Proven conspiracies. Short but very powerful money spells. From any separation from your loved one

Do you urgently need help resolving any issue? No time to wait? Read conspiracies that work instantly. Instant conspiracies act very quickly and are designed to solve important life problems. It is better to read all instant conspiracies on the waxing moon, on days when lunar energy increases. Thursday is considered the most favorable day for a conspiracy. By reading such a conspiracy, you can relieve severe pain, make a person call you and even attract good luck. With the help of such conspiracies, the evil eye is removed. Although these conspiracies are instantaneous, they require preliminary preparation. The effect will not be long in coming.

When you don’t want to wait: instant spells that work effectively in the shortest possible time.

The instant effect of the conspiracy is reality!

Most often, such instant spells are used by people who are faced with a health problem. Every person has had a severe toothache or stomach pain at least once. This plot, like an ambulance, will help quickly relieve pain. Many people resort to medications and call a doctor. This plot will help temporarily remove painful sensations. When you feel relief, you can calmly contact a specialist without taking drastic measures. For an instant pain relief spell, you will need a box of matches. Remove all the matches from the box, collect the gunpowder from them, cleaning it from each match. Sprinkle gunpowder on a metal or glass surface for safety. Scatter the gunpowder in the shape of a cross. Now you need to set fire to this cross and have time to cast a spell

“Where there is smoke, there is pain.
Where there is smoke, there is pain.”

Say until all the gunpowder is burned. After this spell, the pain should subside within a few minutes.

Instant spell for good luck

This conspiracy is the most universal remedy when you want to be lucky. For example, you bought a lottery ticket and want it to be a winner. This conspiracy will help any student get the right ticket in the exam. For an instant spell for good luck, you need to make an amulet, which will be a guide to good luck. The amulet is very easy to make. You will need a very small piece of paper on which to write the following words

“My angel, be with me.
One piece of luck follows, followed by another.”

Roll a piece of paper into a tube, which must be sealed so that it does not unfold. Take a regular pin and fasten the tube to the clothes you plan to wear during the day. Whenever you need good luck, touch the amulet and ask the Angel of Luck to help you. The conspiracy will take effect instantly.

Instant spell against the evil eye

Simple and fast-acting spells

The plot is read if you feel that you have been jinxed. There are people whose gaze or envy turns against other people. If you feel suddenly unwell or are experiencing bad luck Lately, then perhaps you have been jinxed. To remove such an evil eye, an instant spell will help. Removing the evil eye symbolizes cleansing of bad energy. To do this you will need an oak broom and holy water. It’s better to go to the bathhouse with this broom. If you do not have such an opportunity, then remove the evil eye with the help of a spell on oak leaves You can also do it at home. Take a new oak broom, sprinkle it with holy water and slap yourself with the broom for several minutes while reciting the following spell

Oak, oak, strengthen my health.
Holy water, take the eyes of bad people away from me.
I cut off all the bad things with an oak broom.”

After you have patted yourself with an oak broom, wash yourself with holy water and wipe your face with the hem of your dress or shirt. Take a few sips of holy water and say the Lord's Prayer. After such a ritual, the evil eye goes away instantly, and you will never be exposed to it again.

You can also do this, which is also a very effective way.

Instant conspiracies are carried out with strong faith in the fulfillment of what is desired. The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works. Sometimes a person wants his wish to come true so badly that just one thought is enough and you can perform real magic without additional attributes.

Video: “Powerful conspiracies from Vanga that act instantly”

Comments from site visitors

    I liked the evil eye method. Necessary thing this conspiracy in our time is precisely from the evil eye. Since there are many such people who envy other people’s happiness, they do not build their own and interfere with others. We should try, it probably won’t get worse anyway, we just sat down to expect the best =) I just have envious friends, so I’ll plot on them. In general, we need to try all your conspiracies, it’s very interesting.

