Shortness of breath during pregnancy: causes, the most effective methods of getting rid of. Why is there severe shortness of breath in the third trimester Why is shortness of breath during pregnancy

Shortness of breath is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing. Very often this phenomenon accompanies pregnant women on different terms. It is accompanied by an acute shortage of air and causes a lot of inconvenience. At first, a woman has difficulty climbing stairs, then she cannot breathe deeply, then, one might say, attacks appear when it is hard to breathe and her heart rate is very fast.

Why does this alarming phenomenon occur in pregnant women, what does it indicate and how to deal with it?

Causes of appearance in the first trimester

A large number of factors can provoke this condition. It also matters in which month of the child's development it arose, and what diseases the expectant mother suffers from.

For example, shortness of breath that suddenly appeared on early dates, most often indicates an incorrect lifestyle, but sometimes it is a sign of some internal pathology.

In the first trimester, the following factors can make breathing difficult:

  • Strong emotional overstrain;
  • Significant physical activity;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Too harsh hormonal surge;
  • Increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body;
  • Anemia;
  • lung diseases, such as asthma, tuberculosis;
  • Wearing synthetic, tight clothing.

Appearance in the second trimester

It is worth noting that in the early stages this phenomenon is a rarity. Expectant mothers at this time can fully enjoy their position. In the vast majority of cases, shortness of breath begins to make itself felt with the beginning of the second trimester.

It is during this period that serious changes occur in the body of a woman:

  1. The child is getting bigger, respectively, he needs extra space;
  2. In order for the fetus to develop normally, the uterus stretches and presses on nearby organs;
  3. The pressure of the uterus affects the diaphragm more strongly than the rest, therefore it is at this time that the first, yet subtle, symptoms of shortness of breath occur;
  4. The unpleasant symptoms are aggravated by smoking, alcohol, anemia, and improperly chosen clothes. Also, the future mother's diseases of internal organs and systems, especially the lungs, play a role;
  5. The degree of difficulty in breathing depends on how high the uterus rises every day.

Late occurrence

  • Shortness of breath during pregnancy in the third trimester is especially pronounced. The uterus at this time is so enlarged that it is difficult for her to fit in the body, and she begins to put more pressure on the diaphragm. In this case, nothing can be done and will have to endure.
  • A few weeks before delivery, the fetus descends into the pelvis, which allows you to reduce pressure. This moment is characterized by the fact that breathing becomes much easier. But this does not happen to everyone, so some will have to endure until the birth itself.

Almost all of the above reasons help future mothers understand that everything that happens is quite natural and natural. The only question that remains open is how this unpleasant condition can be alleviated in any trimester.

Warning signs

In some cases, a woman needs to see a doctor or call an ambulance as soon as possible. This is done when shortness of breath is accompanied by other phenomena:

  • chest pain;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pulse jumps;
  • moisture in the feet and hands.

If the doctor suspects anemia, he will definitely give a referral for a blood test to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Methods for eliminating shortness of breath

If a woman experienced this unpleasant phenomenon at the very beginning of pregnancy, then she needs to reconsider her lifestyle, eliminate the factors that led to such consequences.

  1. First of all, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination for the presence of pathologies of internal organs and systems, paying particular attention to the lungs. Of course, heavy physical exertion is excluded, but this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch for all 9 months.
  2. A pregnant woman should be active at all times, but in moderation. Stress, emotional upheaval, psychological pressure - all these factors should be excluded. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe sedatives, such as valerian or motherwort tincture.
  3. Such bad habits, like smoking and drinking alcohol, should be excluded immediately after a woman has learned about her situation, and better - even at the planning stage. The last reason is uncomfortable clothes, so you need to reconsider your wardrobe, preferring loose items made from natural fabrics.

If the cause was only a child growing in the uterus, then you can resort to well-known methods that can completely eliminate shortness of breath or at least alleviate its attacks:

  • Regularly engage in breathing exercises;
  • visit more often fresh air;
  • Try to sleep in a reclining position;
  • Sitting at the computer, TV, at work, change positions more often;
  • Ventilate the room where the woman is for a long time;
  • Give preference to fractional nutrition. You need to eat food often, but in small portions. This will allow you not to overload the stomach and keep it relaxed. He, in turn, will take on some of the pressure, as he is close to the uterus;
  • Perhaps the doctor will prescribe sedative fees from medicinal plants;
  • During the manifestation of symptoms, you need to pull yourself together and in no case give in to panic.

If you take into account these tips, then shortness of breath during pregnancy will stop bothering you, your well-being and mood will improve. A woman must understand that there is no need to suffer from seizures and endure them. Although they are almost always the result of natural processes, they negatively affect the emotional state, causing anxiety.

Every pregnant woman complains of shortness of breath, to one degree or another. In obstetrics, it is considered a physiological phenomenon: normal and transient. How to learn to prevent shortness of breath, and how accessible ways you can remove the attack.

Why is this happening?

Lack of air, difficulty breathing is experienced by almost all pregnant women, and even for short periods. Some cannot stay in stuffy rooms for a minute, like cold air and spend the night half-sitting. Shortness of breath begins when walking, climbing stairs, doing ordinary housework and at the slightest excitement.

Shortness of breath in pregnant women can be caused by a physiological cause. To support the life of the mother and fetus, the woman's body is rebuilt, and the volume of circulating blood becomes larger. The cardiovascular system learns to work in an enhanced mode, the hormonal background changes, and metabolic processes are activated. It is increasingly difficult for a woman to take a deep breath.

Often shortness of breath is accompanied by palpitations and slight dizziness. At the beginning of pregnancy shortness of breath can be provoked by chronic diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, psycho-emotional experiences and bad habits. A feeling of tightness in the chest and lack of air can cause even banal tight bras or synthetic clothing, especially if the onset of pregnancy occurs in the summer.

The inability to take a deep breath while feeling good is not dangerous. But if such symptoms occur at rest and are accompanied by dizziness, fainting, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason is the onset of anemia, hormonal imbalance or deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

By the second trimester one in three pregnant women suffer from shortness of breath. This is due to several factors:

  • the fetus has already grown enough, and it needs more space, so the bottom of the uterus, rising up, presses on the diaphragm and lungs (the more it presses, the more shortness of breath);
  • increased volume amniotic fluid(polyhydramnios).

Most often, these symptoms develop in short women with a large fetus.

A woman will experience difficulty with a deep breath until about 38 weeks. After, closer to childbirth, the stomach drops, and breathing becomes much easier.

