The comments are beautifully said for your loved one. In your own words, tell the guy that he is the best. Original compliments to a man

Men, just like women, love compliments and pleasant words, especially to yourself. However, girls often forget about this or do not pay attention to it. A skillfully and appropriately given compliment can strengthen any relationship, give a man confidence in himself and his abilities, and raise his self-esteem. It is important to say pleasantries sincerely, without flattery or deception. It is necessary to emphasize real, and not fictitious, character traits or skills of a person. Men will appreciate praise regarding their character traits, hobbies, and abilities in bed.

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    How to compliment a young man correctly

    • Flattering words should emphasize masculine qualities such as masculinity, strength, bravery, boldness, agility, sexuality. You can also say nice things about a man's hobby.
    • You should not tell a guy empty, unsubstantiated admirations, as men are sensitive to falsehood and flattery. In the future, the young man will simply begin to not trust his girlfriend. All compliments must be given in person. There is no need to ask friends to pass on nice words or make a confession on social networks.
    • It is necessary to clearly formulate your thoughts. A compliment should not contain any ambiguity. You should say what your beloved honestly thinks or feels. You need to praise for a specific thing, sincerely note what exactly the guy did well.
    • A man should speak pleasant words in a pleasant, sweet voice. If you need to give an insincere compliment, then you need to watch your facial expressions. A lowered voice is well received. Before you say pleasant words, you need to call the person by name or use words such as “dear”, “beloved”. When giving a compliment, you need to look the person straight in the eyes.
    • You shouldn’t shower a man with compliments too often, as the man will develop inflated self-esteem and become dependent on the one who says these compliments.
    • You should never compare a man with another guy, even if the comparison is in his direction. Especially when it comes to sexual performance.

    How and for what to praise men

    Psychologists advise paying attention to the fact that compliments for men are slightly different from those that are appropriate for women:

    What to pay attention to


    Sense of humor

    Men love to be funny. They love it when a girl laughs at jokes and smiles. If a young man really has a good sense of humor, then this must be noted


    In this case, you should emphasize the color of the man’s eyes and his strong muscles. Anyone, even the most confident man, has doubts about his appearance. Therefore, flattering words from his beloved about his appearance can give him self-confidence

    Real achievements

    Any man will be delighted if his beloved highly appreciates his efforts and achievements: a new job, a salary increase, a victory in a competition. The main thing is that your beloved is sincerely happy and appreciates the success of her man.

    Strength, masculinity

    Real gentlemen still try to help a woman carry heavy bags or help in an activity where he can show his strength and masculinity. It is necessary to praise the young man for his generosity

    Abilities in bed

    The most pleasant compliment for a guy would be to say that he is the best in bed. Don't be shy about these words. If a man did good to his beloved and received a compliment for it, then he will want to do it again and again

    Mind, intelligence

    A girl should definitely praise a guy for his deep knowledge of economics, politics, and business. Let him be happy to share what worries him. This will help strengthen relationships


    For all men, their work is very important. They identify with her. Therefore, it is important to say pleasant words about what a good position he occupies. It is important to say that the woman is amazed by his professionalism in his business

    Bright and promising future

    Since all guys are big dreamers, you should support the young man's plans and ideas. Men highly value those who sincerely believe in them

    The best compliments for men

    Short phrases spoken from the heart by the woman you love will strengthen any relationship. You should use adjectives that most accurately emphasize this or that quality of a man. Below is a list of 100 compliments that will please any man or guy, lift his spirits and become a real inspiration:

    1. 1. You know so much. You're so clever.
    2. 2. You are very strong. Your muscles are like stone.
    3. 3. You have a good heart and soul.
    4. 4. You are the only one who could truly understand me.
    5. 5. Yes, honey. Of course, beloved. Definitely, dear.
    6. 6. Darling, I believe in you. I'm sure you can handle it.
    7. 7. I know that you will make a wise and informed decision in this situation.
    8. 8. Only you understand me!
    9. 9. You can do it - I don’t even doubt it.
    10. 10. Wow, what biceps!
    11. 11. You are so cute! You are very charming!
    12. 12. You have great influence in society.
    13. 13. My favorite!
    14. 14. You are the most courageous and strong!
    15. 15. I am grateful to you for your kindness, care, affection, my dear.
    16. 16. My gentle lion.
    17. 17. Passionate and fearless tiger!
    18. 18. You are very caring!
    19. 19. You're just ideal man. You combine intelligence, kindness and strength.
    20. 20. I love you, honey.
    21. 21. You are my hero.
    22. 22. Compared to you, the knights of the Middle Ages are resting.
    23. 23. There is no stronger beast than a husband!
    24. 24. You are the best lover in the world! No one could do me as good as you.
    25. 25. I adore you.
    26. 26. You have incredibly beautiful eyes.
    27. 27. A real man.
    28. 28. I melt in your arms.
    29. 29. You are the perfect man!
    30. 30. There is no one better than you.
    31. 31. You are the coolest guy in the world!
    32. 32. I am grateful that I can always trust you.
    33. 33. Next to you, I feel like a weak woman.
    34. 34. You are very reliable.
    35. 35. I can rely on your strong man's shoulder.
    36. 36. I am behind you like behind a stone fortress!
    37. 37. You are my fearless hero!
    38. 38. You are incredibly brave!
    39. 39. You are incomparable!
    40. 40. You are very attractive!
    41. 41. You have incredible charm.
    42. 42. You are the embodiment of all my ideals.
    43. 43. You are perfection.
    44. 44. You have a pleasant smile.
    45. 45. One of your ancestors was probably a nobleman.
    46. 46. ​​No one can compare with your sense of humor.
    47. 47. I feel completely safe next to you.
    48. 48. You are a bright, extraordinary and multifaceted person.
    49. 49. Next to you, I don’t need to pretend, I can be myself.
    50. 50. It’s impossible to resist your charm.
    51. 51. I want to tell you that you best lover worldwide!
    52. 52. You are the only one who gave me heavenly pleasure.
    53. 53. There is always something to talk about with you.
    54. 54. You know how to make me laugh.
    55. 55. Sometimes it seems to me that you know me better than I do myself.
    56. 56. You look so good, you probably want to win my heart forever.
    57. 57. With you, my dreams of happy and mutual love come true.
    58. 58. I always and everywhere feel comfortable with you.
    59. 59. You have a charming smile.
    60. 60. You are very funny!
    61. 61. You look very courageous.
    62. 62. This T-shirt suits you very well.
    63. 63. You are the best handsome man in the entire Universe.
    64. 64. I love every cell of your body. Thank you for being together.
    65. 65. I am very lucky in life that it is me who is next to you.
    66. 66. You are very energetic and lively.
    67. 67. You are the most enchanting guy in the whole world.
    68. 68. You have a kind heart.
    69. 69. You are simply amazing!
    70. 70. You harmoniously combine qualities such as bravery, bravery, boldness, gallantry and care.
    71. 71. I am amazed at how you dealt with this problem.
    72. 72. I’m surprised how quickly you figured out this difficult situation on the road. I couldn't do that.
    73. 73. We still need to look for a better programmer.
    74. 74. You are the best entrepreneur in the world.
    75. 75. You are the most talented man in the world.
    76. 76. You are so cute.
    77. 77. Nice!
    78. 78. Charming!
    79. 79. You are incredibly sexy.
    80. 80. Hot stallion!
    81. 81. I had no idea how creative you are.
    82. 82. You just look amazing in this suit.
    83. 83. You are such a romantic!
    84. 84. You have a calm, reserved style.
    85. 85. You feel and understand me so subtly.
    86. 86. A true gentleman.
    87. 87. The best dad in the world!
    88. 88. My husband is the best in the whole world!
    89. 89. How I love you!
    90. 90. When I'm next to you, I feel like a Queen.
    91. 91. You are the best cook in the world. Your dishes are beyond praise!
    92. 92. You are a driver from God.
    93. 93. I'm proud of you!
    94. 94. I truly respect you.
    95. 95. You are my inspiration!
    96. 96. You amaze me!
    97. 97. You are the smartest guy in the world. There is always something to talk about with you.
    98. 98. You are like an open book that I really want to read.
    99. 99. Next to you, I forget about everything in the world!
    100. 100. I am grateful to fate that we are together.

    How to praise a man for sex

    It is very important for every man how his beloved evaluates his sexual abilities. A wise woman should always be able to find the right words to praise a man for the pleasure he gives her in bed.

    It's important to start talking young man pleasantries even before the process itself began. This may concern a man’s appearance: clothes, hands, eyes.

    During sex, you should characterize the physical and sexual capabilities of your partner. Particular attention should be paid to his manhood. It is necessary to praise the guy’s technique and the poses he has chosen. You can describe in what position the woman reached the peak of pleasure.

    You should definitely express your emotions. There is no need to be shy about sincerely expressing your feelings. A woman can speak vulgar words and swear. This will all be accepted normally. Sometimes you can hint to a man that a woman likes it when he is rude or gentle and affectionate with her.

    After sex, you need to tell the man pleasant compliments that have erotic overtones: “Honey, you’re so strong!”, “It was just incredible!”, “You’re the only one with whom I really feel good!”, “You make it easy.” amazing!” It is correct to say praise before partners leave the bed, since then these words will be inappropriate.

    Original words of praise

    Sometimes it is necessary to say words of gratitude or praise from your wife to your husband by correspondence, using funny SMS not only in prose, but also in poetry. You can write a message with pleasant words about the man’s appearance.

    In addition, you can note the willpower and character of your loved one.

    Any young man will be pleased if a girl appreciates his intelligence and good manners.

    Compliments to a friend

    Words of gratitude or praise are pleasant not only to a woman’s loved one, but also to her friend. If a woman is lucky enough to have a good male friend who helps her and helps her out in difficult times, then he also deserves flattering words addressed to him. Below are examples of words of praise:

    A woman should remember that every man needs recognition, compliments, and the sparkle in the eyes of his beloved. Sincere gratitude will give a man strength and self-confidence. He will be ready to do any feat for the sake of his beloved.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

It has long been a myth that only women love with their ears. Men also love to receive pleasant and tender words .

