Seven months baby is crying. How to calm a child if he is crying. What does crying say when the baby wakes up

Wonder Week 37: World of categories

Around week 37 (between 36 and 40) you may notice that your baby is trying new things. At this age, the child begins to approach the study of the world more methodically. For example, your baby can pick up crumbs from the floor and carefully examine them, holding them between his thumb and forefinger. Or, for example, your budding young chef can redistribute the contents of his plate, checking how banana puree sloshes and how spinach squishes between his fingers. When conducting these studies, he will have an unusually serious, concentrated expression on his face. In general, these are the studies that will allow the baby to categorize the world around him.
Your baby is now beginning to realize that certain objects, sensations, animals, people can be combined into groups or categories. For example, a banana looks, tastes, and feels different from spinach, but both can be eaten. The child begins to highlight these important similarities and differences. The leap into the world of categories will affect all kinds of senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Your baby will learn more about the people around him and about his own emotions. Speech skills will be intensively developed. Your child may not say the first words, but he will understand much more.
Like the previousworlds, the appearance of this turns the views of the child. Brain waves (EEG) of the child in this period show that intense changes are taking place. It changes the way your child perceives the world, and the child will be disturbed at first. The restless period will begin at 34 weeks, or between 32 and 37 weeks. It will probably last about 4 weeks, but it could take 3 or 6. When your child enters this hectic time, watch very carefully - he may be trying to learn new skills.

Features of this week:
As children prepare to enter the world of categories, they become more whiny than they have been in previous weeks. Mothers say they are irritable, restless, quarrelsome, discontented, uncontrollable, restless, impatient and always whining and in a bad mood. All this can be understood.
It is especially difficult for your baby now, because from his past jump he realized that you can leave him wherever you want at any moment and leave him alone. At first, most children suffer greatly from this, but then they learn to put up with it somehow in their own way. Just as everything started to go more or less smoothly, big changes happened again and everything fell apart again. And again, the restless baby wants to be with his mother all the time, knowing full well that at any moment she can get up and leave. This understanding further undermines the whole situation and increases tension.

How do you know it's time to grow up?

May cling to your clothes
Your baby may become anxious when you move away from him. Children who have not crawled yet can only yell in this situation. For some, any mother's step to the side is a reason for uniform panic. Crawling babies follow their moms and sometimes cling to them so tightly that the moms can't move.

Might be more incredulous
The child may want more than usual distance between himself and other people. The desire to be closer to mom is especially strong in the presence of other people - sometimes even if this “other” is dad, brother or sister. Often, the only mother is allowed to look at the baby and talk to him. And almost always, the only mother is allowed to touch the child.

Can snuggle tighter
When the child is sitting in your arms or you carry him, he may try to snuggle up to you as much as possible. And, perhaps, he will be angry when you try to put it down.

May require more attention
Most children require more attention, and even the calmest ones are not always happy when they are left alone. Some particularly demanding little personalities do not calm down until their mother's attention is completely focused only on them. And some are especially worried when mothers divert their attention from them to something else, as if they are jealous.

May sleep worse
Most children begin to sleep worse. They may resist lying down, fall asleep harder, and wake up faster. Some are especially difficult to lay down during the day, others - in the evening. Well, some are more awake both day and night.

May have nightmares
A restless child may also sleep more restlessly. He can scream, toss and turn and constantly spin - as if he were having nightmares.

Can become an unusually sweet child
At this age, your child may begin to try new ways to keep you around. Instead of whining and complaining, he may switch to a completely different way and start cuddling and kissing. Often, children go from one method back to another, balancing between wonderful and terrible behavior, testing what works best. Mothers of independent children are often pleasantly surprised that their baby finally clings to them so tenderly!

May be lethargic
The baby may become quieter in general. You may be less likely to hear him babble, less likely to see him play and move. Sometimes he can suddenly quit what he was doing and lie quietly, contemplating space. Don't worry, this is temporary.

May protest against diaper changes
When you put your baby down for a change of clothes or a diaper, he may protest violently - screaming, arching, acting impatient and uncontrollable. Most people do just that at this time.

