Project "Late Autumn". Project "Late Autumn" Theme late autumn in the preparatory group

Calendar planning V older group"Golden autumn..."

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Calendar plan « Autumn» ( older group). -

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Calendar planning « Autumn» V older group. - > Scheduling

Calendar-thematic planning (older group)

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Planning V older group on this topic " Autumn"

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"Complex thematic planning on a week...

Abstract of GCD on the topic: "Autumn" in preparatory group

Target: introduce seasonal phenomena through masterpieces of painting, poetry and music
Software tasks:
- introduce the seasonal phenomena of late autumn
-expand ideas about the work of composers, poets, artists, their works
-enrich vocabulary
-continue to teach to feel, understand and reproduce the imagery of the language of the poem,
- continue to teach how to depict natural phenomena described in the poem, convey the content using expressive means (composition, color)
- cultivate a love for poetry, painting, and native nature.
- develop aesthetic taste
Demo material:
-slides: paintings by V. Polenov “Early Snow”, photos about late autumn
- audio recording of music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “November” (from the cycle “ Seasons»)
Handouts: - watercolor paints, sippy cup, watercolor paper, brushes
Preliminary work: memorizing poems by A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”, S. Yesenin “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare”, conversations about the signs of late autumn

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen carefully, don’t interrupt, what month is this, well, guess:
The field became black and white:
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?
Children's answer: this is the month of November.
- Let's remember the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn”?
The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.
- November is the last autumn month. And what signs of deep, late autumn are shown in the poem?
Sample answers from children: The sun appears less often, it’s cold outside, the days are getting shorter, the forest is becoming bare, birds are flying south.
- How do you understand the expression “The mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise”?
Children: all the leaves have fallen off the trees.
- Why does the summer noise of leaves seem cheerful to us, and the autumn noise sad?
Children's answers.
- What other poems do you know about late autumn?
Children read poetry:
***A. Pleshcheev
Summer has passed
Autumn has come
In the fields and groves
Empty and sad.
The birds have flown away
The days have become shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.
***A. Pleshcheev
Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.
... A cloud covers the sky,
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling.
***WITH. Yesenin
The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Water causes fog and dampness.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.
The dug-up road sleeps.
Today she dreamed
Which is quite, quite a bit
We have to wait for the gray winter.
- What is autumn in all these poems?
Children: sad, gloomy, cold.
- Yes, guys, the leaves have fallen off the trees, the grasses have turned brown, drooped, and the flowers have withered. Only the spruce and pine trees are still green.
-What happened to the lush, colorful carpet of leaves that covered the ground?
Children: the leaves have faded and darkened.
- Autumn is like the evening of the year. And in the evening we get ready for bed. So the trees took off their clothes and washed themselves with the rain. The earth is falling asleep. I wonder what she'll dream about?
- Autumn does not stand still. She is heading towards winter. The day will come when it snows. Let's call this day “the gates of winter.” And now we will play the game “Gate”

Game "Gate"
-Two children will hold hands and depict a gate. And the rest will pass through the gate, saying who they are, naming the signs of autumn (frost, long nights, gloomy clouds, frost on the branches, short days, first ice, short days, cold rain, gusty cold wind). If someone makes a mistake, the gate will not let him through.
- Guys, every season gives us a lot of beauty and creativity. In autumn, every day you can see some changes and transformations. Let's try not to miss them.
Listen to how composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky conveyed his mood from late autumn.
But what autumn is like for Vivaldi. (music fragments sound)
- Whose music did you like best? What do these works have in common? What is their difference?
- Look at the reproduction of V. Polenov’s painting “Early Snow”. What do we see in the picture?
Teacher's story: According to Polenov, he saw “from the window of his workshop: snow fell completely unexpectedly, when the forest had not yet shed its autumn dress, and there was still a real “golden autumn.” The artist was struck by the state of frozenness, the numbness of nature, still retaining the warmth of autumn days, before the unexpected cold that covered the ground with snow and stopped the flow of the river.
The composition of the painting was carefully thought out by the artist. In the foreground are trees that have not yet shed their autumn leaves, followed by a river ribbon running into the distance. On the horizon there is a gray-blue sky overcast with clouds, the cold distances of endless expanses. The leaves on the trees are accurately and gracefully drawn.
What signs of late autumn did you see in the picture?
Children: the sky is covered with heavy (lead) clouds, the river has not frozen yet, leaves are hanging on the trees here and there, and snow has already covered the ground.
- November plays on the ice harp, opens the gates to Mother Winter. This time at the very end of autumn is called pre-winter or “Silver Autumn”.
- And now we will try to depict late autumn.

