Wall newspaper on the theme of winter. How to make a New Year's newspaper

The main attribute New Year's holidays a Christmas tree is considered, but an elegant spruce should not be the only decoration of the house, office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decorations with balloons, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help you draw a wall newspaper on New Year Rats for those who didn't graduate art school and does not have the innate talent of an artist.

A bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which as a whole form a large picture with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to receive the poster, you will need White paper A4 format, printer and coloring tools.

Download fragments of the New Year's wall newspaper 2020

How to make a newspaper for the New Year of the Rat

  1. Download 8 graphic fragments to your computer or immediately print them on a black and white printer.
  2. Assemble a whole picture from its components, focusing on the serial numbers of the images.
  3. Glue the elements together using a glue stick or tape, securing it on the back side.
  4. If desired, duplicate the poster with whatman paper or thick paper.
  5. Color the wall newspaper with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, using bright and pearlescent paints, and leave “clouds” for congratulatory inscriptions.
  6. Supplement the New Year's poster with tinsel, sparkles, and broken toys.
  7. Enter in the “windows”.

The resulting wall newspaper can be hung anywhere, it will create festive mood and will make you smile!

New Year's wall newspaper No. 2

The wall newspaper consists of eight graphic fragments, each of which corresponds to the format of a standard A4 sheet. You can use any black and white printer to print fragments.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a New Year's newspaper

  1. First of all, you need to download fragments of the wall newspaper to your computer (but you can print immediately, directly from the browser).
  2. Print the images one by one on the printer.
  3. Create a whole poster from the existing parts: the sheets can be glued together with tape or any glue, and if you need a thicker newspaper, stick it on a corresponding sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard of a suitable size.
  4. Now all that remains is to color the blank with paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens and write it into each cloud.
  5. To obtain a “New Year’s effect,” the picture can be additionally decorated with tinsel, fragments of broken toys, cotton wool or sparkles.

Elena Dudinova

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Hello, Zimushka-winter!” The hall is decorated with balls and snowflakes. Pleasant, quiet music sounds, and the presenters come out into the middle of the hall. Host: Like a good witch From a charming place.

Master class on making the applique “Hello, winter-winter”. Winter has come, a time of fairy tales and magic. So much fun and joy.

It has already become a tradition in our kindergarten to organize groups according to the seasons. It brings a lot of joy to children, especially if they accept.

Relevance: teach children to see the beauty of the world around them and improve technical aspects visual arts. Teach.

Integrated lesson “Hello, Zimushka-winter” Integrated lesson “Hello, Zimushka - winter” Integration educational areas: Speech development, communication, visual.

Musical entertainment "Hello, winter-winter" Goal: Creating conditions for children’s self-expression in various types activities: gaming, performing, creative. Tasks: Create.

Well, the long-awaited winter has arrived, the most wonderful time for children, and soon the New Year is the favorite holiday of preschool children. That's why we are with the guys.

Project “Hello, winter-winter!” Project matrix Project “Hello, winter - winter!” 1. Project name: “Winter – beauty, ice spit!” 2. Age group: average.

Valentina Silvanovich

What's happened winter? Winter is cold, cold, frost. These are open spaces covered with a blanket of snow, these are bodies of water frozen in ice, these are snow-covered trees. This is a fairy tale, this is a miracle, this is childhood.

Only in the distant, but unforgettable childhood, do we believe in miracles. We believe in Santa Claus, we believe that New Year's miracles exist. It's so wonderful!

But winter– it’s also a joy to slide down a hill, go skiing, and just run and jump in the snowdrifts.

A photo collage competition was held in our kindergarten in January. "Winter fun".

Our Siberian frosts prevented us from going for a walk. On rare days when the temperature allowed, the older children walked outside - we watched them from the window, dreamed, created our little miracles and simply talked about winter topics in our cozy group.

The kids and I also made our own photo collage and named it « Zimushka - winter» .

We made a paper snowman.

We drew a Christmas tree with our fingers, decorated a Christmas tree from children’s hands with plasticine balls,

decorated the Christmas tree with toys.

We were not afraid of the frost, which would freeze all of our noses. He and I played snowballs in a warm and cozy room.

Sasha Cherny

Winter is the most fun

Sit by the stove by the red coals,

Eat hot flatbreads,

Climb into a snowdrift with boot tops,

Skate around the entire pond

And immediately fall into bed.

Publications on the topic:

This year winter does not spoil us with snow and frost. It snowed in the morning, but in the evening it was gone. And it rains from the sky all day long! But still.

Complex lesson “Winter-winter, it was a snowy winter” Complex lesson on the topic: “Winter-Winter, it was a snowy winter” Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Reading fiction.

NOD "Oh you, winter-winter" Summary of the integrated lesson “Oh, you winter - winter” Age group: senior preschool age(5-6 years) Purpose: To clarify knowledge.

GCD “Oh, winter, winter!” Progress of the lesson Teacher: Children, look outside the window, what do you see there? What time of year is it now? What poems about winter do you know (reviews.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I haven’t published on your blog for a long time, but nevertheless I came in very often and looked through your publications.

Project "Zimushka-winter" Project in middle group"Gnomes" " Zimushka - winter“Oh, you, winter-winter, You came with frosts, You swept the snowdrifts for us with Ice braids. Target:.

Project "Zimushka-winter" Project “Zimushka-winter” for children senior group(5–6 years) Type of project: educational - creative. Type of project: group. Duration.

Abdildina L. T. Pedagogical project “Winter-Winter” Project goal: To form an idea of ​​winter. Create conditions for the development of cognitive skills.

Elena Malyshkina

Wall newspaper"Zimushka-winter"

Winter fun

Sanka - sled, Lisa - skis,

Kolke - sticks and skates.

Came for the kids

Happy days.

Snow in the forest and alleys,

And the river became covered with ice.

Dress warmly -

And run outside!

T. Gusarova

*The snowfall was caused by Arina, Darina and Sashulya.

*Maxim is trying hard and constructing a snowman.

*From cotton pads We made snowmen and didn’t forget about carrots and buckets. The results turned out to be wonderful, handsome snowmen.

*Our magic fingers drew beautiful green Christmas trees.

*Green beauties are lined up and children skiers are waiting for a visit.

*Nikita glues pictures with winter fun with great diligence; he really likes working with glue.

*Christina controls the process.

*Poems and riddles about winter fun (sledding, skating and skiing).

*Sasha and Christina are doing the finishing touches, trying very hard.

*We hung our newspaper in the reception room, next to the snowman.

*Guessed riddles and read poems. We had a fun and friendly time.

*Seryozha really wanted to take a photo near wall newspapers.

We tried our best and hope you enjoy it.

Publications on the topic:

We would like to present to your attention a do-it-yourself model “Winter. Winter”, it looks perfect on the windowsill, and is the same.

NOD "Oh you, winter-winter" Summary of the integrated lesson “Oh, you winter - winter” Age group: senior preschool age (5-6 years) Purpose: To clarify knowledge.

GCD “Oh, winter, winter!” Progress of the lesson Teacher: Children, look outside the window, what do you see there? What time of year is it now? What poems about winter do you know (reviews.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I haven’t published on your blog for a long time, but nevertheless I came in very often and looked through your publications.

MADOU kindergarten No. 20 “The Nutcracker” of Shchelkovsky’s general developmental view municipal district Moscow region Educational and creative project.

MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4" KGO Project "Winter-Winter". Developed by: teacher 1 junior “B” Malyshkina E.V. Zima.

The most favorite and fun time of the year for children is winter. You can do a variety of fun and interesting games: both snowballs and slides.