What should a man in a family. The most important duties of a man in the family. Satisfied with life military pensioners on real examples

The key to a healthy relationship- this is the correct and harmonious distribution of rights and duties between spouses.

The role of men and women in the family is historically determined in view of biological prerequisites, mental characteristics and social nature.

The modern world is strikingly different from the primitive communities in which the image of the family was formed. But to completely ignore the natural pattern of interaction between a man and a woman, radically changing the roles - bad for marriage.

Who is the head of the family?

Any community of people need a leader who will coordinate actions, resolve disputes, and then take responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made.

The same principle works in the family. Only here in the family the "leader" is called the "head of the family."

But headship does not mean that the leader's word is undeniable law for all household members.

Family members have the right to make their own proposals, reject or accept the opinion of the head of the family, give advice, etc. And the spouse who plays the role of leader should listen to the opinion of everyone, and then work out compromise solution.

In questions that do not imply a compromise or a clear answer, the word of the head of the family will be decisive. This is a responsible and heavy privilege.

Traditionally, the head of the family is a man, who for many centuries was provider and protector. But in the conditions of modern economic and social equality of the sexes, the concept of “head of the family” has changed (and in some families it has been abolished).

The leader may be:

  • hidden;
  • explicit.

Explicit The head of the family is the spouse, whose leadership is recognized by all family members.

He directs all processes within the cell of society openly and with legal rights.

Hidden a leader is a spouse who positions himself as a “lower in rank”, but at the same time, with the help of manipulation or by agreement, promotes his opinions and decisions through a clear leader.

This moment can be traced very well through the saying “The husband is the head, the wife is the neck. Wherever the neck turns, the head will look there.

Those. often in families the palm is in the hands of a man. And a wise woman agrees with the routine, but pushes her husband to such conclusions that she considers correct. "She speaks with her husband's lips and creates with her husband's hands."

gender roles

Family systems based on gender roles. These roles are formed under the influence of the cultural norms of society and are a kind of "template" of behavior, dictating standards of behavior to the participants in society.

Entering into family relationships, a person already understands what role he will occupy. What can be done and what cannot be done.

So little girls from a young age they explain that in the future they will become wives and keepers of the hearth.

BUT boys talk about the need to develop physical strength and master the profession in order to protect and support the family.

This also includes attitudes like “a woman should not argue with men, with such a character you will receive from her husband” or “you can’t pull girls by pigtails, you are the future head of the family, you must protect the weaker sex.”

Purpose and functions


material support. The duty of a man in the family is the material support of the cell of society. The income should cover all the basic expenses of a modern family (food, housing, clothing, utility services, etc.).

Of course, sometimes a woman earns more than her husband. But a man who cannot give birth and feed children is ideally suited for the role of breadwinner (and most likely will try it on when his wife goes on maternity leave, even being economically passive).

Social prerequisites also dictate their terms, and stronger sex often offer more responsible and highly paid positions.

Protection. Family protection is an important function. Men stronger than women physically. They are also more emotionally balanced and have a mathematical mindset.

Therefore, a real representative of the stronger sex, in case of danger, will take the blow, whether it is a blow in the literal or figurative sense.

A husband should not shift the responsibility for solving problems to a fragile wife.

Solving technical issues (household function). Everything is quite simple here. A man must repair the shelf in time, connect a new one washing machine, and troubleshoot leaking batteries.

strategic function. A man is a strategist by nature. He must solve important issues for the family together with his wife. But, as a rule, women simply offer options and a big picture of solving problems. And men build strategies, a precise plan of action, etc.

internal function. A father should be family-oriented, albeit to a lesser extent than a woman. A man spends most of his life at work, being at home only in the evenings.

But when he spends time with his family, he should delve as much as possible into internal affairs, joys and disappointments.

Parenting- this is the jewelry work that the mother does. It is the woman who daily corrects the behavior of the child, using rewards / punishments / explanations for this.

But a man should not ignore the child. He sets the course for education, evaluates the behavior of the child, and in some cases even represents the "highest court" or "capital punishment" as an authoritative member of the family.


The function of reproduction of offspring. A woman bears and gives birth to children, nurtures and educates them.

This function is available only to the beautiful half of humanity.

