Competitions for couples in love on February 14. How to have a fun Valentine's Day at school? Games, competitions, entertainment. Competition "Connected by One Chain"

The month of February is famous for such holidays as Defender of the Fatherland Day and Saint Valentine's. On the eve of February 14, it is worth thinking about holding festive events in educational institutions. Interesting competitions on February 14 will be better remembered and will bring bright emotions for schoolchildren and students, in contrast ordinary gifts. Let's consider fun competitions by February 14 for youth. Almost every competition involves dividing participants into two or more teams.

Competitions on February 14 at school

Competitions for schoolchildren on February 14 will help create a fun and unusual festive atmosphere. All these competitions are suitable for both school and other teenage events.

I am a designer. Children are divided into two teams, each of which must create clothes using available materials in a short time. For this, both teams are given newspapers, glue, needles, threads, scissors, tape, paper clips, and a stapler. The winner is the team that created the most interesting clothes.

Knight Tournament. To conduct this competition, an even number of teams of two boys will be required. One of them must be stronger, since it will act as a horse. The second one will be a knight. Each rider, mounted on his horse, fights with plastic swords. The first knight to fall from his horse loses, and the most persistent one will win the competition.

Silent phone. This fun competition for February 14th is similar to the game “Broken Phone”. He will find out who is more attentive, guys or girls? Participants are divided into two teams, the first team consists only of boys, the second - of girls. In both teams, players in a chain pass into each other’s ears the word spoken by the leader to the first team member. The team that says the correct word at the end wins.

Sleight of hand. In this competition, by February 14, the scenario is as follows: participants are divided into two teams (one with boys, the other with girls). Players take turns using Chinese chopsticks to remove refined sugar from a glass of water. The winner is the team that gets all the sugar out the fastest without allowing it to dissolve in the water. This is another competition in which there is competition between participants of the opposite sex.

Sherlock Holmes. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is given a kind of puzzle: a piece of paper cut into pieces with a riddle written in very large size. Players must not only complete the puzzle, but also solve the riddle. The first team to complete the task will be the winner.

The most attractive. This competition will help identify the most charming male representative. Each guy is given a blank sheet of paper and in a short period of time the guys must collect as many “kisses” as possible on their sheet from all the beautiful ladies present. The winner is the participant who received the largest number of kiss prints from the fair sex.

Tied by thread. This competition involves the participation of several teams of two people, a boy and a girl. Each of these pairs is tied with a thread by the arms and legs. Bonded pairs must collect small objects scattered on the floor, this could be, for example, candy or stationery. The team that collects the most items within the allotted time wins.

Competitions and games on February 14

Misunderstanding. This fun competition-game is designed for two - you need a guy and a girl. The presenter gives each of them a task so that the second participant does not hear it. According to the script, the guy must place a chair and screw in the light bulb without being distracted by the girl’s attempts to interfere with him. And the girl is informed that the guy wants to commit suicide - he is trying to hang himself, and she must in any way prevent him from doing this. Each of the participants must complete their task, no matter what. The audience is told the essence of this game.

Urgent Care. The scenario of this competition includes several teams of two people - a guy and a girl. The guys play the role of a seriously wounded warrior, and the girls, given bandages, cotton wool and adhesive plasters, independently provide first aid. medical care. The first team to get the victim back on his feet wins.

The prize is in the riddles. A prize item is taken, wrapped in 10 layers of paper, and a riddle is glued or written on each layer. The host gives the wrapped prize into the hands of one of the players. The participant, removing the wrapper, reads the riddle. Having solved it, he again gets the right to open the package; if he doesn’t guess, then the right passes along the chain to the next participant. The man who solved the riddle last layer paper, and receives this prize.

An entertainment program for Valentine's Day may include:

  • competitions on February 14 for children;
  • competitions on February 14 for schoolchildren;
  • competitions on February 14 for teenagers.

In addition to the proposed competitions, the script festive event You can include a thematic photo competition.

Romantic competitions for Valentine's Day will make the holiday of love bright and unforgettable. Funny Games will cheer up couples in love and create a festive atmosphere.

Also, competitions on February 14 at school or nightclub are a great opportunity for young people to meet their Valentine or Valentine.

    The competition involves 4 “boy-girl” pairs. Each girl is given a ball of thread. The guys are taken to another room. Ladies should unwind their balls and tangle them together, but not create knots. They need to make a kind of labyrinth that their beloved men will have to unravel.

    After that, guys are invited. They must choose and take hold of a specific end of the thread that they believe will lead to their beloved. Each young lady holds her own ball. Holding onto the chosen thread, the guys begin to unravel the threads and approach the girls.

    The winner is the couple in which the guy correctly guesses the paved path to his beloved.

    The competition involves 3 male-female pairs, more are possible. A set of certain things is placed in front of the participants: underpants, pants, belt, T-shirt, button-down shirt, tie, cap. Each pair is offered the same set of items. Things should be cool and large in size.

    The presenter says: “Many men do not know how to get ready on their own. They need to iron things, sew on a button. Therefore, the ladies will help them get ready for work quickly.” The task of women is to dress their man as quickly as possible from all the things offered. The first couple to complete the task wins.