Children draw, music by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi sounds.
Analysis of children's drawings.
When analyzing works, we pay attention to color scheme, accuracy in work, on the composition of the drawing.

Autumn week in senior group"Why Chicks"


“Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit us”!

Conversation “It’s autumn with a migrating crane, with falling leaves and rain” - to form an idea of ​​autumn as a time of year, about the essential signs of the season.

Word game “Echo” - working on expressive reading skills

Autumn gives miracles,

And what kind

The forests are depleted

Gold hats.

A crowd sits on a tree stump

Red honey mushrooms,

And what a tricky spider!

The network is pulling somewhere

D/i “Choose an action” - speech development

“The autumn and magical ball will jump into your hands and ask questions:

Leaves in the fall (what do they do?)… leaves turn yellow, fall off…

Repetition of the seasons in order, names of trees, guessing riddles on the theme “Autumn”

Consideration autumn landscapes– develop the ability to look at pictures and share impressions.

Relaxation exercise “Sunny Bunny”, “Cheerful Breeze”

D/i “What has changed in nature in autumn” - development of observation skills.

Reading A. Pleshcheev “Summer is Gone” - getting acquainted with the work

Repeat with the children what people do in the fall.

Labor: cleaning up wilted plants

Listening to an audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s music “Autumn”

“The rain of mischievous leaves swirled above me”

Conversation “How good it is, where else can you find something like this” - to train children in the differences between plants in autumn attire, to enrich the aesthetic experience, to evoke a joyful experience from the perception of the beauty of nature in autumn.

Watching leaf fall

Making bouquets of autumn leaves, collecting leaves for the herbarium, cones for crafts.

Round dance game " Autumn bouquet»

Reading lit. “Colorful Boats” by D. I. Kaygorodova

D/i “Let’s dress up a tree” - choose the leaves of your tree from those scattered on the floor and place them on the branches

Game exercise“Find a pair” - collect leaves of similar colors

Finger game:

The wind was walking through the forest, the wind was counting the leaves:

Here's oak, here's maple, here's rowan, carved

Here's a golden one from a birch tree, here's the last leaf from an aspen tree, the wind threw it onto the path.

S/r game “Flower Shop” - introduce children to a new profession, expand children’s horizons, enrich vocabulary

Labor: collecting seeds - developing a child’s positive attitude towards work.

Listening to the audio recording “Waltz with Leaves” by A. Grechaninov

Conversation with parents " Autumn crafts with baby"

“I invite you to go for a walk in the autumn forest

We guys can’t find a more interesting adventure.”

Conversation “Autumn Forest” - clarifying and expanding children’s ideas about the autumn forest. Tell how beautiful nature is at this time of year.

Creative play with design elements “Amazing Forest” - drawing up pictures on flannelgraph.

D/i “Rest of Birds” - (sign “Sun” - migratory, sign “Snowflake” - wintering)

An exercise to develop logic and memory “Who moves how?”: a caterpillar crawls, and a grasshopper jumps.

Board game “Edible and inedible mushrooms” - remember the name of mushrooms, their external signs, place of growth (forest, meadow), what benefit or harm mushrooms can bring.

Game “Complete the Draw” - development of visual perception

Reading hood lit by V. Dahl “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” - to expand children’s knowledge about mushrooms.

Fun with kids junior group"Autumn concerns of forest animals"

Ind. Slave. “Pantry of forest animals” - from counting sticks - development of imagination, fine motor skills

Listening to audio recordings of sounds autumn forest

Autumn is a delicious word, jam is being made, because there is a lot of fruit, a lot of treats.

