Gel with phenol peeling recipe. Modern modifications of phenol peelings. Care for a renewed face

In cosmetology, chemical peels are actively used to rejuvenate the skin. Compositions of various directions smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion. A multifaceted effect, selected in accordance with the needs of the skin, gives a second youth, erasing age-related changes.

To obtain a result close to plastic surgery, phenol peeling with carbolic acid is used as a transdermal substance. The concentration of phenol in the preparation regulates the degree of effect on the skin layers. Briefly, the essence of the procedure is expressed in a burn of the epidermis, performed with control of the depth of penetration.

Developing towards ensuring safety, aesthetic medicine has made a noticeable leap, reducing the toxicity of the cleaning procedure significantly. The composition, reacting with the skin of the face, causes chemical burn. The degree of renewal of the integument depends on the depth of the lesion. The process triggers defense mechanisms that force the body to urgently regenerate, while simultaneously turning on the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid to the maximum.

Types of phenol peeling

TO this option cleaning, apply in cases where there are contraindications to laser resurfacing, is not suitable or. According to the degree of impact, phenol treatment can be divided into:

  1. Medium superficial peeling. The components of the formula with 3% carbolic acid react with the stratum corneum of the skin, slightly affecting the granular layer.
  2. Medium peeling. The composition contains about 25% phenol, affecting the layers of the epidermis up to the papillary layer.
  3. Deep peeling. The maximum percentage of acid in the composition (over 35%) destroys the skin completely, including the papillary. The impact reaches the middle areas of the mesh layer.

Methods of applying the composition for phenol peeling vary in time and area of ​​​​exposure. The formula of the drug is selected individually, based on the thickness of the skin, the patient’s phototype, and the area of ​​application. Phenol in a low concentration of 1.4% is present in the TCA peeling formula (with trichloroacetic acid), as an antiseptic with an analgesic effect.

Indications for the procedure

This cosmetic procedure performed as prescribed by a doctor, performing phenol peeling at home is fraught.

Deep cleaning is carried out if AHA or TCA peels are found to be ineffective, otherwise phenol is given preference last.

Characteristic indications:

  • 3-4 type of aging (according to Glogau);
  • Expression wrinkles. It is important to note here that without preliminary botulinum therapy, the effect will be short-lived.
  • With deep age wrinkles with the addition of a biodegradable filler procedure.
  • Peeling the area around the eyes is indicated for sagging skin of the lower eyelid or excess volume on the upper eyelid, coupled with decreased tissue plasticity.
  • An alternative to blephoplasty for thin skin, if there are contraindications to surgery.
  • Problems of hyperpigmentation, mid-superficial phenol peeling in case of epidermal, deep in case of dermal hyperpigmentation.
  • Post-acne scars of varying depths.
  • Scars, surgical or after injury.

This is the list of main indications, a consultation with a cosmetologist will give more information. So, in the case of deep funnel-shaped scars from acne, additional procedures will be required, for example, microdermabrasion.


The cosmetologist makes a decision on the inadmissibility of the phenol cleansing procedure based on the collected data on the work of cardio-vascular system, kidneys and liver, which take on the burden of removing toxins from the body. Definitely chemical peeling contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology of any etiology;
  • Less than 6 months have passed since the mid-peel;
  • at skin diseases, chronic and during exacerbation;
  • a tendency to scar formation has been identified;
  • herpes manifestations in any form.

The procedure will be refused if there is a sunburn or fresh wounds or burns. It is not recommended to cleanse during menstruation, which changes skin reactions and increases sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Phenol peeling: preparation and features

The degree of toxic effects is controlled not only by the concentration of the carbolic component, but also by additions to the drug formula. The percentage of oil in the composition regulates absorption, allowing chemical components to penetrate into the skin gradually. Stress on internal organs is reduced due to the frequency of micro-dosed release of toxins into the circulatory system.

Preparation for the procedure follows the examination phase. Depending on the chosen formula, the pre-peel period lasts from 30 days to 7 weeks. The skin is prepared with care compositions with a low proportion of acids, which reduce the risks of uneven damage to the layers and increased post-operative pigmentation.

A comprehensive intake of antioxidants with antiherpes drugs is important for the result, as is the elimination of mechanical effects on the area of ​​​​application of the composition for 10 days. Phenol peeling are classified as seasonal (spring-autumn) procedures; tanning is contraindicated 3 months before surgery.

