DIY snowman applique for the New Year. Snowman applications: the best ideas. Snowman on New Year's applications

One of the main winter heroes is the snowman. Children of all ages run outside with the first snow and make snowmen, good-natured snow men who are loved by everyone. That is why the snowman applique with templates is one of the most common applications that educators and teachers offer to make for their students. Moreover, templates for such an application are not difficult to find, and even easier to make yourself.

In our master class we will look at several craft options, including those made from paper and plasticine. Forward to exciting winter fun!

Snowman made of plasticine

This craft will be voluminous and very similar to a real snowman. For this we will need:

  • plasticine ( white for the body, different colors for other parts);
  • stack for plasticine;
  • small square of cardboard.

Very often children make this craft 2 junior group because it is quite light. See for yourself:

  1. First we prepare the balls for the snowman. Let's roll three balls from white plasticine, one (bottom) is larger, the middle one is smaller, and the smallest is the top ball, the snowman's head. Let's put them on top of each other.
  2. Let's put a blouse on the snowman. Roll out the blue plasticine on the table not too thin, then wrap the middle ball and smooth it tightly with your hands.
  3. Let's make boots for a snowman from green plasticine.

  1. Now let's make a face for our snowman. Let's roll beady eyes out of black plasticine, and a carrot nose out of orange plasticine. Let's carefully stick all this onto the top, smallest ball.

  1. We will also attach the arms and sleeves of the blouse.
  2. Let's make a scarf from a strip of green plasticine. Roll out a small strip so that it is not too thin, wrap it around the “neck” - the junction of the middle and upper balls. Let's apply the drawing in a stack.

  1. And the final step is a bucket on the head. Let's mold it from gray plasticine. Our snowman is ready! Let's put it on a cardboard stand.

From cotton pads

What else reminds us of snow and snowmen? That's right, cotton pads. Since in Lately they have proven themselves to be an excellent material for appliques, let's make a snowman out of cotton pads.

We will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • paints and brushes;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard for background.

Typically, to create a snowman you need two or three cotton pads for the body and one for creating various parts.

First, let's give the cotton pads the desired size. To do this, we will leave two disks the same size, and cut the third one, which will be the head, a little. You can skip this step if you wish.

Now we take blue or silver cardboard and start gluing the snowman. We start with the top ball, then the middle and bottom.

Let's move on to making the snowman's arms and legs. To do this, cut out two small circles and two circles with a slightly larger diameter from a cotton pad. Let's glue them to the snowman.

Then we cut out the cylinder hat and also glue it to the snowman.

Let's cut out a broom from colored paper and glue it as if a snowman is holding it in his hand.

Now we take paints and draw the snowman’s eyes, carrot nose and mouth.

If desired, you can complement the picture with a Christmas tree made of cotton pads or snowdrifts.

Paper craft

Cutting and gluing paper parts onto cardboard is easy and simple; you can use the method from the master class with cotton pads.

Let's make a snowman in the form of a Christmas tree decoration using paper, pencil, compass, glue, string and markers.

The work progress will be as follows:

  1. On paper, using a compass, we will draw two circles, one of which will be the head, and therefore will be smaller in diameter than the other. We draw them so that we get not two separate circles, but one continuous silhouette of a snowman, that is, the circles need to be drawn slightly overlapping each other. Let's cut out two identical silhouettes.
  2. In order for the snowman’s body to be voluminous, we need to draw 16 more circles of the same diameter as the bottom circle. You can fold a sheet of paper three times, draw a circle and cut it out, this will work large quantity circles at once.
  3. Let's take a rope, fold it in half, as shown in the picture, and glue it to one silhouette. We cover the lower part with the rope with the second silhouette and glue it.

  1. Now let's move on to the volumetric bottom of the snowman. To do this, fold the cut out circles in half and glue the sides to each other (see photo). It should look like two parts.

  1. Glue the resulting volumetric parts from the front and back to the bottom circle of the snowman.

  1. We complement the image with a hat cut out of colored paper, draw eyes, nose, mouth. We tie the remaining rope as a scarf.

The paper Christmas tree toy is ready!

Sock product

You can also make a snowman craft using a white sock, buttons and rice or any cereal as a filler. This snowman will become a decoration New Year's decor.

Cut off the high part of the sock, which is on the shin.

We tie one end of it with an elastic band and turn it inside out.

