How to decorate a pine tree for the New Year. How to decorate a New Year tree (40 photos): unusual and traditional design. Basic rules for decorating a Christmas tree

The eve of such a holiday as the New Year always turns into the most wonderful time, because it at least briefly returns adults to childhood, and gives children the opportunity to experience the feeling of a fairy tale.

The coming year will pass under the sign of the Dog; when decorating the New Year tree in 2018, you should take this into account. The colors of the decorations should be bright and catchy.

When decorating a festive interior, you need to use as many shiny objects, tinsel, and sparkling New Year's garlands as possible. In addition, 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so the shades of this element should prevail in the Christmas tree decoration - red, orange, brown, yellow. Please the hostess of the year, and she will give you good luck and success in various areas of life.

Basic rules for decorating a Christmas tree

To make your green beauty look as stylish and bright as possible, you can use the basic algorithms for decorating it. More often Christmas balls are hung in a chaotic, random order, the garlands are wound in a circle, and the tree seems to be ready.

However, in fact, there are several rules that can turn a Christmas tree into a real work of art.

The first way to decorate the 2018 New Year tree is to arrange toys of the same size and type in a spiral. To begin with, we place the garlands on the tree in a spiral, then we hang toys of the same color in one helical line, so we get several spirals various colors on the Christmas tree.

You can decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog in a different way. This method is more strict; when using it, the garlands are arranged in straight vertical lines from the crown to the lower branches, Christmas tree decorations are hung longitudinally in accordance with the color, and tinsel will look very beautiful and unusual if you tie it with bows between the lines of toys.

For those who prefer more classic style decorations, you will like the ring way to dress it up. In this case, the balls are placed around the spruce, taking into account their increasing size towards the lower branches, and New Year's garlands and tinsel are wound in rings.

How to decide on the color scheme of the Christmas tree

In 2018, the coniferous beauty should shine and sparkle as much as possible, but this does not mean that you need to hang toys of all the colors of the rainbow on it. Do not forget about the competent selection of shades of decorations when decorating a festive tree. The most successful color combinations in the coming year will be:

  • Red and yellow;
  • Brown and gold;
  • Red and white;
  • Green, yellow and red.

At the same time, in 2018 it is better to avoid cold shades, for example, blue or silver. You can slightly dilute the color scheme with them, but the main emphasis should be on bright, fiery shades.

The most cozy style of Christmas tree outfit

In modern times, the handmade style in decorating a holiday tree is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because the New Year is a family holiday, which should bring peace and comfort to the house, unite families together, and such an important detail as a Christmas tree greatly contributes to creating the right atmosphere in the house.

In addition, pre-New Year preparations are a great opportunity to spend time with your family and children, captivate them with the process of creating New Year's toys with your own hands and then decorating the tree together. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year in 2018 by making decorations with your own hands?

There can be a huge number of ideas for this. Perhaps you have a hobby that will help you make interesting Christmas tree decorations self made. Sewing and knitting are the most common ways to make toys, but other unusual methods can also be used.

Do-it-yourself edible decorations will be one of the most enjoyable ways to decorate a holiday tree for a child, because it is not only entertaining and beautiful, but also delicious.

Small ginger cookies different shapes, covered with confectionery glaze bright color, candies in shiny wrappers, chocolate - all this will help you decorate the tree in an unusual way, just do not forget that chocolate, additionally heated by New Year's garlands, tends to melt quickly. Therefore, a tree decorated in this way is unlikely to stay with you throughout the holidays.

Gifts of nature

You can start preparing for the holiday in advance, from the beginning of the year, by collecting any items with which you will later decorate the tree. These can be dried fruits, shells, pine cones, flowers from the herbarium, which need to be coated with varnish and glitter before the holiday.

From natural material you can make very beautiful and unusual New Year's toys with your own hands.

Your hobby

Collecting is another hobby that can help you create an unusual outfit for a coniferous beauty. If you collect any items - stamps, coins, badges, then you can use them in decorating your holiday interior.

How to decorate the top of a tree in 2018?

The completion of the outfit for a festive Christmas tree is always the decoration on its top. What can you choose as a tree top in the new year 2018?

The most common decoration used for decoration Christmas tree top– standard red star. In addition, it will be advantageously combined in color with the recommended shades of the 2018 New Year tree outfit in the coming Year of the Yellow Dog.

