Games for February 14. How to have a fun Valentine's Day at school? Games, competitions, entertainment. What to give a man for Valentine's Day

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Even though February 14 is not a very popular Russian holiday, in the middle of winter it is very nice to give each other gifts, add a little romance everywhere, congratulate colleagues, go on dates and just get together in a big group. Great for gifts and party entertainment Board games(you give them as if for Valentine’s Day, but in fact, you play them all year long). We have selected a list of games for all these occasions, which can be presented to both friends and partners on Valentine's Day.

Games for February 14th for the company


Age: from 6 years
Number of players: from 2 to 6
The most familiar option for a company to become a little closer to each other. You need to intertwine your legs and arms at the behest of a small roulette wheel on a large colored field. You can also give it to a family with children.

Tower for adults

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: from 2 to 16
An unusual game for companies. On February 14, you can bring it to the office (if you have a confidential atmosphere there), to a party with best friends or home. This is a tower building game, only on each block there are written tasks ranging from simple to somewhat intimate.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: from 4 to 9
If the party is more alcoholic, Ruff will do. You can have a blast, forgetting all decency. In Ruff itself there are no overly intimate tasks. It's just that if you don't complete one of the cards, you'll have to drink a penalty.

Battle of the sexes

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: from 2 to 20
For those who keep their sanity, there is a great quiz called Battle of the Sexes. Perfect for the office, for a corporate party, and for a large mixed-sex get-together. You know well male psychology? What about women's logic?

Games for two for Valentine's Day

For you

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
An unusual game for two, which is played in pairs only once, but lasts for several weeks - just perfect for winter holiday. Every day you give each other some kind of surprise that strengthens and invigorates your relationship. This item can be given to both a new partner and someone with whom you have been living for many years.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
Surely you are familiar with it. There are many of them, and you don’t need to invent anything - they are already packaged in tempting boxes by topic. Designed for two lovers. There's a lot interesting tasks different levels of complexity and frankness.

Party in bed

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
Continues the theme of forfeits, in fact, only the tasks are even more varied, and the mechanics are simply created for unusual entertainment two: it’s not enough to just give your loved one a night in a hotel, for example, you need to decorate it with something.

In Love

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
She is similar to Pati, but she has been going since she was 16 years old, that is, the tasks there are easier in terms of intimacy. Good for dating, for the first period of a relationship. Although it's like that funny game that you can buy it even if you already have grandchildren.

For romantic gifts and large companies

  • If you are looking for a romantic gift for your loved one (or loved one) for Valentine's Day, take a closer look at the category. There is a lot that didn't make it into this short list. By the way, in Mosigra stores you can always suddenly buy a postcard or another small surprise for your beloved - and for no reason.
  • And if you are wondering what games to play with friends on February 14 in a large group, then go to the section: there is a lot of things there, and it doesn’t have to be with a touch of romance.

Having trouble choosing or looking for something special? Just call our operators, they will select something suitable for you.

Valentine's Day is celebrated by many lovers around the world. On a romantic day in February, you want to once again tell your soulmate about your tender feelings, and maybe confess them for the first time.

Do not miss the opportunity to make a real holiday for yourself, your loved ones and friends from this occasion. What competitions can be held on February 14?

Guess the melody
You need to prepare cards in advance with the beginning of love songs. You read a few sentences or words, and your partner says the name of the song or sings along to the song. You can take advantage of both domestic and foreign hits. On February 14, you can test your other half's knowledge of love-themed songs. Start making a list right now: “I will always love you...”

For those who are organizing competitions for Valentine's Day for the first time

A truly classic competition for Valentine's Day was the word game. Three words “day”, “saint”, “Valentine” are divided into letters. The pair needs to make up the maximum possible number of words from the available symbols. Unfortunately, the game is only fun to play the first time.

For scholars
This game is convenient to play if you are somewhere at a restaurant table and want themed entertainment for Valentine's Day. One by one, you need to remember famous couples in love. These can be heroes of films, novels, as well as real examples love. Start with the world famous Romeo and Juliet, and the one who finishes long list the last one, let him make a wish for the second one.

