Running shoe size. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size. What do the terms mean: hyperpronator, neutral pronator and hypopronator?

Do you have aching arches or cramped calf muscles when running? Do your knees hurt after training? If you choose the right sneakers for the street and the treadmill, you can forget about these feelings.

In a good pair of sneakers, you can run to any goal without spoiling your posture or injuring your ligaments, joints and spine. Modern treadmills are an “insurance” against discomfort and injuries, and also a guarantee of regular training and achievement of results. We will try to make your choice easier and figure out what's what.

Sneakers are specialized footwear, the creation of which now uses the most advanced technologies.

The image shows what basic elements the sneakers as a whole consist of.

  • toebox (toe compartment) - provides freedom to flex the toe;
  • toecap (sock) - slightly raised from the surface to avoid stumbling;
  • midsole (sole) - an intermediate sole designed for shock absorption and uniform distribution of the load on the foot;
  • outsole (sole) - the outer bottom layer in contact with the floor covering, usually ribbed;

The main characteristic of the sole is the degree of twist. Soft and flexible sneakers allow you to more fully use the muscles of the foot and lower leg, but they are only suitable for those who have a well-developed running technique. Athletes who do not like to feel the unevenness of the road will have to choose denser soles.

  • insole (insole) - a removable element to improve shock absorption and thermal balance;
  • heel counter - heel designed to maximize foot stability and movement control;
  • quarter (back) - important element, designed to protect the Achilles tendon, which is vulnerable during running;
  • upper - the entire upper of the shoe;
  • cuff or topline (cuff or top line) - a “ring” surrounding the leg.

Now you know how running shoes are designed, let’s take a closer look at the types and key selection criteria.

Main Categories of Running Shoes

  1. Stability, cushion or support (stabilization) - shoes with standard foot support, suitable for people with normal pronation.
  2. Motion control (support) – sneakers for feet with overpronation, are distinguished by a special sole design that softens the shock load. Models in this category protect the foot from falling inward.
  3. Neutral (cushioning) – sneakers for hypopronation, the most powerful shock absorption system. Running shoes help minimize stress on your joints by compensating for insufficient foot cushioning when running.

Important: the degree of pronation of the foot varies and even with overpronation, models of the “stability” class may be required. When choosing running shoes for the first time, you should try them on and only then order them in the online store.

Key criteria when choosing running shoes

The choice of running shoes depends on a number of criteria. Try to base your choice on the structure of the foot and the features of the model. We list the main points, taking into account which you will purchase your ideal pair.

Running technique

For heel-toe running You need sneakers with a high drop and good cushioning.

Running "from the toe" requires lightweight models with thin soles.

When running naturally The landing occurs on the middle part of the foot, just under the center of gravity of the body. The main load goes to the Achilles tendon, choose a model that fixes it well.

The type of surface you are going to run on

Cross-country running shoes are not suitable for winter running, road running shoes are not suitable for dirt running, and vice versa. Experienced athletes have a pair for stadium or track running, sneakers for dirt running, an “asphalt” pair and shoes for winter running.

  • For synthetic stadium surfaces, running tracks and asphalt, models with non-slip sole. The need for deep tread, reinforced upper and strong cushioning when running on similar coatings No.

Pronation type

Specialized running shoes are developed taking into account the pronation of the foot, the height of the instep and other structural features of the foot. This is important to absorb shock and prevent injury. We will describe it in more detail below.

Running season/conditions

For summer, fabric models with ventilation of different widths are selected. Models with large “ventilation” cells are not suitable for trail runners, as they get clogged with sand and soil. Sneakers with mesh are ideal for road, marathon, stadium or treadmill training.

Off-road running shoes

For winter, choose insulated models with gore-tex coating. Trail running shoes may not be suitable for winter due to lack of insulation. If you plan to run a distance, choose waterproof coverings.

Sneaker size

It is correct to choose a pair that fits snugly to the foot, but does not squeeze it. Before thumb There should be a free space of 5 to 10 millimeters to avoid chafing and injury to the nail.


  • presence of soft ventilation inserts, minimal number of seams;
  • water-repellent coating (if necessary);
  • lacing is ideal: without rigid coupling of loops and shifted to the inner edge for precise, tight fixation;
  • drop height (difference between heel height and toe height) - models with a large drop are usually popular when running “from the heel”, and with a minimum drop - when running “from the toe”;
  • pad rigidity;
  • removable insoles.

“Universal sneakers for everything,” which consultants of non-core stores often offer, are models for the stadium or treadmill; they should be considered only if you run for fitness purposes, superficially, and are not preparing for competitions.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of type and external characteristics of the product, then the type of foot structure should be considered separately.

