There are many useful things for the development and education of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc. Finger games on the theme "Family Finger games on the theme

Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is a great activity when there are more children (for example, on the road or in line).

The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC in China.

Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers, such as our “White-sided Magpie,” help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem and keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on similar reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He claimed that the fingers are endowed big amount receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, which can be massaged to influence internal organs, reflexively associated with them. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. For example, massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart. And if you also diversify finger gymnastics with FINGER THEATER, then this will give you a lot of positive emotions!

Simple rules of the game

1. Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
2. Be sure to alternate three types of movements:

How else to activate your fingers

1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let him vomit (just be careful not to put these “bites” in his mouth).
2. Thread large buttons onto a strong thread and let them sort through them.
3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
4. Draw faces on the plastic plugs and place them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

This is only a small fraction of the games and activities that can captivate a child and...

Several exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse!


I want to build a house
(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
So that there is a window in it,
(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
So that the house has a door,
(We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
So that there is a fence around
The dog guarded the gate,
(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
It was sunny, it was raining,
(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
(Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

Friends - gardeners

Thick and big finger
I went to the garden to pick plums.
(The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
Index from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch.
(We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
Nameless picks up
(We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
And the little finger is gentleman
Throws bones into the ground!
(Bend the little finger)


A boat is sailing along the river,
(Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
He floats from afar
(We place our left hand horizontally to our eyes - “look into the distance”)
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(Show 4 fingers)
They have ears on top of their heads,
(Put both palms to your ears)
They have long tails
(We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
(We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
At the end of this game you can ask the child:
-What kind of sailors were on the ship?
Answer: mice


I will press two palms,
And I will sail across the sea.
(Press both palms together, without connecting thumbs)
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
(Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
I'll raise the sails
(Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
I'll swim in the blue sea.
(Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
And on the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
(Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


The mouse snuck into the hole,
(We make sneaking movements with both handles)
It was locked with a padlock.
(Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
She's looking through the hole
(Make a ring with your fingers)
The cat is sitting on the fence!
(We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


(Hand clenched into a fist)
We shared an orange.
(Turn your fist left and right)
There are many of us, but he is alone!
(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
This slice is for the hedgehog,
(Extend the index finger)
This slice is for the siskin,
(Extend the middle finger)
This slice is for ducklings
(We bend the ring finger)
This slice is for kittens
(We bend the little finger)
This slice is for the beaver,
(Turn the open palm left and right)
Well, for the wolf - the peel.
(We show the cleft palate with both hands)
He is angry with us - trouble!
(Fold our hands together)
We hide in the house - here!


(First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)
Quickly inflate the balloon.
(The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)
He's getting big.
(Palms touch each other completely)
Suddenly the balloon burst
the air has come out -
(Close fingers together)
He became thin and thin!

An owl was flying

(We wave our hands)
An owl was flying
Cheerful head.
Flew and flew,
(Place hands on head)
She sat on her head.
Sat down, sat down,
She turned her head
(We wave our hands again)
And she flew again.


(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)
Piglet Piglet
Relax yourself!
(We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)
Got to my feet
(We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)
And then I sat down,
Bent over!
(We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
And he jumped a little
And he walked on the spot.
(Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)
And then he lay down again, -
But on the left side!


(At the very beginning the fist is clenched)
A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts:
(Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache...

Our family

(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
This big finger -
This is dad dear.
Next to dad is our mother.
Next to my mother is my eldest brother.
Following him, little sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.

Winter walk

(Bend your fingers one at a time)
One two three four five
(“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)
We came to the yard for a walk.
(We “make” a lump with two palms)
They sculpted a snow woman,
(Crushing movements with all fingers)
The birds were fed crumbs,
(Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
And they were also lying in the snow.
(Shake off our palms)
Everyone came home covered in snow.
(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)
We ate soup and went to bed.


(Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
(Clap your palms on the table/knees.)
The spiders were washed to the ground.
(Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
The sun began to warm up,
(We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)
The spider is crawling again
("Spiders" crawl on your head.)
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.


(Smooth movement of the right hand to the side and up)
My birch, birch tree.
(The same, but with the left hand)
My curly birch.
(raise hands up, inhale)
You are standing there, little birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
In the middle of the valley,
(raise hands, inhale)
On you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
The leaves are green,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Below you, birch tree,
(Lower your hands, exhale)
Silk grass,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Around you, birch tree,
(Lower hands, long exhalation)
Red girls
Wreaths are made, weaved...


(Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
Five little fish were playing in the river
(Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)
There was a large log lying on the sand,
(The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)
And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”
(Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
The second said: “It’s deep here.”
(Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”
(Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
The fourth began to freeze a little.
(The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”
(Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)
Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

The cuckoo was walking

(We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)
A cuckoo walked past the market
(The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)
She had a basket
(We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)
And the basket hits the floor - boom!
(We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


(One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)
A small house on a Christmas tree,
A house for bees, where are the bees?
(We look into the "hive".)
We need to knock on the house,
(We clench our fists and knock them together.)
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
(We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)
They suddenly began to fly out:
(We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
One two three four five!

Stay for a while

Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
(It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)
Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)
Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)
Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)
Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)
Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)
Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)
Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)
Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.)
(Arms stretch forward.)


(Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)
Two huge jellyfish
They stuck belly to belly.
(Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
This is how we can bend!

Palms palms

(When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
We washed our hands with soap.
We washed our feet with soap.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!
We cooked some porridge
Stir with a spoon.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We made palms
House for matryoshka.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Little Hen Pestrushka
They crushed the crumbs.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Hands clapping
Legs danced.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

Palms lay down
Rest a little.
That's how nice it is,
Palms, palms!

We hope these few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse will help your child start chatting incessantly at one year 😉

P.S. If you liked our selection of finger games, also pay attention to the selection and.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and develop small movements - directly affects the mental development of the child, in addition, by repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children develop correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, and improve memory. Children with regular finger games have much better handwriting than their peers. A unique combination of good poems and simple massage techniques gives amazing effect active mental and physical development.

Equipment: plastic grates for sinks, rope, clothes for dolls, clothespins, wooden blocks with nails not fully driven in and screws not fully tightened, object pictures cut into 3-5 parts.

1. Finger game"My family"

Speech therapist: “Tell me, who do you live with? Who are these people, name them in one word. Now let our fingers turn into family members: the thumb is grandfather (children and adults show the corresponding fingers), the index finger is grandmother, the middle one is mommy, the ring finger is daddy, the little finger is me (child). Let's play with our fingers." Children and adults pronounce the text and show the corresponding fingers on both hands.
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is me!
That's my whole family! (clap)

2. Dynamic exercise “Apartment”

Speech therapist: “The family lives in an apartment like this (sink grate), let’s walk through the apartment with our fingers.” We place the grid on the table, children and adults rhythmically “step” with their fingers into the spaces between the grids and say the text:

One two three four,
We walk around the apartment together!

a) Speech therapist: “Grandma had a lot of laundry today, help her hang the laundry on the line.” Two adults hold the rope, the rest help the children hang the laundry (we use clothes for dolls) on the rope and pin it with clothespins.

b) Speech therapist: “Dad is a jack of all trades, he repairs furniture, help him hammer a nail, tighten a screw (blanks with nails that are not fully driven in and screws that are not fully tightened are used). Children, under adult supervision, hammer nails with small hammers and tighten screws with small screwdrivers.

c) Speech therapist: “Now let’s help mom wash the dishes, we pronounce the words together.”
Our hands were covered in soap (we make movements with our hands that imitate soaping),
We washed the dishes ourselves (we rub our left palm with our right palm in a circular motion),
We washed the dishes ourselves (we rub our right palm with our left palm in a circular motion),
Helped our mother (clap).

d) Speech therapist: “And little brother is learning to assemble a picture from several parts, join in, show your skills.”

Tips for parents:

  • For better comprehension, it is recommended to read the poems by heart,
  • it is necessary for children to see your face, but also for adults to see children’s faces, observe impressions from the text of the poem and from the finger play itself,
  • nothing should stop kids from listening,
  • after your child learns to assemble a picture from three parts, gradually increase their number,
  • ask your child to help you put clothespins on the rope, gradually complicate the task: ask to put on clothespins of only one color, then another and so on, or put them on in a certain sequence, but according to your pattern, first choose clothespins of two colors, then three and so on.

Don't forget to praise your baby!

(to be continued)

Theme "FAMILY"

Self-massage of fingers

- “rosary” massage – sorting through beads (“rosary”), counting the number of beads (in forward and reverse order);

- massage your fingers with “naughty” balloons (fillers - salt, flour, rice, small pebbles), saying:

And grandma has it

And grandpa has

And mom has

And dad has

And my son has

And my daughter has

To recognize him -

You have to say it out loud. (Name.)