Attentiveness competition

There are whole jokes about men's inattention in matters of women's appearance. Perhaps you yourself have encountered a situation where you wanted to hear a compliment about changing your hair color, but your man was perplexed about what changes had happened in you. And he praised your new dress, which is actually not new at all. Well, similar funny situations can happen to women too. The next competition will demonstrate the couple's attentiveness and show who notices the details. You need to stand with your back to each other and talk about the color of your eyes, the nuances of clothing, the presence of moles on your face, and so on. This competition is especially suitable for a group of several couples who can compete with each other.

In friends company
The following competition will help you test your couple for artistry, which, by the way, is perfect for noisy company on February 14th. It is necessary to prepare several cards with names in advance different countries. The goal is to show the typical love relationships of the inhabitants of a particular country. These features must be demonstrated without words. Try it, it will be a lot of fun.

Family knot
If you are celebrating with friends and there are many couples among you, try the “family knot” competition. It is necessary to have several ropes available in quantities equal to the number of pairs. First, the presenter calls the girls and asks them to tie three very strong knot. After this, their men are called “on stage”. Surely you already guessed that they will have to untie the knots as quickly as possible. Those who complete the task first win.

Competition for good singers

Do you like to have fun together and can sing? Then the next competition is for you. You will need a box, heart-shaped leaves and pre-prepared words, which should be randomly located in this very box by the start of the competition. You can play together. The essence of the competition is simple - draw out a heart, for example, with the words “love”, “sea”, “why”, and remember the song where such a word appeared. You will need concentration, resourcefulness and a good mood.


The host invites several couples to participate in this game (the more, the better). Each couple is given family shorts, a scarf and a cap. The participants stand opposite each other, the man is wearing family shorts and a cap, and the woman is wearing a scarf on her head. Fast music begins to play (preferably in rock and roll style), at this time the couples dance, the music fades away, and the couples must change clothes as quickly as possible. The couple that didn't make it in time is eliminated. The music starts again. The game continues until the winning pair is announced.


To participate in this game, the host invites several pairs of men and women (it is important that people know each other). The presenter then takes the women out of the room and asks the men questions.

1. Favorite composer of your other half?

2. Favorite song of your significant other?

3. Favorite singer (singer) of your other half?

4. Favorite item in your wardrobe?

5. What is your significant other's favorite city?

6. What is your significant other's favorite phone number?

7. What is your significant other's favorite TV series?

8. What is your significant other's favorite show?

The presenter writes down the answers of each participant on a piece of paper (so as not to confuse them). Then women who have not heard the answers of their chosen ones are invited into the room. The presenter asks them the same questions. For each match, the presenter awards the pair 1 point. Then the game is repeated, only women answer the questions first. At the end of the game, the leader sums up the results and counts the total number of points for each pair. The strongest pair wins.

One breath

The host invites everyone to participate in the game - the more people there are, the better. Participants stand in a circle. The host invites one of the ladies to eat the candy and use the candy wrapper for the game. The lady who has eaten the candy begins the game: she takes the candy wrapper and, drawing in air, holds it on her lips; in the same way, the next player takes the candy wrapper and passes it to the third. And so on in a circle. The participant who drops the candy wrapper is eliminated. The game continues until a winner is determined.

Linked by one chain

The host invites several couples to participate in this game (the more, the funnier). The presenter scatters any small things (coins, matches, candies, etc.) on the floor of the room.

All couples get to the start line at once. Before the start of the competition, the presenter ties the participants’ two legs (for example, a man’s right, a woman’s left) and two arms (in a similar way). After this, a shot of champagne sounds, indicating the start of the game. Pairs need to collect scattered objects. After all things have been collected, the leader makes a count. The winner is the couple that manages to collect the most elements.

"Treat me, honey"

The host invites everyone to participate in the game (if there is not enough space, you can play right at the table). The first participant is determined by a nursery rhyme or by seniority. The presenter gives him a sandwich with sausage (cheese, caviar, butter, etc.), the first participant takes a bite and passes it to the next, that one to the third, etc. The one who runs out of sandwich loses! The secret of this game is to ensure that each participant bites as little as possible, prolonging the game time.

Ivan da Marya

The presenter invites everyone to participate in this game. The participants are divided into two teams - a men's team, which will be called "Ivan", and a women's team - "Marya". Each team chooses a leader, who will be the store, and his assistant, who will be the buyer, everyone else will be the instigators,

The instigators of the men’s team begin: “On Valentine’s Day, Vanka decided to give a gift to Manka, went to the store and bought...”