Pronation type

Asics specialists were the first to suggest selecting running shoes taking into account the pronation of the foot and its placement during running. Pronation - a term from biomechanics. It reflects “behavior” (in other words, deflection) of the foot while walking and running. The human foot is designed almost like a car spring. It “absorbs” the shock load naturally. The arch of the foot serves as the main shock absorber. The way he “works” the surface is influenced by additional factors - the tilt of the foot outward or inward, and the work of the lower leg muscles.

There are three types of pronation:

  • overpronation- with this type of pronation, the foot seems to fall inward. The entire load during running or walking falls on the inside of the foot, the ligaments are stretched, and this leads to low shock absorption. If you look at a pair of old shoes, the sole will be worn mostly on the inside, so for this type of pronation, sneakers with high stability are suitable.

  • neutral pronation- this is a variant of the norm when, when walking and running, the load on the foot is distributed evenly. In people with normal pronation, the soles wear evenly without more wear on the toes or heels. When choosing running shoes, light stability will be enough.

  • hypopronation or supination- this is an insufficient deflection of the foot when moving, which does not allow the body weight to be transferred to the inner arch. The entire load falls on the outer side, and this is where more wear is observed. When choosing sneakers, it is better to pay attention to models with high shock absorption, the sole of which has a thick, hard outsole on the outer part.

Advice: if the foot is problematic, for example, there is severe flatfoot, hallux valgus, or old injuries of small muscles, pair them with sneakers orthopedic insoles. They will protect you from injuries, deformation of the foot and enhance the shock-absorbing effect.

How to determine the type of foot pronation

"Wet" test

The type of pronation is determined using a “wet test”. You need to immerse your foot in a container of water and stand on a sheet of paper, preferably dark.

  • Overpronation or excessive pronation makes the print look “flat”, like a shoe. The arch of the foot is completely imprinted.
  • A foot with a neutral pronation will wet the paper more in the area of ​​the big toe, and on the inside of the foot where the big toe attaches to it. The rest of the print will be less bright. The transition between the forefoot and the heel will be subtle.
  • Hypopronation or insufficient pronation divides the footprint into two parts - the arch of the foot and the heel.

The appearance of foot prints during the “wet” test

False criteria for choosing running shoes

Should you give priority to well-known running brands? Depends on your training goals. If you do not plan to engage in running as a sport, and are actually buying sneakers for cardio exercise, then there is no point in paying much attention to the type of cushioning and the type of gel in the sole. A simple selection of shoes that fit your feet and the presence of shock absorption will be enough.

Experts say that the selection criterion is not the brand or the cost, but how comfortable the shoes are for a particular person. That is, you need to choose a specific model, not a manufacturer.

Is there a difference in brands? Each company promotes its own developments. Popular running brands:

  • Asics;
  • Salomon;
  • Mizuno;
  • Innov8;
  • Newton;
  • Sauconi.

Nike and Reebok have good models, but they have not gained much popularity in the running community. The “trick” of Asics is a gel sole that protects the foot, Salomon is famous among trailers, Mizuno makes shoes for the marathon, Innovate are suitable for cross-country running. Adidas are known as suppliers of national teams different countries, and Saukoni make the widest line of running shoes available in the mass market.

Tip: Stocks can help you save money on running shoes. They contain models of past years that have not lost their qualities, but simply “went out of fashion.” There you can buy top models of famous brands for reasonable money.

What an old pair of shoes can tell you

Don't rush to throw it away! Find out your weak points first!

Using worn-out sneakers, you can determine:

  • “drop”, that is, the difference between the height of the heel and toe. The more a person wears his heel, the higher the “drop” is required;

  • the location of the lacing, shifting the lacing to the inner surface of the foot is required when there is increased wear on the outer side of an old pair of shoes;
  • heel height. If an older pair has worn out heels, you might want to consider shoes with high heels.

What to look for when trying on

Knowing your characteristics will help you make an adequate choice. Usually it is advised to take specialized sneakers, run in them for one season, and understand whether they are suitable or not.

Height, width of the shoe and rise are individual comfort characteristics. When trying on, they are taken into account only empirically. Sneakers should fit the foot, but not fit too tightly, like gym shoes.

So, the first pair of running shoes should be purchased “offline”, in a regular store with adequate salespeople who understand the characteristics of the foot and can choose shoes that match the type of pronation.

We advise you to pay special attention to your shoe size and body weight. It sounds strange, but there are shoes that are not suitable for people with large weights, or that do not correspond to the Russian size range. When the sneakers are on your feet, there should be no feeling that your toes are too loose in the toe of the shoe, and that the sides of the last do not adhere to the foot.

You don’t just need to try on sneakers, but also walk around in them, or try to run.

The sole must flex appropriately to the needs of the runner. Shoes that are too soft for trail or dirt may not be safe. On the contrary, when running on the road it is better to choose more “plastic” models. The higher the runner's weight, the more cushioning is required.

If you are just starting to run, choose classic models with gel cushioning, especially when you plan to run on asphalt.

