Cut your hair in February. Lunar calendar: in February, astrologers recommend cutting your hair at the beginning or middle of the month. Moon in Pisces

Lunar days and hair cutting


Eastern astrology pays attention to any action a person takes with his body - as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny. Tibetans share lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for haircuts (shaving), hair dyeing and treatment, nail cutting, dental treatment, days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - they have a positive effect on longevity, good luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring disaster.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means everything that is with them
happens, changes the course of the invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also throughout our lives. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.

Hairdresser's tips for caring for problem hair>


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when coming to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, thenyour life will change for the better after a haircut.
  • The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove, when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and
  • a famous master, even if the hairstyle done by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you time your visit correctly, your life will not only change, but will improve dramatically.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs at a certaintime (hours, minutes) of an earthly day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon’s entry into one or another Zodiac sign. constellation.


April 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Wed growing in Cancer 9 from 09.55
2 Thu growing in Leo from 21.27 10 from 10.56
3 Fri growing in Leo 11 from 12.12
4 Sat growing in Leo 12 s13.38
5 Sun growing in Virgo from 00.19 13 s 15.09
6 Mon growing in Virgo 14 from 16.42
7 Tue growing in Libra from 00.17 15 from 18.15
8 Wed growing in Scorpio from 23.18 16 from 19.49
9 Thu


at 10.34

in Scorpio 17 s21.23
10 Fri decreasing in Sagittarius from 23.36 18 from 22.54
11 Sat decreasing in Sagittarius 18
12 Sun


in Sagittarius 19 from 00.21
13 Mon decreasing in Capricorn from 03.06 20 from 01.37
14 Tue decreasing in Capricorn 21 from 02.39
15 Wed decreasing in Aquarius from 10.38 22 from 03.25
16 Thu decreasing in Aquarius 23 from 03.59
17 Fri decreasing in Pisces from 21.31 24 from 04.23
18 Sat decreasing in Pisces 25 from 04.41
19 Sun decreasing in Pisces 26 from 04.56
20 Mon decreasing in Aries from 10.01 27 from 05.08
21 Tue decreasing in Aries 28 from 05.20
22 Wed decreasing in Taurus from 22.37 29 from 05.31
23 Thu


at 18.31

in Taurus 1/2 from 05.43
24 Fri growing in Taurus 3 from 05.57
25 Sat growing in Gemini from 10.21 4 from 06.15
26 Sun


in Gemini 5 from 06.37
27 Mon growing in Cancer from 20.29 6 from 07.07
28 Tue growing in Cancer 7 from 07.49
29 Wed growing in Cancer 8 from 08.45
30 Thu growing in Leo from 04.07 9 from 09.53


1st lunar day- cutting hair leads to a shorter life.

2nd lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day- cutting your hair will cause harm to the body and may attract you to waste.

4th lunar day- a haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attractlonging and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause sore throats and diseasesoral cavity.

5th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- it is not advisable to cut your hair -you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look sickhuman and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you,you may have a conflict with your boss. There is a threatconflict with a loved one. Burning day in Tibetancalendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsenyour health status.

8th lunar day- a haircut will bring you longevity, goodhealth and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others(although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions,It is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair as it will attract diseases to you.

11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of senses, increase yourforesight and mental insight.

12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes,injury and the likelihood of life-threatening injury increases.

13th lunar day- it is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bringhappiness and benefit, beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day- a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial position, increase in property and favor of superiors. For the sake of your own well-being, at least for your hair.

15th lunar day - it’s safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as violations are possiblemental health as a result of a haircut, increased blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear.If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise.Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, andthe ability to control passions will decrease.Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which will significantly worsen your health.

17th lunar day- as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day- you should contact a hairdresser - cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day- it is undesirable to cut your hair, it will create a “disgust” for life.

21st lunar day- it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract the opportunity to acquire property, but you may gain weight or gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion and improve your financial condition.

24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

27th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

29th lunar day - As a result of cutting hair, a person’s energy is lost, as people say, “you can cut your mind.”

30th lunar day- cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of involving a car accident.

March 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Sun growing in Gemini from 22.22 8 from 09:46
2 Mon growing in Gemini 9 With 10:35
3 Tue growing in Gemini 10 With 10:35
4 Wed growing in Rak from 07.27 11 With 11:15
5 Thu growing in Cancer 12 With 12:09
6 Fri growing in Leo from 12.29 13 With 13:19
7 Sat growing in Leo 14 With 14:42
8 Sun growing in Virgo from 13.48 15 from 16:13
9 Mon


at 20.49

in Virgo 16 With 17:47
10 Tue


in Libra from 13.04 17 With 19:20
11 Wed decreasing in Libra 18 With 20:53
12 Thu


in Scorpio from 12.29 19 With 22:53
13 Fri decreasing in Scorpio 20 from 23:55
14 Sat decreasing in Sagittarius from 14.10 20
15 Sun decreasing in Sagittarius 21 With 01:21
16 Mon decreasing in Capricorn from 19.26 22 With 02:40
17 Tue decreasing in Capricorn 23 With 03:48
18 Wed decreasing in Capricorn 24 With 04:42
19 Thu decreasing in Aquarius from 04.17 25 With 05:23
20 Fri decreasing in Aquarius 26 With 05:53
21 Sat decreasing in Pisces from 15.34 27 With 06:15
22 Sun decreasing in Pisces 28 With 06:32
23 Mon decreasing in Pisces 29 With 06:47
24 Tue


at 12.28

in Aries from 03.59 30/1 from 06:59
25 Wed


in Aries 2 With 07:11
26 Thu


in Taurus from 16.38 3 With 07:23
27 Fri growing in Taurus 4 With 07:36
28 Sat growing in Taurus 5 With 07:51
29 Sun growing in Gemini from 04.39 6 With 08:10
30 Mon growing in Gemini 7 With 08:34
31 Tue growing Rake from 14.44 8 from 09:08


The day of the week for cutting or treating hair, you also need to choose the right one.

