Fara is ashy. Ash brown color. Palettes of professional hair dyes: Avon, Londa, Garnier, Fara, Palet, Studio. Ash blonde: negative reviews

Headlight is a paint produced in Bulgaria, but the creator is located in the city of the Russian Federation. It is produced only on the basis of natural products of the highest quality, gives shine to curls and protection from any impact for a long time. Fara hair product is budget-friendly and at the same time quality product, which was preferred by women in different parts of the world!


Fara coloring product was created by the Russian cosmetics company “Red Line”, which has been on the market for more than 10 years.

It is located in the city of Odintsovo, but the main stages of production take place in Bulgaria.

The high-tech equipment used for its production makes this product truly high-quality and valuable.

Produced from high-quality raw materials using natural components of various medicinal herbs such as: aloe vera, wheat protein (protein fraction), jojoba oil, as well as wine extract and others.

It also contains a special component – ​​“Transcutol CG”, which was developed by scientists in France.


The developers of the Farah coloring composition carefully made sure that the product was much safer, so natural raw materials were used, such as: wheat protein, which makes the hair shiny, silky, and this ingredient also helps restore damaged hair, jojoba oil(liquid wax), the same ingredient is included in the composition.
It is obtained from the fruits of the Simmondsia nut tree. As you know, nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body.

The oil obtained from this plant has a moisturizing effect on the scalp, relieves irritation, prevents the formation of dandruff and gives strength to weak hair.

Aloe vera– a healing plant that is used in various areas. This natural component stimulates blood circulation, which is important for hair growth, has antibacterial effects, gives elasticity and helps get rid of split ends.

Wine extractfolk remedy, which is rich in vitamins and has antioxidant properties. An excellent assistant in the fight to strengthen and improve hair health.
The composition of the Farah coloring agent is amazing with its properties, which really leaves no doubt about its quality and safety to use.


In order to dye your hair correctly and without harm to your health, as well as to avoid various allergic reactions and unnecessary tint effects, you must follow the instructions. Often women are in a hurry and do not pay attention to such an important detail, thereby making a big mistake.


  • bottle with dispenser;
  • tuba;
  • a pair of gloves;
  • instructions for use;
  • delicate and fragrant balm;
  • small container with foaming agent.

To begin, pour the dye into a bottle with an oxidizing agent, stirring the contents to a mass. Then put on gloves. Distribute the paint evenly over the roots and apply the remaining paint along the entire length of the curls.
Wait 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apply the balm and then leave for 5 minutes, rinse. The product has a permanent color and the smell will have to be tolerated.

Watch the video review

It is necessary to carefully read the rules, only then can you begin the main process.

How to wash off paint

When it comes to incorrectly applied cosmetics in the face area, then everything is much simpler here, but if after dyeing your hair you are not satisfied with the color, then it will take much more time to get rid of the shade you don’t like.
There are many ways to remove dye from curls, which include:

  • Chemicals, used in specialized beauty salons (decaying).
  • Fermented milk product – kefir. Apply in large quantities to hair for about two hours, then wash off with shampoo.
  • Lemon juice. This citrus is known for its properties in lightening something, so if you rinse your hair with water citric acid, they will become much lighter. To do this, you need to take 1 liter. water, mix with lemon juice, use after main hair wash.
  • Laundry soap. The method is effective, but not suitable for dry and damaged hair. After this method, it is advisable to use a balm. And you can find out reviews about Nexxt hair dye.

In order not to resort to various methods for removing hair dye, you need to carefully study the details that are in the instructions, as well as on the surface of the box.

Types and palettes of shades

The wealth of color choices makes this hair coloring product truly limitless, so there are no problems finding the desired palette.

The collection includes three main types:

  • Fara Classic - the number one series in which wealth is revealed color range;
  • Fara Natural Colors - created to give vibrant, natural shades to hair;
  • Fara Lounge Mousse – mousse paint.

So, let's take a closer look at each episode.

Fara Classic– durable paint that does not destroy the structure of the strands. The special dye reaches deep into the hair, so it fixes the resulting effect for a long time. The hair gains strength and a chic appearance, as is the case with.

Fara Natural Colors– coloring complex containing a unique formula newest generation"Transcutol CG", developed in France. Thanks to its components, color stability increases by more than 30%.

Does an excellent job of coloring gray hair. If during the dyeing process excess gets on the skin, everything is washed off simply, so nothing gets eaten. Thanks to its light structure, the dye is easily distributed throughout the hair.

