Who will Brad Pitt be with after his divorce? Chronicle of the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the eve of the anniversary of the separation of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson

And if you believe sources from Brad’s inner circle, he doesn’t have any specific sweetheart. They say that the Hollywood sex symbol, having parted ways with the strict Jolie, went on a break and changes women like gloves.


According to People, about permanent relationship there is no question in the life of Pitt, who has just thrown off his shackles. “He goes on dates, but it’s nothing serious. He doesn’t have a girlfriend,” he assured reporters close friend stars of "Fight Club".

According to an insider who is gradually returning to normal life Brad is simply attracted to communication with different people and attending events.

According to rumors, the fact that the actor has recovered and began to shine in the world again is the merit of his friends. Friends were worried that Pitt was sitting alone at home, crying and spitting at the ceiling, and they literally began to force him to go out in public.

Work also helped the artist survive the love drama. The workaholic did not stop filming even in the saddest moments, which is why he was repeatedly accused of having office romances with his partners on the set.

Recently there were rumors that Pitt was in a relationship with Sienna Miller, who played in the film "The Lost City of Z." Brad was involved in the film as an executive producer. The actress emotionally denied this information.

Earlier, reporters blamed the alleged homewrecker, French actress Marion Cotillard, for the discord between Pitt and Jolie. She also disowned the affair with Brad.

And they also say that the actor is actively restoring relations with his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston. Pitt congratulated his ex-wife on her birthday. He found the blonde's phone number through his secret communication channels and sent her a message with good wishes.

“With this SMS, their communication resumed. Brad admitted to Jen that he was having a hard time because of his divorce from Jolie. They also wrote something to each other, recalled common moments from the past,” said the informant, who wished to remain anonymous.

Today, the American GQ Style published the first big interview with Brad Pitt, in which the famous actor spoke frankly for the first time about life after divorce.

The last six months have been, according to the actor, “strange.” Pitt denied rumors of drug use: “I gave up everything except drinking when I got married. I’m very, very glad that I managed to do all this.” Over the past 12 months, the actor has had serious problems with alcohol and only now he began to come to his senses.

On this moment a man is undergoing treatment, trying to understand himself with the help of a psychologist. “As you know, I recently started therapy. I like it, I really like it. I had to change two doctors to find the right one.” He replaced alcohol with cranberry juice and sparkling water.

Now Brad continues to live in the house where his children once screamed and ran. He brews Japanese tea, lights the fireplace, listens to the silence and tries to move on with his life. “This is not a midlife crisis. I think that the crisis is the fear of old age, the fear of death. Men buy Lamborghinis at such moments,” Brad explained. He currently has a Ford GT, but is increasingly liking the aforementioned cars.

He was kept company by his dog, a bulldog named Jacques. “We’re friends forever,” Pitt admits and jokes that he reminds him of his uncle with lung disease, who suffers from shortness of breath, snores and farts loudly.

Children's bicycles are lined up outside the house. The former head of a large family admitted that it was difficult for him to return here, and at first he lived with a friend, in a bungalow in Santa Monica. He slept on the floor for a month and a half, but after someone hacked his friend's computer in search of information, he decided to move home.

“This house has always been full of noise and chaos, voices and noise were heard everywhere, but now there is silence here. It’s very solemn, or something,” the actor shared, saying that the atmosphere frightens him. In order not to go crazy, he took up sculpture sculpting.

His goal is to return to himself in order to be able to become open enough with loved ones. “Family is the most important thing. When dying, people do not remember property or awards. They remember those they loved, their regrets. Children are very gentle creatures. They absorb everything. We have to hold their hands and explain everything to them. They need someone to listen to them. When I was busy with work, I didn't hear them. “I want to get better at this,” Pitt admitted. The divorce made him think: “It was like a blow right in the face: I should have given them more time, been more to them than I was. I didn't succeed."

After the divorce, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are not happy with their openness to the press and the latest news of 2017.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were one of the brightest couples in Hollywood, whom almost everyone tried to emulate. Their relationship was followed by many fans and fans who were not even familiar with the work and successes of the actors. But last news 2017 about the lives of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie upset many.

