What is better to wear to a disco? How to successfully choose clothes for a school disco. What to wear to a disco

14, 15, 16! All about love and beauty for girls Elena Alexandrovna Usacheva

14 consultations with fashion stylists how to dress for a party

1. Convenient.

! Wherever you are going, follow the basic rule - clothes should be comfortable.

Otherwise you will feel constrained. And this constraint will affect your behavior. You will begin to feel complex and repressed, you will worry, so the evening will pass in vain, if not to the detriment of you.

When choosing between a brand new jacket and your favorite sweater, go with the cardigan. And in the jacket, walk around the apartment for a day or two until you get used to it.

2. According to the event.

You will feel extremely uncomfortable if you come to the theater at torn jeans, to school in a super miniskirt, and to the disco in a long black dress. At best, they will turn on you. At worst, pointing and whispering. You will curse your desire to stand out a hundred times and your inappropriate originality two hundred and fifty times.

Everywhere exists your own public or unspoken dress code assessment of external kind.

There are clubs and restaurants where sneakers and jeans are not allowed. There are discos where high heels and deep necklines have no place.

Are you going outdoors or want to sit in the yard with friends? Put it on comfortable shoes and a warm sweater! To be always elegant and irresistible is a laudable desire, but sometimes you need to think about your unfortunate body. Breaking your legs on roots in the forest, walking like a heron, in heels or on a platform, is both funny and sad. And then, who needs it? It’s unlikely for him. Neither do you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice beauty in favor of convenience. An extra sweater or cardigan never hurts – if you don’t freeze yourself, you can save a freezing friend.

3. Two types of female figures.

Stand in front of the mirror and look carefully at yourself.

Are you tall, thin and fit? You have a sporty body type.

Are you slightly behind your friends in height and always dream of losing weight? This means you belong to the romantic type.

This division is conditional. Girls of the romantic type sometimes achieve very impressive results in sports. And “sporty” girls love to lie on the grass and dream about something sublime.

Girls of the sporty type are more suited to clothes with a straight cut; girls of the romantic type are recommended to wear soft, streamlined clothing. If you are tall, you should not wear clothes with vertical stripes. Fat girls you need to choose clothes made of fabric with simple drawing, loose dresses, without frills or flounces, avoid horizontal stripes and bright colors.

4. Pants.

The trousers are very comfortable, much more comfortable than the skirt. But jeans significantly reduce your feminine charm. So don't forget to wear a skirt from time to time.

Stretch jeans and shorts look good only on slender legs.

! For bright multi-colored trousers, you need to choose plain ones. blouses and T-shirts, otherwise You you can get lost in riot paints And here sweater in bright, cheerful colors more goes well with “strict” trousers – black, blue and dark gray.

5. Skirts.

When choosing a skirt, always remember the characteristics of your figure.

If yours are too long Thin legs, then you shouldn’t show them off with a miniskirt. A knee-length skirt will look much better.

Try to hide your crooked legs with a long skirt.

A skirt that is too short often looks vulgar. This is unlikely for your boyfriend whether you like it or not other you may be wrong understand.

A tight skirt should only be worn if you have something to wear. Most intriguing You you will look in a flowing skirt made of air material.

Almost everyone goes with plaid skirts with pleats. They create a playful mood for the owner and others and always stylish look.

6. Decorations.

How brighter dress, those should be more restrained accessories. Large beads good To plain things. IN ideally - necklace, ring and earrings must be from one ensemble. But you can choose. Try hard to earrings and beads or necklaces were made of the same material.

Remember that girls should not wear diamonds. costs. This stone is for married women. For your age will fit jewelry made of pearls, turquoise, silver, rock crystal, amethyst.

! The art of dressing requires first of all grace and the exact combination.

A lot of gold on the hands, on the neck and in ears - a sign of bad taste. Gold combined with sports clothes looks ridiculous. Wear gold on one hand or silver rings and jewelry are not worth it. Bijouterie looks good on its own.

7. Hats.

Berets or small hats in the form of a hood go with a snub nose. To the skinny, long suits the face hat with large brim and flat crown.

Additions to clothes should highlight your individuality. That's why try to choose something truly original appropriate your appearance. Most Fear the standard.