The “buyer” removes any item from the “store”, saying: “My beloved will definitely like this little thing!” The purchased item is given to the leaders of the women's team.

The female team continues: “On Valentine’s Day, Manka decided to give Vanka a gift, she went to the store and bought...”

The “customer” removes any item from the “store”, saying: “My beloved will definitely like this little thing!” The purchased item is given to the men's team leaders.

The game continues until one of the “stores” refuses the “buyer” to purchase! The most relaxed player receives a prize!

A slow dance

Two couples are invited to participate in this competition.

Couples stand on chairs on which unfolded sheets of newspaper lie. Slow music plays and the couples begin to slow dance. Then the presenter commands: “Fold the newspaper in half!” The couples fold and continue dancing until the leader commands: “Fold the newspaper in half!” The difficulty is that couples are not allowed to step on the empty space of the chair, only on the newspaper. The couple that lasts the longest without stepping on the chair wins.


Several couples (a man and a woman) are invited to participate in this game. First, the presenter blindfolds the man, and gives the woman several (equal numbers for each pair) hearts cut out of adhesive colored paper, which she sticks on herself. At the command of the presenter, while fast music is playing, the man, blindfolded, begins to find and tear off hearts from his soulmate. The winner is the pair that manages to collect as many hearts as possible in the allotted time. If the guests liked the game, then it can be repeated by blindfolding the woman.

"Kiss me, darling!"

The host invites one man and an unlimited number of women to participate in the game. The presenter blindfolds the man and invites the women to take any place in the room. At the command of the leader, the women freeze in place. The essence of the game is for the man to find and kiss as many women as possible within the allotted time. In order to complicate the task, male guests can join the women, masquerading as representatives of the fair sex.


Several couples (of approximately the same size) are invited to participate in the game. The presenter takes the women to another room and puts a sheet on them, like a burqa, so that their faces are not visible. Upon entering the room, the women stand in a circle. Then the leader takes turns bringing one man into the circle, who must recognize his soul mate in any way (except conversation) and steal her from the harem. After all the women have been sorted out, the presenter allows them to take off the burqa. The one who correctly recognizes his companion wins. The second round of this game can be a role reversal: men put on a burqa, women guess.

Distribution of duties

To participate in this game, the presenter invites a young woman married couple or lovers who are going to get married. Young people are given a fork as a weapon. The presenter holds in his hands a bunch of balloons (the more the better), each of which contains a note with household duties: taking out the garbage, washing dishes, ironing, doing laundry, fulfilling marital duties, fighting with neighbors, etc. Participants in the game queues pop the balloon and read the contents of the note. After all the notes have been distributed, the presenter takes them and writes them into a specially prepared form:

I (last name, first name and patronymic), born (date and place of birth indicated), solemnly swear to fulfill the following duties: (all those duties that this person has pulled out are listed). Just below: date and signature.

A knot for memory!

The presenter invites several people to participate in this game: a woman and two men or a man and two women. One of the participants, for example a woman, stands in the middle of the room. The men are blindfolded and given several satin ribbons. The first man approaches the woman and ties the ribbon on her into a knot, the second must untie it. The game continues until one of the men gives up!

Love relay

All interested couples are invited to participate in this game. The room in which it will take place festive event, you need to divide it into two parts so that the “start” is located on one wall, and the “finish” on the opposite wall.

1st relay competition: using a long rope, the participants are tied to each other as tightly as possible. In this position they must reach the finish line. The winning team (pair) receives 1 point.

2nd relay competition: the man is blindfolded, the woman sits on his back, and the couple begins to move. To give hints to your companion, you can only use the words “forward”, “backward”, “right” and “left”. The first couple to reach the finish line receives 2 points.

3rd relay race: the woman stands at the finish line, the man remains at the start line. Each man is given a ball of thread, the end of which is in the woman’s hands. At the command of the leader, she begins to wind the ball, moving her companion to the finish line. The main condition is that the thread does not sag. The fastest pair gets 3 points.

4th relay competition: each woman is invited to hug her partner as tightly as possible and in this position, moving forward using circular movements, the couples begin to move. The most graceful couple that reaches the finish line first receives 4 points.

5th relay competition: participants stand against the “start” wall, hang a large soft heart (made from faux fur and stuffed with batting). Each pair has 6 darts. Participants in each pair throw in turns (three darts). For each hit, the couple receives 5 points.

