Entertainment in the 2nd junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Scenario for spring fun in the second junior group of kindergarten. Dance “We are funny mushrooms”

Lyubov Nikitina

Entertainment for children of the second younger group"Cornflower"

"Visiting fairy tales»

Educator: Nikitina L. S.

Program content:

Encourage children to remember fairy tales, answer questions based on their content, recite excerpts from fairy tales.

Form in children own attitude to a positive and negative hero.

Cultivate love for fairy tales.

Develop emotions, coordination of movements.

Teach children to create a big picture from small pictures. Strengthen skills in using a brush and glue.

Raise children to work in subgroups(minigroups) .

Preliminary work:

reading Russian folk fairy tales.

examination of illustrative material.

organization of theatrical activities based on fairy tales.

watching animated films based on literary works.

carrying out artistic and creative activities.

telling riddles,

imitation of animal behavior.

Equipment and material:

Illustrations by fairy tales; fairy-tale heroes - toys; exhibition of children's works; hoops, rope, massage track, three Christmas trees different sizes, 2 chests; magic bag; bear mask; letter with riddles; pictures for games "What's extra" "Collect a picture"; costume storytellers.

Move: Included storyteller

Hello guys! My name is Storyteller.

I love you very much fairy tales, do you love?

Would you like to come with me to visit fairy tales? (children's answers)

The road is long, so we need a warm-up.

Fizmunutka: "We are stomping with our feet..."

Now we are ready to hit the road.

In front of the children there is a rope, hoops, and a massage track.

When passing obstacles, children say words:

“Our feet walk along a narrow path,

From bump to bump to the magic bridge,

We will go across the bridge to visit let's get into a fairy tale».

Look, we are in a wonderful forest. This forest is not simple, it is magical, there are many miracles in it, and you will see which ones for yourself.

Look how many Christmas trees are in the forest.

Let's go to the largest Christmas tree that we see here (chest). Let's see what's in it.

Find pictures by fairy tales

1 task: "Guess fairy tale from pictures»

(you need to look at the picture and say what's the name of this one fairy tale)

Well done everyone guessed the fairy tales.

Let's now find a smaller Christmas tree.

Look, there is a magic bag near the Christmas tree.

Let's see what's there (each child takes out one toy (different animals).

And these animals can live in fairy tales?

2 task: "From what fairy tales this hero» (name the hero and fairy tale)

Okay, we completed this task.

Now let’s find a clearing in the forest, how many flowers there are.

Let's smell their scent.

(Breathing exercises "Scent of Flowers") - take a calm breath through the nose, hold your breath and exhale slowly "Ah - ah!"

Let's play a game in the clearing "At the bear's place in the forest."

Look at some letter near the Christmas tree.

Let's read "Hello guys. You have come to a forest where many live fairy-tale heroes . I really want you to guess my riddles and depict the answer. Your Lesovichok"

3 task: a game "Picture the answer"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher asks riddles about fairy-tale heroes(animals, attracting children to show the answer in motion.

Long ears

Fast paws.

Gray, but not a mouse

Who is this? (HARE)

Gray, toothy,

Prowls across the field,

Looking for calves, lambs (WOLF)

Big, clubfooted,

Sleeps in winter

In summer he stirs up the hives (BEAR)

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs,

White feathers, red comb.

Who's that on the peg? (COCKER)

It gives milk and fluff.

Not a cow, not a rooster.

Neither a duck nor a goose!

I won’t dare to guess!

And there are also horns!

Oh, alert, oh strict!

It comes like a thunderstorm

Fleet-footed... (GOAT)

On the way, the children find a chest lying on a stump.

let's open (find pictures).

I will show you pictures, and you must say, which fairy tale the odd one out in this picture.

4 task: a game "What's extra"

Do you want to play with the heroes? fairy tales. Look, they're sitting on the tables various toys, name who is sitting (called).

Now look, everyone has a picture on your chest, go to the toy who is pictured on your chest.

(Division of children into groups)

Found it? Well, now I want you to put together a picture

5 task: a game "Collect a picture"

Guys, we are with you traveled according to Russian folk fairy tales.

Guys, how can we do it so that all these heroes end up together? For example, on this sheet?

Shows a sheet of Whatman paper and many small pictures.

Children offer their own methods, the teacher, with leading questions, leads the children to the idea of ​​​​creating a big picture. Let's glue these pictures onto a large sheet of paper and see what we can come up with.

We got a beautiful big picture. Beautiful. Place it in the book corner.

Well guys, did you like it? travel through fairy tales?

Now it's time for us to return home.

“Our feet walk along a narrow path

From bump to bump to the magic bridge

We will cross the bridge and get to our home.

Ours is over journey».


In which fairy tales we got today? (children's answers)

Well, now I want to thank you and treat you. You know a lot about fairy tales may your mothers and fathers read a lot to you fairy tales.


This material will be useful for educators and instructors in physical culture. This event is designed for children younger age.

Target: In the form of outdoor games and game exercises consolidate the main types of movements: loose running, jumping on two legs in place and with advancement, walking and running in a “snake” between objects, formation in a column and circle, walking over a limited area of ​​support. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, ability to respond to a signal, attention. Clarify children's ideas about wild animals. Foster a love for animals; Create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children.

Equipment: toys: bear, bunny, squirrel; envelope, hoops according to the number of children, arc, board, toy barrel.

Leisure activities:

The children go into the hall.

Educator: Guys, I received a letter today. Do you want to know from whom?

Then guess the riddle:

"He is the strict owner of the forest,

Likes to sleep in a den in winter.

And all winter long

Sucks a sweet paw,

Plus, he loves honey! "(children's answer)

Educator: Mishenka the bear wrote to me that he was very sick, sad, he was the only one who felt bad. No one will help, no one will cheer you up. Where does the bear live, guys? (children's answers)

Educator: I’m scared to go alone, but I feel sorry for the bear. Maybe you guys will come with me to visit the bear.

The road to Misha is not easy, you need to do a warm-up.

Form in a column one at a time.

Educator: And now let's go. So as not to get lost in the forest, let's follow each other.

Walking in a column one at a time, Performing the open switchgear complex to the music “To the clearing”.

Educator: Now let’s run quickly so as not to freeze.

Running in a column one at a time.

Educator: Be careful, children, look how many branches the wind has broken here. You need to bend under the branch and crawl.

Crawling under an obstacle on all fours.

Educator: we came to the clearing. Maybe a bear lives here, look around. Hear someone jumping and making their way through the fir trees.

Who is this?

"A little ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots."

A bunny appears (toy)

(children answer that they are going to visit the bear)

Educator: And you bunny, why are you trembling?

Hare: I am always afraid of the red fox in my forest.

Educator: Don’t be afraid, bunny, our guys will teach you to hide from the fox.

The p/i "The Fox and the Hares" will be held

Goal: learn to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, teach them to navigate in space, and find their place.

Description. On one side of the playground, hoops (“houses”) are laid out freely according to the number of children. Each child (“bunny”) stands in his own “house”. To the side, behind the Christmas tree, there is a “fox”. At the teacher’s signal, the “hares” children run out into the clearing, jump, and frolic. At the teacher’s signal: “The fox is coming!” - the “hares” run away and hide in their “houses” - hoops. "Fox" is trying to catch up with them. You can use poetic text in the game:

On the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away

The bunnies sat on the meadow

They dig a root with their paw.

Suddenly a little fox runs, my little red-haired sister!

Children perform movements according to the text. With the end of the text, a “fox” appears and begins to catch “hares”.

Hare: Oh, thank you, I’ll run and hide from the fox. Say hello to the little bear.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Educator: There is a swamp ahead, we’ll start jumping from hummock to hummock, and we’ll get to the path.

Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Educator: Well done! Is anyone lost?

"Who jumps and jumps along the branches

Jumps quickly, deftly,

Red little animal

He drags nuts into the hollow."

(children's answers)

A squirrel appears (toy)

Belka: What are you kids making noise here?

The children answer that they are going to visit the bear.

Squirrel: I'll show you where the bear lives, but let's play first.

The p/i "Find the fungus" is being held

Goal: to teach to act according to the rules of the game, to develop dexterity, the ability to respond to a signal, and attention.

