Indexation of the insurance part of the pension by year. Indexation of the insurance part of the pension by year Actual indexation of the pension per year

The pension indexation table by year will help you to clearly see the difference between what a non-working pensioner and a working pensioner receive: Pension indexation table by year A working pensioner is not paid full size payments due until he stops working. Data on the work of pensioners, in turn, comes to the Pension Fund from employers. They are required to report for each citizen working for them on a monthly basis. Thus, after the pensioner stops working, information about his work will no longer be received and the Pension Fund will restore the indexed pension, taking into account all missing indices. But not at once. After all, it takes time to transfer and process such an array of data. It also takes time to calculate and make decisions on the payment of indexed amounts.

From July 1, 2018, working pensioners will have their pensions indexed back


The authors of the initiative emphasize that this has had a negative impact on the financial situation of working pensioners. The response to the abolition of indexation was a decrease in the share of this category of workers. According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 15,259,000 working pensioners, and the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on budget execution notes that by the end of the first quarter of the same year, the number of such citizens had decreased to 9.6 million people.

It is important to understand that only a part of working pensioners actually stopped working; most of them switched to a “gray” salary. Accordingly, there were no real budget savings. Moreover, the Pension Fund had to allocate an additional interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of 40.6 billion.


Indexation of pensions for working pensioners from April 1, 2018

I periodically receive letters from the Pension Fund to provide reports for previous years, this is when someone applies for a pension, but there is no data. And when I come to a Pension Fund specialist about my pension and they tell me that there is no data, because the employer did not report, it is useless to explain and prove anything, because... Those who work with organizations screwed up. Perhaps I personally have no luck with PF, I have been communicating with them since 1995.
, other than indifference, rudeness and unprofessionalism, I didn’t notice any other qualities in the employees, this does not apply to specialists working with pensioners, everyone there is polite and stress-resistant, as if they were selected.

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As I see, you yourself wrote the reason why employees’ information is untimely posted on their ILS. Unfortunately, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the form in which it exists now does not perform its functions very well, not only in administering contributions.

Indexation of pensions in 2018

Citizens who exercised the right to receive monthly benefits in connection with retirement, but continued to work, will not be able to claim an indexed pension until next year. READ ALSO: Will there be a pension increase for more than 40 years of service in 2018? Postponement of the indexation procedure is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Persons who retired before February 2016, but are still working at their previous place of work, will not receive an increased amount of pension payments from February of the same year;
  • Persons who retired after February 2016 will receive pension payments, taking into account all types of indexations made at the time they reached retirement age.

Pension indexation


The procedure for changing the size of pension payments, taking into account each missed indexation, also takes several months. This is primarily due to the technical side of the issue. But at the same time, when the pensioner receives a recalculated pension, along with it he will receive additional payments for the period in which the recalculation took place.


Important! The changes listed above apply only to those citizens who retired after 2018. In the event that the dismissal procedure took place, for example, in December 2017, changes in pension payments to the citizen will occur only from April of this year. That is, he will lose all pension bonuses for the period from the beginning of the year to March.

Watch the video.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: latest news

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: last news Let us recall that earlier Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from deputies after the report in the State Duma, said that the issue of returning indexation of pensions to working pensioners is not closed. Indexation of the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension and adjustment of the size of the insurance pension for working pensioners was canceled from January 1, 2016. As Dmitry Medvedev recalled, due to the crisis, the government “had to make a not very popular and difficult decision to change the indexation procedure.” The fact is that pensions should increase annually by the inflation rate of the previous year. However, the difficult economic situation forced officials to abandon full indexation of payments: in 2016 it amounted to only 4%, with inflation of 12.9% a year earlier.

Indexation for a working pensioner from January 1, 2018?