Choose a day of the week to cut or treat your hair that can benefit you.

Monday , will help get rid of melancholy, depression, unpleasant memories. On this day, all negativity is cut off.

Tuesday - A haircut on this day protects against many adversities.

Wednesday will help improve relationships with people, eliminate confusion in business and thoughts. Often, getting a haircut on this day of the week is a harbinger of unexpected news.

Thursday will help strengthen your authority, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Friday You should not visit the hairdresser. According to astrologers, on this day the biochemical processes in the body are slow, and after a Friday haircut, hair will not grow well.

Saturday A haircut helps get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with oneself, and increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps relieve some of the problems that arose due to the fault of others.

Sunday You can't cut your hair! On this day, your connection with your personal egregor (guardian angel) is as strong as possible. If you change something in the body on this day, much less cut off some part, then you can connect with the cosmos. By the way, these recommendations fully apply not only to hair, but also to nails.


The time of the Moon’s entry into a particular Zodiac constellation is important.

Moon phase period in different zodiac signs

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Fire signs:

Moon in Sagittarius : a haircut will promote career advancement and improve business connections.

Moon in Leo : a haircut will help those people who want some drastic changes in their lives. If you don't want to change anything, don't get a haircut.

Moon in Aries : unfavorable day for cutting hair. Although it does not affect the condition of the hair in any way, immunity may decrease and the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Air signs:

Moon in Aquarius : on this day it is better to hold off on cutting your hair

Moon in Libra and Gemini - this is a very good time for a haircut; hair growth accelerates, but its structure does not change.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Water signs:

Moon in Pisces : cutting your hair on such a day can lead to dandruff problems.

Moon in Scorpio: Very dangerous situation Moon, a haircut can lead to problems in your personal life and worsen relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Moon in Cancer : The hair will not hold its shape, will be unruly, and will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Earth signs:

In Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus: exactly this favorable time for haircut. Hair will grow faster and split less.

Strands are considered a source of cosmic power and a repository of information about a person. All the changes they undergo directly affect the course of life events, redirecting fate for the better or for the worse. Therefore, when planning your next visit to the master in February 2019, you should choose.

Moon calendar

The Slavs believed that through the strands one can receive protection and wisdom accumulated by previous generations, and the energy of the earth and the sun flows into the human body, protecting against otherworldly forces and vicissitudes of fate.


The collection of ancient Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit (Vedas) says that hair accumulates positive energy, which allows you to remain calm in difficult, from a psychological point of view, situations. In Rus', it was believed that a girl’s braid imparted divine powers to the owner.

Modern astrologers pay no less attention to hair. If you change the length only by , the strands will be filled with strength and health, and long-awaited positive changes will occur in your personal life and business sphere.


The main parameters that influence the choice of date for going to the hairdresser are the lunar day, the phase and the presence of the earth’s satellite in a certain constellation. Its location in Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Leo, as well as the 5th, 11th, 21st and 27th lunar day has a positive effect.

In order not to waste time searching for the necessary information, just look at the table and select the appropriate number in accordance with the recommendations of experts:

date Moon position and phase Lunar day Advice from astrologers
01.02 Waning in Capricorn 26, 27 An earth sign can change the quality of hair in better side. They will become less likely to split and break, volume will appear, the roots will become stronger, and combing will be easier. A haircut will attract positive energy from space, give strength to realize your goals, and relieve nervousness, internal disharmony, and uncertainty. It will increase charm, open new financial sources, and fill you with happiness.
02.02 27, 28 After visiting a specialist, your physical well-being may worsen. Esotericists are confident that a haircut on this day can affect life expectancy.
03.02 28, 29 If you want to radically change your worldview, foundations, goals, you should decide to short hairstyle. It will allow you to find your own “inner core”, give you confidence, attract happy coincidences and material stability.
04.02 Waning in Aquarius 29, 30 Classic haircuts are best avoided. They can ruin the structure of the rods. However, you can experiment with your appearance and try to create a completely unexpected, unusual image. But astrologers warn that going to the hairdresser can attract misfortunes, crisis situations, aggravate problems and significantly harm your health.
05.02 New Moon in Aquarius 30, 1, 2
06.02 Growing in the sign of Pisces 2, 3 Any impact on the hair will ruin the structure and harm the scalp. To restore the lost beauty to your strands you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. There is a high probability of disruption of emotional stability, weakened immunity and disruption of all plans.
07.02 3, 4
08.02 4, 5 The moon in the constellation Pisces still negatively affects the quality characteristics of the strands. But the new length will give you inspiration, sharpen your intuition, increase your energy level, lift your spirits, and improve your material well-being.
09.02 Growing in the zodiac Aries 5, 6 Split ends will quickly appear and hair loss will increase. Health will deteriorate, defense mechanisms will weaken immune system, conflicts at work and in the family will become more frequent.
10.02 6, 7
11.02 Growing in Taurus 7, 8 Favorable day for a haircut in February 2019. The strands will be filled with strength, energy, health, and their appearance will change for the better. Split ends will not appear for a long time, combing and styling will be easier. The new length will attract happiness and help get rid of depressive state, melancholy, unpleasant memories.
12.02 8, 9 Despite the beneficial influence of the earth sign, a change in length will lead to a weakening of the immune system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and the emergence of new pathologies.
13.02 9, 10
14.02 Growing in the sign of Gemini 10, 11 An image created on Valentine's Day will turn out to be a little playful and eccentric. The structure of the rods will not change, but you should prepare for difficulties during installation. If you are not afraid of such troubles, you can choose this one. New hairstyle It will sharpen intuition, allow you to “feel” the people around you, improve thought processes, increase self-esteem and faith in your own strengths. Just go to the hairdresser after 11:41 (Moscow time).
15.02 11, 12 You should refrain from changing your image. You can bring misfortune and a chain of tragic events.
16.02 Growing in Cancer 12, 13 Even washing your hair is undesirable, let alone changing the length, shape or color. Any manipulations will negatively affect the quality of the rods, their susceptibility to installation and external influences high temperatures. But, on the other hand, a haircut will increase attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, reveal charisma, help you achieve a higher position at work and attract material wealth.
17.02 13, 14
18.02 Growing in the constellation Leo 14, 15 Favorable day for cutting hair in February 2019. But you should visit the master before 15:46. The strands will become thick, strong, dense, shiny, elastic. You can cut off all the negativity, get rid of unpleasant thoughts, improve your health, and radically change your usual course of life.
19.02 Full Moon in the zodiac Leo 15, 16 Despite the beneficial effect of the fire sign on hair, it should be noted that changing the length is fraught with a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state and the appearance of addictions.
20.02 Waning in Virgo 16, 17 The strands will split less, become strong, flowing and “movable”. But there is a high probability of health problems, loss of property, deterioration of relationships with friends, significant other, and colleagues.
21.02 17, 18
22.02 Waning in the constellation Libra 18, 19 The structure of the hair will remain unchanged, but it will be lighter, unruly, and may begin to tangle. There is a risk of loss of material assets.
23.02 19, 20 Possible health problems.
24.02 Waning in Scorpio 20 A haircut will benefit people with weak, thin, sparse, lifeless strands. A change in length can negatively affect relationships with the opposite sex, attract problems in your personal life, and general dissatisfaction with the environment will be felt. There is a risk of suicidal thoughts.
25.02 20, 21 Natural charm will increase, health will improve, and your financial situation will stabilize.
26.02 Waning in Sagittarius 21, 22 For people who have not found their image, we can recommend days when the earth’s satellite is in Sagittarius. The hair will grow back quickly, the hairstyle will lose its shape, the dye will wash off, and the curl will not last long. A haircut can attract not only material wealth, but also a few extra pounds.
27.02 22, 23 The new length contributes to career achievements and the rapid achievement of goals. An internal feeling of freedom, self-confidence and attractiveness will appear.
28.02 Waning in Capricorn 23, 24 The strands will become denser, smoother, thicker and silkier. Split ends will not appear for a long time, hair loss will be reduced, and fragility will disappear. Possible weakening of the immune system.

Useful tips

Want to speed up hair growth? Or, on the contrary, do you want fashionable haircut, which will be worn as long as possible? Depending on the desired result, you shouldchoose days for haircut taking into account the position of the Moon. For growth, it is better to choose the days of the waxing Moon -from 16 to 28 February 2018 , to maintain the shape of the hairstyle - days of the waning moon -from February 1 to February 15, 2018.

This month there are several not the best days for a haircut, the Moon will go through the signs of Pisces and Cancer: February 16, 17, 25 and 26 2018 . It's better to postpone complex procedures on days when the lunar phases change and on days when the Moon is afflicted: February 3, 7, 15, 18, 23 and 25, 2018.

From February 11, 2018 Venus will move through the sign of Pisces, which will contribute to the choice of a beautiful and very feminine image. The best days to cut your hair are: February 27 and 28, 2018. These days, the Moon will be in the sign of Leo, so your hairstyles will be voluminous, bright, noticeable, and will help you stand out from the crowd and attract attention.


♌♍ 1 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:21.A LION , VIRGO from 22:13

Moon without course from 13:58 to 22:12

A haircut : allowed, not a bad day for a haircut if you don't grow it long long hair.

Other procedures : It’s better to start all hair treatments until 14:00, until the Moon turned out to be single. You can curl it, but remember that it will be very fine. Various cleansing masks, as well as masks to increase volume, will be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : hair will become thicker and shinier, but will grow slowly; cutting can slow down hair growth.

: can bring pleasant surprises into life.

♍ 2 FEBRUARY, Friday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:46.VIRGO

A haircut : allowed if you do not grow long hair; you can cut your bangs; will be successful male haircuts.

Other procedures : Today, if possible, do not do any procedures that use harsh materials. For example, it's better not to do perm: There is a high probability of allergic reactions. You can do a bio-perm. It is also good to do any cleansing masks or peelings for the scalp.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract disappointments and emotional distress.

♍ 3 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:07.VIRGO

Moon without course from 10:07

A haircut : allowed, bangs can be cut; good for men's haircuts. But it’s better not to radically change your image: do classic haircuts.

Other procedures : start all procedures before 10:00. You can treat your hair, but it’s better to do it simple procedures, including procedures at home.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, but the hair becomes stronger, falls out less, and its structure improves.

