Congratulations on the anniversary of the head of the kindergarten. Scenario birthday of the head of the kindergarten Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten on her 50th birthday

The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center is an armchair for the hero of the day. A red carpet leads to the chair. Next to the chair is a vase of flowers, on the other side is a coffee table, in order to put flowers and gifts on it. All employees in the room.

The waltz from the movie "My gentle and gentle beast" sounds. To this music, a hero of the day is brought into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to an armchair and invite him to sit down.

You can’t get away from the anniversary in life -
They will overtake everyone like a bird.
But the main thing is to carry through life
The warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
We are gathered in this hall
Tatyana... about your anniversary.
Today he got you.

1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it gets harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general -
This is the path of discoveries and victories.

2. And it happened. Here he burst into light
Bestowed with flowers and greetings,
And all questions were answered.
And on the way forward he brought a covenant.

3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
So that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the hot,
And the best dreams come true.

4. We wish everyone great happiness,
Many, many bright days.
We wish you to smile often
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,
And a century will last up to a hundred years,
Let your doors never
Trouble and grief do not knock.

Happy anniversary to you!

Leader's word. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. A certificate of honor is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Tatyana..., our pupils came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, in their hands they have gifts made by themselves. Children approach the hero of the day.

1st child.
For the fact that our house is a kindergarten
Year by year it was more beautiful
2nd child.
We want to say "thank you"
Tatyana... ours!
3rd child.
Thank you for giving paint to educators,
And they paint everything in the garden.
4th child.
Thanks for turning the lights on
When Uncle Lesha - the electrician does not go.
5th child.
Thank you again for turning off the water,
When the pipe starts to flow.
Thanks for what you do
This will not be counted until the evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run clumsily ...". Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them with sweets and thanks them.

Man, like a star, is born
In the midst of an obscure, disturbing milkiness.
Begins in infinity
And ends in infinity.
Generations are being created
Age after age the earth is imperishable.
A man, like a star, is born,
To make the universe brighter.
(D. Golubev).

And it became brighter in the Universe, because ... (date) 19__, a girl Tanya was born to her father (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in the village (city). (Showing a photo of the newborn.)

And what was the secret of the name of this girl? "Tatiana" in Greek - "organizer", "founder". And she began to grow ... not by the day, but by the hour. Hours turned into days, days into years. Already 7 years have passed .... What happened at the age of seven, ...?

I entered the first grade of school no.

How did you study?
(The hero of the day answers.)
What happened to you when you were 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the soundtrack of the song is turned on with the words:
Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed.
Youth rages like spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatiana...?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows a photo. The host asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she starts work.

And ___ of the month ___ of the ___ of the year Tatyana entered ... to work in kindergarten No. .... She began her career from the position ...

Employees come out and sing a song: "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka ...", to the motive of the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the movie "Carnival Night". To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, put the left foot on the toe in turn, put the right one. The same on the other side.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
She was a great babysitter
And a simple girl.
Worked as an accountant
And now now
In a wonderful kindergarten
The caretaker is now with us.

Tra-la-la, la.
Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
Worker soon.
Our dear Tanechka has an anniversary today.
Tanya's birthday
And a holiday for the soul.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Allow me to congratulate.

Funny yellow leaves
Circling in the yard.
The dawn burns with gold
In September time.
And the song of autumn flows
Through the apple aroma.
And beckons, beckons with tenderness
Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
We wish you on your holiday
Also be kind, affectionate,
Beautiful, young.
We also wish, Tanechka,
Happy long years.
From all kindergarten colleagues
Our warm regards.
Lyrics by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
With a hot spark in his eyes.
Tatyana can arrange everything -
And the house, and the scope of the holiday.
Tatyana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the banks of the distant Nile.

Sounds like a melody from Egypt. 2 concubines enter and behind them - the pharaoh. Clothing - from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. The concubines have brooms instead of fans. They pave the way for the pharaoh, then they will fan the pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly carried my boat to the banks of the Pacific Don, having heard about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your forehead, in your words and deeds, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave birth to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (mechanics, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. In your working men's harem, you have a strict, only business order, O unseducable of those who are not seduced. Let the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and let your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to the left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. O cordial and human in dispensing detergents, sweepers, rowers, dusters, and floor sweepers! May your footprint forever turn green, and your voice delight our sinful souls with a cry: “Get washing and dishes for the meal!” Let your granddaughter and future grandchildren please you! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the celebration.

Instructions for the medal:
1. The best place in the apartment is assigned to the medal and a special carpet is purchased where the medal is hung so that all neighbors can view the medal.
2. It is forbidden for a person awarded with this medal: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old, use a medal to make teeth.
3. The awarded medal mows, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving salaries and winning the lottery.
Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh puts a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then retires to the music. His concubines sweep the path before him.

May your dreams come true
And all misfortunes will perish!
We wish you a lot of kindness
We wish you a lot of happiness!
And we give you flowers from all
And warm welcome.

The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the motive "I'm standing at a half-station."

Friends and relatives sit
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greetings words are heard
Where are you cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
As a token of our attention
Accept wishes.
To the joy of all live for many years.
Let the years be like a blizzard.
All gray hairs
And youth warm the light! (2 times)
You indispensable happiness,
Unchanging success,
We wish you lots of luck.
Good health to you
Hope and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you! (2 times)
Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And may there never be grief.
Love if you love
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! (2 times)
Everyone (chanting):
Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the motive "Let them run awkwardly ...".

We didn't come in vain
It's clear to everyone
And sit down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing.

Let the years not age you
Be visible in life.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us stronger wine.
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
For your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful.
We cannot count all your virtues.

Let your life flow
And without sorrows and without troubles!
Let health be strong
For fifty years!

The script of the festive concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the kindergarten

Music sounds, 2 presenters come out

1 Lead: The day is so long-awaited and joyful
We meet friends today
They all came to us for a holiday,
For our solemn anniversary!

2 Lead: What a date - 50! serious and important
And someone wants to tell us:
"It's time to grow up, you citizens!"
But we seriously tell you
Who communicates with children
"Child" must be himself,
Does anyone doubt?

1 presenter: Many years ago
kindergarten was built.
On Zhuravlyova street,
Far from moms and dads
There was this "Christmas tree"
For the joy of the kids.
Days and years have passed
They can't be brought back
And our sweet "Herringbone"
Today 50.

2 Lead: Today is Anniversary Birthday
And we can't hide our excitement.
Please no further discussion
Open our holiday concert.

Children of the preparatory group come out to the music

1 presenter: Many, many years ago
Our kindergarten was opened.
Toys settled in it:
Dolls, various animals.
Brought by the hand into the garden,
The smallest kids.
Here they played, sang,
Everyone has made friends here.
And now they are for us
Prepared a story.

Children: 1. Why do we have fun
The holiday is here, what now?

2. Birthday!
Our birthday!

1. What kind of guests have gathered here
Do they crowd into kindergarten?
And there are no empty seats in the hall,
What a holiday this is!

2. A lot of guests gathered,
All children: Anniversary!

3. We ran, we were in a hurry,
We were afraid to be late
So that at the holiday today
Say hello to you all.

4. Congratulations on your birthday!
Our favorite kindergarten!
Let it be many years in a row
Children's voices are ringing!

5. Today the garden is 50,
Garden has a birthday
And we are now from all the guys
All: Congratulations to the garden!


The kids are leaving

2 Lead: The sun will wake up in the morning,
Take a look at the ground:
Children walk with their mothers
To your favorite kindergarten.
"Top-top" - they trample with their feet
Paths, paths.
One hundred and fifty guys
They are in a hurry to our kindergarten.

The children of the middle group come out

Children: 1. You probably know
Is this house two stories?
Who is it for? For guys!
There is a kindergarten in this house!

2. In the morning, only the sun will cast
first ray of gold
All the boys are running
to your own kindergarten!

3.I wonder the day goes by:
we read and sing
We lead round dances together,
and then let's go for a walk!

