Smokey ice under a blue dress. We choose lipstick for the dress. Makeup under a bright blue dress

Blue is one of the deepest and most mysterious in the entire color palette, it is very cold, but at the same time incredibly attractive and magical. A woman who chooses a dress of this color is a subtle and creative nature, so makeup is under blue dress should be especially refined and exciting.

Properly done makeup will not only make the image whole and thoughtful, but also give a special touch of luxury.

Before creating flawless makeup under a blue dress, you need to decide which shades and techniques to use. The most important factors when choosing the color palette of your future makeup are:

  • The shade of the dress itself;
  • Color of skin, hair and eyes;
  • Type of make-up (day, evening).

If your dress has a deep, rather dark blue tint, then makeup should draw attention to itself. Intense blue is best for brunettes and blondes, and the skin color can be either light or golden chocolate.

For brunettes, a catchy, contrasting evening make-up is a win-win option - expressive black arrows, carefully traced eyelashes and red lips. Remember that in this case accuracy is very important - the lines must be perfectly even.

It would be best if you use not one, but two tones of red lipstick - apply the darker one to the corners of the lips, and the light one to the middle. This will create the impression of beautiful relief and give the lips a sophisticated sensuality.

Also a great choice would be the classic "smoky eyes" in black and gray, which will look just amazing on brunettes with blue or blue eyes.

Blondes are best suited for cool pink lipstick and steel, silver, grayish brown, pink shades of shadows.

It is important to remember moderation and focus on either the eyes or the lips - by emphasizing both, you risk looking vulgar and tasteless.

Use blush in soft pink, soft shades - they will give the face freshness and purity. If you love dramatic contrasts, choose a discreet orange lipstick that will add a complete touch of warmth to a cold look.

Brown-haired women can use moderately warm shades in their makeup - golden, peach-brown, muted cherry.

With a special chic, blue mascara applied to the tips of the eyelashes and slightly summed up will look blue shadows or pencil lower eyelid.

Apply a little white pearlescent shadows under the arch of the eyebrows and blend them well - with this simple stroke you will visually "open" the look and give the eyes a mysterious depth. As for the lips, it is better not to paint them with too catchy lipstick - choose a delicate caramel, pink, brick color.

Makeup under a light blue dress

A light sky-colored dress is more suitable for daytime than for evening social events. This shade in clothes requires a lighter, airy make-up.

Now the trend is the so-called "nude" - the most natural, gentle makeup, not conspicuous, the effect of the absence of cosmetics on the face.

Perfect enough for him. even tone, a gentle blush on the cheeks, beige lipstick and mascara.

Blue is not as demanding as chic blue, so you don’t even have to change your usual color scheme - feel free to use peach, brown, green, turquoise and gray shades, but do not forget that moderation is the main requirement for daytime makeup.

What makeup mistakes should you avoid when wearing a blue dress?

When creating your sophisticated image, remember that there are contraindications, neglecting which means putting yourself in a bad position.

  • You should not wear a blue dress if you have very pale skin - this will create the illusion of unnatural earthiness and the impression of a painfully tired face. The best option is an even, beautiful tan that will look restrained and luxurious. Use bronzers for the face and décolleté to give the skin an even golden glow.
  • Never wear flashy blue eyeshadow when wearing a blue dress! This not only looks ugly, but is also a sign of a lack of taste. The same applies to an excess of mother-of-pearl in front of the eyes - the makeup will look dirty and ridiculous. If you want to add a mysterious shimmer, lightly dab the eyeshadow blender brush onto loose glitter and gently dab over eyeshadow, avoiding buildup. This will be enough.
  • Forget about the red shades of shadows. They will make the look “tearful” and your face - exhausted.

People of these color types are almost always saturated bright colours and blue dresses. White, blue, red, combined with any other color, but not identical to itself.

A young lady dressed in a blue T-shirt, jeans of the same color, a bag, shoes, and in addition to all this “blue feast”, painted with blue shadows repeating the tone of the clothes, will look terrible and tasteless. In order for colors to complement each other and look stylish and spectacular, they must be contrasting. So, for example, blue color is perfectly combined with orange, red is perfectly complemented by green, and purple is recommended to be combined with yellow.

But here is a paradox: what has been said above does not deny the mutual existence of the blue outfit with blue hues in make-up. The main point to be taken into account is that there should be little blue color on the face, transitional scales and lighter shades should dominate: golden, reddish, beige and even white.

It is also important to pay attention to the saturation of colors: if the dress is deep blue, the make-up in this case should be bright and noticeable, if the dress is muted blue or blue-gray, then the make-up should accordingly be more natural and soft.

