Equestria girls are evil. Equestria girls games. What magic can do is a real victory

Equestria Girl games open doors for you, leading to a mysterious land where magic is as common as science in our world. But it is worth taking a closer look at its inhabitants, as you understand that the difference that separates us is not so great. The girls living in this magical land love the same things as we do, and therefore, having once got into the world of people, the pony girls easily fit into the usual course of things for us and became their own. It all started by accident when Sunset Shimmer managed to steal the crown from Twilight and escaped into the human world. Twilight could not allow this to happen and went after Sunset, where she also became a human. Such an unpleasant theft was the impetus for an amazing discovery, real magic and subsequent adventures.

A variety of plots of the game Equestria Girls

To begin, let's choose beautiful hairstyle for Rarity. To do this, grab it with the mouse and drag it to the heroine, and then release it. The new styling will fall into place by itself, and you just have to determine the color individual strands, which are hidden under the next icon. Experiment until you get the result you like. You can change her outfit by dressing her up in a dress or choosing from the many options:

  • blouse,
  • shirts,
  • shorts
  • skirts
  • breeches.

Combine them so that they match in color and style, and then choose sandals, shoes or boots that match the ensemble. When the costume is completed, look at the skin color change options - the fantastic horse will easily change into all the colors of the rainbow.

Friendship is the miracle of the Equestria girl, it is also a game with music. Go to the disco with your girlfriends and learn to dance with them. When the course is over, you will demonstrate your acquired skills at the dance school. Well, together with the sweet tooth Pinkie Pie, you will open your own confectionery - a paradise for gourmets and gourmets. There is always plenty of cakes, buns, tubes of cream, sweets, cakes, jams, preserves and marmalade, ice cream and cookies. And to make the shop more popular, help Pinky sell goodies and make a profit from them.

May Little Pony Equestria Girls games are waiting for you, allowing you to play in a variety of directions. There is also a quest in which Twilight Sparkle and her friends from Ponyville ended up in Equestria and now they need help with completing tasks so that they reach their intended goal. Another pony girl, Apple Jack, decided to open a salon. Visit her institution and put yourself in order to become even more beautiful and attractive. Even young skin needs special care, and you will learn about the rules for creating a style in the appropriate grooming game.

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How the Equestria Girls were born

Many young fans of the animated series "My Lovely Ponies - Friendship is Magic", as well as just fans of ponies, believe that Equestria Girls are an ordinary full-length addition to the series and they appeared at the will of the writers, but the story of their appearance is much more interesting, you just need to look a little deeper .

The company Hasbro, which is the creator and owner of all the rights to the My Lovely Ponies series, was founded back in 1923 and at the beginning produced only school supplies. Hasbro was engaged in the creation of colorful pencils, pens, pencil cases, plasticine and other small things. However, noticing that colorful pictures with drawn characters began to gain popularity and grew into entire series school supplies, the company gradually began to change the course of its development and began to create a variety of toys. Until 1952, Hasbro produced a lot of different toys. These were plastic dolls and soft teddy bears and even bouncy castles. The company developed, but it was impossible to say that at least one of the series was a great success. And only in 1952 a unique toy of its kind was created, called "Mr. Potato Head". It was from this toy that the popularity of the company beloved by many children went uphill. Later, two more very popular series also appeared, one "My Little Ponies" for girls and the second "Transformers" for boys.

But how does all this relate to the new series, because the dolls, series and games of Equestria Girls: Pony Friendship is a Miracle appeared much later and have nothing to do with what happened in the company in the middle of the 20th century. It appears to be related. In 1945, another toy company, Mattel, enters the market, and subsequently quickly gains popularity. Starting in the 1960s, a serious confrontation began between the two largest toy manufacturers Mattel and Hasbro. However, Mattel specialized specifically in dolls, while its rival produced other products. Therefore, Mattel very quickly pulled ahead in this market, especially after the creation of the most popular series "Barbie" and "Monster High School". In the human doll market, the creators of Equestria Girls have always been in second place and have never been able to create a single series that has won great success.

And here the series of pony toys updated in 2010, friendship is a miracle, which is becoming very popular again, enters the stage. Pony figurines sell like hot cakes, and not only children buy them, but also many adults. However, the figurines still cannot compete with the doll market. And of course, the marketers of the corporation have a desire to compete with Mattel. So the development of a feature film, dolls and a computer game of a girl from Equestria begins. At the very beginning, it was planned that due to the popularity of the series, new project could compete with Barbie, however, due to the fact that it was necessary to maintain the similarity with a pony, the dolls could not look like ordinary people and had to be painted in different colors. And so a new competitor to the popular Monster High series appeared.

Film making and sequels

The feature-length animated film about Equestria Girls was released in June 2013, and thanks to an active advertising campaign, as well as an army of My Little Pony fans, it brought its creators a good income. Moreover, the income was brought not only by the screening of the film in cinemas, but also by the sale of toys and various souvenirs. Thanks to this film, the popularity of Hasbro dolls even overshadowed their main competitor, Monster High, for some time. True, now, the monsters have again taken the lead again. This is due to the fact that no new films have been released yet, and the old one is gradually being forgotten. True, fans still have the opportunity to play Equestria Girls: May Little Ponies online on various sites. And yet, a sequel has already been announced, which should be released in the fall of 2014.