Therefore, the pensioner from our example, who retired on October 12, will receive an indexed pension in February 2018, taking into account additional payments for 3 months (November, December, January). Thus, the technological periods during which information about the fact of work is processed are now also paid. Why aren’t pensions for working pensioners indexed in 2018? If so far in 2018 you have not received the specified increase after indexation, then this is possible for the following reasons:

  1. You are currently continuing to work.

    This means that until the pensioner resigns, he will receive a pension in the same amount. If in October 2017 you were considered working for at least one day, then indexation in January 2018 is not allowed.

  2. assigned to you minimum pension. If the accrued amount does not reach the amount living wage, then the Pension Fund pays the pensioner the difference between them.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

Moreover, this measure affected only non-working pensioners. Those who decided to continue working were left without even 4% indexation. True, later the government decided to sweeten the pill for the elderly - the second indexation was replaced with a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which was given to people in January 2017. Moreover, these funds were received by both working people and non-working pensioners. However, in 2017, the authorities returned to indexing pensions according to the law. In February, payments increased by the 2016 inflation rate - 5.4%.
The government has allocated 706 billion rubles for this. Thus, the average pension for non-working Russians was 13,855 rubles. But working pensioners were again left with nothing. The question of returning indexation of payments to them was raised by deputies on April 11 during Dmitry Medvedev’s speech in the State Duma.
When a person retires, he does not need to make a written application requesting funds and benefits. Remember! Every year, data on transfers is processed and recalculated. In this case, previously unaccounted points are taken into account, since the person continued to work.
After leaving work, he will receive his money in full. For example, in August of the current year, individual pension points will be accrued taking into account points received from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017 (according to clause 3, part 1, article 18 Federal Law"On insurance pensions"). If the pensioner officially worked during this period, an increase in pension from 08/01/2018 will be possible due to indexation. Watch the video.

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You know, we were rather lucky with both the PFR department and the Federal Tax Service, because we have never had and never had any delays in reflecting the transferred data in the ILS of insured workers. After a maximum of a week, all data is reflected. In addition, my friend works in the Pension Fund, so I know well how and what is done in the Pension Fund branches, everything that employers transmit is automatically posted by the program on the ILS (for this, the Pension Fund employee must ONLY upload the report submitted by the employer into the system). The protocol is you You will receive it when submitting your reports, but only if there are errors and shortcomings, then you will receive the corresponding protocol. And until all the data in the report is correct, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not accept your reports, and accordingly, it is assumed that the report will not be submitted.

Our years has become very popular among users. The number of requests and visitors to pages with a calculator and materials on pensions has increased hundreds of times. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the Government announced plans for the transition to new formula calculation of pensions, and the calculator, which was proposed by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, calculates the size of pensions according to the current formula with large errors and produces results that do not correspond to reality.

45-90 began to receive a large number of questions about the details and principles of calculating pensions in the period until 2015. To answer these requests and in addition to existing materials, we are opening a special section - in which reference and other materials necessary for calculations are collected and will be constantly updated. In addition, we publish a detailed algorithm for calculating pensions, which forms the basis of our pension calculator with the necessary explanations and descriptions of important details.

The algorithm is designed for a wide range of users and allows everyone, if desired, to adequately and accurately estimate the size of their future pension. It differs from the official one in a more accessible and understandable presentation, and also explains the meaning of the formulas used and the basic principles of calculations.

Algorithm for calculating pensions in 2013 and 2014

Have the right to a labor pension men over 60 years of age, And women over 55 years of age. An old-age labor pension is assigned if there are at least five years insurance period .

Note . Insurance experience - this is the total amount taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension duration of work periods and (or) other activities, during which they were paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund Russian Federation(PFR), as well as other periods counted in the insurance period.

The current formula for calculating pensions (for those who were born before 1967 and do not have a funded part of the pension) is as follows:

P = PC / T + B (1)

P- monthly amount of the assigned pension (officially it is called insurance part of the pension);

PC - pension capital, “earned” by a person during his period labor activity(formed from deductions from wages and depends on its size);

T- survival period (in 2013 and 2014 T= 228 months - 19 years) - established and approved by Government decisions;

B- fixed basic pension amount (from 04/01/2014 B= 3910 rubles 34 kopecks) - adjusted annually, established and approved by Government decisions.