Description: There are mushrooms on the floor. Children perform hops and jumps to the music. When the music ends, children must take the mushroom and lift it up. (The rules stipulate how many mushrooms children should take)

Belka: We played well. Walk between the fir trees, don’t prick yourself with needles, there, in the spruce forest, the bear cub lives. Say hello from me.

Walking between objects - Christmas trees "snake"

Educator: Well, here we are, there’s a clearing ahead, and here our friend the bear cub lives.

Bear where are you? Let's call him guys.

Bear: What's that noise in my forest? Who is stopping me from falling asleep?

Educator: “Don’t be angry, Mishenka. We came to cheer you up, we don’t want you to get sick.”

Bear: Then play with me.

The p/i "At the bear in the forest" will be held

Goal: development in children of the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, development of attention; exercise children in running.

Description: The role of the bear is played by the teacher with the bear cub. Two circles are drawn on the playing area. The first circle is the “bear’s” den, the second is the home for all other participants in the game. The game begins, and the children leave the house saying:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep,

And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, the “bear” runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. The game is repeated several times.

Bear: What a great time we played! I am now healthy, cheerful and cheerful. For this, I will treat you with delicious honey.

Educator: Guys, it’s already evening and it’s time for us to go to school, and you, Mishenka, go to bed for the whole long winter. Our bear sleeps until spring, he dreams sweet dreams. Let's go back to the kindergarten on tiptoes so as not to wake up the little bear.

Walking on your toes (to calm music).

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1. Staged entertainment for children of the 2nd junior group “In the footsteps of Kolobok”


  1. Continue to recognize familiar fairy tales from their illustrations, learn to listen and answer questions.
  2. Instill a love for Russian folk tales.
  3. Develop memory, thinking, speech.
  4. Create a joyful mood when meeting a fairy tale.
  5. Cultivate good feelings, emotional responsiveness, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance.

Preliminary work with children:

  1. Telling fairy tales, singing songs, playing outdoor games, learning dances, coloring in a coloring book.
  2. Didactic games: “Find out by description”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “Who is screaming like that”.

Working with parents:

  1. Making masks, costumes, decorations, baking.
  2. Looking at illustrations in home library books with your child, reading fairy tales.


  • Russian folk costume;
  • fox, hare, wolf costume for children;
  • basket with toys;
  • illustrations for fairy tales, a basket with carrots;
  • toys: bun, wolf, hare, bear, sweet table.


  1. Russian folk tales.
  2. Collections “Music in kindergarten”.
  3. Sources from the Internet.


Surprise moment. A teacher comes out to the group, dressed in Russian folk costume, with a basket in her hand. In the basket - illustrations for fairy tales, toys - bun, wolf, hare, Bear:

Educator. Hello guys, let's get acquainted. I am a good storyteller, I go around the world, collecting fairy tales and putting them in a basket. I've almost filled my basket full. And then I tell these tales to people. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know them?
Children's answers.

Storyteller: I'll check it now. (takes out illustrations from the basket, the children recognize and name the fairy tale.)
A voice is heard from the basket: “Oh-oh-oh, but they forgot me!”

Storyteller: Who is this? Who have we forgotten?

Kolobok: But guess what! Sweeping the bottom of the barrel, scraping the barn, mixing it with sour cream, putting it in the stove, chilling the window... Who am I?
Children's answers.

Kolobok:(The toy) emerges from the basket, singing its song. I am a bun, a bun, I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather... and who else did I leave?
Children's answers.(with the children’s answers, toys appear from the basket - Animals:)

Kolobok: Well done, everything is correct. The animals wanted to catch up with me, yes, where are they! Guys, can you show me how the hare galloped after me? How did the wolf escape? How did the bear catch up?

Children imitate animals (musical accompaniment)

Kolobok: And I’ll leave you guys too...

Storyteller: Where are you going, little bun? Wait! Does not hear. Guys, remember who else the kolobok should meet in the fairy tale.
Children's answers.

Storyteller: Right. He'll fall into the fox's clutches, what a foolish braggart he is! What to do?
Children's answers.

Storyteller: That's right, we need to help Kolobok out of trouble. I invite you to a fairy tale, are you ready to help Kolobok? Then let's go!

To the song “Legs walked, top, top, top…” the children enter the forest (scenery).

Fox (child) goes to meet senior group). He looks around as if looking for someone.

Storyteller: And here is the Fox: We are late, guys, the Fox probably ate Kolobok. We'll find out now. Hello, Lisa! Have you met Kolobok?

Fox: What Kolobok, I haven’t seen any Kolobok. Why do I need Kolobok? I'm looking for bunnies (turning away). I really want to eat a hare!

Storyteller:(whispers to the children). This means that the bun rolled along a different path and did not fall into the Fox’s clutches. That's good!

Fox: What are you whispering about?

Storyteller: We won’t tell you anything, Foxy. This is our secret with the guys.

Fox: Yes, I know! About hares, probably. Have you, by any chance, seen any bunnies? (affectionately, cunningly).
Children's answers.

Fox: Well, since you haven’t seen it, I have nothing to talk to you about, and I don’t have time. I'll go look for hares.

Storyteller: Gone! Children and we need to hurry to find the bun before the fox and save him from the fox.

The Hare runs out: (child of the older group)

Hare: Where is he?

Storyteller: Who?

Hare: Kolobok, of course, who else. He rolled away from me, I can’t catch up with him. (Cries, says sadly). As I wanted small piece try.

Storyteller: Don’t be upset, bunny, we’ll find another treat for you. Here, take a whole basket of carrots. (gives the basket to the hare, it falls, the carrots crumble). Kids, help the bunny collect carrots.

Game-attraction “Collect carrots” or “Who can collect the most”.

Hare: Thanks guys. I will treat my friends to as many carrots as I can.

Storyteller: Do you want to play with the kids, bunny?
Hare: I don’t know how to play with kids, I only play with bunnies.

Storyteller: It's no problem. We're in a fairy tale! And in fairy tales there are always miracles. Children, do you want me to turn you into bunnies?
Children's answers. (put on masks)

Storyteller: One, two, three, come on, bunny, look
There were guys, and now there are bunnies!

Musical game "Hares and Fox".

Fox:(joyfully). How many hares! I'll treat myself to glory!

Storyteller: What are you talking about, Lisonka? Where did you see bunnies? (we hide the hare under the tree).
Fox:(licking his lips). So here they are, there are so many of them!

Storyteller: You were mistaken, these are not bunnies, but friendly guys! (children take off their masks).
Fox:(angry) Oh, and I’m unlucky today. (runs away).

The hare comes out from behind the tree and thanks the children.

Storyteller: Tell us, bunny, where Kolobok: rolled?
Hare: Over there to that bridge.

We approach the bridge, there is a Wolf (a child in the older group).

A staging of the song “We need to cross the bridge, guys...”.

Storyteller: Let us go, wolf, we are looking for Kolobok. Haven't you seen him?

Wolf: As if I hadn’t seen it, I’ve seen it! He sang his song to me, and I listened to it. I’m not at all evil, but I really love songs!

Storyteller: Children also love to sing and dance, look, and let us cross the bridge.

Dance "Begin to dance."

We walk across the bridge and we hear snoring. Children find a bear sleeping under a Christmas tree.

Musical game "Teddy bear, why have you been sleeping for so long..."

The children ask if he has seen Kolobok.

Bear: No, I didn’t, I dozed off, and you woke me up, preventing me from sleeping.
The children apologize to the bear and promise not to disturb him anymore.

Kolobok's song is heard, all the animals and children gather around him.

Animals: Kolobok, Kolobok, sing us your song!

Storyteller: Indeed, a wonderful song, let's all sing it together!

Everyone sings a song.

Animals: Kolobok kolobok we will eat you!

Storyteller: Don’t eat it, forest animals, we invite you to our group for tea and treats. There's enough for everyone.

Kolobok: Thank you guys for saving me, I’ll go to my grandparents, they’re probably worried.

Kolobok says goodbye to the children.

The fairy tale is a lie. Yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! What did our fairy tale teach you?
Children's answers.

Tea party with food prepared by parents.

2. Scenario of theatrical entertainment “Visiting the Rainbow Dwarfs” for children of the 2nd junior group and their parents


  • developing the interest of young children in theatrical play activities;
  • harmonization of the child’s relationship with the outside world.


  • Learn to convey the image of heroes, their character, mood through rhythmic plasticity in games - transformations;
  • Form an emotional and aesthetic perception of the world around us through music, singing and movement;
  • Support the desire to improvise on musical instruments;
  • Cultivate a sense of empathy for the characters, the ability to communicate with children and adults.


  • screen;
  • projector;
  • laptop;
  • music Center.


  • costumes of rainbow Dwarfs (Dwarfs are children of the preparatory group);
  • houses of all colors of the rainbow, townsman's scarf;
  • carrots;
  • yellow satin ribbons;
  • whistles;
  • boats with silk sails;
  • blue canvas - “river”;
  • umbrella;
  • birch;
  • blue elastic bands with attached bells and cellophane droplets;
  • paper stars - self-adhesive.

Children with a teacher enter the hall to cheerful music.

Musical director: Hello, guys.

Children with a teacher- Hello.

Musical director The kids are good

Children with a teacher- Hello.

Musical director: We came to visit the music and found a new fairy tale.

Sketch with health-improving elements:
The little eyes are set up. (frequent blinking of the eyes is a healthy element)
The ears are ready. (rubbing ears - a healing element)

Children sit on chairs.

On the screen are views of a village with colorful houses. Slide 4.


A village near a river. And little men live there:
Everyone is cheerful, funny and colorful like a rainbow.
They dance and sing, and welcome the children to visit.
Guess who they are: mischievous people?

On the screen there is a photo of rainbow Dwarfs.

They take care of their treasures - they are called gnomes.
Shall we go visit the Dwarfs? (children's answers - yes)
We will dance and sing with them.

Children stand up and follow the leader in a circle.Slide 5.


The legs walked, walked, walked, what house did they come to?
(children's answers- red)

The Red Dwarf lives in it, he sends greetings to all the children.
I cover you with a scarf and turn you into bunnies.
Red Dwarf, come out and look at the bunnies. Slide 6.

Red Dwarf:
Hello guys, little bunnies!
Here's a red carrot for you - dance with it deftly.

Dance of bunnies with carrots. (Music by L. Nekrasova, sl. N. Novikova)


Here are our little feet walking along the path.
There is a house in front of us. And the gnome looks out the window.
Answer quickly - what color is the house by the door?
(answer- orange)

Yes, there is an orange house on the way, the Orange Gnome is looking out the window.
I cover you with a scarf and turn you into foxes.
Orange Dwarf, come out and look at the foxes. Slide 8.

Orange Gnome:
The color is all of you, like me, my orange family.

Walk around the clearing and wag your tails.
There will be music and the foxes will dance.

Dance of the foxes (CD “Foxes danced in a clearing near a pine tree”)

Now spin around and turn into kids.
And our legs ran along the path.

Children run in a circle towards the yellow house.Slide 9.

Home is in front of us again. Lives there cheerful gnome.
Well, kids, tell me, what kind of cap is this resident wearing?
(answer- yellow)

Dwarf - little yellow friend, come out to our circle as soon as possible.
Let's take yellow ribbons and sing about the sun.

Yellow Gnome:
Your feeds are as beautiful as the rays of the sun!

Goodbye, Yellow Dwarf. Then it's time for us to run.

We will jump like a ball, jumping from foot to foot.
They galloped to the lawn and saw a birch tree.

There is a “birch tree” with a beetle sitting on its branches.

Above the birch tree, look, mosquitoes are hovering in a swarm.
Parents pronounce the sound “z”, children run around, swatting away imaginary mosquitoes.

And on the very top of the head there is a beetle sitting on a leaf.
He looks at the kids and buzzes loudly.
Parents pronounce the sound “zh”, children run around pretending to be cockchafers.

We depicted beetles and saw a green house.
Hey, Green Dwarf, come out boldly - we are waiting! Slide 11

Green Gnome:
Hello, here I am. Everyone calls me green.

The music is “Trill of a Nightingale” (CD “Sounds of Nature”) Slide 12.

Who, who sings so loudly? We want to find out soon.

Green Gnome:
Now let’s move the branches apart and see the nightingale.
We will take whistles, just as we will sing nightingales.

Orchestra of whistles (CD, music “Letka-Enka” from the film “Locomotive from Romashkovo”) Slide 13.

The little girls' fast legs ran along the path.
There is a house on the hill -
What kind of Dwarf lives there?
(answers– blue) Slide 14.

Under the mountain, along the valleys, a fast river runs.
Blue Dwarf, come out and take us across the river.

Blue Dwarf:
Children, take your boats and all float along the river.

Breathing exercise “Sails” ( children blow on the sail of a boat)

Spring breeze, inflate the sail!
Help the boat sail quickly on the waves! Slide 15.

Dance - a game with boats (improvisation on the song “On Spring Water” by the Spanish show group “Smile”)

We swam and swam along the river and swam to the shore.
The rain caught us on the way. Blue Dwarf, save us! Slide 16.

The Blue Dwarf opens his umbrella.

Blue Gnome:
Oh, what a big cloud!
Listen to how the thunder rumbles, the rain beats harder and harder. Slide 17.
Moms imitate rain by slapping their knees, dads stomp - “thunder”.

Blue Gnome:
The rain poured for a long time, got tired, and soon stopped dripping.
Small drops rolled off the umbrella,
And together with the children they broke into a merry dance. Slide 18.

Dance "Droplets" music. etc. E.A. Gomonova ( children wear blue hair ties with bells and droplets attached to their hands)

Children walk with their legs raised high through imaginary puddles.

We'll knock on the last house,
Come out to meet the Violet gnome! Slide 19.

Purple Gnome:
I suggest you get into pairs as soon as possible
And dance with your mothers.

Dance "SQUTT" with mom. Estonian folk melody. Arranged by A. Roomer. Slide 20.

All gnomes:
Hello everyone, friends! It's time to give you stars!
You are real talents: singers, dancers, musicians!

The presenter and all the Dwarfs glue self-adhesive paper stars to the children’s chests.

The artists were very good, let's clap for each other, kids! Slide 21.

General dance “We are little stars!” (CD “Show – group “Giant”).

At parting, children receive a surprise from the gnomes - multi-colored candies.


  • Arstanova L. G. Planning activities to accompany children 3-4 years old into the world of culture. Publisher: Uchitel, 2015.
  • Afanasenko E. X. Children's musical theater: programs, lesson development, recommendations. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 190 p.
  • Vikhareva G.F. Let's sing, dance, and play. Songs – games for kids. Publisher: Musical palette, 2011.
  • Deryagina L.B. Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions. Federal State Educational Standard. Childhood-Press, 2015.
  • Nishcheva N.V. Stomp - stomp - stomp! Musical and artistic development of children preschool age. Childhood-Press, 2015. - 288 p.
  • Remizovskaya E.R. Dance, babies! A collection of songs and dances for preschoolers. Ed. Phoenix, 2014. – 125 p.

Checked by senior teacher Latypova L.F.

3. Scenario of a theatrical performance on traffic rules in the 2nd junior group “Like mushrooms went to the school of traffic sciences”

Participants: children of the younger group, teachers, parents.

Preliminary work:

  • Thematic lessons: “Traffic light”, “Safety in motor vehicles”, “Cross the street”.
  • Exhibition of children's creativity "Rules traffic».
  • Conversations with parent drivers “Save your life”, “How I follow traffic rules.”
  • Reminder leaflets “I am crossing the road.”
  • Excursions “Crossing the Road”, “Who Carries Us, What Carries Us”.
  • Visual propaganda: mobile folders according to traffic rules.
  • Meetings with interesting people: a story by dad Andrei Yurlov about the work of a driver.
  • Watch the video “The ABCs of Road Safety.”

Progress of the presentation:

Presenter: Once upon a time there were wild mushrooms. Every autumn they appeared in a forest clearing and had so much fun, sang songs and danced that they could be heard far away.

Parade of participants. Children in mushroom costumes march through the hall.

Dance “We are funny mushrooms”

Presenter: One day the mushrooms decided to go visit and congratulate their friends on the arrival of autumn. They straightened their bright hats and hit the road.

A march sounds. The children walk along the hall and reach the door.

Presenter: The mushrooms reached the road. And there is an underground passage nearby to cross the road.

Mushroom-1: Friends, we need to go here (points to the underground passage).

Naughty Mushroom: It's a long time here, you have to run straight across the road.

Mushroom-1: No, let's go here.

Presenter: And all the mushrooms followed the smart mushroom (the children go out the door). And the naughty one ran across the road.

Naughty Mushroom: And I’ll run across them faster.

Presenter: And at this time a car was driving along the road. And trouble happened. Our mushroom was hit by a car.

All the children enter through another door into the hall and sit around.

Grib-2: What to do?

Grib-3: You need to call an ambulance on number 03.

A doctor (Savva Bulatov’s mother) comes in and provides assistance.

Doctor: I have cured you now, but I advise you to learn the rules of the road.

The doctor leaves.

Grib-4: Where to cross the road?

And I'm a funny fungus
And this is my first time here
Dangerous cars
I'm afraid I'll get hit.

Grib-6: How to get across the road?

Grib-7: I heard that in our forest there is a “School traffic sciences" Let's go there.

A march sounds. Children walk through the hall. The curtain opens.

Presenter: Look, here you are at school. Oh, there's someone here.

The Old Forest Man comes out.

Old forest man: Hello, who came to me?

Mushrooms: We are the wild mushrooms.

Presenter: Dear Forester, our mushrooms live in the forest. And they don't know the rules of the road at all. Can you help us?

Old forest man: Of course, I will help you. Come to my school.

Old forest man: Let's start the first lesson. This is driving. Now we will check how well you can ride bicycles and scooters while following the rules of the road.

Figured driving between objects (together with parents).
Traveling in a tunnel (parents stand in pairs, hold hands and make a tunnel).
Knowledge of prohibiting and permitting signs.

Old forest man: And now the second lesson begins. In order to behave correctly and safely on the road, you need to know the rules of the road, you need to know the road signs.

Road signs are displayed on the screen. Lesovik reads poems about these signs, and children and parents guess.

Old forest man: Lesson three.

Now let’s check again how well you know the road signs. I had hares visiting here, they were all making something, cutting with scissors. And then they accidentally cut up my pictures with road signs.
Can you help me collect them?

(The sign itself that needs to be collected is displayed on the screen. Four fungi and parents participate).

Old forest man: Well done! And now our last lesson. I have prepared a “Road ABC” crossword puzzle for you.

(The crossword puzzle is displayed on the screen. As you guess it (together with the parents), the word is revealed. When the entire crossword puzzle is solved, the Old Forest Man thanks everyone and wishes never to break the rules of the road. To the cheerful song, the mushrooms and all the participants of the holiday joyfully perform a dance "Road signs are our friends").

Methodological support:

Parsley (doll);

Record player;

Phonogram with different melodies;

Children's musical instruments:

Wooden spoons;

Stuffed Toys:

The musical director enters the group.

Musical director. Children, now we will go to visit Parsley. He's waiting for us in the music room, follow me.

Children approach the hall, the teacher and music director holding hands, they form a “gate” and explain to the children that they need to go through it.

Ay, lyu-li, ah, lyu-li, (Swing hands below)

We intertwined our hands.

We raised them higher - (They raise them to form a “gate”)

The result is beauty:

It turned out to be difficult -

Golden Gate.

Who will find a couple?

He will pass through the gate.

Children enter the hall in pairs through the “gate” and sit on chairs in front of the screen. The Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds.

Musical director. Where is Parsley? He invited us to visit and did not greet us. (Snoring can be heard behind the screen.)

Do you hear? It looks like someone is snoring. Petrushka probably got tired of waiting for us and fell asleep. We need to wake him up. Let's call: "Parsley!"

The children call, but Petrushka does not appear.

Musical director. Does not hear. I know who can wake up Parsley. Guess who it is:

Rises at dawn

Sings in the yard.

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this?

Children. Cockerel.

Musical director. Let's crow like cockerels.

Children. Ku-ka-re-ku!

Parsley appears on the screen.

Parsley. Who was shouting here? Who didn't let me sleep?

Musical director. This is us! Receive, Petrushka, guests!

Parsley. Well, the guests have finally arrived! I've been waiting for you for a long time. Even a little tired. So he sat down in a corner and fell asleep for an hour. (Yawns.)

Musical director. So, perhaps, you will fall asleep again. You need to stretch, “wake up” all your joints.

Parsley. But as?

Musical director. So, look at the guys and do as they do.

“Zverobika” sounds, music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by A. Khait, O. Levenbuk.

Musical director. That's how well they stretched!.. They even grew a little! Don't feel like sleeping anymore?

Parsley. Do not want! But I really want to play with the guys! I just couldn’t figure out how.

Musical director. Our children have very dexterous fingers, they even know how to dance.

Parsley. Hurry up and show me, I really want to see it!

Children sing and perform movements to the melody of “Lady”.

Our fingers will dance - (Rotate their hands)

Here they are, here they are.

We will hide our fingers in our fists - (Clench and unclench fingers)

In fists, in fists.

The fingers will dance again - (Fingering)

Here they are, here they are!

We will wave our fingers - (Shake hands)

Leave! Leave!

Parsley disappears behind the screen.

Musical director. Where is Parsley? Let's call him. Parsley! Doesn't respond. He was probably offended and thought that we were driving him away. Let's call him in a kind, gentle voice. Petrushka!

Children call, coming up with affectionate words, you can offer to sing a song.

Parsley. Yes, here I am! You called me so well! I wasn't offended at all. I went after these beautiful spoons. I want to play in the orchestra with you. I’ll hand out spoons to the guys, and I’ll be the conductor. Look at me carefully!

The Russian folk melody “Kalinka” or “Oh you, canopy” sounds. Children take a spoon in each hand.

Petrushka conducts, the children beat the rhythm first in one ear, then in the other, as if “listening” to the spoons.

As soon as Parsley hides behind the screen, the children stop playing and put the spoons on their laps.

Parsley. Well done! You play spoons wonderfully. (Collects spoons from children.)

Do you hear? Someone is scratching. Must be mice. My cat is completely lazy and doesn’t catch mice. So they became bolder.

Musical director. I know I know. In the morning, your cat asks for milk like this: “Meow!” (With his palm he imitates the movement of the cat’s mouth when meowing. Children repeat the movement.) Parsley pours milk into a plate (turns his hand palm up, giving the shape of a plate), and the cat laps it with his tongue (the middle finger of the other hand touches the palm). The cat ate his fill and said “thank you” in a cat’s way: “Meow!” And then he curled up into a ball and fell asleep. (Children form a fist with their fingers.) That's where the mouse appeared. "Peep-pee-pee." (One hand turns into a mouse: children clench their fingers into a fist, and move the little finger to the side - this is a tail. Rotating the hand at the wrist, bring it closer to the other hand - the cat).

But a well-fed cat does not pay any attention to the mouse. Then the mischievous mouse begins to tickle him with its tail. The cat wakes up.

A toy cat appears on your hand: “Meow!”

Cat. Guests are good. So you can play. Will you play with me?

Children. We will!

Cat. Then you will be mice, and I will go look for you in the garden.

An outdoor game of “Cat and Mouse” is played.

Musical director.

Mice are sitting in their holes,

The mice are looking through the cracks.

Oh, so many mice here

They use their claws to scrape the floor.

Hush, mice, gray cat -

He will lie in wait for you all.

The cat didn't find any mice

Only the cat falls asleep -

All the little mice run out.

A puppy can be heard barking behind the screen. A puppy appears.

Musical director. Oh, who is this?

The introduction of the song “Tyav-Tyav” sounds, music by V. Gerchik, words by Y. Razumovsky. Children sing along to the chorus of the song.

Musical director.

There is a puppy Kuzka in the yard -

Nearby is the red-haired Muska.

Kuzya values ​​​​friendship,

Musya is sleeping - he is watching.

He barks at other cats,

He plays with the cat Musenka.

Musical director. And now a musical gift from the kitten and puppy - their funny song “Kitten and Puppy” (Music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by V. Viktorov). In their song they will tell the story that happened to them on New Year's Eve.

Parsley says goodbye to the children and treats them to sweets.