However, pleasant phrases acquire weight and significance in specific situations. Tender words spoken out of place will, at best, cause bewilderment in a man.

When is it important for men to hear a kind word?

Most men are proud and very vulnerable, so it’s important for them to hear words of support and praise. They want to be appreciated and proud of their successes. Therefore, affectionate and pleasant words are appropriate in any situation in which a man has proven himself.

This includes not only the conquest of Everest and saving humanity from the epidemic. A simple everyday situation is enough to make a man feel loved.

For example, a man organized romantic dinner, arranged a trip to a concert or museum, helped with shopping or cleaning. All these everyday “feats” deserve affectionate and kind words . The man will understand that he tried not in vain, and he managed to please his beloved woman.

Under no circumstances should you turn affectionate words into a tool of manipulation and say them at the “right” moment!

If you call a man affectionately only when asked, he will stop perceiving pleasant words in their true sense and will associate them only with the next task.

To charge your man positive thoughts all day, don’t be shy about telling him sweet words in the morning before work.

This is especially important if a man is experiencing some professional or life difficulties: tenderness in words will support him, he will know that everything he does has meaning and importance.

Also It is important to speak kind words in an intimate and home environment, on vacation and in bed. These are the most convenient places for verbally expressing your feelings: you can feel free to say the most sincere and tender words and be sure that a man will hear and appreciate what is said.

Pleasant words are always appropriate, in any situation, when you want to express your true feelings and communicate them to your partner. Words of love and tenderness do not require special dates and “appropriate” moments. It’s just important not to forget to talk about your feelings out loud.

What kind words do men love?

Men, just like women, want respect and understanding.. Therefore, it is rare that a man will refuse a compliment addressed to himself or become irritated by words of support.

Men want to hear how wonderful and wonderful they are for their woman, how smart and elegant they are. A man needs confidence that a woman appreciates him and will not leave him, preferring an opponent.

What do men want to hear from women?

Words of support

Not everyone's life goes smoothly. Busy work, quarrels with friends and colleagues, problems with parents, finances or housing. Stress, irritability, overwork - all this greatly affects physical and mental health.

That is why, no matter how difficult it is for a man at the moment, so that he does not worry or occupy himself, he wants to know that his spouse or girlfriend will always be there and always support so that it doesn't happen. Don't forget about this.

Words of gratitude

Sincere gratitude sometimes has a stronger impact than words of love. You can be grateful not only for completing a specific task or for an action performed.

You can express gratitude to your man in general: for being there, for being reliable and caring, for listening carefully and supporting.

Words of praise

A man expects praise for his actions; it is important for him to know that in the end he was right and did everything right. You should not praise a man for every minor action with an ironic overtone(“Well done, honey, you took out the trash!”).

In most cases it is inappropriate and sounds mocking oh, what can offend a partner.

However, if a man showed his abilities, quickly understood the situation or achieved certain success (finished a project ahead of schedule, received a promotion, got the last tickets to the theater for the premiere), then it is necessary to praise him. Let him know that he is appreciated.

Words of love

Of course, everyone wants to know for sure that they are loved. It is enough to tell a person about this or remind him that he is loved just like that, and not for some feats and abilities. It is worth reminding a man more often that he is loved and significant.

Choose carefully lacquer words for men. You can make your own list, or you can learn something for yourself from the article. It's all up to your will and imagination.


Oddly enough, but Men love compliments, just like women. A man likes compliments that emphasize not only his mental abilities and successes, but also his appearance.

If a man, going on a date, tried to look “brand new,” then you should tell him that he looks beautiful and elegant. Then the man will understand that his efforts were not in vain.

Important to remember! Pleasant and affectionate words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help improve the mood of the recipient. Tender words inspire, inspire confidence and give energy.

You should not skimp on pleasant compliments and tenderness addressed to your partner. Even if a man has already heard many times that he is smart and handsome, it won’t hurt to remind him of this again.

Affectionate words for your beloved man, boyfriend (list)

What kind words can you say to your boyfriend or man:

  • Cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • Beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • brave;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

Finding the right epithet is not difficult. The main thing is to listen to your loving heart.

List of tender words

Tender words can brighten and soften any phrase. If partners argue about something, but at the same time call each other affectionately and by name, they make it clear to each other that they do not want a scandal and quarrel, but only want to clarify the situation and find the truth. This is important to remember when communicating with your partner.

Remember that kind words for a man, the list of such is endless. You can always add more and more new words to the list that will please your loved one. It’s enough just to show your imagination, emphasize best qualities your stronger half.

How tenderly can you address your man:

Kind words in your own words (I miss you, I’m waiting)

There is no need to be afraid to express your feelings in simple words. It is not necessary to have a gift for poetry or writing to express your feelings beautifully and tenderly through words, both verbally and on paper.