Psychological impact of haircut : no special influences.

♍♎ 4 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:26.VIRGO , SCALES from 00:47

Moon without course until 00:46

A haircut : acceptable, but better after 10:00.

Other procedures : it’s good to do any procedures for fine hair. For example, to improve their appearance or to increase volume. Plan to start any procedures after 10:00, otherwise you may not be too happy with the results. You can style it using curlers.

The effect of cutting on hair : May slow down hair growth, but will make hair fuller.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 10:00 it can attract obstacles and difficulties, after 10:00 it will make you more active, sociable, attract new acquaintances and new people into your life interesting people.

♎ 5 FEBRUARY, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:42.SCALES

Moon without course from 21:46

A haircut : allowed, good day for feminine and original haircuts for those who want to keep their hair in shape longer.

Other procedures : It’s good to do procedures aimed at improving the appearance of your hair, but it’s better not to dye your hair now: the dye will quickly wash off and lose its original color. It is better to wait for the days of the waxing Moon. Great time to go shopping. It’s good to buy any cosmetics and hair accessories.

The effect of cutting on hair : Slower growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : will attract the attention of the opposite sex, but can also attract surprises and not pleasant surprises in relationships with partners.

Favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar

6 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 06:57

Moon without course until 06:56

A haircut : acceptable, except for those who grow long hair.

Other procedures : It’s good to do any procedures aimed at eliminating dandruff. First, find out the cause of this disease, eliminate it, and then you can begin to treat the consequences. Remember that sometimes dandruff can be a signal for the appearance of more serious problems with health. It’s also good to do computer selection of hairstyles today.

The effect of cutting on hair : May help get rid of dandruff, but hair growth will be slower.

Psychological impact of haircut : Can bring good luck in your professional life - until 17:00.

7 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 00:55.SCORPION

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 18:56

A haircut : acceptable, but it is not the best day of the month. Choose it only as a last resort; it is better to choose this day for cutting your hair. who has problems with dandruff.

Other procedures : It is better not to plan any complex hair treatments on this day: there is a risk that you will be dissatisfied with the result. Acceptable home care hair care, anti-dandruff masks, hair washing.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, getting rid of dandruff.

Psychological impact of haircut : can bring unpleasant events and problems into life that will unsettle you.

FEBRUARY 8, Thursday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:05.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 16:54

Moon without course from 10:16 to 16:53

A haircut : allowed, but it's not the luckiest day of the month. You can get a haircut for those who don’t have any problems with their hair; you can cut your bangs.

Other procedures : This day is not suitable for starting any procedures aimed at improving the appearance of hair and its health. If you have already started some procedures in the past, you can continue today. In the evening you can make masks based on oils. Also after 17:00 you can do hair treatment.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : before 10:16 can attract failures in your personal and intimate life; from 10:16 - no influences.

9 FEBRUARY, Friday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:12.SAGITTARIUS

A haircut : acceptable, but it is not the luckiest day of the month.

Other procedures : this day is not suitable for any complex procedures, especially if they require the use of chemical substances. It is highly undesirable to perm or dye your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no other significant influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract misunderstanding and confusing situations into everyday life; can make you more aggressive and impatient.

Read also:The most fashionable men's hairstyles of 2018 (photo)

10 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:15.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 19:38

A haircut : acceptable, especially if you don’t grow long hair and don’t have problems with your hair; Men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : It is good to treat and restore hair, improve its appearance using various procedures. At home, you can make cleansing masks and masks for hair shine or rinsing with infusions of medicinal herbs.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : will help attract new interesting people into your life, especially from abroad or from afar.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

♑ 11 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:12.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 05:21

Moon without course until 05:20

A haircut : allowed, especially for those who need to strengthen their hair.

Other procedures : all complex hair treatments should be planned after 17:30, but you can make any masks to strengthen your hair at home. It's good to do a light scalp scrub to remove the dead layer of cells. Exfoliation will also improve blood circulation and help strengthen your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : before 17:30 it can attract obstacles in business, after 17:30 it will help strengthen intuition.

♑ 12 FEBRUARY, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:02.CAPRICORN

A haircut : allowed, you can have men's haircuts or cut bangs (they won't grow back too quickly). You can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : Today, various procedures are allowed to treat hair and get rid of various problems, such as hair loss. There is no point in dyeing your hair yet, wait until the days of the waxing moon. Also, do not laminate your hair. Masks for restoring and cleansing hair will be effective. You can straighten your hair with special means for straightening.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth, but strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : will strengthen your desire to achieve your goals, attract good luck in business and endeavors.

♑♒ 13 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:45.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 18:12

Moon without course from 08:43 to 18:11

A haircut : allowed, but it is better to do standard classic haircuts, which you have already done more than once with a trusted hairdresser; you can shorten your bangs; Men's haircuts are allowed.

Other procedures : There is no point in starting new procedures today, but you can continue what you started in the past. You can do repeated procedures, for example, continue hair treatment. It is good to rinse your hair with herbal infusions. Choose an herb that suits your hair color and type. For example, nettle decoction is good for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss, but it makes the hair color darker. Also pay attention to personal tolerance and any allergic reactions. If they exist, then the use of such decoctions is undesirable.

The effect of cutting on hair : slow growth; from 08:43 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 08:43 – may attract unpleasant surprises and experiences; after 08:43 - no special influences.