This formula is relevant today, and will remain so at least until 2015 and most likely beyond that for the calculation and conversion of acquired pension rights into a new formula.

In other words, today the monthly amount of the assigned pension is calculated by dividing the pension capital “earned” by a person during the period of his working activity by the period of payment of the pension - the age of survival, measured in months, plus a fixed addition - the so-called fixed basic pension amount.

The pension capital itself ( PC), “earned” for the entire period of working activity, is formed from three parts:

PC = PC1 + SV + PC2,

PC1- pension capital earned before 2002;

NE- the amount of valorization (one-time increase in pension capital PC1);

PC2- pension capital earned after 2002.

Taking into account the structure of the pension capital, formula (1) will look like this

P = PK / T + B = (PK1 + SV + PK2) / T + B

Having now divided each of the terms - pension capital PC1, PC2 and the amount of valorization NE for the duration of survival - T, we will obtain an easy-to-understand formula, which we will further use for calculations

If we translate it into “Russian”, the formula means that the old-age labor pension ( P) consists of four parts:

1. pension earned before 2002 - Puntil 2002= PC1/T;

2. valorization (one-time increase) of pensions earned before 2002. - VP = SV/T;

3. pensions earned after 2002. - Pafter 2002 = (PC2/T);

4. fixed base part - B.

Thus, the old-age labor pension:

P =Puntil 2002+ VP + Pafter 2002 + B.

Information you need to calculate the size of your labor pension old age - what you need to know:

  • Stag 02 - length of work experience up to 2002 (years);
  • Stag 91 - length of work experience until 1991 (years);
  • ZR- your average monthly earnings either for 2000-2001, or for any 60 months of work (for 5 years) in a row in the period before 01/01/2002 - choose what is more profitable;
  • Salary- average monthly wage in the Russian Federation for the same period (for 2000-2001). Salary = 1494 rub. 50 kopecks.); and for the period before 01/01/2002, the size of average salaries can be found in the table ();
  • SZP- average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 (this is a constant value, it is fixed and is taken equal to: FFP = 1671 rub.);
  • index- taking into account inflation for the period from 2002 to the present (necessary for “transfer”, “recalculation” of money from 2002 into money of the current period). Index annually adjusted and approved by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the level of real inflation (the rate of depreciation of money). For 2014, the index value used in the calculations is 5.6148: index = 5.6148;
  • PC2- the amount of insurance contributions and other income to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, accumulated by you on an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, starting from January 1, 2002 until the moment of registration of the pension.

1. Calculation of the part of the pension “earned” before 2002. (P until 2002).

Step 1. WITH the same coefficient is SK.

First, the so-called experience coefficient is calculated,

- for men, whose work experience before 2002 exceeds 25 years ( stag02 > 25):

SC = 0.55+0.01*(stag02 - 25);

- for men, whose work experience before 2002 was less than 25 years (stag02< 25):

SC = 0.55*(stag02 / 25).

- for women, whose work experience before 2002 exceeds 20 years ( stag02 > 20):

SC = 0.55+0.01*(Stag02 - 20),

- for women, whose work experience before 2002 was less than 20 years ( stag02< 20):

SC = 0.55*(stag02 / 20)

For both men and women the length of the experience coefficient cannot be more than 0.75. This means that if in your calculation it turns out to be more than 0.75, then it is still considered equal to 0.75 (the limit established by current legislation).

Step 2. Average monthly salary coefficient (KSZ = ZR/ZP).

KSZ- this is the ratio of your average salary ZR for the selected period (2000-2001 or any 60 consecutive months until 01/01/2002) to Salary- average monthly wage in the Russian Federation for the same period.

For most citizens, the average salary in the period 2000-2001. recorded in the Pension Fund (PF) and does not require documentary confirmation. In cases where there is no such information or it is more profitable for you to use the coefficient for periods of work before 2000 (the larger it is, the better), then when the final calculation of the pension is made to the Pension Fund, you will have to submit supporting documents.