    By the way, a spell for good luck! I used it all the time while I was in college! I don’t regret it one bit! And I’ll tell my children about him. I always hated cramming, so exams were hell for me, although I understood my specialty. All my exams were always easy and without problems. At the same time, when I wanted an A, I got it, and if a B in some subject was enough for me, then I got it. The main thing here is not to become impudent and approach it wisely!)

    I always make a spell against the evil eye before some holiday when my child will receive a lot of attention. He is still small and everyone needs to cuddle him, tell him what cute cheeks, eyes, etc. he has. I can’t get mad, but there’s nothing I can do. And the child will get tired of all this and then cannot be calmed down. I've gotten used to it like this lately. I’ll quickly make a plot and I’m no longer afraid of any problems. I calmly have fun and relax without worrying about the child

    I am interested in an instant spell against the evil eye, I want to try it. There you need an oak whisk, well, I’ll take it from my grandmother, where I saw it. And I go to church for holy water. It’s just that lately I’ve noticed some bad looks from my colleagues at work. Moreover, I often give presentations, and there are sidelong glances from my partners. Maybe someone jinxed it. It would be necessary to put up a defense with your conspiracy. I had already heard something before, but somehow I couldn’t decide.

    I decided to try a spell for good luck and went to the cinema with friends. On the way out I found 5,000 rubles in one bill, as if they were there just for me, just waiting) What a stroke of luck)

    In our harsh times of envious people and ill-wishers, a conspiracy against the evil eye is a real salvation! I use it periodically for myself and my family. So far I have never let you down and never will, I’m sure! Thanks for the complete information!

    Very useful article. Nowadays it’s not easy not to meet a person who would treat you without envy, it’s hard to live without quarrels, and it’s even harder to live without luck. It’s good that there is a website with articles that describe conspiracies and talismans of various properties. For example, I always carry it with me so that no ill-willed people can jinx it. You never know who you will meet on your way. And I will definitely take the “gunpowder” plot into service))

    Let all bad weather and misfortune go away... I still couldn’t remember where I had heard this before. And my mother told me this, so that if I suddenly doubt something, I should repeat this phrase in my head. It turns out that I only knew part of the conspiracy, but it also protected me perfectly. No troubles in childhood. No matter how much trouble I got into, it passed me by. Thank you mom for the love and this site for the reminder too. Now, before important things, I’ll turn this around in my head again.

    A spell for good luck during a session for a student - happiness! That moment when all means are good... Very useful article, everything was explained in detail, especially about rolling paper, such a simple and effective amulet. Now I will use it not only for exams.

    Anastasia also used a spell for good luck when it was time for exams, but most of all she liked the evil eye method. Nowadays, this is such a sore subject, when there is so much envy and hatred around, even from someone you don’t expect. I really didn’t make it to the bathhouse, but I attached a pin))

    “My angel, be with me.
    One piece of luck follows, followed by another.”
    Just two lines, but so much help. I use this spell before a special important points life or when I'm very worried. Of course, with an amulet.
    And, of course, I also advised my loved ones, told them, and showed the article.

    Hello everyone :) As they say, coincidences are not accidental! This is exactly my case. I was going to the bathhouse with friends and then I came across this article.
    You can immediately guess that we are talking about a conspiracy against the evil eye.
    After baptism, holy water was found at home. I did everything according to the instructions and read the spell.
    Tomorrow I'll go to the store for a pin, I didn't find it at home))

    Good day! Yesterday I encountered such a problem as an incredible toothache. I think I took the medicine, but nothing helped. I think, let me look on the Internet to see what else I can do. Oh, 1000 and 1 article on how to get rid of toothache, but I ended up on this site and read the article “gunpowder plot”. And you know, it helped! True, I had to explain to my husband later what I was doing))

    I looked at the comments, yes, I read them too, but the words are eerily familiar. Only in my case this is a conspiracy “for gunpowder”.
    “Where there is smoke, there is pain.
    Where there is smoke there is pain.”
    Immediately before my eyes is childhood, grandmother, village, the feeling of that smell of matches...
    I will definitely practice it on my children, although I really hope that I won’t have to!

