Hair washing technological sequence of the process. Secrets of proper hair washing. Talking about the benefits of hand washing

When it gathers near the sink a large number of various dirty kitchen utensils, the logical question arises of how to properly wash the dishes in order to save time, and make the whole process quick and positive result. It is important to follow a number of rules and choose wisely detergent.

Features of washing various dishes and the choice of detergents

Not every person thinks about how to properly wash dishes by hand, because the process itself is quite simple and often happens automatically. However, even this action has certain rules that can effectively combat various contaminants. One of these rules is taking into account the material from which kitchen utensils are made.

How to wash dishes from various materials so as not to harm her:

  1. Crystal products They do not tolerate too hot water. However, it is not recommended to clean them with hard sponges or use products with abrasive particles. Sometimes it is enough to wipe such dishes with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of alcohol or vinegar, then rinse and polish dry with a soft piece of cloth.
  2. When there is a need to wash frying pans or pots with enamel surface, you should avoid hard brushes and sponges, which can damage the enamel. It is not recommended to use hot water, and there is also no need to create a temperature difference to prevent the coating from cracking.
  3. For cast iron utensils Ordinary warm water with detergent will do, but you need to wash it immediately and do not leave it wet. Then such dishes should be coated with oil, and the excess should be wiped off with paper napkins. Cast iron cookware is stored oily.
  4. Any aluminum products easily coated when exposed to an acidic environment. Therefore, to clean them it is better to use folk ways washing dishes, and then wipe the kitchen utensils dry so that the metal does not deform under the influence of residual moisture.
  5. In order to understand how to wash glassware, you need to consider the type of glass from which it is made. If the product has a fire-resistant coating, then it should not be filled with cool water if the glass has not yet cooled down. Otherwise, the dishes may burst. Metal sponges are not suitable for cleaning such utensils. If the dishes become dirty, ordinary glass, just wipe it with a soapy sponge and rinse with warm water.
  6. Products having glazed coating or designs, for example, dishes from porcelain, Khokhloma and Gzhel require careful treatment. If water is too hot, the coating may burst and the designs may crack. Therefore, the washing process should be carried out exclusively in water no higher than 35 degrees and using soft cellulose napkins or microfiber sponges.
  7. Clay and ceramics Wash off food residues using regular soap. In this case, the water temperature should be room temperature, and after washing such products should be wiped dry to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant odor from dishes.
  8. Kitchen utensils with non-stick coatings, for example, Teflon frying pans, do not tolerate the influence of harsh washing devices. They are cleaned only with the soft side of the sponge, soaping it generously.
  9. Plastic products not suitable for the kitchen high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them with warm water. Very cold water will not allow you to wash off most detergents from the surface of the products, and the rinsing procedure will have to be repeated up to five times.

In addition to taking into account the characteristics of the materials from which cutlery and dishes are made, it is also important to choose the right detergent. This is especially true when it is necessary to wash products intended for children.

The best way to wash dishes: nuances of choosing a detergent
  • If the washing process is carried out exclusively by hand, then preference should be given to factory-made products that contain lemon, aloe and other components that prevent the negative effects of hard water on the skin of the hands.
  • How to wash children's kitchen utensils? Among purchased products, it is better to give preference to gels designed specifically for children's dishes. For example, the Nevskaya Kosmetika company produces a line of “Ushasty Nyan” products, among which there is a detergent for washing children’s dishes. It effectively fights stains and is easily washed off without covering the surface of kitchen products with a soapy film and without leaving behind an odor.
  • When choosing a “chemical” dishwashing detergent, you need to first familiarize yourself with its composition, which should contain a minimum amount of negative components and surfactants.
  • When the question arises: what is better for washing dishes: gel or powders, preference should be given to the first option. It's universal. You cannot use powder detergents on certain types of cookware, such as glass, porcelain, silver or aluminum. Small abrasive particles leave microscopic damage on the surface of products. This leads to cracks, chips, and the dishes become unusable.
If all the nuances of the material from which the product is made are taken into account and a suitable detergent for kitchen utensils is selected, it is worth moving on to studying the basic rules of how to wash dishes by hand.

