Beaded birch description. Beaded birch. How to weave a winter birch tree from beads with your own hands

New detailed master class with step-by-step photos, how to make a tree from beads and a trunk from plaster with your own hands, prepared by Kasmina Evgenia.

Materials and tools

For work we will need:

  • Green beads, preferably different shades. I took three colors: medium-sized dark green beads and transparent light green, as well as large opaque light green;
  • Wire for beading (thin);
  • Wire for the barrel, I took aluminum (about 3 mm thick);
  • Take the wire for the branches as thin as possible, it should hold its shape well. So that the branches do not subsequently bend under their own weight (about 1 mm thick);
  • Wire cutters and round nose pliers;
  • Alabaster or plaster. I used construction plaster. It is slightly grayish in color. There are also white, if you find one, then you better take it.
  • PVA glue.
  • Plain water.
  • Brushes for applying plaster. Preferably one with hard and large bristles (we will use it to make the trunk of our birch tree, and the other - a regular painting brush, thinner, for forming branches);
  • As well as brushes for applying paint to the finished trunk and branches;
  • Regular sewing thread. Preferably black.

Now that we have prepared everything we need, let's get to work.

Forming leaves from beads.

We will get 15 branches with 9 loops and 57 with 11 loops.

There will be 7 beads in one loop. The distance between the loops is approximately 1 cm.

First of all, mix different colors of beads.

Leave the ends of the branches longer. That is, retreat 7-8 cm from the edge.

We turn it in 5-6 revolutions.

Forming branches.

When all the leaves are ready, we will tie them together.

All leaves are twisted together in 3 pieces.

Set aside 3 twisted branches (for the top).

And tie a wire (1 mm) with black thread to all other branches.

Wrap it very tightly to avoid moving the branches while applying the plaster.

The result should be 5 branches for the top (counting the 3 branches laid earlier) and 19 branches for the lower tiers of the tree.

Forming tree trunk.

We will have one barrel.

Take one long wire and two small ones (3 mm).

Tie them together. Bend the ends of these three wires so that the trunk becomes stable and can be “planted”.

You can do this after you have formed the trunk. That is, first tie the branches to the trunk with a thread in order to control its length.

Take three branches set aside in advance and wrap them around the trunk.

When attaching branches, immediately form the bends of the branches.

But the beaded foliage itself can not be straightened yet.

All the branches are already tied to the trunk.

Planting a tree in a pot

Now we can “plant” our tree.

Take a shallow saucer. Wrap it in cling film.

Place the barrel in it.

And fill it with plaster.

Use a thick plaster mixture - just plaster and water.

We apply plaster.

Some needlewomen thicken the trunk with tape or some kind of fabric. I do not recommend doing this, as cracks may appear on the trunk in the future. But we don't need it.

Therefore, we will apply gypsum to the “bare” wire. And also on the branches, without painting them completely. Those who are observant have probably noticed that real birch has dark tips on its branches, which is why it is so important to use black thread.

Wrap the beaded foliage in cling film (or foil) to prevent it from getting dirty.

Applying gypsum should begin from the trunk.

Gypsum solution do this:

Pour water into some container, I recommend taking half of a plastic bottle, this will make it easier to clean it from the plaster later.

And add gypsum a little at a time, while thoroughly mixing with a brush.

It should have the consistency of sour cream.

Add a little PVA glue. I do all this by eye.

Do not make a lot of mixture, the plaster dries very quickly.

For twigs, make it a little thinner, so that the plaster does not dry out immediately, add a little more milk to the same ingredients. Then the branches will be smoother and easier to shape.

Form a relief on the trunk with a sharp object (wire or toothpick).

There is no need to do it on branches.

After forming the birch tree trunk, leave it for two days.

Let the plaster dry completely. It should dry naturally, at room temperature.

We paint the birch tree.

If your plaster is gray, then paint the wood white.

When the first coat of paint has dried, take black paint and a dry large brush.

Lightly dip the tip of the brush into the paint and paint the tree bark along the relief using horizontal dipping movements. I had dry gouache, so I dropped some water into it and dipped it in with a dry brush.

I glued pebbles onto the stand using a plaster solution and painted it green and brown.

After the paint had dried, I coated the stand with PVA glue and sprinkled it with beads.

I didn't varnish it.

You can straighten the beaded leaves.