Normally, a woman's respiratory rate is 16-20 respiratory cycles per minute. During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by a third, so the frequency increases to 22-25 cycles.

How to prevent shortness of breath?

Most likely, it will not be possible to completely get rid of breathing difficulties. But if you follow a few simple rules, it can be prevented and controlled:

  1. Dose any kind of physical activity. They should be adequate, not causing heart palpitations. If shortness of breath occurs, just rest.
  2. It is advisable to completely avoid caffeinated drinks. They raise blood pressure and excite nervous system.
  3. Do not be near smokers. With passive smoking harmful substances quickly enter the bloodstream, the cardiovascular system of a woman and an unborn baby suffers from a lack of oxygen.
  4. Sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room with 50-70% humidity.
  5. In hot summer days take walks only in the evenings, at sunset.
  6. Avoid stuffy, poorly ventilated areas. Do not visit places with large crowds of people.
  7. Take cold showers several times a day.
  8. Don't overeat. During pregnancy, only fractional meals are suitable: frequent, in small portions. Ideal option: 5-6 times a day. A light breakfast is a must.
  9. Observe the drinking regime.
  10. Avoid contact with perfume products smelling like aerosols.
  11. Monitor weight gain. Gained extra pounds can be risk factors not only for shortness of breath, but also for hypertension, preeclampsia, oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  12. Do not worry, do not get upset for any reason. Even the slightest experience can provoke an attack of shortness of breath.

If a woman is regularly observed by a doctor, her tests are normal, then shortness of breath does not threaten the unborn baby in any way, but creates only temporary discomfort for the woman herself. You have to be patient. Two to three weeks before the birth, the stomach will drop, and it will become easier to breathe.

What to do?

If an attack of shortness of breath has begun, it is better to lie down. If this is not possible, then you should sit comfortably and ask nearby people to open the window.

Sitting in a comfortable position, relax and take as deep a breath as possible for three seconds. Try to exhale so that all the air is out of the lungs.

If a woman sits or lies most of the time during the day, you need to periodically get up and do a light workout, combining it with a set of breathing exercises:

  1. To accept comfortable posture. Place one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale slowly through your nose until you feel the air in your belly. Hold for 3 seconds, exhale through your mouth. Make sure that the stomach rises, and the chest is motionless.
  2. Take a comfortable position and breathe “like a dog” for 1-2 minutes: 1-2 breaths and exhalations per second (inhalation is quiet, exhalation is noisy). This exercise will help not only with shortness of breath, but also relieves pain during childbirth.

When performing breathing exercises, you can not hold your breath for a long time. The maximum duration of classes is half an hour a day.

In agreement with the doctor leading the pregnancy, to prevent seizures, you can use:

  • aromatherapy;
  • sedentary non-hot baths with essential oils;
  • valerian, motherwort (from the second half of pregnancy);
  • soothing teas with mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, chamomile (from the second half of pregnancy);
  • oxygen cocktails.

Breathing exercises for expectant mothers (video)

The video discusses a set of exercises to prevent shortness of breath. These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Signs of serious complications

The main symptom that should alert a woman is shortness of breath at rest.

What are the signs you need to urgently seek medical help:

  1. Exercise does not help, breathing remains difficult. There are bouts of severe coughing.
  2. The attack is accompanied by fainting, dizziness, ringing in the ears and flashing flies before the eyes.
  3. The heart "jumps" out of the chest, tachycardia (heart rate over 100 per minute).
  4. Lack of air is accompanied by a sharp pain in the chest on inspiration, extending into the arm.
  5. Pale skin and mucous membranes, blue lips and fingers.
  6. Fever.
  7. Girdle pain in the lower back.
  8. Panic attack, extreme excitement.

With such symptoms, diseases develop that require urgent medical care: pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory, cardiovascular and renal failure, anemia.

Such cases are extremely rare. Basically, breathing problems, especially in the third trimester, are a physiological and natural phenomenon. But if a woman cannot cope with the problem and alleviate her condition on her own, it is better to consult a doctor.

Shortness of breath is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. Normally, a woman makes about 16-18 breaths per minute, with shortness of breath she has to breathe more often, and the expectant mother takes more than 18 breaths in the same time.

Shortness of breath may increase, for example, with intense physical exertion, excitement, in a stuffy room, lying on your back or because of tight clothing. It can arise due to a variety of reasons. However, during pregnancy, shortness of breath is most often not associated with any disease. It appears due to rearrangements of the respiratory system in the process of waiting for the baby and usually decreases 2-4 weeks before delivery. This happens because the baby's head descends into the small pelvis, the woman's stomach shifts lower, the pressure on the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities) decreases, and it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe.

Why does it become difficult to breathe during pregnancy?

In the upper parts of the respiratory system (nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi) changes occur in the mucosa - it becomes edematous, easily injured, and its cells secrete a lot of mucus. All this is a consequence of increased secretion of estrogen hormones. As a result, nasal congestion often occurs and breathing is disturbed. Changes in the configuration of the chest and the position of the diaphragm during the expectation of the baby begin to occur early and become more pronounced as the pregnancy progresses. The growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, which, in turn, rises, pressing on the lower sections of the lungs. And the body reacts to such constraining circumstances by changing breathing. At the same time, it becomes superficial and speeded up.

It affects the frequency and depth of breathing and the hormone progesterone, which is intensively produced in the body of a pregnant woman. An increase in its level causes the activation of the respiratory center in the brain, which “gives the command” to breathe more often. As a result of shallow and frequent breathing, more oxygen begins to enter the body - the expectant mother is constantly in a state of hyperventilation of the lungs, and the amount of carbon dioxide, on the contrary, decreases. Plenty of oxygen seems to be good. But here a problem arises: in such a situation, the blood is saturated with oxygen and less willingly gives it to the tissues. As a result, organs, including the brain, receive less oxygen, and expectant mothers may experience headaches, dizziness, fear, anxiety, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, discomfort in the heart area, even nausea and abdominal pain.

An increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy increases the sensitivity of adrenoreceptors, which are located mainly in the heart and blood vessels. This causes an increase in heart rate. Accordingly, the more blood passes through the heart, the more oxygen it needs, and the expectant mother begins to breathe more often.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman also affects the increase in breathing during pregnancy. After all, an additional, third circle of blood circulation appears between her and the baby. This has been happening since the first trimester of pregnancy. Now the load on the heart increases - it has to pump more blood and it contracts more often, and respiratory system responds to such changes by increasing the frequency of breathing.

