How to develop perseverance in a child. Games and activities. How to teach a child to persevere - tips for parents of restless children

Perseverance is the ability to concentrate on something for a long time. Young children find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time without being distracted. Curiosity and activity prevent a preschooler from concentrating on one activity. But in order to avoid problems with learning at school later, it is necessary to accustom the child to discipline with early age. Perseverance is important condition success. If your child does not know how to concentrate and remain patient, it will be difficult for him to learn the material. Constantly being distracted and switching to other activities, it is impossible to achieve positive results in teaching.

Developing perseverance

Parents are often convinced that perseverance is a trait. But this quality can also be an acquired skill. Teaching a child not to be distracted is quite difficult. This requires a change in lifestyle and daily routine. In addition, this quality is not developed immediately, but appears with age. To develop perseverance, you will need patience and endurance. It is necessary to try to change the baby’s attitude towards the events that are happening around, and for this you need to adhere to certain rules.

Conditions necessary for the development of perseverance

How to teach a child perseverance and what needs to be done for this? In order to achieve success in developing such a useful quality, it is necessary to take into account important points.

Age appropriate activities

A child who is three years old is unlikely to be delighted with studying foreign languages. He prefers outdoor games, activities with construction toys, or drawing. During classes, you need to remove everything unnecessary from sight and turn off the TV. Even adults find it difficult to concentrate on activities that are not at all interesting to them, and for an active child it is even more difficult.

Completing things started

When thinking about how to instill perseverance in your child, first of all, you need to start with yourself. The behavior of adults is an example for children. To teach a child to complete a task, parents need to adhere to this. Don't take on something new without finishing the previous lesson. If this is cleaning, then it should not be done halfway. If there is a meal, then it should be complete. Make it clear to your child that the completion of any tasks must be of high quality. Don't forget to praise and criticize less.

Calm and patience

You cannot scold a child for being interested in something else during the current lesson. Small children don't understand this. It is not possible to instill perseverance by force. Such methods will only lead to stress for the baby, and this will aggravate the situation even more. A calm attitude from parents will be beneficial and help cope with restlessness.

No strict restrictions

Babies who are three or four years old are very curious. Everything that surrounds them arouses irresistible interest. There is no need to limit access to new knowledge. From the age of five, you can already require your child to be assiduous; at this age he can already concentrate.

Exercises and activities

How to develop perseverance in an overly active child? Such children benefit greatly from activities and exercises that require concentration and concentration.

Games with puzzles, construction sets, and mosaics require perseverance. To get a good result, the child needs to put in a lot of effort. For active children this is a difficult task, but the result will please them.

You can engage in reading with your child. While listening to a fairy tale, the child concentrates on what he heard, imagines the plot and characters. You need to read often. It's relaxing and calming. To make it easier for your little one to imagine heroes, you should choose books with illustrations.

You can play puppet theater with your child. Let the child choose the plot and role that he likes best.

Classes to find differences - this is also good way learn to concentrate. Don't expect everything to work out right away. At first, the baby cannot do without the help of his parents. But over time, this activity will captivate him too. It is important that the task is selected according to the child’s age, so as not to waste the hunt with overwhelming tasks.

Creative activities. Not every child likes to draw, but you can use alternative options. You can offer to sculpt something, make an applique, a fresco, or do some weaving. Children really like to draw finger paints. You can spread a large sheet of paper on the floor and allow the baby to leave traces of arms and legs and draw colorful patterns. This will captivate the restless little one for a long time. You can find many others interesting activities, which will help teach perseverance, and, in addition, promote fingers.

Work is what helps develop patience and the desire to achieve results. How to increase perseverance in this way? Invite your child to help you with housework and praise him every time and focus on the results of his efforts.

Be prepared for the fact that not everything will be done the way you want; perhaps, after such help, you will still have to work hard or pick up the broken pieces. The main thing is not to give way to anger, so that the baby does not lose the desire to help you.
Support your child's initiative. Sincerely praise them for their efforts and help them complete the task correctly.