Sometimes a simple note with the words “I love you and can’t wait to come home” is enough! to express your feelings. The main thing is the presentation and the underlying meaning.

Here are some examples of how you can simply and sincerely show feelings of love and affection for your partner:

Unusual kind words for a man

The fantasy of a woman in love can be limitless. It is worth trying it in inventing unusual, original and non-trivial words for your beloved man.

The list of affectionate words for men is a personal, individual part of each girl. The choice is hers, depending on her preferences.

Here's an inspiring list of creative words of endearment:

Funny pet names for men

Nicknames usually hint at a deeper connection than just acquaintance and friendship, since nicknames can reflect the character traits, habits and views of the partner’s world.

That's why nicknames should be chosen that suit a particular man. Only then will he truly appreciate his “second” name, invented by his friend.

It is important to know! Not all men like nicknames. A man can be quite pleased if the woman he loves simply calls him “darling” or “darling.” Therefore, before coming up with a nickname for your chosen one, it is worth discussing with him how he feels about affectionate addresses.

What funny, gentle names and nicknames to choose for your man:

  • Fluffy;
  • Kitten;
  • Lion cub;
  • Murzik;
  • Dandelion;
  • Bagel;
  • Little squirrel;
  • Nibbler;
  • Donut;
  • Fir-fir;
  • Mouse;
  • Baldy;
  • Sugar;
  • Tiger;
  • Barsik;
  • Buska;
  • There-there;
  • Zaykin;
  • Mumrik;
  • Sweet;
  • Umka;
  • Paw;
  • Volchik;
  • Little Eye;
  • Lapkin;
  • Cupcake;
  • Catfish.

Affectionate words for a loved one (friend)

A male friend can also be addressed affectionately and express your respect and admiration through affectionate words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

However, it is worth considering that the personal distance between friends is still much greater than between loving couples and spouses. When choosing a treatment, you should adhere to tact and clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted., so as not to go into familiarity.

For example, For a beloved friend, you can use the following neutral addresses:

  • Expensive;
  • Cute;
  • imposing;
  • cute;
  • understanding;
  • courageous;
  • necessary;
  • native;
  • unusual;
  • interesting;
  • soulful;
  • extraordinary;
  • friendly;
  • musical;
  • communicative;
  • attractive;
  • nice;
  • mysterious;
  • fabulous;
  • smiling;
  • unexpectedly pleasant;
  • joy;
  • Sun;
  • beauty;
  • bunny;

Affectionate words in English for a man

Tender and affectionate words can be found in every language in the world. If a woman speaks fluent foreign language, she can express her feelings in a foreign form, even if her partner does not understand.

Endearments in a foreign language will give a woman more charm and expand her vocabulary of affectionate words. If a girl does not speak a foreign language, she can still learn a few foreign words and phrases that express feelings.

For example, some affectionate words in English:

  • Honey - dear, sweet;
  • Sunshine - sunshine;
  • Pumpkin - pumpkin;
  • Muffin - cupcake, pie;
  • Shorty - baby;
  • Wifey - sweetheart;
  • Babycakes - baby;
  • Sweetie pie - sweet pie;
  • Sweetheart - dear, beloved (literally “sweet to the heart”);
  • Bubble - bubble;
  • My love - my love;
  • My precious - my beauty;
  • Sugar plum - sugar plum;
  • Bunny - bunny;
  • My hero - my hero;
  • Sugar lips - sugar sponges;
  • Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks.

Kind words to my beloved husband

Certainly, husband is a priori the most the best man , otherwise the woman would not have married him. However, it won’t hurt to remind him of this from time to time. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship between spouses is close and trusting.

Most likely, they know each other’s worldview, habits, and gestures very well. That's why the slightest manifestation of falsehood, ridicule or indifference will be immediately noticed.

What kind and gentle words can a wife say to her husband:

Tender words of gratitude for a man

Gratitude can be expressed in different ways. AND Sometimes, instead of words, a tight hug or kiss is enough, so that a person understands the power of gratitude, and sometimes a simple “thank you,” spoken with feeling and sincerity.

Sincere gratitude, expressed from the bottom of your heart, is valued much more than routine polite words.

A man can hear indifference behind cliched phrases, which will leave him with a not very pleasant impression of the woman.

How to tenderly express your gratitude:

Affectionate compliments to your beloved man

Compliments are needed to highlight a person's strengths. and express your admiration (regardless of gender). That is why “duty” compliments are rarely truly heard.

Don't give compliments inappropriately, simply because the rules of decency require it. For example, a person doesn’t feel well, hasn’t slept much and doesn’t look very fresh, and the compliment “you look good” or “you’re so handsome today” will sound like ridicule.

It is more appropriate in this example to ask about health status than to emphasize what is not there.

What compliments should a man give so that he feels a woman’s sincere admiration and feels confident?

Here are some examples:

Sweet words that rhyme with name

Not all names rhyme. At the same time, it can be difficult to find an affectionate rhyme even for sonorous names. However, when addressing your partner playfully, you can use appropriate rhymes to the name.