    Good afternoon In previous comments, readers of the article highlighted their favorite plot, but I still use all three! And for quite some time now. A spell for good luck (with a paper amulet) before an important occasion or event, a spell against the evil eye, when there is such a strange feeling, or when I go to the bathhouse .. “for gunpowder”, of course, during illness
    The article is always in favorite bookmarks!
    And I printed it out at home just in case.

    A conspiracy is such a thing... if you don’t try, you won’t know! So I decided to try it. From the evil eye and for good luck.. exam time)) I plan to practice more in the future!!! I’ll also tell my friends Russian.

    “Let all bad weather and misfortunes go away.
    Oak, oak, strengthen my health..."
    A story about how to surprise your family in a bathhouse)) At first they didn’t quite understand me, but then I showed them this article. No one remained indifferent
    True, I don’t know exactly what kind of broom it was, perhaps an oak one.

    5 minutes and it was gone!

    Good night, my dears! Nervously gave me an incredible headache. You can’t call it a migraine, but it’s not very pleasant... I think it was not, all remedies are good not only in love. I started looking for conspiracies on the Internet. I came across an article and it turned out to be the most sensible one.
    5 minutes and it was gone!

    It's time for layoffs at work... Mom advised me to look up some conspiracies on the Internet. I hope it helps, we sit, make amulets, learn words =)
    No fluff, as they say

    Good luck to you tomorrow, Julia! Of course, you wouldn’t wish losing your job now on your enemy. I also looked at good luck conspiracies, but not for myself, but for my daughter, the exam is tomorrow, we are terribly worried.
    She’s having a session, but I’m worried, and for both of us! Eh
    “My angel, be with me..”

    But I still do it for prevention
    I saved all three spells, today I made a good luck amulet with a work colleague, and this weekend we’ll go to the bathhouse to get rid of the evil eye.
    A useful thing!!! It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers said so many positive comments about conspiracies.

    Good evening! I went into my son’s room here. At first I didn’t understand what he was doing, then he explained, I really laughed, but then he explained what and how, they say they practice with friends before exams and it really helps!
    Well, I'll take note.

    Everything in the article is true: “The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works.”
    Often people think that it is enough to just want, but no! Not so.
    I’ve been wearing a pin myself for years now and attach it to everyone at home!

    Good day! I'm afraid of the evil eye like cats are afraid of water, well, really
    Lately I’ve been feeling like something is wrong, I think it’s time to act!
    Conspiracies are just that. The article is also so informative, everything is explained point by point, what and how. I didn’t even have to persuade my family to go to the bathhouse, just give my husband a reason...

    But I have a different story. I decided to propose marriage to the girl. I was so worried, I didn’t know what to do, valerian didn’t help, I even took 100g per soul...
    Then a friend jokingly recommended a plot, but I took it seriously.
    In any case, she said “YES!”, and the amulet is always with me now!
    There will be something to tell the children

    Hi all! I sent my daughter to study in a big city. And there the evil eye is a common phenomenon. I, of course, sound the alarm, I read many articles on the Internet, but this one appealed to me the most, the most understandable. We didn’t have time to go to the bathhouse, but of course I attached the pin. In a coat, jacket and bag, just in case

    Good evening
    Yes, Marya, I was also worried about my daughter, but they used a spell for good luck. The session was very difficult... we went to great lengths, as they say
    But the main thing is that my daughter really believed! As was said above, desire alone is not enough.

    A box of matches and the pain disappeared! Who would have thought
    Recommended by a work colleague. At first I didn’t really believe it, I thought he was joking, but what... when it’s the 3rd day with a headache and I snap at everyone. It’s one thing for you to suffer, and another for those around you. A box of chocolates to my colleague, and many thanks to the authors of the article for being informative!

    On which moon is the good luck plot read; exams can also take place during the waning period, or does it not matter which moon is in this plot?