In expectant mothers, the appearance of shortness of breath is also associated with an increase in oxygen metabolism (muscles require a lot of oxygen during their work), which is explained by accelerated redox processes in tissues.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy: is it necessary to treat?

All processes of restructuring the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, including increased ventilation of the lungs, are designed to ensure the effective delivery of oxygen to the baby. Therefore, recurrent shortness of breath is not a disease and does not require treatment as such, and after childbirth the body future mother will return to its previous state on its own, and breathing difficulties will go away on their own. However, both excessive hyperventilation of the lungs and insufficient can lead to a violation (decrease) of blood flow in the placenta and a violation of the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Thus, although shortness of breath while waiting for a baby is usually not associated with any illness, all complaints during this period should be reported to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Not an ounce of caffeine!
The expectant mother should give up caffeine in any form, as it can provoke the appearance of shortness of breath due to the effect on the cardiovascular system. The fact is that caffeine stimulates the activity of special adrenergic receptors that enhance heart contraction, increases blood pressure, excites the central nervous system, which is why the body needs more oxygen. Foods containing high amounts of caffeine include coffee, black and green tea, cocoa, chocolate, and Coca-Cola.

In addition, there are times when you should not postpone a visit to the doctor and you need to urgently seek advice. It is necessary to do this if shortness of breath in a pregnant woman constantly bothers her or appears at rest, is accompanied by fainting, fever, cough, pain, heart failure, and also if lips and skin turn blue. These signs may be a manifestation of any disease of the heart (for example, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure), lungs (inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi, asthma, pulmonary embolism, etc.) or anemia. Then the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for the expectant mother, aimed at eliminating these problems.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy: how to help yourself?

If breathing discomfort is associated with nasal congestion, then you can help yourself, for example, by ventilating the room well before going to bed or opening a window to provide fresh air. It is important to try to switch your attention to something else (for example, look through a magazine), raise the pillow higher, do not lie on one side for a long time, so as not to increase blood flow to one side or another, which contributes to swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty breathing. It is undesirable to use vasoconstrictor drops, as they contain a medicinal substance that can be absorbed into the bloodstream and adversely affect a growing baby. But if nasal congestion becomes completely unbearable, drops can still be used occasionally, giving preference to children's ones, since they contain a lower concentration of the active substance.

To relieve shortness of breath, it is advisable to take a position that relieves pressure on the diaphragm. For example, sit down, get on all fours or lie on your side.

If the expectant mother lies on her back, then compression of the inferior vena cava by an enlarged uterus can also be accompanied by increased shortness of breath, dizziness, and even fainting. To prevent such unpleasant consequences, it is not recommended to lie on your back, especially in the second half of pregnancy. It is advisable to sleep on your side or with your head end high (you can put several pillows under your head).

Should not be worn tight clothes, especially with a belt or tightly buttoned on the chest.

It should be performed at such a pace that it does not cause shortness of breath. But if it nevertheless arose, then in order to restore breathing, it is necessary to get comfortable and put your left hand on your chest, and your right hand on your stomach. Inhale for “one-two-three”, exhale for “four” (while the shoulders and neck should be as relaxed as possible). It can also help to raise your arms above your head with a few deep breaths in and out (the opinion that pregnant women should not raise their hands up is a myth).

“Exercising for the lungs” - singing will help reduce shortness of breath during pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers can safely sing their favorite songs, and it will become easier to breathe!

In order not to provoke the appearance of shortness of breath, it is advisable not to transmit, especially at bedtime! Eating large amounts of food leads to overflow of the stomach, squeezing and raising the diaphragm, which causes shortness of breath.

While waiting for the baby, in order not to provoke shortness of breath, it is necessary to protect yourself from passive smoking. Nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke, getting into the blood, disrupt the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and organs of the mother and baby, cause a spasm of the blood vessels, the body responds to this by increasing pressure and increasing the heart rate, which then causes rapid breathing and shortness of breath.

The use of lemon balm essential oil (for example, in an aroma lamp) will help to relax and restore breathing during pregnancy, you can also drink herbal tea based on motherwort or valerian.

It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women containing iron. It is also necessary to eat enough meat products rich in iron (beef, tongue, liver) to prevent the development of anemia in pregnancy, which contributes to shortness of breath. After all, with an insufficient level of red blood cells, the amount of hemoglobin that delivers oxygen to tissues decreases, so the brain “gives a signal” to the respiratory center to send impulses to the lungs more often and, accordingly, the frequency of respiratory movements increases.

We should not forget about the lungs. In addition to providing additional oxygen to the body of the mother and baby, the respiratory system will also be trained. Proper control of breathing, learning to relax and calm down expectant mothers well helps yoga for pregnant women. In addition, by doing yoga, it is easier to endure childbirth later on and use breathing techniques to relieve pain. pain during contractions and struggles.

In anticipation of the baby, the mother should avoid stressful situations that lead to an increased release of adrenaline (and the sensitivity of receptors to it during pregnancy is already great) and an increase in both breathing and heart rate.

A relaxing massage of the head, neck and shoulders helps to relieve tension and normalize breathing during pregnancy. You can make it yourself, but it is better to involve, for example, your husband in this activity. So relaxation will be more complete. These can be light stroking movements from top to bottom, along the course of blood flow in the vessels (if done from bottom to top, this will increase pressure). Light circular movements are also suitable (especially on the scalp), as if drawing a spiral on the skin, it is advisable to massage from the center of the head to the periphery.

If all these measures do not help and shortness of breath during pregnancy continues to bother you, you should consult with your doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. He will understand the causes of this condition, tell you how to alleviate it, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Heartburn, morning sickness, nasal congestion - these phenomena during pregnancy are discussed by all expectant mothers.

appetite during pregnancy

Do you suddenly find yourself craving something inedible, like ice, chalk, or even mud? No one knows exactly what triggers these cravings, but it is likely that a combination of biochemical, psychological, and cultural factors may play a role.

Learn more about changes in appetite during pregnancy.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

Do you have a runny or stuffy nose? So, you are among those 20-30% of women who experience this phenomenon during pregnancy. The so-called rhinitis of pregnancy can begin in the second month and continue until childbirth or a few weeks after them.

Learn more about nasal congestion during pregnancy.

Excessive salivation during pregnancy

Experts cannot say why many expectant mothers experience profuse salivation in the early stages. Perhaps it's all about hormonal changes and toxicosis.