Some examples of rhyming names:

Poems for your beloved man with affectionate words

It will not be difficult for a girl who knows how to write poetry to compose at least a quatrain. For those who are not familiar with poetry, poems by classic poets will help— Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Akhmadullina, Bergholtz, Gippius. You can also compose simple couplets expressing tender feelings.

A few examples of simple quatrains:

Expressing your feelings is great! It is important for a loved one to hear sincere words of love and devotion every day. You should not be afraid to express your feelings - your loved one will definitely remain grateful.

In this video you will learn how to use kind words for men. a list of these words.

This video will give you an example of kind words for your man.

In this article we will talk about how to correctly compliment a man. I’ll tell you what phrases attract men, what you shouldn’t practice in a relationship, and what words you can use to push away the man you like. As a result, you will be able to increase your loved one's self-esteem and emphasize his importance in your life.

There are many recommendations on how to correctly say words of admiration and gratitude to a man. Among them, it is worth highlighting 10 key principles that underlie the competent construction of compliments.

Natural qualities

There is no need to invent something supernatural and hiccup some veiled and ambiguous phrases, just emphasize his strength, sexuality and courage. For example, tell him the following words: “You are so strong, you make me feel safe” or “I just admire your courage, you are my hero.”

Attention! Men, in comparison with women, do not pay special attention his appearance, and therefore phrases about him beautiful eyes, hair and eyelashes will be inappropriate.

Men also like compliments related to their hobbies and interests. Your lover will be pleased if you tell him: “you play the guitar and sing great, I just fell in love with your voice,” “your passion for sports is cool, you’re very sexy.”

Give only deserved praise

There is no need to give compliments that he does not deserve. Every man has his positive sides which he wants to be appreciated. If he doesn’t particularly like sports, then compliments about his appearance will be inappropriate, but a phrase about intelligence and good feeling humor will come in handy.

False compliments are flattery, and they tend to be off-putting and raise doubts about the integrity of all your words and relationships in general. This will also confirm that you do not see in him the qualities that he actually possesses.

Attention! It’s better not to give compliments at all than to lie or say standard hackneyed phrases that do not contain an ounce of sincerity.

Control your voice and facial expressions

There are different situations and in some of them you simply cannot do without insincere compliment. In this case, you need to prepare and work on your facial expressions and voice. If notes of sarcasm or falsehood are heard during the speech, then the compliment may even become the cause of a quarrel or scandal.

When giving a compliment, try:

  • look into the eyes;
  • control your emotions (laughter, hand gestures, smile);
  • speak boldly and confidently.

The main thing is not only to start professionally, but also to finish the compliment, and therefore there is no need to relax immediately after the speech and give free rein to your emotions.

Don't use ambiguous phrases

An attempt to disguise a compliment or present it in an original way- this is quite risky, because this format of information may sound like a hint of a flaw in appearance or character. For example, the phrase “You have such an interesting profile on Facebook” can offend a man whose nose is too big, and the compliment “I didn’t expect you to do it so quickly, you’re great” can hint at the slowness of the chosen one.

Also, such expressions are often perceived as sarcasm and ridicule, which obviously will not help build a relationship and win a man’s heart.

It is important to think about the compliment in advance:

  • speak it in your head;
  • pay attention to whether there is a hidden meaning in it;
  • think about whether such a statement would be pleasant to your lover.

Only then voice your admiration out loud.

Do not overdo it

Your compliments must be deserved. Constant admiration from a woman causes apathy and indifference in men, because they love to conquer, conquer and achieve female affection.

If your lover prepared dinner or bought you a desired gift, then you should definitely praise him and note his attentiveness and care. You can say the following phrases:

  1. “I am very pleased that you remember what flowers I love. You are very attentive."
  2. “This food is just perfect... You have real talent.”
  3. “I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time (a fur coat, a trip, etc.). You are a real magician, I am happy that I met such a loving and caring man.”

After words like these, he will be ready to do even more for you.

It is also useful to praise his small achievements in simple household chores, for example, noting his care after he washed the dishes or saying that he is a real master, because he was able to subordinate “something” in the house.

Attention! The main rule is that everything should be in moderation. If you praise him for eating, sleeping, shopping, going to work, etc., then he will begin to feel inferior or like a child, and this, in turn, will repel and offend.

Use a name or term of endearment

Research shows that men are much better at accepting compliments when they begin with a name or endearment.

The expression “You are very attentive and caring” will be much more effective and presentable if it is supplemented with the affectionate words “darling”, “dear”, “bunny”, etc.

You can read about how affectionately you can call your man, and what you shouldn’t call him.

If you want to say similar words to a man with whom your relationship is not yet so close, then you can simply use a name, for example, “Igor, you are very attentive and caring.”

For unfamiliar or unfamiliar men, it is better to also pronounce the middle name.

Speak in third person

It’s worth noting right away that this method will only be relevant in the first stages of a relationship.

Straightforward phrases about how your chosen one delights you with his jokes or cleverness will actually become a confession of your love, and men do not like this.