And since ladies are more family-oriented, they invest more time and effort directly into education than a man. Sitting on maternity leave, a woman is constantly with the baby.

And the man who at this time financially provides for the family does not have the opportunity to devote much time to the child.

home function. If a man traditionally solves technical issues and problems in the family that require the application of physical strength, then a woman takes care of comfort. Cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning fall on the fragile shoulders of the wife.

But even if a woman delegates all the work to domestic staff, she must “invest” in creating comfort.

Fresh flowers on the windowsill, new curtains or embroidered napkins on the table create the feeling that the hostess had a hand in everything.

Save function. A man is an aggressor who achieves his goals and spends energy in the external environment. In the family, his energy is replenished and preserved by a woman. She does this through affection, encouragement, admiration, stimulation.

List of responsibilities

Man's Responsibilities:

Woman's Responsibilities:

  • conducting household(cook food, keep order, etc.);
  • activities (the wife is not obliged to provide for the family and work, but must have a hobby so as not to get bogged down in everyday life);
  • parenting;
  • emotional support for a husband;
  • preservation of the moral character of the family.

How to properly distribute?

We are all different and unique. There is no single scheme for the division of family responsibilities.

For example, somewhere the spouse loves to repair household appliances and literally meditates during this process, and the husband does not like to mess with household appliances.

In another family the man cooks well and from early childhood dreamed of becoming a cook.

But his wife is so tired of caring for two years that she categorically refuses to cook.

And in each of these situations, the spouses satisfied with their duties.

So how do you share responsibilities? Take as a basis the traditional scheme of distribution of responsibilities in the family (for men and women).

Adjust this scheme based on what each spouse prefers to do. And of course, do not forget to help your soulmate, "replacing" your loved one in certain positions if necessary.

Example: The wife in the family cooks, and the husband picks up the children from school. But one day the man was detained at work.

The mother went to pick up the kids, spending three hours on it (the husband left by car in the morning, and the wife went by public transport). By the time the family returned, the man had already cooked dinner, as he got home a little earlier than his wife.

The presented example perfectly illustrates how to properly distribute responsibilities in the family, based on the principle of mutual assistance.

Role table

Main family roles:

This is basic circuit, on which the distribution of roles is based, and based on which it is possible to achieve harmony in the family.

Distribution Methods

There are many methods of distribution of roles and their corresponding responsibilities in the family. But three methods are universal:

Reasons and meaning of their change

Change of roles in the family can occur as at the request of the spouses(everything is clear here), and forced.

If a man has always supported a family, and a woman has been caring for children, in the event of an industrial injury, the roles of the spouse will change.

A woman can get a promotion while pregnant and start earning more than her husband. In this case, the family will beneficial to maternity leave the man took and the woman became the breadwinner of the family.

Separate topic - disruption in the family. When a woman does not want to take on the role of a protector, but due to the infantility of her husband, she has to do it. Or a man, living with a lazy woman, does all the housework for her.

Such situations require correction and, in the absence of progress, lead to divorce.

Role reversal- it's not always bad. The main thing is that everything happens by mutual agreement and does not cause discomfort to family members. Well, where love reigns, you can always agree and come to a common decision.

About the role of men and women in the family in this video:

When creating a family, we all dream that peace and understanding will always reign in our house. And in order for the dream to come true, each of the family members must fulfill the duties assigned to him. But most couples know very little about each other's responsibilities, which leads to misunderstanding and conflict situations. And what is the responsibility of a man in the family?

What do we know about the husband's duty in the family?

We all know from the cradle that the main duty of a man is to protect and provide seven. And in simple terms, the husband must earn money and, if possible, do hard work around the house, nail a shelf, change a tap, and so on. But in practice, things look a little different. If a man earns well, then, as a rule, he does nothing at all around the house. Unless it hires workers, and controls the process of fulfilling the tasks. Which, in general, is a good option. If a man does not earn enough money, he must do this work himself. Everything seems to be simple, but why, in life, men neglect the fulfillment of their direct duties.

And all because, the responsibilities in the family for both men and women are much more generally accepted. After all, nature took care and created us very different. So that we complement each other, but oppose ourselves to one another. Ideally, the task of the spouses is to distribute responsibilities so that each does what he does best. But there is also a strict set of rules that a man must follow no matter what.