It is also important to take into account the gender of the athlete. The center of gravity of a woman's body is located differently, and running in men's running shoes can be difficult.

The first fitting of running shoes should not be done in the morning, when the feet have not acquired natural swelling. On the contrary, it is better to try on sneakers after several hours of walking, or even after a workout. No one has yet canceled the subjective criteria of comfort, and it is easiest to evaluate it if the leg is slightly swollen.

If you plan to run on a track in a fitness club, too powerful shock absorbers may interfere, since the track already has a built-in shock protection system. In this case, universal “fitness” models are allowed, not running ones. For those who run more and more often, specialized brands are recommended.

Video: How to choose running shoes

So, when choosing running shoes, take into account the type of training, the surface on which you will run, the pronation of the foot, the features of your running technique and the number of training sessions. It is important to change your sneakers regularly, and then they can protect against injury and make your workouts effective.

What tips do you use when choosing running shoes?

Be sure to read about it

The lightest Newton model is the Men's MV3 Speed ​​Racer. Their weight is only 153 grams. An excellent choice for competitions and fast sprint training.

The best running shoes. what should they be? The time of “what you get is what you’re happy with” has long passed. Now it's very big choice sneakers, so it would be nice to figure out what, how and when to run.

Which running shoes to choose

The right running shoes ensure safety and comfort during training and improve your performance in competition. Not only athletic performance, but also health depend on its quality - runners’ joints are constantly exposed to shock loads, and the task of good shoes is to minimize the likelihood of injury.

The characteristics of different running models are largely determined by the sole. It is impossible to clearly answer the question which company is better - Adidas or Naik? They all make good running shoes. The purpose and properties of the shoe depend on the flexibility of the sole, shock absorption, and tread pattern. What surface are you going to run on, what is the intensity of your running, what are the characteristics of the foot, the choice of shoes depends on these factors. By the way, the choice largely depends on the foot.

The start is given

Running surface :

Asphalt - the sole cushions well and absorbs shock loads. These are models for running on asphalt in the city, stadium, in an arena or on a treadmill.

Trail - the sole is grippy and does not slip on uneven surfaces. The tread pattern determines how much the sole will become clogged with dirt and cleared of it. These are mainly sneakers for trail running - running on dirt, grass, mud and mixed terrain.

An extreme section of the distance, made by Nature itself. Trail shoes are just right.

Load intensity:

- training ones - with maximum shock absorption, which are well suited for long runs;
— competitive — aimed at speed and results, not intended for constant use.

Features of the anatomy of the foot:

There is such a thing as this individual characteristics placement of the foot or the degree of its deflection. It has little effect on daily life, but when running loads it must be taken into account - otherwise injuries are possible. Professional manufacturers produce three versions of shoes with different pronations:
— with neutral (normal);
- with overpronation;
- with hypopronation.

Understand your pronation and what running mechanics you need to consider when choosing running shoes.

Summer and competition running shoes are made to be lightweight, breathable and easy to get wet. Winter and autumn-spring sneakers are made from denser materials that do not get wet well and retain heat better. Like any other sneakers, running shoes are also available with or without a membrane:

Sneakers for running on asphalt

Sports shoes for running on asphalt, or popularly just sneakers, are “smooth”, non-studded soles, specially designed for long runs, fast training and competitions. Competition shoes are also called “marathon shoes.”

The tread on all models of “asphalt” sneakers is the hollows between different sections of the sole. The grip of these sports shoes for running on asphalt depends primarily on the quality chemical composition rubber of the sole, and then from the hollows. For example, let’s take the model - Asics - Gel - pulse-7.

Popular model - Asics - Gel - pulse-7 - This is a classic model of the Japanese brand, one of the best-selling on the market. Sneakers with good cushioning for athletes with neutral foot pronation, for daily training. The Pulse is a compromise between all the important parameters of a running shoe. These sneakers are well suited for long walks and running on asphalt. gravel, forest.

Running shoe cushioning

Training sneakers should have good shock absorption, soften the impact when placing the foot on the ground, stabilize the foot (protecting it from excessive mobility) in the support and push-off phase.

When running or walking, for the vast majority, the first area of ​​the foot that touches the surface will be the heel. Therefore, shock absorption is mainly located in the heel of the sole, in the toe, or across the entire surface of the sole. All manufacturers of high-quality running shoes indicate the presence and position of shock-absorbing inserts. Let's return to the model - Asics - Gel - pulse-7.

