Art manicure – limitless possibilities of artistic images. What is Nail-art and how did it develop What is nail design

Every girl wants to be not only well-groomed, but also fashionable, to catch the glances of guys and envious girlfriends. If previously it was enough to do a manicure and cover it with a single-color varnish, now this will not surprise anyone. The nail industry does not stand still, so to be in trend, you need to regularly monitor it.

It is better to choose a new manicure for every day so that it is in harmony with your clothing style and mood. The design of single-color or two-color nails, without bright decorative elements, is considered universal.

But sometimes you want to please yourself with chic nail art, admire it yourself and show off your luxurious hands to everyone around you.

Manicure with rhinestones is a fashionable trend these days. Some people consider it vulgar, but most choose it as an option for a gala evening or wedding.

If not used a large number of rhinestone, then this idea is suitable for everyday wear. Shiny stones look equally luxurious on long and short nails, on dark and light shades of varnish.

Beautiful, fresh and always relevant idea wedding manicure– plain white nails with rhinestones on accent fingers, laid out at the base nail plate.

A classic example of French manicure is the French manicure. But it will sparkle in a new way if you add holes on several fingers, and on one more rhinestones in the color of the holes.

Gradient nail ideas

The gradient technique is somewhat complicated to perform, but everything large quantity masters perform it efficiently. Its design options are varied: vertical, horizontal, angular. Light colors are suitable for summer, and dark, rich shades are suitable for winter and New Year’s designs.

There are two ways to apply varnish using this technique. The first, simpler option is a sponge. Using a brush, stripes of varnish are applied to it in the colors and in the order in which they want to be seen on the nails. Then, by driving in, the shades are transferred to the nail until you achieve the desired brightness.

The second method is brushes. Since the color border is thin, it can be easily erased and blurred. To achieve a smooth transition, you can dry your nails under a lamp after completing one stage of color application.

Patterns and sparkles

Unusual solemn and fashion idea– nail art with rhinestones, drawings and monograms. Its execution should be approached intelligently and slowly, so as not to become the owner of a vulgar and tasteless manicure. The design is applied to one or two nails, matching the color palette of the rest of the nails. Do this option rhinestones and sparkles applied to the pattern elements will make it more luxurious. Most often, flowers and lace patterns are painted on nails.

Daring art

If you are a rebel at heart, love rock and dress unusually, then a bright manicure with spikes and metal studs will suit you. They look ideal on black, blue and red nails. With this design you will not go unnoticed, but its application requires care and perseverance.

Stickers in design

Stickers have become a real salvation in the nail industry. Firstly, they simplify and speed up the process of applying nail art. Secondly, they can depict something that is very difficult or impossible to draw. Thirdly, they really help girls who do manicures at home and don’t know how to draw, to get bright and expressive hands. You don’t have to put stickers on every finger, just choose accent ones and decorate them. With this design, there is no need to use additional decorative elements: rhinestones, sparkles, foil. Otherwise, the manicure will turn out to be overloaded.

Gel and acrylic modeling

Especially important points In life, women are captured in photographs. They prepare thoroughly for such events: hairstyle, makeup, dress. Manicures are also chosen to be festive and unusual. That's why they resort to sculpting. A well-executed design will make any girl look chic.

Sculpting has a couple of disadvantages. Sharp edges of patterns can catch on clothes and tights. Decorative elements are applied only to the stressful part of the nail, the one that cannot be broken in everyday life. There are several application techniques, so this design can be applied to Everyday life. Aquarium design, in which the entire design is covered with a top. The nails are smooth on top. Baguette modeling is not too voluminous and is suitable for office work.

Gallery of chic Nail Art on nails

Women get tired of wearing a single-color manicure every day. Sometimes you want your nails to look fashionable and attract attention. That is why Nail Art is a very popular procedure. It consists of creating various designs of varying complexity on the nails - from the very popular French manicure with the addition of several rhinestones or a discreet and elegant design to exclusive works using feathers and voluminous shapes.


To transform your nails, you can apply a design to them. This direction is widely developed in Nail Art. The image is applied using special brushes and acrylic paints. First, a background is made on the nails with varnishes of the required colors. The base can be plain or include several colors. Once it is completely dry, you can start designing. Acrylic paints are considered the best choice due to their fast drying time.

Another popular painting method is drawing made with a needle. The technique of applying an image is completely different from painting with a brush. The design is done using wet varnish. The technology consists of covering the nails with a base of the chosen color. After this, varnishes of several shades are taken and multi-colored droplets are applied to the wet surface of the nails. By stretching the drops with a needle in different directions, a very interesting pattern is created. It could be a floral design, the appearance of fancy butterflies, or an abstract design in which everyone will see something of their own.