♒ 14 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:21.AQUARIUS

A haircut

Other procedures : Today is an unlucky day for complex procedures: the end of the lunar month. It's better not to try any experiments! You can try to choose a hairstyle using smartphone applications or computer programs.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height, there are no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : may cause difficulties in communicating with friends and like-minded people. Loss of common ground.

♒ 15 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:51.AQUARIUS


A haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : better to postpone: bad day.

The effect of cutting on hair : There are no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : may make you more restless, nervous, anxious.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar


♒♓ FEBRUARY 16, Friday,1st lunar day from 00:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:16.AQUARIUS , FISH from 05:42

NEW MOON at 00:07

Moon without course from 00:05 to 05:41

A haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : Today you can’t work with hair, but you can remove it unwanted hair. Especially in the arms, armpits or bikini area. Remember that with the waxing Moon, hair will grow again quite quickly.

The effect of cutting on hair : average height; the hair will grow thin and weak, and dandruff will appear.

Psychological impact of haircut

FEBRUARY 17, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:38.FISH

A haircut : better to postpone: bad day.

Other procedures : Today it is also better not to deal with hair, but it is allowed to remove unwanted hair, but it will quickly begin to grow again. This mainly applies to a procedure such as depilation, as a result of which the follicle (hair root) is not destroyed, but only its visible part is cut off.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth; hair will grow thin and weak, and dandruff will appear.

Psychological impact of haircut : May make you more irritable and nervous.

♓♈ FEBRUARY 18, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:57.FISH , ARIES from 15:04

Moon without course from 01:14 to 15:03

A haircut : it is better to postpone until 15:00; after 15:00 is acceptable, but this is not the best day of the month.

Other procedures : In the first half of the day, postpone any procedures. You should also not remove your hair, but after 15:00 you can do any masks to strengthen your hair and restore its shine. It is better not to use hot hair dryers, curling irons or flat irons on this day - you can easily dry out your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : until 15:00 – no influences; after 15:00 - rapid growth.

Psychological impact of haircut : until 15:00 – no influences; after 15:00 - can attract difficulties and obstacles on the path to success.

19 FEBRUARY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:16.ARIES

A haircut : acceptable, especially for those who grow long hair. It's dangerous to make quick decisions regarding haircuts! It is better to go to the master with a clear goal and do not change your decisions. It is better to refrain from thermal haircuts. You can cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth.

Other procedures : It’s good to dye your hair, especially in lighter shades; you can do highlighting, blonding, etc. A scalp massage using a comb-brush or your fingers will be beneficial.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth; there are no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : Helps you gain self-confidence and determination.

♈♉ 20 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:35.ARIES , CALF from 22:11

Moon without course from 14:11 to 22:10

A haircut : acceptable, but this is not the best day of the month for this. The best time for a haircut is after 22:10, when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus.

Other procedures : today hair coloring procedures are also allowed, but be careful: it is better not to experiment, use those colors that you know well and that have proven themselves, as there is a risk of unpleasant surprises.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth; from 14:11 to 22:10 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 14:11 – may attract anxiety, aggressiveness; from 14:11 - no influences.

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2017

♉ 21 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:56.CALF

A haircut : allowed; a great day for haircuts to speed up hair growth, you can cut the ends of your hair, do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : one of the most successful days for working with hair. You can dye your hair, do extensions, straightening, hair lamination, curling. It’s good to do various hairstyles, African braids, etc. Masks for strengthening hair will also be very effective.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, strengthening hair, improving its structure.

Psychological impact of haircut : improves mood, gives self-confidence, attracts financial success.

♉ 22 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:20.CALF

Moon without course from 14:46

A haircut : allowed, it is good to cut the ends of the hair to speed up growth, you can do thermal haircuts.

Other procedures : The first half of the day is still a good time to work on your hair. You can dye your hair, perm it, laminate it. However, use any new products with caution. It’s good to make masks based on natural ingredients to strengthen your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, up to 14:46 - strengthening hair, improving its structure; after 14:46 – no influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : until 14:46 - can make you more wasteful, generous.

♉♊ 23 FEBRUARY, Friday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 10:50.CALF , TWINS from 03:08

Moon without course until 03:07

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 11:09

A haircut : acceptable, but it is not the luckiest day of the month. Choose this day for a haircut only as a last resort.

Other procedures : It is better to skip any complex procedures on this day. Also, if possible, avoid styling using hot tools. You can use “cold methods” for this purpose, for example, curlers. It's good to massage your head to increase blood circulation. Volume masks are allowed in the evening.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : can attract various troubles, problems in relationships with brothers/sisters or people from your inner circle.

♊ 24 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:57.TWINS

Moon without course from 22:58

A haircut : Allowed, you can cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth. Today it is better to get a haircut for those who have normal hair.

Other procedures : It is best to schedule any procedures after 09:00. You can style your hair using hot tools or curlers. Before 9:00 it is better not to use hair dryers and straighteners, as you can easily burn your hair.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, no other influences.

Psychological impact of haircut : before 09:00 – can make you more impulsive, nervous and aggressive; after 09:00 - will bring pleasant surprises to life and make it more diverse.

♊♋ 25 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 12:15.TWINS , CANCER from 06:06

Moon without course until 06:06

A haircut : Better to postpone.

Other procedures : postpone any hair treatments on this day; it is better not to wash your hair at all. You can remove unwanted hair, especially in the face or legs, but since the Moon is now waxing, hair growth will accelerate, but it will be thinner and weaker.