Fara Lounge Mousse– will give a rich tone and ultra-resistant shade that will last for a long time. New formula will help the dye to be distributed evenly throughout the hair, so that the dyeing process will be of high quality. This balm is the perfect end to the hair coloring process!

Fara Classic

This collection can be proud of its variety of colors! This includes 24 ultra fashionable tones:

  • 510 – mahogany;
  • 510A – light mahogany;
  • 505 – natural;
  • 505A – golden chestnut;
  • 505B – caramel;
  • 506A – milk chocolate;
  • 507A – natural chocolate;
  • 508 – hazelnut
  • 531 – platinum blonde.

Price – up to 100 rubles

Fara Natural Colors and its natural shades

This series is a whole “vitaminized ensemble” aimed at high-quality coloring and healing of curls, therefore it is one of the most gentle coloring products. Thanks to the content large quantity natural ingredients, risk eliminated.

A palette of 19 shades that belongs to this series:

  • 301 – black;
  • 302 – natural;
  • 304 – chocolate;
  • 305 – chestnut;
  • 306 – golden;
  • 307 – hazelnut;
  • 300 – blonde;
  • 350 – millet;
  • 352 – champagne;
  • 353 – white gold;
  • 354 – platinum;
  • 355 – white sun.

All these exclusive shades of the color range are rich and durable, and thanks to natural ingredients they are beneficial for hair and skin.

Fara Lounge Mousse

The F L M series is the youngest, therefore it includes much fewer tint elements - only twelve. But those who try it will fall in love forever! It's easy to use, the staying power is incredible, and the color comes out exactly as shown on the box.

  • 200 – blueberry dessert (black);
  • 543 – chocolate mocha (light chestnut);
  • 900 – ice cappuccino (light);
  • 905 – strawberry marshmallow (pale pink);
  • 930 – creme brulee (golden);
  • 700 – nut sorbet (natural);
  • 763 – honey shake (amber);
  • 800 – almond nougat (light);
  • 838 - creamy caramel (golden).

Saturated, bright, non-standard shades will be loved by those who like to experiment with appearance! And about tinted shampoos for gray hair for men can be found by.

Pros and cons of using Farah hair dye

The advantages include:

  • Affordability.
  • Persistence.
  • Large selection of shades.
  • Copes well with gray hair.
  • Colors hair evenly.
  • Convenient and clear instructions.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • There may be a color mismatch.

Video about the pros and cons of Headlight paint

Each product has its pros and cons, but also a lot depends on the characteristics of the person. The cost of Fara paint varies between 70-150 rubles. And you can find out about the shades of L'Oreal lip gloss.

Before buying a product, it is important for every woman to know as much as possible about it. This is especially true for food and cosmetics. Usually girls focus on price, believing that an expensive product cannot be of poor quality. Many people mistakenly assume that analog products, which are cheaper, will necessarily be inferior. Is it really? Today we decided to write about one very popular cosmetic industry The product is "Fara" paint. Read reviews about the product, positive and negative, in the further contents of the article.

General information about the paint "Headlight"

Before publishing reviews, it is worth talking about the product that was judged by the fair sex. It is worth noting that among all the paints, this one stands out for its huge range of shades and reasonable price tag. Many women have trusted this brand for several years and are in no hurry to try another, cheaper or more expensive one.

The paint "Headlight", reviews, photos of which are published in this article, is produced in Russia, but the company's main facilities are located in Bulgaria. Thanks to Russian production, this product has such an attractive price, and the quality does not suffer from this. The composition of Fara dyes is dominated by natural ingredients that care for the hair, and coloring does not have such a destructive effect. The paints of this brand are released in three series, each of which has the entire range of the most popular shades.

"Fara Classic" is aimed at soft coloring, the dye penetrates deeply into the hair structure, and the color is rich and lasts for a long time. The components included in the composition care for the curls, giving them strength and healthy shine.

"Fara Longe Mousse" is very easy to use; it evenly colors each strand. This series is chosen by women who do coloring at home.

"Fara Natural Color" contains a new component, the formula of which was developed and patented in France. Thanks to this component, the dye penetrates into the hair shafts, and color durability is up to 30% longer.

Headlight paint, which has received varied reviews, remains one of the best-sellers. We invite you to read reviews about the most popular shades.

Paint "Headlight", ash-blond: positive reviews

The girls who chose this shade were satisfied with the price of the product. They write that the result of coloring is no different from using more expensive products.

There are reviews that this dye lasts a long time on the hair and does not wash off. The color turns out natural, beautiful, the hair shines and looks healthy.

They write that this shade of Fara paint ideally covers gray hair, unlike other tones. Women who find it in their hair recommend using this particular product.

In the positive comments, do not forget to mention another important advantage of the paint of the brand being described: the protective gloves and balm included in the set for fixing the color. They write that these necessary little things are often forgotten when shopping. And here the manufacturer has provided for this important point.

This shade is also liked by girls who naturally have blonde hair. They write that the paint perfectly highlights the natural color of the curls and gives them shine.

Ash blonde: negative reviews

There is no consensus on any product. Often in comments about the "Fara" paint, there is an opinion that they have never tried the product, and they are not going to buy it, since the price is low, and you cannot expect anything good from a cheap dye.

There are reviews that they tried the paint, based on numerous recommendations and positive comments about the result, but they developed an allergy to it. They say that more expensive products rarely cause burning, itching, and redness of the skin. However, I would like to note that in every instruction included in a box of paint, the manufacturer warns about the possible occurrence of such unpleasant moments. He also advises conducting a sensitivity test and describes in detail how to do this.

Light brown shade: positive reviews

Many women try to dye their hair in natural shades, and the dye “Fara” (light brown) has received numerous reviews due to its wide range. They write that you can choose a natural color with gold, ruby, red, platinum and many other shades.

Women note that few manufacturers of paints in this price category can boast such an assortment of shades of the same color.

They write about the light brown shades of “Farah” that they last quite a long time, the colors turn out exactly as indicated on the packaging, there are no discrepancies.

There are comments that state that the products are easy to apply, do not smear, and have a pleasant aroma that overcomes the smell of peroxide.

Light brown shade: negative reviews

Many people complain about fiery red. They write what is expected beautiful colour, but in the end there is no trace of the light brown tint, the hair becomes really bright red. The result is far from what is stated on the packaging.

They say that this product is quickly washed off and begins to disappear from the roots, you have to repaint your hair with another dye, then burn your hair with peroxide.

Many, just as in the previous case, had a reaction to the dye. But there is an opinion that the composition contains many natural components, and one of them may have an allergy that the woman did not even suspect about. That is why you should not be guided when painting by the fact that there have been no reactions to other paints, and do not take the test. It’s just that another product might not contain, for example, argan oil, which is what the girl is allergic to.

Positive reviews about the ashy shade

This shade never goes out of style. It can be used by women with any skin type, face shape and eye color. The color of ash will only decorate each girl, make her more noticeable, making her stand out from the general mass of people.

Paint "Headlight" (ash) has reviews in a huge number. They write that she paints perfectly White hair, fits well, does not run down and has no unpleasant odor.

Many, as always, were pleased with the price. They say that the fashionable ash shade is rarely seen in the most available means. There are comments where girls write that the result exceeded all expectations. The color was obtained when painting the house inexpensive means as if they had used the expensive services of a salon.

It is noted that the coloring result lasts for quite a long time and is not washed off, so there is no need to constantly refresh the color. Next time you will need to paint only as the roots grow.

Ash: Negative comments

Initially, I would like to say that there are many negative reviews about the ashy shade of all brands. The thing is that some girls who dye their hair at home do not know one very important thing. You should never apply ash-colored dye to bleached hair. After this coloring, the result will be not a fashionable tone, but a purple color.

As for the ashy shade of the Fara brand, there are comments that the paint does not cope with its task at all. The result is not the best. The hair becomes not ashy, but a real gray shade, and is colored unevenly. Some strands are darker, others are lighter. This result greatly aggravates the effect of “early old age.”

Again, they say that the “Fara” paint, about which there are many reviews, both positive and negative, is quickly washed off. But many immediately correct that the price is not so high that one could expect a different result and be offended by the brand.

Girls are advised to dye their hair at a hairdresser. They say that the masters will be able to paint the curls with high quality even with inexpensive paint brought by the client.

"Headlight" black shade: positive reviews

For lovers of this color, this brand provides many black shades. There are other colors available here. It is worth remembering that for a certain type of face, skin color, eye shape and other external characteristics, it is worth choosing the right black shade.

So, women write that black “Fara” paint is ideal. It evenly colors hair, even the most capricious ones that cannot be dyed. They also write that even after using basma or henna, the dye adheres perfectly, dyes the hair, and the color stays flawless.