At the end of the relay, the leader counts the number of points earned and determines the winners.

Declaration of love

You can invite all invited guests to participate in this game. The first participant (who can be identified by the nursery rhyme) says the phrase: “I love you!” as quietly as possible, his neighbor speaks a little louder, the next one even a little louder, etc. In this case, a sharp increase in tone is strictly prohibited. The one who utters the loudest declaration of love wins. The essence of this game is that each participant will try to speak as quietly as possible so that his turn will come again.

Erogenous zone

The host invites three couples to participate in this game. Each person is given a small object: a spoon, a ball of foil, a glass, etc.

The task of the participants is that the woman must roll this object from one trouser leg of her companion to the other, and the man must roll this object from one sleeve of his companion to the other. The man is asked to complete this task first, then the woman enters the game without stopping. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

Ardent lover

You can play this game in any company, and the more participants, the more interesting it is. This fun looks especially piquant when the guests have already drunk well. The instigator says the phrase “I love you,” and tries to say it as sensually as possible. The next player must say this phrase also sensually, but twice, the third - three, the fourth - four, and so on until someone loses count or laughs. The “weakest link” is eliminated and the game starts all over again! And so on until the most ardent, most sensual lover remains!

Retribution for sins

The presenter invites several people (equally equal to men and women) to participate in this game. Participants stand in two lines opposite each other. Then the man kisses the woman and takes off any item, then the woman kisses the man and takes off any item. The game continues until one of the participants refuses to take off the item. The most relaxed couple wins and receives a prize.


The host invites all interested couples (man and woman) to participate in this game. The more players there are, the more interesting it is! The participants are separated in different directions so that they cannot touch each other, and they are blindfolded. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to look for each other in the crowd of strangers. To identify your other half, you can use anything: hands, legs, lips, etc. Having found a suitable half, women must fasten it with a pin to their belt. At the command of the leader, the participants stop the search and fasten the one who is in this moment was nearby. Then the presenter allows the players to remove the headbands and counts the number of correctly fastened pairs.

Reliable man

The presenter invites several men to participate in this game. Men stand in a circle so that the distance between the players is slightly less than an arm's length; they are blindfolded. Then, at the command of the leader, the first participant takes in his hand balloon in the shape of a heart and passes it on to the next one, and so on in a circle. The participant who drops the ball is eliminated. The most reliable man receives a prize.

Caring wife

The host invites several couples to participate in this game. The lovers are taken to different sides of the room, the men hands tied they sit down on a chair, and give the women with their legs tied a cup of coffee in their hands. The participants' task is to bring their loved one a cup of coffee and give him a drink without spilling a drop of the drink. The most caring wife is awarded a memorable prize.


To participate in this game, the presenter invites an equal number of men and women (no more than 3 pairs). For men, a pencil or just a thin wooden stick is inserted into their belt; women are given several plastic rings (from a children's game). At the command of the leader, the women begin to throw the rings, and the men begin to catch them so that they are put on a stick. The couple that catches the most rings wins and receives a prize.

Romeo and Juliet

Several people are invited to participate in this game, it is important that they are both men and women! The facilitator invites the participants to divide into two teams and draw one of the envelopes with the task. Each team's task is to depict a scene from a romance novel (for example, Romeo and Juliet, Decameron, Gone with the Wind, etc.). The most interesting thing about this game is that participants will have to portray not only passionate lovers, but also various interior items: beds, tables, chairs, curtains, etc. The team that prepares the most detailed presentation of the classics wins a prize!

Monument to Love

To participate in the competition, the presenter invites two teams (the more participants, the better); each team is given a large object as a prop (for example, a floor stand for flowers, an office hanger, a shoe stand and other bulky things). The task of each team is to create a monument of love using everything they are wearing, in their pockets or lying on the table. The most extraordinary creation from an architectural point of view is awarded a prize!

Sandwich for two

This game can be played as many times as you like. Each time the host invites two couples to participate in the game. Participants are given a sandwich (a long French loaf is cut lengthwise into two halves, spread with butter and jam, caviar, etc.), which, at the leader’s command, they begin to eat from opposite ends. The team that completes the task faster gets a kiss and is awarded a prize!