Christmas tree toppers in the shape of angels are becoming increasingly popular. The fashion for them came to us from the Catholic faith. A figurine of Jesus can also crown the holiday tree.

To attract good luck to your home, you can choose the symbol of the coming year, that is, the actual figurine of a cockerel, as a top for the spruce tree. It will harmoniously complete the image of the festive tree and appease the owner of the year. We hope that these tips will help you make the festive interior of your home as stylish and unusual as possible, because the New Year tree is main symbol this wonderful holiday, giving the house comfort and the atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Whether you make your own decorations or buy expensive Christmas tree balls and New Year's garlands in a luxury store, this is not so important, the main thing is love and attention, which will make your holiday tree the most beautiful and elegant.

Decide how to decorate christmas tree for the arrival of 2016, it is no less important than coming up with an outfit for yourself or creating a menu for festive table. The forest beauty must comply with a whole list of New Year's "monkey" rules, because the symbol of the coming year is a cheerful, capricious creature with its own quirks!

The Year of the Red Fire Monkey obliges us to move away from the tradition of quiet celebration and celebrate it stormy, fun, bright and unforgettable. Your Christmas tree should also please the Mistress of the Year, so you should think carefully about its outfit. Our proposals are the top 5 current decor options suitable for.

Idea #1: Classic style

Classic never goes out of style, and it looks festive. There is nothing wrong with taking an ordinary Christmas tree and decorating it with familiar toys. We only recommend making a small and very important change. Since the coming year is passing under, choose all the toys in red tones - yellow and soft pink, orange and bright scarlet, cyclamen and purple-violet.

All fiery colors and shades will be in trend in 2016! If there are not enough red toys, buy more. They can be hung on the Christmas tree with narrow red, gold or silver ribbons tied in a bow. The combination of red and gold looks very rich. A Christmas tree decorated exclusively with balls will look especially impressive.

The main color of 2016 is red, so choose your toys wisely!

For example, the balls are red, but different sizes can be arranged on the tree from large (bottom) to small (top), i.e. The higher the spruce paws, the smaller the balls. We suggest decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a huge red (gold, silver) nylon bow or a traditional star - if you want to be original, then an eight-pointed one would be very appropriate.

You can use the figure of an angel or large artificial exotic flowers. By the way, the flowers are in red and pink tones can be attached to the branches of a Christmas tree - this decoration is quite in the spirit of the Monkey. A variety of tinsel, cords with neon lights and nylon bows will make your forest beauty the most fashionable - the Monkey loves color and shine.

Idea No. 2: Rainbow Christmas tree

By the time the Year of the Red Monkey arrives, the Christmas tree should sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. This is not difficult to do - first, start decorating with garlands, winding them in a spiral from the top. Now your tree is sort of divided into sections. If you have a tall tree, then it can be divided in height into 6-7 sections. Each section should be decorated with toys of the same color and approximately the same size.

Options for "rainbow" Christmas tree decor for the New Year 2016

Decorations should be arranged in a spiral pattern in a rainbow sequence. At the very bottom you will have, for example, red toys, the next section will be orange, then yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. This way, from a distance your tree will look like a rainbow. And when you turn on the garland, all the toys will sparkle with different lights, shimmering and reflecting each other. Believe me - it's very elegant!

Idea #3: Monkey Christmas tree

Monkeys have a big sweet tooth, so the Mistress of the Year will be very happy if you decorate the New Year's tree with all sorts of goodies: candies in bright candy wrappers, nuts wrapped in multi-colored foil, small tangerines and long lollipops. This “edible” Christmas tree will appeal to guests - especially children. Treats can be taken directly from the branches.

Gingerbread cookies, lollipops and sweets - best decoration for the Christmas tree in the Year of the Monkey!

By the way, you can “update” them at any time: as soon as the rows of candies thin out, it’s worth hanging more. This way the Christmas tree can play the role of a “sweet table”. One thing to consider is that all candies must have a wrapper. If there is no wrapper (nuts, candies, marmalade, marshmallows), then buy several pieces of beautiful New Year's wrapping paper and wrap the sweets in them.