    I really liked the good luck spell! It's simple and it works! Helped me during the test. I thought I wouldn’t rent.
    History is a difficult subject for me. I have trouble remembering dates and places. I suffered for a week, there was no point.
    I’ve already decided I’ll screw it up, I’ll screw it up (((And then I came across the site.
    Happened! Thanks to the author

    Hello! It's no secret that there is a lot of negative energy around. They will stick the evil eye to themselves more easily. Lately I’ve been having frequent headaches. I’m sure it’s the evil eye. I really needed protection!
    The most difficult thing was to find an oak broom... That's quite a problem. I solved it with the help of a friend; she brought me a broom from the village.
    Bottom line, my headache went away and my mood improved.
    I will try other conspiracies.

    Hello! I want to share my experience of removing the evil eye. I have a son, he is 8 months old, and lately he has started crying and sulking often. A friend recommended this ritual.
    Fortunately, there were no problems with the broom. The baby's condition has improved. He began to smile and walk more. Thanks for the article, it was very useful!
    I will definitely recommend it to my mom friends!

    I’ve never believed fortune tellers and conspiracies! I didn’t believe it, but in vain.
    It so happened that luck literally turned away from me. There was a bad streak at work and at home.
    Thanks to grandma, I thought it was the evil eye!
    I found this article and decided to try it. The result will not take long to arrive.
    Life is slowly returning to normal! Girls, don’t hesitate, try it and life will shine again!

    It must be strange to see a review from a man on a similar topic. And yet I will take the risk.
    It was a very difficult year for me: my car was stolen, my job was made redundant, my family had problems.
    No matter what I did, no matter how I twisted around, nothing.
    The conspiracy turned out to be the last hope. And although I didn’t really believe that it would help, I decided to try.
    Well friends... It seems to help, I tell you!
    Made a spell for good luck.

    Good evening! I came to the page based on a tip from my sister. Luck turned away from me, problems piled up. I tried a spell for good luck, thanks to the article, everything is simply written.
    And although I made the plot last spring, I decided to write it only now, I like to write after the fact of the result.
    And there is a result! We have a loved one, we have a job, we are expecting a baby. Isn't this luck?)

    I was tormented by toothache. Literally exhausted. It's funny to say - matches helped))
    Whoever said it, I wouldn’t believe it. And then I tried it myself and it works!
    Now I’ll know where to run if I get caught)
    Thank you, the article was really useful.

    Hello! I couldn’t help but unsubscribe. The gunpowder plot helped me a lot. More precisely, not even for me, but for my mom. She is very sick, she suffers from pain, the pills do not help.
    I think I’ll try the plot, it definitely won’t get any worse.
    And then... and it became easier for her. Believe it or not, it’s true. Mommy is happier and fresher.
    Highly recommend.

    Hello! I’ll join the male half, I don’t watch it a lot here!
    I personally tried Vanga’s spell to cleanse the house.
    I'll tell you a little how it was. I have a cat, he began to behave strangely, he sits, the scoundrel, in the corner and hisses... Creepy in one word. Good people suggested that there was apparently something nasty in the house. The human eye does not see, but a cat feels!
    I googled what to do, found your website, tried old lady Vanga’s spell and the cat calmed down. And I’m so glad that there is no fear left at home.

    I tried on myself Vanga’s spell for well-being and good luck. The blues also caused problems.
    The most difficult thing was to find a clear day))) Overall, I was satisfied with the procedure.
    I really felt an influx of strength. The mood got better. The problems faded into the background and turned out to be not so global. I’m looking forward to improving well-being)

    Anton, I understand you. Cats are guides to another world; they are very sensitive to dishonesty.
    So my Vasily began to behave strangely. I went online just to find what to do.
    And then happiness, I came across this site and also your comment!
    Thank you to the site for the opportunity to correct the situation, and simply for the opportunity to communicate!