It might become more about big child
Moms may notice a return to behaviors they thought the baby had outgrown. There may have been steps back, but what older child the brighter they are visible. Moms do not like to see such steps back - they feel insecure, although in fact this is absolutely normal. These backward steps indicate that there will soon be a breakthrough forward. Try to understand what kind of breakthrough it will be. Short periods of returns occur during each of the turbulent periods. Rejoice - this shows that your baby is moving in the right direction.

May lose appetite
Many children at this time are less interested in food and drink. Some may stubbornly eat one thing and refuse everything else. Others can only eat what they themselves put in their mouths. The child may become picky, spill food and spit. Therefore, feeding takes longer than before.
If your child was already worried during meals, now he may become uncontrollable - not wanting to eat when the food is in front of him and demanding when it is removed. Or one day they may require a lot of food, and the next they will not eat anything. Options are possible.

The best games for this time

We study
Some things are attractive to your baby, but learning them on your own can be dangerous for him. So help him! Hold a photo frame or a heavy figurine for him, so that he himself does not hurt himself, and does not damage them, and at the same time satisfy his curiosity.

Bells and switches
Let your child ring the doorbell. He will be able to immediately hear the result of what he does. Let him press the elevator call button. So he will feel that he is doing something grown-up. Have him turn on the light when it gets dark so he can see the effect. Sometimes you can even let him press the button on the bus or at the pedestrian crossing, explaining what will follow next and what to expect. This will allow him to understand the relationship between what he is doing and the result.

We walk and look
At this age, children cannot work up in any way. Taking him for walks now means teaching him a lot, he will see a lot of new things. Whether you're cycling, walking, just walking or hiking, remember to stop periodically so your child can take a closer look, listen, touch.

dress up
It would seem that many children do not have time to dress up. They are busy with more important things. But at the same time, they really like to look at themselves, and it becomes even more interesting for them to look at themselves when they do something with them. Take advantage of this. Dry with a towel, dress and undress your baby in front of the mirror so that he has time to play peek-a-boo with himself.

Your child understands much more than you think, and he loves to show it. Now he will expand the range of words and phrases that he enjoys understanding.

We call
Name what the child looks at and listens to. When the child gestures what he wants, say his question for him. This will teach him how to express desires in words.
Let the child choose a book and give it to him. Sit him on your lap or next to you. So he can turn the pages himself. Point to the picture he is looking at and name what is shown there. If there is an animal in the picture, you can make a sound that this animal makes. Encourage your child to repeat this sound. Do not insist if the child is not interested. Some children need to be hugged or tickled after every page to get their attention back.

When your child is holding something, ask if he would like to give it to you: "give it to mom!". Sometimes ask to give something to dad too. You can also ask the child to pass something on to you, for example: “give me toothbrush", or "pass me the ball." Also, sometimes call him when he does not see you: “where are you?” so that he will answer you. Or ask him: "come here." Praise your child for participating in this game and continue only as long as he likes it.

Many children like to look at people and imitate them. If your child likes it too, imitate him and encourage him when he imitates you.

Do it like this
First provoke the child to imitate you, and then imitate him yourself. Often children are so addicted to it that they can do it forever. Change your gestures, make them slower and faster. Make gestures with one hand or two. You can accompany with sound or do it silently. Try also in front of a mirror. Some babies like to repeat their own gestures, looking at themselves in the mirror and checking how they are doing.

Conversation with a mirror
If your child is interested in articulation (how lips move during speech), sometimes do it in front of a mirror, turning it into a game. Sit in front of the mirror together and play with vowels, consonants or words - whatever your baby likes best. Pause for him to look and repeat. Many babies also like to copy gestures, such as hand and head movements. So try it too. When your child, repeating after you, sees you too, he will be able to better understand whether he is repeating correctly.

Sing a song
Sing a line from the song and let the child feel every movement that you make while doing it. To do this, take his hands in yours and do these movements together. The child can clap and raise his hands at his own pace. At this age, he is not yet able to repeat sequences of movements, but he can already enjoy such a game.

Changing roles
Encourage your child to play a certain role, and then try to switch roles for him.

The most simple game in "catch-ups". You can play it while walking or crawling. Crawl or run away from the child, clearly showing him that you expect him to crawl after you. If your child tries to catch you, try not to get caught. If, nevertheless, the baby caught you, or you caught him, caress him or lift him high.

hide and seek
Hide so that your child can see where you hide and let him find you. Also, sometimes pretend that you have lost it and are looking for it. Sometimes children hide well and sit behind the bed or in the corner very quietly. Usually they choose those places where you yourself have just been hiding or which became a super hit the day before. When you find each other, react enthusiastically.