    The competition involves 2 “boy-girl” pairs, more are possible. The leader gives them a task. Girls must find items in the hall that belong to men: a lace, a belt, a tie, a watch, and guys must find women's trinkets: lipstick, a hairpin, a mirror, a scarf. After couples find these things, the guy and girl exchange them and give them back to the people from whom they took them. The couple that completes the task faster wins.

    A minimum of 5 boy-girl pairs participate in the competition - the more, the better. The guys are asked to leave the room. The girls sit on chairs and take off one shoe at a time. All the shoes are placed in one pile in the middle of the hall. The presenter mixes the shoes and adds roller skates, skates, sneakers, flip-flops and other miscellaneous shoes to the pile.

    The boys come in. Their task is to find among a large mountain of shoes the right pair for your girl and put it on her. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

    Creative competition. Several boys take part in it. They need to be given in advance homework- prepare 2-3 creative numbers on the theme of love. Participants can read poetry, dance, sing songs, etc. Their task is to charm girls with their talent. For each number, the girls give them points - from 1 to 5.

    The guy with the the largest number points. He receives the title of Chief Valentine.

    Game "I Met You"

    The game involves 4 pairs. To carry it out, you need to prepare cards with tasks on the topic “Getting Acquainted” in advance. For example, meeting a girl in the park while walking, in the dressing room, at the skating rink, in the pool.

    Each pair draws a task card. The participants’ task is to stage an acquaintance situation in the proposed situation. The children are given 5 minutes to prepare. After time has passed, the couples take turns showing their vision of dating and options for the development of events.

    The most unusual one wins interesting option. The winner is determined by classmates voting.

    Up to 4 couples participate in the competition. Guys wear large warm mittens, and girls wear a warm robe or a large button-up shirt (without buttoning them). The guys' task is to save their beloved from the cold and fasten all the buttons on her clothes with mittens.

    The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins. She receives the title of "Most Caring".

    Game "Over the Catcher"

    The game involves several boy-girl pairs. A strip of wallpaper 15 centimeters wide is spread in front of them. On one side there is a girl, on the other - a guy.

    The presenter announces that the couples need to cross the abyss on the bridge. The goal is for everyone to get to the opposite side, moving towards each other. A prerequisite is to meet on the bridge. You cannot step beyond the boundaries of the bridge (the width of the roll). The pair is given 3 attempts.

    A winning combination could be when the guy takes the girl in his arms and carries her to the end, and then moves on himself.

    Game "Connoisseurs"

    Several people participate in the game married couples. The presenter gives each participant a piece of paper and a pen. Then he begins to read out the questions, and the players begin to write answers to them. At the same time, participants should not see what their significant other is writing on the sheet. Pairs should not talk or wink at each other in their answers, so the host reads the questions very quickly. After that, he takes the leaves and compares the notes of the representatives of each couple. The pair that gives the most matching answers wins.

Valentine's Day at school. Scenario

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher additional education children, MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to teachers and organizers extracurricular activities. The event is held before the holiday on February 14th.
Target: developing communication skills in children
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- attract students for active leisure activities;
-develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.
Methods: competitions, poetry.
Decor: the hall is decorated in a holiday style, hearts, balloons, posters, multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).

Progress of the event:
Presenter: Good evening, dear guys! You, of course, guessed that today we dedicate our game program to a wonderful holiday - VALENTINE'S DAY.

Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the 3rd century AD. Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel prohibition, secretly sanctified the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest's name was Valentin.

During competitive program, will be distributed "Hearts", at the end we will count their number, and whoever has more will receive a prize.

And our first competition is a warm-up. "Name a couple." I'm reading out male name, you tell me his couple.
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sofia)
Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Anzhelika Varum)
Romeo...- (Juliet)
Adam..- (Eve)
Ruslan...- (Lyudmila)
Dance break

Competition No. 2 "Gift"
We ask 3 young men and 3 girls to come up to the stage. Imagine that you are a real gentleman and must give your lady a gift. But the beauty of your friend leaves you speechless, and so you have to explain to her what you want to give, using only gestures. And what exactly you will give, you will find out now. Choose cards (soft toy bunny, bouquet of flowers, cake, hair dryer,
book, gold ring).

Competition No. 3 "Knowledge is power".
2 girls and 2 boys are invited to the stage.
All participants are asked “women’s” and “men’s” questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First the girls answer the questions, then the young men.
Questions for girls:
1. What is a carburetor a component of? (Motor)
2. Is the hood of the car located at the front or rear? (Front)
3. When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company’s products have a “tick” shaped emblem? (Nike)
Questions for young people:
1. When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)
4. Why might a girl need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of the small bag that holds items needed for makeup? (Beauty bag)
Dance break

Competition No. 4 "Culinary".
2 boys and 2 girls are invited to the stage. They form pairs.
We invite you to become culinary experts for a while. I will tell the pairs one by one the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what type they belong to (nuts, berries, fruit, drinks, etc.).