4. We listen to fairy tales and play,
From the sand we build a house
We don't offend anyone
We live very friendly.


The kids are leaving

1 presenter: Babies grow up fast
Flying out of the nest
Don't forget at all
Your preschool years.

Kindergarten graduate coming out

Dasha: I came to kindergarten as a little girl,
Together with the teacher, I found friends.
Affectionate, kind, she will understand everything,
Tell a story, sing a song.

We drew, sculpted, went on excursions,
They also played hide-and-seek
Daughters are mothers, horses.
And they led a round dance near the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

I was embarrassed to dance in a round dance,
I was afraid to speak in front of the people.
And now on the stage I dance and sing,
My beloved kindergarten, I thank you for everything!


2 Lead: Our small kindergarten
amazing native
And preschool children live in it
Very friendly guys

Girls of the older group come out

Children: 1. Happy birthday congratulations
Our favorite kindergarten
We wish you happiness, joy
For guests and children!

2. There was once a garden baby
Slowly grew up
Gained strength and experience
And then he became solid.

3. How to understand "He became solid?"
Give me an answer soon!

4. This means that the kindergarten
50 wonderful years.

5.Fifty! Such a number is
Don't even imagine.
Older than dad, older than mom
Older than Sasha's brother!

6. Happy birthday kindergarten
We congratulate you now.
Our song about him
We give from the heart!


The kids are leaving

1 presenter: October autumn circles at the gates
Preschool people hurry to kindergarten.
Their mothers and fathers lead by the hand
Where they are loved, where they are expected.

DANCE "KINDERGARTEN" (will prepare., Senior)

2 Lead: Look, along the track
Matryoshkas hurry to visit us.
small, mischievous,
There are painted scarves on them.


Children stay on verses

Children: 1. I love my kindergarten,
There are a lot of guys here.
Here we play and sing
Here we have fun!

2. I go to kindergarten,
and I'm friends with everyone there.

3.Every day with us in the morning
the game starts.
Good in our garden!
Tomorrow I will come again!

1 Host: Never get wet
In kindergarten voices.

The kids are leaving

1 presenter: Never get wet
In kindergarten voices.


2 Lead: What is Kindergarten?
This is a city for kids
Corner of childhood
Where everything has a place:
naughty mixes,
Droplets - tears.
Here in the eyes of the kids
The world is getting kinder.

Children go on stage
Children come out, sit scattered in the center of the hall, a football player stands with a ball, several boys sit on the floor, roll cars, etc.

1 CHILD(BOY): And we have gas in our apartment! And you?

2 CHILD(BOY): And we have running water! Here

3 CHILD(GIRL): And yesterday in kindergarten
Polka danced for a long time
Jumping back and forth
Head is spinning.

4 CHILD(BOY): And when I grow up big
In the dance I will be a hero
Will be shown on TV
“This is our Danilka,” they will say

1 CHILD(BOY): And I will be like Pele
First on the grass in football
Medals, glory and honor
Autographs won't count

2 CHILD(BOY): Yes, what an artist or a football player
Here is the president - this is life
And power and glory - everything is given
Bodyguard at the same time

5 CHILD(GIRL): Don't argue, boys, lights out
I'll sing on stage I'm big
Fans vying with each other
Run after me in a crowd
Limousine in front of the porch
And chic roses full house
TV, Moscow and abroad
Like in a fairy tale the best page

6 CHILD(BOY): Yes, guys, it's unrealistic,
you talk trite
I'll be cooler than all of you
I have great success
Lots of money and cars
In the cities do not count the apartments
In the bank I will be a banker

Here I will grow up and become
Like our second mothers
Be a kindergarten teacher
Vocation, happiness, life in bloom

Look: the house is big
In the walls - kindness, peace
Children's laughter, fun, jokes -
Petya, Katya and Anyutka.
Children are what is always appreciated
After all, without us it's a real disaster
There is neither joy nor affection,
As without a listener of a fairy tale
All dreams will come true
After all, we are the future!
Children stay on stage
Children of the senior, preparatory group come out

Children: 1. I wake up with the sun,
I'm glad to come in the morning.
I'm going fast
I'm in my favorite kindergarten!

3. We play all day
It's not too lazy to play all day!
Who will look - will be happy!
This is our kindergarten!

4. Our kindergarten is good,
You won't find a better garden
Go around the whole area
He will still be the best.

5. Let in this small country
Kids are always playing!
We love you Kindergarten!
You are the best in the world!

6. "Happy birthday, kindergarten!" -
All the guys are talking. -
Good, bloom, grow,
Waiting for the kids again.

7. Do not get sick and do not sneeze,
Open wide the doors!
Warm up with your warmth
Our beloved home!


Children remain standing

1 Lead: Kindergarten today
Celebration and holiday
birthday celebrates
Our favorite garden.

2 Lead: We wish that always
He was full of children.
And sounded so that on the sites
Children's laughter and hubbub.

1 Lead: We wish you all happiness
Good walls to these.
Let both affection and love
They give to children.

Children and leaders leave

The anniversary of a kindergarten is a serious and significant event not only for those who worked or are working in it, who give their love to children, but sometimes for the whole city. Each children's institution, of course, has its own destiny and history, and a wonderful occasion to remember this, and most importantly, to remember its employees. Moreover, graduates, having left the once native walls, forget to visit their educators, school teachers remember somehow more. Therefore, the best idea for holding an anniversary celebration would be some kind of retrospective, which will allow you to remember the people involved in this event and connect the history of the institution with the history of the country.

We hope that the version of the scenario we offer will help organize a sincere and bright holiday. Moreover, based on scenario of the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten "Big Journey into the Past", the organizers can easily make their own changes: replace concert numbers or add honoring of employees of different years, because each block of the program represents one of the decades of our history.

You can spend such a holiday in different ways, over: chamber - only for your own; cell - only for adults. And you can arrange a big holiday for the entire region, because 50 years is more than a serious date. The proposed Big Scenario will require a lot of preparation, but the game is worth the candle, believe me.


Organizing a holiday according to this scenario will take time, so it would be good to distribute preparation tasks not only among educators, but also to attract an initiative group of parents and employees of different years.

What needs to be done in advance:

1. Pick up and scan old and new photos for a slide show

2. Find and prepare "Guests of Honor", among which are the first pupils (Graduates) kindergarten, the first employees of your preschool institution, representatives of the administration. Texts (like the names) for "Guests of Honor" in the script are conditional. The guest can also say his own text, but it is advisable to adhere to the ideas given in the "speeches" script, because for the most part they are "leaders" to the number following the guest's speech.

Important: in a big city it will be very difficult to find traces of the first pupils ( and maybe employees), even with such an assistant as the Internet. In this case, you can be a little cunning by inviting "wedding generals" - people from outside, of the appropriate age, to the roles of honored guests. Or read a "letter" from the past.

3. If you have time (want) arrange a "Toy Museum", arrange a showcase with the first exhibits, or prepare pictures.

3. If you decide on a "Fashion Show" ask your parents to do needlework and sew (or maybe found in the "grandmother's chest") clothes of the right period of time. You can also make a slide show.

4. The musical director may replace the proposed musical numbers. The main thing is that the new ones correspond to the time.

5. Some blocks can be replaced. Substitution options are given as ideas, but not fully spelled out.


1st Lead

2nd Lead

Kindergarten workers

honored guests

Children - singers, dancers, reciters

Introduction to the scenario of the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten

1st Leader: Here is the house that RONO once built,

And we've been here for a very long time.

2nd Leader: And let's be honest, without embellishment,

He has become dear and beloved to all of us.

1st Leader: Here every morning we meet guests,

2nd Leader: And the day is not complete without news.

Middle class teacher: Seryozhka Petrov mastered the letter "P"!

Preparatory group teacher: Alina solved her first example!

Senior teacher: Shoelaces, finally, Cyril tied!

Junior group teacher: And Simka said our first word!

Presenter: And so every day in the news, year after year.

And this is our life

Chorus: not just a job!

Teacher song

To the motive of the song "Alyoshkina Love" by VIA "Merry Fellows" ..

Performed by educators (you can solo, you can do one verse at a time, you can do it in chorus) See the text of the alteration

Sounds 1. Funny guys. Alyoshka's love (minus)

(Hint for organizers: there is no chorus in this song, so you should think about how to change the musical accompaniment).

1st Leader: Today our beloved kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary. 50 years is no joke! 50 years in a human life is a whole era. The life that was then (just imagine, half a century ago!) is completely different from the modern one. It is no exaggeration to say that the past years have already become history. And, in relation to our Kindergarten, what a glorious story! Suffice it to say that over the past years we have released more than one and a half thousand children into the big (school) life, who, during their stay in our walls, have turned from clumsy-intelligent children into respectable preschoolers!

Concert number "Quadrille"

Children of the preparatory group (perhaps together with the teacher) perform a dance.

Sounds 2. Quadrille "Song about kindergarten."

1st Leader: Today is a big holiday. Look how many guests! And, of course, today there will be a lot of music, a lot of surprises, a lot of congratulations. And the representatives of the district administration were the first to ask for the floor. (maybe RONO).

Official guest(sample text): The status of an official guest of a higher organization obliges me to build my speech in a purely serious way, but looking at your cheerful, dear faces, I cannot help but smile. But the speech is thought out, prepared and justified. Kindergarten No. NN was opened in 1919. In the first year of its existence, your preschool accepted mmm children. That year it was a real holiday for the residents of the microdistrict. The first edition took place the following year. At 19 .. the kindergarten changed its serial number to the affectionate name "NNN". I will not bore you with the whole fifty-year history, I will only say that for half a century of history, Kindergarten No. NN or "NNN", which is more accurate and correct, has released ten generations of preschool children. But, if the "turnover" among the pupils was natural and constant, among the workers it always kept at the lowest level. They left your Kindergarten only as a last resort. No wonder your team has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and (listing awards to the team), and two of your employees N and M were awarded the title (or awarded...). And, of course, today's event could not be ignored by our administration. Let me read a congratulatory address from the District Department of Public Education (order, order, decision).

The document is being read.

Applause, congratulations, gifts

2nd Leader: In our hall today there are people of different generations, among them there are very young people who, perhaps, cannot even imagine that distant time when our Kindergarten hospitably opened its doors to the very first pupils. And it seems to me that the excursion into history that we want to bring to your attention will be of interest both to those who have something to remember, and to those who can learn something new from the past for themselves.

1st Leader: Let's take a big trip into the past. We have something to remember. Do not you mind?

2nd Leader: Why not? I'm in favor, but how are our guests? Ready for the big trip?

(guests answer)

Chorus: Then let's go!

"Great Journey into the Past"

Sounds 3. Locomotive whistle

The hosts form a "train", they are joined by other participants in the performance: employees of the Kindergarten, several children and parents.

Song-alteration for the anniversary of the d / s

To the motive "We go, we go, we eat .."

Sounds 4. Song of friends (minus)


We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands,

Parents and children, and our all friends.

We went on a hike in distant years,

There are a lot of surprises along the merry way.

Tra-ra-ra, tra-ra-ra!

The chefs are with us.

Nurses and nannies

Everyone will come with us.

The whole big and friendly staff,

The whole fun kindergarten!

Flicker years-versts: half a century - a long way.

Well, how interesting, suddenly to wave to the past.

And outside the window for a long time, a completely different landscape.

Waited: stop. And our beloved garden!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Ah, what a beauty!

familiar path,

Kindergarten, like a picture.

Doors wide open

He invites us all to visit.

Everyone is cordially invited.

1st Leader: The first stop is the station "Reference point". You say there are no such names? But let me remind you that our route is not measured in kilometers, but in years.

2nd Leader: And since our first stop falls on the 60s - 70s, this name is quite justified.

The first block is "Reference point". 60s - 70s.

Slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago"

Building, playground, group, old toys, lunch, photos of the first pupils, etc., whatever you can find.

A slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago" is shown from old photographs of the Kindergarten. Slides are accompanied by text. If there are not enough photos in the text, find the right one on the Internet. You can change the text: add or write your own.

Text to the video sequence "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago".

The text can be voiced "behind the scenes", but it is better if it is read Leading.

Just fifty years ago

This is how our Kindergarten was.

Playground: slide and swings,

Sandbox and carousels.

Everything is Spartan, ascetic,

But it is safe and practical.

It was a good upbringing

Healthy baby food.

There were enough toys and books for everyone.

However, there were no frills ...

The country then lived stably,

Although not at all abundant.

But all the boys and girls

As now they laughed loudly,

And just as curious

And everyone loved fairy tales.

And although they are not richly dressed,

Growing great guys!

1st Leader: Well, how, dear guests, remember?

2nd Leader: I don’t know about the guests, but I remembered my old toy monkey, with which, it seems, I never parted for a minute. She was shabby and faded, but still the most beloved!

1st Leader: And I remembered my very first dance, which we danced in the younger group. And I even remember the whole song: "The bear with the doll is briskly stomping .."

2nd Leader: Wow, we also sang and danced this song in the kindergarten! And I also remember...

1st Leader: It seems to me, colleague, that we got carried away. Our kids from the sixties have already stagnated behind the scenes.

Dance "Tumbler Dolls".

Girls in matryoshka costumes run out onto the stage and perform a dance.

Sounds 5. song "Roly-Dolls".

2nd Leader: Today is an unusual day. So we prepared, rehearsed, and everyone seems to know what else we will please the guests with, and memories of that distant time awakened amazing feelings. And only now I felt the significance of today's date and felt the amazing atmosphere of a long-forgotten childhood.

1st Leader: The atmosphere is wonderful, but we still have a lot of undertakings, surprises ahead of us

2nd Leader: and gifts!

1st Leader: Yes Yes. It is about the gift that I want to talk about. Preparing for this holiday, we suddenly discovered that for fifty years we have not only seen many children to the threshold of the school. We have lost a whole layer of history: half a century of toy history.

2nd Leader: This sad discovery prompted us to take decisive action. Several months of search work, to which the parents of our current pupils have also joined, have yielded their results, and today we are pleased to present to your attention the exhibits of our new museum "My Favorite Toy".

There is a demonstration of photos of favorite toys of graduates and kindergarten teachers

1st Leader: We still have few exhibits, but we hope that the museum exposition will be replenished. And in the centenary of our Kindergarten, we can be proud of our museum.

2nd Leader: Now we have the opportunity to travel a lot, but new places are not only sights and museums. New places are new acquaintances, people are very similar to us, but still a little different.

1st Leader: We promised many surprises and many guests today! Before introducing the first guest of honor (guest) I want to say a few words. Life is so arranged that people do not remember their first educators. More precisely, not so. I'm sure they remember, but they don't visit. After leaving the Kindergarten, children, as a rule, no longer come to visit us.

Honored Guest 1

2nd Leader: And it is extremely rare to follow their fate. But fortunately the world has changed beyond recognition, and His Majesty the Internet helped us find one of our very first pupils, who came to our Kindergarten in the distant mmm year as a three-year-old girl. Meet Lenochka Petrova (conditional name)

1st Leader: Then. And now twice mother, three times grandmother - Elena Vladimirovna Pavlova. (name and number of descendants are conditional)

One of the Hosts is being interviewed by the first Guest of Honor. You can come up with questions yourself, or use our option..

Questions for an interview with the first guest of honor - a former pupil of the Kindergarten.

Please tell us how you remember our Kindergarten?

Which teacher do you remember?

Did you have a favorite kindergarten toy or book?

Maybe you remember some song or poem that you learned then?

How are today's children different from those with whom you were friends in those distant years?

Have you preserved in your character any quality that was brought up in children of the 60s and 70s?

Kindergarten has always not only brought up, but also instilled certain skills and abilities.

Can you remember something that kindergarten taught you.

And the last thing: We know that you raised two children, that now you have three grandchildren growing up. Please tell me they visited (visit) Kindergarten?

After the interview, the Honored Guest congratulates the employees of the Kindergarten on their anniversary.

Honored Guest 1: Long ago, when the trees were even bigger, and the grass

She could cover us with her head, but they could hardly speak.

Then the Kindergarten came to the aid of working mothers.

He became family, he became loved. All of us will confirm this.

There they will not offend, they will not condemn, they will sip and understand there.

I so want to go back there! Well, at least for a few minutes...

1st Leader: How touching! Thank you very much!

2nd Leader: And please accept my thanks. And now it's time for us to move on.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Leader: What a wonderful atmosphere we have today! Soulful, warm... It's true what they say that nostalgia warms...

2nd Leader: And yet something is missing. And the mood is festive, and the sound of wheels fascinates, lulls ...

1st Leader: No, no, not that! I know what's missing - a good song.

2nd Leader: Right, right! It’s now that everyone is fenced off from the world behind headphones, but before, no holiday could do without a drinking song, and songs sounded on the road.

1st Leader: But we have not yet reached the era of gadgets. Let's sing a good road song with the whole car.

On the screen 7. Karaoke: the song "Blue Wagon".

(everyone sings)

2nd Leader: Great! Look, we are already approaching the next station. How imperceptibly time flew by with the song.

(Leaders pretend to peer at the landscape outside the window)

1st Leader: Indeed, the first houses appeared already. We are approaching the city of Stability.

2nd Leader: I'll tell you a secret, the locals call their city Stagnation. I think it's quite a nice town.

1st Leader: It's not for us to judge. They say it's better where we're not. You better look, colleague, who meets us!

2nd Leader: I can't believe my eyes! This is Raisa Ivanovna!

The second block is "City Stability". 70s-80s

Raisa Ivanovna enters the stage.

1st Leader: Dear friends, let me introduce you to one more guest: Raisa Ivanovna - music teacher (tutor) from the first generation of employees of our Kindergarten. It was she, together with her colleagues, who laid the foundations of our team: friendship, mutual assistance, as well as dedication and a creative approach to business.

Honored Guest 2

2nd Leader: Raisa Ivanovna today is our (and yours) Kindergarten is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Our holiday is not just an anniversary, it is an evening of memories. We will not torment you with questions, but maybe you will share your memories with us.

The guest of honor shares his memories, reflections.

Raisa Ivanovna: Hello, hello, hello! Thanks for the kind words addressed to me. I want to congratulate all those responsible for today's celebration, as well as children, parents, guests. With all my heart I wish prosperity and creative success to the whole team.

As for the memories ... There are many, but I will tell you ... about the difficulties. For us, educators and music teachers, kindergarten holidays were a real test. Not because we didn't like them. But now it is difficult to imagine public holidays in kindergarten that are mandatory for everyone. May 1, November 7 - the red days of the calendar, which were almost always repeated according to one scenario. Or constitution day in the middle group, can you imagine? And it was. And also the lack of literature. So educators, musical workers, willy-nilly, all became screenwriters. And, nevertheless, even in such "gray holidays" there were pearls, especially if the educators were not afraid to take risks. We will show you one of these pearls of the old repertoire.

Sounds 8. The song "Grandma, teach me to dance the Charleston"

The children are dancing. Applause.

1st Leader: Thank you very much, Raisa Ivanovna, for your memories and such a wonderful surprise. Let me invite you on our fascinating journey through time.

1st Lead escorts the guest to the hall.

2nd Leader: And I also remembered the old cheerful song that we both sang and played. Alas, I didn't think of it before. The more interesting it will be to play it impromptu. Dear adult guests, are there any of you in whom a child still lives? Then I ask you to the stage.

There are five people on stage. 2nd Lead quietly "explains" to the participants what they must do. In fact, it is better to rehearse this number in advance, but the beginning of the song should be prepared as if the whole action is impromptu.

You can play this "visible" song accompanied by a children's choir (backing track is attached), or choose one of the attached audio recordings of the song.

Sounds 9. Four cockroaches and a cricket (minus)

Sounds like 9a. Four inseparable cockroaches and a cricket (plus)

Sounds like 9b. Children's choir. Four Cockroaches And A Cricket (Plus)

1st Leader: All well done! The house was destroyed, it's time to make legs, that is, to go further.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

Game "Children's logic"

2nd Leader: It's not a long drive to the next station, but there is time, and we'll play a little with you. Only this time not children will play, but adults.

(two adult guests from the first row are invited: a man and a woman, they are asked questions in turn, after their version, the original version is read out - children's and adult logic is compared - which of the participants has more hits, he won)

Sometimes we ask children to answer a question and are indignant if we do not receive an intelligible answer, because what we are asking is elementary. But it only seems so to us. And can you, adults, serious and smart, follow the children's logic.

1st Leader: Let's go ahead, colleague. I explain the conditions: we read the beginning of the child's phrase, and you will try to put yourself in the place of the child and continue his thought.

2nd Leader: The baby puts pantyhose on her head and says: "Look what I have ..." (participant suggests an option, original version: braids)

1st Leader: What rhyme for the word "sofa" did a three-year-old poet come up with? So, "sofa - ..." (bed)

2nd Leader:

Mommy, you're so smooth, it's like... (the skating rink drove over you)

1st Leader:

Mom, do you know how dad and I are alike? … (we have the same last name)

2nd Leader: The girl is going south with her parents. "Glasses must be taken to..." (eyes not burnt out)

1st Leader:

Dude, you need to listen to adults! Are you a smart boy?

I'm not smart, I... (to dad)

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced with congratulations from parents, guests from the audience, or "congratulatory telegrams").

2nd Leader: Applause to our participants!

1st Leader: Here's how! It turns out that kids can confuse adults too!

2nd Leader: Here's how! It turns out we've already arrived!

1st Leader: Oh what a little stop. And he is called (is reading)"Quiet corner".

2nd Leader: Dear passengers, please note: parking here will be short.

1st Leader: Why?

2nd Leader:"Quiet Corner" - a suburb of a big city with the telling name "Scourge". And what else can the city of the dashing 90s be called? That is why we stopped here, and not in a city with a very difficult reputation.

The third block "Quiet corner". 80s - 90s.

1st Leader: Yes, many remember that time with a shudder. But in fairness, it should be noted that kindergartens have remained aloof from the general misfortune. Children still went to kindergarten, classes continued, holidays were held.

2nd Leader: True, there were fewer children, but mutual understanding between parents and educators was at its best. The stratification of society has not yet manifested itself (this will start later) and it seemed like we were all one family.

1st Leader: Against the background of the general bleak picture, kindergartens stood out like green oases in the desert. From this time there are no kindergarten memories that could be different from previous years. And only one cool boy from the distant 90s will be able to imagine those years for us.

Sounds 10. Song "What a cool"

Sounds like 10a. What a cool (minus)

1st Leader: Bravo! This cool guy got a gift!

2nd Leader: Well, it's time for us to go!

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Leader: Go! No matter how calm it is in the Kindergarten, it’s still better to move away from these years, and it’s time to go home.


2nd Leader: Not long left, now let's look at the zero, and return to the present. In the meantime, the wheels are knocking, we will play one more game with you. Have you noticed that time changes a lot? Perhaps not a single phenomenon in our daily life is immune from change. For example, here are the names. Fifty years ago, in each group one could meet a pair of Lenochka and Tanya, or Seryozha and Sasha. Twenty-five years later they were replaced by Ksyusha and Nastya, Antosha and Kirill, and now? Artemy and Savely, and the girls are all Milena and Snezhana.

1st Leader: Well, you exaggerate a little, colleague!

2nd Leader: Undoubtedly. I got carried away. In any case, time dictates its own rules and its own names. And now we will talk about them. True, not about modern ones, but those that were once born in the country of the Soviets, but still arouse constant interest.

1st Leader: Are you talking about Kukutsapol and Walterperzhenka?

2nd Leader: Yes, yes, about their relatives (Addressing the guests): By the way, who can say how this abracadabra is deciphered?

The transcripts are shown on the screen:

Kukutsapol is a male name. CORN-Queen of the Fields

Walterperzhenka is a female given name. VALENTINA-TEReshkova-FIRST-WOMAN-Cosmonaut

1st Leader: I realized! Will we decipher such unique names?

2nd Leader: Yes, I name the word, you show it on the screen. Without explanation, of course, but the guests are trying to put forward a version close to the original. Well, how do you like the job?

1st Leader: Let's start and then we'll see.

1st Lead captures active players

The game KUKUTSAPOL AND DAZDRASMYGDA is being played.

Possible comments are given next to the word in italics Leading.

* DAZDRASMYGDA - a fairly feminine well-known name


* URYURVKOS - another popular, but already masculine

masculine name - Ura, Yura IN SPACE

*ROBLIN - something like french

male name - Born to Be a Leninist

*OYUSHMINALDA and here is Indian

female name Otto Yulievich SCHMIDT ON ICE

* LELUDE - it's like a creepy tale


* NISERHA - and this is not otherwise from the animal world

female name - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev

*TROLEBUZINA - if you think that this is about an accident involving a trolleybus, I warn you right away - no!

female name Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, ZINoviev

*PERSOSTRATE - No comments


* BORDER - with this male name we will end the competition. It reminds me a lot of what we are here for.

transcript: I - WITH LENIN and Krupskaya

1st Leader: Marvelous! Our guests did a great job. Stand up please those who gave the right ones (or close to correct) answers. You certainly deserve this applause!


2nd Leader: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov proved to be the absolute leader in this competition. Tell me, please, did you study onomastics, or do you just have a well-developed logic?

(guest answers)

1st Leader: What are your children's names?

(guest answers)

1st Leader: Well. thank God. And then these Trolebusins ​​are somehow not at all impressive.

2nd Leader: But what is impressive is that we have already arrived in the zero years.

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced by a preliminary summing up:

1st Presenter: And I really want to go home. There is very little left of our journey. And while there is time, we can sum up the preliminary results of the work of our common home - the Kindergarten.

Preparing for the holiday, we spent a lot of time in a difficult search. And I must say that this, almost unbearable, work was crowned with success. In the course of research work, we found out that many specialists have grown from our graduates of past years.

It is known that in medicine they work - nn our former students

Raise our agriculture - ...

They build houses in different qualities - ....

Bringing the industry to mind - ...

Working for the benefit of the future, in scientific institutions - ...

Working in education...

And what is especially nice nn of our pupils returned to kindergarten, but in a different capacity)

1st Leader: Impressive!

2nd Leader: It is also impressive that we have already arrived in the zero years.

Block "Garden City". 90s - zero.

1st Leader: We have almost reached our final destination. We drove into the suburbs of Garden City. But in fact, we are already in the present. For a small person, 10 years is a lot. After all, it is in the first decade that a child learns more than in the rest of his life.

2nd Leader: From the point of view of history, 10 years is a moment. And we still can't see the difference between 2007 and 2017. Although... You can see the differences in such a small period of time, but only in one single phenomenon, which we have not yet talked about. It can be argued that variability is the main property of this mysterious phenomenon.

1st Leader: Nobody guessed? Then look!

Fashion show "In the spiral of history"

Sounds 11. "Fortuneteller" (minus)

Children in fashionable clothes of different times dance to the words of the verse and chorus. On the second verse, against the background of the "minus", the actual fashion show begins, which is accompanied by comments.

Remake text(1 verse and chorus)

Fashion changes daily

And as long as there is a white light,

We dress according to income,

Only charm is our main secret.

And you won't have enough for a new thing,

Feel free to take scissors in your hands

Carefully, calmly and skillfully

You make a new thing for yourself!

Not affordable, like

But still we

We wish to be

Dressed in fashion.

What to say, what to say

Not affordable, like

But can we

But can we

Dressed to be fashionable.

Text for fashion show(read against the background of music, after 1 verse and chorus, if necessary, turn on the track again).

Leading (they speak in turn).

Today, in honor of our anniversary, the famous couturier Valentin Yudashkin presents his collection of children's clothing "Along the Spiral of History".

In the children's fashion of the 60s, clothing made from natural fabrics is still popular.

Dresses for the smallest girls on high coquettes.

Sailor suits for boys and girls are still in fashion.

An integral part of children's costumes is cotton stockings, socks and stockings.

For winter outdoor activities - comfortable bloomers. Little fashionistas will be happy to complement their winter clothes with muffs*.

The 70s brought new materials to children's fashion: knitwear, rayon, crimple.

The stockings have been replaced by very comfortable tights.

The fashion of the 90s is very democratic: they wear everything that the older brothers and sisters did not wear, and therefore on the catwalk you can see both vintage models of the 50s and altered mother's dresses.

Have not lost relevance and irreplaceable workouts.

The absolute leader of the 90s was sneakers, which quickly replaced both boyish rubber sneakers and girls' shoes - ironing.

The children changed their famous summer sandals to flip flops.

The motto of modern fashion is convenience and practicality. Following their mothers, girls wear dresses less and less, preferring light trousers and comfortable leggings.

Boys also prefer sporty style.

All models take the stage.

What will children's fashion offer us in the future? We will see. Coquette fashion is changeable, and unpredictable!

The final

58 1st Leader: Well, here we are back to where we started our journey, to the present, where we are met by the hostess of our common home, our beloved Kindergarten - Olga Sergeevna Filippova.

2nd Leader: Olga Sergeevna, we know that your teaching experience spans more than one decade. Tell me, how do modern children differ from the kids of the 70s and 80s?

Olga Sergeevna: Of course the kids are different. It cannot be otherwise, because children are a mirror of the world, and the world has changed beyond recognition. Modern children are better dressed, they are multifacetedly informed (unfortunately not always in the right direction) and somewhat more advanced. But compared to the children of the Soviet era, they are less independent and less creative. And the last one I consider a real loss. In a world where everything can be bought, where each toy does everything by itself, one has only to press a button, the fantasy falls asleep, and the child finds himself out of work, finding himself outside the familiar environment. Therefore, I am sure that the work of educators is no less important now than in the past. Moreover, it is somewhat more complex. But that doesn't mean the grass used to be greener. such a comparative assessment is nothing more than my personal opinion. But what I am absolutely sure of is that it is in our power, my dear colleagues, to do everything so that our pupils go out into the big world as knowledgeable, able, creative individuals, worthy of the brightest and kindest future.

Our holiday is coming to an end, but new tasks, new pupils and high horizons are ahead. Happy holiday, dear!

The poem "Here is the house that RONO built."

As the poem is read, the characters in question appear on the stage.

1st Leader: Here is the house that RONO built. And this is the hostess - very energetic,

2nd Leader: And her team is just great.

Manager: And this is the supply manager, who is in charge of the economy,

Supply manager: Accountant who manages all expenses

Accountant: And it's worth following any advice,

To do everything without breaking the budget.

Manager: The kitchen is always clean and tidy.

Chefs take care of the children's food.

Cook: And the nurse takes care of your health,

And he does it with great love.

Nurse: Our muse. The teacher is a real talent.

Cheerful and bright, the inventor is brilliant!

Music teacher: Teachers will always come to my aid,

and in life we ​​are great friends.

1st Educator: And here is our joy: girls, boys.

2nd teacher: Serious, quiet and playful.

Children run out with balloons

Child: Everyone has forgotten about our nannies,

Under their persuasion, you can eat porridge!

Nanny: This is how we live as a big team

With cleaning and porridge,

Music teacher: but always positive.

3rd teacher: And the garden has long become a second family

Big and cheerful, beloved, dear!

4th caregiver: With the head of the classroom and energetic

Head: And with the team, well, just great!

Chorus: In the house that RONO built.

The participants of the concert sing the song "We wish you happiness!"

(Against the background of the song, you can show on the screen photos of different years from the history of the anniversary day)

Sounds like 12. We wish you happiness

When the chorus begins, the children run into the hall and distribute balloons to the guests of the holiday.