Family support

One of the main duties of a husband is to provide the family with everything necessary. If he succeeds, he feels the ground under his feet. Because for a man, it is a priority to realize himself and assert himself in society. Providing a family with shelter, quality food and clothing is an honorable duty. But, unfortunately, today this duty has been greatly distorted. It is believed that a husband should be almost an ATM, and this is fundamentally wrong. A man should earn for prosperity, and not for excesses. If the wife has an excessive appetite for material goods, then no income will satisfy her. A man next to such a woman will feel like a failure, and soon he will stop doing even what he did at the beginning.

In other words, the main duty of a man will take place in society through providing his family with material goods. But also men should understand that by putting this item in the first place, he may lose respect in the family. After all, financial well-being can lead to respect in society, but not always in the family. If the husband lives only by work, his family, if it can be called "him", will live a separate life.

Household duties

Repairing a faucet, nailed shelves or paintings, and much more is the responsibility of the husband. But not because it should be so, but because a man is physically stronger. And he can perform work related to the application of brute physical force better. This does not mean that a woman will nail the picture crookedly, or not reliably. She can do it too. But the husband should participate in the arrangement of the house. And this is necessary, first of all, so that he feels like a master, and wants to invest his strength in his arrangement further. If a man comes to a finished furnished apartment and does nothing in it, he subconsciously feels like a lodger. Therefore, intuitively, may not want to do anything in this home. The task of the wife in this situation is to tactfully remind her husband that this is his home. And in no case should you reproach the betrothed for inaction, because he will choose the tactic, “since I am bad, I will continue to be bad.” They have such a mentality.

Mental responsibilities of a husband

To date, it is generally accepted that the creation of a psychological climate in the family depends only on the woman. But this postulate is far from the truth. It is from the man of envy that the psychological state of his chosen one, and she, in turn, creates a climate in the family. Therefore, this area of ​​responsibility should be divided between the spouses. Only if each partner fulfills his part of the duties, the couple will be able to establish other areas of life.

So, the duties of the husband include:

  • Knowing your partner and yourself. A husband should develop and study the psychology of a woman. Don't brush it off, "women are strange creatures." Do not blame your half, "you are a woman, you have no logic." And to know it, and try to understand. Only in this way can harmony and understanding appear in the family. The husband, by his example, creates a psychological climate for the woman, so that she can then create harmony in the house;
  • Don't give rise to jealousy. The second and no less important duty of a husband, which allows him to create the right atmosphere in the family, is the ability to manage female jealousy. A husband should not talk about other women in front of his wife in the same tone as about his half. He should not compare her, and God forbid, not in favor of his beloved. Communication and coquetry with other women should also be excluded. After all, if a woman starts to be jealous, the world in the house will end. And also it is worth remembering that a woman can be jealous of both friends and inanimate objects, be it a car or a favorite guitar;
  • Encourage your loved one's hobby. A woman reveals herself in her favorite pastime. She must have a hobby related to creativity. It can be knitting, embroidery, drawing or creating dolls from scraps. No matter how stupid and useless this activity may seem to a man, he should encourage it. After all, it is creativity that brings a woman into balance and peace. A man must remember that if a woman is in this state, his life will be paradise;
  • Give gifts. Big and small gifts, everything that will help a woman feel loved. Let it be a bouquet of flowers, or a small trinket. Any thing stores memory and emotions. Namely, positive emotions are the main food for a woman. A gift does not have to be material, a man can give his beloved a trip to the cinema, or a walk in the park, give his time;
  • Protect from negativity. Another duty of a husband is to protect his family from negative emotions and solutions serious problems which he can handle on his own. A trip to the ZhEK, proceedings at the bank, all these are the duties of a man. And also a man should be able to protect his family from the encroachment of relatives. Dealing with your parents and friends, if they do not like the chosen one, is the task of the husband.


As you can see, the duties of the head of the family include not only material support, but also the creation of a favorable climate in the family. And it is the psychological aspect that should become the basis for the distribution of responsibilities. After all, if two people respect each other and know how to create peace in their family, they will always agree on who will wash the dishes and who will take out the trash.