Conversation “What did autumn give us, what did it put in the basket?” - consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Tales from the garden "Tomato and Grushik"

Attention game “Vegetable Rainbow” - develop visual attention when composing colored half pictures.

Finger game "Harvest"

P/i “Fruit Basket”

Tabletop theater“Vegetable Tale” - to generate interest in theatricalization

Hood. creativity “Garden scarecrow”

D/i "Vegetable Garden" - to form knowledge about autumn, vegetables and fruits.

Manual labor: let's make vegetables and fruits for the plot - role playing game"Shop"

Music game "Garden round dance"

Reading “Tops and Roots” - expand children’s knowledge about vegetables and their benefits

Kaleidoscope of autumn colors

Game - quiz about autumn between groups: - consolidate ideas about changes in nature in autumn, about fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, create a joyful mood in children, evoke emotional responsiveness, the ability to develop interest in the world around them.

Game exercise “Who can name the most signs of autumn?”

Games for the development of logical thinking “Autumn mistakes”.

P/i "Rucheek"

The board game “Vegetable Lotto” is to create conditions for the development of children’s skills to consciously accept the game task.

Designing a “Furcoat for a Hedgehog” - develop a creative idea (torso – plasticine, seeds – spines

Competition: Collect beautiful bouquet for an assistant teacher.


Gailit Marina Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU No. 323
Locality: Krasnoyarsk
Name of material: Calendar plan
Subject: Calendar planning in the preparatory group for a week on the topic “Here it is, what a golden autumn it is”
Publication date: 15.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

from November 14 to 18.
Expanding children's knowledge about autumn as a season, about the concept of “golden autumn”
1. To form generalized ideas about autumn as a time of year, the adaptability of plants to changes in nature, natural phenomena; 2. Expand ideas about inanimate nature; 3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Final event:
Exhibition " Golden autumn»
Date of the final event:
September 30th
November 14 MONDAY

Theme: “Autumn carpet”

Program content:
Activate children's speech activity. Improve children's dialogical speech. To foster an attentive, caring attitude towards nature, to form the foundations correct behavior In the woods; continue to develop the skills of collective activity in children. Formation of preschoolers’ ideas about autumn based on familiarization with the essential signs of the season. Develop children's cognitive processes: visual perception, memory, children's attention. Improve children's skills in creating a collage by arranging the parts evenly throughout the entire base of the collage, choosing the color of the parts that matches the autumn color scheme. Develop fine and gross motor skills of pupils.

A positive emotional mood has been created, attracting the attention of children. Answer questions with simple, common sentences. Developed holistic visual perception. They are able to explain their choice in a detailed phrase. Children have developed the skills to create a collage, arranging the details evenly throughout the entire base of the collage, and the ability to select the color of the parts that corresponds to the autumn color scheme.
Introductory conversation: “Trees in autumn” Reading: “Autumn in the forest” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov. Didactic game “When does this happen?” Exercise “If I were a tree” “How we will live this week”, information about the final event.
Morning exercises.

: Observation: identifying signs of a “golden autumn”. Reading B. Pasternak’s poem “Golden Autumn” (invite children to identify signs of a “golden” autumn in the environment.) Discuss what signs of a “golden” autumn the poet writes about, talk about your observations, use figurative expressions, comparisons. P/n: “Traps with a ball” Purpose: to encourage children to correctly perform game actions, act as players and catchers. Develop accuracy, dexterity, cultivate self-confidence). Labor assignments: cleaning the territory of the group site (encourage children to unite in teams to complete assignments, organize interaction in the group, distribute responsibilities, and jointly achieve the intended result).

Collective activity skills have been developed.
Subject-practical environment:
music center, CD with a recording of “Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, teaching aid “Seasons”, painting “Early Autumn”, a sheet of white paper in A-3 format, blanks for leaves made of paper of different colors, not cut out along the contour of the image acorns, cones, twigs; glue, brushes according to the number of children.
Physical development(physical training)

- Examination of illustrations and postcards “Autumn”, Games with leaves: “Path of leaves”, “Images from leaves” “Draw an autumn leaf”
: Observing the wind. Goal: find out how wind affects changes in weather. P/game “Ball to a neighbor” Purpose: to reinforce the quick passing of the ball in a circle. Independent play activity.
Organizations developing subject matter - spatial environment for independent activities of children
Enrich the center of the book with literature about the golden autumn. Contribute Board games“Recognize a tree by its leaf”, Lotto “Trees”; Transform the environment for the role-playing game “Hike into the Forest”

Recommend reading for children by parents fiction with an autumn theme. It is recommended to take your child for walks around the city, to parks, focusing the child’s attention on the colors of autumn.