Algorithm of actions for proper washing of dishes

How to properly wash dishes by hand? There is a certain procedure that will effectively remove dirt from the surface of kitchen utensils and also help save time. Before moving on to directly washing the products, it is worth considering a number of additional nuances.

How to wash dishes: little tricks
  • Decanters, bottles and other products with a narrow neck can be washed using a soap solution. The diluted detergent for kitchen utensils is poured inside, and the product itself is shaken vigorously. Instead of soap, glass surfaces of this type are perfectly cleaned with scraps. newsprint, crushed potato peels or crumbled eggshells. They are added to the water inside the container, then the product is shaken several times and washed.
  • To use cleaning agent and water sparingly, you should collect the liquid in a basin or sink, the drain of which must first be plugged. Then a small amount of dish soap is diluted in water and foam is whipped up. And dirty products are lowered into the solution.
  • How to quickly wash dishes by hand? To do this, the process of washing it from contaminants should not be postponed. It is best to wash products immediately after use. For effective disposal To remove grease on the surface of the utensils, soak the dishes for 10-15 minutes in warm water with the addition of detergent. Soaking will also help with stuck food bits.
  • If there is a large amount of oil and fat left in the pan, then first pour this mixture into a bag.
In what sequence should you wash kitchen utensils: dishwashing algorithm
  1. Before the actual washing process, all products must be sorted into groups. And clean off any excess food left on the dishes and throw it away.
  2. When there are dishes with difficult stains, they need to be soaked with the addition of a cleaning agent and left in this form for some time.
  3. The first thing you should wash are glasses, mugs and cups, glasses, glasses and shot glasses. As a rule, these utensils do not get too dirty. Because wash dishes without using special means in this case it is acceptable.
  4. Cutlery is next in line. If necessary, they can also be pre-soaked in warm water and soap. Cleaning forks and other similar utensils is carried out not only using a sponge, but also using special brushes. Only with their help will you be able to effectively get rid of dirt between the cloves.
  5. Then you should wash the plates. It is worth considering that the washing process is carried out on both sides. To clean this utensil, you must have a sufficient amount of soap suds.
  6. The final touch when washing household dishes is the process of cleaning containers for preparing dishes.

If you want to understand how to safely wash dishes, you need to take into account the fact that any, even the mildest, chemical-based detergent can be harmful to your well-being. Therefore, you need to rinse kitchen utensils 2-3 times, holding the product under running water for at least 15 seconds each time, completely washing off the soap film. Refusal to use factory products and use of folk remedies will reduce the risk of poisoning.

What and how to clean difficult stains?

If the housewife is faced with the task of simply washing the dirty dishes, it can be solved quite quickly. But how to wash dishes from old grease or other serious contamination? What remedy should I use and will “people’s advice” be effective? Don't worry that such questions don't have decent answers. It is possible to cope with even the most difficult stains with patience and choosing the right product.

How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease? To do this, you can use either regular laundry soap or a mixture of water, salt and soda. Both of these options will also be effective for cleaning the oven after preparing holiday meals.
  • Fill the dishes with warm water. Plane a little less than half laundry soap, fill the dishes with shavings. And leave to soak for half an hour. Then rinse the items and wash them again using a sponge and dish detergent.
  • Dilute 100 grams of salt and 150 grams of regular soda in 100 ml of warm water to form a mixture in the form of a liquid paste. This paste is applied to the dishes and left to act for up to 10 hours. Then the kitchen utensils are washed well and rinsed with clean water.
How to get rid of the smell of fish and traces of its cooking? Regular table salt can help here. It needs to be warmed up a little, then rub the dishes with it and leave for 15-25 minutes. And then wash the products in the usual way.

How to restore the shine of kitchen utensils, including metal cutlery? The best remedy for this, oddly enough, ammonia is used. A few drops of ammonia should be added to the soap solution for washing dishes. Then wash the products thoroughly and dry.

Except ammonia, the shine will help return the saline solution. Take 1-2 tablespoons of salt per glass of warm water and dissolve well. And then the products are rubbed with this mixture.

