What can be used instead of baking paper. Useful tips: how to replace baking paper? Office and writing paper - a compromise option

Housewives love to bake homemade buns or cookies. In this case, often you can not do without parchment paper. But what if it is over, and there is no way to run to the store? We will find out what can replace parchment paper, and what should not be used in any case.

Features of parchment paper

This tool is designed specifically for cooking in the oven. Although this material is very thin, it is quite durable. In addition, it is resistant to high temperatures, so it can be used for long baking at +200 ... +230 °C. Parchment paper is impervious to water and grease, so the baking sheet stays clean and does not require thorough cleaning after use. Products do not come into contact with the metal base and do not burn. Baking does not dry out, has an attractive golden color.

The composition of parchment paper does not contain any harmful components, so it can be used when baking for young children. Food prepared in this way does not absorb foreign odors.

Tracing paper

One of the available materials that can replace parchment sheets is tracing paper. This is a thin transparent paper used to create drawings and patterns. It can be purchased at the office departments.

This paper is great for making high-fat baked goods such as yeasted buns and pies, shortbread cookies, cheesecakes and tiramisu. Tracing paper is used in the same way as parchment paper. Difference - before the baking process, tracing paper must be well lubricated butter or fat on both sides.

The disadvantage of such a substitute is that it is less resistant to high temperatures, therefore, when exposed to more than +200 ° C, the paper darkens and collapses. Sometimes the tracing paper sticks to the pastry and it is difficult to separate it without touching the edges of the product.

Silicone forms

Parchment paper for baking can be replaced with specially designed silicone molds. The most common such devices are for cupcakes or cookies. AT recent times you can even buy silicone mats for making bulky confectionery.

It is attractive that such forms are intended for reusable use. You can choose from a variety of curly products. They withstand up to +300 °C. Forms do not need to be greased. After cooking, baked goods easily lag behind the silicone edges. You just need to wait a few minutes for the cake or cookie to cool, pry it with a spatula and tap on the silicone bottom. After use, the form must be washed and dried, which will ensure the convenience of further use.

Silicone-coated paper is becoming more and more popular these days. It is produced in the form of rolls or cut sheets, which can be used 5-8 times.


What else can you substitute for parchment paper? Of course, foil. Is not the best way, so it should be the last resort. The foil is quite fragile, which can break when transferring dough to it. This material also heats up quickly, so some products may burn. To prevent this, it is recommended to preheat the oven only to +100 … +170 °C. The foil effectively preserves the juice and flavor of cooked foods. Food does not absorb foreign odors.

Other means

Baking parchment paper can be substituted regular package from flour. As a rule, such a bag is made of thick parchment paper. Cut out the desired shape and place on a baking sheet. Parchment can be greased with butter. If you are baking cookies or a cake with a high fat content, the dough can even be laid out on dry paper.

If using other products instead of parchment paper, make sure that the temperature in the oven is not too high.

Some use a regular A4 or A3 sheet depending on the size of the pan. Before baking, such paper must be thoroughly soaked with vegetable or melted butter. But still the risk of burning is very high. Therefore, this method is not recommended when baking at a high temperature for a long time.

If you do not have any materials at home that can replace parchment paper, use semolina, breadcrumbs or wheat flour. If possible, bake the dough on a non-stick baking sheet. Be sure to grease the bottom and sides with oil or grease.

What can not be replaced

In no case is it recommended to use newspaper for baking. Although the sheet material closely resembles parchment paper, it sticks to the surface of the confectionery. When the newspaper is soaked in oil, the ink dissolves and imprints on the baked goods. It not only spoils her appearance, but also harms the body, since the ink contains a lot of toxic substances.

Do not spread the dough on dry writing paper. If the sheets are not soaked in oil, they will stick to the baked goods. Ordinary dry paper is sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, when baking, it can burn and emit a specific smell, which is impregnated with a confectionery product.

Never use polyethylene. It differs from specially designed baking bags and under the influence high temperatures can melt. This will spoil not only the appearance of the product, but also its taste. There is also a risk of damage to kitchen equipment.

Before choosing a specific baking material, do a little experiment: put it in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. If it does not deform, does not fade and does not emit an unpleasant odor, then it is permissible to use it. So you can treat your family with delicious fragrant buns, even if you don’t have parchment paper at hand.

Parchment paper is needed to protect the product from sticking. Let's consider how it can be replaced, even if the use implies a recipe.

Silicone mat or paper

High-quality heat-resistant silicone mats can be purchased at Ozone.