Anniversary celebration script

The hall is festively decorated, on the walls there are congratulatory newspapers (made by the hands of employees), there are works of children, parents dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary, the central wall of the lobby is decorated with photographs of children “My favorite kindergarten” and “I love my city Lytkarino”.

In the center of the hall, educators stand in a “chess” order and open the festive evening with the song “Kindergarten Anthem” (to the tune of the song “Five Minutes”

1. Our fate is unusual and difficult,

Nothing compares to her work!

We are the souls of our particle

We give children bit by bit!

Our life is full of worries and difficulties!

Chorus. Every day, every hour

We give our hearts to children!

And for everyone we

Before the future in the answer!

For children to grow

Do not be sad, but have fun

To bloom smiles

On happy children's faces

We must every day

Every day and every hour

Work tirelessly!

(roll call)

In colorful September

On the sandy mountain

The painted tower has grown,

It was built by "Osobstroy"

Terem opened the doors

He sheltered all the kids

Trees were planted

"Rowan" was called.

Years have passed since then

rowanberries have grown

And the kids hurry to us

Misha and Marinka.

And today kindergarten

Anniversary celebrates,

Notes 50

And welcomes guests!

50 years have passed, a lot has happened

Hundreds of children in life left us.

The years have passed, but we have not grown old

Because we are only 50 today!

If you are with a gift

They came to us for a holiday

The garden's birthday is our anniversary.

We will welcome you nicely

And sit at the table

We accept congratulations

And we will sing for you!

(the hymn to the kindergarten is performed)

V. Anniversary is such a word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

B. This is the day when there are so many friends,

Joy, happiness and warmth in the house!

Q. Good evening, dear friends!

Q. Hello, dear guests!

Q. Today we have a family holiday - the birthday of our kindergarten!

Q. At any anniversary party, it is customary to talk at least a little about how it all began. Who stood at the origins of all history? And let's turn the page back to 50 years.

Q. But first, we want to remember now the man who went from a carpenter to the manager of the Ostroy-2 trust. This is Krupenin Ivan Petrovich.

V. The trust "Osobstroy-2" became his family. The activities of the trust in the 1970-1980s, in fact, determined the historical face of the city. As experts later calculated, the Osobstroy-2 trust built about 90 percent of the housing in the city, almost all kindergartens and schools, the House of Creativity for Children and Youth, a hospital building and other facilities.The life of Ivan Petrovich is consonant with that era of accomplishments and equal opportunities, when the motto “First think about the Motherland, and then about yourself” was a guide to action, everything was aimed at a lofty goal - serving the Fatherland.

AT.Being engaged in the construction of facilities, Ivan Petrovich, like any leader, considered it his duty to raise a shift, lead the youth through life, rejoiced at the growth and success of the young in an independent field. In SMU-17, which was considered the best division of the trust, many now famous people received hardening.

V. Evgeny Viktorovich Seregin, our Head of the city, also passed through the trust "Osobstroy-2". No matter how the life of the builders subsequently developed, they always remembered the vocational school "Osobstroy-2". This school formed one of the main principles of life: if you give the word to hand over the object, keep the promise.

/phonogram of crying baby/. Do you hear? He was born, our kindergarten!

V. It was 1962. - State Admissions Committee. The garden is new, large windows, separate bedrooms, own laundry, well, just a feast for the eyes! Everything is as it should be: the baby was given a tag with the number of nursery-kindergarten No. 67 of the Osobstroy 2 trust. The chairman is delighted, the act is signed, the garden is put into operation.


The floor is given to the Head of the city of Lytkarino.

AT.Year after year passes in worries.

We rarely see you, in business,

But today we are not at work,

And they came to this hall for the holiday.

B. Glad to see familiar faces

And talk about the past

So let's have some fun friends

We are still young at heart.

AT.The floor for congratulations is given to the Chairman of the Council of Deputies.


V. Years run unnoticed. And now, on December 1, 1992, nursery-kindergarten No. 15 "Osobstroy 2" was transferred to the jurisdiction of the city of Lytkarino, which in 1994 was reorganized into the Department of Education of Lytkarino.

AT.The word is given Head of the Department of Education of the city of Lytkarino.


B. Years passed, new employees came, they strengthened the glory and authority of the institution.The teaching profession has always been considered an extremely noble profession. And on the head of the kindergarten, lay all the responsibility for the development of preschool institutions.

AT.Lidia Alexandrovna Krupenina began her career in the Ryabinushka kindergarten in 1972 as a senior nurse, and a few years later she became the head of the kindergarten. For twenty-nine years - from 1979 to 2006 - Lidia Aleksandrovna was the permanent head of a preschool institution.

C. For many years of and impeccable work in the upbringing of the younger generation, Lidia Aleksandrovna was awarded diplomas and thanks from the Department of Education, the City Administration, and the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. She is an honorary worker of education of the city of Lytkarino and was awarded the title of "Veteran of Labour".

Q. And now our dear Lydia Alexandrovna is on a military post - since 2006 she has been working as a social pedagogue.
Her many years of fruitful work at the head of MDOU No. 15 "Ryabinushka" has earned a well-deserved authority among the pedagogical community, where Lidia Alexandrovna is known as a highly qualified person, an enterprising and responsible leader, an experienced and talented teacher.Now we want to give her the floor.


AT. Try to guess the old folk riddle: “How a caftan with a garus hangs under a tier.” The answer is suggested by the very name of our favorite garden - of course, we are talking about a beautiful mountain ash, a mountain ash with bright red tassels-earrings!

AT. By the way, do you know where this name came from? And this tree is called so “through the fault” of its bright orange fruits. In the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dahl, the word "rowan" has the main meaning - "speck, mole, freckle."

V. And since 1996, the municipal preschool educational institution No. 15 "Ryabinushka" to this day, proudly bears its name, remembering its meaning: "Native, protection and strength."

V. 2012. We have an anniversary! The story continues. And we do it. 50 years of the garden, and so much has happened! Our kindergarten has received so many certificates, prizes, awards and gifts over the years.

We were the first and only in the city to take an active part in the succession of "Kindergarten - School". The teachers of school-gymnasium No. 4, Kislova Olga Petrovna and Bukina, together with the teachers of the preparatory groups, prepared our pupils for school. The result of the work of the progymnasium is almost 100% enrollment in gymnasium classes, the gratitude of parents.

A graduate of our garden: Kudinova Irina - gold medalist

Knyazeva Daria, Vagabov Sergey, Khalturin Ivan, Kharitonov Mikhail - silver medalists, students of Moscow State University

Lyakisheva Ekaterina - certificate with honors

Gasparyants Gosha - MEPhI student, repeated participant of city and regional competitions in biology, chemistry, geography

Melnikova Olga - winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the topic "Innovative technologies"

We do not stand still and are proud of our growing pupils:

Privezentsev Vanya – International award…….(write for what!!!)

Participation of our children in the city competition of creative works "City of my dreams", "The world through the eyes of children", arts and crafts and art "Inspiration". Participation in the city song festival dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory celebration and the game-competition dedicated to International Children's Day and much more. That's what we are - the kindergarten "Ryabinushka"!

Q. But we love not only to receive gifts, but also to give them! Allow us, our dear guests, to give you a piece of "myself" for a long memory in honor of the anniversary of our garden! (gifts for guests)

B. We meet guests,

We remember youth

Who worked for many years

We don't forget!

AT.Do not stand on the sidelines, please, modestly!

Go ahead, hello to you huge!

From all the children, a hearty hello to you,

We love and love you endlessly!

Q. And the word is given ... (veteran, gifts to veterans)

B. Kindergarten is first of all children. How many of them grew up in these good walls. May good luck accompany them!

V. Today let's remember childhood,

Your friends, girlfriends, and the taste of that semolina, and the same quiet hour.

Probably today, fifty years later

You would love to lie down in that baby bed.

B. Some grandchildren today are preschool children,

And the same teacher, and the same quiet hour.

And again this polka, and again Santa Claus

It's great to return to our childhood even for an hour.