Theater of fingers and tongue (conjugate gymnastics)

1. One day the fingers went into the forest: stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.

Imitate the walking of fingers in a given rhythm, tempo: index and middle, thumb and index. Move your tongue up and down.

2. We approached the edge - flat, flat, smooth, smooth.

Press your palms closely together with your ribs, straighten your fingers. The mouth is open, the tongue is loosely placed on the lower lip.

3. There is a large tree at the edge. Here is his trunk.

Connect your elbows and palms, raise your fingers up. Stick out your tongue and tensely pull it towards your nose.

4. Here is the crown of the tree.

Bend your fingers slightly. The tongue is “cupped”.

5. The crown consists of branches and leaves.

Extend your fingers tensely and spread them wide; cup your palms.

The tongue is “cupped”.

6. The leaves play so merrily with the breeze in the summer and fall off in the fall.

Spread your fingers wide and move alternately. Relax your hands and lower your arms freely. Move your tongue up and down (with rounded edges), then relax it on your lower lip.

7. Here are the roots of the tree.

Hands back side connect at the wrist, fingers tensely pull down.

Tongue tensely pulled down.

Game “Who Lives in My Apartment”

Apartment - a grate for the sink or a hot stand (with cells). “Walk” with your index and middle fingers along the squares, taking a step for each stressed syllable of the verse. You can “walk” in any direction with one, the other, or both hands.

One two three four.

Who lives in my apartment?

One two three four five -

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Grandma, grandpa and me -

That's my whole family.

Game "Finger-boy"

Two plugs from plastic bottles put the thread up or take two large buttons with a recess. Place your index and middle fingers on them. Move, taking a step on each stressed syllable of the verse. You can “walk” with one, the other, two hands at the same time (4 plugs).

Thumb-boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Game "My Family"

“Funny knots” are used on the rope (12 pcs.). Trace the knots with your fingers and name members of your family for each knot.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Game "Let's play with fingers"

Using a clothespin (check that it is not too tight), alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (“pads”) on the stressed syllables of the verse from the thumb to the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, to the little finger of the right hand, then the left.

Bolshak to chop wood,

And you should carry water,

And you should light the stove,

And you knead the dough,

And sing songs to the baby.

Larisa Solovyova
Finger games “My Family”

"Finger games"are a very important part of development work fine motor skills. Games These are very emotional and fascinating. They promote speech development, creative activity. "Finger games"seemingly reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of" finger games“Children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. This develops dexterity, the ability to control their movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

Finger games on the theme"My family»

Data games intended for children of primary preschool age.

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech, interest in folklore works, attentiveness, ability to concentrate; nurturing good relationships between children, adults and children.

The game is to pronounce nursery rhymes:

This finger - grandpa,

This finger - grandma,

This finger - daddy,

This finger - mommy,

This finger - me.

That's all mine family.

With simultaneous display on fingers right or left hand (first the hand is clenched into a fist, with the pronouncement of each line of the nursery rhyme the child unclenches one finger, starting from the big one; When pronouncing the last line of the nursery rhyme, the child claps his hands)

A special glove, each finger of which is a doll, helps to make this game more emotional. (grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child)

Take the baby's hand and squeeze him fingers to palm one at a time, beginning with big:

Here's grandpa.

Here's grandma.

Here's daddy.

Here's mommy.

Here is my baby.

And that's all family!

With these words, clasp the child's fist.

"Our Baby"

This grandpa finger,

This grandma finger,

This finger - daddy,

This mommy finger,

This finger is our baby


And grandma has it

And grandpa has

And mom has

And dad has

And my son has

And my daughter has

To find out -

You have to say it out loud. (Encourage children to name the names of relatives)

« Family. Women's holiday"

There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them all very much!

Journalist and engineer

Cook, policeman,

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder -

We need different mothers

Different mothers are important!

They spread their arms to the sides, then grab themselves tightly by the shoulders.

Alternately bend fingers, starting with the little finger, first on one, then on the other hand.

Squeeze both palms "lock".

They spread their arms, raise their palms up.

« Family»

This finger - grandfather.

(show thumb)

This finger - grandma.

(show index)

This finger - daddy.

(middle finger)

This finger - mommy.

(ring finger)

And this one finger - I!

(show little finger)

Together - friendly family!

(show the whole palm).

Friendly at home family:

This is mom, bend down fingers starting with the nameless one,

This is me, then the little finger,

This is my Grandmother, index finger,

This is the middle dad and

This is grandfather. Big

And we have no discord.

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