Joint activities between adults and children

Organized educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Cognitive development
Program content
: Practice dividing a set into parts and combining its parts; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?” Strengthen ideas about the relative position of objects in space (in a row): left, right, before, after, between, before, behind, next to. Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.
Planned results:
Establish: part-whole relations, equality-inequality, connections between the whole and its parts; quantitative relationships within known numbers; transform ways of solving problems; operate with numbers and figures within 10; Material: Cards with circles, Dunno things, doll furniture, doll, bear, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids.
Artistic and aesthetic development
“Mushrooms, vegetables, fruits for playing shop”

Program content.
Strengthen children’s ability to convey the shape and proportions of familiar objects using previously learned modeling techniques. Learn to achieve greater accuracy in conveying the shape (deepening the bend of the cap, thickening the stem). Strengthen the ability to create an expressive composition (beautifully place sculpted objects on a stand)
: plasticine, boards, stacks
Physical development
(exercise while walking)
Introductory conversation: “Signs of Autumn” Reading the poem by 3. Fedorovskaya “Autumn” Lotto “Autumn Leaves” Objective: the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, the enrichment of active vocabulary, development of coherent speech
Morning exercises

Observing seasonal changes Purpose: to form concepts about the changing seasons; clarify ideas about the features of each season. Reading the poem by A. Maykov “The golden leaf is already covering” Labor activity: Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves. Goal: to teach how to create a joyful mood from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture. Outdoor game “Brave guys”. Purpose: to practice fast running; develop dexterity.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.
Experiment “Flying Seeds”. Goals: to consolidate the idea that a seed is the final stage of plant growth, it is necessary for the beginning of the life of a new plant; form ideas about the distribution of plant seeds; develop children's powers of observation, attention, and visual memory. Didactic game for auditory attention “Edible - inedible”.
leaf fall. The wind blew a little and the leaves swirled around the branches and then slowly fell to the ground. Offer to think and explain the reason for the falling leaves. Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” Purpose: to practice determining the name of a tree by its leaves. Independent play activity

Place a wide variety of artistic and natural materials: dried leaves, sheets of tinted paper for a collage on the theme “Autumn Motifs”, conditions for drawing leaves according to templates, coloring books, stencils, on an autumn theme Create conditions for the game “Journalists” (bring in a microphone or a voice recorder), “Interview at the autumn forest” (one child is a journalist, the second is a tree...).
Interaction with parents of students (social partners) on implementation educational program
On the way home, play the game “Who can name the most changes in nature?” Remember with your child what time of year it is, name the autumn months in order.

Joint activities between adults and children

Organized educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Speech development

Looking at the painting “Autumn in the Park”


"Golden Autumn"


To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature; generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn; introduce the folk calendar. Foster a sense of love for native nature; continue to introduce children to Russian folk culture. Develop the ability to restore relationships, draw conclusions, develop attention and memory.
Artistic and aesthetic development
Introductory conversation: “The Sorceress Autumn.” Goal: remember with children the name of the season, autumn months, signs of autumn, develop memory, thinking, observation. Didactic exercise “Guess what’s in my picture.” Purpose: to learn to describe an object; develop attention and observation Finger gymnastics “Thunderstorm”. Goal: development of motor skills. Situational conversation “Why is it customary to say hello?” Goal: to cultivate a culture of behavior.
Morning exercises

Watching the rain. Choose epithets for autumn rain. Conversation about what mood the guys are in when it rains, why? Independent play activity: Drawing on wet sand according to plan. Goal: to develop in children the desire to draw according to plan, creating their own unique paintings. Work assignment: sweeping on the veranda. Goal: to cultivate hard work and a desire to provide all possible assistance. Outdoor games: “Mirror” Purpose: to teach children to repeat movements after the leader, to develop attention. “Guess what I caught.” Goal: to develop imagination, flexibility, plasticity.