The couple has been dealing with divorce proceedings for a long time.

The family idyll, which was bright and incredible for many fans of the actors, collapsed. Many publications wrote about the couple’s relationship; they always talked about how to save the family, and at one point everything collapsed. In fact, this happens in life, it just becomes noticeable when it comes to very famous personalities.

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Divorce of Jolie and Pitt

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are still divorcing, despite media reports that they are reuniting for the sake of their six children.

The rumors began after news that the divorce proceedings between the stars had been suspended. Sources close to the couple claim that Angelina and Brad made no attempts to improve their relationship after the actress filed for divorce in September 2016.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: photos before divorce

On the contrary, many newspapers write that the 52-year-old actor is desperately trying to bring their divorce process to the finish line as soon as possible. The news said that Angelina Jolie's ex-partner is now ready to take back control of his life. An unknown insider claims that this is not about the star’s appearances at social events, but about his readiness to begin a new chapter of his life as a free man.

“His life was at a standstill as he spent a year comforting a deeply depressed Angelina,” the same source continued.

The most important and important reason for their divorce is Brad Pitt, who more than once appeared surrounded by strangers. The couple has not lived together for a whole year, which creates additional worries for fans. Rumors appeared several times about the reunion of the four actors, but all of this was the machinations of the yellow press.

Photo: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the eve of divorce news

Today, the latest news of 2017 about the lives of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt indicate the opposite. They are trying in every possible way to arrange their lives away from each other.

Rumors of divorce proceedings

Information has also appeared that Brad Pitt is allegedly looking for methods and reasons why a judge could divorce him and his wife as early as possible.

Nevertheless, many publications wrote that the actress did not like this step of her ex-husband, which raised hopes among the couple’s fans for a reconciliation between the stars.

While these reports may be partially true, it should be noted that neither Angelina nor Brad have confirmed anything yet.

Angelina Jolie has aged a lot and lost weight after her divorce

People have realized that very often reports about celebrities are simply not true, so sometimes they just need to be patient to find out the truthful information first-hand.

But nevertheless, many are interested in how Angelina will react if Brad Pitt starts dating someone else.

As much as it pains fans of the couple to think, they have to admit that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will one day date new people. Of course, unless they decide to get back together. But for now, the harsh reality of their lives gives a different perspective on the development of events. Many believe that family reunification is simply impossible, since there have been many negative statements from both actors.

“Angelina knows that Brad will start dating someone at some point, but she knows nothing about the rumors about Brad and Ruth Negga. She tries her best to avoid everything that is written on the Internet that has to do with the news,” said a source close to Angelina.

“Even though Angelina's decision to divorce was criticized by Brad, they still feel jealous of each other. This is especially true for Angelina. The relationship between the couple somehow concerns their children and they will have to maintain contact. But for now, even special employees of the stars take children to each other’s houses. Thus, the stars are trying to avoid meeting in person so as not to create new conflict situations.”

At the world premiere of "Maleficent"

Thus, both actors now live separately from each other, but are raising six children together.

It is now very important for the actors to find a compromise in their relationship that would allow them to achieve family reunification. But this is very difficult to do, especially when the whole world knows about the divorce...

Brad Pitt's relationships with other women

It was Brad Pitt who initiated the divorce. His love of love and affection for other women only worsened his relationship with Angelina every year.

As a result, everything came to an end in 2016 when the actor decided to propose breaking up. For Jolie, this was an incredible blow, since she had always tried to keep family bonds intact. But on the contrary, I had to hire a lawyer to protect my interests, since Brad Pitt had received a considerable number of proposals for divorce.

Brad was credited with having an affair with Sienna Miller

Among the latest news in 2017 about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, there is a rumor about Brad's new novel. Information about the relationship between Brad and Ruth has not yet been confirmed, but journalists write every now and then that there is excellent chemistry between the actors. But is there love behind this or just good friendship not yet known.