Shock-absorbing silicone inserts - Asics Gel. They are located in the heel and metatarsal area. The addition of gel promotes better shock absorption and shock absorption. If you're a heel striker when you run, the Gel-Pulse 7 is for you. The main part of the midsole is made of SpEVA foam with good spring characteristics and wear resistance. Foam colored Blue colour- also SpEVA. Everything for a more elegant appearance. The designers did the same with the heel - they painted the foam white and green color. Essentially, these are identical layers of foam with gel placed between them. Therefore, a good degree of depreciation.
The heel is hard and hard. A similar design is used in the Cumulus 16 and 17 models. The cup inside the heel is made of plastic, which practically does not bend under the force of the hands. This provides good heel support while running. But if there is no need for rigid fixation, then you can choose models with softer exoskeleton heel clips, for example Nimbus -16,17,19. The outer fabric on the heel is subtly shimmery and has a reflective insert for safety when running in the dark.

Sneakers for regular workouts for every day are the most numerous category of shoes. The weight of most training shoes falls within the range 300-400 gr.(for one sneaker with its average size).

For recreational runners, this is usually the only pair of running shoes for all occasions. For those more advanced, this shoe is for longer workouts and recovery runs. Therefore, the main principle of creating sneakers for long running is to achieve the required level of cushioning and support for the foot.

It is in this category of sneakers that the most technological tricks and exotic materials are used. Each manufacturer uses its own depreciation technology. Let's take three popular brands that produce professional running shoes, which are always in the Top 5 best sneakers for running:

  • Asics
  • Mizuno
  • Adidas

Asics - Gel (technology - gel)

As an example, let's take women's running shoes for running on asphalt. ASICS GELNIMBUS 19. Good cushioning in the heel and toe with gel inserts creates comfortable conditions for long-distance running. Like all “asphalt” sneakers, there is a smooth sole separated by grooves.

The name "Nimbus" is Latin for "Cloud", which refers to the exceptionally light weight of this shoe.

Mizuno - Wave technology (wave)

Wave Technology, is a plastic (thermoplastic) plate, in most models it is located in the rear part between two layers of midsole foam. Unlike other shock absorption systems, it does not dampen the impact, but rather distributes the shock load, resisting deformation. Due to the wave, Mizuno sneakers are lighter, stiffer and faster. Model example- Wave Skywith maximum shock absorption. This is a shoe for heavy runners.

Maximum cushioning in the rear. The Wave Sky is best suited for beginners, heavy runners and long distance riders.

Adidas - Boost technology (specially developed foam material)

This is one of the leading technologies on which most of Adidas' sneakers are made. A specially developed foam material consisting of thousands of individual capsules. Each capsule works by squeezing and unclenching, storing and releasing energy with every contact of the foot. Boost provides effective cushioning when walking or running. Boost technology also increases the wear resistance of the shoe while maintaining its shock-absorbing properties.

Sneakers for marathon on asphalt


If the main principle of training sneakers for long runs is good cushioning and good support for the foot, then the purpose of running shoes for competitions or marathons is speed and results. They are not intended for daily training; marathon shoes have thinner and more flexible soles, so shock absorption, foot support, and upper density are kept to a minimum. The marathons are light (approximately 200-250 g).

The lightest running shoes from the Newton brand are Men's MV3 Speed ​​Racer. Their weight is only 153 grams. An excellent choice for competitions and fast sprint training.

But! For all its magnificence and convenience, marathon shoes. shoes are not for everyone. To run a marathon in these shoes, a person must be light in weight (60-65 kg) and short in height. These shoes will not work for large, heavy athletes. If your weight is between 70-80 kg. compete in these shoes on the stadium treadmill, in the arena, and over short distances. Exercise in The greater your weight, the shorter distances and the more shock-absorbing surface you need to use.

"Half Marathons"

For everyone else. whose weight is approximately up to 78 kg. They came up with “half marathons”, something between “marathons” and classic running sneakers, between lightness and a high degree of protection for the foot.

This class of shoes has a thicker sole, additional support elements are possible, and in some models there may be a raised heel relative to the toe. The most interesting thing is that “half marathons” will be much better for the marathon in most cases. Female sneakers adidas-supernova as an example.

The durable mesh upper is complemented by innovative Boost cushioning that returns energy with every step. A midfoot unit provides support exactly where you need it. The molded heel counter securely holds the heel in place. Weight: 278 g.

Their shock absorption can withstand average weight runners. The sneakers can easily withstand long runs on asphalt. In “half marathons” you can also run on your heel, as many models provide for this. For many, such sneakers are the optimal shoes for competitions at marathon distances or long cross-country races on difficult terrain - that is, for harsh conditions.

Women sneakers d for running on asphalt -New Balance 1500v3. Half marathons with support for overpronators. Lightweight, seamless upper, minimal weight and added support give you an edge in competition.

If your weight is approaching 80 kg. and above, then for heavy competition loads, regular training shoes with maximum cushioning will be best. Example: Asics - Gel - pulse-7. Use half marathons in gyms and stadiums. These are your running shoes.

I have Skechers sneakers. Go series – shoes for sports and walking. It will be problematic to run the Konjakov Marathon in them. but for competitions on asphalt, speed training for the gym or stadium, it’s just right.