A new stage in the development of the baby comes into force. The child is preparing to become your constant interlocutor and companion.

This time is extremely interesting, because now the baby develops not only physical activity, but also mental abilities. Constantly watching the baby, you may notice that now his actions have become much more meaningful.

The child confidently practices already acquired skills and actively learns new skills. His body begins to prepare for "verticalization", because soon the baby will be able to stand on his feet. All that is required of the mother is to monitor all the achievements of the child, and if something does not work out the way we would like, correct them with the help of developmental activities.

At 7 months, the child gains approximately the same weight as in the previous month - 550-600 grams. Normally, babies of this age should weigh at least 8-9 kg. This ends the phase of a rapid increase in body weight, because the older the child becomes, the less weight gain he needs for harmonious development.

Also, the height of the baby increases by a few centimeters. At 7 months, girls are 65-70 cm tall, and boys are 68-71 cm. There is a noticeable change in body volume: head circumference increases by only half a centimeter, but the chest becomes wider by as much as 1.3-1.5 cm, which makes the figure of the child more proportional.

The kid is still actively interested in what is happening around.

Most children at this age already sit confidently enough without support, which allows them to observe the actions of adults.

Moreover, when the baby is sitting, he almost does not rely on the handles. This means that in parallel, he can perform a lot of other important things: consider toys, shifting from one handle to another, throw them, and also hold a cup or spoon while feeding.

At this stage, it is already possible to trace which handle is more convenient for the child to control - left or right.

Nutrition and feeding regimen for a child at 7 months

The child has already managed to get acquainted with the first types of complementary foods, and now his diet may well become even more diverse. What will be the new product for the baby depends on how successful the introduction of the previous one was.

If it was decided to start introducing complementary foods with cereals, and the baby did not have any problems with their assimilation, then you can safely treat him vegetable puree. Conversely, after the introduction of the first vegetable complementary foods gluten-free cereals may follow.

It is better to cook cereals on a water basis, as it is still quite vulnerable digestive system the child may reject animal protein.

Also, children at this age can already try their first fruit desserts. For this, apple or pear puree without added sugar is perfect.

However, the main food for the baby is still breast milk or adapted blends.

Complementary foods are given to the child several times a day, preferably during the daytime, and can replace only one feeding. Breaks between feedings should be at least 4 hours.

Keep giving your baby regular massages. Pay Special attention on the back and buttocks: the tone of the muscles that create support for the spine is very important when walking. As usual, start the massage with a few strokes. Massage for a 7-month-old baby includes rubbing, tapping, tingling techniques.

Games played with a child should include elements of intellectual development.

Communicate as much as possible with the baby on an equal footing, accompany your speech with visual additions: pictures, cards, toys. Try to use as few diminutives as possible in speech, contribute to the formation of the correct speech of the child.

It is important for the kid to realize that he can in one way or another influence the course of events around him. Choose for him not only soft and pleasant to the touch toys, but also dynamic, developing - those that in one way or another react to touch. Contribute to the formation of the logical thinking of the child. Take a toy that makes a characteristic sound when pressed and hide it behind your back or under a blanket. Let the baby see how you do it. Having discovered it, the child will begin to understand that things that have disappeared from sight do not disappear “for good”.

How much does a 7 month old baby sleep?

The sleep pattern of a seven-month-old baby remains the same as at 6 months. The total amount of time spent sleeping varies from 12 to 14 hours. Try not to deviate from the established daily routine.

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Let the child go to bed during the day when he wants to. But too much daytime sleep can disrupt the regime, so it can last no more than 3 hours.

Why does a 7 month old baby cry?

Anxiety of the baby is associated with both physiological and psychological factors. At this time, the painful process of teething can only begin or continue. Also, some health problems are sometimes associated with the introduction of complementary foods. Tummy pain, colic and other unpleasant things are witnessing that some of the new products cause an unwanted reaction.

A seven-month-old child is already fully aware of what is “scary”, “fun”, “interesting”, “boring”. Any thing with which the baby has bad associations can cause him to react in the form of crying. The child can be unpleasant and strangers.