However, the latest news in 2017 that stars are often meeting for dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in Hollywood is appearing more and more often.

The press claims that Pitt is very selective when it comes to choosing a companion, and besides, it is not so easy for him to appear with women in public in light of recent events in his personal life.

Nevertheless, he does not hesitate to go to public places with Ruth, which may indicate his serious passion for the Irish actress. In Ruth’s personal life, everything is also far from smooth; her relationship with Cooper can hardly be called stable.

The couple broke up and got back together several times. And it’s very difficult to say about the relationship between the stars now. Although it seems to many that in Brad’s company, the girl is very comfortable and perhaps next to the actor, she forgets about her failed relationship with her former colleague on the set.

Brad Pitt gave his first interview after his divorce from Jolie, in which he frankly spoke about his alcoholism, loneliness and feelings. The 53-year-old actor starred in a large-scale photo shoot for GQ magazine, which could well be called “A Man’s Life After Divorce.”

GQ magazine published the first candid conversation with actor Brad Pitt after his divorce from Angelina Jolie. In addition to the frank interview, the new issue of GQ Style featured a photo shoot with Pitt, authored by the famous New York photographer Ryan McGinley.

Brad Pitt became the hero of the new summer issue of American GQ - the actor graced three covers of the publication, striking with his sad, piercing gaze.

Brad confirmed that his addiction to alcohol was not an invention of journalists or Angelina Jolie. He assures that Lately became too addicted to the bottle and now, of course, regrets it. “I can’t remember a day since I graduated from college when I wasn’t drinking or blowing a joint or something like that. Something like. […] I gave up everything except drinking when I started a family. But last year, you know, I couldn't handle it all. I drank too much. It just became a problem."

On fresh photos the actor looks emaciated, unhappy, desperate, but at the same time spiritual.

“We have a winery. I really, really love wine, but I'm exhausted. I needed to step away from it for a while. To tell the truth, when it comes to drinking vodka, I could outshine any Russian. I was a real professional at this, I could drink like a black man, professionally,” said the actor. According to his personal admission, he was forced to give up alcohol by the desire to start life anew.

53-year-old Brad admitted that today a psychologist is successfully working with him, whom he finally found only the third time. Pitt does not believe that today's experiences can be called a midlife crisis.

When asked if divorce was like death for him, the actor replied: “Yes.” “Family should come first. People on their deathbeds do not talk about what they have acquired or what awards they have received. They talk about their loved ones or their regrets." The divorce made him think about what kind of father he was to his children. “It was a big shock for me too, I realized that I had to be their support in everything, and I wasn’t very good at that,” Pitt said.

He also commented on the trial over the custody of their children together with Jolie, admitting that the situation took him by surprise.

“This situation put me on my back and tied my hands. But after some time we still managed to work together on this problem. We're both doing our best. One lawyer once told me: “No one wins in court, in court it is only decided who gets worse.” And it seems to be true. For a whole year you have been trying to prove your point of view, explaining and finding reasons why you are right and your opponent is wrong. But in reality, this is all just part of poisonous hatred. I refused this. And, fortunately, mine ex-wife Same. After all, this is very painful, first of all, for children who unexpectedly face a situation where the family is suddenly destroyed. We are trying to complete the trial so that we all emerge stronger and good people", he says.

Is it possible to say that the “Fight Club” star has begun a happy streak in his life, as insiders report to People magazine?

The divorce from Angelina Jolie that began in 2016 plunged the actor into severe depression. He spent many months alone, almost never leaving the house. Today he began to take care of himself again. What is this connected with?

Some details

The celebrities have been together for 10 years, of which they have been married for the last two years. The family raised six children, which connected the couple even more. That is why the sudden breakup was a very sad event for Brad.

Now, according to insiders, the star of “Fury” is dating women again, but so far the acquaintances are casual. Meanwhile, it is absolutely obvious to fans that Brad has a new girlfriend named Neri Oxman, a designer.

The 42-year-old beauty, who made the celebrity happy, is a professor and teaches at the University of Massachusetts.