    A spell for good luck is indeed good luck!
    Helped me out more than once. I sincerely believe that it was he who helped.
    We take it with us at the right moments. It seems to me that you shouldn’t wear it all the time; you still need to use your angel’s powers wisely)
    Thanks for the interesting article

    O) I was impressed by Vanga’s conspiracies. I tried it myself a long time ago. Now I’ve read it here and I’m thinking about resuming the practice.
    I need support now, and I expect only good things from Vanga. Her spells work, time-tested!
    People, don’t doubt it, try it and everything will work out!
    The main thing is to believe in goodness!

    According to Marina (her post is above)
    The extra attention to your child is very annoying. I always try to protect my daughter from importunity and fussing. I read about a conspiracy against the evil eye, I think I’ll try it.
    My daughter is as pretty as an angel, with curly blond hair and blue eyes, and few people don’t want to have a lisp with her.
    And then she feels bad (
    Thanks to the author for the idea of ​​a wonderful page.

    Just for fun, I decided to try a spell for good luck. My friends and I went fishing, and I rarely have any luck with it. So I started plotting. Looks like I did everything right. And this time I was pleased with the fishing. I returned home with a decent catch) What is this? LUCK)))

    Hello! I hasten to share my experience in case it comes in handy for someone.
    My husband and I live in perfect harmony, of course there were always envious people, but everything worked out well.
    And then a new neighbor came to us. There is a blue stocking. I thought there weren't any.
    She greets us through gritted teeth, and doesn’t say the word “hello” (she doesn’t wish us health) but simply nods and looks at our feet.
    I began to notice that as soon as we met her, everything was out of hand, my husband became nervous, and quarrels began.
    I made a conspiracy on oak brooms, the neighbor disappeared and everything went well in the house.

    I stopped by on the advice of my older sister.
    My sister will not give bad advice, I was convinced once again.
    I read the page avidly, I’ll definitely try it myself, just to comprehend it once.

There are rituals of white magic that help attract customers to your services. This is especially important for those people who directly depend on their customers: hairdressers, manicurists, massage therapists, salespeople, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore money in your pocket.

Most rituals can be performed at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual of attracting clients, so as not to scare off your luck.

Strong bell spell

To perform the ritual you need to purchase a small bell. You should like it right away, since it determines how successful your business will be. To carry out the ritual, you should wait until the new moon and in the evening pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the bell:

“Ring the bell, long and loudly! Invite guests, invite rich people! Wake up all the animals in the forest, let the client come to me!”

After this, the good luck charm needs to be hung outside all night. Then bring the bell to workplace. Thus little helper will attract the necessary and rich customers for your services.

For money (ritual with a bill)

This ritual will especially help when business becomes stagnant and the influx of visitors does not increase or begins to dry up.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  • you need to take a banknote (the larger it is, the better);
  • open the window at night;
  • Taking the bill in your hands, say the words of the spell: “Just as there is a lot of water and salt in the sea-ocean, and there is no counting of sand at the bottom of the sea, so may I never stop receiving customers, and the flow of money to me will not dry up forever. Let it be so!".

After this, the bill should be placed as far as possible in the work office, preferably hidden in the table. In just a few days, your business affairs will improve dramatically, as if by magic.

Honey spell

The ritual is carried out when there is full moon. You need to purchase a jar of natural honey in advance, open it on the full moon and turn the following words to the Moon:

“Luna-Beauty, my clever girl and assistant! Give me good luck in business! Let it be sweet and healthy, like this honey! Let people flock to me, to my work, for the sweet smell and brilliant appearance!”

After this, in the morning before work, you need to smear a little honey on the front door through which clients come to you. The result will exceed all expectations.

This ritual is useful in trade, so that customers are more willing to come to your store and take goods. To carry out the ritual for sugar, you need to perform a number of such actions:

  • prepare a candle in advance, a little granulated sugar, any light, clean cloth and a strong green thread;
  • in the evening at home, light a candle, spread a cloth, throw in exactly three pinches of a sweet product and say a spell: “My sugar is sweet, an excellent product! Sweetness from your purchase to you, goodness and wealth to me. Let it be so!";
  • After that, roll up the fabric with sugar and tie it in a triple knot with green thread.