Learn more about toxemia during pregnancy.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy

Are you unable to catch your breath? You are not alone. Shortness of breath during pregnancy is common, even in the early stages.

Learn more about shortness of breath during pregnancy.

Dizziness during pregnancy

Are you pregnant and feeling dizzy? The cardiovascular system and blood pressure undergo significant changes during pregnancy. Sometimes the body does not have time to cope with them, which is why dizziness occurs.

Learn more about dizziness during pregnancy.

Last update: September 2013

Signs of early pregnancy

  • Conclusion

Do you want to know if you are pregnant? A pregnancy test is the surest way to find out for sure. But sometimes curiosity gnaws when it's too early to get accurate results using a test. It doesn't matter - if you are observant enough, you may notice some indirect signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

Of course, it’s not worth talking about the absence of another menstruation - this is a fairly obvious sign of pregnancy. Although we must not forget that in some cases, menstrual irregularities can be caused by other reasons - for example, problems with the hormonal background of a woman.

So it doesn't hurt to take a test. And ideally, it is generally worth visiting a doctor - he will either confirm the pregnancy or diagnose the cause of the delay in menstruation. But let's move on to the topic of our conversation - the first symptoms of pregnancy.

Increased fatigue and drowsiness

Speaking of the most early signs pregnancy, not to mention fatigue. If a woman is pregnant, one of the first symptoms will be constant fatigue that appears for no apparent reason. A woman can wake up and immediately feel a breakdown.

If you haven’t noticed this before, you should be wary. And even more so, you should not take any energy drinks - this can harm the unborn baby. Try to get as much rest as possible until you know for sure if you are pregnant. But even if it's not about pregnancy, it's still worth it to see a doctor - chronic fatigue syndrome will not lead to anything good in the end.

And in some cases, the expectant mother has a very strong drowsiness. The most important dream of a woman during this period is her favorite pillow. And if you don't have a pillow, it doesn't matter, you can sleep standing up, as long as no one touches you. A similar phenomenon can be both independently and coupled with increased fatigue.

Never try to beat drowsiness with coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is dangerous to the fetus - this is a scientifically proven fact. The best thing you can do is sleep as much as time permits. Well, if the pregnancy is not confirmed, you still have to go to the doctor - drowsiness can be one of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome or another disease.

Change in taste preferences

If an open refrigerator makes you wince and you can't walk past a local Chinese restaurant without nausea, you could very well be pregnant. Many women note that such an intense aversion to food is one of the reliable first signs of pregnancy in its earliest stages.

Doctors believe that this aversion to food may be due to an increase in hCG levels- Pregnancy hormone. By the way, it is this hormone that allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy by test. However, the same hormone that causes disgust for one food can awaken a fiery love for another. Even if you couldn't stand it before.

Of course, pickles are more of a classic of the genre, which has become the talk of the town. But if you poll women with children, more than 80% will remember at least one case when they unbearably wanted something unexpected - watermelons in January, fried fish, ice cream at three in the morning or pine nuts at five in the morning. And for many of them, such “whims” began even before the delay in menstruation - such are the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Sensitivity to odors

The sense of smell of a future mother also often undergoes global changes. Smells that have never been pleasant (such as cigarette smoke) and even those that you once liked (such as your partner's cologne) can cause extreme nausea and disgust.

For some women - especially those who already have children - this sensitivity to smells allows you to recognize pregnancy. This probably also happens as a result of increased hormone levels. Unfortunately, there really isn't much you can do about it other than avoid bad odors if you can.

But the opposite is also found - a woman begins to notice that she is madly in love with this or that smell. And most often it is clearly not a perfume - sometimes it is the smell of rubber, sometimes - wet plaster, detergents or exhaust gases in general. However, it is worth noting that sometimes this can be observed with iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, regardless of the presence of pregnancy, consult a doctor.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting - especially if they continue for several days in a row - can be one of the first signs that you are pregnant. Moreover, if nausea increases every day, do not rush to scold these symptoms - they only say that there really is a pregnancy and it is developing correctly. Of course, if you did not manage to get poisoned.

Of course, nausea, and even more so vomiting, is unlikely to please the expectant mother. But do not be upset - firstly, it will disappear soon enough. And secondly, nausea can be tried to reduce. And sometimes eliminate it altogether.

Fractional nutrition is the key - your task is this: it is very important not to let your stomach be too empty. But you should not overeat - eat often, but in small portions. In addition, it will not be superfluous to eat something immediately after waking up, before getting out of bed.

Put some cheese or a cracker next to your bed in the evening - such a simple measure will help you reduce nausea to the minimum possible. Lemon water and/or mint can also help with nausea. But don't replace the candy chewing gum- you will achieve the opposite result. If the nausea is too severe, talk to your doctor.

Although both nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are common, in rare cases it is necessary intensive treatment. Otherwise, exhaustion and dehydration of the expectant mother is possible, and this is not the most in the best way affect the future child.

Change in the mammary glands

For many women, the first signs of pregnancy are directly related to the breast. Some of them note too high sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples. And some - also increased soreness when touched, or when removing a bra, if the breast is large enough.

Speaking of size - during pregnancy, even at its earliest stages, breast enlargement occurs, to one degree or another. Of course, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the breasts do not increase very much, but a woman, as a rule, always notices these changes. But do not forget that such symptoms often occur just before the menstruation.


It is generally accepted that frequent urination is typical for long periods of pregnancy. But it was not there! At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus grows actively and presses hard on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate more often than usual. That is why frequent urination can be safely attributed to the list, which takes into account the first symptoms of pregnancy.

There is no way to avoid this. But if you go to the bathroom right before bed, you will sleep much more restfully. It is not worth reducing the amount of fluid you drink - there is no point in doing so. You still have to go to the toilet at least once.


Some women find that shortness of breath occurs when the fetus is already large enough. However, this is not the case - sometimes shortness of breath can appear in the first few days of pregnancy. This happens because you need additional oxygen due to the growing embryo.

You have a sudden onset of shortness of breath that is not related to exercise. Breathing is painful. The shortness of breath is much worse when you lie down. This could be a sign of something more serious.


Of course, all these signs, often really occurring in the early stages of pregnancy, in themselves cannot serve as proof of pregnancy. Moreover, sometimes all these first symptoms of pregnancy turn out to be nothing more than the most common premenstrual syndrome. But they can make you wary. And if you have a delay following these signs, you can immediately take a pregnancy test or donate blood.