Lungs. comfortable, nothing superfluous, the goal is speed and results. Most likely, the sneakers can be classified as marathon shoes.

Trail running shoes

This type of sneaker cannot be your primary training shoe. “SUVs” are somewhat reminiscent of sneakers for long running, only in a more reinforced and rigid version. These are durable running shoes made from durable materials with plenty of durability. "INoff-road vehicles" are usually used when there is a muddy road, in severe ice conditions, or if you decide to run

  • The tread (4-9mm) is suitable for hard soils, stones, dry forests, mountain paths. This tread height is more wear-resistant on hard soils and has better traction.
  • Heel stiffness and support

    The heel of the foot should be firmly fixed, not move forward or dangle. The heel is usually firm with minimal compression. It's all about foot safety. By the way, in training “asphalt” sneakers, the heel is just as hard and should fix the foot well.

    ASICS GEL-FUJITRABUCO 5 G-TX A rigid inner cup holds the foot in place well.
    ASICS GEL-FUJITRABUCO 5 G-TX. Speedcrosses can be used to ram large rocks at full speed. Most trail running shoes have a medium toe stiffness, protection against direct sticking, and shock absorption.
    Salomon Speed, SpeedCross 4 In these models, the main tread studs are approximately 8-9 mm in height.

    Tread geometry affects the traction of trail running shoes. The tread pattern determines how much the sole will become clogged with dirt and cleared of it. A tightly clogged tread reduces traction with mud to zero. The grip as a whole depends on the geometry and width of the studs.

    Top running shoes

    1. Asiks is the most popular and widely represented brand in Russia. The company ranks 1st in Europe in the sale of running shoes.
    2. Mizuno- a Japanese company producing sports shoes, not so widely represented on Russian market like Asiks, but Mizuno's sneakers are only comfortable, made using high technology.
    3. Nike is an American company that produces sportswear and footwear. Beautiful appearance sneakers, excellent functionality, allow this brand to occupy the first positions in popularity among buyers all over the world.
    4. Adidas is a German brand specializing in the manufacture sportswear and shoes. Thanks to the latest technologies, Adidas is not inferior in popularity to other running shoe brands.
    5. Salomon- the best cross-country running shoes from a French company.

    Every day running is becoming an increasingly popular form of training. It is used by athletes who want to keep themselves in good shape. But ordinary people don’t mind going for a run either. And this situation makes me happy. If every single person takes care of their health, then the entire nation will one day become healthier. If you decide to jog every day, then it is very important to choose your equipment wisely. Therefore, this review will talk about how to choose the right running shoes.

    Reasons that may influence your decision regarding jogging

    If there is no special reason, you can take up running if you have a strong enough motivation. Statistics show that many people give up on this type of training. Why is this happening?

    There is no proper motivation. For example, a person began jogging in the morning. For what? If he doesn’t understand himself and doesn’t understand the true reasons for such a desire, then one day he won’t be able to force himself to go out and run a few laps around the stadium. Therefore, before you start your training, you need to think seriously about your goals. They can be anything. For example, a girl can go jogging in order to lose weight.

    The results are quite slow. Situations often occur when a person sees a goal in front of him. However, after a certain time, he simply begins to realize that the target is not even going to get closer. Accordingly, one gives up, and the desire to do anything further disappears.

    It is important to choose the right clothes (shoes for a suit). This is a fairly specific reason, if neglected, there may be no results from jogging. There shouldn't be any problems with clothes. The main thing is to wear what is comfortable. At the same time, things must be clean. But running shoes can cause some problems. If you make your choice incorrectly, you will experience not entirely pleasant muscle pain. The likelihood of injury will increase. And your legs will get much more tired. It is clear that this kind of problem can also affect psychological state. The next day a person may simply change his mind about studying. What kind of running shoes should you wear? How to choose it correctly? This is exactly what will be discussed next.

    You need to start with lacing

    Looking for running shoes? Start with lacing. You have to re-lace it in your own way. And even if at this time you feel awkward and uncomfortable in the store, then everything will pay off later. This process will help you understand whether the shoe fits or not. What need to do?

    1. Remove the laces from the top holes.
    2. Lace up your shoes again. In this case, there is no need to achieve high density.
    3. We are trying to get our foot out of the sneaker. Happened? This one suits you. However, you should understand that sneakers should not be too loose.

    The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size

    The second step is to select a specific size. You need to lace up the sneakers completely on your feet. After this, the lace will need to be returned to all the holes from which you took it out. The result of this procedure will be that the sneaker will be completely adjacent to the limb. If the shoes are too small after performing all the above procedures, then you should not immediately go and choose another pair. Try re-lacing in a different way. A lot depends on the lacing style you choose.

    Shoe width plays an important role

    The next step is to make a choice in favor of the correct width of the sneakers. This is enough important point. And it needs to be taken into account if you need best shoes for running. In what situation is the width of sneakers considered ideal? If you can move your toes from side to side. They should not cling to the insole.