The color of lipstick should match the shadows: if the shadows are with glitter or mother of pearl, then there should be glitter or mother of pearl on the lips.


As usual, before creating makeup, we prepare the skin. We wipe it with lotion, apply daily cream and then proceed to the alignment of skin tone. To do this, we apply a foundation with a thin layer, “remove” acne, redness and other defects with a corrector, we are especially careful in masking dark circles under the eyes. We cover the whole face with loose powder.

Eye makeup

The skin of the eyelids should also be covered with a base cream (or foundation), and then powder, so the eye makeup will stay in place longer, it won’t roll up and won’t leak. Next, the entire upper eyelid needs to be painted over with shadows-base. If your outfit is rich dark color for further eye makeup, shades of golden, brown or dark blue shades are suitable. If the dress is light blue, then preference should be given to lighter shades, for example, pink, blue or almost white. The color of the shadows and the color of the outfit must be different, otherwise, your image will look like a one-color spot.

The eye contour in makeup under blue should be drawn with an underwater pencil or liquid eyeliner in black, brown or blue. The inner corner of the eye must be highlighted with very light, white or mother-of-pearl shadows, the outer corner of the eye (if a noticeably bright make-up is allowed) should be brought in with darker, possibly blue shadows.

At the end of the eye make-up, you need to apply mascara to the eyelashes, lengthening and increasing volume is perfect here. Mascara must be black, otherwise the makeup will seem too colorful.


For blue makeup in the best way lipsticks and glosses of red, plum or pale pink are suitable. Accordingly, the softer the shade of the clothes, the softer the tone on the lips should be.

It is worth starting lip makeup by covering them with foundation and drawing a contour with a special pencil. Then apply lipstick on your lips. It is better to do this with a brush, so the lipstick will be distributed in a thin and even layer, the lips will seem perfectly even, moisturized and therefore more sexy. If you like matte lips, then the above actions will be enough, the only thing - do not forget to blot your lips with a napkin to remove excess makeup. If you want to visually enlarge the lips, make them more glossy, then you need to cover them with gloss, which will help achieve the desired result.


Makeup under blue will be complete and complete, only with rosy cheeks. In this version of the make-up, blush should be applied to the most protruding part of the cheekbone, and then gently and carefully shade. The shade of blush should also be chosen, focusing on the tone of the outfit, when clothes of a deep blue tone blush can be brighter, but if the outfit is light blue, preference should be given to natural shades.

The make-up is selected not only for the type of appearance, eyes and hair, but also for the whole image. Today blue color is especially demanded in clothes. An outfit in such colors will attract the attention of others, and proper makeup effectively complement the image. How to choose makeup for a blue dress?

About the saturation of makeup

The saturation of the make-up should match the color intensity of the outfit. Bright is accompanied, as a rule, by a noticeable effective make-up. Discreet and soft matches the muted watercolor shade of the fabric. Girls with reddish or golden curls look good in clothes of gentle tones, owners of red hair will go for a bright dress, and brunettes and blondes can safely dress in rich dark colors. blue outfit.

The basis

It is necessary to achieve perfect evenness and dullness of the skin of the face. For this, corrective lipstick, concealer or tonal mousse are used.

When choosing a product, you can safely be guided by the type of appearance. Summer girls go porcelain, beige and silver tones. You can include mother-of-pearl, but golden is contraindicated. Representatives of the autumn type are recommended to use a warm base, as well as winter ones. Spring beauties usually have warm skin tone, so it is better to choose beige powder and cream. Such funds are suitable for a girl dressed in a dress of a delicate light shade.

It is undesirable to choose a foundation lighter than the natural skin tone, but darker is possible. Blush can be bright to give warmth to the image. If the skin is very light, burgundy shadows are most often used. Blue goes well with tanned skin, so you can use a bronzer on exposed parts of the body. Bronze shadows are also used to create a tan effect.

You can not combine bright lipstick with bright blush, you need to highlight one thing.


If you want to emphasize the depth of the look, you can use colors that contrast with the dress:

  • golden;
  • sand;
  • terracotta;
  • pink;
  • peach;
  • copper.

To focus on the eyes, colder tones are used:

  • dark grey;
  • swamp green;
  • light gray;
  • silver;
  • white (for owners of fair skin).

Learn more about using shadows

Proper makeup for a blue dress does not allow the use of shadows of the same color.. If the eyes are of a cold shade (blue, gray, green), it is better to add warm shadows to the outer or inner corner of the eye. In the same way, you can use lavender, sky blue shadows, blue shadows, if you want to add a drop of blue. It is allowed to use a small amount of eyeliner for the same task. Makeup under a blue smoky-eye dress will also be appropriate.