By the way, in the event that you had the first symptoms of pregnancy, and menstruation turned out to be unusual - too plentiful or too scarce, too long or too short, you also do not hurt to take a pregnancy test. Sometimes this happens as well.

Difficulty breathing during pregnancy

Shortness of breath and lack of air can occur in any person for a variety of reasons. Most often this occurs with increased physical activity, especially with excess body weight. Almost always, breathing difficulties are observed when there is a violation of work. of cardio-vascular system.

But if it became difficult to breathe during pregnancy, then most likely this phenomenon is temporary, non-dangerous and associated precisely with a special condition. female body. Doctors call such shortness of breath in pregnant women physiological. However, shortness of breath during pregnancy can be a wake-up call: you need to check the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, possibly, the work of the heart.

Why is there not enough air during pregnancy?

So many expectant mothers complain about the fact that there is not enough air during pregnancy at various times, even in the first trimester. Women say they have trouble breathing, have to open windows in the middle of the night, and often can't sleep except in the cold air. Many of them are forced to spend the night in a semi-sitting position - otherwise they begin to suffocate.

As a rule, shortness of breath during pregnancy occurs while walking, climbing stairs, bending over, doing some work, but it is also not uncommon when there is not enough air even at rest. In the latter case, you should consult a doctor, because very often this condition occurs due to a low level of hemoglobin in the blood of a woman, and anemia during pregnancy is not uncommon. Due to anemia, the level of oxygen in the blood also decreases (after all, it is hemoglobin that is its transporter), which a woman may feel lack of air.

In addition, the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother, who is already experiencing increased stress, can react in a similar way. Therefore, minimal physical activity can lead to shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Almost certainly this condition is not caused by serious health problems and does not pose any danger, but it is still better to play it safe and tell your doctor about it, especially if you have experienced heart disorders before, if shortness of breath occurs at rest or just during a conversation, accompanied by dizziness or fainting.

It is possible that against the background of a deficiency in the body of a woman of magnesium or other minerals, tachycardia develops during pregnancy. And lack of air often occurs due to stress and neuroses.

Your doctor may prescribe additional iron, magnesium, or other medications for you. Or he will simply give his recommendations on what to do if there is not enough air during pregnancy. If not only there is not enough air, but at the same time there is an acute, sharp pain in the sternum, radiating to the left shoulder, arm, or the lips turn blue with shortness of breath, then you need to call an ambulance! But such cases during pregnancy are very rare.

Read also:

  • Nifedipine during pregnancy

Difficulty breathing in early pregnancy

Some women complain that it is difficult for them to breathe already in the very early stages of pregnancy: at 6-8 weeks, when the body begins to rebuild itself in a new hormonal way.

Most likely, this is due to toxicosis. Contrary to popular belief that toxicosis during pregnancy is accompanied mainly by nausea and vomiting, this condition has other signs, including heaviness and pain in the stomach, heartburn, a feeling of fullness from the inside of the abdomen. By the way, similar symptoms can appear on later dates with gestosis.

Often, a woman who has just become pregnant finds it difficult to breathe every time after eating, even if a very small portion was eaten. The stomach may hurt, belching, heartburn may appear. This may also be due to the release of hydrochloric acid: its production is associated with the synthesis of growth hormone, which begins to be intensively produced in the body of the expectant mother.

Difficulty breathing in late pregnancy: causes

But still, in the vast majority of cases, breathing difficulties appear at the end of the second, closer to the third trimester. And the explanation for this is quite logical and physiological: the uterus grows in size all the time and rises higher, the child grows too, and together they exert tangible pressure on internal organs. As a result, the lungs are compressed and unable to expand fully. In addition, although last but not least, the diaphragm also experiences constraint. A pregnant woman feels a lack of air, shortness of breath, and sometimes even suffocates. Similar symptoms appear more often if the unborn baby is large and / or the expectant mother is short.

This cannot be avoided in any special way. Shortly before the birth, when the baby lowers its head into the pelvis (as a rule, this happens 2-4 weeks before the expected date of birth), having taken its original position for birth, the woman will notice that her stomach has also dropped - and it has become much easier to breathe.

It's hard to breathe during pregnancy: what to do?

In the meantime, you can only somehow alleviate your condition and remove the maximum benefit from it - imagine, even this is possible! In particular, during attacks of shortness of breath and lack of oxygen, it is worth practicing breathing during childbirth. Learn breathing exercises and breathing techniques in childbirth and try to use them whenever there is an attack of shortness of breath. So you will kill two birds with one stone: you will prepare for childbirth, and you will feel better.

  1. If shortness of breath occurs during physical exertion, just rest.
  2. Try to be more on the street, away from highways and industrial enterprises, walk in clean air.
  3. Sleep with an open window or window, but make sure that there is no draft.
  4. Lie down in a semi-sitting position, using additional pillows if necessary, but remember not to sleep on your back during pregnancy, especially in the later stages.
  5. During attacks of lack of air, get on all fours, relax as much as possible and take slow breaths and exhales, repeating several times.
  6. Do not skip breakfast: sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe during pregnancy for this very reason.
  7. Don't eat up. Nutrition during pregnancy should be fractional - frequent, but in small portions. Ideally, eat 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours, but the last meal should not be postponed at night: at least two hours should pass before going to bed.
  8. Keep track of weight gain so as not to gain extra pounds: this big factor risk for many reasons.
  9. Talk to your doctor: it may be appropriate to relax, sedatives, such as essential oils, herbal teas.
  10. Some women are helped by oxygen cocktails.

In no case do not worry that bouts of shortness of breath greatly harm the baby. If the tests and examination results are normal, then the state itself, when there is nothing to breathe during pregnancy, does not threaten the fetus, but only creates discomfort for the woman. A few weeks before childbirth, it will become easier for you: if your stomach drops before childbirth, expect an early birth and watch for other harbingers.

Don't be discouraged if your tummy doesn't drop, it happens too. But there is less and less time left until the long-awaited moment ...

Especially for - Elena Semenova

  • an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • lung diseases: tuberculosis, asthma and others;
  • wearing tight, synthetic clothing.

However, in the early stages, this trouble rarely worries expectant mothers, and they fully enjoy the happiness of their position. Most often, shortness of breath occurs during pregnancy in the second trimester, because it is during this period that serious changes occur in the body:

  • the fetus gradually adds weight - accordingly, it requires more space;
  • to give freedom to the growing "giant", the uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on the organs that are next to it;
  • the diaphragm experiences its pressure, as a result of which the first symptoms of shortness of breath appear in women from the second half of pregnancy, although they are not yet so strong;
  • the degree of difficulty in breathing at this time directly depends on how high the uterus rises every day;
  • aggravate the symptoms of shortness of breath, while all the same anemia, smoking, alcohol, improper clothing and some diseases of the internal organs, primarily in this case, the lungs.