The effect of cutting on hair

Psychological impact of haircut : Can attract obstacles and unpleasant situations related to close relatives or home.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

♋ 26 FEBRUARY, Monday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:16.CANCER

A haircut : Better to postpone.

Other procedures : Today it is better to postpone any procedures, with the exception of depilation. This is a bad day for working with hair: the result may not please you too much, despite the fact that Venus and the Moon will now be in a favorable aspect.

The effect of cutting on hair : rapid growth, but the hair will split faster, become thinner and sparse, quickly begin to lose its appearance and become oily faster.

Psychological impact of haircut : can bring unexpected and unpleasant surprises into life, especially related to relatives or real estate.

♋♌ 27 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:29.CANCER , A LION from 07:42

Moon without course from 00:51 to 07:41

A haircut : Allowed after 08:00: It’s good to cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth. One of the best days to go to the hairdresser!

Other procedures : A great day for various hair manipulations, but wait until the Moon is in Leo! Today you can do lamination and hair coloring. Fine curling is allowed. Hair or eyelash extensions will work well.

The effect of cutting on hair : fast growth; hair quality will improve; a healthy shine will appear; hair will look thicker.

Psychological impact of haircut : will bring favorable changes in your personal life.

Our lunar calendar of haircuts for February 2018 will allow you to find without knowledge of astrology and any calculations favorable days for a haircut in February 2018. Even if you don't believe that moon haircut does it really have an impact that it’s worth just taking it and checking it out? You can completely trust the data provided on this page because it is highly accurate. We are constantly striving to improve our lunar haircut calendar for February 2018. Be sure to get your hair cut on days favorable for haircuts and happiness and unexpected success will come into your life! .

1 Feb. 2018 18:22 - 17th lunar day


The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable

Feb 2 2018 19:47 - 18th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 18th lunar day is bad for haircuts, as there is a high probability of attracting situations related to theft of property or damage to it. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable

3 Feb 2018 21:08 - 19th lunar day

Moon in Virgo from February 1st. 2018 22:14 to 4 Feb. 2018 1:14


The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), however, if the second aspect (moon in the zodiac sign) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be voluminous, strong and magically attractive.

4 Feb 2018 22:27 - 20 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 20th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. In Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable

5 Feb 2018 23:43 - 21 lunar day

Moon in Libra from February 4th. 2018 1:14 to 6 Feb. 2018 7:04


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

7 Feb 2018 0:55 - 22 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 22nd lunar day is good for a haircut - you will be able to get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable

8 Feb 2018 2:05 - 23 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio from February 6th. 2018 7:04 to 8 Feb. 2018 17:26


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 23rd lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid cutting your hair today if other aspects suggest it. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

9 Feb 2018 3:12 - 24 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable

10 Feb 2018 4:15 - 25 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from February 8th. 2018 17:26 to 11 Feb. 2018 5:30


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you may lose sight of the most important thing, not see opportunities coming and going. (mig tshag ong) Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

11 Feb 2018 5:13 - 26 lunar day

Moon in Sagittarius from February 8th. 2018 17:26 to 11 Feb. 2018 5:30


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 26th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

12 Feb. 2018 6:03 - 27 lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 27th lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood will not leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable

13 Feb 2018 6:46 - 28 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn from February 11th. 2018 5:30 to 13 Feb. 2018 18:42


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

An ideal day for a haircut - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods Moons for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

14 Feb 2018 7:22 - 29 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

Haircut on the 29th lunar day is strictly not recommended - you can go astray and get into a lot of trouble. (bla `khyams) Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable

15 Feb 2018 7:52 - 30 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from February 13th. 2018 18:42 to 16 Feb. 2018 6:12


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

On the 30th lunar day it is better not to get a haircut - postpone the haircut to another day, especially since the 30th lunar day is very short. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

16 Feb 2018 0:05 - 1 lunar day

Moon in Aquarius from February 13th. 2018 18:42 to 16 Feb. 2018 6:12


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts. Tibetan sages say that cutting your hair on this day shortens your life. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

16 Feb 2018 8:16 - 2nd lunar day


A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid cutting your hair on this day. Moon in Pisces - haircut is unfavorable

17 Feb 2018 8:38 - 3rd lunar day

Moon in Pisces from February 16th. 2018 6:12 to 18 Feb. 2018 15:26


In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts.

Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illnesses into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money like crazy. Moon in Pisces - haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

18 Feb 2018 8:58 - 4th lunar day

Moon in Pisces from February 16th. 2018 6:12 to 18 Feb. 2018 15:26


In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts.

Haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Pisces - haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

19 Feb 2018 9:17 - 5th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you luck and wealth. A very good day to radically change your appearance. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable

20 Feb 2018 9:36 - 6th lunar day

Moon in Aries from February 18th. 2018 15:26 to 20 Feb. 2018 22:24


In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts.

The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract illnesses into your life or simply become depressed, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

21 Feb 2018 9:57 - 7th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 7th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable

22 Feb 2018 10:21 - 8 lunar day

Moon in Taurus from February 20 2018 22:24 to 23 Feb. 2018 3:40


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 8th lunar day is very good for haircuts. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable moon positions. Hair grows strong and healthy, with less split ends.