If the dress is of a delicate watercolor shade, a nude make-up will look great with it. Its main criterion is the maximum proximity to naturalness. Shades for shadows can be used the same, but do not overdo it. Light clothing does not prohibit the use of blue shadows. If it is a rich royal blue, you can add arrows. They must be perfectly even.


The color of the eyebrows must be made a tone darker than the hair. In order to give them the desired color, use a pencil of the desired shade over the base. It is necessary to moisturize the eyebrows before applying, and make the lines not too long and bright.


When choosing a lipstick, be guided by the selected shadows. With shiny shadows, the same shiny lipstick should be applied. If the emphasis was placed on the eyes, it is undesirable to use very bright lipstick. This only suits brunettes. Bright lipstick can be combined with nude makeup. In other cases, you can apply pale pink, burgundy, soft cherry, lipstick or lip gloss. It is better to do without lilac and dark brown tones. Blondes will go orange lipstick restrained shade. Makeup for a blue dress in light colors implies light lipstick.

When choosing a make-up for a dress in blue tones, feel free to use the above recommendations and you are guaranteed to impress at any gala event. Good luck and beauty to you!

A sky-colored dress is in any collection of eminent fashion designers, and it is relevant at any time of the year. Blue, azure outfit gives a feeling of lightness, airiness. But many girls, choosing a color palette, create an image snow queens. But this is an unoriginal and one-sided look at the selection of style. With skillful selection of shades cosmetics you can create more tender and romantic images. Well-chosen makeup blue dress create an organic look.

Basic principles

It is important to follow the basic rules for applying makeup under a blue outfit, because if you ignore them, it is unlikely that you will be able to make the image perfect.

The main mistakes in make-up

In makeup for a blue dress, there are common mistakes that many girls make.

  1. Heavy make-up - lipstick applied in several layers and covered with additional gloss, extended eyelashes, monochromatic shadows applied to the entire surface of the eyelid. Makeup under a blue dress should be light and airy.
  2. Dark tones. Black shadows and only suitable for Halloween. If you are going to another event, you should choose delicate shades.
  3. Use only warm colors. Golden shadows, beige blush - an unfortunate solution. Despite the fact that this palette is suitable for a heavenly outfit, its excessive use can spoil the image.

The combination of blue shadows and dresses: yes or no

Despite the fact that the use of the same gamut in make-up and outfit is not recommended, there are exceptions to the rule. Is it possible to do makeup under a blue dress in the same color scheme? Makeup artists answer that when choosing shadows, you need to focus on the shade of the outfit.

You should not paint with shades of a blue-blue palette for owners of gray eyes. Because you will look like one spot and your eyes will look watery. Also, you can not use only blue shadows: they must be combined with other colors. Best golden or ivory.

How to make up blonde girls

Makeup under a blue dress for blondes should be done in a gentle and romantic style. Do not try to create a bold and extravagant image. After all, a sky-blue dress emphasizes the fragility of fair-haired girls.

For blondes, you can choose light and dark shades, both mother-of-pearl and matte. On the lips it is worth applying gloss or lipstick of pink or beige color. If a fair-haired girl has a very bright skin, it is recommended to apply terracotta, coffee shadows. The tone should be chosen a little darker than the natural skin tone of the face.

Makeup artists advise blondes to highlight one thing - eyes or lips. Arrows are drawn only if the dress is a saturated color. Instead, you can apply blue - this will be a great option for

How to make up dark-haired girls

Makeup under a blue dress for brunettes should be bright and rich. The palette of shadows can be from purple to indigo. The same goes for eyeliner, which ranges from pale blue to dark brown and black. If a girl has Brown eyes, then you should apply a white shade to the inner corner of the eye. To give the look more depth, you need to use several shades of shadows.

Brunettes need to make a correction of complexion. For dark-skinned girls, blush is suitable for skin color. Lipstick shades can be chosen richer than pale pink. But you should be careful if a girl in eye makeup uses several shades of shadows.

Eye color should also be considered when applying makeup. For brown-eyed girls, gray and brown tones are suitable, to which you can add a little cornflower blue. Owners of green eyes can choose a gray-brown palette, blue, dark lilac, silver shades. To give the image of romance, experts advise applying peach, beige shades.

Girls with blue eyes need to exclude blue shadows from makeup under a heavenly outfit. Warm colors will do. Owners of gray eyes will suit silver, blue, light brown shades. The eyeliner can be made in black. Lipstick can be chosen cherry or pink.

You can see the makeup options for a blue dress in the photo. The sky blue outfit is very beautiful, elegant and mysterious. Properly selected makeup will create the image of a real romantic and elegant girl.