Dyspnea is especially intensified in the third trimester of pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus is difficult to fit in the body, and it begins to put even more pressure on the diaphragm. Here you have to be patient, the good thing is that it will not last long. A couple of weeks before giving birth, the baby descends into the pelvic area, and the uterus stops pressing on the diaphragm. The woman herself will feel how easy it is to breathe. However, this does not happen to everyone, and someone has to suffer from this misfortune to the last.

The above causes of shortness of breath during pregnancy help future mothers understand that everything that is happening to them now is natural and quite natural. The only question is how to alleviate this unpleasant and rather difficult condition.

Elimination Methods

If already the 1st trimester of pregnancy was marked by shortness of breath, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle, eliminating all factors that could provoke this ailment.

  1. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination for the presence of various internal diseases (especially pulmonary).
  2. Reduce physical activity.

Is it hard to breathe during pregnancy - a cause for concern or the norm?

It is difficult to breathe during pregnancy for almost all women, but the reasons for this phenomenon can be different. Shortness of breath during pregnancy in most cases is physiological in nature, but it is also possible to develop pathological shortness of breath associated with a particular disease. Therefore, shortness of breath should always be reported to the antenatal clinic doctor.

It's hard to breathe during pregnancy - can this be the norm?

During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman rebuilds its work under the influence of hormones. The purpose of such a restructuring is to maximize the vital activity of the organisms of the mother and fetus.

It is difficult to breathe during pregnancy from the very first weeks, since the body of a pregnant woman needs an increased amount of oxygen as a result of the activation of metabolic processes, as well as the rapid growth and differentiation of embryonic tissues. From the tissues into the blood comes the waste material - carbon dioxide, which also needs to be removed regularly.

In order to cope with the growing needs of the body, a woman has frequent breathing - shortness of breath, which is physiological in nature. This shortness of breath usually appears at the beginning of pregnancy and completely disappears by the second trimester, that is, after 12 weeks of pregnancy. This suggests that the woman's body has fully adapted to its new state.

It becomes difficult to breathe during pregnancy in the third trimester, when the growing uterus begins to support the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities) and squeeze the lungs.

At the same time, shortness of breath appears again, increasing up to 36-38 weeks of pregnancy, after which the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm decreases due to the fact that the fetus descends into the small pelvis. This contributes to the reduction or even complete disappearance of shortness of breath.

Some women do not experience shortness of breath during pregnancy. This usually happens when the fetus is light in weight. It is also noted that physiological shortness of breath is less common in tall large women.

Difficulty breathing during pregnancy due to anemia

During pregnancy, the fetal body needs to build tissues a large number of gland. This iron, of course, is taken from the mother's body. And if a woman did not store it in sufficient quantities before pregnancy, during pregnancy she will develop iron deficiency anemia.

The development of anemia is facilitated by frequent childbirth, long-term feeding of the child. Breastfeeding is a personal choice of breastfeeding, malnutrition, helminthic invasions, deficiency of certain vitamins (A, D, C, group B). The inhibition of erythrocyte synthesis is also promoted by an increased content of female sex hormones estrogen in the blood.

Iron deficiency anemia is manifested in pregnant women by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, puffiness of the face, weakness, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, and tinnitus. It is difficult to breathe during pregnancy, accompanied by iron deficiency anemia, it becomes even with minor physical exertion.

Chronic oxygen deficiency (iron is part of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to tissues) leads to a violation of the state of all the internal organs of the woman herself and the fetus, in which the brain suffers the most. Therefore, anemia in pregnant women is tried to be detected as early as possible and treated.

It's hard to breathe during pregnancy - what other reasons could there be?

During pregnancy, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air may occur due to squeezing by the fetus of the inferior vena cava, which collects blood from the lower extremities. The most striking manifestation of this syndrome is the appearance or sharp increase in shortness of breath in the supine position. The appearance of such a symptom should be reported to the doctor.

In most women, the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava is manifested by shortness of breath only in this position, as well as varicose veins. Varicose veins - surgery is inevitable? and hemorrhoids.

But sometimes the stagnation of venous blood can lead to increased thrombosis, and this is already dangerous. Therefore, such women are observed and, if necessary, prescribed treatment. To prevent the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava, it is recommended to avoid the supine position in the second half of pregnancy.

Prevention of venous insufficiencyVenous insufficiency - a rapidly rejuvenating disease is also daily walking, during which there is muscle tension in the lower extremities, squeezing the veins and moving venous blood up. Experts recommend that pregnant women daily walk for half an hour or an hour several times a day.

Finally, the cause of shortness of breath may be an exacerbation of the disease that the woman had before pregnancy. Most often, these are diseases of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system or osteochondrosisOsteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the body weight of the cervicothoracic spine.

It is difficult for a woman to breathe during pregnancy even when everything is normal. But it is also possible that shortness of breath is associated with some kind of disease.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms for expectant mothers is shortness of breath during pregnancy. If someone does not know - a feeling of lack of air when you inhale, but you literally cannot breathe. There is a lack of oxygen. At the same time, the heart rate is greatly increased.

Due to this ailment, the vast majority of expectant mothers are forced to keep windows or vents open around the clock and cannot lead a normal life due to very poor exercise tolerance - breathing goes astray literally immediately.

There are many causes of shortness of breath:

  • overload of the mother's cardiovascular system (the heart and blood vessels should now work not for one organism, but for two);
  • lack of oxygen (oxygen inhaled by the mother is distributed to her and the child);
  • iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin);
  • real heart problems (defects, etc.);
  • the uterus, which supports the lungs from below (usually in the eighth month of pregnancy and later); - rhinitis of pregnant women (hormonally caused "stuffing" of the nose), when nasal breathing is difficult, shortness of breath occurs;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • thyrotoxicosis (pathology of the thyroid gland).

And although in most cases shortness of breath in expectant mothers is a variant of the norm, it is necessary to complain about it to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. And he, for sure, will refer her to a therapist and, possibly, a cardiologist, endocrinologist and pulmonologist.