23 Feb 2018 10:51 - 9 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using soft natural ingredients. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable

24 Feb 2018 11:28 - 10th lunar day

Moon in Gemini from 23 Feb. 2018 3:40 to 25 Feb. 2018 6:06


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 10th lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

25 Feb 2018 12:17 - 11th lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 11th lunar day is simply ideal for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is simply a “bomb”. This haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable

26 Feb 2018 13:18 - 12th lunar day

Moon in Cancer from February 25th. 2018 6:06 to 27 Feb. 2018 7:58


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

27 Feb 2018 14:30 - 13th lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 13th lunar day is perfect for haircuts - you will become more attractive person and you will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed) Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

28 Feb 2018 15:51 - 14th lunar day

Moon in Leo from February 27th. 2018 7:58 to 1 Mar. 2018 9:16


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 14th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a luckier person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property and material well-being. (en spyod`phel) Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

Thank you for viewing our lunar calendar of haircuts for February 2018. We hope that you were able to easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We take a responsible approach to our work and understand that the well-being of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for February 2018 favorable days- find out if a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for February 2018 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars on the entire Internet. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for February 2018 - favorable days for cutting can be found on this page. We believe in karma, and we make the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

17th lunar day. Moon in Leo

One of better days months to improve and tidy up your hair. For hair at this time, use any nourishing masks– both industrial production and composed of natural ingredients that you can find in your kitchen. It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect of wine vinegar or alcohol tinctures medicinal plants, as well as the Darsonval device. You can get a haircut.

18th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Take time today to carefully examine your reflection in the mirror. Assess whether you have swelling under gas, whether new wrinkles have appeared, how your skin looks in general, the whites of your eyes, whether the corners of your lips are cracked. Such a thorough analysis will make it possible to determine exactly how to improve your appearance while maintaining the health of your major organs. On this day, the same benefits for beauty as for general well-being are beneficial. Get a practical haircut.

19th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Try to improve your intestinal function - on this day you may need to help it by taking appropriate medications or eating foods that promote normal intestinal motility. This is a great time to get a pedicure and cleanse the skin of your feet from calluses and corns. The only thing is to try to ensure the sterility of all instruments and vessels that you will use. You can't get your hair cut.

20th lunar day. Moon in Libra

On this day, be careful about the recommendations to drink several liters of liquid: the kidneys are vulnerable, so by drinking excessively you can provoke the appearance of edema. Even mild hypothermia can also cause problems in the lumbar region, so dress warmly, remember: what is good for a warm climate is not always suitable for ours. You can begin a course of herbal treatment for the kidneys and genitourinary system. Visit a hairdresser.

21st lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is a great time to choose the right makeup for yourself. Ask your stylist for advice. The impression you make on others depends on the color of your hair, mascara, skin tone, and lipstick. Also today your face will not react to new products decorative cosmetics unwanted allergic reactions. You can change the shape of your eyebrows, tattoo the contours of your eyes and lips, or create a new hairstyle.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

This is a good time to start fighting a double chin, as well as to treat and begin prosthetic treatment of teeth located on the lower jaw. You can pierce your ears, cleanse the skin of your neck from papillomas and age spots. Gymnastics aimed at increasing neck mobility are also welcome. You should keep your feet warm if you want to avoid gynecological diseases and cystitis. You can get a haircut.

23rd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

On this day, the genitals are vulnerable. So sex can be a source of problems. Postpone your love date. It is also better to consult with an “intimate” doctor on another day. You can treat a throat, sinusitis, runny nose, remove tonsils, take care of the thyroid gland. Take with caution hormonal drugs. Maintain a good mood, drive away gloomy thoughts. It's better not to cut your hair.

24th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Today it is better to sleep longer, and you need to eat plenty, but plant foods are preferable. All this will help you accumulate the missing energy, and you will feel much stronger. You should not walk a lot, as stress on the pelvic area can cause joint problems instead of benefit. Postpone the anti-cellulite massage in the thigh area to another day. Make sure that the manifestations of hemorrhoids do not worsen. A haircut will be useful.

25th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

It's time to take care of your hands. Start performing a gymnastics routine aimed at increasing the flexibility of your arm joints and strengthening your muscles. You can cleanse the skin on your hands, nourish and moisturize it. You can also remove age spots and warts on your hands. One of the best days for a manicure, since the skin on the hands is low-vulnerable, so injuries and cuts, if any, will be minor. Nourish your nails. Visit a hairdresser.

26th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Take care of your liver on this day. Do not load it with fatty foods and alcohol, eat foods that promote the outflow of bile. You can cleanse the blood with cranberry and viburnum fruit drinks. Do not schedule surgery to remove gallstones on this day. But breathing exercises are very useful - look on the Internet for complexes by different authors, try which one suits you best. Getting a haircut is not contraindicated.

26th and 27th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

Today, all manipulations aimed at rejuvenating the body will be especially effective. And they will be accompanied by a long-lasting effect. So you should not be lazy and make every effort to “preserve” the results achieved in improving your own appearance. It is better to start dental treatment and prosthetics on another day. Massage is not recommended. You can cut your hair, but be sure to keep your hair well moisturized.

27th and 28th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn

If symptoms of any disease appear, do not waste time; start treatment immediately so that the disease does not become protracted. Do not use any personal care products that are new to you, as this may cause skin rashes that will be difficult to get rid of. Be careful not to experience constipation. Eat mostly warm and hot food, as cold food can take a very long time to digest. You can get a haircut.

28th and 29th lunar days. Moon in Aquarius

In the first half of the day, you can use the services of beauty specialists to put your appearance in order. In the afternoon, it is better to take care of yourself on your own - this will give you more guarantees that you will not catch any infection, and also that you will not contract negative thoughts and moods from the specialist. Sociability can play a cruel joke on you now: it is possible that you will be repeatedly discharged.