    It is necessary to understand that there must be at least 7 millimeters of free space in the toe area of ​​the sneaker. With this, you will feel more free and comfortable, since during jogging the foot enlarges due to stress. This is especially noticeable in the evenings.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fold line

    Need the right running shoes? When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fold line. First of all, you need to take the sneaker off your foot, pick it up and place it on the floor. After this, we rest the toe on the floor and press on the heel. It is necessary to evaluate where the fold formed. If the sneakers are made correctly, it will fully fit the foot. In other words, the bend will not be in the central part, but in the toe part, since the leg bends precisely in the area of ​​the toes.

    If the bend is formed incorrectly or the sneakers of the same pair are bent in completely different places, then flat feet may appear. This is very dangerous for children. If the shoes bend very, very tightly, then after a while your feet will begin to hurt.

    Correcting feet using insoles

    What else should you pay attention to? Consider whether you need insoles that correct your feet. If you have flat feet, they will serve as additional support. Accordingly, running will become more comfortable and easier. Children's sneakers must be equipped with removable insoles.

    What kind of running shoes should you wear in winter?

    What to consider when choosing shoes for When choosing sneakers in this situation, you need to pay attention to some important aspects. They are as follows:

    1. Shoes should not be wet.
    2. Sneakers must withstand exposure to aggressive reagents.
    3. They shouldn't slide.
    4. Shoes must be equipped with special ones. This is due to the fact that it gets dark early enough. Accordingly, it is necessary to make sure that you are seen from afar.

    In winter, sidewalks are sprinkled with reagents. Accordingly, a mess is formed. If you walk far to the jogging area, then you won’t be able to avoid such dirt. Therefore, you should opt for those sneakers that are made of water-repellent material. To prevent shoes from slipping, they are equipped with spikes or a tread. This should also be taken into account when buying sneakers.

    When should you buy shoes?

    It doesn't matter how you choose running shoes. Women's or men's, whether they are waterproof, orthopedic or not, etc. These factors certainly play a role. But it is most important to purchase shoes in the evenings. What is this connected with? The thing is that it is in the evening that the leg swells after daily exercise. She is getting bigger. And if you buy shoes in the evening, you can avoid making mistakes with their size.

    You need to be careful when choosing the size. You should not purchase a model that was initially too small for you. Some athletes may be self-conscious about the size of their feet. Most often, this embarrassment is typical for girls. Accordingly, they purchase sneakers one size smaller. However, this cannot lead to anything good. It should be understood that the health of your feet is much more important than their beauty. And if you buy small shoes, then regular jogging and even simple walking will be too painful.

    Additional criteria to consider

    Attention should be paid to the shock-absorbing liners - whether they are present or not. With their help you can save your legs from getting injured while jogging.

    What other selection criteria should you know? Much will depend on the thickness of the shoe socks. If you purchase sneakers without taking this factor into account, they may subsequently begin to put pressure on your toes. Therefore, when choosing shoes for a variety of seasons, you need to take with you the socks that you plan to wear while jogging.

    You should first test the purchased shoes at home. You have to walk around in sneakers for a while. If you do not begin to feel discomfort, then the choice of shoes was made correctly. Otherwise, you should try to exchange it for another, more convenient one.


    In this review, we looked at some fairly important aspects that you need to pay attention to if you are purchasing running shoes. They all play a fairly important role, and you shouldn’t ignore them. This will not lead to anything good. Now you know which shoes are best for running. We hope this review will help you make right choice. Happy training!

    The urban area is the most popular area among athletes. And if we take statistics, then there are much more people who have the opportunity to run on dirt and other surfaces. That is why many city residents are concerned with the question: how to choose sneakers for running on asphalt?

    And they ask this question quite rightly, because the selection of the right sneakers must be treated extremely carefully and even meticulously. After all, we are talking about running comfort, the health of the athlete, and the longevity of the shoes.

    What is special about running on concrete and asphalt?

    It doesn’t matter who you are: a resident of a metropolis or a small town, you most often have to run only on concrete, asphalt and tiled surfaces.

    The main feature of such surfaces is maximum rigidity. Running on soft ground, you do not deal such a blow to your spine, feet, and the body as a whole, but on asphalt it creates a load that is entirely 6 times exceeds your body weight.

    That's why you can't run in any shoes. For example, sneakers are very light and comfortable shoes, it seems that you can fly in them, but they are not suitable for running on such a hard surface as asphalt. You won't even master it correct technique running, when you get tired of this activity (due to fatigue, calluses and much more).

    All problems are solved by the correct and intelligent choice of running shoes, which is carried out among the most famous, renowned brands of sports shoes. In these sneakers, you won’t even want to wear everyday shoes.