Car enthusiasts

To participate in this game, the host invites several couples (no more than 4-5, so as not to get bored). Each pair receives an envelope containing the task. Their task is to play out a given situation in as much detail and believability as possible, but not to laugh. For example, “a traffic police officer stops a female driver for speeding”; “a traffic police officer stops a female driver for drunk driving”, “a meeting of motorists: a female driver and a male driver in a terrible traffic jam”, etc. The more absurd and unrealistic the situations are, the more difficult it will be for the participants and the funnier for the audience.

Round dance

The presenter invites everyone to participate in this game. Using a nursery rhyme, participants choose a leader, then everyone else stands in a circle so that the blindfolded leader is in the center. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to move in a circle with the words:

On Valentine's Day

We baked a loaf!

Loaf, loaf,

Choose whoever you want, etc.

When the ringleader says “Stop!”, the round dance stops and the participant who happens to be opposite the ringleader enters the circle. Both players stand with their backs to each other and, at the command of the players, turn their heads to the right or left. If the sides match, the players kiss. Next, the leader becomes the player who entered the circle.

Add variety to the party? Easily! And for this you don’t even need to hire a presenter, animators and other professionals in their field. You're your own professional and can help your friends have a great Valentine's Day party. There is nothing complicated here, especially since they are new funny competitions on February 14th for young people are very interesting and will help you in organizing and holding the holiday. Dancing, moving and comic - each competition is a small game with unexpected ending. And so, let's study what is.

Invite a lady...

Living in a big city, you encounter noise every day. And it so happened that you are standing on one side of the road, and your girlfriend is on the other. You see each other, but you don't hear. How can you explain to your lady that you bought a ticket to...
And so, the first competition is called - invite a lady. Couples come out. Guys stand on one side, girls on the other. The distance between them is 3-5 meters. The guys take turns receiving a task, and must show with gestures and movements where they invite the girls. And the girls must guess and answer this question out loud. We time each pair.
Examples of tasks:
- invite a girl to the cinema to watch a horror film.
- invite a girl to the central square to the Lenin monument.
- invite a girl to cross to your side of the road using a subway crossing.
- invite a girl to the play Romeo and Juliet.

If the task is too difficult, you can use sounds. The main thing is that it’s fun and that everyone gets through it.

Compliment on...

On such a festive day you cannot do without compliments. But saying banal words and phrases is boring. Let's see which guys are original.
For the competition you will need rollers with different designs. For example, with a snail pattern, with a rocket pattern, and so on. Each guy in turn takes out one card, sees the drawing and comes up with a compliment for his girlfriend using this drawing.
For example, the guy took out a drawing of a rocket. He can tell - my heart beats as fast as a rocket flies when you are near. Or this: when you are nearby, time flies by quickly, like a rocket.
If you take out a picture with a snail, then you can come up with the following: our love will be eternal, like the path of a snail from Vladivostok to Moscow!
Who can come up with more original compliment, he gets a prize for himself and his girlfriend.

To be attentive.

Three couples take the stage. Each couple stands with their backs to each other. It turns out that the participants in pairs do not see each other. This is great, because this is the whole point of the game.
When the couples have turned their backs to each other, the host begins the competition. He approaches each couple in turn and asks them to name the details of their loved one’s clothing, makeup, and so on.
For example, he asks the guy from the first couple what shape of earrings his companion has? And then he asks the girl from the same couple how many shirt buttons yours has. young man? And so on, different questions for each pair. Questions are asked only about the details of clothing that the participants actually wear. For each correct answer, the couple receives a point. Who will dial large quantity points, he wins.

Music of love.

Everyone knows that France and Italy are the most romantic countries. They are known for their music that stirs the hearts of lovers. But not only these countries have beautiful love music, the Czech Republic, Russia and other countries can also boast of their masterpieces.
In this competition, couples will guess the music, or more precisely, the country in which this melody was “born”.
Give each pair a whistle or something else to signal. A melody plays and if someone guessed it, they give a signal. We must answer which country this romantic melody belongs to. If the answer is correct, it's a ball. If it is not correct, then the pair skips the next melody.

Kiss on selfie.

Either boys or girls participate in this competition. They must have a phone with a camera. At the command of the presenter, participants run to the hall or to another place and take a selfie. But not just a selfie, but with a kiss! That is, guys run up to girls, ask them to kiss them on the cheek and take a selfie. On the contrary, girls ask guys to kiss them on the cheek. Whoever takes 7 selfies with a kiss first returns to the host and shows the photo.