29th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Today, early in the morning, it is worth making a choice in favor of not so much beautiful and fashionable shoes, but rather comfortable and stable shoes, since subluxations and sprains of the ankle joint can easily and quickly occur. So move carefully and use shoes to stabilize your feet. Try to remain calm in any situation - hypocrisy can cause neuralgia.

30th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

On this day, take care of your eyes - you should not burden them with painstaking work and reading, it is better to walk more and look at the beauty of the surrounding nature. The manifestations of arthritis and arthrosis may worsen. Remove them with therapeutic baths for the joints; planned operations on the joints are contraindicated today. Don't try to use physical activity improve the shape of your legs - the day is absolutely not suitable for this.

1st lunar day. Moon in Pisces. New moon

On this day, you need to give your skin and hair the opportunity to regenerate and heal itself, so you should not do any procedures, except for cleansing with water. An active lifestyle is contraindicated, if only because the feet are very vulnerable, so on this day it is better to give them the opportunity to rest and not put any strain on them. You should not get a pedicure, as the cuts will take a long time to heal, and there is a high risk of infection.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Pisces

Today you can choose a suitable diet for about a month. When choosing, be guided by your intuition: if any food causes internal rejection, do not buy it, buy what you want to eat. It is your body that tells you what is good for you and what is harmful. In the same way, you can choose your skin and hair care products. Getting a haircut today is not very useful - your hair may become thinner.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Aries

This is a great time to start taking on many of your planned self-care routines. The only thing is to leave your head alone for now, that is, you can take care of any part of the body, and it’s better to start improving your hair and facial skin at another time, since today they are very vulnerable, so accidental injuries will not be uncommon. Plastic surgery on the face, removal and prosthetics of teeth - all these procedures are prohibited today. Like cutting hair.

4th lunar day. Moon in Aries

You can consult an ophthalmologist about which glasses are best to buy. This is also a very good day for starting a course of treatment procedures designed to heal your eyes and improve your vision. Try not to strain too much so as not to provoke migraines or high blood pressure. Throughout the day, periodically rest your eyes by contemplating absolute darkness. Put off the haircut.

5th lunar day. Moon in Aries

On this day you can treat kidneys, as well as radiculitis, lumbar neuralgia. Today you can even plan operations on the kidneys, operations to crush and remove stones in these organs. But plan operations to correct the nasal septum on other days. You can't pierce your ears. You should not walk without a hat, as spring drafts can be very dangerous for your head. It's not worth getting a haircut.

6th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

Plan a visit to the gynecologist today: intimate organs are the least vulnerable and best treated at this time. Protect your neck from drafts and unnecessary injuries. It is better not to perform a gymnastic complex aimed at improving her mobility on this day. The skin of the neck is also very sensitive now, so it can only be cleansed with non-aggressive care products. Haircut is good for hair.

7th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

You can begin a course of exercises aimed at developing pelvic mobility, and, accordingly, at improving the health of those organs that are located in it. Perform any therapeutic procedures designed to improve the condition of the uterus, cervix, appendages, and in men the prostate gland: side effects will not be. You cannot remove tonsils or perform operations on the throat or thyroid gland. You can get a haircut.

8th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

The bronchi, lungs, and upper respiratory tract are very vulnerable on this day. Inhalations with medications can cause allergies, even if they have always passed without consequences. The cleanliness of the air you breathe is of particular importance. So it’s better not to walk past working industrial zones. But in general, you can walk for quite a long time - load your leg joints without fear. The haircut will make the hairstyle more airy.

9th and 10th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, cut off unnecessary information from yourself if you do not want to provoke problems with the respiratory system, runny nose and sinusitis. For this reason, all visits to beauty salons should be planned for the second half of the day, when there will be less negativity around, and the thoughts of others will become more positive. Minimize today water procedures, instead of benefiting them, they can do much more harm.

10th and 11th lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Do not plan to care for your breasts and décolleté on this day. Plastic surgery in the chest area and removal of age spots, moles and papillomas are contraindicated. But cleansing procedures using non-aggressive means, moisturizing and nourishing the skin are allowed. Pay close attention to your stomach, as gastritis may worsen on this day. It is also better not to plan operations on the stomach. You can get a haircut.

11th and 12th lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Today you can take care of your knees, as well as treat those joints that hurt you. Salt deposits, gout, arthrosis and arthritis can be treated on this day, you just need to contact a specialist and choose suitable method. It's arrived good time for visiting the dentist, treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth. You can massage your back, since the spine is less vulnerable. A haircut will have good consequences.

13th lunar day. Moon in Leo

On this day, it is worth taking into account the mistakes of the past and not stepping on the same rake that you stepped on before. If you previously got burned by choosing the wrong hairdresser or cosmetologist, then you should not go to see them again. Try not to plan heavy loads for today - your heart may not be able to cope with them. Take care of your hair: get a haircut, make nourishing masks.

14th lunar day. Moon in Leo

An excellent day for treating blood vessels. If you have found a recipe for cleaning them a long time ago, it’s time to try to put it into practice. Surgeries on blood vessels, eyes, and joints can be planned at this time. You should not visit public institutions such as a bathhouse or sauna, as you can pick up some kind of infection. When it comes to self-care methods, choose those that use hot masks rather than cold ones. You can get a haircut.