    Features of women's running shoes

    Many ladies really like men's shoes or unisex sneakers, they say they look very beautiful and even better than on men. Perhaps these shoes may look better, but the fact is that women's running shoes have their own uniqueness.

    Women's sneakers are still an exclusive product. A man running on a hard surface is able to take impacts on the hard surface relatively painlessly, but female muscles are much weaker. In this regard, sports shoe engineers offer the fair sex a lightweight version of sneakers with a very thin upper and a durable heel.

    So girls can be advised to take the shoes that are intended for them, no “unisex” and no men's shoes, fortunately you have a really huge choice.

    There are a number of important tips for choosing reliable running shoes, and if you want to turn your running into a comfortable sport, then follow the tips below:

    • Shock absorber. Let's pay attention to it. Have you ever wondered why running shoes sometimes cost twice as much as regular ones? It's all about this one. Manufacturers care about the health of citizens and therefore create the most comfortable and safe running shoes. How to ensure reliable depreciation? Look at the engraving on the shock absorber itself, there is one of three inscriptions: Grid- net, Gel– gel shock absorber or Air- compressed air.
    • Maximum lightness. Remember the example with sneakers? So: you need to find the lightest sneakers possible. Although you are running on a hard, but level surface without unnecessary objects (stones, sticks, etc.), you do not need sneakers for climbers. In addition, the shoe should exactly follow the shape of your foot, but with a little free space, since during running the foot expands due to blood flow.
    • Main category. There are many categories of sneakers, but there is one of the main ones: Stability or Neutral. Without going into terminology, everything can be explained in simple language: 1st category of sneakers are those that secure your foot. There are a lot of people who turn their feet to the side when running, and sneakers like these prevent this undesirable effect. The second type, on the contrary, is more free and is intended for those who do not suffer from the effect of ballet running.
    • Material and quality. The material of the best sneakers for urban running is an “alloy” of leather and fabric, the first is a support, creates a strong frame, which affects the life of the shoe, and the second allows the skin to breathe, allowing air flow. What about quality? Everything is the same as in any shoe: we look at the cut, make sure that there are no glue residues, and check the strength of the sole by bending the sneaker.

    How to Find the Best Shoes for Pavement Running

    Every type of sneaker has its own primary purpose. Regarding sneakers for running in urban conditions, the task of softening the impact prevails here. Cushioning is an additional layer that a sneaker has; it is what softens the most powerful blow to the body.

    This type is not easy, but it is quite possible to identify the main “giants” in the sports shoe market, and the reader will make his own choice, setting his own priorities.

    Video. Famous sneaker manufacturers

    Sneakers from Asics

    You've probably heard a lot about this popular Japanese company. . Regarding our topic, Asics sneakers deserve attention from a major, medical point of view. The fact is that this company has built its own research institute, where it studies and designs running shoes. Doctors will definitely recommend these running shoes!

    The upper material of running shoes is quite dense; you can run in dusty weather conditions and... They also paid a lot of attention to shock absorption; there is a gel block that distributes the load over the entire sole. The group that took a test drive of these sneakers was satisfied: the running was soft, comfortable, but at the same time very fast.

    Sneakers from Nike

    A very popular company that knows first-hand everything there is to know about sneakers. Nike works tirelessly to create the “perfect sneaker,” regularly introducing new technologies. The production lines include both men's and female models, which are used not only by ordinary citizens, but also by professional athletes. We can say that the company has truly earned the title of manufacturer of the best running shoes.

    The sneakers have a sole of optimal height. Since most of us run, engineers have created an optimal model in which the heel of the sole is very hard and the toe is soft and elastic. There is no twisting of the sneaker, which reduces the risk of dislocation. Foam is used for cushioning.

    Sneakers from Reebok

    Another well-known company: Reebok. The peculiarity of Reebok's policy is that it strives to create the most convenient and comfortable sneakers, and we must admit: they succeed. In addition, in the sports shoe market, Reebok sneakers have a reputation: “The most beautiful,” because the company often experiments with external design quite successfully.

    The upper of the shoe consists of a loose mesh, which creates excellent ventilation while running, the sole is very soft and bends quite easily - all this ensures a really comfortable run. Proper shock absorption and traction are provided by the anti-slip sole layer. And the most important “trick” is the weight. Reebok sneakers are really very light.


    Shoe manufacturers successfully take care of their customers, offering more and more new conditions, new and new models, new and new technologies. All that remains for us, the customers, is to go to the nearest department of a popular company and purchase the desired model. Qualified employees will help you make the right choice, and after reading this article, you yourself have become a pretty good expert in choosing running shoes.

    Happy shopping!