Good for wide faces hat with curved brim up.

The caps are coming many, but not all. Therefore not just buy a baseball cap because This fashionable. Try it on, suddenly like this the shape of the visor is not for you. And don't wear a cap every day. She doesn't gives breathe head, hair get dirty faster.

8. Disco.

Rampant fantasy and passions. Put it on yourself whatever your heart desires.

Not worth it:

especially insulate yourself, because on the dance floor will be hot;

- hung with jewelry - in Trouble can happen in the crowd;

take your cell phone with you telephone - too big the likelihood that you will lose it;

- put on beads, earrings and bracelets. Think - all of you evening jump. Large beads they'll just beat you back breast.

On disco in disco or house style sports are welcome suits and sneakers. It's better to dress up in shiny tops, shirts, jeans.

Style techno not tolerates tailored clothes and heels, but loves sweatshirts, original sneakers, narrow jeans, T-shirts with funny inscriptions, wristbands and catchy eyeliner.

The rhythm and blues style is against formal suits and sports shoes; give him everything elegant and shiny: mini, gold, large jewelry, hats.

9. School.

The school, like any institution, requires certain rules in clothing - nothing bright and flashy, no miniskirts or giant beads.

Nothing to distract you from your studies.

If you don’t want to have problems with the school administration, it is better to wear jeans and trousers, skirts below the knee, and muted tones of a blouse or jumper. In general, you need to have separate clothes for school. So that in the morning you don’t have to rack your brains over what to wear and don’t have good things rubbed off on school chairs.

There are places where you should restrain your wild energy and crazy imagination. With dreadlocks, platform boots and two earrings in your lip at your school desk, you will look not stylish and cool, but stupid.

10. Party.

A school party is not the place to show off. Who's coming to the party? Their? You've known them for many years, who are you going to wag your tail in front of? Dress smartly, but not provocatively - teachers have too good a memory for everything that annoys them.

If you are having a party outside of school, then the dress code is casual. The main thing is to make sure that none of your girlfriends is wearing the same blouse as you. It is not known who it will fit better on.

11. Color determines character.

To determine which color suits you best, hold a fabric in peach and pale pink shades to your face. If peach suits you, then your tones are warm (yellow, orange, red). Pale pink – cold (blue, green, light blue).

Colors green, blue, indigo, violet are slimming. Plump - red, orange, yellow. Pastel colors make the figure more voluminous.


Don't overuse black. It certainly makes you look slimmer and makes you look older, but at the same time it “extinguishes” your natural colors.

Trying to hide with black colors my shyness or excessive nervousness will only enhance your depressive condition, since color is known to affect our emotional mood. If black color is an integral feature of your style in clothing, try to dilute it with colored accessories(belts, scarves, bags, jewelry).

Green color in clothes people choose loving home comfort.

On red clothes for you– you are active, emotional, demanding of life, myself and to others.

Blue preferred by people who often want more, what they can achieve.

If you wear yellow clothes, so you light, open Human, versatile seeker nature. In communication you are quite eloquent.

Orange color love warm-hearted people who know how to share the feelings of others.

Red-orange colors are characteristic of spontaneous people.

Shades of ocher are chosen by sensible and purposeful people who have a sufficient degree of composure to overcome difficult situations.

Purple color - you are immersed in yourself, in your own experiences, closed to others.

Yellow-green colors are preferred by inquisitive girls.

You are wearing a pink blouse - you love everything special and exceptional.

Gray color is chosen by those who have something to hide.

The brown color distinguishes practical and homely people.

12. The mood depends on the color.

Do you have difficult exams or an important meeting, date or party ahead? Think about what color clothes are best to wear.

Green color promotes muscle mobilization.

Red stimulates appetite. Therefore red, yellow and orange colors plates are not recommended for those who want to lose weight. But blue, pale pink, white colors or pottery reduces appetite.

The color blue is often used to treat insomnia. Therefore, if you don’t sleep well, buy yourself a blue nightie or ask for pale blue wallpaper in your room.

Yellow color characterizes openness of character, friendliness, optimism, and high activity in achieving goals.

Pink – softens the mood, makes it lyrical.