How to remove dark stains from tea, coffee and other drinks? Must use baking soda. A small spoon of powder is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The resulting mixture is poured into the dishes and left for 5-8 hours. Afterwards, rinse well using microfiber or a sponge.

How to wash dishes from old grease? You should first try to wipe off the dry grease coating using a soft cloth or thick paper napkin. After this procedure, you need to apply a few drops of detergent to the surface of the dishes and leave for a couple of hours.

Some additional options for removing dried grease:

  • mixture of citric acid and soda, which is prepared in a 1:1 ratio; sprinkle it on dishes moistened with warm water, leave for 2-4 hours and then wash well with running water;
  • apple essence applied to the damp surface of the dish can remove old grease, and burnt food can be removed with a fresh apple, which should be rubbed onto the affected areas of the product;
  • mix two tablespoons of liquid oil with two teaspoons of regular soda; Apply the resulting paste to the surface of the dishes and rub with a sponge;
  • laundry soap and soda perfectly remove various contaminants, including the ability to combat frozen grease on the surface of dishes; Add a few pinches of powder to the concentrated soap solution, and then wash the kitchen utensils with the mixture.
The question of whether you need to wash the dishes always requires an affirmative answer. However, if you don’t want to constantly use chemicals, you can turn to “ people's councils" Many of them are perfectly eliminated various kinds contamination on the surface of kitchen products.

How to wash dishes without using a special product:

  1. mustard powder, which perfectly removes various contaminants, including grease;
  2. soda (calcined and regular) and salt;
  3. clean sand (not sugar, but regular sand);
  4. table vinegar, which when heated, fights old stains and burnt food;
  5. wood ash, suitable for use in aluminum cookware that has burnt areas.

Video instruction

How to wash dishes without using chemicals, described in the video below:

The process of washing dishes by hand is usually very boring and tedious. But if you think through an action plan in advance, take into account all types of contamination and the characteristics of the dishes, and also do not put off washing “for later,” you will be able to cope with this everyday task quickly and without much physical effort.

Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness is the key to health in all areas of life. If we are talking about medicine, then cleanliness of hands should be an integral rule, because the life of both the entire medical staff and the patient depends on such a seemingly trifle. The nurse is responsible for ensuring that the condition of her hands is satisfactory and meets medical health standards. It is important to get rid of micro cracks, hangnails, clean your nails and remove any nails, if any. Why is this so important and what are the requirements?

In order for all personnel to comply with the European medical standard, it is important for each employee to be told about the existing requirements for disinfection of hands, instruments and other medical supplies. There are separate rules for hand care for nurses, these include the following requirements:

  • you cannot paint your nails or glue artificial ones
  • nails should be neatly trimmed and clean
  • It is not recommended to wear bracelets, watches, rings or any other Jewelry, since they are sources of bacteria and microbes

It was found that it is the lack of proper care among doctors and nurses that contributes to the development and rapid spread of nosocomial infectious pathogens throughout the clinic. Touching manipulation devices, devices, patient care items, test equipment, technical equipment, clothing, and even medical waste with unclean hands can negatively affect the health of the patient and everyone in the hospital for a long period of time.

To prevent the spread of microorganisms and reduce the risk of infection through hands, there are rules and means of disinfection. Any hospital employee must follow these recommendations, especially those who work closely with sources of infection and infected patients.

In medicine, several methods have been developed for disinfecting the hands of all medical staff:

  • hand treatment soap solution and plain water, without the use of additional products
  • washing hands with antiseptic hygiene products
  • surgical disinfection standards

Cosmetology and folk remedies for hair care

However, there are rules for washing hands this way. It was noticed that in frequent cases After treating the skin of your hands, many bacteria remain on the inner surface and fingertips. To avoid this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. First, you need to remove all unnecessary items: watches, jewelry, and other small items that contribute to the proliferation of microorganisms.
  2. The next step is soaping your hands; you need the soap to penetrate all areas.
  3. Rinse off the foam under running warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

When the washing procedure is performed for the first time, dirt and bacteria located on the surface of the skin are removed from the hands. When repeated treatment with warm water, the skin pores open and the cleansing goes deeper. It is useful to do light self-massage when soaping.