What tests and examinations are coming

  1. Measurement of blood pressure. This procedure awaits a woman at every doctor's appointment. But in the case of shortness of breath and periodic pressure surges (including with the so-called syndrome white coat) a woman is recommended to take measurements on her own, at home, 2 times a day.
  2. Pulse measurement. Often shortness of breath is accompanied by tachycardia. This is a very unfortunate condition. Normally, the pulse in women during pregnancy is 80-100 beats per minute, slightly higher than outside pregnancy. But in some women, the pulse goes off scale to 150-170 beats with little physical activity. This is a very big load on the heart.
  3. ECG. Standard study during pregnancy. Normally, the ECG results should read “sinus rhythm”, but “sinus tachycardia” is also a variant of the norm. The main thing is that there are no records about the deviation of the electrical axis of the heart.
  4. Complete blood count with the determination of hemoglobin. The fact is that the feeling of shortness of breath, lack of air and tachycardia is a clear sign of a lack of iron in the body. It usually happens when hemoglobin is below 100-110. After the hemoglobin rises, breathing will immediately become easier. Yes, and the strength will increase significantly.
    Attention! Low hemoglobin is dangerous for both mother and fetus. Anemia in the first trimester of pregnancy provokes abnormal development of the placenta and miscarriages. In the second and third trimester - a delay in the development of the fetus and its oxygen starvation. After birth, children also suffer from anemia, lag behind in physical and intellectual development.
  5. 5. Holter monitoring. This is a heart rate study. Conducted throughout the day. This is something like an ECG recording, which is done over several hours. Accordingly, this study is many times more reliable than it. Of course, the minus for the expectant mother is the inconvenience - you have to walk around for a day with sensors on your body and a small device (recording) on ​​your belt. Plus, keep a diary in which to record all your actions. Particularly important are physical activities - walks. Be sure to go up and down the stairs a couple of times and indicate the time in your diary.
    If, in addition to a rapid pulse in response to physical activity, no problems are identified, then you can relax. Everything will go away after giving birth. But doctors usually play it safe and advise to go through ultrasound procedure hearts.
  6. Ultrasound of the heart. The procedure is even more unpleasant than Holter monitoring. It would seem that the usual ultrasound. What's bad about it? But no. The fact is that during ultrasound of the heart, the doctor presses the sensor very hard on the ribs. And for women who have intercostal neuralgia, this action will bring severe pain. But this nuance, of course, is not a reason to cancel this survey. Especially if a caesarean section is planned.

How to deal with shortness of breath if no deviations are found?

If the results of the examination are in order, take the following measures.

  1. Be outdoors more often or at least ventilate the room. You absolutely need an oxygen supply. Always sleep with the window open.
  2. Find a body position in which the uterus does not squeeze the diaphragm too much, then it will be easier for you to breathe. Usually breathing problems occur in a sitting position.
  3. Walk slowly, never rush. And if you are walking alone, always have a phone and some money for a taxi, just in case. Is it a little...
  4. If your doctor does not mind, start taking decoctions of motherwort and valerian alternately. They soothe very well, including slightly reducing attacks of shortness of breath and tachycardia.
  5. Eat a little. Remember that a full stomach, coupled with a huge uterus, compresses the diaphragm and does not allow you to breathe freely.
  6. Avoid strenuous exercise.
  7. Humidify the air at home during the heating season. Humid air is much easier to breathe, and the nasal mucosa will not dry out.

What to do if an attack of shortness of breath begins?

Try to calm down and stop if you are in motion. Next, you need to sit down as much as possible and start breathing as follows: inhale and exhale deeply. So the body will receive enough oxygen for itself and for the fetus. Remember that your erratic breathing threatens with hypoxia to the child.

If you are at home, take a position in which the lungs will be as free as possible - get on all fours. And keep breathing deeply. By the way, such breathing not only saturates well with oxygen, but also soothes. And during childbirth, it is very useful - it relieves a little by relaxing the muscles of the uterus and contributes to the rapid opening of the cervix.

Remember! The causes of shortness of breath, especially acute, can be very severe, including cancer. Therefore, if you feel unwell, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Dyspnea- violation of the depth and frequency of breathing, which is accompanied by an acute shortage of air. This condition often overtakes a woman during the period of bearing a baby. At first it becomes difficult for her to climb to the upper floors, then she cannot breathe deeply, and then more and more often there are whole attacks, when it is difficult to breathe, and her heart is pounding too fast. Why there is shortness of breath during pregnancy and how to deal with it at different stages of bearing a child, all expectant mothers should know.

The reasons for this difficult and unpleasant phenomenon, which overshadows the lives of many pregnant women, can be very different and depend on which month of the baby's development it manifested itself. If shortness of breath appears during early pregnancy, it could be provoked by a not quite correct lifestyle that the expectant mother continues to lead, not wanting to give up the small joys of life, as well as some of the most serious internal diseases. At this stage, the causes of difficulty breathing can be:

  • powerful physical activity;
  • strong emotional overstrain;
  • too sharp a hormonal surge during pregnancy can also cause shortness of breath;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • anemia;
  • an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • lung diseases: tuberculosis, asthma and others;
  • wearing tight, synthetic clothing.

However, in the early stages, this trouble rarely worries expectant mothers, and they fully enjoy the happiness of their position. Most often, shortness of breath occurs during pregnancy in the second trimester, because it is during this period that serious changes occur in the body:

  • the fetus gradually adds weight - accordingly, it requires more space;
  • to give freedom to the growing "giant", the uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on the organs that are next to it;
  • the diaphragm experiences its pressure, as a result of which the first symptoms of shortness of breath appear in women from the second half of pregnancy, although they are not yet so strong;
  • the degree of difficulty in breathing at this time directly depends on how high the uterus rises every day;
  • aggravate the symptoms of shortness of breath, while all the same anemia, smoking, alcohol, improper clothing and some diseases of the internal organs, primarily in this case, the lungs.

Dyspnea is especially intensified in the third trimester of pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus is difficult to fit in the body, and it begins to put even more pressure on the diaphragm. Here you have to be patient, the good thing is that it will not last long. A couple of weeks before giving birth, the baby descends into the pelvic area, and the uterus stops pressing on the diaphragm. The woman herself will feel how easy it is to breathe. However, this does not happen to everyone, and someone has to suffer from this misfortune to the last.

The above causes of shortness of breath during pregnancy help future mothers understand that everything that is happening to them now is natural and quite natural. The only question is how to alleviate this unpleasant and rather difficult condition.