Orange and bright green colors improve your mood. Check it out for yourself: wear an orange sweater in the middle of a slushy, gloomy winter. People will start smiling when they meet you. And you yourself will involuntarily begin to look at the world more cheerfully.

But black is more likely to drive you into depression than to help hide it.

Gray and brown colors frivolous moods are not allowed into the head.

13. Follow fashion.

Fourteen years old is the time to start deciding on your clothing style, which can emphasize your originality. You shouldn’t follow fashion in everything and force your mother to buy all the new items in the store. So no closet is enough.

Blindly following fashion can ruin anyone, but no individuality will add. Regularly leaf through magazines, determine fashion trends, turn around in front mirror. You must know all your strengths and weaknesses.

Decide for yourself what suits your face and figure best. Understand what you like - the dress itself or you in it. The latter is much more important.

If you can’t decide for yourself, ask a friend. But only from a well-dressed friend. Any adviser in this matter will not suit you.

14. Don't lose your individuality.

Come up with some kind of bauble for yourself. The wife of the famous actor and director Nikita Mikhalkov always walks around with her hair down and with a black headband on her head. It doesn't suit her, but she remains true to herself. Pugacheva does not betray her red head of hair and short skirts. No matter what happens, Leontyev's head is curled with a small lamb.

So you find your characteristic feature in your clothes and hairstyle. The main thing is to remember that what you consider to be your shortcoming - thin hair, flat chest, narrow or wide waist - is all your individuality. And the fact that you know about her is a plus for you, because you can always hide one feature and emphasize another. You have the power to turn a disadvantage into an advantage! Don't look for a problem where there isn't one. Better do something useful.

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Any girl wants to take a break from hard work, intensive study or household chores and go to a club to unwind. In order not to look like a “black sheep” at the club, you should take care of your outfit and choose it in advance. In this article we will talk about how to dress for a disco to form a bow in which you will feel cozy and comfortable.

When choosing a disco ensemble, you should focus on the goals that you plan to achieve when attending the event. There are the following main goals.

  • Hunting. Many unmarried girls have only one goal - to get a guy. Perhaps you want to meet young man for spending the evening, and maybe a companion for life. Since we are talking about a nightclub, you should immediately reject all options for the looks of coquette girls armed with modesty and embarrassment. If you go to a disco, then there you will meet a guy who is more likely to notice a bright girl than a gray mouse. Romantic looks can be left for the official first date, to which he can invite you. For hunting, it is better to arm yourself with a classic fitted dress or cocktail outfit. However, one should not “go too far” and go beyond the bounds of decency. Remember that a vulgar woman can only interest a guy for one night.
  • Meeting with friends. This could be a bachelorette party dedicated to the marriage of one person from your company, or simply a meeting with girlfriends whom you have not seen for a long time. If this is not a themed bachelorette party, but an ordinary meeting, then let you decorate with a cocktail dress middle length, complemented by a bright clutch, elegant pumps and stylish jewelry. There’s no point in wearing jewelry from head to toe – it’s no longer fashionable now.
  • Dancing until you drop. When planning to have a blast at a disco, you should first of all focus on convenience. These requirements are met by denim trousers, a bright shiny top, decorated with rhinestones or sequins, a T-shirt or tunic. Stylish wedge sneakers or mid-heeled shoes will fit perfectly into this look. If you are a supporter of jeans, you can replace them with leggings, short shorts or a seductive length skirt.

To make it easier for you to create a look from the items in your wardrobe, we will tell you about the basic rules that are relevant for disco ensembles.