And this is what we ended up with:

A bird has already settled on our bead tree.

Birch height – 29 cm. Width – 21 cm.

Inspiration to you and good luck in your work!

More options for beaded bonsai:

Trees made of beads can be more fantasy and original. For example, this.

Or the tree “Blooming Hearts” -:

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I suggest you start making birch trees. In this master class I will describe step by step how to weave a birch tree from beads. As always, the master class will contain not only a description, but also step by step photos weaving.

For weaving we need:

  • Beads in two colors: green and light green. Size No. 10 (if Czech) or No. 12 (Chinese).
  • Wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm or thicker.
  • Molar tape, thread (iris) - this will need to be wrapped around the trunk.
  • White acrylic paints.
  • Alabaster.

We weave birch from beads with our own hands

We will start weaving a birch tree from beads from its branches. You need to mix 2 shades of green beads, I mixed green and light green. After mixing, we begin to weave birch branches, you need to make 72 of them.

We cut the wire 46-47 cm, put 9 beads on it, place them 6-7 cm from the edge and make a loop. We turn it in 5-6 revolutions.

Now we take the wire with braided loops, fold it in half so that 1 loop is at the top, and 4 on the sides and begin to twist it together until the end.

We weave the remaining branches using the same method. When we have woven the quantity we need (72 pieces), we begin to form the branches.

We take 2 branches, twist them together, then screw a third one to them.

From the rest we make exactly the same branches. There should be 24 of them in total.

Assembling birch from beads

In general, a birch tree can be collected in any way, because in nature it grows in different ways. I will give you one of the options for how to assemble a birch tree from beads. The birch tree will consist of two trunks - the main large and small.

  • First we collect a large tree.

Take 3 branches and twist them together.

Then we attach thick wire (about 33 cm long) to these branches and wrap them with threads, attaching the branches along the way in this order: see picture. For the main trunk of the tree, we take the following quantity of branches: 3 at the top, 13 in a circle.

  • Assembling the second barrel (small).

It is done similarly to the first, the only difference is in the number of branches: we make 2 branches at the top, 6 in a circle.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Products made from beads captivate with their splendor and originality of execution. It's not just jewelry and paintings. Beads are used to create a beaded tree. Crafts made with careful adherence to the instructions look extraordinarily beautiful, fit perfectly into the interior, and can become a wonderful gift.

What you need for beading

Before you make a tree from beads, you need to prepare necessary materials. For a lush summer tree 25 cm high you will need the following:

  • uniform beads of bright light green color with a diameter of 1 millimeter;
  • special wire for weaving beads;
  • white and black paint;
  • primer solution;
  • gypsum (putty or alabaster will do);
  • copper wire for a birch trunk;
  • green floss threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • a piece of drywall (for the stand);
  • multi-colored beads for decorating crafts - blue, pink, white, yellow.

How to weave a tree from beads

Beaded birch varies depending on the time of year. First of all, decide what kind of tree you want to weave:

  • A summer variant with flowers and dense light green foliage is one type.
  • Russian winter birch is made in the form of a tree with drooping branches, as if strewn with silvery frost. For this work you need beads of white translucent or white pearlescent and transparent shades. The wire required is not copper, but gray metal.
  • To weave a bright autumn birch tree, you need to use orange, yellow and golden beads.

Although appearance The finished beaded birch is mesmerizing; even a novice craftsman can create such a miracle. To make a beautiful tree made of beads, you need:

  1. Set aside time every day to spend on crafts. Trying to create a beautiful thing in between daily activities or while watching your favorite TV series leads to the fact that the craft fails.
  2. Select the material carefully. The “we will use up unnecessary beads” strategy is economical, but does not guarantee excellent results and accurate color reproduction.
  3. Take your work seriously and carefully follow all instructions.

Birch beading pattern

There are several ways to weave birch branches. In the first option, creating tree leaves looks like this:

  1. Take the first wire and string 12 beads onto it.
  2. Step back 15 cm from the edge.
  3. Fold the collected beads into a loop and twist the workpiece.
  4. Back off 1 cm, make another loop with beads. Repeat until 9 birch leaves are formed.
  5. Finish the branches by cutting the wire 15cm from the last loop.