    Video. Choosing running shoes

    How to Choose Running Shoes

    IN Lately The popularity of various running events is growing (almost every big city has its own half marathon), as well as running clubs (from small amateur ones to all-Russian ones, such as I love Running). No doubt it's great. Beginners coming into the world of running always ask two main questions: what to run in. Every day I answer questions from blog readers, among them there are experienced runners who have had several models of sneakers at their disposal, and give them good advice easier. It is much more difficult to give competent advice to a beginner. Instead, today I'll share a few tips.

    1. You need to go to a specialized running store. It will be very difficult for you to give competent advice, since you have no history of running in different models of running shoes. Thus, I recommend going to a local running store with experienced and knowledgeable employees who can help you. By local running store, I mean a store that specializes in running gear, not a local shoe store. mall or a large sporting goods store. You need to talk to people who know runners and know about running shoes.

    2. Try on different models of sneakers. There are many types of running shoes that cover different ranges of softness, comfort, and ease on your feet. I recommend trying a wide range of shoes, from light, flexible marathon shoes to very soft training styles. Try different brands of sneakers. Good store allows you to test the shoe on a short run on the treadmill. Best model- this is the one in which you feel comfortable while running, and not when you are just standing in it.

    3. Be sure to choose the right sneaker size. Women love to wear all their shoes "butt-toe". I recently came across a girl who for years had been wearing sneakers that were too small for her. After my advice to go up a size in running shoes, she said that she had never been so comfortable running in training. There should be a margin of 7-10mm around the toes. Don't be afraid to take extra sneakers, as it makes sense. Your legs will thank you in the long run!

    4. Pay attention to the width of the shoes. We all know that sneakers have different lengths, but it is worth paying attention to the width, since this parameter varies not only from brand to brand, but also among the model range of the same brand. You should aim for the shoe to fit snugly but comfortably in the midfoot and back and not be too constrictive in the toebox. The width of the toe box is probably the most variable dimension in a running shoe. If in the toe part of the sneakers the big toe is excessively pressed against the second, then it is too narrow (or you need to take a model one size larger). Another good test- if you can comfortably move your fingers up and down and move your thumb a little to the side, then you have chosen a model that is suitable in width.

    5. During your short treadmill test, remember a few things. As mentioned above, the best option When choosing sneakers, you can take several models with you for short runs. Try to understand how flexible the midsole of the model you are testing is (some like it softer, some like it harder), how well the sneaker flexes, and whether you feel any unpleasant chafing inside. The perfect shoe is one that disappears on your feet.

    6. More expensive does not necessarily mean better. Sneakers are getting more expensive every day, and there are even some models that cost around $200. Understand that more expensive doesn't necessarily mean better, and if you feel like you're being forced to buy the most expensive running shoes in the range, then you might not be in the best running store. My favorite sneakers were priced at about $110, and there are plenty of other great styles you can get for much less. There's no need to spend all your money on your first pair of sneakers.

    7. Arch height and - do not be intimidated by these terms. For a long time, arch height and pronation have been considered among the most important factors in shoe selection. Some stores and running brands still use this method. The store in my town still has one of those fancy machines that scans your arch and makes shoe recommendations (neutral or stability) based on the result. The problem with this approach is that there has never been any solid scientific evidence to support it, and over the past few years we have learned that it is not a good thing at all. Arch height and pronation can be part of the shoe selection conversation, but they shouldn't be the basis, and if you're told you need a certain shoe to control your pronation, be careful. Pronation is a completely natural movement, and sometimes letting the foot move the way it wants to move is better than trying to control it (there are times when there may be some benefit in controlling pronation, but this applies to injuries that are only related to overpronation). Once again, let comfort be your guide to how you feel while running - it's more important than the pronation category you claim to be in.

    8. Take your time with the purchase new shoes. Before you choose new model, go for a few runs in your old sneakers and take note of what you like and don't like. This valuable information will help in choosing a new model. The more data we have, the easier it is to make a shoe recommendation.

    9. Be careful with expensive insoles. Some stores will try to sell you premium shoe insoles. There are cases where the use of some types of ready-made insoles is justified, but I recommend delaying this until you have a good reason to buy insoles or your doctor recommends them for the treatment of a specific condition.

    10. We acknowledge that the selection the right shoes could be a good quest. Last year, runners came to us who trained at 2-3 different couples shoes before finding the right models to suit their running style. The reality is that it's hard to know what's best for you until you've done a few full runs. Sometimes a shoe you liked will one day stop liking you as you get stronger and faster. Your body will change greatly as you run - you'll build muscle, strengthen your bones, ligaments and tendons, and maybe even lose weight. excess weight. These changes are big, and they are the ones most people who want to achieve. But these changes can make choosing your next pair of shoes more difficult, and you should be prepared to adapt your shoes to your changing body if warranted. As you progress, it will be helpful to rotate multiple pairs of shoes throughout your training. It may cost extra, but you'll be able to enjoy your run more, and you can always donate used shoes to a good cause (and some stores will accept your old sneakers for a discount on a new model).


    2016-11-09 13:54:03 +0300

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