A strict daily routine is an important condition. The baby must understand that this is necessary.

The child needs active ones in order to be able to run, jump and scream to his heart's content. You need to spend more time in nature, in parks.
Offering your child games that require better breaking down tasks into parts. Pay attention to those activities in which your baby shows more interest.

It is important to limit TV viewing and computer games. It is better to offer your child activities that will bring more benefits.

It is necessary to teach the baby to discipline. Even Small child able to put away his toys.

What not to do

How to develop perseverance and not harm the baby? You cannot criticize or reproach a child for the fact that due to excessive activity he does not succeed in something.
You should not scold your child for ruining something while completing a task. For example, dropped something, broke it, tore it. It’s better to pay attention to what he did, what he achieved.

You can't stop being curious. This is how children learn about the world. And if the result of this knowledge was that the mother’s task is to prevent the baby from cutting himself, and not to scold him for a broken object.

Of course, the baby may not succeed in everything. Parents should reassure him and make him understand that not everything always works out the first time. Give your baby a chance to rest before he gets started again. Help your child become more self-confident, tell him that he will definitely succeed.

Do not forget: best example for children are their parents. If they are patient, bring what they start to the end, and fulfill their promises, then the baby will certainly learn all this.

Instilling perseverance in a child is not an easy task. But patient and understanding parents, showing imagination, are able to achieve success in this difficult task.

Perseverance, the ability to do something with great care and to the end, is not something every child has. Especially at the age of 6-8 years, a child, even having already entered primary school, may still feel like a very small baby and does not take his studies seriously, or he has simply lost self-confidence after some failure. In general, it is better to develop perseverance from early childhood, preferably in game form, for example, building a pyramid according to colors or putting together puzzles.

How to develop this quality in a child when he is already 6-8 years old:
1. The most important rule is that everything should happen in a patient and friendly manner, that is, you should not shout at your offspring and punish him if something doesn’t work out right away.
2. Since children at this age are very active, do not forget to alternate boring educational games with active ones.
3. The child’s own room can serve as a reason for developing perseverance, because you can probably find scattered toys or things in it, as always. Ask him to race with you to put everything in its place.
4. You shouldn’t put everything on the table at once, for example, pencils with an album and plasticine, this will only distract the baby’s attention. There should be a sequence in everything: finish drawing some picture to the end, for example, assigned to the house according to school curriculum, and then they made a craft from plasticine. This also applies to other items. There is no need to jump from one homework to another if the previous one is not yet completed or put it off until tomorrow. Patiently sit down with your child and go through the lessons, after which you can let him go about his children's business.
5. Constantly create a pleasant and calm atmosphere that will allow you to concentrate better. No running TV or other extraneous noise.
6. Always praise and encourage your child for his successes and tell him how proud you are of him.
7. In your free time from studying, don’t forget to just play with your offspring, because fun, like nothing else, contributes to the development of perseverance. The offspring can repeat something after you, for example, rhythmic movements to music. Games for finding differences in two pictures or memorizing objects and then naming them in order are useful for concentration.

The main thing is to do everything together with your child and inspire him to conquer new heights!

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When the time comes for a child to enter school, many parents show concern that restlessness will interfere with the child’s studies and school. After all, often the inability to concentrate, due to restlessness, affects the student’s academic performance.

Perseverance itself develops gradually for everyone to varying degrees; some people can sit and pore over tasks for hours, while others can’t sit for even a minute. It should also be noted that perseverance is associated with attention. After all, when something is very interesting to us, we calmly, regardless of the time, quite carefully deal with this matter. The conclusion is that interest develops perseverance. It is very important to develop perseverance in the early stages of a child’s development, because later restlessness can really negatively affect educational results.