To make a tree from beads with your own hands in a different way, weave the branches using a loop method:

  1. Complete four leaves. The distance between them is 1 cm.
  2. Step back 2 cm from the outermost element.
  3. Make a fifth loop.
  4. Back off 2 cm again.
  5. Make four loops.
  6. Twist the workpiece to form an elegant branch with leaves.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make a birch tree from beads? Start by weaving the branches. Procedure:

  1. Take a wire 40 cm long and collect 8 beads.
  2. Twist the beads into a loop.
  3. Cast on 8 more beads, make a loop, connect to the other end. Follow the same steps with the other end.
  4. Having made the required number of leaves on the branch, twist the sections. Set the workpiece aside. Make as many branches as needed for the birch tree.
  5. Twist the pieces together in threes.
  6. Form larger branches from triple shoots.

Let's start making the trunk and base:

  1. Fold the thick wire in half and braid it to the upper branches.
  2. Twist the barrel.
  3. Weave wire to the triple branch.
  4. Tape it to the trunk.
  5. Weave three triple branches into the top.
  6. Attach it just below.
  7. Attach the remaining branches.
  8. Lubricate the wire with leaves with PVA glue. Wrap it with thread.
  9. Cut the drywall into the desired shape.
  10. Prime the workpiece before applying the solution.
  11. Apply plaster to the base.
  12. Plant the tree roots in the solution.
  13. Finish the base with plaster.

Decorating the craft comes down to the following:

Surely many people know how to weave cute baubles from beads. But many more can be made from this material. unusual crafts. For example, cute wire trees with beaded leaves. The most popular of them is the birch - after all, no other plant touches the Russian soul as much as this tree. Today we will try to make a miniature birch tree from beads, detailed for beginners step-by-step instruction will allow even beginners to cope with this task. The same idea can be used to make other beaded trees.

Learning to weave birch from beads: step-by-step instructions and diagram

To make birch from beads you will need:
  • high quality bright green small beads(it is better to choose Japanese or Czech beads)
  • some yellow and pink beads for decoration
  • thin wire for beading
  • thick copper wire for making a tree trunk
  • green floss threads
  • PVA glue
  • piece of drywall for stand
  • primer
  • plaster or putty
  • black and white paint for barrel decoration
  • beads for decoration – green, pink, yellow

The finished birch tree will be approximately 24 cm high. To make it, no special diagrams are required, the main thing is to follow the basic procedure.

How to make a birch tree from beads (branches and base for the trunk):

1) We begin the master class by making tree branches from beads. For this we need pieces thin wire 26-38 cm long (depending on the length of the branch you want to make). To make a birch tree look natural, branches need to be made different lengths, and not the same. So, we put eight beads on a piece of wire.

2) Twist the beads into a loop.

3) We collect eight beads again on one of the ends of the workpiece and twist the loop again - we have started to get leaves.

4) We continue to do this on both sides of the “branch” until the wire runs out. We put the finished element aside and use the same technology to begin twisting the next branch. In total we will need 36 blanks (this number can be changed, but in any case, it should be a multiple of three). The more branches you can weave, the more magnificent and real the birch tree will be.

6) Then we take three triple branches and also twist them together. The result was lush branches.

7) We use long branches to make the top of a tree like this.

8) Now we need a piece of thicker copper wire. Fold it in half and braid it to the ends of the wire branches.

9) Carefully twist both ends of the thick wire together - you get a tree trunk.

10) Now we take one of the remaining triple branches and weave a piece of copper wire to it.

11) Carefully wrap the branches one after another to the birch trunk. The weaving must be dense so that the tree is quite lush, without “bald spots”.

12) We make another “top” from long branches and screw it to the trunk just below the first one.

13) Now we’ll make a twig from five small thin branches and screw it to the trunk even lower.

14) So, one by one, we wrap all the prepared branches to the birch trunk.

If desired, you can make a birch tree with earrings; in this case, they need to be formed separately from beads of yellow tones.

How to make a birch tree from beads (design of the trunk and stand):

1) Take green threads, grease them with glue and carefully wrap them around thin branches.

2) For a plasterboard stand, you need to cut out any shape and cover it with primer.

3) We try on the expected location of the tree and apply plaster or putty to the stand. Then we carefully “plant” the birch tree on the stand.

4) Finish the top of the stand with putty or plaster.