  • Shoes. When choosing shoes, focus on comfort and convenience. Remember that you will have to dance at least a little, even if you plan to enjoy the taste of cocktails at the bar all evening.
  • Color. In order not to blend in with the crowd, you need to choose eye-catching clothes, decorated with sparkles and shimmering fabrics. The richer the color of your clothes, the easier it will be for you to stand out from the crowd. Silver, gold, blue, green, pink tones are preferred.
  • Accessories. Stylish accessories– a watch, handbag, strap will emphasize individuality and allow you to create an original image.
  • Material. Avoid heavy fabrics and clothing with long sleeve. It will be hot on the dance floor, and therefore clothes should be made of lightweight materials.
  • Decorations. They must be original, stylish and beautiful. There is no need to wear expensive jewelry as it is easy to lose. When choosing earrings or rings, you must remember that if you suddenly lose them, you will not feel remorse.
  • No vulgarity. You don’t need to wear vulgar outfits, otherwise face control won’t even let you through. Transparent and too revealing outfits are not allowed; pieces of underwear should not be visible from under trousers and tops. Deep necklines are acceptable, but they should not go beyond the bounds of decency.
  • Character. The ensemble in which you go to the disco should reflect your character traits. You don’t need to radically change your look, just dress a little smarter than your favorite look, in which you feel comfortable and confident. If you like jeans, then wear them, just complement them with an interesting top. There is no need to dress up in short dresses and high heels if you have never worn them before.
  • Cost of clothing. If you have the opportunity to buy branded items, then you don’t need to think about the cost of clothing. All you have to do is look at the collections and buy yourself a suitable outfit that completely suits you and your style. If this is not possible, but your friends are used to dressing stylishly and with high quality, there is no need to put yourself in debt and run to the store for fashion purchases. It’s enough to review your wardrobe and add small details to your outfits. For example, a simple solid tone can be embroidered with rhinestones, sequins or appliqué. Stylish sleeves long sweater you can shorten it or even cut it off and add a belt to your look that matches the color of the shoes. Decorate old worn jeans original embroidery or a few stylish holes.

Now it’s time to talk about what looks you can create for a disco from the things you have in your wardrobe. Do not forget that you should remember the purpose of visiting the club, convenience and body shape.

  • Meetings at the bar. Surely you have been convinced more than once that the brightest evenings take place when no one is going anywhere. Likewise at a disco, if you are just going to sit at the bar, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to dance until the morning or meet the man of your dreams. Wear a small one black dress, add a bright clutch to it, in harmony with the color of the pointed-toe heels and clutch, create a long-lasting high hairstyle that does not need to be adjusted over a long period of time, line your eyes, paint your lips and nails, put on a couple of simple jewelry.
  • Acquaintance. If you came to the club to meet a young man for a long-term romantic relationship, or a potential business partner or an important client, focus on your figure in your outfit. Best with this role. A dress that fits your figure will do the trick. If your figure is perfect, wear a tight-fitting dress, and if there are problems in some areas, disguise them with a beautiful drapery. Emphasize your luxurious wasp waist with a bright belt. Make your makeup more festive and emphasize the expressiveness of your look. With this outfit you have more chances to get the right man into your tenacious hands.
  • Tight-fitting outfits. They look very impressive on those with an hourglass figure. If you have beautiful breasts, highlight it with a top or dress with a deep neckline (remember to respect the rules of decency). If your breasts need volume, wear a dress or top with a bodice decorated with pleats, ruffles or ruffles. If you have beautiful hips, highlight them with tight leggings, jeans or a dress.
  • Slender legs. Such beauty does not need to be hidden even from prying eyes - let others envy! Wear a fluffy miniskirt or Short dress With V-neck and shoes on high heels, which will allow your legs to look even more seductive.
  • Hair color. Match the color of your clothes to your hair color. This will make the image harmonious and complete. If you have brown hair and Brown eyes, wear a dress in brown tones, decorated with golden piping. Golden shoes, a narrow belt, a purse and a hair clip will make the look noticeable and winning.
  • Shoes. You should always go for outfits with heels, at least the smallest ones. Boots other than summer lace boots should be avoided. Interesting image You will get if you wear a denim miniskirt, cream lace boots, similar to the texture of the top of the same color. shoes or sandals can be complemented by original lacing, satin ribbons or rhinestones.
  • Originality. Don't be too strict with texture and colors, because... good images are often born from an easy mismatch of colors and textures. For example, it could be a shiny golden high-waisted skirt combined with a light denim shirt tucked into a skirt. The outfit will be complemented by golden sandals, stylish bracelets and a handbag.

Having chosen a look that is relevant for a disco, stock up good mood, a positive attitude and free time, because after the dance floor you will need peace, quiet and relaxation to recuperate.

When it's time for the school disco, you want to look your best, but at the same time, you try to choose appropriate clothes. This article will help you learn how to choose the right outfit for a school dance!