Of course, it is difficult to force a child to immediately perform complex tasks for a long time. You need to start long after entering first grade. Play with your child and come up with some interesting tasks so that your child is interested in completing the task. At first, give easy, short-term tasks, then a little more difficult and for a longer period of time. During such games, it is advisable that nothing distracts the baby. Remove scattered toys and books, it is better to sit at the table. Let the child feel more comfortable. If you feel that your child is starting to lose interest, give him a rest, let him run and jump. Change the topics of the lessons so that your child does not get bored with them. The main thing is not to lose patience and do not scold the baby, ask what he himself would like to do, support him.

Watch how long your baby plays with one toy, to see if he quickly gets bored with old toys. Offer him games with old toys, don't overwhelm him with new ones. After all, the more entertainment items there are, the more distracted the child becomes. Ultimately, the baby begins to lose interest in one toy after an hour or two of play. Do not accustom your child to watching TV; half an hour or forty minutes will be enough.

What games can be offered to develop attention and perseverance? This could be making words from cubes, playing shop with a score, finding differences, crafts (plasticine, paper - develops fine motor skills hands), drawing, coloring, putting together puzzles, mosaics. Show your imagination, come up with your own games.

Perseverance is one of the important states of a person, thanks to which he achieves his goals in life. Perseverance combines such qualities as patience, attention, determination, self-control - when it requires doing work in a sedentary state and bringing it to completion within a certain period of time.

Therefore, a child’s perseverance is developed from a young age. It is important for parents of a baby to know that the first toys should be few. It is imperative to ensure that the baby plays with each one sequentially, and not with all of them at the same time, that is, concentrates attention on one toy at a certain period of time.

Games and activities for the development of perseverance instill in the child concentration, purposefulness, and the ability to apply these qualities. Let's look at some of them.

1. "Beans and Peas". The easiest way to practice with your child at home is to mix bulk products, for example, different types of pasta, peas and beans, and together with your child, sort each product into a separate box. This game is for children who understand that this is not a finished product and bulk products cannot be put into the mouth.

2. "Let's finish what we started" We read a long story, stories about animals, a fairy tale for several days. Even if the story does not captivate the child, we try by any means to convince the child that the ending is very interesting, we change the voice, intonation, laughter and pity. It is advisable to ask your child what you read yesterday before each subsequent reading, and let him retell what he remembers.

3. “Find the mistake.” Children love to solve riddles, this activity is based on finding the wrong image. Such coloring books are sold in stores, or parents can draw them themselves, for example, bread growing on trees, a car that drives on the sea, the sun on the ground and not in the sky.

4. "Assembling a bracelet". Make a bracelet with your child from old beads and seed beads and be sure to show them in what order the beads should be strung according to color. This activity develops the child’s attention, memory and perseverance.

5. "New Year's serpentine". We cut strips of colored paper or foil, glue the first ring, thread the second strip through it and glue the second ring. The serpentines are multi-colored, rustling and long. Children are happy to do Christmas decorations, as an option, cutting out snowflakes - ask your child to make a certain number of snowflakes while sitting at the table. The activity develops concentration and self-control.

6."Cooking dumplings". Little children love to hang out in the kitchen with their mother, making dumplings, dumplings, pies, roll out the dough and ask the child to cut out circles with a glass into which you will put the minced meat. At lunch, be sure to praise your baby, tell him that without his participation, the dumplings would not be so tasty. Joint household work not only develops perseverance in children, but also gradually accustoms them to the idea of ​​household responsibilities.

7. "Napkins". We cut napkins from fabric, or buy ready-made ones, draw drawings with a pencil and together with the baby we embroider, make appliqués, this is an activity for developing self-control and bringing the task to the end. Place ready-made napkins in the kitchen and admire them so that the child can see that he, too, is bringing benefit to the family.

8. "House for a cat and a dog". We take counting sticks and lay out houses for our beloved pets on the table, training not only determination and perseverance, but also learning to count - ask your child to count how many sticks went into each of the houses; if he doesn’t know, introduce him to the basics of arithmetic.

9. "Palaces and castles" from sand on the beach, puzzles, modeling from clay and plasticine, coloring books, sewing clothes for dolls, designing - all these activities are aimed at developing the child’s focus, perseverance and self-control.