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The site team congratulates on Family Day and wishes that your home is always warm and comfortable, and adversity bypasses relatives. On this occasion, we propose to discuss the current topic - what should be a man in a family? Why exactly this one? Because the personal qualities of a man determine the present and future of the family.

What should be a real man?

Some questions remain eternal, and this one is one of them. There is no specific answer to it, since for each person the qualities that define a real man are different. However, there are signs that most people will agree with. So the man must be:

  1. Courageous.

Being masculine does not mean wearing a beard, riding a bike and listening to heavy music. Courage is the ability to endure even strong blows of fate, not to fall into hysterics, huddled in a corner. This means taking responsible steps, solving problems, ignoring fear.

Courage is to admit your mistakes; courage - to protect the family; courage - to leave a stable job for the sake of your own business; courage is to move to another country where there are no friends or acquaintances. They say about such men that they have a core.

  1. Strong physically and spiritually.

Physical strength is not as important as it was in the wild. However, a pumped-up man in society is perceived with more respect than a frail one. A guy with an athletic build looks healthy, which means he is attractive to women.

In addition to physical strength, mental strength is important. Don't shy away from problems. To be able to sacrifice something for the sake of a higher goal. Morally weak man over time it turns into a mess. It is easy for them to push around, inspire something or deceive.

  1. Reliable.

The word of a real man is as hard as steel. You can rely on him. He is honest with himself and those around him. With a reliable person, they are more willing to do business and entrust responsible tasks. These people move faster career ladder, even without sufficient competence.

  1. Kind to family and friends.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to show kindness to everyone around. The world is sometimes cruel, and if you are always kind, you will not survive. However, to give love to the dearest and closest is the sacred duty of a man.

Support relatives nice words not difficult. It strengthens friendships and family relationships. Of course, there will not be enough time to listen to everyone on any occasion, but it is quite possible to be attentive to the important life moments of loved ones.

  1. Don't be afraid to take risks.

The propensity to take risks is at the heart of the psychology of a man. However, thoughtless risk hurts. A real man takes risks when there is an opportunity to get something better than what is on this moment. It takes into account the chances of success. Putting all the money in roulette on "zero" is not a virtue, but stupidity.

A good example of justified risk is changing jobs in order to find a better job. A person may not join the team, not pull the volume of tasks, or simply not find anything better. A man is aware of this and yet will leave his familiar place for the sake of professional development.

What should be a man for a woman?

The qualities listed above characterize a man in Everyday life. But in the eyes of a woman, this is not enough to create a strong family. For most girls, the following qualities of a real man are important:

  1. Attentiveness.

It is important for a woman that a man hears her, and does not pretend. Sometimes the girl is worried, and the guy does not attach any importance to this. It turns out that by indifference to the problem, a man offends his other half.

Suppose a man and a woman were looked askance at. The guy, most likely, will not think about it for a second, and the girl’s thoughts will be occupied with this moment all day. For him, this is not a problem. Why discuss it then? This is the case when the guy does not understand what she was offended by.

A girl may think that a man is indifferent to her feelings. It may seem silly, but even in situations that are not worth a damn, find a couple of words to calm and support your loved one.

  1. Responsibility.

This quality distinguishes a man from a boy. An adult self-sufficient person is responsible for the life and well-being of loved ones. A real man is aware that action or inaction will affect not only him. Behind him is a family: a wife, children and elderly parents who need to be taken care of.

Anyone who is aware of the responsibility for the family tries to earn more to ensure the proper level of comfort. In addition, growing children need to be educated and helped to get on their feet. Therefore, before doing something, a man takes into account the interests of the family.

  1. Devotion to one woman.

A real man does not cheat on his wife because he respects his choice. Once he liked a girl. Having made an offer, the man considered her worthy to become the mother of their children. Therefore, going left is like spitting in your face.

Sometimes cheating is the result of a bad relationship. Of course, this is not an option, but this can still be understood. Another thing is when the cause of the collapse of the family is betrayal. In any case, this is a shame, so you need to maintain good relationships with all your might.

  1. Look after yourself.

Few people like sloppy people, especially girls. A man must take care of himself. No, this does not mean that it is necessary to spend more time in front of the mirror than a woman. It is enough to wash your hair on time, monitor the condition of the skin, nails and teeth. A big plus is good posture.