If the period 2000 - 2001 is selected, then the average monthly salary coefficient is calculated by dividing your average salary ZR during this period for 1494,5.

KSZ = ZR/ZP = ZR / 1494.5.

If it is more profitable for you to use a different period for calculating the ASC - any 60 consecutive months until 01/01/2002, then the calculations will have to be performed independently or with the help of ours. The information necessary for such calculations is contained.

It should be borne in mind that the law imposes a restriction on the value of the KSZ - the coefficient cannot be more than 1.2. Less - please, but more - no.

An exception to the limitation of the upper limit of the KSZ coefficient of 1.2 was made only for those who worked before 01/01/2002 in the regions of the Far North - for them, depending on the regional coefficient, the limit ranges from 1.4 to 1.9 - cm .

Example 1. Let your average salary in 2000-2001. was 2500 rubles -

ZR = 2500 and you did not work in the Far North before 2002. We calculate the coefficient:

Real KSZ = ZR/ZP = 2500 / 1494.5 = 1.67.

But since it exceeds 1.2 and you do not have “northern” benefits, then in further calculations the coefficient will be considered equal to 1.2:

KSZ = 1.2.

Example 2. Let your average salary in 2000-2001. was 1000 rubles:

ZR = 1000. We calculate the coefficient:

KSZ = ZR/ZP = 1000 / 1494.5 = 0.67.

Since it does not exceed 1.2, in further calculations the coefficient will be taken equal to 0.67:

KSZ = 0.67.

Step 3. Estimated pension “earned” for the period before 01/01/2002 (RP).

Let's calculate the size of the so-called estimated pension - RP.

It is called calculated because its calculation for the majority of those retiring is not based on real information, but on the basis of averaged, “indirect” data - coefficients. The estimated pension is the pension that would be due to a citizen as of January 1, 2002, based on the length of his total work experience acquired as of December 31, 2001 and average monthly earnings for 2000 - 2001. (or for any 60 consecutive months prior to January 1, 2002). The reason for this approach is that during the Soviet period and the years of perestroika (90s), taking into account (in the modern sense) the contribution of workers to pension system it simply was not carried out or was carried out on different principles. The system for assigning pensions and recording length of service and earnings was different. In addition, many documents from that period have not survived, and a large number of enterprises and organizations simply ceased to exist or remained in the newly formed states.

The amount of the estimated pension is determined by the formulas:

  • > 0,55 ( men whose work experience before 2002 was 25 years or more and women whose work experience before 2002 was 20 years or more) the monthly amount of the estimated pension in rubles is calculated using the formula:

RP = SK * KSZ * 1671 - 450,

  • For those who have an SK experience coefficient< 0,55

RP = SK * KSZ * 1671 - 450 * (SK/0.55)

  • If the estimated pension is less than 210 rubles, then it is accepted (considered) equal to 210 rubles:

If RP< 210, то РП = 210.

What do the numbers mean? 1671 And 450 in formulas?

First - 1671 (rub) is the average monthly salary ( SZP) in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 (constant value recorded in calculations).

Second digit - 450 (rub) is the size of the fixed base part of the pension during that period.

Note. In our algorithm, the term “calculated pension” is slightly different in meaning from the same term used in the law. This was done intentionally to better understand the meaning of the calculations. The difference is this.

In the law and instructions, the calculated pension is the amount

RP = SK * KSZ * 1671.

In our algorithm, we called the calculated pension the value

RP = SK * KSZ * 1671 - 450,

Step 4. Calculation of the amount of pension earned before 2002. - P until 2002

To determine the first part of the assigned pension - the pension “earned” before 2002 - P until 2002 it is necessary to transfer (convert) the estimated RP pension, calculated on the basis of amounts and salaries of that period, into modern money, taking into account inflation (depreciation of money) for the past period. Indeed, a thousand rubles in 2002 and today are completely different money in terms of their purchasing power. This “translation” is made by multiplying RP on ( index), taking into account inflation for the period from 2002 to the present:

P before 2002 = RP *index.

