Summary of organizing and conducting an open walk in the senior group. Plan – summary of the tourist walk “Merry Stadium”

Summary of the walk in senior group

"Snow is flying, flying..."

Target:Consolidating children's knowledge about the properties of snow.

- continue to develop knowledge about the time of year, its main features;

Develop logical thinking, ability to draw conclusions;

To develop the ability to interact in a team, to participate in joint activities without interfering with each other, to create a desire to help the trees survive the winter.

Materials and equipment:

hoops, ball, buckets, shovels, two plastic bottles(volume 1 liter), children's playground diagram (treasure map), box with “treasures”.

Walking progress:
1. Organizational moment.

Activation of attention.
- Guys, what time of year is it now? (children's answers).
- What are the signs of winter? (children's answers).

Let's remember the name of the winter months.

What month is it now? (February).

February came at the end of winter,
He's cold, but we're happy
After all, the snow will melt away very soon,
The delicate snowdrop will bloom.

Indeed, February is the last winter month. After February comes March. It's time for spring. But while spring has not yet come into its own, we have time to enjoy winter fun.
- What proverbs about winter do you know?
IN: Guys, let's remember the rules of conduct while walking.
D: You have to be careful on the playground, don’t push your friend, and don’t go down the slide yourself. Be able to share toys, etc.
IN: Well done!

Come on, you and I will quietly get dressed and go for a walk.

The children are going for a walk.
2. Expanding children's knowledge about the world around them.
Watching the snow.


Guys, today we will need to be very attentive and observant. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you need to guess it and we’ll find out what we’re going to talk about today.

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand?


That's right guys, it's snow.


Now take the snow with your palm and try to squeeze it. Did you get a snowball?

Depending on the result, draw a conclusion: warm - sticky snow, cold - dry snow.

Didactic game “Name which one”

Invite children to take snow in their palms and name the properties of snow (cold, prickly, white, fluffy, shiny, etc.)


And where do the snowflakes fall from (from the cloud). Yes, snow, like rain, comes from a cloud, only from a snow cloud. And when a lot of snow falls, it seems as if fluff is flying from the sky. Maybe someone knows what this beautiful phenomenon is called? (snowfall) .


What do you think, is snow good or bad?

Let's first think about why snow is bad (cold, your hands can freeze if you play snowballs without mittens, snow makes clothes and shoes damp, if you eat it, your throat can hurt, the snow is dirty - draw the children's attention to the melted snow, it is uncomfortable to walk in the snow, It's sweeping the roads - it's impossible to pass, there's no food for the birds, it's covered with snow).


What's good about snow? (you can play snowballs, it’s beautiful when the trees are covered in snow, it’s good to ski, sled, the street is clean, you can build a snowman, you can make a slide and ride on it).

IN: Look around, how many trees and bushes there are. What are they?
D: They are without leaves.
IN: Yes, in winter the trees rest and gain strength. But why don't they freeze? It turns out that snow can keep you warm. The more snow there is under the bush, the warmer it is. Let's try to figure this out.
I have 2 plastic bottles filled with warm water in my hands. You can see for yourself.
D: They touch the bottles with their hands.

IN:We will leave one bottle in a visible place, and bury the other in the snow. At the end of the walk we will check which bottle is warmer.

D: Help the teacher sprinkle snow on the bottle.

3.Development of general motor skills.

Outdoor game<<Снежинки>>.

IN:Now we will all turn into snowflakes for a while. I have 3 hoops in my hands. The guys to whom I will distribute them will try to form the largest and beautiful snowflake. To do this, they need to catch as many guys (snowflakes) as possible with a hoop.

The drivers are chosen using a counting rhyme.

D: Children spin and run. The child who is caught also takes the hoop and, together with the one who caught him, catches other children. They play until all players are gone. The team with the most players wins.

IN:Summarizes the game (the game can be repeated 2-3 times).

4. Involving children in work.

IN:Guys, we were so excited that we didn’t even notice how much snow had piled up on the site. It became cold. To prevent the birds from freezing, they need to be fed.

D:feeding birds under the supervision of a teacher.

IN: Supervises children. While the children are busy, the teacher quietly throws a card (rolled and wrapped in bright gift paper) under one of the bushes.

IN: Praises children.

5. Development of optical-spatial relations.

Offer to children story-role-playing game “Treasure Journey”.