Execution technology

Manipulations with the phenol-based composition are carried out in clean medical rooms with mandatory forced ventilation. The procedure takes from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the scope of work:

  1. Areas of influence of the composition of deep and medium penetration are marked: around the eyes, perioral area, accumulations of scars, wrinkles.
  2. The anesthesiologist performs a complex of anesthetic procedures, intravenous anesthesia for painful deep interventions, local anesthesia for mid- and mid-superficial phenol peeling.
  3. This is followed by pre-treatment with an antiseptic followed by drying.
  4. Apply the composition evenly and in compliance with time intervals between treatment areas.
  5. Applying a gel layer based on lactic acid with phenol in a small dose.
  6. After the second layer has dried, a silicone-based gel barrier mask is placed on top. Its purpose is to protect the composition from oxidative processes in air, supporting uniform absorption of phenolic components for the next 48 hours.

On the first day of the postoperative period, it is important to prevent moisture from entering the treated areas of the face; water acts as a powerful catalyst and can provoke an intensification of the chemical reaction with negative consequences. For the sake of beauty, you will have to refrain from brushing your teeth and drink only through a straw.

Rehabilitation period and possible complications

The pain of the procedure is felt immediately after the anesthesia wears off. The doctor prescribes pain relief medications for the first couple of days. After the barrier mask with particles of destroyed skin is removed, the face needs protective care, which is selected for a specific patient.

About two weeks are allotted for the formation of a healing crust from dying tissue and subsequent restoration for mid-surface cleaning. With a deep level of penetration, the time period increases to 7-12 months. To reduce the risk of scar tissue, the scabs that form should not be disturbed. Special cosmetical tools Apply very carefully, avoiding scratching. Completely eliminate the influence of ultraviolet radiation by combining a ban on tanning with the use of products with SPF 50+.

Serious complications are observed if you refuse to follow a comprehensive rehabilitation program. This is mainly the appearance of scars against the background of a decrease in the rate of skin regeneration. High risks of infection of an open wound, plus a pigmentation disorder with a clearly visible boundary between areas of the skin.

Despite the long rehabilitation period and expensive complex products, deep phenol peeling transforms the face. The skin looks significantly fresher, becomes firmer and smoother. The duration of the rejuvenating effect is guaranteed for up to 10 years, subject to medical recommendations.

Phenol facial peeling: real reviews

I would like to share my experience with phenol peeling. This is not the first time I have done it, I like it because when treated with phenol, the skin significantly improves: it becomes smooth, fresh, elastic, firm and tender. I look far from 18 years old, but I fight for my beauty and have tried a lot of things, but phenol peeling gives good results.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, I will attach my real photos before and after phenol peeling:

As you can see in the photo, my wrinkles have noticeably disappeared. I found no side effects. I appeal to all girls, women, mothers and grandmothers - never neglect yourself, because as soon as you stop taking care of yourself, old age begins to do its business.

Facial care


18.09.14 13:59

Procedures for cleansing the epidermis using carbolic acid (phenol) are called phenol peels. Their effect can be deep, medium or superficial, this is determined by the concentration of the main component in the base. is a highly effective but toxic skin care option that can only be performed qualified specialist, sometimes under the supervision of a doctor.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Experts recommend resorting to deep phenol peeling only in cases of complex cosmetic defects that worsen the patient’s quality of life. Such interventions are performed on small areas of skin after a preliminary assessment of the general condition of the body and under intravenous anesthesia. The process is accompanied by cardiac monitoring; the patient’s condition should be monitored by an anesthesiologist. For this type of peeling, products are used that contain more than 35% carbolic acid. Duration rehabilitation period after such a session it can take up to 12 months.

Medium-impact phenol peeling is carried out with products containing 25% carbolic acid, and for a medium-superficial effect, 3% concentration of carbolic acid is sufficient.

Main indications for phenol-based peeling:

  • significant age-related changes in the skin in the form of deep wrinkles, the formation of skin folds;
  • pronounced photoaging of the epidermis;
  • hyperpigmentation of the facial surface;
  • scars and scars, including after deep wounds and surgery;
  • sagging skin, leading to the accumulation of fine wrinkles;
  • acne in its most severe manifestations;
  • some skin diseases (for example, demodicosis) as prescribed by a doctor.