Cold water is less useful in this case, because it is the elevated temperature that allows soap or other hygiene products to penetrate deeply into the skin and remove the thick fat layer from both hands. Hot water will also not work; it can only lead to negative results.

Surgical rules for disinfection

Surgery is an area where neglect of hand hygiene rules can cost the patient’s life. Hand treatment is carried out in the following situations:

  • Before any type of surgery
  • During invasive procedures such as vascular puncture

Of course, the doctor and everyone assisting during the operation put on disposable sterile gloves on their hands, but this does not give the right to forget about hygienic means of protection and hand treatment.

Next, the usual hand cleaning is carried out again and three milligrams of an antiseptic are applied, and it is rubbed into the fabric and skin in a circular motion. It is advisable to carry out this entire process several times. A maximum of ten milligrams of antiseptic is used. The processing time takes no more than five minutes.

After the procedure or operation has been completed, the sterile gloves are thrown away, and the skin of the hands is washed with soap and treated with lotion or cream, preferably made from natural substances.

Modern methods of disinfection

Medicine is moving forward and disinfection techniques are improving every day. On this moment A mixture is widely used, which includes the following components: distilled water and formic acid. The solution is prepared daily and stored in enamel containers. Immediately wash your hands with ordinary soap, and then rinse with this solution for a couple of minutes (the part from the hand to the elbow is treated for 30 seconds, the rest of the time the hand itself is washed). Hands are wiped with a napkin and dried.

Another method is disinfection with chlorhexidine, which is initially diluted with 70% medical alcohol (dosage one to forty). The processing procedure lasts about three minutes.

Iodopirone is also used for hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff. The whole process follows a similar pattern: hands are washed with soapy water, then nails, fingers and other areas are disinfected with cotton swabs.

Ultrasound treatment. The hands are lowered into a special one through which ultrasonic waves pass. Processing lasts no more than a minute.

All methods are good, it’s just important not to neglect the general recommendations.

So, hand disinfection plays an important role in medicine. It is not enough to simply wash your hands with water. Hand treatment is carried out in different ways, various hygiene products are used, depending on the situation. Neglecting basic rules can lead to negative consequences, from which not only patients, but also medical personnel will suffer.

Jun 22, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Goal: maintaining the patient’s personal hygiene. Indications: doctor's prescription only. Contraindications are determined by the doctor:

Bleeding of any origin;

The patient's serious condition;

High fever;

Injuries with dysfunction of organs;

Skin diseases in the acute phase;

Last weeks, days of pregnancy;

Acute conditions.


1. Tank for collecting dirty laundry.

2. Marked containers for clean and used washcloths (for the latter - another container with a disinfectant solution).

3. Water thermometer.

4. Footrest in the bath.

5.1% solution of chloramine or dichlor-1.

6. Container with clean rags.

7. A clean washcloth, preferably a disposable one (the patient can use his own) or a clean rag.

8. A brush or washcloth for cleaning the bathtub or rags.

9. Clean hospital linen.

10. Towels - 3 pcs.

11. Soap or washing powder. PREPARE THE PATIENT:

1. Psychologically.

2. Explain the necessity of the manipulation and the sequence of its implementation.

3. Help the patient undress if he needs help. FULL SANITATION - taking a bath or shower.


1. Wash your hands and dry them.


3. Check the air temperature in the bathroom - it should be at least 25 degrees.

4. Treat the bath with a 1% solution of chloramine (dichlor-1), twice, with an interval of 5-10 minutes.

5. Wash the bathtub with a brush and soap or other detergent.

6. Rinse the bathtub with hot water.

7. After 3-5 minutes, fill the bathtub first with COLD and then HOT water to avoid too much steam formation.

8. Measure the water temperature with a water thermometer - it should be 42 degrees, taking into account the high heat transfer over a large area of ​​evaporation.