D: One of the children finds a map and examines it carefully, calling other children.

IN:Oh, children, what did you find here? He unrolls the roll and shows it to the children. Guys, this is a map. What does it show?

D: Our site.

IN:Look - there are treasures on the map. So they are hidden here somewhere.

D: Children, together with the teacher, overcome a number of obstacles. Treasures are found. HOORAY!!!

IN:Well done! They open the chest.

D: They look into the box and are happy to see the ball.

IN: Well done!

IN:Oh, what games can you play with a ball? (Children's answers)

6. Independent play activity children.

A game "Edible - inedible."

IN: Invites the children to stand in a circle and play the game “edible - inedible” together.

Offer takeaway material. The children come up with games with this material, and the teacher takes three children aside for an individual lesson with them.

7. Individual lesson on practicing spatial concepts.

IN:Hands out a hoop to 2 guys. We'll play with you too. I will pronounce different instructions, and you will try to complete them with the help of a hoop.

Stand in a circle

Get out of the circle

Put the hoop on your hand

Lift it above your head

Stand next to the hoop

Jump through the hoop

Stand in front of the hoop

Stand behind the hoop

Hide the hoop behind your back, etc.

D: trying to complete tasks.

IN: Well done!

Calls everyone else over. The teacher reminds the children about water bottles. Compares them with the guys based on temperature. It turns out that the bottle that was standing in the open space is much colder than the one that was covered with snow. This confirms that snow retains heat. Then the teacher asks everyone to take part in collecting toys and sports equipment.

Well done everyone!

D:They collect toys and line up in pairs.

Together with the teacher they go to the group.

8. Result of the walk.

In a kindergarten group, children together with the teacher discuss a walk. What did you like? What did you remember?

Lyudmila Kleimenova
Summary of organizing and conducting an open walk in the senior group

Time carrying out: daytime walk(11.00 - 12.10) . Place carrying out: group plot. Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Material and equipment: 2 weather vanes, windmills for each child, 2 basins of water, snow, bird feeders, seeds, millet, oats, wheat, lard, bread crumbs, small rubber balls (8 pcs., handkerchiefs and elastic bands for each child, balls, skittles, scoops, jump ropes, hoops, hats with animal images.


Continue to expand and deepen children’s understanding of such natural phenomena as "wind". Promote the development of children's exploratory behavior. To develop practical skills in helping wildlife. To cultivate an understanding of the need for practical actions for the benefit of nature and people. To increase the level of creative plot development in the process of joint activity between adults and children. Improve the technique of throwing the ball from behind your head. Develop muscle strength.

Preparing for walk: Instruct Nadezhda Ivanovna to take out the material.

Progress of the lesson.

I'm talking:

Children, let us stand in a circle and listen to the poem that Lenya will read to us ( "Wind" E. Blaginina). What do you think this poem is about? (children's answers).

What is wind? (listening to the children's answers).

How can we determine whether there is wind outside? (children's answers).

Let's go to the weather vane and find out what the wind is today.

After the discussion I say:

Children, what do we know about the wind? (listening to the children's answers).

Children, it turns out that there are many different winds in the world and we need to talk about one of them

Danil will tell you. Do any of these seasons occur in our area? Why? What seasons are there in our region? (children's answers).

Yes, children, I agree with you that in our area there are 4 season: spring Summer Autumn Winter. We made windmills with our own hands and now we will play with them. Children, remind me what time of year it is? (children's answers).

Where did the snow go? (listening to the children's answers).

Has the snow melted everywhere? (answers). Why do you think the snow in the forest has not melted yet? (answers). Children, look at the letter. I wonder who could send it to us? (listening to the children's answers). Let's read, and everything will be clear to us. I'm reading: “Dear children! I live in the forest, I have never seen a river and I really want to know whether snow sinks in water or not? I sent you snow in a bucket on the veranda. Old man forester».

What do you think, does snow sink in water or not? (children's answers). Everyone has different opinions. We don't know which one is true. And to find out whether he is drowning or not, what should you do? (children's answers). How will we check? (children's answers). Where will we get water? (children's answers). Why do we collect snow water? (answers).

There is water, there is snow. Let's go together let's conduct an experiment. Let's take a piece of snow and throw it into the water. What did we see? (children's answers). Why? And what can we conclude? (children's answers). Snow does not sink in water, but floats, because it is filled with air and snow turns into water under the influence of solar heat and warm water.