The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated with a chocolate hare or a snowman (in a candy wrapper), or candies in the shape of Santa Claus' staffs. You can plant a plush toy monkey under the tree - or even on top of it. Then the Red Monkey will definitely not miss your house when distributing gifts! Use your imagination or ask your children for advice - and your Christmas tree will be tasty, unusual and memorable.

Idea No. 4: Eco-Christmas tree

There is nothing wrong with meeting the turbulent Year of the Fire Monkey in a quiet home circle. The monkey is a very family creature, she adores her children and home comfort, which means she will be favorable to those who value their family more noisy companies and fireworks. You can also get the Monkey’s favor by decorating a modest Christmas tree without tinsel, gold and silver. But what to decorate it with?

The most environmentally friendly decoration for the Christmas tree - small cookies

Every housewife will bake something for the holiday. So why not bake tiny cookies with a silhouette of a monkey, bananas, pineapples, palm trees and tropical flowers? It can also be snowflakes and Christmas trees, snowmen and bunnies, boots and sleighs - creativity should go off scale! Cookies can be decorated with protein glaze, sprinkled with confectionery edible stars, balls and sticks. Then it will be not only appetizing, but also colorful.

Bake the figures and then hang them on the Christmas tree. You can also use beautifully colored pine cones, dried fruits and crafts decorated with beads and glitter. Under the Christmas tree or on its branches, place hand-sewn bags, boots or knitted envelopes in which you can put small gifts or notes with wishes. Handmade decorations will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone at home!

Idea No. 5: Feng Shui Christmas tree

If we adhere to the eastern calendar, then the traditions of Feng Shui are also worth taking into account. To begin with, the New Year tree must be natural and not artificial. You should also pay attention to the place where you are going to place your forest beauty.

According to Feng Shui, the right decorations can influence your future.
  • If what you would like most in the New Year is love, then the tree should be placed in the farthest right corner. It should be decorated with shiny crystals, silk ribbons and hearts, but all toys must be paired. It is very good if they hang on ropes intertwined with each other. Color Christmas tree decorations– red and pink, at the top of the tree – a red heart.
  • If you need money, then the tree should be in the far left corner. The main shade is silver. The Christmas tree must be decorated with coins and banknotes (you can make flowers, butterflies and birds from them).
  • If your goal is a career (this has nothing to do with money - only career growth and promotion), then it is better to place the Christmas tree opposite the front door, against the wall. Decorations depend on the type of work you want to get - strict or creative, elegant or shocking.
  • If you dream of having children, decorate the Christmas tree in the right corner closest to the door. Of course, the toys should be for children, very cute, but made with their own hands. Draw, sew, knit, bake - it’s all up to you! Be sure to decorate the top with an angel.
  • If you want to travel, the tree should be installed in the middle of the right wall. Decorate it as you wish, but be sure to hang symbols of the country where you want to go - a small Eiffel Tower, a Mexican sombrero or Japanese fan, For example.
  • If you want to spend time with friends all year round, place the tree in the left corner closest to the door. It's good if all your friends give you one toy.
  • If you put a Christmas tree in the middle of the room, then you will get a little bit of everything from the Red Monkey. This is probably not the worst option!
  • If the corner you need is occupied and there is no way to put a Christmas tree there, then replace it with fir branches in a vase and decorate them accordingly - the effect will be similar. This is what the Feng Shui masters say.

We wish that the Monkey will appreciate the decoration of your Christmas tree and give you all the benefits!


The patroness of 2018 is the Yellow Dog. To spend this year in prosperity and attract good luck, you need to add this year’s attribute to your interior. How to create a festive atmosphere in your home? Let's try to figure it out.

Color palette of 2018

Each year has its own color scheme. What shades will the new year 2018 be full of:

  1. Red is a classic of the genre. Various ribbons, hearts, Santa Claus toys and red threads decorate homes every year.
  2. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog, therefore yellow and Brown color in that New Year are especially relevant.
  3. Orange and beige will make your home cozier. It could be balls or rain of these colors.
  4. Blue is an attribute of winter frosts, and also a relevant color for winter decorations.
  5. Green and silver should also be present in the New Year's interior.

Each room is decorated differently

In the New Year, a festive atmosphere should reign in every room. And we want to tell you what tricks you can use to decorate your home.

