify the width of the cut. When constructing a pattern, I apply the value of the measure Og, taking into account the coefficient.

Beanie pattern

The beanie hat pattern in my example is as follows:

Please note that the drawing is presented in half size.

IMPORTANT! To add volume, I increased the depth of the hat by 15 cm and made tucks, 7 cm in size.

For the lining, I take a thin brushed jersey.

Note: The article considers the sewing of a beanie hat with a lining. You can sew a hat from one material, then you do not need to make a bottom seam, but the length of the canvas needs to be doubled.

Cutting I produce immediately on the fabric.

I take a piece of canvas:

  • length equal to the measure Gsh + 15 cm (26 cm) + seam allowances;
  • width equal to the calculated measure Og (52 cm) + seam allowances.

I fold the cut in half.

I draw tucks according to the scheme, starting from the fold of the canvas, retreating down 7 cm.

I cut out the workpiece.

Similarly, I cut out the part from lining fabric, minus 4-5 cm, on the hem.

In my case, a beanie hat with a small lapel of the main fabric inside.

The bottom of the hat looks neat, it is more comfortable to wear the model: the lining does not break out; there is no need to constantly correct it, as is often the case with such hats.

Note : If you want to add a wide outer lapel, lay down an allowance of the desired width when cutting.

Sewing a beanie hat

Before sewing, do not forget to check the evenness of the cutting.

Note: For sewing knitwear, use a special needle with a rounded tip (so as not to tear the fibers) and an elastic stitch. A zigzag stitch and even a straight stitch will also work if you set them to the minimum pitch.

There is a tricky trick for processing a hat that will reduce sewing time and simplify the task.

  • First - fold the part along the extreme cuts, chip off, grind the first two tucks;
  • Next - bend the second sections, chip off, grind;
  • The next step is to fold the remaining darts, simultaneously with the stitching seam of the main part of the cap, chop off, stitch. So you will not get confused in the processing sequence and speed up the process.

After sewing, carefully iron along the seam.

Cut off excess allowances.

Work the lining piece in the same order. Don't forget to leave an open section along the seam to turn inside out.

Next, fold the parts from the main and lining fabric front sides inside, combining along the seam and the lower sections. To make a neat alignment, mark 4 points along the cuts of both parts and align.

Chip or sweep along the bottom. Lay out a line.

Note! The line along the bottom cut must be elastic, otherwise the joy of the new thing will be overshadowed by bursting stitches.

Iron the seam onto the lining piece.

When worn, the lining is always “in place”. Convenient, quick to put on and take off, without being nervous that it will pop out at the most inopportune moment.

It remains to turn the hat inside out and sew up the open section of the seam with hidden stitches.

The hat can be decorated at the cutting stage: with thermal application, thermal rhinestones or embroidery. And also after tailoring: using stripes, decorations made of leather, textiles, metal, etc.

Note: If you like pompoms, decorate the hat by sewing on a piece of suitable yarn or thread with blind stitches. In this case, you should not greatly increase the detail in the depth of the cap. 2-5 cm is enough.

Although, it all depends on your preferences and the purpose of the cap.

  • How to sew a baby hat with "ears". We sew…