Children, today we discussed such natural phenomena like wind and snow and its transformation into water under the influence of the sun's heat and warm water, what determines the weather. How else can you determine the weather for the future? (children's answers).

Let's remind guests how you can tell the weather by birds? (listen to the children's answers).

Yes, of course, the birds help us, now it’s time for the birds to help us. How do we usually do this? (children's answers).

What birds fly to our feeders? (children's answers). What kind of food have we prepared for you today? (children's answers). Let's put it in the feeders together.

Children, what do you think would happen if we didn’t feed the birds in winter? (listen to the children's answers).

Yes, children, I agree with you. We simply have to help nature. Only by helping each other can we survive in this world. The poet A. Yashin speaks about this in his poem. Marina, read it to us. The poem is called "Feed the birds in winter".

What time of year is it now? (children's answers). Why did we feed the birds today? (listening to the children's answers). Fedya, I learned another poem about how birds thank people for their care. Read it, Fedya, *

Children, let's play an outdoor game now. "Traps with Ribbons". Let's remember the rules of the game. (children's answers). How will we choose traps? (children's answers).

Children choose traps with a counting rhyme and the game begins.

Kids, who wants to play pretend with me? (children's answers). First let's remember what fairy tales You know? (children's answers). Let's come up with something a new fairy tale about Cinderella. We’ll just come up with it all together, piece by piece. Come on, Cinderella didn’t want to go to the ball, but to go to school. I will start.

One stepmother had two natural and one adopted daughters. My own daughters studied at school. Cinderella heard from her sisters that it was very interesting there. What happened next, Marina? Yana, Sonya. The tale is brought to an end.

So you and I came up with a new fairy tale. Do you want to play it? (children's answers). Pasha, Alyosha, I want to play a game "Who will throw the ball further". But I’m not very interested in it alone. Maybe you can join me? Pasha, do you remember how to perform this movement correctly. Show us. (to clarify).

Children alternately throw balls with their left and right hands.

Free independent activity of children.

Publications on the topic:

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION d/s "ISKORKA" Summary of the organization and conduct of mathematics in high school.

Summary of organizing and conducting mathematics in the senior group MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION d/s "ISKORKA" Summary of the organization and conduct of mathematics in the senior group.

Summary of organizing and conducting speech development in the senior group “Fable of Two Comrades” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION d/s "ISKORKA" Summary of the organization and implementation of speech development in seniors.

Educator: Olga Ivanovna Yaroslavtseva, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15", Zima, Irkutsk region Goal: development of communication skills etc.

Summary of a walk in the morning in the younger group Summary of a walk in the first half of the day in younger group Preparing for a walk V. So we have worked out, now let’s do it.

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group (late autumn) Topic: Let's take care of birds. Goals: - continue to consolidate knowledge about the bird world; - clarify what birds eat and where they live, just like humans.

Summary of a walk with children of senior group No. 8

MBDOU No. 154 Nevinnomyssk

Conducted by teacher Ostapenko Lyudmila Tastanbaevna

Priority area according to Federal State Educational Standards. Cognitive development.

Integrated areas. Speech development, Physical development, Artistic aesthetic development, Social and communicative development.

Target. Organize practical activities children in nature.

Cognitive development

Deepen and concretize children’s knowledge about trees and shrubs on the territory


Learn to compare common and different features;

Form ideas about the surrounding world, the ability to behave correctly in nature,

desire to study and protect nature;

To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire beauty

birch, pine, lilac and viburnum bushes;

Introduce children to the sign, develop children’s speech, play, communication;

Physical development.

Ensure physical activity of children;

Preserve and strengthen children's health.

Artistic – aesthetic development.

Continue teaching children to make flowers from waste material(cells for eggs).

Remote materials: a basin of water, cones for experiment, watering cans for watering flowers in flower beds,

aids for the game “decorate a flowerbed” (flowers from waste material, brushes, gouache, tubes

for cocktails), balls, jump ropes, portable toys for independent games.

Examination of trees and shrubs (birch, pine, lilac bush, viburnum).

Making riddles.

Experiment with cones (sign - the cones close before the rain). Place the pine cones into the basin

Labor in nature (improving flower beds, watering flowers, loosening the soil, removing weeds,

At the end of the walk, the boys are given an order to make a slide in the sandbox).