Crying is still a demanding signal. Having not yet learned to pronounce intelligible sounds, the child, having not received a reaction from adults to his demanding gestures, begins to cry. Sometimes children, realizing that crying causes an instant reaction in their parents, begin to manipulate this skill.

If you see that the baby is abusing his powers, talk to him like an adult. When a child was able to develop such a simple strategy, then your words will not remain an empty phrase for him.

At 7 months, the child already knows how to:

Sitting without adult support for quite a long time (during play or feeding).

Able to trace the actions of objects and create logical chains: the rattle rings when shaken.

He remembers individual images and forms his attitude towards them. Shouts if he sees a stranger; smiles when he sees mom and dad.

Strives to communicate with adults, but so far his speech is still in the babble stage. Repeats syllables, while changing the tone and strength of the voice.

He looks at his reflection in the mirror. The kid does not yet associate the little man from the mirror with his own person, but he willingly studies the structure of the face and body.

Prepare your baby for the first breakup

Separation Anxiety

"This is an amazing ability of my six-month-old son: he does not fall asleep well and is naughty just when I need to leave. Well, for example, I need to meet with a teacher (I am a student, I write thesis). I did all the household chores, got dressed, I think: now I will feed my son (it usually takes 20 minutes), then I will hold him in my arms for 10 minutes, he will fall asleep (as always at this time), then my husband will come, and I will calmly go to the institute. And what do you think? At first he does not want to eat, and then sleep in one eye! He lies in my arms, plays with his arms and legs, only I put him in the crib - in a cry. My husband comes, I pass my son from my hands - a cry, I'm already late, I feel sorry for my son, I feel guilty before my husband, somehow I run away ... The mood, you know, is not for studying ... "

The baby resents the departure of his mother, because he perceives her as part of himself. His fear of parting is connected, rather, not with parting as such, but with the fear of losing some important part of himself.
Psychologists call this “fear of losing oneself”: the child seems to be worried about whether, for example, his ability to move around (after all, it is his mother who takes him where he wants to) or his ability to eat (after all, it is his mother who brings food to his mouth and gives it so that it is convenient for him to swallow).

An older child (from one to two or three years old) does not want to let his parents go for another reason. He already knows and feels that he can walk, eat (he can take a bottle, cookies and even a spoon). Already not only mother, but also many people understand his words, gestures, which means they can come to his aid. He is completely independent! BUT...

There is a new problem that he has to overcome. one year old baby does not want to let go of mom (and dad!) because he cannot understand how long the separation will last, what happens to his parents when they leave the threshold of the house, and what will happen to him when he is left alone with other people.

He is afraid that, parting with mom or dad, he will part with them forever. He loves them and is afraid of losing them. To lose not in an emotional sense, but quite real, like cars and shovels in a sandbox or balls under a bed are lost.

This is a common anxiety in children. Psychologists call it "fear of losing an object," referring to the real loss of the object of love and affection, that is, the loss of the one you love and need more than anything in the world.

"Fear of losing an object" is a natural stage in normal mental and emotional development baby. It is necessary for every developing child, and it is impossible to avoid it, you can only help the child to survive this period of development favorably. How to help?

In short, then:

First, to train the child's ability to predict, understand the "permanence of the object" and fantasize about objects and people.

Secondly, to teach the child to say goodbye and "courageously" endure separation from loved ones (toys, people, events).

Mom only moves, not disappears!

Have you ever tried giving a 5-6 month old baby interesting toy and then take it from him and hide it under the sheet right in front of him? The kid is outraged! Sometimes she cries desperately, gets offended and forces her mother to calm herself, which is sometimes not very easy. He behaves as if he has lost the toy forever, sometimes he cannot even calm down when it is shown to him, as if he does not believe now that she has returned to him and will not disappear again ...

And just a month later, the baby stops being offended, grabs a sheet and pulls it off his favorite toy, returning it to himself with a joyful cry. Moreover, he rejoices if his mother repeats this "mysterious" disappearance of a rattle or a bunny, and he finds them again.

What happens during this month with the baby? Why does the disappearance of the toy first make him despair, and then cause joy, curiosity and a desire to play?