Phenol peeling is not performed if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of unhealed burns and herpes in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the peeling composition;
  • 4-6 phototype of the epidermis according to Fitzpatrick;
  • oncological and skin diseases;
  • menstruation period;
  • infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • mental disorders;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • fungal formations, open wounds on the surface of the face;
  • hypertrichosis, tendency to scar formation.

A conditional contraindication to a cleansing session is considered to be reduced activity of liver enzyme systems, which occurs after 60 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of phenol peeling

Like any cosmetic procedure, phenol peeling has a number of positive properties and several negative factors.

Among the benefits of exposure are:

  1. Effective result after one procedure.
  2. Carrying out careful monitoring of the use of the composition.
  3. The most pronounced anti-aging effect, which lasts from 7 to 10 years.
  4. Normalization of the functions of the epidermis, improvement of its structure.
  5. Liquidation age spots, freckles, scars, deep wrinkles.
  6. Smoothing out facial wrinkles.
  7. Improving overall skin tone.
  8. Activation of body systems at the cellular level.

The negative aspects of phenol peeling include:

  1. Many contraindications.
  2. Long rehabilitation period. Even with superficial peeling, it lasts at least two weeks.
  3. Complex preparation for the intervention, which includes a lengthy medical examination.
  4. Phenol peeling is a painful procedure and puts a strain on the excretory and cardiovascular systems of the body.
  5. The need for anesthesia. Local anesthesia for superficial and median procedures, intravenous anesthesia for deep peeling.
  6. Risk of severe complications.

It is important to remember that phenol can react with certain medications, so you must strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist who performed the manipulation and follow the regimen in the postoperative period.

Preparation for phenol peeling

For getting positive result from the procedure and to prevent the development of complications, the following conditions must be met:

  • thorough medical examination of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • within 5-6 weeks before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with weak acid solutions, this will prepare the epidermis for aggressive effects and prevent the formation of areas of uneven pigmentation;
  • 2-3 weeks before the session, you should start taking angioprotectors and antioxidants;
  • six months before peeling, stop taking retinoids, otherwise a chemical burn may develop;
  • two weeks before peeling, procedures that injure the epidermis (scrubbing, hair removal, shaving) are stopped;
  • six months before the procedure, mechanical medial and deep influences are stopped;
  • three months before the cleansing session, visits to the solarium are stopped, resort holidays are prohibited;
  • The doctor performing the phenol peel must be informed about the medications the client is taking.

The process of phenol peeling

Due to the toxicity of peeling compounds, sessions can only be carried out in well-ventilated and ventilated areas. Deep peeling is performed on areas of acne, wrinkles or scars. The remaining areas are treated with a composition for medium or surface exposure.

Procedure steps:

  1. Anesthesia or anesthesia. For local anesthesia, a 2% lidocaine solution is usually used. Increasing the dose of anesthetic increases the toxicity of the drug!
  2. A rough sponge is used to remove facial makeup, followed by drying the epidermis.
  3. Degreasing and disinfecting the face with an alcohol solution.
  4. The phenolic composition is applied in smooth, uniform strokes. The interval between treatment of different zones should be at least five minutes.
  5. Carbolic acid is neutralized with a special film mask. After it dries, a neutralizing product is applied to the skin.
  6. Sunscreen is applied to the skin.

Depending on the characteristics of the skin and the area of ​​cleansing, the duration of the session is from 40 to 120 minutes.

Epidermis care after peeling

Phenol peeling may cause discomfort after the procedure is completed. There is a burning, tingling and tingling sensation in the treated areas. If the pain becomes unbearable, you can use painkillers as recommended by your doctor.

The first day after the session is the most difficult. At this time, prevent water or any liquid from coming into contact with cleansed skin. Water enhances the effect of phenol, which can cause worsening of the burn. You should stop brushing your teeth during this period and drink only through a straw.

On the second day, the film mask is removed, which removes all dead cells. This process reveals the red, renewed surface of the face. Getting water on it is also unacceptable.

The second day is marked by the formation of a surface crust. During this tightening period, the use of a special spray is prescribed. Forced removal of crusts is prohibited! This may result in scarring or pigmented areas.