Girls and boys

    Try to find out what the disco will be like. Official, unofficial, or theme party. Please note that an official disco is the exact opposite of an unofficial one. If you're not sure what clothes to choose, ask someone who knows.

    Themed discos are what you need. The dance outfit will directly depend on the theme of the holiday. If it's a Hawaiian party, find clothes that look Hawaiian, like shorts, Sunglasses, lei and so on. Research the topic at the library to figure out what to wear. Then, go shopping to find something suitable. Designing a themed outfit is a lot of fun, and you don't even have to spend a lot of money!

  1. Is this a disco meeting? Simple meeting It might be less intimidating to hang out with your friends where you can just wear something comfortable. You can wear your normal school clothes, just make sure they are ironed and clean. You can all come up with a theme for this meeting yourself. The main idea: have a great time and look good.


    • When it comes to hair and makeup, a formal disco means you can have a little fun. Apply more makeup and create a really special and unusual hairstyle. Girls usually go to a beauty salon to get their holiday hair done, or ask someone to do an unusual hairstyle for them at home.
    • For formal dances, if you are tall and wear long dress, flat shoes are ideal - especially if you plan to dance all the time.
    • Experiment a few days in advance so you don't get stuck with ideas on disco day, and that way you'll see what suits you.
    • If you are a girl going to an informal dance, you can also wear summer clothes. Typically, these are short (knee-length or longer) and made from dyed fabric that can be considered casual.
    • Don't be afraid to try something new. Remember that dancing is a special event and when you walk in you will want all eyes on you and you will want to feel like the center of attention.


    • If you wear makeup and think you might sweat, try using waterproof makeup that won't run or smear, and if you don't want to wear makeup, don't! You should never do anything you don't want to do.
    • Make sure your attire complies with the school dress code, otherwise you may not be allowed to attend the event.
    • If you plan to wear makeup, don't use too much makeup, just a little more than usual.
    • Don't wear a lot of makeup if no one you're going with wears makeup, unless you like to stand out from the crowd.

Workdays, family worries - because of this, it is extremely rare to get out somewhere in the evening to dance, drink a cocktail, or just relax. If such a chance arises, the question arises: what to wear to a nightclub?

Choosing shoes
The basic rule is clean, ironed clothes. As for shoes, stiletto heels are of course beautiful and very sexy, but it is better to prefer stable heel or a wedge. This way you can dance all night with less fatigue on your legs. The shoes themselves should be clean, without scuffs, and comfortable. Fashion and comfort are the best combinations for going to a disco.

Makeup for a party
For girls deciding what to wear to a nightclub, you should also think about suitable makeup. Makeup is more suitable for evening, with rich eye shadow and shimmering powder. You can safely use cosmetic glitter; they are now in fashion not only on the eyes, but also on the lips.

Is there a dress code?
Make sure that the establishment you choose does not have a themed or any other strict dress code that requires you to come in cocktail or evening dresses, suits, closed shoes. If not, then almost all clothes fit women's wardrobe. All you have to do is make a stylish mix, and the look for the party is ready!

Chic, glitter, disco
Shiny clothes with rhinestones and sequins, colored items, voluminous bright decorations- all this is quite appropriate in an entertaining evening establishment. What should you wear to a nightclub, if not a stylish, catchy outfit that you can’t afford during the day, for example, to work?

Become a dance floor star!
An excellent option for going to a disco would be sparkly dress– fitted, short. Black, brown, silver, and golden colors would be quite suitable. Leather outfits and things with prints also look stylish. If you have already decided what to wear to a nightclub and what to wear evening make-up, do not forget to let your hair down - this will be the most matching hairstyle. Forward to new entertainment!

How to dress for a school disco? I am 14 years old!

  1. What to wear to a disco?
    What to wear
    Many girls look forward to the weekend to go to a disco, dance and have fun from the heart. However, every time the same problem arises: what outfit to choose for the dance floor so that you can move comfortably in it and at the same time easily make a lasting impression on the guys? What to wear to a disco?
    Today the site Stuchka will help you cope with this task.