Since today (in 2014) the value of the indexation coefficient is 5.6148, then to calculate the first part of the monthly pension assigned in 2014 you can use the formula:

P before 2002 = RP * 5.6148.

This is the first part of the assigned pension - “earned” by you for the period before 2002.

2 . Calculation of the amount of pension valorization, earned before 2002 (VP).

Valorization is a monetary revaluation of the pension rights of all citizens with work experience before 2002. From January 1, 2010, the estimated pension capital formed by employees before 2002 was increased by 10% and an additional 1% for each year of their work experience before 1991. Valorization was carried out for everyone based on the documents available Pension Fund Russian Federation. To determine the percentage increase in pension capital for periods before January 1, 1991, the length of service that the citizen had on that date was taken into account.

The amount of valorization (one-time increase in the estimated pension) is 10% of the amount RP and in addition 1% of the estimated pension RP, for every full year total work experience acquired before January 1, 1991. The formula for calculating this “addition” is as follows.

SV RP = RP * (0.1 + 0.01 *stag91)

It is also indexed, so the second part of the assigned pension, which we called - valorization of the pension earned before 2002 ( VP):

VP = SV RP *index

VP can be calculated immediately using the formula

VP = RP * (0.1 + 0.01 *stag91) * index.

IN 2014 year index= 5,6148 , so those who go to apply for a pension in 2014 can use the formula:

VP = RP * (0.1 + 0.01*stag91) * 5,6148 .

If the calculation will be carried out in subsequent years, then you should first clarify the value of the indexation coefficient of the estimated pension capital for the current year ( cm. ).

3. Calculation of the part of the pension earned after 2002 (P after 2002).

To determine the amount of the part of the pension “earned” during the period of working activity after 2002, you need to know the amount of insurance contributions and other revenues to the Pension Fund starting from January 1, 2002 - or, in other words, your pension capital PC2. Size PC2 can be calculated using ours, having previously found out (requested) on the State Services website “notification of the status of your personal account.”

The calculation of this part of the pension is the simplest - the amount of savings PC2, recorded on an individual personal account in the Pension Fund, must be divided by the age of survival - T, measured in months:

Pafter 2002 = PC2/T.

In 2013 and 2014, the survival age is: T = 19 * 12 = 228 months.

4. Fixed basic part of the pension(B).

The full name of this part of the pension is “the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.”

The fixed basic size of the old-age labor pension is a fixed value. It is adjusted annually and approved by government regulations.

For the bulk of citizens retiring in 2014, after indexation on April 1, its value

B = 3910 rubles 34 kopecks.

For some categories, the fixed base size can be increased by depending on the type of pension, disability group, age of the pensioner and the number of disabled family members dependent on him.

5. Old-age labor pension (P).

After all four components have been found, all that remains is to add them up and determine the size of your old age labor pension:

P =Puntil 2002+ VP + Pafter 2002 + B.

The principle of calculating an insurance pension is exactly the same as any funded insurance program. The essence of the method is that a person pays contributions from his salary throughout his entire working life and, as a result, upon retirement, receives the accumulated amount. The insured event in this situation is disability.

A person receives the financial resources accumulated over the entire period of work not once and in full, but monthly, in almost equal shares. But given the current level of inflation, the amount cannot remain at the same level all the time. This is why indexation of the insurance part of the pension is necessary. Its size will depend on the requirements being met. Therefore, you need to think about your life after retirement as early as possible.

What is an insurance pension?

Before deciding what indexation of the insurance part of a pension is, you need to understand the meaning of this concept itself.

This type of payment means monetary compensation to citizens who have an insurance policy and are disabled for any reason. This may be explained by old age, assignment to a disabled group, the presence of disabled family members, or the loss of a breadwinner.