Elimination Methods

If already the 1st trimester of pregnancy was marked by shortness of breath, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle, eliminating all factors that could provoke this ailment.

  1. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination for the presence of various internal diseases (especially pulmonary).
  2. Reduce physical activity.
  3. Avoid emotional stress.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Eliminate the use of alcohol.
  6. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials.

These rules should be followed by every woman throughout pregnancy in order to alleviate shortness of breath. In addition, if the matter is only in the uterus growing day by day, it is worth trying to use long-proven means that allow, if not to completely eliminate shortness of breath, then at least significantly alleviate its attacks.

  1. Start doing breathing exercises.
  2. Try to sleep semi-lying.
  3. Walk outdoors more often.
  4. Regularly ventilate the room where you stay for a long time.
  5. While sitting at the TV or computer, change positions as often as possible.
  6. Eat in small portions, but more often: this will keep the stomach in a slightly relaxed state, and it will take the main pressure of the uterus, as it is located in close proximity to it.
  7. With the permission of the doctor during pregnancy, you can take collections of sedative herbs - valerian or motherwort.
  8. During attacks, you need to learn to pull yourself together and not panic.

If you take into account these simple, but very useful and effective recommendations, there will be no trace of shortness of breath during pregnancy. No need to endure and suffer from bouts of shortness of breath: this will shake the emotional state of the expectant mother and will not lead to anything good.

There are a number of conclusions about the dangers of washing cosmetics. Unfortunately, not all new mothers listen to them. 97% of shampoos use the hazardous substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or its equivalents. Many articles have been written about the impact of this chemistry on the health of both children and adults. At the request of our readers, we tested the most popular brands.

The results were disappointing - the most advertised companies showed the presence of the very dangerous components in the composition. In order not to violate the legal rights of manufacturers, we cannot name specific brands. Mulsan Cosmetic, the only company that passed all the tests, successfully received 10 points out of 10 (read). Each product is made from natural ingredients completely safe and hypoallergenic.

If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed 10 months. Approach carefully to the choice of cosmetics, it is important for you and your child.

Shortness of breath is a change in the frequency and depth of breathing, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. During pregnancy, this condition can occur both in perfectly healthy women and in the development of a serious pathology. The doctor will be able to find out the cause of shortness of breath and prescribe the necessary treatment after a thorough examination of the patient.

Physiological causes of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is a very common occurrence during pregnancy. Rapid and difficult breathing occurs in the II and early III trimester. The longer the gestation period, the worse the shortness of breath becomes. Any one can provoke an attack. exercise stress, stress, overeating, as well as being in a stuffy and cramped room.

Shortness of breath in the second half of pregnancy is associated with rapid growth baby, an increase in the uterus and the size of the abdomen. The growing uterus presses on all internal organs, including the diaphragm and the lungs located behind it. With each week of pregnancy, the uterus rises higher and higher above the womb, and breathing becomes much harder. Physiological shortness of breath occurs after 20 weeks and persists until the very birth.

At 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby moves closer to the entrance to the small pelvis. The uterus descends, and breathing becomes much easier. The feeling of lack of air disappears, and even climbing stairs seems not so much an impossible task as before. Finally, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear after the birth of the child.

Physiological shortness of breath is the norm for pregnant women. This condition is very unpleasant, but not dangerous for the mother and fetus. A wise organism compensates for the imbalance in the work of the lungs, and respiratory failure does not occur. Physiological shortness of breath does not lead to the formation of hypoxia and does not affect the development of the fetus.

Shortness of breath in early pregnancy

Shortness of breath that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy deserves special attention. Up to 12 weeks, the uterus does not go beyond the womb and cannot in any way affect the internal organs located outside the small pelvis. The diaphragm and lungs remain in place, and the tiny baby still cannot interfere with their normal work. The occurrence of shortness of breath in early pregnancy is an unfavorable symptom. In case of attacks of rapid and difficult breathing, you should consult a doctor.

Pathological causes of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath at any stage of pregnancy can be triggered by the following conditions:

Respiratory diseases

The appearance of shortness of breath may indicate the development of such a pathology:

  • rhinitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a very common disease among young women. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath and dry cough occur in response to exposure to an allergen. The provoking factor can be plant pollen, pet hair, dust, food, drugs.

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs (tracheitis, bronchitis) are manifested by shortness of breath, dry or wet cough, fever. Shortness of breath against the background of rhinitis occurs with severe nasal congestion. For the treatment of these diseases, local or general antiviral and antibacterial agents are prescribed, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Heart disease

Pathology of the cardiovascular system is often accompanied by shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. At the same time, pain behind the sternum, palpitations, and jumps in blood pressure may occur. During pregnancy, heart defects and cardiomyopathies are most common. For diagnosis and treatment, you should consult a cardiologist.

Anemia is a very common pathology among pregnant women. Shortness of breath with anemia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in taste preferences.

used to diagnose anemia general analysis blood (determination of erythrocytes and hemoglobin). Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may recommend taking iron supplements.

Thyroid diseases

Shortness of breath occurs with thyrotoxicosis - one of the pathologies of the thyroid gland. This disease disrupts the production of thyroid hormones. An excess amount of thyroid hormones enters the blood, which explains the appearance of all the symptoms of the disease:

  • swelling;
  • exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeball);
  • hand tremor;
  • tachycardia;
  • frequent urination;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • sleep disorders.

The disease usually develops long before pregnancy. To correct thyrotoxicosis, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Vascular pathology

Shortness of breath can be a manifestation of a dangerous condition - pulmonary embolism (PE). Such a pathology occurs against the background of varicose veins and can lead to the death of a woman. A thrombus detached from the wall of the vessel blocks the lumen of the pulmonary artery, which provokes the appearance of shortness of breath and a dry, strong cough. If help is not provided on time, coma may develop.

What to do?

Physiological shortness of breath is an unpleasant but completely natural condition during pregnancy. Physiological dyspnea is not treated. The following tips will help alleviate the condition:

  1. Master the technique of breathing exercises (on your own or under the guidance of a trainer).
  2. Practice yoga.
  3. Rest more often, move in a rhythm that is comfortable for you, do not overstrain.
  4. Spend at least 2 hours a day outdoors.
  5. Avoid overeating.
  6. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

During an attack of shortness of breath, you should relax and take a sitting position with an inclination forward. The “cat” pose helps to cope with shortness of breath: on all fours with an arched back. Remain in this position until complete normalization of breathing. If all the measures taken do not help, you should consult a doctor to rule out a serious pathology.