Entrance door

A familiar door decoration for all of us for the New Year is a Christmas wreath. You can buy this decorative element, or, if you wish, make it yourself. For this, everything that comes to hand is used: Christmas tree branches, balls, cones, ribbons and bows, colorful berries, even wine corks. We use our imagination and create a unique and interesting element to decorate the door.

Santa Claus on the door, it's creative and interesting! To create it you also need to use your imagination. All you need is a pair of skillful hands and available materials. A snow-white beard can be made from a bow, and a New Year's red hat can be purchased at the store. If possible, Santa Claus can be sewn, made from plasticine, wood or even foam plastic.

Windows and furniture

Windows, mirrors and glass cabinet doors should also be elegant for the holiday. There are many original ideas how to decorate them for the New Year. Each of them is interesting in its own way, and you just have to choose the appropriate option.

Classic - cutting out snowflakes from paper. Everyone can do this, and the finished drawing is simply attached to a smooth surface. You can attach paper stencils to the window using ordinary water: fill a plate with water, put the design element in it and carefully apply it to the window.

Artificial snow will help make this design more interesting. As in the first case, we apply the wetted paper to the window, apply artificial snow to the surface in an even layer, and then simply remove the paper.

Interesting to know! If you need an economical option for such decoration, you can use toothpaste. We dilute it with water and apply it to the window with a stencil using a sponge or toothbrush.

Holiday in the kitchen

The kitchen in the New Year should also be elegant and colorful. Often it is in the kitchen that a ceremonial feast takes place, and this room should be prepared for the New Year. You need to hang festive decorative elements on the walls, ceiling and even on furniture.

Chairs and tablecloth on the table can be decorated with beautiful embroidery. In addition, the tablecloth can be decorated with a beautiful edging. You can place a beautiful Yellow Dog figurine in the middle of the table to appease this year's symbol. You can hang spruce branches, bows and balls on the walls. Don't forget about the window in the kitchen. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

Preparing the bedrooms

Even on holidays, your bedroom should remain a place where you can relax and unwind. That is why there should be a minimum of decorations in this room. Add a few light bulbs, not very bright, place a couple of themed figurines around the bedroom, and hang New Year's balls. This is enough for the bedroom.

Video: how to decorate a room for the holiday

New Year in the living room

There are no rules for decorating your living room for the New Year, decorate the way you like. Of course, the main festive element in this room is the Christmas tree. In addition, this room needs to be decorated as much as possible.

Use all your imagination. Decorate windows, window sills, walls. Place figurines on the TV. Place on all shelves various toys and tinsel. Don't be afraid to use garlands! The living room should shine in the new year!

Decorating the Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year, and the green beauty must be in every home. The first thing you should think about is which Christmas tree to buy: artificial or real? Today, more and more people prefer to buy artificial wood, because it has many advantages over natural wood.

Advantages of an artificial Christmas tree:

  1. Saving. An artificial Christmas tree lasts at least 10 years, but costs the same as a natural one.
  2. Aesthetics. Unlike natural wood, the artificial version is equally smooth on all sides, and a wide range of stores will help you choose a tree of the desired height, color, and maximum lushness.
  3. Nature conservation. Many people choose an artificial tree to save the world from the annual cutting down of thousands of trees.
  4. Ease of use. This tree can be installed at any time, and you don’t have to wait for the start of the season. Moreover, it is very easy to store and install.

Advice! If you have chosen artificial Christmas tree white, remember, it is decorated with plain toys and rain.

This year you need to decorate the Christmas tree modestly. There should be a minimum of toys and rain. Considering that this year’s patroness is a dog, it is advisable to decorate the New Year’s tree with natural toys: straw dolls, twigs and wooden toys. Dog figurines are a must-have attribute of the Christmas tree in 2018. She will bring love, material and spiritual well-being, and a sea of ​​love into the house.

A few more ideas

If you add to New Year's decor a few additional elements, with their help you can attract good luck and prosperity to your home. The eastern horoscope claims that a yellow dog will bring happiness to the house, but the following elements should be added to the decorations of the New Year tree and the entire house:

  1. Good luck will be called into the house by bells. This year they definitely need to be complemented with ribbons and bows in green or of blue color.
  2. If you want to attract financial well-being, place baskets of artificial flowers around your home.
  3. Bags of coffee beans will become a magnet for family well-being.