Bring the resulting bag of sugar to work and hide it in your workplace so that no one sees. People will start visiting your store more often and making larger purchases.

Spells for hairdressers and salons

White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon and increase the influx of customers if you work as a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the machinations of competitors and “recapture” potential customers for services from them.

To the comb so that clients come in droves

This simple ritual can be performed any day of the week. For him you will need to buy a new comb, pick it up and solemnly pronounce the spell:

“Tooth comb, bring me the people with ridges!” My hair is smooth, all my clients are attracted to me. For man - beauty, for me - wealth and praise! It will be good for the client, and money in my wallet! Let it be so!".

It is advisable to use the comb several times a day. After a month, the effective effect of the magic will begin to weaken, so you will have to repeat it, but with a new comb.

For salt

With the help of this famous magical product (salt gets rid of negative emotions and the machinations of evil competitors), you can secure your business and attract many customers.

The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  • in a glass clean water you need to add a pinch of salt;
  • Before the start of the working day, pronounce the words of the spell over a glass of salt: “I will speak salt and water, I will call all clients. Just as there are so many salty drops in the sea and ocean, I have so many clients that I can’t count them. Bring good, rich people to me, and take the evil and unkind people away from me! Amen".
  • then you need to splash a little water on yourself and around your workplace.

In this way, the master will be protected from attacks by unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers for services.

For scissors for nail salons

Scissors have long been known in magical rites, therefore they require compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

  • you should not click scissors in vain: in this way you break the thread of luck;
  • during the ritual, scissors are held in the right hand, even if you are left-handed;
  • After the ritual, your scissors should under no circumstances be picked up by another person: this can lead to the “loss” of profits.

The ritual is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere with a successful business. We must try not to forget the slightest detail. Then use nail scissors to cut the paper into small pieces. At the same time say the following words:

“I cut out all troubles and obstacles, I accept only money and rewards.”

After this, small pieces of paper should be burned, the ashes should be thrown out in the toilet or scattered over a pond.

To trade in a store

For a long time, rich merchants enlisted the support of black and white magic and used the most various ways For successful trading and attracting wealthy buyers. Many mysterious rituals have reached our contemporaries. The power of ancient words and actions remains unchanged to this day and brings real success at work.

Large revenue

In order for business to go uphill and customers to purchase large goods, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:

  • at midnight on the waxing Moon, stay alone at your workplace;
  • obtain financial documents;
  • lay them out on the table and say the following text:

“Moon and Sun, silver and gold, share your strength, bestow favor on me. Fly to me, large bills, like moths to a flickering light. Let me be lucky in all matters, and let my competitors be the envy of me. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

After that, you need to put the documents back in your place and go home. From the next day, the proceeds from the sale will become larger every day.

Help from evil spirits

Brave people resort to this ritual when they urgently need to improve business in trade. It will be especially useful for those merchants who need to sell stale goods and not be left at a loss.

“Damn, damn, come to me, help me. We need to sell goods, convene people and collect money. It’s a prank for you, it’s prosperity for me.”

Prayers to attract clients

People often turn to Orthodox saints for help in business. However, you should remember: prayers to heavenly intercessors need to be read when things have really gotten worse and people have stopped coming to you for services or goods. If things are going well enough, it’s better not to bother the saints in vain and ask them for excess income - the result may be such that you will be “taught” to live within your means.

Prayers for help should be offered at home in front of the image of the saint, and a candle purchased in the church should be lit.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, our intercessor and helper! Help me in my affairs, protect me from dashing misfortunes. I am not lazy, I work for the good of people and for the glory of God. Protect me from troubles and worries, protect and multiply the work of my hands! Amen".

Seraphim of Sarov

“Saint Seraphim, bless me and my righteous works! Give me support and give me your wisdom, a clear mind and strong strength to work for the good of people, so that clients come! Show me mercy, a sinner, hear my requests for help! Amen".

Use these conspiracies for your own benefit, but don’t be lazy yourself, but provide your customers with quality goods and services.