Didactic game “What first, what then” Purpose: to consolidate the seasons, the sequence of days of the week Reading the poem by N. Nekrasov “Before the rain”. Goal: To develop the ability to perceive expressive means of language that convey the beauty and grandeur of autumn nature, to see in nature pictures “painted” in the language of poetry.
Observation of clouds (shape, color, how they move, why). Purpose: to introduce the formation of clouds. Didactic game: “What does a cloud look like”
Goal: to develop imagination and imagination; “Where are the clouds floating?” Purpose: to learn to determine the direction of the wind. Outdoor game "Frogs". Goal: learn to compare movements with words.
Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment for children’s independent activities
Place a herbarium of leaves and seeds for viewing. Select books about nature for independent reading and viewing illustrations on the theme of autumn.
Interaction with parents of students (social partners) on the implementation of the educational program
Recall with your child the names of migratory birds, why they are called that Individual conversations with parents at the end of the day

Joint activities between adults and children

Organized educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Cognitive development
Program content:
Practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part. Count forward and backward within 5. Strengthen the ability to divide a circle and square into 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and name them. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes. Demonstration material: doll, bear, bunny, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids, 3 cars, 5 circles of the same color, 2 baskets, 2 embankments. builds. Material. Handouts: envelopes containing ¼ of a circle or square, a box with the remaining parts of the figures, squares of the same color (5 pieces for each child).
Physical development
(physical training)
Talk about seasonal changes in the life of the animal world. Goal: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the topic; clarify the concept of “mammals”. Low mobility game “Who is missing”. Goal: to develop attention and observation Didactic ball game “Edible - inedible”. Goal: to update children’s ideas about mushrooms, about the danger that mushrooms can pose.
Morning exercises

Watching the wind. Wind is the movement of air; note that cold winds have begun to blow more often. Find out what other signs of autumn children know. Systematize ideas about the sequence of seasonal changes in autumn. Role-playing game "Shop". Goal: to develop children’s ability to assign roles, correspond to the chosen role, and develop the plot of the game. Situational conversation “Games in the yard.” Goal: to develop skills for safe behavior on the street. Labor education: inspect trees and shrubs on the territory of the kindergarten, remove dried branches and plant stems. Outdoor games: "Big Ball". Goal: to develop dexterity of movements and speed. "Frogs" Goal: learn to compare movements with words.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep
Game activity (independent
Construction from floor and tabletop builder. Goal: to exercise constructive skills and develop friendly relationships through play.
Research activity “How are new colors made?” Talk to your children about mixing colors to get new shades. Memorizing A. Tolstoy’s poem “Autumn. Sprinkles our entire poor garden.” Goal: To teach children to correlate the pictures of nature described in the poem with observed autumn phenomena, to understand poetic images. Learn to use various means of expressive speech in accordance with the content of the poem.
Weather observation. Goal: to teach children to describe natural phenomena. Didactic game “It happens or not.” Game activity: didactic game “It happens, it doesn’t happen.” Goal: to promote the use in play and deepening of children’s knowledge about seasonal phenomena. Develop attention and coherent speech. Outdoor game "Freeze". Purpose: to teach to understand a schematic representation of a person’s posture.
Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment for children’s independent activities
Creating conditions for viewing reproductions of artists’ paintings on the topic “Autumn through the eyes of artists,” photographs and illustrations of autumn themes. Introduce stencils of leaves, vegetables and fruits, various visual materials, a herbarium of flowers and leaves, sets for children’s creativity.
Interaction with parents of students (social partners) on the implementation of the educational program
Invite your child to list as many signs of autumn as possible on the way home; Draw the child’s attention to what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature.

Joint activities between adults and children

Organized educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Speech development
(speech development and literacy training)
Topic: “Signs of autumn in the poems of Russian poets.”