To paint nails you need brushes and needles different sizes, acrylic paints and colored varnishes.

3D design

Volumetric nail design is more often used as a festive manicure (Nail Art). This is due to the fact that it may be too extravagant for everyday life. And it’s not always physically convenient to wear it.

To create decorative elements - figures of men, animals, a wide variety of flowers, fruits, etc. - apply acrylic Powder and gel. Not only extended nails are designed, but also natural ones.


Since the popularity of Nail Art is only increasing every year, the range and variety of elements for decorating nails is constantly being replenished. For the simplest design, which can be done both in the salon and at home, rhinestones are used. They come in different colors, sizes and shapes. They are fixed with glue to the dried varnish or pressed into the wet coating. How many rhinestones to use in a manicure depends only on desire and imagination. You can add elegance with just a few elements simple manicure or inlay the whole nail.

Sand and powder

Multi-colored sand consists of small particles that come in a variety of colors. They can be either matte or shiny. Sand is applied with a brush to wet varnish. If you need to create a design with it, then the desired image is drawn with transparent varnish on the dried surface of the nail. Then colored sand of the required shade is applied. You must remember to remove the residue after complete drying.

In addition to sand, dust is used, which is sprinkled on the wet surface of the nail.


For those who love beautiful and interesting manicure, but cannot afford to spend a lot of time on it, manufacturers produce a variety of Nail Art varnishes with unusual effects.

One of these is magnetic varnish. The palette of colors in this category is quite diverse. A feature of such coatings is the presence of metal particles in the composition. Using a special spatula that has a pattern and magnetic properties, an interesting three-dimensional pattern is created.

The holographic coating looks very beautiful, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow so that the play of colors even takes your breath away. It’s easy to work with and you don’t have to worry about the appearance of your nails for a long time. Of course, such a manicure is not always appropriate in everyday life.

Chameleon varnish. It is characterized by the fact that the color of the coating changes depending on the angle of incidence of light. The effect is most noticeable in bright sunlight. In the dim light of the office, Nail Art hardly catches the eye. This is an undoubted advantage of chameleon varnish over holographic.

Thermal varnish. Interesting option coating that can change its color under the influence of temperature changes. The best visible effect is achieved at low temperatures.

Matte varnish is very popular and fashionable. It looks unusual in itself. But its combination with a glossy finish also deserves attention. It can serve as an excellent base for creating a design using clear varnish. The most striking feature is the pattern made on a black matte finish.

Few people know that in order to wear stylish matte manicure, it is not at all necessary to buy a special varnish. If you apply a glossy coating to your nails and hold your hands over the steam, you will be able to achieve an equivalent effect.

Another current composition with an original result is craquelure varnish. Its peculiarity is the ability to create an unusual pattern on the nails due to cracking. First, the nails are covered with a base color, and then craquelure is applied to it. As it dries, it spreads in different directions. It is recommended to choose contrasting colors, then the nails (Nail Art in this style is very popular) will turn out to be the most expressive.

Nightlife lovers will love glow-in-the-dark polishes.


The Nail Art Set is an excellent choice for those who do not know how to draw, but want to have elegant designs on their nails. The set includes discs containing various pictures, a scraper and a stamp with a rubber pad.

Drawing is carried out in several simple steps. First, the nails are covered with varnish of the main color. When it dries, you can move on to stamping. Varnish is applied to the design located on the disk. Excess must be removed with a scraper. The stamp must be applied to the drawing so that it remains on the rubber pad. Then, using a stamp, the picture is imprinted on the nail. To preserve the image, the nails are coated with a fixative.


Many people believe that if you make fashionable and beautiful nails, decorating them with feathers, then such a manicure will be impossible to wear in everyday life. In fact, you can create quite practical Nail Art. The gel will become an indispensable assistant. Since this natural material is very fragile, it needs reliable protection for durability. Therefore, the selected feather is placed between layers of gel. If it is large and extends beyond the edges, it must be adjusted to the required size. You can also use very small feathers, then they will become an elegant decoration for your manicure.

Applying patterns using a printer

Technological progress does not stand still, and today a design on nails can simply be... printed.

Such Nail Art can be created in a very short time, and the quality will be very pleasing. Technical capabilities vary depending on the specific printer model. The simplest ones have in their arsenal a limited number of ready-made options that they can print. More advanced ones allow you to create the desired pattern yourself.

The technology is quite simple. First you need to prepare your nails. It is necessary to degrease and apply a base, which will significantly extend the life of the drawing. Then the nail plate is covered with ultraviolet gel. The printer prints only where it is applied, so this allows the device to understand the boundaries that cannot be crossed.

When the nails are prepared, the fingers need to be placed in the printer. For the design to print perfectly, they must be stationary. For this purpose, the device has special latches. When the printing is completed, the design is coated with a special varnish that secures it.


Another simple and popular product for Nail Art, the reviews of which are mixed. The stickers are easy to use, it takes literally a few seconds for them to appear on your nails. beautiful pictures. But they don't always last long. Some of them have quite thick edges that cling to clothing, for example, and the pictures come off easily.

Nail design can be done using the simplest means at hand. But to create exclusive works and unique masterpieces you will need much more materials and accessories. In addition, you will need knowledge and experience. The world of design has a very interesting feature- if there is variety, everything quickly gets boring. Therefore, those who do this professionally should always be aware of the latest developments in this field.

The word "manicure" comes from two Latin "manus" to care and "cure" hands, toh yes, this is hand care.

A manicure can say a lot about its owner: beautiful and well-groomed hands are a sign of grace, neatness and good taste. It serves as an important addition to creating a holistic individual image, helps you express yourself and be special.

A common thing for every woman is to get a manicure, modern technologies nail art (“nails” nails and “art” art) allow you to have not only a standard nail polish coating, but also wear a whole work of art on your hands.

Manicure can say a lot about a woman

Where it all began. History of manicure

Manicure has existed for more than 3,000 years - this is one of the the most ancient ways self care. The oldest manicure accessories date back to 3200 BC! And in 1964, as a result of excavations, mummies of the court manicurists of Pharaoh Nuser, who ruled 2400 BC, were found.

In Egypt in the 1st century BC, nail coloring was different colors showed a person’s attitude to a particular class. Nobles and priests could cover their nails in different shades of red, but the poor were only allowed to use light shades. It is known that Cleopatra tinted her nails with henna, which was the main means of care until the Middle Ages.

Among Assyrian warriors, it was customary to perform a ritual before battle: cutting your hair, putting on lipstick and painting your nails.

In ancient China, nails were painted using egg whites, wax, and gelatin. The main colors were silver and gold. Around the 14th century, nails began to be covered with black and red colors. Following this, it became fashionable to wear gold or silver tips: the older the tip, the more it distinguished the girl from the rest. In general, long and colored nails in Ancient China were a symbol of wisdom, so everyone tried to grow them and monitor the presence of paint on their nails.

In Europe, attention was paid to nails in the 16th century during the time of Catherine de Medici. It was fashionable to have short nails without color coating.

In the Middle Ages it was fashionable to wear short nails

The peak of manicure popularity

Progenitor modern manicure King Louis Philippe is considered, and the year of origin is 1830, France. The reason for this was an inflamed hangnail on the king's finger. The court doctor not only cured the royal finger, but also developed an entire nail care system. The doctor passed this system on to his niece, who popularized such care not only among royal circles, but also among ordinary people.

At the beginning of the 20th century, nail care became an entire industry: every store sold manicure sets that were used by both men and women equally. This set included the famous orange stick, nail file, powder, and hand ointment. The first varnishes looked like a paste that was smoothed onto the nails and then polished.

In Europe, the cost of a manicure was quite expensive. A woman with well-groomed hands immediately stood out from the rest, showing the good financial condition of their owner.

Gradually, elongated nails gained popularity; their shape could be completely different. In 1932, the first nail polish appeared, giving rise to the fashion for colored nails.

In 1925, red varnish was released, its creators were inspired by car paint.

In 1925, red varnish was created

Since 1932, the parent of modern varnishes based not on paint, but on pigment, appeared on the shelves. It was created by the Revson brothers, who a little later opened the Revlon company. Now nails could be painted in almost any color. Largely thanks to the huge sales volumes of varnishes, the company became one of the richest.

The idea of ​​​​creating artificial nails belongs to the dentist Maxwell Lappe, he hardly thought about nail design: the nails were intended for ladies who had bad habit chew them. And in 1955, another dentist created acrylic nails, which are still most often used in extensions.

The emergence of nail art

For a long time, the art of nail decoration did not arouse public interest, since it was the prerogative of the poorest African-American women. However, in the 20th century, nail decoration ideas began to be actively used: rhinestones for nails, feathers, gold and silver items appeared, gems to decorate nails, later they began to add velvet, glass, and leather.

This trend was actively developing in the early 90s, and nail art competitions were held all over the world. ANDThe nail care industry is huge, with a large number of companies producing a variety of accessories to create real works of art on your nails.

Today we can say with confidence that a whole art has been formed in aesthetic cosmetology.

In beauty salons, clients most often order nail decoration - nail art.

Nail art directions

Of the existing many options for decorating nails, a number of areas enjoy the greatest love and popularity:

  • The classic direction is implemented using several varnishes of different colors. The design is absolutely any, applied with a special thin brush

  • Nail decorations with rhinestones - rhinestones of different sizes and colors are applied to nail polish

  • French design is one of the most favorite types of design. The most romantic and natural

  • Acrylic modeling - appropriate for special celebrations, very difficult to perform.

  • Chinese painting - using Chinese themes on nails

  • Piercing – so that the jewelry does not interfere with leading an active lifestyle, it is better to hang it on the little finger or ring finger. Hanging the decoration is quite simple: use a drill to make a hole on the artificial nail plate, where the decoration is inserted

Nail piercing

  • Wedding nail art - first the nail is painted, then a piece of lace fabric is attached to it

Wedding nail art

  • “Layer cake” - several layers of multi-colored varnish are placed on the nail, then a piece of silk fabric is passed over the last fresh layer of varnish. This is how a drawing is created

  • Fabric - a piece of fabric is attached to the nail, then a clear varnish is applied
  • Gel pen – varnish is applied, dries, then the desired picture is drawn on it with a gel pen

  • Scotch tape - varnish is applied, then a stencil with a pattern is applied, another layer of varnish of a different color is applied on top

  • Eye of a needle - replaces a brush. Can be painted over liquid or dry varnish

  • Louise Hollis has the longest toenails - 2.20 cm

Why does a person need nails? Movie

Art design, Nail Art, nail design – it’s all about one thing, about creating a variety of types of decorative elements on the nails, using various techniques: drawing, painting, gluing appliques, sculpting fragments, original ways coatings, piercings, and all kinds of materials: sparkles, rhinestones, lace, threads, foil; gel, powder and varnish. Nail art design is equated to art, since the end result, without exaggeration, is a masterpiece.

Nail Art for everyone

Often nail art masters gradually break away from manicure and plunge into the sphere of creating picturesque drawings and forming original designs on nails - they go into the creative field. Today, nail design has become a separate, expanding and developing segment of the nail industry, and has nothing to do with nail care. In this direction Creative skills Anyone can demonstrate, they may be limited compared to the pros, but this is an art both for masters, where they are provided with endless prospects for development, and for beginners, who can try and try, and everything will work out for them.

When there are nail art exhibitions, the surface for decoration is usually extended nails, as their length and shape are more ideal and better suited for reproducing artistic and sculpted masterpieces. But at home, for self-taught artists, insufficient length and uneven outlines of the nail should not be an obstacle. Nail art design is suitable for any shape and length and, moreover, with the help of certain techniques it visually corrects the nail plate. This is one of the intended uses of nail design - to visually enhance appearance nail plate.

Types of art design

It is perhaps impossible to classify all methods, methods, and techniques for decorating nails by type. The industry is developing, new materials are appearing, devices and the imagination of artists does not stand still, but is rapidly rushing ahead of the achievements of the chemical industry.

Conventionally, very conditionally, we can divide the design: for extended and natural nails. The type of design is artistic, painted; any type of design on the surface of the nail, stickers, small elements - this is a smooth, two-dimensional design that leaves the surface of the nail flat. Volumetric or three-dimensional nail design involves sculpting, gluing large elements, creating three-dimensional patterns and textures.

“Aquarium” design is an option for extended nails, which you can do yourself, but it’s difficult. The point is that a flat sculpture of something is built on the nail or the nail is painted, and then covered with acrylic on top, which creates the effect of an aquarium. The beauty is amazing, it takes a lot of time to create it, especially if the decor is complex.

The next discovery in the design of extended nails is crystal nails. This creation is created using special foil with a pattern. Gel or acrylic is applied to the form with foil and after removal, the artificial nail shimmers and sparkles like the edges of crystal. With special skill, it is quite possible to do it yourself. From the video it becomes clear how to cope with this task yourself.

Art design tool

To create patterns, ornaments, flowers, dots, lines, in addition to thin brushes, dots are used. Tools with different sized ball tips are sold individually and in sets.

Professionals use sets of tools to create images and applications of any complexity. Butterflies, flowers, lace; imitation of leopard, zebra, reptile skins; plants, trees and much more will help you create dots.

Dots can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can replace them with improvised devices, creating a design at home: toothpicks, cotton buds, needles, hairpins, teeth from combs, sticks for canapés and everything that can be used to outline any outline.