C. Allow me to introduce our graduate: Tanya….., today Tatyana Vladimirovna Kovalenko, who came to work in her kindergarten, first as a teacher, and now as a physical education instructor. (commemorative gift given)

B. Educators are the main people in the garden,

Their kindest hands are accustomed to work.

They gave everything to dear kids.

And the soul hurts for every crumb.

Did they work a lot or a little -

All of them are great! Mothers of many children!

V. Thank you for your kind words and warm congratulations. As hospitable hosts, we, in turn, want to thank our dear guests for being with us today! (presentation of memorable gifts to guests and veterans of the Kindergarten)

AT.The official moment is coming

We invite the one who knows everything

About the whole team who helps us

And courageously leads our kindergarten.

We ask the manager to say a few words

Tatyana Egorovna, the microphone is ready.

Speech by the head of the kindergarten- Rachkova Tatiana Egorovna.

(After the performance, a birthday cake is brought in. The manager invites all kindergarten employees to blow out the candles)

AT.What date 50 is serious and important

And someone wants to tell us:

“It’s time for you citizens to grow up!”

But we seriously tell you

Who communicates with children

"Child" must be himself,

Does anyone doubt?

B. 0 and 5 is equal to 5 years, and in 5 years it is supposed:

Joking, laughing and playing

Does anyone doubt?

B. Today they showed you.

What about jokes and songs

It's easier for all of us to live in the world

And life is more interesting for everyone!


AT.Today is a birthday in our house.And the doors are open for guests.Well, for us there is no better gift,Than to see facesAll my friends.

B. Today our whole family
We are celebrating a big day
Life is not always flowers
There are troubles and bad weather,
But, Kindergarten 15, there is -
And this is our happiness!

hope loganova
The scenario of the anniversary of the kindergarten "Kindergarten 50 years"

Anniversary 50 years

Music sounds

Guests are invited to the hall. They sit down. The manager and two presenters come out

Head. Good afternoon, dear guests, dear colleagues! We are very glad that you left all your problems and came to us just to relax! And we have the most pleasant occasion - ANNIVERSARY! BUT Anniversary is our favorite kindergarten!

Leading. Our kindergarten is celebrating its Anniversary!

AT childhood invites you to take a dip.

From the memories of all warm,

We can't help but smile at them.

Leading. How many young hearts warmed with warmth

They gave their smile and kindness

So live you are ours Kindergarten"Spikelet",

To reveal talent here every sprout!

Leading. With Happy Anniversary,

Our favorite Kindergarten

And we start the concert -

Congratulations guys!

Child. Our good home, congratulations

With anniversary from the heart!

We know you a little

But don't rush to get old!

Child. I love my Kindergarten,

It's always full of guys.

One, two, three, four, five

Child. Happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite Kindergarten.

We wish you happiness, joy

For guests and children.

Child. We know today is a special day

The heart became more cheerful

We know it kindergarten

Notes anniversary.

Child. Fifty! Such a number that makes your head spin

AT found out in kindergarten

We are beautiful words

They were first recognized - MAMA, RODINA, MOSCOW.

Child. 3 child: How did the adults try,

To make the garden a favorite,

To make us all smile

And no one was bored here.

Child. To bright, clean, bright

Been here every day and hour

So that resentment is imperceptible

They would leave us.

Child. Lots of toys here

We love to play with them.

Dolls, balls, animals ... -

Child. But we're not the only ones playing

We sculpt, we build and we break,

We love to sing and dance.

Child. With congratulations on the anniversary!

Our favorite Kindergarten!

A song is being performed "Oh, how good life is in the garden"

1. Every day like a job

We come to Kindergarten

And when we need to go home

We don't want to go back.

Chorus: Oh, how good it is in the kindergarten

Oh how fun this song is.

Do physical education

Songs to sing and dance

Chorus: the same

3. Don't fight or cry

Taught us to be friends

We have fun all day long

It's good to live in the world. Chorus: the same.


Leading. Children's the garden has become a second home for us,

The closest and even relatives!

According to earthly and universal laws

We are one with him!

May our garden flourish for hundreds of years,

We wish him with all our heart

Thrive for our heart too

To be not just a job - a destiny!

___ is invited

Leading. We have a full hall of guests,

We welcome all of you!

We are always glad to guests,

Our head has come to us

She certainly didn't forget.

How did I take my daughter to the garden here

The time has come

The daughter brought her granddaughter.

To congratulate

Let me introduce you….

Leading. For the presentation of Certificates of Honor of the Department of Education for conscientious work and in connection with the celebration of the past Day of the preschool worker.

Invited Head of Department of Education ___

Leading. We all come from childhood, a childhood is almost always kindergarten. A lot depends on how comfortable and useful a place to stay for a child, sometimes even the further fate of a small person.

Kindergarten, which will be discussed below, from its very foundation acquired a wonderful property - to color the child's world in bright and joyful colors, and it is called unpretentious and simple - "Spikelet". When you cross its threshold, you immediately hear the booming children's laughter and noise of restless voices. In offices and groups, work is in full swing, even though sometimes mundane and everyday, but always necessary, because it is here that a new generation of Novouzentsev, future citizens of our country, is brought up.

Leading. We honestly say: life in our garden

Bright, wonderful, very interesting

And we have been dreaming for a long time to make a movie about our life!

(showing a film about the kindergarten)

Leading. For 50 years at kindergarten changed four heads: ___ certain years children's the garden owes much to them, who proved themselves to be good organizers, true masters of their craft. Since 2001, the team has been led by Konovalik Olga Viktorovna.

Leading. Every child in kindergarten knows

What a birthday, how a holiday happens

Cake and sweets, juices and tea,

Games and songs, and loaf.

Leading. Loaf for children play kindergarten teachers

with the music director.

And to myself anniversary kindergarten loaf we will ask to play

our managers.

Get in the circle soon! And let's sing more cheerfully!


how kindergarten for a birthday. We baked a loaf

Here is such a height, here is such a width.

Loaf, loaf whoever you want, choose.

(Choose Valentina Antonovna and Nina Nikolaevna!

The named managers go into a circle - they circle)

When the loaf is repeated, Galina Viktorovna is called into the circle

and Tatyana Yuryevna, who also go out into the circle - dance

At the end "loaf" Olga Viktorovna brings out a loaf of bread for the managers.

Head. Here we baked such a loaf ourselves,

And we decided to share it with you

Do not be shy! Help yourself!

Cool salt!

And more often in children's come visit the garden!

(All managers break off a piece of loaf, try it.

Leading. There is no birthday without gifts

We also want to give you gifts.

Then you can give the floor for congratulations to Morozova V.A. and thanking all the managers, let them go to their places)

Leading. Years passed, children were graduating, and at the same time our culture changed and flourished. Kindergarten. Familiar paths lead to the native children's garden of their children, its former graduates. 50 years of change has happened lot: changed the interior kindergarten, the material and technical base has improved, the range of services has expanded, it has acquired individuality.

good reputation children's the garden owes its teachers and attendants to the veterans who have worked in it since the day it was founded, who have invested their strength and effort in its prosperity, for which we thank them very much and wish them good health. Today's DOW team maintains this good reputation and traditions in everything kindergarten. I would like to name each them:

Leading. So that you do not forget how you played with the kids,

How you bathed the guys like little ducklings.

Please dance with us "Little Ducklings"


Leading. Accept gifts from our team.

(After a joint dance, all veterans are given gifts and they sit down in their places)



1. Arrows are spinning faster

Children became a year older

Leaf fell off the calendar

But do not be sad in vain.

And not in vain on your birthday

All friends gather

And the more friends around

The younger the heart beat.

Chorus: Happy birthday,

Success, joy, luck

Any desires of fulfillment,

And more creative ideas.

Happy birthday

Worries to dizziness

And festive mood

And the most devoted friends.

2. Telegrams fly out the window

Let sometimes not always lucky

Don't be sad and don't be sorry

There will be many bright days

Big pie with candles

And champagne to the ceiling

How much will the earth circle

We will love children so much!