9. Help the patient undress.

10. Offer assistance to the patient as he or she is placed into the bath.

11. Install a footrest (wooden or plastic) in the bath if the patient is short.

12. Clean the patient in the following order:

Head (wrap with a towel);

Torso, upper limbs (sit the patient on a seat and wrap in a towel);

Perineum, lower back, abdomen;

Lower limbs.

13. Rinse with warm water, wrap in a sheet or dry towel, sit down, help dry.

14. Help get dressed and dry your hair - the patient is under medical supervision. personnel.

15. Drain the water, treat the bath with disinfectant. solution, cleaning solution, rinse.

16. Soak a washcloth in disinfectant. solution for at least 60 minutes.

17. Treat the gloves, remove them and soak them in chloramine, make a note in the patient’s medical history (a nurse can also prepare the bath, if there is one).


1. The nurse hangs the patient’s belongings on a hanger and into a cloth bag, fills out a receipt in 3 copies:

In the medical history,

To the clothing warehouse

To the accounting department (for money and jewelry).

2. Organizes the sending of things to the clothing warehouse and to the accounting safe (money and jewelry)

3. The water level in the bath should be at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum (the patient is sitting).

4. The duration of a hygienic bath is no more than 20-30 minutes.

5. While washing, the nurse monitors the patient’s condition:


If necessary - blood pressure.

There are three layers of hair structure: the medula is the core of the hair, the cortex is the main layer, the cortex. The last layer is the cuticle, a scaly layer that performs a protective function against destructive environmental factors.

It is the scaly layer that determines how the hair will look. The shine, smoothness of the hair and its external beauty will be directly related to the condition of the cuticle. In addition to its protective function, this layer is important because the strength of the hair depends on its condition. Indeed, often, of all the problems associated with hair, hair loss becomes the main problem.

The structure is also divided by volume: there is a thin hair structure, thick and normal. It depends on the inner, main layer - the cortex. It occupies 90% of the total volume.

Hair types

For proper care hair, you need to determine the type to which it belongs. To determine the type, it is enough to carefully examine the hair and monitor its reaction to the weather and washing for at least a week.

There are four types: normal, dry, oily and mixed. These criteria are determined by the process of sebum secretion on the scalp. If 2 - 3 days after washing the appearance of the hairstyle has not changed much for the worse, then such hair is considered normal. Such hair retains its well-groomed appearance longer. Their dullness and confusion will indicate that the time for washing has come.

With an increased process of sebum secretion, hair is called oily. This type of hair gets dirty quickly. Literally the next day after washing, such hair may look dirty again.

With a low rate of sebum secretion, dry hair results. They fade quickly, feel very dry to the touch and get tangled quickly. Mixed hair is hair that is oily at the roots and dry along its entire length.

A few basic rules for washing your hair

Washing your hair is the most important hair care process. Their condition depends on it and appearance. Wash your hair incorrectly can cause a lot of problems with your hair. But the most serious problems may occur with the skin itself. To avoid these problems, you need to remember a few rules.

  • Rule one. You cannot wash unkempt hair. When washed, they will become even more tangled, which will damage their structure. In addition, such hair will be difficult to wash, and some of it will remain dirty.
  • Rule two. Do not wash your hair with hot water. The water should be pleasant, a little cool. Otherwise, the natural balance of the scalp is disrupted, which will lead to disruption of sebum secretion.
  • Rule three. The hair wash should be appropriate for your hair type. A properly selected shampoo will wash them well and will not upset the balance of the scalp.

The optimal choice of hair washing products

For normal type products with a gentle formula are suitable. After all, this type needs only simple cleansing of dirt and maintaining a healthy scalp.

If your hair is of the oily type, then it is better to use products that contain: sulfur, tar or salicylic acid. This will keep your hair looking fresh longer and you won’t have to wash it every day.

Dry hair will respond with gratitude to products that keep it moisturized. The composition of such products includes: glycerin, panthenol and sorbitol.

The same products are suitable for mixed hair types as for normal hair. Since the mixed type is the most common of all types, the recommendation to take several products and use them in alternation is suitable for most people.