There are girls who advise using “Fara Longe Mousse” dye for dyeing black, since it is evenly distributed throughout all the hair, and there is less chance of not dyeing some hairs. “Natural Color” is also recommended, which is firmly absorbed into the hair and is easily removed from the skin, which is important when choosing a black hair color.

Negative reviews about the black shade

Paint "Headlight" black also has negative reviews. Girls write that the result lasts perfectly only until the first wash. There are comments that when rinsing the hair, the water turns black, which means that the pigment does not adhere well to the structure.

There are women who did not like this paint because of the pungent odor. They write that it is simply impossible to sit for the required time with such aromatherapy.

Positive comments about blonde

The paint "Fara" (blonde) has almost all positive reviews. Women found only one drawback - their hair felt “rubbery” after it, but quickly returned to normal after using the balm included in the package.

They write that this blonde, although cheap, is much better than the expensive ones. After it, the hair does not take on a red or yellow tint.

I've been wearing Farah for many years now. I used to ask my friend, but then I started doing it myself. There are no subtleties, I do everything according to the instructions for the paint and always get an excellent result. After dyeing, the hair is vibrant, the color is rich and uniform. But most importantly, it does not wash off for a long time. Overall, Fara gets a solid A from me.

I have light hair and I dyed my hair ash at Farah. Only this dye does not turn from ashen to yellow. I tried to dye my hair ashen with other dyes, and after a week a red tint appeared. The headlight also doesn’t harm your hair, I really like it.

Headlight classic was painted 3 weeks ago. Honestly, under the strongest positive impression from this paint. This is the best coloring result to date. Before the paint more than a week They didn’t linger on my hair, and Fara retained both color and shine. From now on I will only buy this.

My friend always dyed her hair with Fara. When I started going gray I also bought it. I dyed my hair and was amazed at how much hair starts to shine when you dye it. I also liked that my hair became softer and more manageable. Well, the classic headlight covers gray hair perfectly and does not wash off for a long time.

I buy tinted balms when I want to change my image a little and then get out of it without any problems. Last times Fara took three. I tried the shade "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "mahogany". If after paint only a wash can remove such shades, then the tint balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that the hair after it does not stain clothes and bedding, but... I buy tinted balms when I want to change my image a little and then get out of it without any problems. The last three times I took Fara. I tried the shade "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "mahogany". If after paint only a wash can remove such shades, then the tint balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that the hair after it does not stain clothes and bed linen, it stays on the hair for a long time. Doesn't damage hair, doesn't dry it out, affordable price. I just liked everything. Therefore, Farah deserves 5 stars from me.

I dyed my hair with Fara for the first time, I liked the color on the packaging and decided to try it. I’m definitely not disappointed, I was expecting a worse result, but it exceeded my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is vibrant, shiny and silky, before dyeing it was not even close to that. Two weeks have passed, and the color is still bright and saturated, my old paint... I dyed my hair with Fara for the first time, I liked the color on the packaging and decided to try it. I’m definitely not disappointed, I was expecting a worse result, but it exceeded my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is vibrant, shiny and silky, before dyeing it was not even close to that. Two weeks have already passed, and the color is still bright and saturated; by this time, my old paint was already washed off. Can I recommend the Fara Classic - definitely yes!

Overall the paint is good. Colors well, hair color is vibrant, bright and natural. The color I receive is as close as possible to what is stated on the box. The dye does not damage the hair at all and does not weigh it down. I really like the Classic Headlight, I will recommend it to everyone.

Headlight classic is a very durable paint. Not a single dye lasts as long on my hair as a headlight. And I like their shades. Always so bright and natural. I love the chestnut shades of the headlights. Well, the cost is not very expensive - this is also a plus.

I've been wearing my hair with Fara Classic for three years. I'm happy with everything - the dye is long-lasting and colors my hair well. After coloring, hair is easy to comb and shimmers. And for the price, this paint suits me. From paints for home use The headlight is the best.

Just a week ago I painted FARA Classic. I took color 509a (garnet). In reality, the tone turned out to be one to one as on the packaging. I'm more than satisfied with the result. Farah has a good creamy texture and is quite easy to apply; I did it myself. The coloring came out uniform and even. Hair is smooth and shiny. I got what I was striving for.