Hello everyone, today we will make the most various applications with snowmen. You will see many new snowman applique templates. You can make these crafts from cardboard, paper, sheets of formiam, and these templates are also suitable for felt snowman crafts. We will start by showing what technologies for making crafts can be used in general (tear applique, with cotton wool, paper with cereals and bulk materials).
Each snowman template I increased by full size A4 sheet. This way you can immediately send pictures for printing and be sure that they will print in good condition. large size. Let's see what beautiful templates and crafts in the form of snowmen I have prepared for you in this article.

Snowman applique


Ideas and templates.

Most quick way applications - use ready-made round cotton pads. Slap and you're done.

You can first draw a sketch of your future arrangement of disks on a sheet of paper... see what paper elements are laid out and how. For example, on the template below a good idea for applique from ready-made round disks of cotton wool, a paper scarf, a spout and snowflakes cut out of paper.

You can make one of the disks a little smaller by cutting it in a circle with scissors. And then here is a template for a beautiful applique made from cotton pads. We cut out the accompanying applique elements from paper or cardboard or felt.

Snowman appliques


You can lay layers of cotton wool on the silhouette of a snowman with glue. The result will be a delicate voluminous application, fluffy, as if alive. Bright pieces of cardboard or colored paper will be used for a hat with trim, stars, a bright scarf, a broom, a Christmas tree, a sleigh, and buttons.

The blank silhouette for such a fluffy snowman can be anything. The main thing is that he must have a sufficiently voluminous belly and face to fit the cotton neatly without getting over the edges.

This snowman template is suitable for placing cotton on the face and tummy.

You can cut out a silhouette from cardboard and cover it with cotton wool. Make a support from cardboard at the back so that the snowman stands upright. The support is made according to the same principle as for desktop photo frames. Just a folded tail of cardboard.

This snowman template is suitable for snow applique. Quite large areas of the head and many bright paper elements.

Application SNOWMAN

for kindergarten.

IN kindergarten Children really love the snowman applique, whose belly is shaped like a paper snowflake. Beautiful bright applique. It is best to do it against a dark background so that the openwork of the snowflake is clearly visible.

Also in elementary school or kindergarten, children love to make cut-out appliqués

You can add plasticine elements to the applique with a snowman, as in the photo below.

PORTRAIT applique of a snowman.

Your craft can be a PORTRAIT - just a snowman's head, a hat and a colorful luxurious scarf.

Volumetric applique SNOWMAN.
Ideas for kindergarten and school.

In kindergarten, the snowman applique can be supplemented with interesting elements - which will protrude forward above the surface of the sheet. For example, it could be a book, a pine cone, a three-dimensional Christmas tree.

You can also make all the elements of the snowman convex - from rolls of paper. We simply cut strips of paper, the child rolls it into a roll and fixes it with glue with a pencil. Three rolls are like three snowman balls. All that remains is to add the pens and the cap.

And also foam ball, cut in half will also create a voluminous effect for your New Year's applique with a snowman.

You can make it fluffy volumetric Christmas tree from napkins or crepe paper and insert it into the applique with a snowman.

Applications with a snowman
Pear-shaped templates.

Beautiful applications with snowmen can be made simply from bright colored paper using interesting templates. As you already understood, the image of a snowman is not necessarily three round pieces of paper. The snowman's body shape could be more interesting. For example, pear-shaped, as in the craft below.

Here are the PEAR shaped snowmen templates.

Snowmen with twigs in their hands.
Templates for application.

Here are a few beautiful templates, where the snowman’s hands are depicted in the form of tree branches. You can cut out branches from cardboard, twist them from wire, or use real pieces of branches, a natural material.

Snowmen with snowy hands.

Snowmen whose hands are NOT TRANCHES, but made of snow, look very beautiful. Plump snowy hands, as in the photo with the applique below.

Snowmen appliques

with hands not glued.

Appliques with snowmen look beautiful, where the arms are not glued to the body, but protrude from the background of the applique. As in the photo below.

In such folding handles you can insert an object, a Christmas tree, candy, a pine cone, or a sign with New Year's greetings.

Here are templates with ideas on how you can design such snowman hands on paper appliqué.

Subject applications with snowmen.
Beautiful templates.

Beautiful bright applications with snowmen can have an interesting plot; other characters can be involved in the paintings - New Year's or just forest dwellers.