At the end of the second week, the epidermis is completely restored after the superficial procedure. If deep phenol peeling was carried out, the painful redness goes away only after a couple of months, and complete healing occurs in 7-12 months.

Post-peeling care involves the use of restorative agents:

  • whitening products;
  • sunscreens;
  • moisturizing compositions based on hyaluronic acid;
  • antioxidants, vitamins A and C.

Complications after peeling with carbolic acid

The risk of complications always remains, but most often they occur if appropriate preparation has not been carried out or phenol peeling has been carried out incorrectly.

Main complications:

  • burns;
  • decreased cellular immunity;
  • allergies;
  • the occurrence of arrhythmia, renal or liver failure;
  • scar formation;
  • local hyperpigmentation of the epidermis;
  • the occurrence of edema and exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • the appearance of enlarged pores and areas of skin without pigment.

Phenol peeling is considered one of the most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation without surgical intervention, but given the long list of contraindications and possible complications, experts recommend contacting him only if it is impossible to use softer care options.

There are various anti-aging cosmetic procedures. Most of them combine two directions of action: external exfoliation, which smoothes out the existing unevenness and folds on the skin, as well as internal activation of metabolic processes, the production of elastin and collagen, that is, an increase in turgor.

These functions are performed by various peelings. The effect of pronounced rejuvenation can be achieved by those that belong to the category of middle and deep ones, since they have a more intense effect on the dermis than superficial ones. Phenol peeling is considered one of the most effective in the fight against signs of aging, which has existed for a long time, but, despite high competition, is still in great demand to this day, although it involves serious interference with the body’s activities.

The essence of peeling

Phenol (carbolic acid) was previously used in medicine, for example, it was used by doctors to clean their hands before operations. But later the irreparable harm it causes to the body was proven this substance. It penetrates very quickly through the skin into the body and in case of overdose can even be fatal.

But it is carbolic acid that is still used in cosmetology as one of the alternatives to pronounced rejuvenation without surgical intervention. The dose of the substance, as well as its correct application, allows you to avoid harmful effects on internal organs, but to carry out a controlled burn of the epidermis, which will completely renew upper layer skin.

Phenol is distinguished by its ability to be almost instantly absorbed, as well as by its aggressive effect: passing through the skin tissue, it dissolves everything that comes in its way, including collagen fibers, after which the cells begin to rapidly regenerate, creating a new, healthy and elastic layer.

In general, depending on the concentration of the drug, peeling can be deep, medium or superficial. Most often it is used in the first two options, but both of them are very serious procedures that require both special pre-peeling preparation and special skills on the part of a specialist.

Indications, contraindications

This procedure differs from other chemical peels in that it is essentially a last resort, that is, it is used in cases where the client’s age is no longer suitable for more gentle procedures (over 40 years old) or there are contraindications for other types of deep effects, for example, laser resurfacing.

Thus, serious age-related changes that cannot be eliminated in any other way can be considered indications for phenol peeling, namely:

  • pronounced wrinkles;
  • strong pigmentation;
  • sagging skin;
  • the presence of obvious scars, including post-operative scars;
  • other defects that spoil the appearance of the skin.

Once in the body, carbolic acid is excreted through the kidneys and liver, poisoning them. But in small doses, these organs are able to neutralize the negative effects, but this will only happen when they are fully operational. That is why before carrying out phenol peeling it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body.

The reason why phenol peels, being so risky and complex procedure, still remains popular today, is due to its amazing results. Very rarely, women are dissatisfied with the peeling performed. In other cases, a pronounced lifting effect, getting rid of pigmentation and a network of wrinkles are especially noted.

This determines the presence of an extensive list of contraindications, including:

  • various chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • problems related to the nervous system;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • age up to 18 years (in practice, as already mentioned, this procedure is carried out only in mature age, the number of exceptions is very small);
  • a large number of moles on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to peeling components and much more.

In this case, a consultation with a doctor is mandatory, since only a complete picture of your health condition will help you draw a conclusion about the admissibility of peeling with carbolic acid.

At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that the time period during which such peeling can be done has not only a lower limit (35–40 years), but also an upper limit (60–65 years), since the ability of the liver to remove harmful substances from the body.