This type of payment includes two components. It's directly insurance pension, according to which the indexation of the insurance part of the labor pension and a fixed amount are calculated.

What types of insurance pension are there?

The insurance pension is provided not only to citizens on well-deserved rest, but also to other persons with valid reasons. The grounds for receiving these accruals are:

  • achievement retirement age;
  • disability group, confirmed by the conclusion of a medical commission;
  • loss of a breadwinner.

What are the conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension?

Not all elderly people are entitled to receive insurance pension payments. To do this, certain conditions must be met, which include:

  1. Age. To be able to receive a pension, a man must reach sixty years of age, and a woman must reach fifty-five.
  2. Seniority. In the period from 2015 to 2024, this value increased from six years to fifteen - by one every year.
  3. The value of the personal pension coefficient. Between 2015 and 2025, this number will increase from 6.6 to 30—an increase of 2.4 annually.

What is insurance experience

The amount of accrued payments directly affects the amount of indexation of the insurance part of the pension. The amount that is due to a citizen on well-deserved rest depends on several factors. One of these conditions is length of service.

The insurance period is the total value of all working periods. Other activities are included here. That is, those circumstances due to which a person temporarily did not engage in work. They are taken into account when calculating the amount of pension payments.

All the time during which contributions were received is added to work experience. As a rule, this happens in certain situations. These include:

  • service in the armed forces or law enforcement agencies (police, customs, prosecutor's office, judicial authorities);
  • temporary inability to work due to illness;
  • maternity leave, but leave to care for all children should not exceed six years;
  • situation due to relocation or transfer by your organization to another location;
  • participation in work under public authority;
  • being under arrest due to illegal charges or repression;
  • caring for a disabled person with the first group of disability, a disabled child and an elderly person over eighty years of age;
  • the period of residence of military wives in places where it is impossible to find employment (this period should not exceed five years);
  • period of residence of family members of employees of diplomatic organizations abroad (only the first five years are taken into account).

The listed time is added to the length of service only if work activity was carried out before or after such a period.

What is pension indexation?

IN Lately government controlled insurance part pensions. Indexation is an increase in the amount of payments that is made annually. An increase in the level of indexation is influenced by a decrease in the purchasing power of the most sensitive segment of the population.

Since there is an insurance part of the pension (the indexation of which is discussed in our article) and a social one, the method of recalculating them differs. To increase size level social benefits influences the cost of living for each region. And the indexation of the insurance part of the pension depends on social charges and the profitability of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How are indices for recalculation determined?

The indexation coefficient for the insurance part of the pension is recalculated according to economic indicators, in particular, inflation rates. But at the same time, the amount of additional payments will not exceed the capabilities of the state budget. For this reason, annual recalculation is regulated by law. The process is influenced not only by the financial situation in the state, but also by the social situation. For this adjustment, the government established additional allowances in accordance with special decrees and regulations.

The indexation of the insurance part of the pension by year had different meanings, and it is quite difficult to trace its dynamics, because various factors influenced the recalculation. Until 2013, the procedure for calculating the coefficient was the same. Then the financial situation in the Russian Federation began to worsen, and the recalculation began to fully reflect the situation in the country. Thus, in 2016, citizens on well-deserved retirement received pensions at the level of the previous year. Indexation was assigned one-time, and its coefficient was four percent.

What is the dynamics of indexation accrual?

In the previous year, as already mentioned, the insurance part of the pension was recalculated only once. This was due to a reduction in the burden on the state budget. Indexation this year provides for two increases. One is scheduled for early February, the other will happen in April. This is exactly the procedure provided for by law.

Indexation of the insurance part of the pension had a different meaning each year:

  • in 2010 - 6.3%;
  • in 2011 - 8.8%
  • in 2012 - 10.65%;
  • in 2013 - 10.12%;
  • in 2014 - 8.31%;
  • in 2015 - 11.4%;
  • in 2016 - 4%;
  • in 2017 - 5.8%.