Here are some ideas for a beautiful applique with snowmen. You can choose any template - they are all A4 size. But you can reduce them if necessary. Just copy the picture with the mouse, paste it into a blank sheet of Word, and make the image smaller by dragging the corner of the picture with the mouse. And after that, send for printing the size that is convenient for your purposes.
You can also copy a picture WITHOUT A PRINTER - simply by placing a sheet of paper on the glowing monitor screen, the picture will shine through onto the paper and you will trace the contours of the snowman with a pencil. Then with a black felt-tip pen to make it more visible.

Children love appliqués, especially those with a winter theme – they will love the snowman. We have made for you a selection of the best ideas with photos and videos that are easy to repeat with your own hands. They differ from each other in materials. You will learn how to make a snowman applique from cardboard, cotton pads, felt, cereal, eggshells, cotton wool and much more.

All snowman applications are suitable for crafts for school or kindergarten. You will have to prepare some materials. But most of the winter crafts will still be on the child. You may also need snowman stencils, as it will be easier to make appliques with them. We advise you to look at our selection of templates, which contains many interesting options. Change any of these master classes on creating an applique to suit yourself, depending on the template and size of the desired craft.

From newspapers

A simple applique of a snowman made from newspaper strips looks funny and very interesting. It can become an independent craft or part of a larger composition.

We will need:

If you have a paper shredder, it will be easier for you. If you don't have one, you'll have to cut the newspapers yourself. Draw a snowman on cardboard and coat the outline with a glue stick - this is a blank for the applique. Now glue the strips, but not completely, but at one end. Sometimes leave the second one free, and sometimes glue it.

Make the snowman twig arms and a hat from black cardboard. Make a face out of colored paper. You can add plastic eyes and buttons made of fluffy wire or pieces of colored cotton wool.

You can draw snowflakes and snowdrifts around the snowman or add sparkles to the winter applique.

From felt

This application is more likely not a craft for a child, but an educational game for the little ones. It’s better for you to cut out the details, and then you can make compositions together with the children.

We will need:

  • fleece or felt;
  • multi-colored felt;
  • stencils.

First draw the details on paper. The easiest way to do this is using stencils. If you choose simple figures, you can easily cope without them.

Transfer the details onto felt. Cut them out one by one. Complete the picture with additional details using a marker. It is better to cut out even the smallest parts of the applique (for example, the nose of a snowman) separately so that the child can assemble the picture like a puzzle.

If desired, you can glue a small piece of Velcro to each part (to the background too) so that the picture is assembled and secured.

From paper napkins

Even from regular napkins You can make a great snowman applique. The child will benefit from both the process and the result.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • napkin;
  • PVA glue;
  • colored paper.

Draw the outline of the snowman using a stencil or yourself. Tear the napkin into small pieces. Coat part of the figure with glue and sprinkle it with napkins. You just need to pour it in, not press it in, otherwise the napkin will get wet.

Complete the picture with details made from colored paper. This application can easily be turned into voluminous postcard or a beautiful picture.

From lace napkins

Charming air snowman It will look at least not outdated on the appliqué. It is unlikely that anyone else will bring such a craft to kindergarten or school - it is very unobvious.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • 2 napkins;
  • colored paper;
  • rhinestones, snowflakes;
  • buttons;
  • plastic eyes.

Use a glue stick to avoid getting the napkins wet and ruining the applique. Place two napkins in the center, make small parts from colored paper, add external decor (it is better to attach plastic with superglue).

Show the picture from this master class to your child so that he can repeat the snowman appliqué with his own hands.

Made from plasticine

If your child likes to sculpt with plasticine, he should like this applique. Moreover, white plasticine, as a rule, always turns out to be the most unclaimed in the box - and this is where it comes in handy.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • paints;
  • plasticine;
  • buttons;
  • cotton wool;
  • any decor;
  • sparkles.

Take cardboard and paint it blue. Glue the cotton wool to the bottom using PVA glue. Cut out 3 circles from cardboard. Cover each of them with plasticine. Stack them on top of each other. You can glue them with superglue or a small piece of plasticine from the inside.

Complete the picture with small details. Sprinkle some parts with glitter to make the snow look like it's sparkling.

This volumetric snowman The appliqué piece itself can be considered a full-fledged craft on a winter theme. Even just hanging it at home will be great.

From eggshell

Don't throw away eggshells - they can be used to make excellent mosaic appliques. It's very simple, and the craft turns out to be interesting.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stencil;
  • eggshell;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints.