Description of the procedure

So why, despite all the riskiness of this procedure, does it still remain popular? There are actually several reasons.

Firstly, the results after it are truly amazing. The changes are noticeable to the naked eye, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is tightened, and age-related pigmentation disappears.

Secondly, the procedure has a prolonged effect. It can last up to 10 years, sometimes even longer, but it depends on individual characteristics dermis.

Thirdly, unlike many other peelings, this type involves a one-time repetition, and not a course, that is, you do not have to do it multiple times to achieve a full result.

Deep phenol peeling should be carried out exclusively by a competent specialist and under the supervision of doctors, including an anesthesiologist.

At the same time, there are moments that can be called negative traits phenol peeling:

  • it is painful;
  • requires long-term rehabilitation;
  • has a very high cost (up to 100 thousand);
  • the full result will not be noticeable immediately, but only about a year after the session;
  • the procedure permanently eliminates the possibility of sunbathing;
  • may lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is important to note that deep and medium phenol peeling cannot be performed at home. And among the superficial ones there are safer and more effective options.

Let's talk about the peeling process itself, since it differs from all other acid procedures and has many nuances.

There is a preliminary stage, which begins on average 7–10 days before the peeling itself. Experts usually advise starting to take acyclovir at this time, as it helps to avoid herpes, which may appear during the rehabilitation phase.

The following rules must also be observed:

  • do not sunbathe for at least 3 months before the procedure;
  • do not do medium and deep peelings or skin resurfacing for six months;
  • do not take vitamin A orally for six months;
  • refuse any trauma to the epidermis (cleansing, waxing etc. within 10 days).

Directly during the peeling session, the cosmetologist prepares the skin for further exposure, treating it with a hard sponge and special soap solution to ensure uniform thickness and cleanliness of the surface for further controlled burns.

Anesthesia is then applied. Moreover, it can be different. The sensations from a mid-peel, when the percentage of acid is not too high, are tolerable, and lidocaine (in an ointment or spray) will help to tolerate them. But the deep version requires the presence of an anesthesiologist and devices that control the heartbeat and breathing, as it is performed under general anesthesia.

The peculiarity of carbolic acid is that it large quantities it seriously harms the body, and in small cases it can be successfully eliminated by the liver and kidneys. That is why the composition is not applied to the entire face at once. First, one area is treated, after about 5–7 minutes the next one, etc. Often, specialists do not apply the product to the entire face, but only to problem areas, in order to reduce the effect of phenol on the body.

After the phenol is distributed over the skin, it is covered on top with a special mask-film, and that, in turn, is covered with a neutralizing agent. At this point, the stage carried out in the salon ends.

Before deciding on such a serious procedure, you need to carefully study all the information and think about the rehabilitation period, which can last up to a year, and during all this time the skin will not look its best

The mask remains on the face for the next 24 hours. At this time, it is necessary to exclude any skin contact with water, even minimal, so you will have to drink not from cups, but exclusively through a straw. IN this moment are most often preserved painful sensations, which can be reduced with painkillers.

After a day, the mask is removed from the face, and along with it the keratinized particles. As a result, only a burn remains, that is, red, slightly swollen skin, which then begins to crust and peel off. The process will last up to two weeks, during which it is better to stay at home. All this time, it is necessary to follow the skin care regimen drawn up by the cosmetologist. It usually includes the application of healing agents.

Under no circumstances should peelings be torn off. When they stop completely, the redness will still be present. It lasts on average up to two months from the moment of phenol peeling. Full restoration of normal appearance may take from 6 months to a year. At this time, the skin will be looser, thinner, more transparent, and the pores may be enlarged.

Among the positive changes:

  • powerful lifting effect;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • elimination of pigmentation.

That is, a complete anti-aging transformation of the skin occurs, accompanied by the removal of all associated imperfections.

After peeling with carbolic acid, the cosmetologist may also prescribe special lifelong facial care, including:

  • constant use of creams with SPF;
  • use of products with retinoids and vitamin C;
  • application or injection of hyaluronic acid.

Possible complications

The correct technology for applying phenol eliminates its harmful effects on the body, but, however, in essence, the procedure burns the surface layer of the skin. And further recovery will depend only on the individual characteristics of the body. This may include certain complications, such as:

  • the appearance of areas where there is no pigment;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • heart, liver or kidney failure;
  • increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • atrophy of the skin;
  • herpes, etc.