Sequence of proper hair washing

Moisten well-combed hair with water at the optimal temperature. It is generally accepted that applying the product undiluted to the hair is very harmful. Therefore, dilute it with a small amount of water and only then apply. There is no need to rush and rub your hair and scalp too hard, as this can damage the cuticle. Using light, massaging movements, go over all areas of the skin and lightly along the entire length of the hair.

A scalp massage done during washing has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Blood circulation increases, the metabolic process in skin tissue improves, promoting hair growth and health.

It is better to do this procedure twice. The first application of the product removes only upper layer mud. For the best possible rinsing of the skin, re-application of the detergent will be required.

After the detergent is washed off, it is useful to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions or a special hair conditioner, holding these products for several minutes without rinsing.

The final stage of shampooing

Well-washed hair should not be dried or combed immediately. This could cause them harm. Wet hair It has the ability to stretch well, and the pores on the scalp have not yet closed enough. These conditions can damage the cuticle and weaken the hair.

Hair should be lightly dried with a towel, and then wrapped in a soft, warm cloth, kept in this condition. The fabric must absorb most of the moisture and only then can it be removed.

The best thing to do is to let your hair dry on its own. But this process should not be allowed to occur during sudden temperature changes. Otherwise, the scalp will launch a defense mechanism, which will lead to an imbalance in its balance. It is better to dry your hair indoors without drafts or direct heat.

If there is a need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, then first you should dry it without a comb, just with your hands.

We all know very well that it is customary to wash our hands after going outside, using the toilet, before eating and sometimes after eating. But kids cannot always correctly navigate the hygiene items located near the sinks - that is why a detailed algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten is drawn up for children in pictures. The teacher must try to do everything to ensure that the information is conveyed to students fully and intelligibly. We'll tell you how to do this.

Talking about the benefits of hand washing

To make children more willing to remember the algorithm of actions during hygiene procedures, they should be told about the benefits of this process. And it would do well for adults to be aware of the dangers that forgetfulness in this regard can bring. And so, with dirty hands we have:

It would seem that nothing could be easier than washing your hands. But it is better for the child to show each sequential action in the form of a picture so that it is perceived easier and faster. It is important to remember that the stand with pictures about hand washing should be placed at the level of children's eyes or slightly higher. There is no need to hang the algorithm high (like for parents) or unnoticed. The ideal option is right above the sinks intended for children.

Print out the pictures large or draw them yourself, and then talk to the children about what they see. You can even play the game by correctly placing the available pictures in the right sequence. In addition to the process itself, children should learn the accompanying words: soap, foam, wash, dry, soap dish, tap, slippery, wet, germs and others. And so, to the algorithm:

Roll up your sleeves so as not to get them wet.
Open the water tap.
Take soap.
Lather your hands.
Wash off the foam from your hands.
Close the water tap.
Release your hands.
Dry yourself with a towel.
Pull the sleeves back down.

Of course, the first test manipulations at the sink should be carried out by everyone together; you can even invite the children to practice on dolls. Another important point– explanation carried out in three ways: verbal, visual and practical. They need to be presented gradually, one after the other. That is, first you tell (in the form of a game, jokes, dolls), then you show by example, and after that you all go wash your hands together.

Additional knowledge

Having told and shown how to wash your hands correctly, do not forget to mention and explain the situations that arise:

  1. You need to squeeze water out of your hands so as not to wet the floor. Otherwise, someone may slip and fall.
  2. The towel should be hung straight out, without crumpling it - this way it will dry faster before the next time the baby comes. And we need a loop in the middle so that the towel does not fall on the floor.
  3. The water pressure in the tap should be set to medium or low so as not to splash the floor and clothes.
  4. The soap must be put back into the soap dish and not left in the sink, otherwise it will become too soft and quickly spoil.
  5. You should wash off the foam very carefully so that it does not accidentally get into your eyes or mouth. The soap stings my eyes a lot.

An algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten in pictures helps children navigate, get used to cleanliness and serves as decoration. toilet room. Children's hygiene in general is in many ways more important than adult hygiene, since babies are just developing their habits of not putting their hands or toys in their mouths. The teacher is responsible for ensuring that the students within the walls kindergarten always had access to a sink with soap and a towel.