I became acquainted with Farah paint back in my student days. At that time there wasn’t much money either for going to the salon or for expensive paint, so I chose the option according to my finances. I liked the paint, it was durable, it conveyed color well, so I didn’t change it for a long time. Over time, I wanted variety, I tried to paint myself with different paints, from different companies, masmarket and which... I became acquainted with Farah paint back in my student days. At that time there wasn’t much money either for going to the salon or for expensive paint, so I chose the option according to my finances. I liked the paint, it was durable, it conveyed color well, so I didn’t change it for a long time. Over time, I wanted variety, I tried to paint myself with different paints, from different companies, masmarket and which positioned themselves as professional, and I realized that there was no difference, except for the wallet. And she returned to Farah again. My favorite color is tone 502a “dark ruby”, it is bright, rich, and vibrant. And they say that it suits me very well.

I've never paid attention to this paint before. But one day my friend recommended it to me and I bought it. It was not difficult to choose a shade - very big choice. I settled on the Fara Classic line. After coloring, I realized that the paint is really normal and not expensive! It didn't burn my skin and my hair was shiny. I'm happy with everything. I think now I'll be a headlight... I've never paid attention to this paint before. But one day my friend recommended it to me and I bought it. It was not difficult to choose a shade - there was a very large selection. I settled on the Fara Classic line. After coloring, I realized that the paint is really normal and not expensive! It didn't burn my skin and my hair was shiny. I'm happy with everything. I think from now on I will continue to paint myself with a headlight.

Finding the perfect shade of hair dye you dream of is very difficult. Ladies focus on price, composition and palette. Finding one that is 100% satisfactory in all respects is not easy, but it is possible. In terms of price/quality ratio, one of the leaders in the beauty market today is Farah. This is domestically produced paint. But the manufacturing technologies were developed in Bulgaria. The product contains natural ingredients.

Main characteristics of Farah hair dye

All Fara paints contain ammonia, which is generally not bad - it means it is durable. The company plans to develop an ammonia-free series. There are currently three Fara paint lines:

  1. Classic– one of the first, its variety of shades gives freedom of choice.
  2. Natural Colors- a series that positions its palette as being as close as possible to natural shades.
  3. Lounge Mousse- a very convenient new product that you can apply to your hair yourself, because it comes in the form of a mousse.

Fara paint composition

Manufacturers of Farah hair dye make sure that the product is safe and of high quality, so you can find natural ingredients in the composition. A review of Pupa mascara is presented in.

Wheat protein– this component makes dull brittle hair shiny and silky, nourishes them from the inside, preventing them from drying out. French quality for perfect eye makeup - .

Jojoba oil (liquid wax)– promotes hydration. This component is extracted from Simmondsia, a walnut tree. The oil contains amino acids, which in their action resemble collagen, which helps restore elasticity. Therefore, jojoba nourishes hair and relieves irritation.

Aloe Vera Extract- a very useful plant. Its juice promotes good blood circulation, which stimulates hair growth. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which will relieve irritation. This component also makes hair strong and elastic, eliminates split ends.

Wine extract– an excellent remedy for healing. This component nourishes the hair with vitamins, removes oxidants, and in general, has a healing effect. New brand, updated quality - .

Most of the components of Fara paint are safe for hair, which indicates its high quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any cosmetic product, Farah coloring product has its pros and cons. Significant benefits include the following:

  • Affordable price (Classic 70 – 100 rubles, Natural Colors 80 – 110 rubles, Lounge Mousse 130 – 160 rubles).
  • A composition that does not damage the hair structure.
  • Convenient applicator bottle for application at home.
  • High resistance due to ammonia content.
  • Guaranteed gray coverage.
  • Adds shine to hair.

The disadvantages include:

  • Difficulty in choosing colors by numbers.
  • Strong ammonia smell during dyeing.
  • Consistency too thin.
  • Dries the scalp a little.

Taking care of eyelash health + lengthening and volume – .

It is necessary to take into account the structure of the hair and its state of health. This is important to know when choosing a shade (for example, blonde is not suitable for ladies with brittle and split strands) of the dye.

How to use

Preparation for painting consists of several stages:

  1. Squeeze the paint into the bottle with the oxidizer, mix thoroughly, and open the cap.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. Using a dispenser, apply the dye in small streams, first to the roots, carefully distributing it with a comb, then along the entire length of the hair. When finished, massage your head using massage movements for the best distribution of the product.
  4. After half an hour, wash the paint with water and shampoo and apply a caring balm for 5 minutes. Dry your head.

A special container for DIY painting and foaming is included in the Lounge Mousse kit.