And an absolutely amazing thing happens: the baby begins to understand that the hidden toy EXISTS even when he does not see it! This discovery puzzles the child so much that he begins to actively experiment with the disappearance of various objects and their appearance again. The period of the game of "hide and seek" begins: from toys hidden under the sheet (at 6-7 months), to hide and seek of the baby himself behind chairs, under blankets, etc. (a year and a half).

In addition to the game "hide and seek", the child invents all kinds of games on the principle of "come and go". For example, he throws toys out of the crib and demands that his mother bring them (this is very useful for the baby, although it makes parents angry). Or she pulls things and books from the shelves in the cabinets and watches how her mother, cursing, puts everything back (by the way, have you already tied the doors of the lower shelves of the cabinets with ropes, or have your children grown up?).

And here is another example of the game of "come and go", which is very puzzling for adults: a child takes food from a spoon into his mouth, then spits everything back onto a plate and, looking at it, tries to touch everything with his hands, and then stuff it back into his mouth.

Well, OK. Hide and seek, tiresome (for parents) "come and go." But what does all this have to do with breaking up with your parents? Surprisingly, the MOST direct. The fact is that with the help of these games, the child convinces himself that objects (toys, things, people) DO NOT DISAPPEAR, but only MOVEMENT. It seems obvious to us adults, but when we were very young, we did not believe in it either.

This understanding and trust in disappearing things and people does not come immediately, it requires intellectual effort, which means that it can be trained. For training understanding of the "constancy of the object" in the baby (as well as for obtaining other skills and abilities by the child), the world's best "children's simulator" is used - CHILDREN'S GAMES.

Games that help the baby understand the "principle of object permanence"

We offer you a range of games that will help your baby (aged 6 months to 1.5 years) understand the "principle of object permanence".

Show your child a moving toy. Let her "drop in" behind the screen (table, screen, wardrobe), and then appear from the other side. After he has seen this several times, leave the toy behind the screen and ask the child to look for it with gestures and words. The role of the screen can also be performed by an ordinary sofa cushion or a sheet of paper.

When you are about to feed your baby, put three napkins on the table in front of him. Show him the cookie and then hide it under one of the napkins. Offer to find cookies. When he finds it, let him eat the cookie.

Hide the toy in the same way, for example under one of the two pillows. It can also be two diapers lying on the bed, under one of which you will hide a toy. Let the child see exactly where you hide it. Suggest that he find a toy. If he can't do it yet, hide the toy so that it can be seen a little. And then hide the toy completely.

When the child plays in the sandbox, hide a small bright toy in the sand with him. Let him dig it up.

Allow your child to look in the pockets of your clothes for a gingerbread, candy, a bright interesting toy, keys, or something else that you have previously hidden. First hide the item only partially so that it can be seen a little, and then hide it completely.

Take a bowl and pour vermicelli or peas into it. Place a brightly colored toy inside the bowl and lightly dust it. Invite your child to get this toy. At the same time, he will probably scatter peas or vermicelli on the table. Help him collect them from the table and put them in a bowl (at the same time, the child will practice hand motor skills).

Gather more plastic lids for mayonnaise jars. Put them all in a bowl, and then scatter them on the table in front of the child. Start collecting them and invite him to do the same.

The purpose of the games: by playing "scatter-collection" or different types hide and seek, the child learns to believe that different things can disappear and return to their places again and again, and from this they do not deteriorate and do not disappear.

Baby crying always scares parents, especially if you have your first child. The baby cries, and the adult often feels powerless and does not know how to help him. Why is the baby crying, and what is behind it?

What is crying?

Crying is a way for a child to communicate with an adult. All children cry. Due to age, the child still cannot convey to his parents what worries him.

The task of parents is to learn to understand their baby and his "language" of communication with you. This is not so difficult if you observe the baby during the day and speculate what his crying is talking about.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone goes through trial and error. Only after a few days you will be surprised to find that crying is so diverse!

The baby can grunt, moan, scream, whimper and even arch in hysterics. Hysteria is already a very serious signal that speaks of In such cases, an adult urgently needs help crying baby calm down: puff, stroke, pick up, the smallest can be better to go in, you can turn it on or quietly and calmly say kind words, sing a lullaby, you can hold it in your arms, shake it a little or just stay close, lie in an embrace. The presence of a mother next to the child, her voice, smell and touch help to reduce the level of cortisol “the stress hormone” in the blood, and hormones of pleasure anesthetize the child's body. The presence of a loved one helps to survive stress, to cope with their emotions.