When working with children, try not to order, not to put pressure on them, not to impose your opinion, but to communicate in a calm and friendly manner. If the child begins to be distracted by foreign objects, it means he is tired and needs to take a break, but be sure to return to the lesson after 5-10 minutes. Explain to your child that every task must be completed, give examples: dad and mom work for a certain time, schoolchildren study in class from bell to bell, grandma knits socks until she finishes, grandpa reads the newspaper to the end. Try to criticize less and love and praise your children more.
More detailed activities with children are described in our sections:
Coloring books, origami, sculpting from plasticine, rebuses and puzzles.

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Excessive activity in early childhood can cause poor academic performance and constant conflicts with peers. Psychologists advise developing perseverance from early childhood!

Many adults are moved by looking at active kids. Such children always know what to do, are always on the move and fall asleep at night without any problems. But sometimes such activity becomes the cause of restlessness in the child, which prevents parents from planning their day and becomes the main factor in the fact that they rush to show the baby to a specialist. If mom and dad want their baby to fully develop and easily adapt to school in the future, they should know how to teach their child perseverance.

Causes of children's restlessness

Hyperactivity in children manifests itself from a very early age. Usually such babies begin to crawl, walk, and talk early. Parents cannot get enough of their child; for the first few years they are proud of the child’s successes, but closer to 3 years old they begin to grab their heads and do not know how to make the baby sit still.

The main disadvantage of a hyperactive person is that he cannot spend more than 15 minutes in one place. First of all, mothers suffer from this, since they spend most of the time with the child. For women who work from home, constant noise in the house can cause unfulfilled orders and a nervous breakdown. The child's activity interferes and leaves no time for preparing lunch.

You should start teaching your baby perseverance from the moment he turns one year old. By this age, the child already understands the speech of his parents. Mom and dad should tell the baby something interesting during walks, so that he is distracted as little as possible and tries to concentrate on the speech of adults.

Older children should be spoken to in a serious tone. If you speak in a playful tone, the baby will decide that you want to play with him, so he will not be able to adequately perceive the speech. When trying to start reading a new book or playing unfamiliar games, the mother should explain to the baby the purpose of the activity and how he can benefit from this knowledge and skills.

In the event that a child begins to be distracted by extraneous sounds or objects, he should be given time to rest, for example, drink tea from his own preparation with the baby. In this way, you will ensure that the baby gets the rest he needs, after which you can begin the activity you started again.

Activities to develop perseverance

Here are some practical tips for parents who don’t know how to develop perseverance in their children:

  1. If a child has reached the age of two, then it is worth transferring his attention from passive mode to voluntary mode. Read stories to your child and then ask him to tell you the story he just heard. Don’t be lazy to discuss pictures, cartoons, and games with your child. Start playing games that require you to sort objects by color, as well as classify those things that he often uses.
  2. 3-4 months after birth, the baby can focus on a specific object for 3-4 minutes. For this reason, it is important for parents to try to develop attentiveness in their child during these first months. Buy a mobile for the crib, take care of a developmental mat, and also give preference to rattles. One more important point is the contact between the child and the parent. A baby can look at an adult’s face for 20 minutes, as he likes to watch mom and dad’s facial expressions.
  3. Most parents do not know how to instill perseverance in their children. one year old, because this period is marked by excessive activity in the baby, his attempts to take his first steps. If you offer your baby a toy, don’t just give it to him, but make it so that the baby wants to study it. Tell us where the ears of a cat are, what the wheels of a car are for, why the doll has such a fluffy dress.
  4. Actively participate in your little one's learning process big world. Do not forget about the importance of not only providing toys at the baby’s disposal, but also explaining the functions that they perform. Try to have the child play with a small number of toys at a time, it is best to stop at three. If there are more toys, the baby will not be able to focus on them, his attention will be scattered.