Palette of colors and shades by numbers

It is difficult to choose the desired color, so to make the procedure easier in the store you can ask for a special card - a color palette. She will be able to determine what color will turn out in reality, because the shade on the package may differ significantly from the real thing. The palette contains samples artificial hair, painted in each of the colors in the series. On this map you can see what shade you will get and how it will look. The pros and cons of Farmavita hair dye are discussed.

When choosing the right color, you should definitely read the recommendations of stylists on the color type of appearance: what shades are suitable for blondes and what for brunettes. This is necessary in order not to wash off or recolor your hair several times, weakening it in the process. Luxurious hairstyle for every day without hassle and loss of time -.

If we talk briefly about color types, it is determined by the natural shade of hair, eyes, and skin. There are four types of appearance according to the seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

“Summer Girl” has brown hair and gray or green-blue eyes. Cool blondes, shades of light brown and nut-chocolate tones of paint are suitable. Contouring has never been so easy and enjoyable - get acquainted.

"Winter" has pale skin, blue-black hair and gray-blue eyes. Her colors are any dark shades.

"Spring" can boast fair skin, honey-wheat hair, blue, green or hazel eyes. Warm paint colors will suit her.

“Lady Autumn” shines with golden, copper or bright red curls, light skin with freckles or, conversely, dark skin, and green or amber eyes. It is better to choose bright, rich tones with a reddish tint.

Farah's paint palette includes more than 50 shades that can satisfy even the most original and daring fantasies. Let's look at the tones of each series separately.

Fara Classic the richest variety of shades. The line features 24 fashionable tones, which can be divided into several groups.
Light: for blondes and fair-haired women - the largest palette, as many as 9 shades, including ash-blond. Chestnut: 5 to choose from. Several original shades of red, for example, rosehip red. And, of course, a group of dark tones. Find out whether L'Oreal highlighter will help you look younger.

Cost – from 109 rubles.

Fara Natural Colors– the most gentle and safe remedy for coloring. We can say that the paint of this series has a vitaminized effect. The palette consists of 19 shades. They deserve special attention because they have no analogues in other paint lines. For example, blonde.

Fara Lounge Mousse appeared quite recently, so the palette is not that big yet - only twelve shades. When painted with this paint, bright saturated tones are obtained, special attention of which they deserve:

  • blueberry dessert;
  • strawberry marshmallows;
  • iced cappuccino;
  • Creme brulee;
  • creamy caramel;
  • almond nougat.

The variety of shades of Farah hair dyes will surprise even the most sophisticated customers, so any girl will be able to choose the tone that suits her.

Every girl wants to look stylish and attractive. That is why fashionistas always experiment with their own style, changing. One of the popular tools that help solve this problem is fara. With this product you can color your strands, completely changing your appearance.

Main types and characteristics of Farah hair dyes

All dyes are divided into several categories - chemical and physical. There are also natural remedies. Currently, the fara brand offers the first two varieties. Physical dyes include products that do not include ammonia and balms for creating beautiful shades. Chemical compositions include cream colors and mousses.

The brand's balm contains no ammonia, but it still gives lasting results. Even after the sixth wash, the color does not lose its saturation.

Another advantage is the company's pricing policy. Every girl can purchase this product.

However, it is important to consider that such a balm is strong. To prevent such a result, curls are treated with masks with a nourishing effect. In addition, moisturizing formulations are suitable.

Headlight hair dye also has many advantages. New technologies were used in its creation, which ensures deep penetration of the pigment into the structure of the strands. In addition, the product does not destroy the hair structure. Thanks to the use of the composition, you will be able to get excellent results.

To give your curls a healthy look, you should use wheat proteins. Jojoba oil, wine extract and aloe will help protect your strands from stress. However, the dye is not suitable for those with brittle strands. Girls with sensitive skin should not use the product.

To get an excellent result, you should read the instructions before staining. Before applying the product, it is recommended to do a tolerance test. This procedure will take literally a quarter of an hour. In this case, you will be able to avoid negative consequences.


Color palette: light brown, ash, black, milk chocolate, red classic, chestnut, brown

This product amazes with its diversity. With this composition you can easily get a rich shade and look as natural as possible.

  • FARA Classic;
  • Fara Natural Color.

These products provide stable results. However, each of them contains ammonia. FARA Classic also contains natural ingredients - argan oil and wheat proteins.

The headlight contains enough bright colors. Girls can choose different tones. These include cherry, ruby, etc. Blonde beauties can afford white gold or golden brown color. For brunettes, a golden chestnut or dark brown tone is suitable.