Chorus: the same

Leading. Cheeks painted a blush -

Here and prowess, and enthusiasm!

Draws out the dance

Your intricate pattern

Leading. Many different countries in the world

And children are dancing everywhere

Ours live in Russia

Russian dance is in place here.


Presenter 1: Years pass, kids grow up, become schoolchildren. Many of the graduates kindergarten work: teachers, educators, doctors, engineers, industrial and agricultural workers, and our children's the garden continues to light new stars and raise small, talented children.

Congratulations to the children "chastushki".

We will sing ditties

We'll drink hard.

Plug your ears

The eardrums will burst Ooh!

Our educators

It's just top class!

put on heels

Like fashion models! Wow!

We will tell you from the bottom of our hearts

Our nannies are great.

Though you will go around the whole garden -

You won't find a speck. Wow!

And the head of our

Get into Pushkin's fairy tale

She would ask for a fish

Send sponsors to kindergarten Wow!

We love music very much.

We dance and we sing.

We lead round dances together,

In general - we have fun! Wow!

Oh, stamp your foot

Topni right-handed

I'm going to dance

Even though it's small. Wow!

ALL: We sang ditties to you.

All ditties are good.

You clap us bolder

And laugh heartily! Wow!

Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,

But we didn't know anyone like this one!

The best holiday - all congratulations are sent,

Because kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!

-Anniversary is the word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

This is the day when there are so many friends

There is joy, happiness and warmth in the house.

Leading. And the warmth and comfort kindergarten created by the team

Today we would like to pay special attention to the work of some of them.

Leading. To award employees with Certificates of Honor, we invite the head of the preschool educational institution Olga Viktorovna Konovalik.

Leading. The most important thing is our children, for whom so many employees work, creating all the conditions to ensure a happy and joyful childhood.

Leading. And now, our pupils give the whole team kindergarten and dear guests dance


Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world -

Loved by adults and children.

Fairy tales teach us good

And hard work.

Fairy tale in a new way

will show you Kindergarten.

It's time for everyone to have fun

All in joyful excitement

Heroes of fairy tales! We ask you

Start the show!

Sounds background music "Visiting a fairy tale." First loudly, then quietly.

In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

In the thirtieth state,

And not low, not high

Garden with a name "Spikelet"

stood for fifty years

Yes, I got into a fairy tale!

The main value in the world, including garden were CHILDREN!

They played games with them there, they were treated, trained

Their mothers took them to kindergarten. AT kindergarten took care of them!


Leading. But one sad day a flock of white swans

It sank to the site, and trouble! The trouble happened.

Sounds of music "Dance of the little swans" (the dance of the little swans is performed) at the end of the dance, swans circle over the children, pick them up, and carry them away on wings behind the curtain.

Leading. All come here! Hurry over here! (2 teachers run out)

Trouble has come! The cute kids are gone.

We searched everywhere...

No children were found...

Leading. How are we now without children? Without funny kids?

Leading. How can we live in the world now?

Leading. (bends over, picks up some feathers from the floor)

Look - feathers, fluff .... (grabs heart)

Oh! Breathtaking!

Swans have flown by...

I saw a flock in the distance

Leading. It can be seen that the geese took the children away ...

Where can we find children? After all, the geese are not to be seen.

Holiday without children, friends,

It is impossible to continue.

Let's go on a long journey with you

Let's bring the kids home.

Quiet, quiet... Do you hear?

Under "Gypsy" the gypsies come out. Dancing to the song "Fashion changes daily"

Gypsies traveled many miles,

You say. not seen,

How they fly overhead

Geese-swans home?


And, if you want, let's guess

Do we find out the way of geese now?

And for free?


Gilt the handle, diamond.

2 gypsy lays out cards from behind her bosom. Sentences:

Maps are alien to lies and revenge,

The cards will tell everything as it is.

3 gypsies:

Geese carry children into the forest,

Baba Ezhka will have soup.

Oh thank you gypsies.



Clouds are gathering in the sky

What is the sound in the forest we hear?

The sound of coins and the crunch of banknotes (chime of coins)

That Koschei breathes over gold

All in clothes from "Couture" Koschei comes out.

Hello, dear Koschey!

You haven't eaten cabbage soup for a long time.

All thin, knuckles rattling,

Yes, there is a bug on the bald head.

Tell us, Koshcheyushka.

Where is the path to Yaga?


I'm busy with business, girls,

Here I consider my gold.

But my only problem is

I only know a million.

Please take the extra

We need money, Kashchei.

AT kindergarten they are important.

What to buy, what to change.

We know how to apply them.


Here, take it, take it.

Yes, go to Yaga in that forest.

Well, let's go to the dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

Ouch. look quickly. look.

You see, the stove is on the way ...

The stove comes out to the music.

Leading. Stove, stove, tell us, where is the path to Yaga?


I'll tell you. but also you

They should help me too.

Here is the literature method,

Without it, you will be bad.

I can't sell

Leading. The stove needs to be rescued.

Stove: Do not leave in trouble-

Suitable for you everywhere

Is there anything we can buy them for? (shows bag)

And apply at work.

He gives money to the stove.


Here is the road to that hut,

Old Yaga lives there. (leaves)

month above.

Here you can see the hut roof.

Yagi has water in the boiler

And here she conjures.

Baba Yaga comes out to the music of Dolce Gabbana.

There is a pot on the table. Baba Yaga conjures.

Baba Yaga. Kurli-murli,


I cook the cream L, Oreal.

I'm tired of wrinkles

I want to like men.

You, Yagusechka. All the better.

Where do you know our kids?

We know, dear old lady,

What are they in your hut.

Baba Yaga.

Look, what business people!

Call me old.

I don't want to be old!

If I become like Rotaru,

Without wrinkles, white-faced,

I'll give your kids

I know the way

He is known to me alone

The tree grows in the forest

It gives beauty to everyone.

Eat rejuvenating apples

Even baldness disappears.

Okay, okay, we'll go.

We'll bring you apples. (Yaga leaves)

Leading. Again on the road, the path to us,

Yes, towards miracles.

Here the apple tree grows

And on it is a ruddy fruit. (tree appears) While the tree leaves

music is playing "Yablonka"

It turns out Yablonka

Hello dream tree

We need your help.

Give us an apple from a branch,

Please help us out

Apple tree:

He dreams of eating my fruits.

Female. I will say. any.

I just won't give them away.

I will ask one question:

So where are you girls from?

From the village, or from the capital?

From a boutique or from a bank,

Leading. Our small town

But beloved and dear

We work in garden,

We teach children how to work.

Draw and cut

Clean up after yourself.

Apple tree. I believe in your words

And I'll give you an apple

Let me help you along the way

Who are you looking for find

(gives the leader an apple)

B. Yaga. And tell me girls

It is evident that you are craftsmen,

How can I get a little younger?

Leading. Gotta sing and dance!

B. Yaga. Come on, granddaughters, come out

Please support grandma

2 grandmothers come out - hedgehogs, the three of them dance


B. Yaga. oh, I'm a little tired

But she got younger!

(To the leaders)

Well, give me an apple,

Don't hurt grandma.

Here, Yaga, you have an apple. give us our children

Yaga: Wait, we must first try the apple (leaves).

Oh, won't Yaga deceive us? Where is she hiding our children?

Baby Yaga comes out, rejoices, sings, gives away her children.

Well, finally, our children are in the walls of their native kindergarten.

Educators accept children from leading

Educator. We are glad that the children were found,

And they brought me back to the kindergarten.

And let our flowers bloom Kindergarten,

Child. We are in Kindergarten

surrounded by guys

Glad to see everyone again

Hear music and laughter!

Child. Planet detva we will remember more than once

That island, especially beloved.

which was called "Spikelet"

Our Kindergarten is unique.

Leading. What is the most important decoration of the festive table? (cake)

Of course the cake! And we have not just a cake, but a cake anniversary!

Please bring it into the room!

Leading. Cake today is not easy - anniversary golden.

We will celebrate the birthday with him, and we will treat all the guests!