Wearing a blue dress, you are sure to be the center of attention. But it’s not enough just to put on an outfit, you also need to choose the right accessories, and, of course, make up that will harmoniously match your image. In this article, we will talk in detail about what makeup should be for a blue dress.

Makeup under a blue dress

A few general makeup rules for a blue dress

If you plan to do eye makeup in blue tones, then it should not match the color of the dress. Any other shades of shadows, but not to match the outfit.

One more important rule- this is one accent in makeup, either on the eyes or on the lips. In the case of a blue dress, we recommend focusing on the eyes.

It is not advisable to use face sculpting. You won't need proofreaders. A natural skin tone looks best under a blue outfit.

And a little more about the skin. Remember that healthy and radiant skin is in fashion. The blue color of the clothes perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the skin. Skin radiance can be achieved with a special decorative cosmetics with shining particles: highlighters, powder, blush, etc.

Lipstick should be a calm pastel or natural color. If you did a matte eye makeup, then the lipstick should be matte, but if there are sparkles on the eyelids, then the lipstick should also be glossy.

On this, perhaps, the set of basic rules, or rather recommendations, can be completed, but in addition to this, you must take into account your color type and eye color. But don't worry, we'll help you sort it all out.

Makeup under a blue dress for brown eyes

Brown eyes are an ornament in themselves female face, and with proper makeup in general can be “dangerous” for male hearts. Brown-eyed ladies are lucky - absolutely everything suits them dark colors shadows, they will help make the look even more expressive.

Remember that for day makeup it is best to choose calm shades, and for the evening you can experiment with colors.

So, blue, gray, lilac shades are perfect for a casual blue dress. More dark color shade the outer corners of the eyes. You can use a trendy technique - arrows on the lower eyelids, just draw them in blue or lilac, and not the usual black.

For evening make-up you can use blue, brown, black, purple and dark gray colors. We do not recommend using shades of red shades. In evening makeup, you can safely add sparkles and glossy shadows.

Makeup under a blue dress for prom or any other special occasion can be even more striking. Try adding golden shadows to the blue. Or use matte and glossy blue shadows. For example, apply matte shadows to the entire surface of the moving eyelids, and outline the edges of the lower eyelids with shiny blue shadows.

Lipstick should be chosen in pastel colors, for brown-eyed girls, natural shades and pale shades of burgundy and brown are suitable.

Blue dress with red lipstick

Makeup under a blue dress from Penelope Cruz

Makeup under a blue dress for a brunette

Makeup under a blue dress for blue eyes

In this case, before starting makeup, you need to take into account not only the color of the eyes and outfit, but also the color type. Most often the owners blue eyes have blonde hair and, consequently, fair skin. For them, light shades of blue, gray, lilac and beige are best suited. All these shadow colors should visually create a kind of glow around the eyes. Bright arrows will look very nice in this case.

For girls with dark hair and dark skin darker shades, which were listed above, will do. Beige shadows are best chosen with a reddish tint.

Evening makeup should be darker, so the shadows should be saturated tones. Be sure to complement the shadows with arrows and false eyelashes. A great idea for evening makeup is to outline the inner corners of the eyes with a bright outline, and shade the outer corners with black, dark brown or dark blue.

Lipstick in evening makeup should be natural pink or beige. In addition to daytime makeup under a blue dress, lip gloss will be enough.

Natural makeup for blue eyes

Smokey ice for blue eyes

If a lady has green eyes, red hair, and she walks in a blue dress, then she cannot be overlooked. For such girls and such an outfit, you need special makeup. Aquamarine, blue, brown, lilac, purple, black and green shades are suitable for a blue outfit.

To shade green eyes, you can try to make eye makeup in brown-green or aquamarine tones. For daytime makeup, you can do a calm make-up with beige shadows on the upper eyelids and bright green, blue or blue arrows on the lower eyelids.

For evening makeup under a blue dress, you can use the same shades, but more saturated, you can also add a little gold and glitter.

Lipstick for such makeup should be selected natural color pink with translucent texture.

Makeup for green eyes under a blue dress

And at the end of the article, let's talk about makeup for gray eyes under a blue dress. Gray eyes can be made expressive with bright shades of shadows. Brown, black, gray with glitter, gold, blue and blue shades are best suited for a blue outfit.

For an evening make-up, smokey ice, made in black, dark brown or blue color. You can also add glossy pink or gray shadows to the inner edges of the eyes. The same technique can be applied, but choosing dark purple shadows as the main color.

To add expressiveness gray eyes, you can circle the edge of the lower eyelid with a white pencil.

For lip makeup, choose beige lipsticks, for evening makeup, pastel shades of burgundy, pink and carrot are suitable.