Program content
: Introduce the poems of the 19th century poets F. Shkulev and Yu. Zhdanovskaya “Niva”. Encourage explanation of unclear words. Select words using rhyme, distinguish the simplest cases of polysemy of words
Artistic and aesthetic development
Theme: “Golden Autumn”


A positive emotional mood is created and children's attention is attracted. Developed holistic visual perception. They are able to explain their choice in a detailed phrase. Children have developed the skills to create a composition, arranging parts evenly, and the ability to select the color of parts that corresponds to the autumn color scheme
Artistic and aesthetic development
“An autumn day feeds winter.” Purpose: to show the importance of the work of gardeners and gardeners.
Morning exercises
Didactic game “Tell without words.” Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination and observation skills. Examination and comparison of reproductions of paintings by artists I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” and I.S. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn". Goal: to form children’s ideas about landscape painting, to teach them to identify means of expression, to compare and find similarities and differences in the manner of artists, in the use of expressive means of painting, and in content.
Observing ants. They are not visible, they hid in the depths of the anthill and blocked the entrance to it. They will be warm there. Conversation "Walk in the forest." Goal: to educate children about the rules of safe behavior while walking in the forest. Didactic game “If I do this...” (situations dangerous to life and health with pictures). Goal: choose a way out that does not threaten your health Labor education: cleaning up fallen leaves on your site and on the site of the younger group Outdoor game “Run to the named tree.” Goal: to train in quickly finding the named tree.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep
Game exercise “Merry musicians”. Goal: continue to introduce children to noise instruments: tambourine, drum, rattles, triangle, spoons; develop a sense of rhythm and interest in music. Search and research activities Experience: “let’s extend the life of the plant”, transplanting the plant into a group.
Repeat poems about autumn. Goal: teach to read expressively, develop memory.
Second walk:

behind the flower garden. Goal: to note the state of the flower garden (the plants have finished growing and are beginning to fade), to remember what they were like in the summer. Game exercise “Guess who called.” Goal: to teach children to distinguish the timbre of the voices of their peers, to develop auditory perception and attention. Outdoor games “Guess what you caught.” Goal: to develop imagination, flexibility, plasticity. "Big Ball" Goal: to develop dexterity of movements and speed.
Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment for children’s independent activities
- Design autumn meadow with illustrations of musical instruments for playing - improvisation “Sounds of the Autumn Forest” (woodpecker, cuckoo, wind in leaves, grass, stream, hedgehog, etc.) - audio recorder - a collection of classic works about autumn and children's songs.
Interaction with parents of students (social partners) on the implementation of the educational program
Conversation “Safety instructions for children when riding on swings”

Calendar plan for educational work in the senior preparatory group “Solnyshko”

Subject: "Late fall "

Target: develop children's cognitive interest in nature, the desire to actively study the natural world. Learn to reason about what changes occurring in nature depend on, and look for answers to questions. Learn to make guesses and assumptions.

Final event : exhibition of drawings “A sad time, a charm from the eyes”, date: 11/07/2014.

Date of:03.11.2014 Monday

Regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work







Date of:04.11.2014 Tuesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children





Return from a walk, lunch



Date of:05.11.2014 Wednesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversation “Late Autumn”.

2. D\game “When does this happen?”
Goal: Expand children's knowledge about autumn.

3. Relaxation exercise “Autumn”.

Individual work with Arthur, Sveta, Semyon.

Conversation on the topic: “What did you see on the way to kindergarten?”

1.I\u “Autumn Breeze”.

2.D/i “Whose supplies?”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

3.P/i “The squirrel chooses a hollow.” Purpose: to introduce Finnish outdoor games; interest children.

Involvement in collecting material and designing albums on the topic.

Offer to help prepare for the autumn holiday.


1.Mathematical development

Art.-Lesson No. 1, Pomoraeva, p.23

Goal: to show the formation of the number 8 based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to teach counting within 8. To practice counting and counting objects using a model and by ear.

Preg.g. - Lesson No. 1,2, Pomoraeva, pp. 46-48

Goal: learn to form the number 4 from two smaller numbers, decompose it into two smaller numbers. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10. Develop the ability to analyze the shape of objects and their individual parts. Improve your understanding of the weight of objects. Reinforce knowledge about the days of the week.