And it is impossible to predict the likelihood of a particular reaction occurring. And they may not appear immediately, so not everyone realizes that any phenomenon turned out to be a consequence of phenol peeling. That is why it is extremely important to undergo a preliminary examination of the body. But, unfortunately, even this is not a guarantee.

Thus, phenol peeling is a complex cosmetic procedure that is performed under anesthesia and requires special training of a cosmetologist. It is done once and exclusively in adulthood, it has a powerful lifting effect. But such rejuvenation, although indeed very effective, is very dangerous, so it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding on such a manipulation.

A procedure that allows you to cleanse the skin, rejuvenating it. At the same time, surgical methods are not used during the procedure.

The procedure is carried out using carbolic acid. However, the solution also contains other substances, such as:

  • glycerol;
  • soothing oil;
  • propylene glycol;
  • distilled water.

This type of peeling is complex and quite painful, but the effect achieved through the procedure is worth it. It has durability and is amazing in itself, which will not leave even experts in the field of female beauty indifferent.

What is this procedure?

Peeling, which uses phenol, is considered one of the most effective chemical procedures for cleansing the skin. The effect that the procedure gives can last on the skin for 5 to 10 years. In addition, the skin gets rid of deep wrinkles, scars, and gains the ability to resist age-related changes.

Before the client undergoes peeling, he will be prescribed a whole course of taking special antiherpetic drugs. Thanks to this approach and preparation, the likelihood of the virus awakening is eliminated. The procedure itself is carried out directly in a hospital setting. Duration ranges from 30 minutes. up to 2 hours.

The procedure involves cauterizing areas of the skin where there are imperfections with phenol, after which the dead cells are removed. Accordingly, the skin texture becomes smoother and the skin renewal process occurs.

The procedure in question is dangerous and painful, but at the same time, with its help it is possible to achieve the desired effect and secure it for a long time. However, opinions among experts in the beauty industry differ significantly regarding the authorization of this procedure. Some insist on the use of phenol, while others are categorically against it. In fact, adherents of both points of view are right. On the one hand, when the dose of phenol in the blood is exceeded, it will cause death; in smaller quantities it can provoke arrhythmia. On the other hand, during the procedure they use only those products that contain a minimum of phenol and, naturally, cannot cause death. It can also be said that phenol is applied slowly enough so that poisonous cells do not concentrate in one place.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. The patient is first given local/general anesthesia.
  2. Then the skin is rubbed with a special sponge with a degreasing agent.
  3. After the skin dries, it is treated with regular alcohol.
  4. The cosmetologist applies the main solution in stages. The first layer is phenol, the second is a special silicone film, the third layer is applied with an oily gel.
  5. The final stage is the neutralization of all products applied to the skin - a film mask is applied, and then sunscreen.

The procedure in question has disadvantages and contraindications, the list of which is quite extensive and will be discussed below.

Types of peeling

Currently there are 3 types:

  1. Mid-superficial. When carrying out the procedure, phenol is used in the very minimum concentration - three percent.
  2. Median. The phenol concentration is already 25 percent.
  3. Deep phenol peeling, in which the phenol concentration is 35 percent. It is carried out very rarely. Before performing this procedure, the patient's health condition is carefully studied.

The procedure, as already noted, is quite painful, so it is performed under anesthesia. If you are allergic to drugs classified as anesthesia, you must notify the cosmetologist about this.

Indications for use

Professional cosmetologists include the following indications for the use of phenol-based peeling:

  • Age/deep wrinkles and skin folds that are static in nature.
  • Photoaging of the skin, which manifests itself in defects: pigment spots, wrinkles, etc.
  • Skin that is loose.
  • Hyperpigmentation, which is an age-related phenomenon.
  • Scars as a result of surgical interventions.
  • Scarring.
  • Sunburn marks.
  • Loss of skin tone and turgor.
  • Skin aging, which is of the finely wrinkled type.
  • Severe skin damage due to demodicosis or acne.

What effect can you expect?

Phenol-based peeling guarantees high quality results, which are achieved as quickly as possible. This procedure has an excellent effect on stimulating internal processes, the functioning of skin cells, and also has a beneficial effect on collagen production.