Stencils are also a tool and are sold in kits suitable for home design. A variety of templates plus your own tricks and skills will make your nail design unique and inimitable.

Nail accessories available for sale in a huge number and diversity, dictate the most creative, fantastic ways of decorating nails. These include volumetric designs, which are formed using acrylic gels and powder. Here you need to have three-dimensional vision in order to sculpt a beautiful, neat and elegant fragment that is attached to the nail. A large design on the surface of the nail can be very disturbing, so this decoration is not for everyday use. The question of how to make this or that nail design yourself will disappear completely or become half clear after studying all the proposals in this area.

Nails after art design

Beloved by everyone, relevant for many years, never going out of fashion, but allowing for innovation and transformation - French manicure, French The photo shows how French is enriched with all kinds of art techniques.

Reverse French - the second life of a well-known technique, also known as reverse moon manicure or Ruffian (Ruffian).

Many criticize it for visually shortening the nail, but still, the boom in Ruffian does not subside and, moreover, a “frame” design appears. A very effective method of decorating a nail, especially in contrasting colors or using one color - metallic. To create a frame yourself, they offer two ways: apply a frame to the main color with a thin brush; the second is to cover the nail with the color of the edging, and apply the shade of the core on top. After a little training, the second type of application will be ideal, but the first one still has disadvantages - the line is uneven.

Keeps in trend lunar design. It’s very easy to make using stickers; in addition, you can add a small pattern along the crescent line.

Animal colors have not gone away: tigers, cheetahs, leopards, alligators, snakes, zebras, in short, you can create a suitable animal art for any outfit. This design is a little more complicated and takes longer to draw than the previous ones, but you can do it yourself. It’s even interesting how accurate the simulation will be.

Nail art design has many fans around the world. Girls of different ages and nationalities love to decorate their nails in a variety of ways. But no fewer people around the world consider nail art manicure tasteless, vulgar and repulsive. The dispute between fans and opponents of nail art is unlikely to ever end, because nail design leaves few people indifferent. Let's talk about designer manicure.

Nail design – nail art

There are many options for nail design - painting, stamping, French art, nail art with beads, sparkles, threads, lace, sequins, voluminous fimo details.

To learn how to decorate your nails in an original way, you will have to practice a lot. It’s better to start with simple nail art - simple patterns, a combination of two or three shades of varnish. Stamping is well suited for beginners - creating a design on nails using special disks with patterns and a stamp, with the help of which the design is transferred to the nails.

Over time, the complexity of the design can be increased - try color stamping, transfer foil, manicure with beads or voluminous flowers.

If nature has endowed you with artistic talent or you just like to draw, be sure to try a hand-painted manicure. There are two main painting techniques: using a needle and using brushes.

Drawings with a needle are created on a non-dried layer of varnish. To do this, you first need to cover the nail with the base color of the varnish, and then arrange the dots of the varnish of a different color in the intended order. Without waiting for the varnish to dry, we begin to draw with a needle from one drop to another, as a result of which we create very beautiful patterns. The thicker the needle, the wider the mark it leaves.

Brush paintings are often done on a completely dry base coat, although a fairly dense and thin brush can be used in the same way as a needle.

It is important to choose high-quality brushes for nail art - the bristles should be quite thick and dense, but at the same time soft.

To create circles and dots, there is a special tool - dots. Dots are a stick with a ball at the end. The diameter of the ball determines what size point the tool draws. By the way, many girls successfully replace a purchased dots with a regular pen or pencil, on the nose of which a bead (ball) of the required diameter is glued.

If working with brushes or a needle seems too difficult for you, try painting on your nails with gel pens. Apply the base color of the varnish and wait until it dries completely. Prepare gel pens in the colors you need, and you can start applying the pattern. Once completed, let the design dry for two to three minutes and apply a sealing coat of clear varnish over it.

Varnishes for nail art vary depending on the method of their application. For example, varnishes for painting and stamping must be thick enough and have a high content of coloring pigment (so that even fine lines were clearly visible). And (a smooth transition from one tone to another) on nails can be created with almost any varnish, regardless of their thickness and density.

Nail art on short nails

On long nails nail art, of course, looks much more impressive, and the “testing ground” for creativity in this case is much wider in the literal sense of the word. At manicure and nail art exhibitions, almost 100% of projects are created on long (or very long) nails. Of course, in everyday life there is no point in repeating a competitive designer manicure - it is inconvenient, and it looks, to put it mildly, strange.

Over the past few years, short or medium nails have been in fashion. That is why a very popular trend in everyday nail design today is nail art on short nails.