Women appreciate men with a sense of style. It is not necessary to go only in branded things. The main thing is that the men's wardrobe should be neat and not worn to holes. Special attention pay attention to shoes: girls often pay attention to it.

  1. Sense of humor.

When asked what a man should be in a relationship, most girls talk about a sense of humor. Family life is not only overcoming difficulties and dedication. You need to find a place for joy and laughter, and without a sense of humor this is impossible.

A man with a sharp mind can always cheer up a woman, no matter how gloomy she is. Yes, and in everyday life without a well-timed joke anywhere. Often it helps to smooth corners and suppresses conflicts at the inception stage.

  1. Purposefulness.

A man without a goal does not live, but exists. It is problematic to build a relationship with him, because, as they say, "any wind is fair to a ship without a course."

A real man knows what he wants and where is going. He knows how to set and achieve goals. Women are looking for a husband among passionate people. It can be business, creative, physical or spiritual development.

The future of his relatives and friends depends on what a man will be in the family, what qualities he possesses. However, even the strongest and most responsible man will not build good relationships without a loving and faithful woman. She must support her husband in everything, help in difficult moments, believe in him. Only then will prosperity reign in the family. Love each other!

Lack of happiness in a relationship means that either you don't have the knowledge, or you don't apply it, or you don't apply it correctly.

Consider the difficult topic of the duties of husbands and wives in the family from the point of view of ancient wisdom - the Vedas.

Some may say that the Vedic family duties are not suitable for our time (difficult to observe), but at the same time, it should be noted that failure to observe these duties leads to problems in the family and causes divorce. For example, in the CIS countries the number of divorces exceeds 50%. Moreover, divorce does not at all guarantee that the next marriage will be more “successful”, especially if a person does not begin to study the topic of the duties of a husband and wife, and does not try to build his family life on reasonable principles.

So let's try to understand what are the main duties of a wife and husband according to the Vedas. These responsibilities did not arise from scratch: they are based on the knowledge of male and female nature, an understanding of the seven stages of relationships and types of marriage, and take into account male and female psychology. This knowledge, if properly applied, leads to happiness.

Lack of happiness in a relationship means that either you don't have the knowledge, or you don't apply it, or you don't apply it correctly.

If we want to improve relations in the family, create harmony and mutual understanding, it would be right to study your duties and try to follow them, and not poke your soul mate in his duties, because it will create even more problems and controversy in family relationships.

You need to start with yourself. If a husband sees that his wife begins to perform her duties better, he automatically (out of a sense of duty and gratitude) begins to perform his own better. It is also true on the other hand: if a wife sees that her husband is better performing his duties in the family, she automatically (out of a sense of duty and gratitude) begins to better perform hers. The only problem is that usually no one wants to start with themselves, because it is much easier to accuse another of misbehaving, although this does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. You can't improve a relationship by blaming each other.

Husband's responsibilities in the family

Let's start with men, because the man is considered the head of the family. Women can only read the duties of a husband for reference, but should focus on their duties. In the same way that men should focus on learning and fulfilling their duties, they may not go deep into the duties of a wife.

  • The husband must earn honestly and decently, providing the family with everything that is really needed;
  • He is obliged to provide each of the family members with protection and patronage;
  • A man is obliged to be a spiritual leader in the family, and inspire all its members with his example;
  • Ideally, according to the Vedas, a husband should relieve his wife of the need to earn a living in order to enable her to keep the house clean and tidy, cook food and raise children;
  • Also, a man himself should take part in the upbringing of children;
  • The husband is obliged to satisfy the sensual needs of his wife, but he must do this in accordance with the scriptures, avoiding the unlawful.
  • A man should take care of older and younger relatives (his own and his wife), providing them with all possible assistance;
  • The husband is obliged to observe etiquette in dealing with other women, and also to protect his wife from excessive attention of other men;
  • A man is responsible for the relationship between members of his family, even if the relationship ends in divorce.

Duties of a wife in the family

A husband has no right to reproach his wife for not fulfilling her duties if he himself does not fulfill his own. Likewise, a wife has no right to accuse her husband of failing to fulfill his duties if she does not fulfill hers.