2. Physical development (gym)

Lesson No. 25, Penzulaeva, p. 29 (pre-year)

Goal: to consolidate the skills of walking and running in a circle, to practice walking on a rope, to practice energetic push-off while jumping over a rope, to repeat the relay race with the ball.


1. Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten: “Ecological trail. Trees and shrubs."

Goal: to teach to see the beauty of autumn nature.

2.. D/i “Who lives where?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (shrubs, trees).

Work on the site: continue to remove fallen leaves and branches.

Health running.

Individual work with Kirill, Maxim, Vika

D/game “Name it affectionately.”

1. Outdoor game “Falling Leaves”.

Target:fix the names of the trees.

2.Watching for rainy weather. Purpose: to introduce the most typical signs of late autumn - rainy weather; clarify the name and purpose of the clothing.

3.P/i “Stop”.

Goal: to train children in the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Return from a walk, lunch

Listening to the music of A. Alexandrov “Autumn”;


1.Associations on topics: “Mushrooms”, “Vegetable garden”, “Autumn”, etc. (ball game).

2. Consideration of illustrations and books on the topic.

3. Reading and discussion of the story by A.I.

Strizhev "Winter Shows".

4. Communication game “Echo”.

P/n “Such different rain.”

Rhythmic gymnastics.

5. Conversation on the topic: “What autumn gave us.”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

Individual work on speech development with Arthur and Lesha. D/i “Name the bird with the right sound.”

1.Collective work “Fantasies of Autumn”.

2. D/i "Fruits and seeds".

Self-massage “Prickly hedgehog”.

(with massage balls).

3.P/i “Raindrops”.

4. Psychological study “My mood”.


1. Observation of the connection between phenomena in nature.

Goal: continue to develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships in nature.

2. Experimental activities. Experience with feathers.

Goal: find out which feathers fly better in the air, why?

Individual work with a subgroup of children: collecting leaves for the herbarium.

Individual physical work with Khanum and Maxim. Strengthen walking in a limited area.

1. Entertainment game “Forest Relay Race”.

2.P/i “Run to the tree.” Goal: consolidate the names of trees.

Games at the request of children.

Date of:06.11.2014 Thursday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversations about healthy eating: “Autumn vitamins.”

Goal: To develop children’s understanding of the benefits of vegetables and fruits, healthy and nutritious food.

2. D\game “Find out by taste.”

Individual work:reading followed by dramatization:

Y. Tuvim “Vegetables” with Lisa, Dasha, Roma, Vlad.

Goal: Development of creative abilities.

1. Role-playing game “Dining Room”

Goal: To develop in children an idea of ​​what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits.

Consultation on the topic “If you want to be healthy!” (nurse).

Together with your child, create a recipe for vegetable or fruit dishes, draw it and bring it to replenish the card index. didactic games


1.Speech development (learning to read and write)

St.g. – Lesson No. 10,Eltsova, p.95

Goal: to train children in determining the number of syllables in words, to consolidate knowledge about a sentence, and to develop the ability to find a sound that is often found in a poem. Develop speech attention and phonemic hearing.

Preg.g. - Lesson No. 10,Eltsova, p.184

Goal: to develop the ability to select words that are close in meaning, using different degrees adjectives. Introduce the letter “r”, acquaintance with stress, develop the ability to break words into syllables, highlighting the stressed syllable.

2. Physical development (gym)

Lesson No. 26,Penzulaeva, s. 32 (pre-year)

Goal: continue to strengthen the skills of walking and running in a circle, practice walking on a rope, practice energetic push-off while jumping over a rope, repeat the relay race with the ball.

3.Artistic activity (applique/sculpting)

Modeling “Viburnum branch”

Goal: to teach children to sculpt a bunch of viburnum, arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper. Develop your imagination.


Goal: Expand children's understanding of the importance of work in the autumn.

2. Round dance game “Zucchini”.

Individual work with Nikita, Ira, Slava - the game “Harvest.”