If the child is small, you can use a ready-made picture from a coloring book or simply print out a snowman template for applique. It is better to take the shell from a boiled egg - it is cleaner.

Coat the parts with PVA glue and simply lay the shells on them. It's okay if gaps are visible. The snowman can be painted completely or in parts. It is better to use gouache.

Add additional decor with a felt-tip pen or decorate the applique with sparkles.

From cotton wool

A snowman made from cotton wool turns out to be cheerful and fluffy. This is one of the best imitations of snow.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue.

Draw a snowman using any template you have chosen for the applique. Make snow first. Apply glue to the image. Fluff the cotton wool and glue it piece by piece. Next, do the same for the entire snowman. Then make a snowfall. Complete the craft with details made from colored paper or cardboard.

Glitter can be a beautiful imitation of snowflakes or sparkling snow.

From paper

Paper applique is a simple way to please a child interesting game. You can prepare it according to any template in the form of a snowman and other winter characters and pictures.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • paper;
  • marker;
  • colour pencils.

First, draw all the details on paper. This can be done without stencils - just by hand. You can use the snowman template from this master class.

Trace the outline with a thick marker. Color the images with colored pencils. Cut out the parts and glue the snowman onto thick cardboard.

This applique can be an excellent basis for a postcard. Or just a fun game for children.

From cotton pads

The good thing about the snowman applique made from cotton pads is that you don’t need to prepare anything special for it – it’s simple.

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • 4-5 cotton pads;
  • any decor;
  • colored paper.

Cotton pads need to be divided into two parts. Use one circle completely, reduce the second one a little, and make the third one very small. Glue the discs to the cardboard - the blank for the snowman applique is ready.

Take the remaining disks, divide them in half, and then cut them. Roll the cotton wool, which usually serves as a small filler, into circles - these will be snowballs on the applique.

Make all small parts from cardboard or colored paper. Cut a few paper snowflakes, add pieces of tinsel or sparkles - winter applique is ready!

From cereals

Previously, we already told you how to properly make paintings from cereals with your own hands. If you've never dyed bulk products before, check out the instructions. However, to make an applique of a snowman from cereals, you can simply take semolina or rice (what is already white) and draw the details.

We will need:

  • cereal;
  • gouache;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • any decor.

Take any snowman template for applique and transfer it to cardboard. The cereal can be pre-painted and dried. Next, coat the cardboard with glue and cover it with semolina or rice (you can use other cereals).

Once the glue has dried, you can add pieces of colored paper or cardboard. If desired, the application can be tinted with gouache. But be careful - the glue and the cereal itself (especially semolina) are very easy to soak.

Decorate the picture with decorative elements such as tinsel or plastic stars.

From foam plastic

A three-dimensional applique of a snowman can be made from pieces of foam plastic. You will get a complete picture. Child age primary school under your supervision, he can easily cope with this craft.

Watch this simple and visual video master class, which shows how to properly make a snowman applique from polystyrene foam with your own hands. If you wish, you can replace the foam with figures made using the papier-mâché technique (see how to master it). With such an applique, your child is guaranteed first place in the winter-themed crafts competition!

We hope that you were able to find exactly the application you wanted to make. Use ready-made master classes, adapt them to suit yourself, get inspired, and use your imagination. Happy crafting! Let your child have a lot of fun while creating these beautiful snowmen.

Views: 915

We don’t know for sure whether tomorrow there will be enough snow on the park alleys to make a beautiful snowman with the kids. But we know exactly how to make it at home from scrap materials: from socks, plastic cups, bottles, fabric, paper, thread, cotton pads and balls. Our step-by-step master classes with photos and videos will help you quickly and easily make a three-dimensional 3D craft for New Year's decor or a flat applique for a Christmas tree in kindergarten. We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions and choose which DIY snowman you like the most.

DIY paper applique “Snowman”

During New Year's holidays I really want to surround myself and my loved ones with something incredibly fabulous and winter-wonderful. In almost every house they cover the windows with snowflakes, decorate the beautiful Christmas tree, and decorate the rooms with garlands and tinsel. Such a classic has long become familiar. But how can you surprise your household? We suggest you make an original “Snowman” applique out of paper with your own hands, and then use it to decorate a large mirror, door glass, bookshelves, etc.

Necessary materials for a DIY paper snowman

  • colored cardboard
  • thick white paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • compass
  • figured hole punch (or snowflake die-cutting)
  • black marker
  • colored paper
  • blue ink
  • thin satin ribbon

Step-by-step instructions for making a children's applique "Snowman" with your own hands for the New Year

Do-it-yourself snowman made from cotton pads: master class with step-by-step photos

Even the next snowman will be made from cotton pads with his own hands. Small child based on photos from our step-by-step master class. Making such a simple craft does not require special skills or special tools. Only simple available materials and quick instructions for children.

Necessary materials for a funny snowman for the Christmas tree with your own hands from cotton pads

  • cotton pads (white thick felt is fine) - 15 pcs.
  • orange felt
  • jute cord -0.5 m
  • satin ribbon white 3 mm - 1 m
  • satin ribbon colored 6 mm - 0.5 m
  • acrylic paints
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • needle and thread
  • glue gun

Step-by-step master class on snowmen made from cotton pads for a Christmas tree

How to make a snowman from plastic bottles: step-by-step video instructions

Unfortunately, not all regions of our country are destined to enjoy snow, even in icy weather. winter period. But I really want to please the kids with the presence of a funny, cheerful and friendly snow character. Well, what can you do, you’ll have to create a snowman with your own hands from plastic bottles By step-by-step video instructions. Of course, such a character is out of season, but it’s still better with him than without him at all.

Watch how to make a snowman from plastic bottles in step-by-step video instructions:

How to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands for kindergarten

Sometimes even the most unpredictable things can become excellent material to create a small New Year's miracle. Using the example of the following master class, you can easily see this. How to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands for kindergarten, read on.

Necessary materials for a cotton wool snowman in kindergarten

  • shoe box
  • thick cardboard
  • colored paper
  • gouache paints and brushes
  • PVA glue
  • flexible wire
  • beads
  • paints
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • glue gun

Step-by-step instructions for making bright cotton wool crafts “Snowmen” for kindergarten

DIY “Snowman” craft from scrap materials for the New Year

We offer you one more unusual way making a completely classic and completely charming snowman from the most common material in everyday life - toilet paper. Some people lack snow, others lack the feeling of a holiday. And some people are simply in a hurry to engage in exciting creativity with their own children. To do this, you don’t need to know how to draw, sew, or knit. Everything is very quick and simple if you have at hand our master class on creating a DIY “Snowman” craft from scrap materials for the New Year.

Necessary materials for a snowman for the New Year 2018 from scrap materials with your own hands

  • toilet paper
  • PVA glue
  • gouache paints and brushes
  • colored felt
  • thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • glue gun

Step-by-step master class on making a New Year's snowman from scrap materials

DIY Christmas snowman made of threads: master class and step-by-step instructions

With a lot of desire and enough perseverance to master the technique, you can make another extraordinary snowman - the favorite of all children. To create it you will need something that is available all year round in every home. This is about simple threads(floss, yarn, etc.). It turns out that even they are capable of turning into an amazing figure and cheering everyone up on the eve of the magical winter holidays. In the next master class with step-by-step instructions, we will tell you more about how to make New Year's snowman from threads with your own hands.

Necessary materials for a New Year's snowman made of threads in a DIY master class

  • Balloons
  • white yarn
  • PVA glue
  • bright knitted fabric
  • artificial eyes for crafts and dolls
  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • thin wood twigs

Master class with step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman from threads with your own hands for the New Year 2018

How to make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home: quick video tutorial

If the previous master class was not very clear and detailed for you, check out the quick video tutorial on how to make a snowman from threads and balls with your own hands at home. In this great video you will find good recommendations and quality advice that will facilitate and speed up your creative process.

How to make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - quick video tutorial:

How to sew a snowman from socks or fabric with your own hands

If your white socks are out of fashion or you just lost one of a pair, don't worry. Use this material to make a fun winter toy for your child. See how to sew a snowman from socks or fabric with your own hands, and feel free to get to work.

Necessary materials for a DIY snowman made of fabric or socks

  • white sock
  • raw rice
  • rubber bands
  • buttons and beads
  • cotton fabric
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions on how to sew a snowman from fabric or a sock with your own hands

How to make a snowman from plastic cups and other scrap materials

In fact, a snowman is the same symbol of the New Year holidays as the Christmas tree, tangerines and serpentine. A white smiling friend is the very embodiment of a snowy winter and a fun holiday. Therefore, if the snowfall has not yet come, and there is practically nothing available from scrap materials, make a snowman at least from plastic cups. Many people believe that this version of a themed craft is one of the most successful and original.