  • The wife should take care of the household, cook food and keep the house in order and cleanliness (if cleaning is difficult, ask the husband);
  • She is not obliged to earn a living, but can engage in activities that bring her satisfaction and some money (dishonest earnings are excluded);
  • The wife is obliged to bring up the children;
  • A woman should actively help her husband become a real spiritual leader for her family;
  • A wife is obliged to give birth, raise and properly raise at least one child. The Vedas say that parents are obliged to give the world worthy offspring.
  • A woman, like a man, should take care of relatives, both her own and her husband, and help them to the best of her ability.
  • The wife is obliged to observe etiquette in dealing with other men, and also to protect her husband from excessive attention of other women.

Family duties of spouses according to the Vedas

Be that as it may, the main responsibility for the fulfillment of duties by spouses within the family lies with the husband.

  • When concluding a marriage, both spouses bear equal responsibility both to their own parents and to each other's parents;
  • Spouses should properly care for their children, support them and educate them. This applies to their own children, and to children born in previous marriages, as well as to those who were adopted (adopted) or taken into care;
  • Spouses are required to respect each other's religious beliefs.
  • Parents should give their children a free choice of their spiritual position, not pressure or persuade them to accept this or that spiritual tradition and follow this or that spiritual practice.
  • Spouses are obliged to take care of their parents, to the extent possible providing them with moral and material support, to participate in the conduct of a joint household, and also to allow them to participate in the upbringing of their grandchildren;
  • Spouses should take care of their disabled relatives, providing them with moral and material support as far as possible;
  • Spouses must support good relationship with work colleagues and neighbors.

So, in brief, we have considered what men and women should do in family relationships, based on the Vedas. The fulfillment by husband and wife of their family duties creates peace and harmony in the family, allows maintaining good relations and raising worthy offspring.

In addition to the topic, there are several more interesting and important points from the Vedic lectures, in particular from the lectures of A. Khakimov.

A man, ideally, should have three qualities

  1. To know the highest purpose and meaning of life: self-realization, knowledge of one's true spiritual nature, knowledge of God and development of love for Him. Otherwise, a man will not be able to be a spiritual leader in the family and provide reasonableness and proper development relations. Not knowing the highest goal and meaning of life, he slides down to animal satisfaction. own feelings which contributes to the spiritual degradation of the whole family. Therefore, it is in the interests of a woman to find a worthy man who knows why life is given to a person, and can lead all family members to achieve this highest goal.
  2. He must be fearless and purposeful. By realizing the purpose of the human form of life, a man becomes fearless in pursuing that purpose by sacrificing transient material pleasures and sufferings.
  3. Generosity. But this does not mean giving everything to everyone and being left with nothing, because a man has responsibilities in the family that are no less important than the possession of this quality, so reasonableness is needed here.

Five roles of a woman in family relationships

  1. The role of the wife. The wife is obligated to remind her husband of the purpose of life and his duties if he forgets. Not to be confused with reproaches and accusations.
  2. The role of a mistress. The wife should become the best lover for her husband, so that he does not have thoughts about other women. At home, the wife should look prettier than going to the store or to work. The beauty of a wife is important to her husband when she is near him, and not when she is elsewhere.
  3. The role of the daughter When the husband is not in the mood, when he is angry or dissatisfied with something, the wife should take the role of a daughter, which means not to irritate her husband, to be calm, humble and obedient.
  4. Role of a sister- is needed in cases where the husband is not able to pay much attention to his wife. Then the wife is content with any attention of her husband, not claiming more. She, as it were, temporarily becomes an understanding sister to him.
  5. Mother's role- it is appropriate to show if the husband is sick, helpless or overwhelmed by problems, then the wife should behave like a caring mother.

Sensitivity of a woman

It is said that a woman is nine times more sensitive than a man - her mind, feelings, intuition are more sensitive. She feels everything much deeper than a man, she rejoices more and worries more. So, on the one hand, it's good, but on the other, it's not very good. That is why a woman should always be under the protection of a man, whether it be a father (before marriage), a husband or a son (if the husband is not around).

Purpose of marriage and family relationships

In Vedic times, marriage was considered a sacred union protected by God. There were practically no divorces, as there were no serious problems in the relationship. Each member of the family knew his duty and fulfilled his duties.