    Favorite dress?
    Sooner or later your favorite a short dress becomes so familiar that people simply stop paying attention to it. And showing up at the club every time in the same outfit is a sign of bad taste. A red dress can be gorgeous, but wearing it every time is stupid if you have the time and money to buy it. new clothes no, it's time to revise your own wardrobe. 6tu4ka.ru will try to help you! Important: What do you expect from the evening? Eat good way decide what you can wear to a disco: ask yourself the question, what do you expect from the upcoming evening? If dancing doesn’t particularly appeal to you, but you want to communicate with friends and make new acquaintances, then feel free to wear a miniskirt or a short dress in the style of Coco Chanel. It’s not particularly convenient to perform in such an outfit, but you will look luxurious. And it is possible that you will be able to attract the attention of exactly that young man whom you have long wanted to meet. Stylish outfit, in which it is inconvenient to dance, but convenient to communicate. Well, in the case when you intend to wash your soles on the dance floor until late at night, then the question of what to wear to a disco needs to be approached more democratically. Pants and tops in this case are the most win-win option. And no heels! Otherwise, you will not get real pleasure from dancing.

    Jeans + top

    The simplest and time-tested option of jeans + top is very comfortable and does not restrict movement. True, you won’t surprise anyone with such an outfit today. But it’s still worth a try, and if you don’t know what to wear to a disco, then feel free to choose it.

    Jeans + top: versatile outfit to the disco And to attract attention, you can complement the disco costume with any fashion accessory clutch, bandana, bracelet, stylish neckerchief or original belt. A simple disco outfit, complemented with golden accessories. Experimentation with style is encouraged! When the question is what to wear to a disco, all means are good. Therefore, you can safely remove forgotten and long-unused items from your closet, experiment and combine them with each other. If you come across something dull and far from the best fashionable dress that you happen to wear even every day, take a closer look at it. Perhaps some small details in the form of lace, rhinestones or prints will help turn it into an original disco outfit. The ability to sew and design talent in this case will provide you with an invaluable service. An “incomprehensible” dress can look very stylish! Defiant, but not vulgar When choosing an outfit for a disco, 6tu4ka.ru advises you to remember that it should be quite provocative and eye-catching, but not vulgar. Therefore, an overly deep neckline or a skirt from under which panties treacherously peek out during the dance will not be suitable in this case. Plus, make sure that the color of the clothes does not resemble a clown costume. Of course, when choosing what to wear to a disco, you always want to surprise and shock its visitors with a bright blouse or trousers. But if they don’t combine with each other, and you resemble a traffic light, then such a choice will be of little use. You will certainly be able to attract the attention of those around you, but you are unlikely to enjoy the giggling of your girlfriends and the smirks of your guys. A bright, fresh disco outfit will not go unnoticed! The same applies to makeup. It’s better to do without makeup at all than to resemble an Indian in war paint who is on the warpath. And he will certainly be killed with a destroying gaze more successfully

  2. flippers with heels and a swimming cap are a joke. so as not to restrict movement
  3. you can buy clothes with your own hands from fabric and a bow
  4. Wear a dress: beautiful, cute. Apply makeup to match the color of your dress or white eyeshadow. Choose earrings or a necklace. Choose beautiful shoes. And let's go! You can also wear a skirt and top or a T-shirt or blouse. And everything follows the same principle.
  5. Jacket and jeans. Maybe pants. You can put a windbreaker on top. On your feet are sneakers, ballet flats or sneakers. And don't forget self-confidence! It’s not polite to go to a disco without this!
  6. This is very easy, but there are several factors.1. Time at which the disco will take place (night, day, evening, morning) .2. Depending on 1 factor, the outfit will be something like this: if it’s evening: if it’s day then if it’s morning then this option would be passable: but I would recommend a cocktail dress like this, I’ll have something similar to New Year: - this is the most relevant option and, of course, the most the best option: - after all, you can’t live without a little black dress. I hope it helped)
  7. Wear what you like best, for example: A sweatshirt and jeans, A dress in a bright or dark color. Depending on my mood.
  8. Go without clothes! There are no costs and you will surprise everyone!
  9. The main thing is to wear panties
  10. the dress is cute, not flashy, but cute) you can wear platform sandals.
    tunic, leggings, ballet shoes.