What does crying say when the baby wakes up?

Most often, the child wakes up and cries because he wants to eat. Especially if this is a newborn who still has a very small stomach and who needs it so often because with age, the baby can withstand more long pause without food. But, of course, hunger is not the only reason for crying.

The baby, especially the first months, is very needs mother's hugs and touches. Give them often to your baby. Why? In contact with the mother, the baby finds peace, relaxation and a sense of security. In addition, scientists argue that the first days a child has a “tactile dominant” - this means that children in the first days really need touches and hugs with a significant adult, even more important than nutrition. Therefore, breastfeeding for the first month is not only food, but also a way of interacting with mom, the possibility of making skin-to-skin contact. Feeling the smell of mom, her heartbeat and breathing, the baby calms down, and, by the way, the mother also increases useful hormones for recovery in the postpartum period (endorphins, oxytocin, prolactin).

If the child woke up crying, this may also indicate that he has

  • Colic. A common cause of crying in children under six months is colic. After all, the gastrointestinal tract is not yet formed, mom's products can cause gas formation and discomfort in the baby.
  • Teething. Usually, by six months, colic gradually disappears, but at this age, children are already more likely to encounter. Everyone handles this experience differently. But the signs are usually obvious: increased salivation, the baby always pulls everything into his mouth, swollen gums, when you press it - crying.
  • Solid dinner. For children after six months, a hearty dinner can cause restless sleep and crying because the stomach is too loaded at night and the body cannot relax to sleep.
  • Beginning illness, malaise. Also, the onset of the disease can cause interrupted sleep, tearfulness and tantrums. Here we recommend contacting a pediatrician to find the cause and prescribe treatment. Difficulties during childbirth can cause frequent tantrums upon awakening, then it is important to visit a neurologist.

Baby cries when he wakes up mom is not around(or loved one with which he fell asleep). IN early age the baby may be frightened when he wakes up alone. Fears and nightmares usually occur in children after 1.5 years.

Sleep deprivation and changing sleep conditions are the most common problems that cause crying around dreams.

The most common reason for crying "around dreams" is a child. The child wakes up, cannot fall asleep on his own, although he really wants to and even shows signs of fatigue and rubs his eyes. But childish nervous system is not yet perfect, therefore it cannot cope with overwork. Then here you will need the active help of an adult: to console, calm, relax. Otherwise, the children accumulate lack of sleep and fatigue.

Also pay attention to awakening conditions your crumbs. If you put a child in one room under the same conditions, and then he fell asleep, and you moved him to another place, then most likely, when he wakes up, he will be frightened. Children love the familiar and stable, they are comfortable in the same conditions. Therefore, it is important when the baby falls asleep and wakes up in the same place in his bed.

Remember that sleep is a reflection of how the day went and the time the baby was awake. Therefore, do not overwalk and do not overexcite your fidget during the day, especially before bedtime. oversupply new information and very strong emotions, even positive ones, can overexcite the baby, and then nighttime awakenings with hysteria are a frequent picture in such cases.

Help your fidget, keep an eye on it, come up with pleasant activities before bedtime, take time for relaxing rituals for falling asleep, give the opportunity to get enough of communicating with you, and then your baby will sleep sweetly!

The child, even during the period of being in the womb, establishes a strong emotional connection with the mother, which helps him to catch any change in her mood.

That is why the newborn is extremely sensitive to the mother's condition. A crying baby may become additionally nervous when he realizes that the mother is worried, confused, feeling helpless or annoyed.

Pediatricians strongly advise approaching a crying baby in an even mood. If this is not possible (not every woman can remain calm in such an environment), it is better to ask a husband or another for help. close relative that exudes confidence.

Unlike older children, a newborn will never scream unless absolutely necessary. Infant crying always has some reason, even if it does not lie on the surface.

Screams and tears baby should not be ignored. Contrary to some beliefs, such crying is not good for the lungs or temperament.

On the contrary, the incessant roar can shake the nervous system of the crumbs and undermine his confidence in the world around him. Another undesirable consequence of prolonged screaming is a hernia of the navel.