The result after the procedure, which cosmetologists guarantee, is very promising:

  • The relief of the face is smoothed, wrinkles and shallow, medium-sized scars and post-acne disappear.
  • The process of cell restoration is significantly accelerated.
  • Age/pigment spots disappear.
  • Lifting effect.
  • Tightness/clarity of contours.
  • The firmness and elasticity of the skin is restored.
  • Active cell work.
  • The skin looks much fresher and younger, the skin tone becomes even.

After reading the above, it seems that this is unrealistic, in fact, the result of the procedure is really high.


Since the phenol peeling procedure can be dangerous to the patient’s health, before performing it, the cosmetologist carefully studies the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Contraindications for this procedure are:

  • pregnancy at all its stages;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lactation;
  • psoriasis;
  • menstruation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • herpes and any colds;
  • intolerance to the components included in the peeling;
  • damage to those areas of the skin where the impact will be made;
  • fresh tan;
  • impaired skin sensitivity;
  • diabetes;
  • mental illnesses;
  • any colds;
  • eczema;
  • if there is a high probability of formation keloid scars;
  • in case of use of medications such as aspirin, etc., which threatens to put a heavy load on the liver and poison the body.
  • restrictions related to age - under 18 and over 60. However, cosmetologists can change the age limits if there are serious problems.


The cost of the procedure depends on which type you choose. Naturally, superficial peeling will be less expensive and such a procedure will cost (on average) 3,000 rubles, while medium peeling will be more expensive and the cost will increase 4 times. The most expensive is deep phenol peeling, the cost of which reaches 25,000 rubles. Prices are average and vary depending on regions and beauty centers.

Please note that these procedures can only be carried out on the territory of specialized cosmetology centers and must be carried out by a cosmetologist.

Preparing for peeling

You should start preparing 5-7 weeks in advance for the middle and deep peeling. At the same time, examinations in medical organizations are not included at this time. Preparation consists of treating the skin with weak acid solutions so that the skin color becomes even. This is done in order to avoid hyperpigmentation, which is possible when applying phenol to unprepared skin. During preparation for the procedure, you should stop taking antioxidants and drugs that reduce the permeability of the vascular walls.

Also, 6 months before the procedure, you need to stop taking retinoids to avoid causing peeling or loosening (increased) of the skin, which can ultimately lead to hyperpigmentation or burns. You need to cancel the appointment both internally and externally.

Before the procedure, you need to avoid mechanical cleaning, as well as hair removal and shaving. It is not advisable to carry out such procedures approximately 10 days before peeling. With regards to tanning, it should be said that at least 3 months must pass from the moment you receive it, and you need to wait six months from the moment of mid-cleaning and laser procedures.

Immediately after the procedure, patients experience pain, and sometimes they even have to resort to taking painkillers. During the first and second days, under no circumstances should you expose your skin to water, otherwise a burn may occur. It is best to drink through a straw at this time, and you will have to stop brushing your teeth for a while. On the second day, after removing the film from the skin, skin care is carried out using products based on panthenol.

After the procedure, crusts of tissue will form; they cannot be removed forcibly; they must fall off on their own, otherwise this can lead to the appearance of scars and burns.

The skin restoration process depends on the type of peeling performed; if after superficial peeling, cell regeneration occurs within a couple of weeks, then after deep peeling it is necessary to wait from 7 to 12 months. During skin restoration, sunbathing is prohibited. In addition to taking various medications for recovery, you must not forget about vitamins.

– chemical peeling of deep action, using carbolic acid (phenol) as the main chemical agent. The impact of phenol peeling causes burns and death of the deep layers of the skin, up to the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, along with existing defects, and then the regeneration of new skin, homogeneous in its structure. Finol facial peeling is used for age-related skin changes, scar deformities, and hyperkeratosis. When carrying out the procedure, you should remember the toxic properties of phenol. Complications may occur in the elderly and patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases.

– chemical peeling of deep action, using carbolic acid (phenol) as the main chemical agent. The impact of phenol peeling causes burns and death of the deep layers of the skin, up to the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis, along with existing defects, and then the regeneration of new skin, homogeneous in its structure.