5) Make a solution of gypsum with PVA glue in proportions 1:1 and add a little water there. From the resulting material we begin to form a tree trunk.

6) When the plaster dries, apply a thin layer of black and white paint. This is how we get a birch trunk that is unusually similar to a real one, and not just “black stripes on a white background.”

8) All that remains is to decorate it with beaded flowers (for beginners, you can skip this step). To secure them to the stand, drill holes with a thin drill and pull the wire down.

9) Our beaded birch tree is ready!

Using the same pattern, you can make a birch tree from yellow beads with an autumn flavor. In this case, the clearing under the tree will also need to be formed from yellow beads and decorated not with flowers, but, for example, with mushrooms. Or you can even make a cute beaded hedgehog and plant it under a tree.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following video lessons, which demonstrate in detail the process of making knitted underwear yourself.

Try making this wonderful miniature tree from beads with your own hands.

We will need:

Bead mixture Green colour– 40-50 grams;

Beaded trees are good because even beads of irregular shape, which cannot be used in many decorations, or beads of which there are too few left, are suitable for them.

Take green beads of any shade (except very dark) as a basis. You can use the remains of beads of different texture and transparency - from light green to rich emerald. Add a few pinches of yellow, gold or orange beads. Stir the mixture.

How to determine the amount of wire

When making small branches, it is necessary that each of them has a petiole of 5-7 centimeters. If the wire allows, you can form longer branches. But in our case there was not much wire - about thirty meters, and we wanted to make the tree bigger. It simply wouldn’t be enough for long branches. Since approximately 50 branches need to be made, it turns out that up to 40 cm of wire can be used for each branch.

Making small twigs

We string 8-9 beads, place them in the middle of the wire and fold them into a loop. With one hand we firmly hold the folded wires in half, and with the other we twist the loop several times around its axis until a small leg is formed (photo 1).

Again we string the same amount of beads and make two more loops to the left and right of the central leaf. This is how we made the top of the branch.

The number of leaf loops can be from 4-6 for the smallest branches (there are not many of them) to 8-12 if you have wire supplies (photo 4).

Twist both sides of the branch together (photo 5).

We prepare about fifty or more of these branches. We slightly bend the leaves inward to make the branches look more lively (photo 6).

We take thicker pieces of wire 12-15 cm long. We screw the very first branch with threads to the base wire to hide the end of the wire (photo 7).

We wrap this small area with mounting tape or paper adhesive tape (photo 8).

We wrap the remaining small branches, collecting 10-12 large branches (photo 9-10).

Now we form the tree itself.

For the trunk, you can use a real twig, a piece of aluminum wire or a pencil.

As you know, the birch tree does not have a crown, so in the upper tier we fix 4 freely falling branches. Next, we distribute the rest into several tiers (photo 11-12).

We wrap several strong wires bent at right angles onto the trunk below, like a cross for Christmas tree. They are needed for the stability of the tree (photo 13-14).

Let's fix our tree on a stand.

To do this, dilute the plaster in half with water to a thick, creamy mass. We cover the bottom of the selected container with polyethylene, install the tree and fill the container with plaster (photo 15-16-17).

Let the plaster “set” for at least half an hour. Place boxes or other objects around the crown to help keep it upright.

Carefully wrap each small branch with foil so as not to stain it during further work (photo 18).

We dilute the plaster halfway with PVA and mix until the lumps disappear. Now, with a brush, we apply a thin layer of the composition to all the branches we have wrapped and the trunk of the tree (photo 19).

A large layer, especially on flexible branches, can crack and fly off. The mixture can be applied in a thicker layer to a stationary trunk.

When the surface begins to dry out, use a stack or a sharpened stick to make grooves on the “bark” of the tree.

After the composition has completely dried, paint the tree with white acrylic and apply black stripes to the trunk and branches. The tips of the branches can be slightly darkened. You can also treat the surface of the bark and twigs with varnish.

Remove the foil from the branches and remove the tree from the mold. Along the diameter of the stand we tie a green satin ribbon, spread the top of the stand with a thick layer of PVA and sprinkle with beads, sparkles or pebbles (photo 20).

We can congratulate you! Your first tree - a beaded birch tree - is ready.

You can apply the acquired skills to make other trees, changing the length, shape and color of the branches as necessary and forming the crown in different ways. (photo 21)

Master class provided by Lilia Guzeva.

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