Photo: gallery of ideas for decorating your home for the New Year

What do we know about the art of decorating a Christmas tree? Decorating it is not as easy as it seems at first glance! Christmas trees are different, which means the outfit depends on the beauty herself. Any girl picks up New Year's dress which will highlight her advantages. In this way, the New Year’s tree looks like any capricious “princess”. It needs to be decorated in such a way that the toys attract attention, please the eye, and evoke a magical New Year's mood. Let's get acquainted in general terms with modern trends in Christmas tree decorations.

Arrangement of decorations on the Christmas tree If you want your beauty to sparkle and shimmer, then start decorating it with garlands. They are located along the “main meridians”. That is, flashlights emphasize the “geometry of decorations.” And she can be anyone. The screw arrangement of toys of the same type looks beautiful. For example, balls - different color and size. This “architecture” is emphasized by tinsel, which follows the line of the garlands.

You can arrange toys along longitudinal lines. Then you won’t have to wrap the garland around the tree, but take several and lower them from the top along the branches to the base. This design is decorated with tinsel. It is not necessary to hang all decorative elements along the lines. Tinsel can be tied in huge bows and placed between the “lines”.

By analogy, you can choose a “ring” method of arranging toys. In this case, decorations are hung at the same level. Here, monotonous toys (for example, balls), increasing in size towards the bottom of the Christmas tree, will look original. You can not focus on the “lines”, but arrange the decorations in any order. It is more important to adhere to a certain style in decorating the Christmas tree.

Color combinations Chic and elegance are sometimes achieved simple methods. So, choosing the color of the decor will create a certain mood. In addition, it is recommended to select a range taking into account the colors of the coming 2016. The Fire Monkey gravitates towards red and all its shades, bright and shiny. She also likes yellow, orange, and brown colors. Bright, variegated colors, like tropical buds, will also suit the taste of the hostess of the year.

It’s better to put off faded colors this year. Bright colors - this is what the hostess of the year will like! Why drive away your luck with your own hands? But if you don’t believe in horoscopes, then decorate the Christmas tree as you please!

Traditional style in Christmas tree decoration
If you don’t want to run around for exclusive toys, then it’s quite possible to come up with an original outfit for the beauty from what you already have. Traditional style involves ordinary decorations. Let everything shine and sparkle! And you can polish her image with a few bows from gift ribbon, or decorate the very tips of the needles with shiny varnish. Try decorating your Christmas tree with postcards or pictures that are appropriate for the holiday.

Christmas tree in Country style
Handmade jewelry is becoming increasingly popular. These are all kinds of knitted products (socks, mittens, hats, and so on); hand-sewn handbags or fairies. You must select an option in advance. If you want your Christmas tree to not look like a “dump of ideas,” then stop at one thing. For example, miniature Santa boots, complemented by rain and a pair of other snowmen, will look great. There are no restrictions in this image other than the choice of theme. And the good thing about it is that it’s nice to make all these “delights” with your own hands. Knitters enjoy making knitted snowflakes or balls. Those who love to sew - sculpt vests or skirts. You can put notes with wishes to each participant in the holiday in small handbags or backpacks. In general, the scope for creativity is unlimited!

How to decorate a Christmas tree in Eco-style?
Another idea for decorating a Christmas tree is gaining popularity. Eco-style involves making decor from natural materials and substances. These include dried fruits, wooden crafts, pine cones and home-made gingerbread. Of course, dried fruits must be prepared for such an honorable function. To do this, you can coat them with varnish or special paint; stick on beads or sparkles.

Modern creative decor
Decorating a New Year's tree can become a kind of self-expression, a demonstration of the main idea. Thus, in the offices of large companies it is customary to decorate the New Year’s symbol with the product of this enterprise. Naturally, you can’t attach an oil derrick to a Christmas tree, but you can choose appropriate toys. In a library or editorial office they decorate with stylized “volumes”, in a cafe - with confectionery, and so on. Here are photos of the most unusual Christmas trees.

You can do the same at home. For example, have you already made a plan for the year? Do you understand what you expect from the near future? So why not reflect your thoughts in Christmas tree toys? If you dream of the southern sea, then pick up toys in the form of swimming accessories, fins, circles, and exotic fruits. Do you want a new apartment? There is also something to dream about here. Such a tree will be completely unusual and filled with deep meaning.