Phenol (Phenolum purum) was discovered in 1863, and since 1869 it began to be used in medicine as a disinfectant, later as a treatment for acne. In the 1990s, aesthetic cosmetology based on phenol created new method peeling The phenol peeling formula includes chemical and natural ingredients: carbolic acid, oils that prevent unlimited absorption of phenol by the skin, liquid glycerin, distilled water, propylene glycol, and sometimes - salicylic acid. The main requirement for the composition for phenol peeling is low toxicity and optimal concentration of the compound.

The action of phenol is based on the destruction of skin proteins, mobilization of metabolic processes and skin barrier functions. During the phenol peeling process, the skin layer dies to a depth of 0.6 mm. After regeneration, renewed cells make the skin smoother, eliminate or significantly reduce the severity of scars, wrinkles and age spots.

Indications and contraindications

Phenol peeling is indicated for age-related signs of skin aging (wrinkles, folds, photoaging, decreased eyelid turgor, age-related pigmentation); cicatricial deformations of the skin (post-acne scars, after injuries and burns of the face); hyperkeratosis. The duration of delayed anti-aging results of phenol peeling is up to 10 years.

The toxic effect of phenol makes its use in cosmetology unsafe. Phenol causes damage to blood vessels and reacts with plasma proteins. Absorption of the drug can cause severe arrhythmia, so phenol peeling is performed only in a hospital. The concentration of phenol in the blood is affected by the area of ​​the treated area, the acid content in the solution, and the speed of applying the mask. Neutralization of phenol in the body occurs in the liver, and removal from the body is carried out through the kidneys. Therefore, the main condition for carrying out phenol peeling is healthy condition liver, kidneys and heart.

The risk of toxic complications during phenol peeling is higher in older people with slower age-related metabolism and requires increased precautions.

Phenol peeling is contraindicated for any cancer pathology, pregnancy and lactation period, skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo), herpes, intolerance to carbolic acid or other peeling components.

Carrying out the procedure

Before carrying out phenol peeling, a course of antiherpetic therapy is carried out, and after - antibacterial therapy. Since the phenol peeling procedure is extremely painful, it is performed under general anesthesia or conduction anesthesia with 2% lidocaine solution. When calculating the dose of lidocaine, it should be remembered that the anesthetic increases the toxic effect of phenol and is neutralized by the liver using the same enzymes.

Pre-peeling preparation of the skin consists of treating it with degreasing soap and a hard sponge to thoroughly remove dead skin cells. Then the skin is completely dried and additionally degreased with acetone and alcohol.

The phenol peeling composition is applied to the face in zones, taking into account the structure of different areas of the skin. Then the treated areas are covered with a special film, and after it dries, a wax-like preparation - jelly, containing “bound” phenol, is applied on top. As a result of the interaction of the film and jelly, phenol is released and acts locally on the skin where the first layer is not sufficiently active. In this way, self-regulation of the depth of phenol peeling is achieved. The applied mask remains on the face for 48 hours.

Post-peeling period

After applying a phenol mask, severe pain, severe burning, pulsation, and tingling sensations are noted, requiring the administration of painkillers. Facial expressions are limited to the maximum or absent altogether. For the first three days, washing and any contact of the face with water is prohibited: teeth are brushed without using water, drinking is allowed only through a straw.

After two days, the phenol mask is carefully removed with a plastic spatula along with the softened layer of epithelium. In its place, a bright red wound surface with bleeding wounds is exposed. After another day, the wound surface is covered with fibrin and acquires a greenish tint. From now on, you are allowed to wash your face with water.

Fibrin films gradually peel off up to the 10th day, revealing young skin with a bright red tint. After 3 weeks, the renewed skin can be powdered, although its redness lasts up to 2 months, and maturation takes six months.

Risks of peeling

The risks of the phenol peeling procedure are associated with the development of life-threatening complications - arrhythmias, heart attacks, renal failure, allergic manifestations. Other complications of phenol peeling include the appearance of herpes, whiteheads, atypical spots, infection or scar healing of the wound surface.

In dark-skinned patients, a rough boundary between treated and untreated areas of skin (line of demarcation) may appear. Patients with insufficiency of adrenal cortex function are prone to the appearance of hyperpigmentation on renewed skin.

Since after phenol peeling the formation of pigment in the skin ceases forever, it will constantly need protection from ultraviolet radiation. Neglecting post-peeling care can lead to the development of skin cancer.