Before figuring out how to calm down crying baby, you need to establish the source of children's tears. Experts identify several main reasons:

Initially, mothers still do not know how to establish by the nature of crying what exactly the little one wants. But after a while different types children's cry become distinguishable, since the volume, duration and intonation in each case will differ significantly from each other.

How to understand the cause of the screams?

Usually the child cries because he is hungry, feels pain with colic, or something (or someone) scared him. In such cases, the newborn will cry very loudly, angrily and without ceasing.

Certain characteristics and signs will help determine which of the above factors is worrying the baby at the moment.

  1. A hungry baby cries quite loudly, intensely and for a long time. If you do not immediately approach him, then he will begin to choke. And after taking on the handles, he will immediately begin to look for the nipple.
  2. If pain is the cause of a child's cry, then plaintive notes can be heard in it. If the pain syndrome is sudden or sharp, the child will cry loudly and very loudly.
  3. Is fear the reason for crying? Then the baby screams hysterically, starting abruptly and ending just as suddenly. Usually, when he sees his mother and feels the warmth of her body, he quickly calms down.

In other situations, the child begins to call his parents with calling cries, that is, in this way he tries to draw their attention to his problem. The baby cries a little, then stops to assess the parent's reaction.

If the mother or father ignores the children's demands, then the cries will be repeated again and again at different time intervals. Usually the child does not calm down until the source of discomfort is removed.

If it is not yet possible to determine the cause by the nature of crying, trust the logical conclusions. With a well-established diet, you can already guess when the baby is hungry, and in what situations it just got bored.

The five-step system includes the following techniques, which are probably familiar to many mothers.

  1. Tight swaddling. The child, “shackled” in the arms and legs, feels the same tightness as in the uterus. This helps to restore a sense of security to him and, therefore, calm him down.
  2. "White noise". Many newborns fall asleep well under the monotonous hum of household units. Such sounds copy the noise of the working organs of the mother's body. You can turn on the hair dryer or hiss over the child's ear yourself.
  3. Side position. Babies usually sleep better on their back, but they calm down faster on their side or tummy when their face looks down a little. You need to put the crumbs on your knees sideways, supporting the head.
  4. Careful motion sickness. Lay the baby down so that his head rests on your palms and his face looks down. You need to shake the baby rhythmically, gently and not very sharply. This is reminiscent of the feeling that arose when the mother walked.
  5. Sucking. Satisfying the sucking reflex is another effective technique. A newborn is given either a breast, or a pacifier, or even his clean finger.

Harvey Karp talks about how to soothe a baby under 3 months old, including in the video "Your Happy Baby". On the example of several babies, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of the five-step system.

How to calm a crying baby older than 3 months?

Karp's five-step technique really helps, but these techniques are already ineffective in relation to older children. To calm, for example, a 6-month-old baby, you need to distract him, and not swaddle, and use other methods.

One more useful advice- make the atmosphere of the children's room more comfortable. Some sensitive children get tired of bright lights or too many bright objects.

Calming baby before bed

Many mothers complain that it is extremely difficult to calm the baby before going to bed. The main cause of baby crying in evening time- banal fatigue.

Judge for yourself, during the day the child learns a lot of new information, meets with various acquaintances or strangers. There are many events, and the nervous system does not always cope with their processing.

If the baby screams and cries in the evenings for no apparent reason, most likely he is very tired. It is adults who can fall asleep from fatigue, while the child is overexcited and, on the contrary, refuses to fall asleep and cries.

If your child does not want to calm down before falling asleep in the evening, you should:

  • refuse excessive activity;
  • ventilate the room and bring moisture to optimal levels;
  • shake the child a little on the handles;
  • lay down and provide a pacifier.

achieve sound sleep allows the execution of a certain sequence of actions. For example, a mother feeds a child, bathes in water at the optimum temperature, puts her in a crib, reads a book or sings a lullaby. Usually the baby quickly falls asleep after this ritual.

It is important to understand that the issue of calming the newborn needs to be addressed individually. For one child, motion sickness is suitable, for another - swaddling, the third is calmed only by dancing.

The task of parents is to study the preferences of their child and choose the most suitable method. However, it should be remembered that the baby has the right to cry, thus protesting against various "inconveniences". Well, mom needs to be there, showing her love.