How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui? If you want to celebrate the New Year according to Feng Shui, then you need to start from the place where the Christmas tree stands. The tree must be natural. The outfit should call it warm feelings. To strengthen love and friendship, use paired jewelry, to attract money - coins, to harmonize space - the image of the Mistress of 2016.

In fact, preparation for New Year's holidays– it’s a fascinating, creative, even educational activity. You shouldn't treat him carelessly. Then luck will always be there. She loves creative, courageous, unpredictable people.

The New Year evokes certain associations for every person. This is the time to expect something wonderful and unusual. Children are especially sensitive to this holiday. They carefully choose toys and try as best as possible to decorate the symbol of this wonderful holiday - the Christmas tree. Their parents also come to support them. All these actions resemble a wonderful ritual that lifts goodwill and brings people together.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree? It would seem that the process of transforming an ordinary tree into an excellent and magical symbol of the New Year would be simple. Still, many points need to be taken into account. This includes the choice of the tree itself, the purchase of decorations with garlands, and the preference for the symbol of the coming year - the Year of the Monkey.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Since this tree has always been considered a symbol of the new, coming year, without it the holiday atmosphere will be somehow incomplete. After all, the very fragrance of pine needles and tangerines already evokes the corresponding favor. The choice of Christmas tree should be taken carefully. It should be fresh, not yellowed. Decide on the size and height in advance. The number of decorations will depend on this.

New Year decoration

For the base, you should get all the available toys from a secluded place. Check their condition and appearance. Those that look good and you like can be safely left for this year. If the necessary elements are not enough, they should be supplemented with new ones. The range of toys in stores is so wide that you will certainly find something suitable for yourself. Just remember the size of your tree.

Note! Large balls on a small Christmas tree will not look very attractive. Therefore, select jewelry of optimal sizes.

Think in advance what to put on top: a star, a snowflake, an angel, or something else.

Before hanging, check the garlands to see if they are in good condition. If you want variety, purchase multi-colored garlands with different modes. Calculate the length of the decoration according to the height of the tree.

Note! Should be given Special attention quality and appearance garlands

Complete all existing decorations with rain, tinsel, and beads. These decorative elements will complete the look New Year's tree and will make it more vibrant and interesting.


The process of transforming a simple tree into a remarkable symbol of the holiday should begin with hanging garlands. This should be done with the lights on, as this will make the empty spaces more visible. Then you can hang tinsel, rain and toys.

A color scheme

Required color combination

You also need to decide color scheme, because a combination of different colors can make a Christmas tree unique. They will often combine green and scarlet colors, as well as gold and cube.

Still, more attention should be paid to the actual colors that the Fire Monkey prefers. This is scarlet and all its shades, bright and catchy. Gold, coffee, and orange colors will also be relevant.

The hostess of the year will also like other bright shades. However, it is recommended to use the following color combinations:

  • scarlet and gold;
  • scarlet and white;
  • golden with brown.

Scarlet and gold

Depending on where the Christmas tree will be placed - at home or in the office, the number of colors may be different.

Proper favor of jewelry

As already mentioned, the first thing you need to do is hang the garlands. Their favor should emphasize all the beauty of the other decorations. You can hang garlands using the serpentine principle, in rings or in straight lines. Accordingly, other elements should be placed according to the same principle. Recently, it has become fashionable to place all decorations in a ring, when the balls decrease in size from bottom to top. However, there are some particularly strict recommendations. It is simply important to keep everything in one chosen style.

The final moment will be the installation of figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden under the tree. Near them should be placed beautifully wrapped gifts. After this, the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree - will be ready to delight your eyes.

So what about feng shui?

Those who follow the rules of Feng Shui, come on, or just want to experiment in this regard, should take into account a separate important points. Stick to it such rules:

  • The Christmas tree should be installed in the southern corner of the house.
  • The placement point should be as natural as possible.
  • The image of the tree should look complete and make a pleasant impression.
  • Paired elements, coins, and a figurine of the Fire Monkey should be used as decorations.

Well, in conclusion, it should be noted that preparing for any holiday is a creative and developmental endeavor. You need to approach it with interest and responsibility. Only then, in the coming year, good luck, luck and achievement of your goals will await you.

Examples of Christmas tree decorations:

Lots of gold and red jewelry

White and scarlet design