How will recalculation be made in 2017?

In order to somehow compensate for the 2016 payments, the government decided to charge a fixed amount of five thousand rubles.

The adjustment coefficient for the current year depends on the size of the pension that was formed at the end of 2016. Since the inflation index was 5.8 percent, the calculated value will be equal to 1.058.

In accordance with the index established for the current year, the average amounts of insurance pensions in Russia were:

  • by age - 13,620 rubles;
  • according to the presence of a disability group - 8,457 rubles;
  • for loss of a breadwinner - 8,596 rubles.

If we do not take into account fixed payments, then we can say that during this period the insurance part is not indexed, but rather adjusted.

The first adjustment, carried out on February 1, takes into account the magnitude of the increase in consumer prices over the past year. This recalculation is mandatory. The second largely depends on profitability and the government sets the coefficient in accordance with it. But indexation, carried out on April 1, may not be carried out according to the relevant decree.

The match Tottenham - Liverpool will begin on June 1, 2019 at 22:00 Moscow time . IN live will show the game TV channel "Match!" .

The meeting will be broadcast live by sports TV channel "Match!".

What time and on what channel can I watch the live broadcast of the Europa League final Chelsea - Arsenal 05/28/2019:
* At 22:00 Moscow time.
* On the channel "Match!".

Game forecast:

The match is difficult to predict, since it is a “London derby”, winning which is a matter of principle, and both clubs need victory. Arsenal needs the victory more, as it has not yet secured a spot in next season's Champions League. Also, Chelsea and Arsenal have already met twice this season and showed two completely different games.

Let us note that bookmakers give preference to the “aristocrats” in the upcoming match, estimating their chances of winning a little higher than the chances of the “gunners”.

When will the UEFA Super Cup match be played in 2019:

The annual football match, organized by the Union of European Football Associations - - is the 44th edition of the trophy and will be held August 14, 2019 .

The winners of the two main European club competitions of 2019 will take part in the draw: the UEFA Champions League (the final will be held on June 1, 2019) and the UEFA Europa League (the final date will be May 29, 2019).

It is already known that the current UEFA Super Cup will be entirely “English” for the first time, since all four participants in the two European Cup finals are clubs from Great Britain.

The 2019 UEFA Super Cup match will feature the first use of the video replay (VAR) system, which was successfully tested at the FIFA World Cup in Russia.

Where is the UEFA Super Cup 2019 taking place:

The football match will take place in Turkish Istanbul at the Vodafone Park stadium . According to UEFA rules, since the arena is the home stadium of the Turkish club Besiktas, it will be called “Besiktas Stadium” in all materials of the organization.

The location of the Super Cup was determined following an open tender, in which nine football associations expressed interest, but in the end only seven of them submitted bids.

June 4, 2019 in Russia is a day off or a working day:

In general, in the Russian Federation, June 4 is an ordinary day in terms of work and rest. In 2019, since June 4 falls on a Tuesday, it is a working day.

In some regions of Russia, where the Eid al-Fitr holiday is an official non-working day, June 4, 2019 is a holiday (a list of these regions is given below).

That is, June 4, 2019:
* Working day - in Russia as a whole.
* Day off - in some regions of the Russian Federation.

In which regions of Russia are people on holiday on Tuesday, June 4, 2019:

The holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which in 2019 falls on June 4, is an additional day off in the following regions of the Russian Federation:

* Republic of Tatarstan.
* Republic of Crimea.
* Republic of Adygea.
* Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria).
* The Republic of Dagestan.
* Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia).
* Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Kabardino-Balkaria).
* The Republic of Ingushetia
* Chechen Republic (except June 4, weekends are June 5 and 6, 2019).

In Ingushetia and Chechnya will have a rest in honor of the holiday of Eid al-Adha 3 days in a row: 4, 5 and 6 June 2019.

The Monday before the holiday (June 3, 2019) in the regions listed above is a shortened working day.

We also read: