They tell me I'm fat. What to do. Why do men like thin people? My husband says I'm fat. Men love with their eyes

It’s easy to offend a woman—suffice it to say that she has gained weight. And when a loved one talks about this, and not in the most delicate formulations, it is truly traumatic. Is it always about the woman and the fact that she allegedly “dissolved herself?”
Yulia Lapina says: often the problem is in the men themselves. And that's why:

- Of course, not only the husband can comment on appearance, it can be colleagues, and relatives, and even their own children, but in partnerships this is especially hurtful and has its own dynamics.

Some statistics as a preface: according to one study, more than half of those surveyed would like their partner to lose weight. Another study tells us that people in happy relationship gain weight, and in unlucky ones - on the contrary, explaining this by the fact that food and love are closely connected with our brain.

What is the most important thing to follow from the above? You are not alone if you are worried about being told to “lose weight” by your husband/partner. You're not alone if your body has changed since starting a relationship.

Of course, this doesn’t make it any less painful to hear “it would be nice for you to lose weight” and such accusations fall heavily on the body, which seems to deprive you of a loved one, but is this really so? Is it really the body that is to blame for the reproaches directed at you?

Let's try to consider why exactly this reproach becomes part of the relationship. In this article we will talk about reproaches towards women as a more common family pattern, but everything below can be directed against men in the same way.

Marriage as a project, the partner's body as a social status

In one of the Tatler magazine articles dedicated to Melania Trump, according to an “anonymous source,” it was written that Donald Trump allowed his wife to give birth to his child only if it did not spoil her figure and she made every effort to make her body look like like on your wedding day.

We don’t know whether this is true or not, but the fact that for a certain type of man his wife’s appearance plays the role of status along with an expensive car, an elite apartment and a solid bank account remains a fact.

But again, this has nothing to do with the body, but only with society, where the appearance of a spouse is a marker of social status - who you can afford.

If Russian merchants of past centuries boasted to each other that those who have a fatter cat and wife are richer, but today it’s the opposite - thinness (fortunately, at least not of a cat) is associated with success and wealth. And in this case, the partner’s reproaches are associated with anxiety about the loss of his status, and we are not always talking about presidents or oligarchs; a middle-income citizen can worry no less about “what people will say” if his wife has gained weight or his smartphone is not the latest model.

The rich have always set trends, just as stereotypes about health scanning by appearance existed long before “fat equals sick” - in a peasant family, a “thin woman” had no chance of getting married because of stereotypes about poor health and problems during childbirth.

When marriage is some kind of project about status, about free labor or the heir’s teacher, then those entering into it enter into an unspoken agreement and begin to get angry if one of the parties violates this agreement. Nothing personal, just business. Only the body has nothing to do with it.

Microaggressions are a way to relieve tension

Any relationship - friendly, business, partner - gives rise to a certain tension (because to maintain it you need to inhibit your desires and periodically make concessions), and the quality of the relationship is determined precisely by the way this tension is relieved.

One of the least constructive ways is microaggressions. Constant jabs that can always be wrapped up in “Well, you don’t understand jokes,” “I accidentally said (a).” That is, for example, a woman cannot accurately quote how and when her partner told her that he was dissatisfied with her body, but nevertheless intensely feels the presence of this topic in “random”: “Masha has lost great weight, so her husband is happy” and “Mom gave us cabbage here, she says it’s healthy and low-calorie.”

In the vast world of fatphobia (fear of fatness), the insult “fat” is universal for any woman, regardless of body weight. The anxiety “suddenly I’ve gained weight” concerns anyone, which means that the seed of doubt can be sown in everyone, which becomes a universal weapon for expressing aggression with the aim of hurting.

Why microaggressions? Because direct aggression like “you’re a fat fool”, “you’re disgustingly overfed”, “you look disgusting” - this is such a toxic level of relationships that psychological consequences differs little from direct physical violence, and in this case the question of one’s own mental safety and methods of achieving it comes first, if there is a resource to cope with this without outside help. There is no time for reflection on what, how and why, this is a question of ending such situations as quickly as possible.

But on the other hand, if both partners are doing well with a sense of humor and light sarcasm, which, as we know, are constructive ways to relieve tension (sublimation) of aggression, then there is nothing destructive about it. A sense of humor and self-irony has saved more than one marriage if both parties had a desire to preserve it.

Sometimes I had to observe families in which there was a sarcastic squabble: “Outi-puti my chubby pie, what are you with us today?” - “Judging by our financial situation, I am a pie with cabbage from Auchan at a discount” - did not in the least affect self-esteem and did not give rise to anxiety, but were a silent agreement of permissible jokes, a kind of family black humor.

But everything, of course, is individual, and if such jokes hurt you, and your partner, knowing this, continues to tease you, then it’s no longer funny.

Clinical case of obsession

As the definition says, dysmorphophobic disorder regarding the appearance of another person (we will translate it like this for greater clarity) is the same “obsession” with physical defects, as in the case of classical dysmorphophobia, only something from the body of another person becomes the object of anxiety, or the body of another in general, because “something is wrong with it and it urgently needs to be corrected.” Level of stress caused by body "flaws" loved one can be very serious, and in some clinical cases described, even lead to suicide.

There is not as much literature in English on this issue, as there are studies on clinical interventions, but one very important consequence from the description of this disorder is important for us.

Namely, if it is a disorder, such as obsessions or phobia, then its cause is neither the wrinkles on the partner’s face, nor the round “irritating nose,” nor “those nasty folds on the sides.” It's just like fear of spiders has nothing to do with spiders and their cute furry legs, it's a matter of them being a phobic stimulus for a specific person.

The good news is that it can be treated, unless, of course, not only you, but also your partner understand that it’s not about the body and are ready to take certain actions to get rid of this disorder.

A certain body shape is a sexual fetish

And perhaps the saddest and most difficult part of this text. Yes, it happens that a certain type of appearance is a sexual fetish - body type, breast size, age, in the end. Moreover, it is much less common to say that women also have many fetishes associated with male body. After ten years of marriage, it is quite possible to find nearby not the lean, handsome guy whom you had your eye on for half a year at the institute, but a larger cutie, who, despite all the warm attitude towards him, does not arouse erotic desires in his wife.

But in most cases, women begin to look for a problem within themselves in such a situation, for example: “something is wrong with my hormones, my sexual desire has disappeared.”

Because patriarchy tells women to value anything but their sexuality in marriage, such experiences are rarely voiced, even in the form of constructive family discussion. Men, on the contrary, do not always delicately declare the loss of their sexual desire, often framing it in the phrases “it would be nice for you to lose weight and generally take care of yourself.”

By the way, capitalism immediately picks up this problem, wraps it in a beautiful wrapper and sells it in the form of training, pills, underwear and plastic surgery. Not for men, of course.

Couples deal with this problem in very different ways: from divorce to open relationships, from understanding and accepting that the relationship is now on a different level, to official and unofficial mistresses and lovers.

This topic is complicated because today sexual desire is equated with love - as long as the partner wants, he seems to love and nothing threatens the marriage. It’s complicated because a woman begins to feel her body is a traitor and tortures it in the hope of returning it “to the way it was.” It is complicated in that if the wife is financially dependent on her husband, she will be forced to come to terms with any of his decisions, and the body again turns out to be extreme - because of him it all started.

They abandon, change and cool down to the very different people- and to fashion models, and to Hollywood actresses, and to “impeccable” fit girls. The only question is how a person will treat those who are next to him, those to whom he promised love, care and respect, even if his sexual interests have changed. Whether it will be a renunciation of one’s sexual life - as in the case of a decision to remain faithful, for example, to a sick partner, or whether it will be a carefully hidden parallel relationship - the choice and responsibility, and possibly the sacrifice, is always up to a specific person, and not someone else’s a body that does not betray anyone, but fulfills its main task - to live.

Of course, not only the husband can comment on appearance, it can be colleagues, relatives, and even his own children, but in partnerships this is especially hurtful and has its own dynamics.

Some statistics as a preface: according to one study, more than half of those surveyed would like their partner to lose weight. Another study tells us that people in happy relationships gain weight, while those in unhappy relationships gain weight, explaining that food and love are closely connected to our brains.

What is the most important thing to follow from the above? You are NOT alone if you are bothered by the “lose weight” attacks from your husband/partner. You are NOT alone if your body has changed since starting a relationship.

Of course, this does not make it any less painful to hear “you should lose weight,” and such accusations fall heavily on the body, which seems to deprive you of a loved one, but is it really so? Is it really the body that is to blame for the reproaches directed at you?

Let's try to consider why exactly this reproach becomes part of the relationship. In this article we will talk about reproaches towards women as a more common family pattern, but everything that is said below can be directed against men in the same way.

  1. Marriage as a project, the partner's body as a social status

In one of the Tatler magazine articles dedicated to Melania Trump, according to an “anonymous source,” it was written that Donald Trump allowed his wife to have a child with him only if it did not ruin her figure, and she would make every effort to ensure that her body after childbirth it looked like it did on our wedding day. We don’t know whether this is true or not, but the fact that for a certain type of man his wife’s appearance plays the role of status along with an expensive car, an elite apartment and a solid bank account remains a fact.

But again, this has nothing to do with the body, but only with society, where the appearance of a spouse is a marker of social status - who you can afford.

If Russian merchants of past centuries boasted to each other who had a fatter cat and wife, today it’s the opposite - thinness (fortunately, at least not of a cat) is associated with success and wealth. And in this case, the partner’s reproaches are associated with anxiety about the loss of one’s status. We are not always talking about presidents or oligarchs - a middle-income citizen can worry no less about “what people will say” if his wife has gained weight or his smartphone is not the latest model.

The rich have always set trends, just as stereotypes about health scanning based on appearance existed long before “fat equals sick.” In a peasant family, a “thin woman” had no chance of getting married due to stereotypes about poor health and problems during childbirth.

When marriage is some kind of project (about status, about free labor or the heir’s teacher), then those entering into it enter into an unspoken agreement and begin to get angry if one of the parties violates this agreement. Nothing personal, just business. Only the body has nothing to do with it.

  1. Microaggressions are a way to relieve tension

Any relationship - friendly, business, partner - gives rise to a certain tension (because to maintain it you need to inhibit your desires and periodic concessions), and the quality of the relationship is determined precisely by the WAY to relieve this tension.

One of the not the most constructive ways is microaggressions. Constant jabs that can always be wrapped up in “Well, you don’t understand jokes,” “I accidentally said it.” That is, for example, a woman cannot accurately quote how and when her partner told her that he was dissatisfied with her body, but, nevertheless, she intensely feels the presence of this topic in “random” phrases like: “Masha has lost a lot of weight, here’s her husband.” I’m glad” or “Mom gave us cabbage here, she says it’s good for you and low in calories.”

In the vast world of fatphobia, the insult “fat” is universal for any woman, regardless of body weight. The anxiety “suddenly I’ve gained weight” concerns anyone, which means the seed of doubt can be sown in everyone, which becomes a universal weapon for expressing aggression with the aim of hurting.

Why microaggressions? Because direct aggression like “fat fool”, “you’re so overfed that’s disgusting”, “you look disgusting” - this is such a toxic level of relationships that in terms of psychological consequences it differs little from direct physical violence, and in this case the question is about one’s own mental safety and methods its achievement comes first, if there is a resource to cope with it without outside help. There is no time for reflection on what, how and why, this is a question of ending such situations as quickly as possible.

But, on the other hand, if both partners are doing well with a sense of humor and light sarcasm, which, as we know, are constructive ways to relieve tension (sublimation) of aggression, then there is nothing destructive about it. A sense of humor and self-irony has saved more than one marriage if both parties had a desire to preserve it.

Sometimes I had to observe families in which there was a sarcastic squabble: “Uchi-puti, my chubby little pie, what are you with us today?” - “Judging by our financial situation, I am a pie with cabbage from Auchan at a discount” - did not in the least affect self-esteem and did not give rise to anxiety, but were a silent agreement of permissible jokes, a kind of family black humor.

But everything, of course, is individual, and if such jokes hurt you, and your partner, knowing this, continues to tease you, then it’s no longer funny.

  1. Body dysmorphic disorder by proxy - a clinical case of obsession

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What to do? Anyone can encounter such an offensive statement. Moreover, other people’s words may not always correspond to reality - a few kilograms of excess weight, and someone is already angrily throwing in your direction: “Hey, fat! Let me pass!” or, what’s even more offensive, “Fat girl, don’t block your view, you can’t see the beauties!” And no matter how we later try to convince ourselves that these people are just louts who themselves would do well to lose weight, the annoying phrase remains in the heart and echoes for a long time, developing a feeling of inferiority and pushing us to do all sorts of stupid things - from strict diets before announcement complete . But let's deal with this problem together. What should we do if people around us start calling us fat?

Where does the tail come from?

Why do people say this unpleasant word: “fat”. In most cases, this comes from mass lack of culture, which, unfortunately, occurs in our country. Let’s take the same European countries or the USA, where the percentage of really fat people, that is, diagnosed with “”, is much higher than ours. There these people feel quite comfortable, boldly wear clothes that only emphasize their voluminous shapes and are not shy about eating fatty hamburgers and hot dogs on the street. In these countries, it is generally accepted that weight is a personal matter for everyone, and this in no way deprives a person of his individuality, many positive traits and, of course, the right to respect.

In our country everything is a little different. Let me give you a simple example: my friend spent a year in the States studying English language. She lived in a simple American family, where they traditionally dined on pizza, chips and chocolate chip cookies. This lifestyle could not help but affect my friend’s fragile figure, and a year later she left with twenty kilograms. As she later said, during this year they did not make a single comment to her on the street, and although she knew about her extra pounds, she did not feel much discomfort about it.

The first shock for her upon returning was the Russian airport. Walking out into the arrival hall with a crowd of Americans, she immediately heard whispers coming from different corners of the room: “The fat people are coming! And look at this one, three chins and!” “From that moment I realized that I was back,” my friend sadly stated. So, we conclude: you can hear anything from strangers, even very unpleasant things. Let's learn to perceive information only from loved ones and relatives? More on this later.

We are thinking

It also happens that close people say that “you are fat,” not necessarily in this form, but with exactly this meaning. But here it is worth thinking about. Dismissing those cases when they try to humor us, friends and family can only say this in one case - there really is a problem. In this case, there is no point in being offended: they love us, and therefore they wish us well, and do not want to offend us at all, therefore, it’s time to think about extra pounds and ways to get rid of them.

Other people's words sometimes have incredible strength, and the mistake of many is to start sudden actions - hard, grueling sports, etc. These actions can bring nothing but harm to health. But it was precisely for action that these words were spoken - “you’re fat” - which means action is necessary. What to do? First of all, understand that the extra pounds, no matter how many there are, did not appear in three days, therefore it is impossible to get rid of them in three days, and attempts to do this are dangerous. Of course, I really want that in a few days, instead of the offensive “You’re fat,” they would say to us, “How are you!” You look great!”, but everything has its time. For the result to be truly praiseworthy, you need to act very competently.

Your actions

“People tell me I'm fat. What to do?". Firstly, you need to decide very important question- Do you personally want to change something? If you are happy with your body the way it is, if you are comfortable with your weight, you know how to emphasize the advantages of your figure with beautiful clothes, and diets are simply not created for you, then forget about everything they tell you. You are you, just the way you are. But if the words were unpleasant, and you really realize that you have extra pounds, be sure to start working on yourself.

A good and right step would be to contact a nutritionist who can tell you the exact amount of your excess weight and its causes, and also recommend you a special one. If your weight is not critical, and you are used to solving all problems on your own, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle - absolutely everything, starting with your daily routine, diet, bad habits and physical activity levels to chronic illnesses and your sleep habits. Each of these factors is essential in the struggle for slimness.

Having chosen the path to health and beauty, you need to remember the rules that are golden for every slender girl:

  • Regular meals no skipping meals, healthy and wholesome foods, fresh vegetables and fruits every day!
  • Activity and movement- running, swimming, cycling, daily walks, aerobics, Gym, games with children and friends. Not a day without an hour of active life!
  • Avoiding late and heavy dinners(no later than four hours before bedtime, and preferably vegetables, fish and dairy products), bad habits (smoking, frequent alcohol consumption), snacks (replace them with fruits) and risky foods (sweets, flour and confectionery products, fatty and fried foods, canned food and smoked meats).
  • Choosing your own personal weight loss method. Everyone chooses their own weight loss program, because not everyone can stick to a protein diet or go to the gym three times a week. Comfort in losing weight is one of the most important factors. Great help Natural and healthy medications, for example those produced in Russia, can help maintain this comfort. Consisting only of natural ingredients, these drugs do not violate any of the commandments of healthy weight loss: “No harm. No strict restrictions. Without psychological discomfort." I recommend them to you from the bottom of my heart - losing weight with them is easy and simple.

And if you hear “fat” from a stranger again, be sure to smile. Remember that this is just a splashing out of accumulated negativity, which always comes back if it meets the strong armor of optimism and self-confidence. Love yourself!

For a long time now, television and various media have imposed to modern man the stereotype that everyone should be very thin. Men are required to be pumped up, and girls are slightly anorexic. Therefore, the question arises in the minds of modern women: what to do if I’m fat.

Firstly, there is no need to rush and panic. Analyze your appearance, your parameters. Think about where this thought came from and only then act. The very first thing to do is to determine whether you really need to take any measures and how strict they should be.

“I’m scary and fat!”

These two indicators of appearance are very often equated with each other. It has long been proven that a man is attracted to body parameters themselves, and their proportions. Fat woman with good breasts, beautiful line hips and a rather thin waist (in relation to the hips) is always perceived as beautiful, sexy and very impressive.

"I think I'm fat"

This formulation is also very popular among women. Checking whether there really is a problem is quite simple. First, there is a very simple table. It compares weight with height. For example, with a height of 170 cm and a body weight of 55 kg, it is considered insufficient. But with the same height, 95 kg indicates the onset of obesity.

“They call me fat”

This motivation is most typical for children and adolescents. In this case, you need to pay attention to the child’s nutrition and physical activity, and the absence of stress. But it is also important to remember that in just a couple of years a child can change a lot. And if such a situation worries an adult, then first of all it’s worth thinking about. Perhaps this is not an objective opinion, but personal hostility or envy.

"The guy says I'm fat"

Men love with their eyes - that's a fact. And if your man subtly hints at being overweight and offers to solve the problem together, then it’s worth listening. But this situation is more common. A man demands perfection from a woman appearance. At the same time, he doesn’t care too much about his six-pack belly. It’s better not to listen to such advice.

If I'm very fat, what should I do?

Many people say to themselves: I’m a fat girl. That is, this means a certain amount of excess weight. But when the problem is obvious and serious in scale, the help of specialists is required. If the weight is too heavy, it is better to contact nutritionists, trainers, and cosmetologists. And also constantly consult with a therapist.

How did I become fat?

This is the first thing you need to figure out. Analyze your lifestyle. Maybe diet is to blame. Or sedentary work and lack of sports. Or the problem is hormones and stress, difficult life situations.

Why am I fat?

Next, figure out why you still haven't solved the problem. Most likely, the reason is motivation. If it wasn't there, find it. And you no longer need to refer to the fact that there is no time, opportunity or energy. And now I have to wonder what to do if I’m fat.

I'm fat, how to lose weight?

Very simple. Choose a healthy diet that you can stick to for a long time without any problems. Sign up for a fitness class and start running in the morning. Pay attention to massage cosmetic procedures. Folk remedies rid the body of waste and toxins. And then the result will not be long in coming.

The main thing is to reconsider your lifestyle as a whole. Something led to the appearance of extra pounds. And if this doesn't change, then excess weight will return. Therefore, when losing weight, it is better to build a system that you can stick to constantly. The same rule will help maintain health when losing weight.

But again, this has nothing to do with the body, but only with society, where the appearance of a spouse is a marker of social status - who you can afford.

If Russian merchants of past centuries boasted to each other that those with a fatter cat and wife were richer, but today it’s the opposite - thinness (fortunately, at least not a cat) is associated with success and wealth. And in this case, the partner’s reproaches are associated with anxiety about losing one’s status and we are not always talking about presidents or oligarchs. A middle-income citizen may worry no less about “what people will say” if his wife has gained weight or his smartphone is not the latest model.

Photo source:

The rich have always set trends, just as stereotypes about health scanning by appearance existed long before “fat equals sick” - in a peasant family, a “thin woman” had no chance of getting married due to stereotypes about poor health and problems in childbirth.

When marriage is some kind of project - about status, about free labor or the heir's teacher, then those entering into it enter into an unspoken agreement and begin to get angry if one of the parties violates this agreement. Nothing personal, just business. Only the body has nothing to do with it.

2. Microaggressions are a way to relieve tension

Any relationship - friendly, business, partner - gives rise to a certain tension (because to maintain it you need to inhibit your desires and periodic concessions) and the quality of the relationship is determined precisely by the way this tension is relieved.

One of the not the most constructive ways is microaggressions. Constant jabs that can always be wrapped up in “Well, you don’t understand jokes,” “I accidentally said it.” That is, for example, a woman cannot accurately quote how and when her partner told her that he was dissatisfied with her body, but nevertheless intensely feels the presence of this topic in “random” “Masha has lost a lot of weight, her husband is happy about that” and “mom She gave us cabbage here, she says it’s healthy and low in calories.”

In the vast world of fatphobia, the insult “fat” is universal for any woman, regardless of body weight. The anxiety “suddenly I’ve gained weight” concerns anyone, which means the seed of doubt can be sown in everyone, which becomes a universal weapon for expressing aggression with the aim of hurting.

Why microaggressions? Because direct aggression like “you’re a fat fool”, “you’re so overfed that’s disgusting”, “you look disgusting” - this is such a toxic level of relationships that, in terms of psychological consequences, it differs little from direct physical violence. And in this case, the question of one’s own mental safety and methods of achieving it comes first, if there is a resource to cope with this without outside help. There is no time for reflection on what, how and why, this is a question of ending such situations as quickly as possible.

But on the other hand, if both partners are doing well with a sense of humor and light sarcasm, which, as we know, are constructive ways to relieve tension (sublimation) of aggression, then there is nothing destructive about it. A sense of humor and self-irony has saved more than one marriage if both parties had a desire to preserve it.

Photo source:

Sometimes I had to observe families in which there was a sarcastic squabble: “Outi-puti my chubby little pie, what are you with us today?” “Judging by our financial situation, I have a cabbage pie from Auchan at a discount” - did not in the least affect self-esteem and did not give rise to anxiety, but were a silent agreement of permissible jokes, a kind of family black humor.

But of course, everything is individual, and if such jokes hurt, and your partner, knowing this, continues to tease you, then it’s no longer funny.

3. Clinical case of obsession

As the definition says, a disorder regarding the appearance of another person (we will translate it this way for greater clarity) is the same “obsession” with physical defects, as in the case of classic dysmorphophobia ( a mental disorder in which a person is overly concerned about a minor defect or feature of his body - editor's note.).

Only something from another person’s body, or his body in general, becomes the object of anxiety, because “something is wrong with him and it needs to be fixed urgently.” The level of stress caused by the “flaws” of a loved one’s body can be very serious, and in some clinical cases described, even lead to suicide.

The good news is that it can be treated. Unless, of course, not only you, but also your partner understand that it’s not about the body and are ready to take certain actions to get rid of this disorder.

4. A certain body shape is a sexual fetish

And perhaps the saddest and most difficult part of this text. Yes, it happens that a certain type of appearance is a sexual fetish - body type, breast size, age, in the end.

Photo source:

Moreover, it is much less common to say that women also have many fetishes associated with the male body. After ten years of marriage, it’s quite possible to find next to you not the lean, handsome guy you’ve been eyeing for half a year at the institute, but a larger cutie who, despite all the warm attitude towards him, does not arouse erotic desires in his wife. But women in most cases begin to look for a problem in themselves in such a situation, for example: “something is wrong with my hormones, my sexual desire has disappeared.”

Because patriarchy tells women to value anything but their sexuality in marriage, such experiences are rarely voiced, even in the form of constructive family discussion. Men, on the contrary, do not always delicately declare the loss of their sexual desire, often couching it in the phrases “it would be nice for you to lose weight and generally take care of yourself.”

By the way, capitalism immediately picks up this problem, wraps it in a beautiful wrapper and sells it in the form of training, pills, underwear and plastic surgery. Not for men, of course.

How to solve a problem?

Couples deal with this problem in very different ways: from divorce to open relationships, from understanding and accepting that the relationship is now on a different level, to official and unofficial mistresses and lovers.

This topic is complicated because today sexual desire is equated with love - as long as the partner wants, he seems to love and nothing threatens the marriage. It is complicated in that a woman begins to feel her body as a traitor and tortures it in the hope of returning it “to the way it was.” It is complicated in that if the wife is financially dependent on her husband, she will be forced to come to terms with any of his decisions and the body again turns out to be extreme - because of him it all started.

They leave, cheat on, and become romantically involved with a variety of people - fashion models, Hollywood actresses, and “impeccable” fit girls. The only question is how a person will treat those who are next to him, those to whom he promised love, care and respect, even if his sexual interests have changed.

Whether it will be a renunciation of one’s sexual life - as in the case of a decision to remain faithful, for example, to a sick partner, or whether it will be a carefully hidden parallel relationship - the choice and responsibility, and, possibly, the sacrifice, is always up to a specific person, and not to anyone else. then a body that does not betray anyone, but fulfills its main task - to live.