Necessary materials for a snowman made from plastic glasses and other materials with your own hands

  • white plastic glasses
  • stapler
  • Santa Claus hat and scarf
  • pieces of fabric of different colors
  • orange paper
  • New Year's garland

Step-by-step master class on how to make a large snowman with your own hands from glasses and other materials

How to make a snowman from disposable cups: step-by-step video instructions

New Year's crafts help you plunge even deeper into the charming festive atmosphere and erase the invisible border between reality and magic. This is a great opportunity for both adults and children to show creative potential and experience a lot of memorable moments. Original craft- a snowman made from disposable glasses according to video instructions - will become a home decoration, school class and even a work office. The main thing is to gather your thoughts and start!

See how to make a snowman from disposable cups V step by step instructions on video:

A DIY snowman made from scrap materials is a simple, but very effective and atmospheric craft. Make it from a sock or fabric, paper or thread, plastic cups or bottles, cotton pads or balls at home. Any version of New Year's crafts according to our step by step master class with photos and videos will become a worthy decoration for your interior or a wonderful creation for a kindergarten exhibition.

So, let's see what applications are on New Year's theme you can implement it in appliqué classes in kindergarten groups.

Package of ideas No. 1

New Year's applications with Christmas trees.

The simplest and brightest paper applique on the New Year theme is a decorated Christmas tree. This application is very easy to prepare and is always understandable to children.

The most primitive The New Year's tree applique is created according to the principle of laying strips on top of each other (starting from the longest to the shortest). The strips can be cut or torn (as was done on the New Year's applique with the left Christmas tree in the picture below). A simple Christmas tree applique for children 4-5 years old.

The most classic The Christmas tree applique looks like three triangles glued overlapping each other in a pyramid. You can complement this method by beautifully cutting fringe along the bottom edge of each triangular tier of the tree (as was done in the left photo from the picture below). Or you can make a backing tier out of white paper for each green paper tier of the tree. So that it looks out from under the green silhouette (as it is designed in the right picture with the photo of the Christmas tree below). This application is suitable for children (5-6 years old).

In the younger group of kindergarten (for children 3-4 years old), you can make very simple New Year's applications with a Christmas tree. Here the Christmas tree is presented just one triangle of green paper. And you need to put it on red beanie cap, add white trim and pompom. And then add a stand leg and a red nose. And then draw snow around the tree with white gouache using your fingertips. A simple and bright applique for kids.

Also, small children will really enjoy making an applique with their own hands, where the silhouette of a Christmas tree is made from colored paper, even before gluing on cardboard, needs to be decorated with stamps.

To do this you need to use STAMPS ( bottle caps) and containers with thick paint. I put gouache in ordinary plastic jar lids, a little at a time - and put it in each lid a teaspoon of PVA GLUE- stir with paint into a homogeneous mass - like this in the lids it turns out more paint and gouache is used more economically). And then I put a stamp in each paint - a bottle cap. On the table where 4 children are sitting I put 4 lids with different colors paints. And the children take turns taking different stamps and making prints.

Then carefully apply glue to a sheet of paper, where the same silhouette has already been drawn Christmas tree– and onto this glue silhouette spot we carefully transfer our Christmas tree part decorated with stamps. This is also a suitable application for kids 3-4 years old.

Children also love geometric pyramid applique in the form of a New Year tree. Where you need to lay strips and rows of circles with your own hands according to the logic of their number.

First the children themselves must understand which circles are larger, which are smaller, and determine which stripe which circles belong to. I deliberately cut circles of a different color from the one in the sample, so that the children do not stupidly guess from the color sample how to do it - but they themselves compare their own sets of circles - highlight the larger, middle and smaller set. And then they laid out and pasted them into an applique.

And here is an applique of a New Year tree using the ORIGAMI technique (for children 6-7 years old). Where modules are made of paper - which are then arranged into the image of a Christmas tree. I showed in detail exactly how to fold the modules for this application in the article, where we glued similar Christmas trees onto postcards -

And here are New Year's tree appliqués with interesting overlapping and folding techniques. If you look closely at the photo you will understand exactly how these works were done. And you can teach children to make a similar carved pattern with their own children’s hands.

Here's an idea Christmas tree appliques using QUILLING technique. The difficulty here is that you need Prepare quilling modules yourself in advance.

How to make modules for quilling.