As soon as the baby turns one and a half years old, parents need to purchase educational toys. It is advisable to buy large soft puzzles, which have a beneficial effect on the development and attention of the baby. At first, adults will have to help Sun or daughter assemble a whole picture from small pieces, but over time he will learn to do this himself. If your toddler already knows how to hold a pencil in his hand, then buy him a coloring book or learn new ones

Many preschool children and younger schoolchildren It is difficult to find the strength for boring activities.

Monotonous tasks cause boredom in them, accompanied, at best, by fidgeting in their chair.

At worst, the little one refuses to perform at all homework, changing the activity to something more fun and interesting. How to develop a child’s perseverance and help him concentrate on what’s important?

The child is restless - what to do?

Most often, parents of first-graders face this problem. Accustomed to kindergarten entertainment, the little ones are completely inattentive in their studies and have difficulty sitting through the allotted hours at school.

Patience, attentiveness, concentration, perseverance - these are all birds of a feather. All these qualities should be developed in a child.

Perseverance as a character trait begins to develop in preschoolers at the age of 5-6 years. But even during these years, the child’s attention remains involuntary and can abruptly switch between objects.

But curiosity comes to the fore - it is this that helps the little ones without special effort and concentration to master global materials and gain a lot of knowledge.

Attention and perseverance develop differently in girls and boys, in children with different personalities.

An impressionable, anxious, dreamy boy will be more distracted than a serious girl. There are also individual characteristics, and they should also be taken into account.

Perhaps now your son will only be able to concentrate on tasks for 5 minutes. Respect his character, conduct short lessons, and the baby will surprise you!

Developing perseverance and attention

If attention is long-term concentration on some task or object, then perseverance is its closest relative.

It is this that allows you to bring what you started to the end, without interruption if it becomes boring and uninteresting. Both of these traits can be developed and nurtured at home.

1. Instill in your child the habit of finishing things.

Have you started cleaning? Don't leave the broom halfway. Are you going to wash the dishes? Please wash everything, not just one cup. Are you drawing a card for grandma? Don't force your dad to color the remaining tulips for you.

Often parents themselves connive: he’s still small, he’s tired, let him rest! And from his adoring mother, the little one learns that it is not necessary to finish what he started if he suddenly doesn’t want to.

2. Do not yell at your child if he is fidgety, inattentive and distracted.

Especially if we are talking about an uninteresting task. That is why in the first years of life, children are offered only entertaining activities.

But even in older years, it is difficult for children to sit still - remember yourself at a young age: the sun is outside the window, but you need to cram a textbook. The phrases “Sit still, stop fidgeting!” and the like have little pedagogical impact.

Kind hints are much more effective: “Look, if you try a little more, you will finish this page.” Invite your child to choose the task himself: “What would you like to do today?”

3. Start small.

Break tasks into parts so that they take 5-10 minutes to complete. Gradually increase the time to 15-20 minutes. Alternate different types activities, it will be more interesting for the child.

Strive for each mini-lesson (be it drawing, copywriting, reading the Primer, articulatory gymnastics) to have a logical conclusion. Let the child have the feeling that he has finished his work.

Desperately praise your little one for every task completed.

4. The task should be fun.

Any lesson can be presented as an adventure, a fairy tale, the magic of possibilities.

Before you start mastering the Primer, show your child a new book that he will soon be able to read on his own - this is real magic! Do not forget about dialogue and emotional parental support throughout the lesson.

5. Praise wisely and abundantly.

Let your child know for sure that he achieved success thanks to his perseverance. “Look, you did it! I am proud of you. You tried, showed patience (just like an adult!) and did everything right, well done.”

6. Do not insist if the child is sick or too tired.

It is worth developing perseverance in children only when they are in good mood, healthy, active, kind and cheerful. Otherwise, you will discourage all desire to try and learn.

7. Don't overdo tasks.

Many compassionate grandmothers, taking the baby from preparatory group kindergarten, in the evenings they give the child tests, repetition of what he has learned, and additional classes.

The older generation has the impression that children are not given enough care, and preparation for school falls on their experienced and resilient shoulders.

In fact, the volume of material in older groups is very large, and children come home exhausted. This is their rightful rest time - don’t insist!