You are looking for a job, you are being forced out of work, you cannot find a job, you want to move up career ladder, you are going for an interview, you cannot wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need to successfully resolve your situation. Proven conspiracies that work 100 percent.

Conspiracy on icons Holy Mother of God and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick church candles and collect holy water in the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the plot:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.

Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (you should place it under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned the bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.

Plot before going for an interview

Take a pinch of salt, pour it into your left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

While lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

Pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk with your left hand so that there is more white, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are threatened with dismissal, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find mutual language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss’s office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, place this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe your work area.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering your boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

A conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

In this article I will tell you about the seven shortest money spells, which are very highly effective. The conspiracies are working, and I can vouch for each of these conspiracies, because I tracked them all. It is clear that not everyone can get help from such conspiracies; some people are sufferers and losers in life, some have serious karmic debts, someone else may have damage or some other negative. But if you are destined to come into money, then these conspiracies can speed up this process.

Do all spells only on the waxing moon. You need to choose one plot and do it, and then wait for the result. There is no point in doing all the conspiracies together - in the end you will end up with a vinaigrette, but this will not bring you any material benefit.

A conspiracy to always have money

For this plot you need a comb. In the evening, retire, sit down and comb your hair with a comb and say three times:

“Like a comb through my hair, so money goes into my pocket. And so that the money multiplies and does not end. Amen.”

Once done, the comb must be burned (this can be done in a stove or on a fire). The money will come to you in a week or two.

Vanga's conspiracy for money and luck

This conspiracy comes from Vanga herself. It requires a spoonful of rice milk porridge. Take the porridge (with a spoon) and say to it:

“Just as the Lord ate porridge, but did not live in poverty, so I will eat porridge, but I will not live in poverty. But as soon as I start to get rich, everything will work out for me, no matter what I have in mind. Bring money and good luck to my home.”

And eat the porridge right away. The effect of the spell appears after 4-6 weeks.

A conspiracy to have a lot of money

The plot can only be done on a clear night. You need to go outside to a place where you can clearly see the starry sky (so that the lanterns do not interfere and the house does not block your view). And start counting the stars. Count to 333 and immediately say the spell:

“Like the stars in the sky, so do I have money. You can see little, but once you start counting, you’ll never be able to count it. Amen.”

The conspiracy does not take effect immediately, usually after two to three months. But its effect is very good, the money comes in big.

A strong conspiracy to attract money

For this plot you need a little honey and small change. Smear your hands with honey, and move your hands in small things. And then raise your hand and whisper to them three times:

“Keep it and remember, now it will always be like this. The money itself will start to stick to me. Amen, amen, amen.”

And wait for the money.

A conspiracy to make your money grow

This conspiracy is good to carry out if you have some collected capital, at least a couple of million rubles. You need to put all the money in front of you and say on it three times:

“How the money lay idle, and they were tired of lying there. And after that they began to call for their money. As the day goes by, one of theirs comes, two days, two of their own, on the third day three of their own have already arrived. And every day more and more. And the money is replenished I feel good too. Amen."

After such a conspiracy, your money will definitely grow (i.e., multiply).

Conspiracy to find money

Do you want to find money? This plot helps in this matter. In the evening, go outside and say to the waxing moon:

“You can see everything from the sky, Moon, teach me how to find money. So that any money catches my eye. Amen.”

Repeat three times and go home. And then you will see for yourself - you will find money very often, you will not let a single coin or bill pass you by. You need to repeat the plot every month (lunar).

Water spell for money

Pour a glass of water in the evening and place it at the head of the bed. And in the morning when you wake up, take the water with your right hand and say to it:

“Lord, do not leave me in disgrace, give me endless wealth, so that I can live and rejoice, and the money will not be transferred. Amen.

And drink water. Well, then stand up and cross yourself three times.

I can also recommend you to others

When inspectors come to look at the quality of work, you always want the process to go quickly and without incident. For these purposes, you can turn to magic for help. It’s easy to read the spell against checks at work; with their help you can avoid problems or make a successful deal.