A strip of paper is wound on a stick for quilling (or a regular toothpick) - then the twist is placed into a stencil ruler with round holes– and is released into free unwinding within the framework of this stencil.

Next, the twist that has untwisted to the size of the stencil is removed from the stencil and Glue the tail-tip to the side of the twist. We make several of these twists - due to straightening in the stencil, they all turn out to be the same size.

Then we bend each twist and flatten it with our fingers, giving it drop or petal shape. And from such drops (petals) we lay out a Christmas tree - we place the twist modules on PVA glue.

Package of ideas No. 2

Applique Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

And now we move on to New Year's applications with the traditional participants of the New Year holiday - Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

You can make a simple symmetrical silhouette of Santa Claus with a triangular beard (in the left photo below). Or you can make an applique of Santa Claus with smooth rounded lines of all the details.

How to copy an idea for an applique from a computer screen.

You can copy the lines of all applique details straight from the screen this monitor. To do this, I place a sheet directly on the screen office paper– the picture on the screen shines through the paper and with light pencil movements I trace it along the contour. And I receive a ready-made template for the application.

If I need to enlarge or reduce the image on the screen, I press the button with one hand Ctrl on the keyboard and with the second hand spin the mouse wheel– forward (to increase) back (to decrease). This way I get the applique size that I need. If, when enlarged, the picture creeps sideways off the screen, then the arrow buttons on the keyboard help left and right.

Here are more beautiful motifs for a DIY New Year's appliqué with Santa Claus, where he is presented in a long fur coat and felt boots and with a duffel bag.

Santa Claus's hands can be placed to the sides, or pressed to the belly (to save paper consumption). The beard can be pointed in the shape of a triangle, or rounded in the shape of a cloud (see photo below).

Here is another simple and beautiful application with Santa Claus full size. I like the technique here that the white mustache is glued on top of the beard. The red round nose and buttons add bright richness to this children's New Year's applique.

You can make your own collage applique, which contains many details of New Year's paraphernalia, where there are silhouettes of Christmas trees, gifts, gingerbread houses, reindeer, and Santa Clauses are layered on top of each other in cheerful holiday chaos (as is done in the appliqué below).

You can create your own collage of funny snowmen playing hide and seek behind the Christmas trees. Or scatter New Year's deers, penguins in red caps, etc. everywhere.

You can see the idea for a collage applique on any New Year’s picture on the Internet or on a postcard. And bring this idea to life using colored paper. Removing something original and adding something of our own.

It is not necessary to depict Santa Claus in full height. You can make an economical version of the application, where the character is displayed only in portrait.

It will look beautiful if you glue the face and nose of Santa Claus out of beige paper (light orange) and then put a red imprint on your cheeks and on the tip of your nose (with a weak solution of red and using not a brush but a foam sponge - or you can use blush and apply it with your finger for the application). This is a simple, quick and economical application of colored paper. Suitable for parents - for a crafts competition in kindergarten.

You can get templates for such applications, if you place a sheet of paper directly on the monitor screen and trace with a pencil the drawing that is visible from the screen. To enlarge the image to the size you need, press the Ctrl button with your left hand and while holding this button down, roll the mouse wheel forward.

And below is an example of a New Year's application where, in addition to colored paper, paper lace napkin for decorating the beard of Santa Claus (you can buy such napkins in the store, or cut them out of paper with your own hands). We simply cut out a BIG SNOWFLAKE with a lace pattern and place it under the cut out round face Santa Claus - the same effect will be achieved.

But here are simple applications of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, where each element is a rectangle of colored paper with a white back side.

If a square of blue paper bend the white corner outward– then we get white face Snow Maidens against the background of a blue kokoshnik (see in the photo below). And the Snow Maiden’s hands are obtained due to double bends left and right corners a simple RECTANGLE made of blue paper.

A simple DIY New Year's applique - with design elements made from colored paper.

Here is another silhouette applique of the Snow Maiden – decorated with cotton wool and rhinestones. Suitable for children 5-7 years old.

Package of ideas No. 3

New Year's applications with cotton wool.

And here is a series of applications where white soft cotton wool is used as snow material. Here is an example where the snowman is made from cotton pads, and the snowy crown of the trees is made from cotton balls(you tear off a piece of cotton wool and roll it into a ball with your hands - take a bowl of such balls and start creating a New Year's applique.

And here is the craft made from smooth cotton pads– to save money, I tear the disk into two layers.