1. Games with external material in the sandbox “Find out a vegetable.”

2. Game exercise “Put the vegetable in the pan.”

Return from a walk, lunch

Conversation on the topic “Good deeds in autumn.” Goal: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards work and a desire to help nature.


1.Watching the cartoon “Kopatych and the Last Barrel of Honey.”

2.Finger gymnastics“Vegetables” (Yu.Tuvim).

3. Conversation based on the results of watching the cartoon “Are you eating right?”

Goal: Expand ideas about the correct and healthy eating

Individual work with Nikita, Lesha, Katya. pronouncing simple sayings on the topic “Vegetables”.

1. “Autumn is flying away.” A story on the theme of E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn.”

2.Dynamic pause “Autumn Forest”.


1. Observation of work in the gardens.

2. Round dance game “Scarecrow”.

3.Weather observation.

Goal: to consolidate ideas about last period autumn, its features.

4. Experimental activities. Experiment “Dependence of the state of water on temperature.”

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the properties of water.

Individual work with Roma and Dominica. Secure your walk with wide strides.

1.P/n “Don’t get your feet wet.”

Goal: to develop agility, reaction to a signal, running speed.

2. Games at the request of the children.

3 . P/i “Mousetrap” for the development of dexterity, quick reaction to a signal, and strong-willed qualities.

Date of:07.11.2014 Friday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1.D\game “Edible - not edible.”

2. Conversation “Rules of behavior in the forest.”

3. Acting out the plot of “Danger in the Forest.”

4. Ecological fairy tale - conversation “The Adventures of the Wind”.

Goal: to concretize and consolidate knowledge about wind.

5. Conversation on the topic: “Why is November called “black trail?”

Breathing exercises: exercise. "Wind".

Individual work on speech development with Maxim, Matvey, Nikita - the game “Be Attentive” to consolidate knowledge about vowels and consonants; continue to practice the ability to divide words into syllables.

1.P/i “Catching up with the wind.”

2.D/i “Harvest”.

Goal: develop coordination of words with movements.

3. Physical education break.

Ex. "Bird before takeoff."

Remind parents about the end of the exhibition “A sad time, the charm of the eyes...”.


1. World of music

According to the plan of the music worker


"Bread is the head of everything"Volchkova, p.24

Purpose: to give the concept that bread is a daily food product; introduce a variety of bakery products. To consolidate knowledge about the long journey of bread from field to table. Cultivate respect for the work of an adult and respect for bread.


Vitamins and healthy products,Avdeeva, p.101-103

Goal: to tell children about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health. Explain how vitamins affect the human body. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition, food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.


1.Going to the park.

2. Observation of the sky and clouds.

Goal: continue to consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena; clarify the concept of “Cloud”.

3.D/and game “What is the sky?”

Purpose: to practice selecting relative adjectives.

Individual work with Ulyana, Nastya, Vika - collection natural material for manual labor.

Individual physical work with Vika and Dasha - jumping in and out of a circle made of leaves.

1.P/i “At the bear in the forest.”

2.P/i “The sea is agitated.”

Goal: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in movement.

3. Games at the request of children.

Returning from a walk,

Reading x/l. Ecological fairy tale “The Tale of the Sun”.


1.Looking at illustrations on the topic of wild berries.

2. Theatrical game “Visiting Mikhailo Ivanovich.”

3. Reading and discussion of O. Grigorieva’s story “Waiting for Winter.”

Individual work with Katya, Khanum, Matvey “Draw a treat for Mikhailo Ivanovich”

1.P/i “Prickly rain.”

2.Collective work “How animals prepare for winter.”

3.D/i “Pick up a sign.” Purpose: to practice selecting adjectives.

4.P/i “Hares and the Wolf”.

Goal: practice running on a signal: develop agility, attention, courage.


1. Watching for the first frost. Goal: Continue to explore diversity natural phenomena late autumn.

2.Introduce the new outdoor game “Potato”.

Purpose: to practice the ability to throw the ball to each other.

3. Game “Smells of Autumn”.

4. Experimental activities. Experiment “Transparency of Ice”.

Individual work with Dasha, Luda, Artyom physical. exercise “On the bridge”.

1.Health running.

2 . S/r game “Journey to the Forest”.