At the beginning of acquaintance and communication, it is better to use third-person expressions, for example: “with such an intelligent person, you can solve any, even the most difficult, issue.” Such expressions should be to the point and without unnecessary exaggeration.

Don’t look for a reason and don’t oblige after

Many women praise men only after they do something extraordinary: an expensive gift, dinner at a restaurant, a vacation trip. Also, pleasant words are often heard in honor of a birthday or February 23rd. This is the wrong approach.

Give compliments just like that, don’t look for special dates or occasions. When he gets dressed for work in the morning, note his solidity or praise his attentiveness when he notes your hairstyle or makeup.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you use compliments as a way to win over a man to fulfill your desire. If the words “darling, you are so kind and attentive to me” are followed by “buy me a fur coat and boots,” then all your words will be nothing more than selfish flattery.

Give compliments in person

If you want to compliment a man, then tell him personally. There is no need to use notes, SMS for this, and especially not to convey your impression of a person through friends and acquaintances.

Remember, not only words are important, but also looks, intonation, and facial expressions. A man should see your interest in him and feel the importance of the action he has taken.

For a man to want to do something for you, learn how to do it.

Also, complement can be a good reason for a subsequent walk, dinner and long conversations. A note will deprive you of the opportunity to build relationships and develop them.

Don't even think about comparing

Men are painfully aware of comparisons with other people, even if during the compliment you want to emphasize best sides and celebrate its excellence.

You will tell him: “You are much kinder to me than my ex” and in your head it sounds “You are the best,” but the man hears the exact opposite. For him, your words sound like this: “I remember my ex and think about him. So, when I thought about him and compared you, I noted that you are better in this than he is.” And believe me, there is no compliment in this.

It’s hard to believe, but just three phrases spoken at the right moment can drive any man crazy and motivate him to do even greater feats for your sake. Little tricks from practical psychologist Mayer's hopes will help you fall in love with yourself desired man and build a strong and long-lasting relationship with him.

Answers on questions

What to do if a man does not react to compliments?

Most often, those men for whom it has become commonplace and familiar do not respond to compliments. To return the former delight, you need to pause and even more than that, make him do some crazy things to impress.

Is it worth complimenting a complete stranger to win him over?

It is important to understand that every man is an individual to whom you need to find the key. If this is a respectable and rich man whom everyone admires, then your words will only amuse his self-esteem and completely destroy his interest in you. But for a modest and private chosen one, such a gesture will become an incentive for new achievements.

How often should you give compliments?

It all depends on how exactly the relationship develops. The main thing is that there is a golden mean in everything. If you see that he has relaxed and is already confident that he has conquered you, then a compliment will only aggravate the situation, but for a man who doubts his decision, a couple of pleasant phrases will be a good incentive and support.

What to remember:

So, in order for your compliment to touch a man’s nerve and win his heart, you need to remember the following:

  1. Your compliment must be true.
  2. You should not abuse this trick and shower the man with praise.
  3. You need to talk about your impressions in person when you meet.
  4. A compliment should emphasize a man's individuality, but in no case compare him with someone else.
  5. The style of presenting information depends on the level of the relationship. At the initial stage, these should be phrases describing general character traits, but in closer relationships you can talk about the personal merits and achievements of the chosen one.

Your relationship is in your hands. Tell your lover how strong, kind, gentle, passionate, caring he is and don’t be afraid to admit your feelings. However, do not forget that it is not you who should idolize him, but he who should idolize you.

It has long been a myth that only women love with their ears. Men also love to receive pleasant and gentle words addressed to them..

However, pleasant phrases acquire weight and significance in specific situations. Tender words spoken out of place will, at best, cause bewilderment in a man.

When is it important for men to hear a kind word?

Most men are proud and very vulnerable, so it’s important for them to hear words of support and praise. They want to be appreciated and proud of their successes. Therefore, affectionate and pleasant words are appropriate in any situation in which a man has proven himself.

This includes not only the conquest of Everest and saving humanity from the epidemic. A simple everyday situation is enough to make a man feel loved.

For example, a man organized a romantic dinner, organized a trip to a concert or museum, helped with shopping or cleaning. All these everyday “feats” deserve a kind and affectionate word. The man will understand that he tried not in vain, and he managed to please his beloved woman.

Under no circumstances should you turn affectionate words into a tool of manipulation and say them at the “right” moment!

If you call a man affectionately only when asked, he will stop perceiving pleasant words in their true sense and will associate them only with the next task.

To charge your man with positive thoughts for the whole day, don’t be shy about telling him sweet words in the morning before work.

This is especially important if a man is experiencing some professional or life difficulties: tenderness in words will support him, he will know that everything he does has meaning and importance.

Also It is important to speak kind words in an intimate and home environment, on vacation and in bed. These are the most convenient places for verbally expressing your feelings: you can feel free to say the most sincere and tender words and be sure that a man will hear and appreciate what is said.

Pleasant words are always appropriate, in any situation, when you want to express your true feelings and communicate them to your partner. Words of love and tenderness do not require special dates and “appropriate” moments. It’s just important not to forget to talk about your feelings out loud.