And here is an applique of Santa Claus, made from cotton pads beard and pompom on the hat.

And here Santa Claus's beard is made of large cotton balls - they are sold ready-made ball form in pharmacies - just tell the pharmacist: I need cotton wool in balls.

Package of ideas No. 4

Layered applications for the New Year.

I like very much voluminous applications– when the picture jumps out of the sheet. The 3D effect on applications always looks attractive and increases the pleasure of the work done.

Here Christmas bell idea– simple application for children middle group. They themselves must roll the yellow flat paper circle into a bell. And fold the holly leaves in half. You already prepare the beads on the strings yourself. Or they can be replaced with plasticine beads rolled onto twine.

And here multi-layer applique with our own hands, where the parts are glued to each other with an air space between them - this is achieved due to the fact that we glue the parts not with glue, but with WINDOW INSULATION (such a thick foam tape with an adhesive edge).

We lay the insulation tape between the applique parts (if necessary, we use double-sided tape - since one side of the insulation tape is not sticky, but we need the adhesive surface to be on both sides).

There is also double-sided PLUGGY tape on sale - it is as thick as insulation - and it can be used for such plump New Year's appliques.

Package of ideas No. 5

SNOWMAN on New Year's applications.

And here is the snowman applique. It can be made using the three-dimensional SHIP technique - as in the right photo, or it can be done in the usual flat form - but then, try to come up with some interesting angle for the snowman. For example, let him throw his head up and admire the snowflakes.

I am giving only the simplest snowman applique for the younger group of kindergarten - a Snowman inside a glass snow globe. A simple and very beautiful New Year's applique.

Package of ideas No. 6

New Year's applications with DEER.

Also applications on New Year theme may contain other characters- for example, a deer or a penguin.

It’s very easy to depict a deer on an applique with your own children’s hands. Bend the pointed triangle point downwards. Add eyes, horns and nose.

You can make an applique from the silhouette of a deer's face. WITH big eyes and with elegant bright horns.

If you don’t mind the paper, you can depict a full-length deer on the New Year’s applique. With a big red nose and a bright striped scarf.

And very often a deer is depicted with Christmas decorations on branchy horns. You can see options for such images in my article

Package of ideas No. 7

New Year's city on applications.

And here is another beautiful applique for children in the form of a winter city. If you add an elegant Christmas tree to this urban landscape, the applique will take on a New Year's theme.

The snowflakes on this applique are made with a hole punch with stencil cutting of snowflakes. Such shaped hole punches are sold in craft stores. And the cheapest way to order them is on the Ali-Express website with free delivery from China - one piece will cost 0.5 dollars.

The windows on such an application can be drawn with a regular black marker. The moon can also be made from a cotton pad painted yellow.

Here's an idea on how to make a remote mountain town. Snow-capped mountains are depicted using white paper napkins. We scatter houses and Christmas trees on the mountain slopes, and scatter confetti snowflakes across the sky (they can also be pressed with a regular office round hole punch). And in the sky we add a Christmas star with a long train-tail made of narrow strips of paper. Beautiful Christmas applique for children for the New Year.

And above the winter town you can stick an applique of Santa Claus flying on his magic sleigh with reindeers. Beautiful magical applique for the New Year.

Package of ideas No. 8

New Year's applique ON THE WINDOWS.

Separately, I would like to bring up such a topic as applications on windows. Ready-made window sticker applications are available for sale. But why buy if you can make it yourself. Large sheets of colored paper in A3 and A2 formats are now on sale, so you can cut them yourself New Year's characters for window applications.

In kindergartens, we are used to decorating windows with silhouettes of Christmas trees and angels. But why not break this stereotype and set a NEW New Year's mood this year with a new storyline.

For example, make this white bear or Santa Claus on the glass, which seems to be looking into our window. Beautiful window application for a kindergarten.

It could be a brave snowman or a timid deer.

Or your window can be decorated with an applique of friendly penguins or snowmen in knitted hats.

You can make a window applique in the form of bullfinches sitting on rowan branches.

This is the selection of applique ideas for the New Year theme that I have prepared for you today. Your children and you yourself will enjoy spending these pre-New Year days with interesting activities in kindergarten or fun leisure time at home.

Just a little colored paper and real magic will come into your home. After all, a child’s hands are clean. And what they do will definitely come true. Let your children create the magical reality of happiness in your family.

Happy New Year to you.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.