Nowadays, the attitude towards marriage is becoming more and more frivolous, the number of civil marriages, which indicates a decrease in responsibility for relationships and unwillingness to fulfill their duties in the family. This testifies to the spiritual degradation of mankind. “A good deed will not be called marriage” - this phrase is no longer a joke.

In America, it has come to the point that there are virtual families, virtual online relationships, entire Internet families, consisting of people who hardly ever leave their homes. They replaced real life illusion. You can imagine what will happen next if you do not take up the mind.

What is the purpose of marriage? Marriage is needed in order to create not random offspring, but worthy. The Vedas say that if a child is born “on a whim”, without the true bright feelings of the parents at the time of conception, without the proper mentality, not planned, he cannot become a worthy continuation of the family. At the moment of conception, the soul enters the mother's womb through the male seed. What kind of soul is attracted? The one that matches the vibrations of the parents. If these vibrations are low, if only the animal instinct of copulation is present in order to have fun, then the child's qualities will be the same - to live with the goal of having fun, nothing more. So we get a society of egoists who think only about themselves, reject the reasonable principles of a harmonious life, destroy morality, degrade the environment and cause violence and wars.

Proper conception of a child

In the Vedas there is a whole section of knowledge called "Kama Shastras", it is devoted to all issues of building relationships correctly, creating a suitable environment for conceiving a child who will have good character traits, and other related things.

This world needs good people. Good people cannot be created through hypnosis, programming, cloning, or other artificial means. Good people born in legal marriage as a result of the right mentality at the time of conception, as well as the right upbringing.

Parents should plan for a child. This means that before conception, you need to imagine his image: what it should be. You need to meditate on the best qualities you want to develop in him. The wife should find out from her husband what kind of child he wants, what qualities he should have, and, having learned this, she should place this bright image in her heart.

This is the correct approach to conception, and this topic is worthy of careful study - do not limit yourself to this short synopsis. It is better to spend a month or a year studying and preparing for the right conception than to suffer for at least 18 years from bad relationship with baby.

With milk and songs, the mother must instill in her child the highest taste and good qualities. Those women who knew how to do it right were called the word "vesta". And those who did not know were called "bride". Now there are many brides, and the world is getting unwanted offspring from this - people who do not have good qualities.

Therefore, the dissemination and study of ancient knowledge about building the right relationship in accordance with the duties of husbands and wives in the family is a very important step towards a brighter future, the significance of which can hardly be overestimated.

Now there are a lot of articles that talk about the duties of a woman, about how she should behave, what qualities of character to develop, how to look and what mistakes not to make if she wants to be happy in family life. For most women, such advice and recommendations cause a storm of protest and indignation. But it's time to finally reveal all the cards. If a woman behaves like a woman, then a man begins to behave like a man. If a woman fulfills her duties, then this inspires a man to fulfill his masculine ones. In a word, her changes are inevitably followed by his changes, precisely those that elevate a woman to the top of a happy family life. In order to have an incentive to change, show wisdom and develop femininity, let's see how a man who is used to a lazy and irresponsible life (for example) can change.

So, your truly feminine behavior awakens strong, strong-willed qualities of character in a man. You, like a neck, gently turn your head in the right direction. And a man takes responsibility, makes decisions, solves problems.

The role of a man in the family:

2. Getter. Bringing food into the house is the task of a man, preparing dinner from them is the task of a woman. To build or buy housing is the task of a man, to create comfort and coziness in it is a woman’s task. To bring a cloth to his wife is the task of a man, to sew clothes from it is a woman’s task. In a word, the financial support of the family is the prerogative of the stronger sex. Releasing a woman from this obligation, he gives her time and opportunity to raise and educate children, build their cozy nest, and if a woman really wants to, then work. But not for money, but for pleasure.

3. Defender. Protecting your family from danger is a man's duty. It requires physical strength, moral and emotional stability, courage and fearlessness. And the dangers in our modern world can wait for us at every turn. They can hide in loved ones or strangers, dark streets, life situations.

All these roles of a man in the family are designed to free a woman from stress, protect her health, her beauty, energy, and strength. Her time. And if we behave like a woman, then even the most cowardly and uninitiated man will feel the strength to become a leader, earner and protector for his beloved.