Special spells will help you pass the test easily.

An effective conspiracy against checks

Healer Natalya Stepanova created many powerful rituals. Among them there is a conspiracy to ensure that the audit of the store is successful. If you know that an inspector will come today, then when you are at your workplace, say:

“I, the servant of God (name), will stand near the front door and read this strong curse. Let the people who come to check my work not look closely at the little things and mistakes. This powerful spell will help me avoid negative comments. Let the verification of documents go quickly and never happen again. Audits in my store have always been carried out efficiently, so we don’t need a new document check. Let the inspectors have new plans and leave us. Higher powers always help and this time will not be an exception. Amen".

After that, go to your workplace and don't worry. Today there will be no audit and your working day will not be ruined by negative emotions.

Prayer against checks at work

Ritual for quickly finishing the check

With this simple but effective ritual, you can ensure that inspectors do not have unnecessary questions about the quality of your work. To perform this ritual, you should prepare a rope of three threads. You must unravel it and do the following with the threads:

  • The first thread should be tied to the front door.
  • Leave the second one near your workplace.
  • Put the third one in your pocket and carry it with you all the time.

When you put it in your pocket, read the conspiracy against inspections at work:

“I, the servant of God (name), will conduct this strong ritual to ensure that today's review process proceeds quickly and does not result in the dismissal of personnel. Frequent audits are not a surprise to us, but we try to work efficiently, so the inspectors should not have any questions for us. It will be good if they come for a few minutes and do not go into details of our performance. I really want the audit to end before it even begins. I will read the words of the conspiracy from the bottom of my heart, so that higher powers will help us in this difficult situation. Amen".

Rite of document checks

If you do not want the checking people to inspect your documents, you will have to carry out a simple, but quite strong ritual. On sheet A4 you should write the words of the conspiracy from checking documents:

“Let the people who are going to check our work not bother to inspect our documents. When we tell them that everything is in order with the documents, they must believe us. Protecting documents is my main goal during the ritual. I, the servant of God (name), am not sure of their quality and reliability. May the Almighty hear the words of my prayer and allow me to remain in a good mood today, without hysterics or nerves. I wish the inspectors to leave my workplace almost immediately after their arrival. Amen".

After this, the paper should be inserted into the documents that will lie on your desk. You cannot talk about the fact that you turned to magic for help. This will negatively affect the success of the test. Make sure no one finds this piece of paper. The spell against checking documents at work will work if you believe in the effectiveness of magic and do not doubt its help.

Conspiracy to make a teacher accept work without checking

During your studies, you may encounter that your teacher does not accept your work. There are good reasons for this: incorrect design, lack of included information, biased attitude. In order to pass your work despite this and get a good grade, you should perform a simple but effective ritual:

  • Wait for the waning moon.
  • When you correct your work in accordance with the teacher’s requirements, light a church candle on the table.
  • With the completed work, move it over the fire, pronouncing the words of the spell: “I, the servant of God (name), read these words with the hope of a successful verification of my work. I ask that the teacher accept it without checking. Let him be confident that I did everything as he said. My work included all the information that he only required from me. Let the defense pass quickly, without unnecessary questions. I understand that I previously did not do everything as the methodological instructions required of me, but today I decided to correct all my mistakes, which I will never make again. Let my respected teacher take my word for it and not be biased in considering my work. Amen".

The enchanted work should be immediately put in the bag with which you will go to defense tomorrow. When you come to educational institution, having crossed the threshold, say the following words:

“I, the servant of God (name), came to study and today I will pass everything quickly, without any comments. I had enough negative comments yesterday, but I corrected everything, so I am confident in the quality of the work. Amen".

You can rest assured that the protection process will go quickly and smoothly. Today, the teacher will accept your work without criticism, and will even give you a positive grade.

A short prayer against checks


Checks surround us everywhere. They can be carried out both at school and at work. To save your nerves and receive gratitude for quality work, you should turn to higher powers for help. During rituals, think about positive result and follow all instructions carefully.