The connection between the original version of the Equestria animated series and the feature film is very tenuous. However, the plot of the plot begins in the world of ponies, when Sunset Shimmer (Twilight's main rival) steals the crown of the princess, without which the defense of fairyland is greatly weakened. During the battle and Sparkle, this crown falls into a mirror, which miraculously turns out to be a portal to another world. After Sunset Shimmer notices that the crown falls into the portal, she jumps after it, but Twilight, along with her faithful assistant Spike, has no choice but to move from Equestria to another world. After moving through the portal, we understand that our heroes ended up in a parallel world in which people live together with ponies. And so begins the adventures of Sparkle in human form.

Well, after watching the movie, all the free games of Equestria Girls: Pony Friendship is a Miracle are available for you, which are posted on this page. Play with your friends and create new virtual worlds with your favorite characters!

They are simple and understandable to everyone. This is kindness, friendship, mutual assistance and respect. Love for nature and the people around you. Honesty, openness, nobility. Belief in miracles and the desire to give them to others. That which makes a man a man.

Probably because all of the above is fully inherent in the characters of the animated series "Friendship is a miracle", he enjoys a long and unrelenting love of the audience. And the Equestria Girls games created based on him are as popular as their TV ancestor. Their heroines are the bearers of the best human qualities. And although it’s impossible to call girls from Equestria people, games about them don’t get any worse from this. Download them whenever you feel tired of bad news and want to plunge into the world of joy and positive.

good, good story

Though Online Games Girls from Equestria are very different, they all have one common feature - a benevolent plot. Whatever the charming pony girls from magical land, in their every action, kindness and tenderness shine through. These properties in themselves are very captivating, and in combination with cool graphics and exciting adventures unfolding on the screen, they turn the gameplay into a real miracle. Did you miss surprises, miraculous transformations and joyful surprises? Then you are here!

The best entertainment for girls

Toys about ponies - the inhabitants of magical Equestria, as well as about their second incarnation - pretty girls, will capture your attention for a long time. And this is understandable. After all, they love everything the same as you: cool music, bosom girlfriends, new outfits, spin in front of the mirror, beautiful jewelry, exciting trips and fun parties. And in between entertainment, they do not forget to study, clean up (not only in houses, but throughout the country) and do good deeds, helping everyone who needs it. Agree, a good example to follow.

And more great news: you can spend as much time with your favorite pony girls as you want. After all, all games about them are available on our website at any time of the day or night, and completely free of charge. Come on in and have a blast!

Equestria Girls games is one of the most favorite categories of online games for girls, which is based on the popular cartoon series about the adventures of little horses. Together with the main characters, you will find yourself in a real parallel world and you can help them get used to such an unusual and slightly frightening environment.

Initially, the heroines of these games were charming pony horses that lived in a magical kingdom headed by Princess Celestia. But a misfortune happened: one of the princess's favorite students tricked her into stealing her crown and fled to a parallel world. The ponies went after her, but no one suspected that they would turn into the most ordinary girls there!

Each girl from the game Equestria Girls is similar to her prototype. They have magnificent multi-colored hair, reminiscent of the mane of horses, languid eyes with a veil, and a cheerful laugh that leaves no one indifferent. Together they are a real team that will always come to the aid of each other.

You can choose with them any category of Equestria Girls mini-games that you like: drawing, dressing up, rpg, cooking or music. Download them to your browser and play at any free time.

  • Year: 2015
  • Genre: cartoon , fantasy , family
  • Category: cartoon
  • Country: USA
  • Alto. title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
  • Producer: Ishi Rudell, Jason Thiessen
  • Producer: Devon Cody, Stephen Davis, Kersten Newlands
  • Screenwriter: Josh Haber, Lauren Faust
  • Premiere World: September 17, 2015
  • Time: 70 min.

Tara Strong, Rebecca Scheuket, Ashley Ball, Andrea Liebman, Tabitha St. Germain, Cathy Wesluck, Iris Quinn, Nicole Oliver, Britt McKillip, Vincent Tong

Watch cartoons online for free without registration and SMS! My cartoon is waiting for you on the page little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games, which can be watched online at good quality hd! We know how people love to watch cartoons and, therefore, we have prepared a large and, most importantly, diverse database of various works that you can watch at any time convenient for you! Brief description, trailer, cast, release date and reviews are available right on this page. Do not stop there, watch on all current devices: android, phone, iPhone, tablet, PC and TV. Didn't like the cartoon? It's OK! We have such an extensive database of works that can surprise even an avid movie fan who asks the question: how to watch all this?! We wish you a pleasant viewing!

At the center of the events of this series are cute ponies who were turned into people taking part in sports competitions. Once again, love, friendly empathy and support, envy, emotional upheaval will be affected in the animation. Suddenly, even for themselves, they reveal unforeseen aspects of their behavior, they have new friends and relationships that promise to reveal more and more new sides of their personality. Thanks to the new relationship, the cartoon has a completely unpredictable and surprising climax. Most of all, Sunset's behavior has changed, her character now manifesting itself in a completely unexpected way. This makes other ponies worry and worry, whose change has not become so strong. Each cartoon character is overtaken by the most real feelings that people very often face: social problems, problems with communication with other people, forgiveness, love, hope, friendship, betrayal. It is very difficult for ponies who have not faced such problems so closely to rehabilitate themselves in the world of people and find solutions from various situations. Only unity and self-confidence can help them overcome all difficulties.