Hand massage with pine cones.

Creative activity. "Let's decorate the flowerbed."

Outdoor games: “Starling”, “Mousetrap”, round dance game “Carousel”,

“Sharpshooter”, “Jugglers” (starling cap, bell, mouse caps).

Games with portable toys. Independent activity of children.

Progress of the walk.

    Experience with cones. Introduce children to the sign. The cones close before the rain.

Together with the children, place the cones in a bowl of water and see the result after 25 minutes.

P/game "Mousetrap". (repeat 2-3 times).

2. Looking at trees.

Riddles: What kind of girl is this:

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (pine, spruce).

Green, not a meadow,

White, not snow,

Curly, but without hair (Birch).

Question: - What do birch and pine have in common? (Children's answers).

How are they different from each other? (Children's answers).

What kind of seeds does birch (pine) have?

Birch, what kind of tree (deciduous).

What is a forest of deciduous trees called? (deciduous forest).

Pine, what tree? (coniferous).

What is a forest of coniferous trees called? (coniferous forest).

Examining a bush of lilac, viburnum.

1 - the child asks a riddle: The branches are white and purple,

Scent all day!

Name it in one word;

This is how (LILAC) blooms.

2 – the child asks a riddle: Who doesn’t know the berries;

Helps against colds

They hang on the bushes

And like poppies they burn:

Only it's not raspberries,

What kind of berry (viburnum).

Question: - How do lilacs and viburnum differ from birch and pine?

What do trees and shrubs have in common?

P/game "Starlings".

The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme. The driver with a bell runs in a circle.

The children say: “The birdhouse sang in the sky,

The bell rang

Frolic in silence.

Hid the song in the grass

The one who finds the song

It will be fun all year long."

Children close their eyes. “Skvorushka” places a bell between two children.

They run races in different directions. Who will be the first to take the bell?

Become a Starling. The game is repeated 2 – 3 times.

3. Work on the site. Invite the children to loosen the soil in the flower beds, pull out the weeds, and water the flowers.

(At the end of the walk, collect the toys and make a slide in the sandbox).

Round dance game “Carousel” Repeat 2-3 times.

See what happened to the cones. (they closed, take the cones out of the water, make

hand massage with pine cones).

4. Creative activity on the theme “Let’s decorate the flowerbed.”

Children paint flower blanks with gouache, insert tubes into the hole,

and decorate the flowerbed with flowers. (use ready-made flowers made by children in advance).

You can make flowers during a walk in subgroups.

P/game “Sharp Shooter” (we divide the children into two teams, whose team will re-roll more

cones into the basket, it won).

M/P game “Jugglers” (take one cone at a time and try to throw it from one hand to another. Now we will find out who is the most dexterous.

5. Games with portable toys.

6. Ind. Slave. Bring out pencils and logical thinking tasks.

Summary of the walk

In the pre-school group

Cloud watching.

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of clouds and their impact on the life of our planet;

Develop imagination and perception of beauty.

Activate vocabulary: cumulus and cirrus clouds.

Methodical techniques:

Riddle, literary word, questions, story, conversation.


Guys, listen to the riddle and try to guess it:

They fly without wings

They run without legs

They sail without a sail.

Look at the sky, what do you see? That's right, clouds! What are clouds? Every day the sun heats the water in the seas and rivers, tiny droplets of water rise into the air and combine to form clouds. When water droplets in clouds become too heavy, they fall to the ground as rain. Clouds are cirrus and cumulus. Cirrus clouds appear in clear weather, and cumulus clouds appear before rain or snowfall.

Various animals run across the sky:

Bears, wolves, hares, foxes, pigs.

And if you are rich in imagination,

Find your portrait there guys!

Guys, what kind of clouds are there? What are they formed from? What do they look like?

Well done, guys! Now find clouds that look like horses, dragons, dogs, snakes. Who found it? Smart guys!

  1. ^ Outdoor games"Carousel" and "Empty Space".
Purpose: to exercise children in walking, running, moving in a circle at different paces according to a signal; develop attention, speed, dexterity; cultivate interest in the game.

Methodical techniques:

Literary word, conversation, analysis, evaluation.


Carousels, carousels

Spun, spun

You are spinning around, wait, gather all the guys.

Children, who wants to ride the carousel? Then let's go!

Barely, barely, barely

The carousel started spinning

And then around, around

Everybody run, run, run.

Let's run! (change direction)

Hush, hush, don't make noise

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two!

The game is over!

Children, we swung on the carousel with you! Was everyone having fun? Well done guys, everyone played together!

Now let's play the game "Empty Space". does everyone remember the rules? Rail, remind me, please! Well done, Rail! Everyone stood in a circle, I'll start the game! (the game continues, I make sure the children follow the rules of the game).

Well done guys, are you tired? You played very well today! Everyone followed the rules today! Well done!

  1. ^ Labor activity “sweeping the paths” by Leroy, Elvina, Dasha, Rail, Kirill.
Type of work: economic - household.

Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Equipment: broom, dustpans.

Methodical techniques:

Conversation, demonstration, reminder, analysis, evaluation.


Oh, guys, look how dirty the paths are in our area!

What needs to be done? That's right, you need to sweep the paths! Now I will give you a broom. Dasha, please show me how to sweep properly? Good girl! Now let's get to work! Egor, are you holding the broom correctly? Rail, show him how to hold it correctly!

Well done boys! Look how clean the paths are! Now it’s more pleasant to walk along such paths, isn’t it? I'm very pleased with you!

^ 4.Independent games children with take-out material.

Equipment: balls, jump ropes, toys for role-playing games.

Goal: to cultivate collectivism and friendliness.


You did a good job! Now you can play your favorite games with the toys we brought out for a walk!

5.^ Individual work with German, with Lera “jumping rope”

Goal: teach children to jump rope on one and two legs.

Materials: jump ropes.

Methodical techniques:

Display, evaluation.


Lera and German, please come to me! Now we are going to jump rope! See how it should be done! (showing)

Now take the jump ropes! Show me how to hold a jump rope, Hera! Right! Lera, show me! Well done! Now let's jump! Well done! You already know how to jump on two legs, and now we will learn to jump on one leg!

Look! (I explain in combination with the demonstration) Lera, try it! And now you, Hera! Well done, guys! Lera does it very well! And we will still work with Herman tomorrow! and now you can go play with the children!

Target: contribute to increasing the motor activity of children during a tourist walk, using outdoor games and sports exercises.

Physical development.

Activate children's fantasy and imagination in the process of motor activity;

Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, speed, endurance, determination, ability to navigate in space, quickly respond to changes in movements;

Develop the ability to follow the rules of outdoor games;

Encourage children to cooperate and take initiative, to participate in games;

Build positive self-esteem in every child;

To achieve positive emotions in children using non-traditional material and methods in the classroom;

Contribute to the overall health of children.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development:

Deepen children's knowledge about nature, the time of year, its signs;

Help broaden children's horizons (orientation in space, time);

Develop children's ability to compare objects (cones);

To contribute to the formation of children's knowledge about the similarities and differences of coniferous trees (spruce, pine).

Speech development:

Activate independent coherent speech of children by improvising dialogues and statements;

Promote enrichment vocabulary children, introduction of a new concept: needles, coniferous tree;

Promote the development of free communication with adults and peers.

Social and communicative development:

Develop social skills: the ability to work in a team, take into account the opinions of other children, express one’s own opinion;

Strengthen safe behavior skills during tourist excursions (rules of conduct on the road);

Develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Contribute to the development of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;

Contribute to raising emotional mood and motivation for subsequent actions through artistic word(poem).

Walk plan:

1. General fee. Conversation about signs of spring.

2. Remind about the rules of conduct on the road.

3. The path to the school stadium.

4. First stop – the stadium.

  • Motor activity at the stadium.

5. Return to kindergarten(another road).

6. Second stop forest (middle of the path).

  • Observation and comparison of pine and spruce. Collecting cones for crafts, comparing cones.

7. Third stop - pine young growth.

  • Changes in the growth of pine young growth.

8. Return to kindergarten.

Inventory: soccer ball (1 pc.), jump ropes (8 pcs.), wolf mask, tambourine, backpack, pictogram, pointer arrow, mood cards, hoop, roulette, basket.

Progress of the entire event:

Leaving kindergarten. A short conversation with the children.

Educator:- Guys, look what a beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining gently, warming the earth well, the birds are singing their cheerful songs, the first flowers are appearing. Here, please listen to the poem.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window.....

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

What time of year is the poem talking about?

What signs of spring are we talking about? Please tell us about the signs of spring. Children talk freely about the signs of spring.

Educator:- Before you go, you need to remember the rules of conduct on the road.

Behavior rules

  • We break into pairs and move in pairs one after another;
  • During the journey, no one lags behind or runs ahead of the guide;
  • At the stadium, listens carefully to the teacher and instructor;
  • From the stadium we will take a different route, but also in pairs one after another.

Instructor:(instructor exits)- Hello guys. Where are you going? Are you going to the Fun Stadium? And take me with you, I’ve just put together a magic backpack that will help us at the stadium. Do you agree?

The path to the stadium lies along a residential building, a savings bank, the central entrance of the school, and the gate to the stadium.

First stop is the stadium.

Instructor:- Here we are. What has changed? (Summarizes the children’s answers.)

We won't go skiing anymore, but we have a lot of other games in stock. The basketball court has been cleared of snow, and we can safely play different games. Now it's time to look into my backpack.

(Takes a pictogram out of his backpack.) What do you think this is? What game can this icon be used in? (Children's answers.)

Game “In an Even Circle” - 6 – 8 pieces

Children walk one after another in a circle, one child in the middle of the circle. They say the words: “In an even circle, one after another. We are going step by step. Stay where you are, together, let’s do it like this.” The child in the middle of the circle shows a figure, and all other children repeat the figure.

Instructor:- We have an obstacle course ahead.

Obstacle course (1 time):

Walking through pipes, supporting your hands on a large pipe.

Hoop - climbing into a hoop.

Gathering on the basketball court. Doing breathing exercises.

Instructor: - Well done boys. Now we'll see what else is in the backpack. (Takes out two flags, blue and red, from his backpack.) Checkboxes, how can they be used? (Children's answers, summarizing the children's answers, the instructor leads them to the game of trailers.)

Game “Cars” - 3 – 4 times

Children line up one behind the other in two teams - trailers. Girls follow the teacher with a red flag, and boys follow the instructor with a blue flag. After the teacher’s command: “The bears came out of the trailers,” the children scattered around the playground on the outside of their feet. At the command: “Trailers,” the children gather in two columns. The commands for free movement must be different.

Instructor:(takes out an arrow from his backpack - a pointer with an inventory ball andjump rope)- And now the train with the boys is moving to the “Football” station - blue arrow, and the girls are moving to the “Skaping Rope” station - red arrow.

The exercises are performed in subgroups, each subgroup works with one object for 2 – 3 minutes.

  • Jumping rope.

The teacher gives jump ropes to the girls and monitors how they perform jumping ropes.

  • Stop and hit the ball.
  • Passing the ball in a circle.

The instructor serves the ball to each boy in turn. The child must stop the ball and return the serve.

Instructor:- Well done boys. We played well with you. Now it's time to look into the backpack again. (Takes a wolf mask out of his backpack.) How can you use this item? (Children's answers.)

GAME “The bunnies fell asleep sweetly” 2 - 3 times

Children make a circle and close their eyes. A teacher walks around with a wolf mask and says the words: “The bunnies fell asleep sweetly. The forest is noisy, the forest is singing." He stops near one of the children, puts on a wolf mask and says the words: “Run away without looking back. The wolf is coming." The children scatter in all directions, and the child, the wolf, catches the children. who was touched by the “wolf”. Leaves the game. After a while, the teacher says: “The bunnies fell asleep sweetly...” and takes away the wolf mask. The children all gather in a circle and another “wolf” is chosen. Game continues.

At the last gathering of children in a circle, they perform a breathing exercise.

Instructor:- The bunnies wake up, their paws are pulled up, we make a deep entrance with our nose, exhale through our mouth.

Guys, did you like our “Fun Stadium”? I would like to see in what mood you leave it. I have a box of cards in my backpack, you need to choose a card that matches your mood now.

Mood cards.

A short survey of children on the cards they chose.

The way to kindergarten, second stop

Children line up in pairs one after another. Exit through the school gates, along the school (the school is on the left side). During the journey, observe changes in nature. A stop is made in the middle of the path, a comparison of pine and spruce is carried out in the form of a conversation. How are they similar? What is the difference?

Third stop.

They approach a pine meadow (young trees), say hello, observe, and tell them that these are small pine trees, you can count and measure them.


Children play independently on their own playground.