What kind words do men like?

Men want to hear how wonderful and wonderful they are for their woman, how smart and elegant they are. A man needs confidence that a woman appreciates him and will not leave him, preferring an opponent.

What do men want to hear from women?


Not everyone's life goes smoothly. Busy work, quarrels with friends and colleagues, problems with parents, finances or housing. Stress, irritability, overwork - all this greatly affects physical and mental health.

That is why, no matter how difficult it is for a man at the moment, so that he does not worry or occupy himself, he wants to know that his spouse or girlfriend will always be there and always support so that it doesn't happen. Don't forget about this.


You can express gratitude to your man in general: for being there, for being reliable and caring, for listening carefully and supporting.


A man expects praise for his actions; it is important for him to know that in the end he was right and did everything right. You should not praise a man for every minor action with an ironic overtone(“Well done, honey, you took out the trash!”).

In most cases it is inappropriate and sounds mocking oh, what can offend a partner.

However, if a man showed his abilities, quickly navigated the situation or achieved certain successes (finished a project ahead of schedule, received a promotion, got the last tickets to the theater for the premiere), then he needs to be praised. Let him know that he is appreciated.


Of course, everyone wants to know for sure that they are loved. It is enough to tell a person about this or remind him that he is loved just like that, and not for some feats and abilities. It is worth reminding a man more often that he is loved and significant.


Oddly enough, but Men love compliments, just like women. A man likes compliments that emphasize not only his mental abilities and successes, but also his appearance.

If a man, going on a date, tried to look “brand new,” then you should tell him that he looks beautiful and elegant. Then the man will understand that his efforts were not in vain.

Important to remember! Pleasant and affectionate words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help improve the mood of the recipient. Tender words inspire, inspire confidence and give energy.

What kind words can you say to your boyfriend or man:

  • Cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • Beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • brave;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

Finding the right epithet is not difficult. The main thing is to listen to your loving heart.

List of tender words

Tender words can brighten and soften any phrase. If partners argue about something, but at the same time call each other affectionately and by name, they make it clear to each other that they do not want a scandal and quarrel, but only want to clarify the situation and find the truth. This is important to remember when communicating with your partner.

Remember that kind words for a man, the list of such is endless. You can always add more and more new words to the list that will please your loved one. It’s enough just to show your imagination and highlight the best qualities of your stronger half.

How tenderly can you address your man:

In my own words - I miss you, I'm waiting

There is no need to be afraid to express your feelings in simple words. It is not necessary to have a gift for poetry or writing to express your feelings beautifully and tenderly through words, both verbally and on paper.

Here are some examples of how you can simply and sincerely show feelings of love and affection for your partner:

Unusual words

The fantasy of a woman in love can be limitless. It is worth trying it in inventing unusual, original and non-trivial words for your beloved man.

The list of affectionate words for men is a personal, individual part of each girl. The choice is hers, depending on her preferences.

Here's an inspiring list of creative words of endearment:

Funny Nicknames

Nicknames usually hint at a deeper connection than just acquaintance and friendship, since nicknames can reflect the character traits, habits and views of the partner’s world.

That's why nicknames should be chosen that suit a particular man. Only then will he truly appreciate his “second” name, invented by his friend.

It is important to know! Not all men like nicknames. A man can be quite pleased if the woman he loves simply calls him “darling” or “darling.” Therefore, before coming up with a nickname for your chosen one, it is worth discussing with him how he feels about affectionate addresses.

What funny, gentle names and nicknames to choose for your man:

  • Fluffy;
  • Kitten;
  • Lion cub;
  • Murzik;
  • Dandelion;
  • Bagel;
  • Little squirrel;
  • Nibbler;
  • Donut;
  • Fir-fir;
  • Mouse;
  • Baldy;
  • Sugar;
  • Tiger;
  • Barsik;
  • Buska;
  • There-there;
  • Zaykin;
  • Mumrik;
  • Sweet;
  • Umka;
  • Paw;
  • Volchik;
  • Little Eye;
  • Lapkin;
  • Cupcake;
  • Catfish.

For a loved one (friend)

A male friend can also be addressed affectionately and express your respect and admiration through affectionate words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

However, it is worth considering that the personal distance between friends is still much greater than between loving couples and spouses. When choosing a treatment, you should adhere to tact and clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted., so as not to go into familiarity.

For example, For a beloved friend, you can use the following neutral addresses:

  • Expensive;
  • Cute;
  • imposing;
  • cute;
  • understanding;
  • courageous;
  • necessary;
  • native;
  • unusual;
  • interesting;
  • soulful;
  • extraordinary;
  • friendly;
  • musical;
  • communicative;
  • attractive;
  • nice;
  • mysterious;
  • fabulous;
  • smiling;
  • unexpectedly pleasant;
  • joy;
  • Sun;
  • beauty;
  • bunny;

In English

Tender and affectionate words can be found in every language in the world. If a woman speaks a foreign language well, she can express her feelings in a foreign form, even if her partner does not understand.