1. Pistachios (nuts)
2. Lingonberry (berry)
3. Persimmon (fruit)
4. Cherry (berry)
5. Watermelon (berry)
6. Coconut (nut)
7. Kiwi (fruit)
8. Blueberry (berry)
9. Rice (cereals)
10 Kumis (drink)
11. Hazel grouse (bird)
12. Kvass (drink)

Competition No. 5 "Dance".
There are so many dances in the world!
Just know how to choose them!
There are also new items in sight.
So let's dance!
Six people are invited. They are given balls.
Task: You must perform a quick dance with balloon, pressing their foreheads together. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Whoever does not drop the ball within a minute while dancing will earn a heart.

Dance break

Competition No. 6 “Cockfighting”
2 boys and 2 girls are invited to the stage. They form pairs.
Find out what number is on the other person's back. Walk on your feet, hands behind your back.

Competition No. 7 “Answer the letter”

The competition is open to everyone. The questions are read to the children and they offer their answers.
1. How do they live in love? (answer to the letter “r”)
2. What did love create? (answer to letter “d”)
3. What does love give? (answer to letter “c”)
4. What does the name Valentin mean? (Strong, healthy)

Competition No. 8 “Understand me”
The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character; not everyone is given this. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to explain to people your intentions - an invitation.
1. Going on a ski trip
2. To the circus
3. To the disco
4. Go to the cinema

Dance break

Competition No. 9 “Labyrinth”
2 boys and 2 girls are invited. They form pairs.
A labyrinth (chairs, skittles, chips) is built in front of the couples; each girl blindfolds the boy and leads him through the labyrinth. The first couple to overcome it wins.

Competition No. 10 “Musical Chair”
The boys should take the chairs and place the girl on their laps. The girls move in a circle around the chairs.

Dance break

Competition No. 11 “Poem about love”

A poem with missing words is broadcast on the screen, the task of the participants is to remember and say the poem.

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.
At the end of the holiday, hearts are counted and a prize is awarded.

Planning interesting celebration Valentine's Day in company, we recommend coming up with Interesting games and entertainment that will help create an atmosphere of love and comfort. These can be either various romantic or funny competitions organized for the sake of laughter for Valentine's Day.

Competitions on February 14

We hope that after viewing the competitions we have prepared for Valentine's Day , you can get real pleasure from their implementation. By the way, you can become Cupid this evening, holding all competitions dressed as a cute angel. I'm sure your guests will appreciate this original idea deservedly.

"A swan song"

All willing men are invited to play this game. Cards with song lyrics are distributed. These can be either independent adaptations of modern masterpieces, or ordinary children's songs. One by one, the “muchachos” perform a fiery serenade for their girlfriend. The one whose serenade was the most romantic and passionate receives an incentive prize.

"Sweet Hearts"

An unlimited number of boy-girl pairs participate in the competition. Each girl receives a chocolate bar that she will hold in her hands during the game. The guy, in turn, without the help of his hands, must gnaw a heart out of a chocolate bar for his beloved. The couple that “makes” the heart faster and more beautiful than the rest is considered the winner.

"Portrait for a Beloved"

Each man who wants to take part in the competition is given whatman paper, brushes and... melted chocolate and coconut flakes. It is with the help of these attributes that a man should draw his model. Each person is given 15 minutes for sketches. Portraits are presented to the jury after they are completely dry.

The same competition can be held for couples. Instead of a portrait, they paint a romantic picture of their love. You could allocate a little more time.

"Understand me"

The rules of the game are very similar to the good old “Crocodile”. The presenter says that the man was walking down the street and saw his friend on the other side of the stormy traffic flow. He wanted to invite her somewhere. This must be done with gestures and facial expressions without the help of sounds. To make the task easier, each man receives a skating rink: “Invite her to: a skating rink, a romantic comedy, a football match, a rooftop, a candlelight dinner.”

The girls' task is to determine the meeting place.

"Do it yourself!"

Boys or girls (at the choice of the leader) are given the task of making a Valentine card for their lover from scrap materials. It could be colored paper, ribbons, cardboard, Stuffed Toys, red cloth or even fruit.

Only the one who makes the MOST original postcard will win.


Each couple receives a card with the name of the dance. 5 minutes are given to prepare, after which the couple must demonstrate their dance of love :). The competition becomes fun when they play music from a children's cartoon for the TANGO dance or put on slow tunes for LAMBADA.


Well, at the end of the evening you can hold the most difficult competition. Each man (girl) receives cards with the initial lines of the poem. His (her) task is to continue the poem. Rhyme, feeling and humor are welcome :).

Examples for cards:

"Valentine's Day is a holiday of feelings and love..."

“Cupid today draws arrows from his quiver...”

“The heart beats in the chest, and in the eyes there is only love...”

"Let's love each other forever, as long as the Earth rotates..."

Organizing competitions for Valentine's Day , Don’t forget about other attributes of the holiday - an exquisite menu, room decoration and gifts for your loved one.

Do you want to make your holiday unforgettable? Then read our article "" , where you will find various tips on organizing a holiday for yourself and your friends.

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