For example, some affectionate words in English:

  • Honey - dear, sweet;
  • Sunshine - sunshine;
  • Pumpkin - pumpkin;
  • Muffin - cupcake, pie;
  • Shorty - baby;
  • Wifey - sweetheart;
  • Babycakes - baby;
  • Sweetie pie - sweet pie;
  • Sweetheart - dear, beloved (literally “sweet to the heart”);
  • Bubble - bubble;
  • My love - my love;
  • My precious - my beauty;
  • Sugar plum - sugar plum;
  • Bunny - bunny;
  • My hero - my hero;
  • Sugar lips - sugar sponges;
  • Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks.

To my beloved husband

Certainly, husband is a priori the best man, otherwise the woman would not have married him. However, it won’t hurt to remind him of this from time to time. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship between spouses is close and trusting.

Most likely, they know each other’s worldview, habits, and gestures very well. That's why the slightest manifestation of falsehood, ridicule or indifference will be immediately noticed.

What kind and gentle words can a wife say to her husband:

Tender words of gratitude

Gratitude can be expressed in different ways. Sometimes, instead of words, a tight hug or kiss is enough, so that a person understands the power of gratitude, and sometimes a simple “thank you,” spoken with feeling and sincerity.

Sincere gratitude, expressed from the bottom of your heart, is valued much more than routine polite words.

How to tenderly express your gratitude:

Affectionate compliments

Compliments are needed to highlight a person's strengths. and express your admiration (regardless of gender). That is why “duty” compliments are rarely truly heard.

It is more appropriate in this example to ask about health status than to emphasize what is not there.

What compliments should a man give so that he feels a woman’s sincere admiration and feels confident?

Here are some examples:

Rhyming with name

Not all names rhyme. At the same time, it can be difficult to find an affectionate rhyme even for sonorous names. However, when addressing your partner playfully, you can use appropriate rhymes to the name.

Some examples of rhyming names:

Poems for a beloved man

It will not be difficult for a girl who knows how to write poetry to compose at least a quatrain. For those who are not familiar with poetry, poems by classic poets will help- Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Akhmadullina, Bergholtz, Gippius. You can also compose simple couplets expressing tender feelings.

A few examples of simple quatrains:

Expressing your feelings is great! It is important for a loved one to hear sincere words of love and devotion every day. You should not be afraid to express your feelings - your loved one will definitely remain grateful.

Everyone knows that men love compliments on their muscularity, but it's a little corny, isn't it? So what compliments can you give a guy to surprise and please him?

Below is a list best compliments to a man.

1) You are the best

Let him know that he is the best with phrases like “no one does it as easily as you”, “I couldn’t do it.”

2) Ask his opinion

It will be a compliment for a man if you ask his opinion. Next time you go shopping together, ask him what he thinks about the choice you want to make. You will see that it will give him pleasure.

A little extra tip: Tell your boyfriend he has good taste.

3) You are a great driver!

Most men are confident that they drive better than women. So when you're riding in the car with him, don't be shy to tell him that you like his driving style and that you feel safe when he's driving.

4) Allow other women to look at him

Don't show jealousy when other women admire your partner. On the contrary, tell him something like: “you are very popular with women,” or “no woman could resist you.”

5) I feel good with you

Most The best way Let your man know that you feel good, safe and comfortable with him - just simply say it out loud.

6) How athletic you are!

Men love to hear how good their muscles look, especially when it's said at the right moment.

7) You are a professional in your field

Show that you value his professional abilities and show interest in his work.

8) Gratitude for the gift

Don't forget to sincerely thank him when he gives you a gift. The more often you say thank you and the more sincerely you show your joy, the more often he will give you gifts.

9) Anywhere, anytime

Let him know that he is so seductive that everything will be as he wants, “anywhere, anytime.”

10) You look like Brad Pitt

Feel free to compare him to a famous actor/singer/musician to show how sexually attractive he is.

11) What do you think about this?

Show your boyfriend that you need him and appreciate his advice. Ask his opinion on various issues often.

12) I love your sense of humor!

Men love it when women appreciate their sense of humor.

13) Did you do this especially for me? I am so pleased!

If he makes an effort to impress and please you, show him how much it touches you.

14) I'm so proud of you!

This short phrase can work wonders!

15) You know exactly what I love!

If he knows what you like without asking and brings it to you, show him how much you like it.

16) My friends like you

He will be pleased to hear that your friends speak positively about him.

17) You're great in bed

Tell him he's good in bed. He will love it and will try even harder to please you.

18) You are an excellent father / You will be an excellent father

Men are never sufficiently confident that they are doing a good job as a father. If you are planning to start a family or already have children, do not forget to encourage him with such a compliment.

19) I feel good with your friends/your family

He will be happy to know that you like the people who are so important to him.

20) What would I do without you?

One of the most beautiful compliments What you can do to him is to tell him how much you need him to feel happy.

Now you know what compliments you can give your boyfriend. Start doing them and you will notice pleasant changes in your relationship.