These rugs are much better than paper, because products do not stick to it at all, do not tear, can be used repeatedly, etc. They are made of special heat-resistant silicone, which, as a rule, can withstand temperatures from -40 ° C to +230 ° C.

You can also purchase special paper with a silicone coating, which is superior in performance to parchment, but is inferior to a silicone mat due to its fragility.

Cookware with non-stick or silicone coating

If the pastry is tender and you are afraid for its safety, then grease the surface with butter or margarine. Silicone dishes do not need to be lubricated, because even the most delicate product will not stick to it.

In order for the product to better move away from the surface, you need to wait until it has completely cooled down.

Plain clean paper

Paper containing ink, such as newspapers, notebooks, etc., is not suitable. It may stain the product.

Before use, soak it very carefully with oil, margarine, lard or other fats, otherwise the product will stick to the paper. Fats should not be hot, otherwise the paper may be damaged.

Can be used paper packaging from flour, butter/margarine, baking bags, etc. on the clean side. As a rule, this is parchment paper.

In order not to spoil the dish, the paper must be placed in a preheated oven for several minutes and see its safety.

Sewing tracing paper (drawing tracing paper) and packaging paper are as close as possible in properties to parchment paper, but we do not recommend using them, because they can be impregnated with harmful impurities and can be deformed when heated above 200 ° C.


You can completely replace the paper, it is only necessary to control the readiness time of the product or set it for a shorter time so that it does not burn because the foil heats up.

Almost any foil can fit, for example, from the packaging of chocolate.

Be sure to grease the foil with butter or margarine before use. Its shiny side should be directed towards the product so that it does not stick.

Roast sleeve

It can completely replace parchment paper, especially if the dish is cooked in the microwave.

Butter, flour or semolina - use if none of the above is available

This option is suitable for baking ordinary cakes, pies, casseroles, etc. Unsuitable for preparing delicate dishes such as meringues.

The surface (baking pan, frying pan, etc.) must be very carefully greased with oil, and then sprinkled with flour or semolina.

To prevent burning and sticking, place a container of water below the dishes with pastries.

Baking from a properly made shortcrust pastry will not stick to any surface.

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To prepare homemade pastries, housewives use parchment paper. Sometimes it happens that such an item in the house was not at hand, and the dough is already ready. However, there are other products that can replace parchment paper. They also have their own advantages, which will be interesting to learn about lovers of baking cakes and other goodies from the dough.

What is parchment paper for?

Back in the last century, confectioners began to use parchment paper for baking. Such material is used in the packaging of various items:

  • dishes;
  • food;
  • gifts.

In cooking, he found application for a simple reason - the ability to not skip fat. This prevents the dough from sticking to the mold or pan. Ready-made cakes, cookies or other pastries can be easily removed and do not stick to the surface of the dishes. This makes it easier for any housewife, she does not need to wash dishes for a long time, and culinary products always retain their attractive appearance and shape.

Such material is produced from porous filtered paper, and it contains only organic matter. In the production process, special technology is used. The material is impregnated with a light solution of sulfuric acid. Impregnation allows you to partially destroy the used cellulose and clog the pores. This technology makes the material waterproof and strong. The raw material used for the production of parchment paper is subjected to forced drying. This gives the finished rolls its advantages:

  • they let air through;
  • high temperature resistance;
  • do not pass fat and moisture;
  • when wet, retain all properties;
  • multiple use is possible.

Baking paper for baking in the oven makes it possible to roll out puff and shortbread dough very thinly . It is usually laid out between two sheets of paper. to quickly and conveniently transfer to a baking sheet.


Parchment is widely used in everyday life, production and medicine. It is used in the clothing industry, furniture production. It is in demand in the fast food industry. Parchment is mostly thin and transparent, and depending on the scope of its application, it is divided into several types:

You can buy parchment in any supermarket. It is sold in rolls, and its packaging always has instructions for use containing information on how to use baking paper correctly.


Parchment is used not only for baking in the oven. It is used for cooking dishes in a slow cooker. In this case, you need to cut a layer of parchment so that its edges peek out from under the mass of dough. When the dish is ready, the edges will help to remove it whole and intact. It is especially useful to use parchment when baking biscuit dough. It will also prevent it from burning and sticking to the bowl.

Confectionery paper is used by many housewives not only for baking flour products. It is also used for cooking dishes from meat, fish, mushrooms. There is parchment, which is intended only for baking dough products. Not suitable for meat or fish., because you can spoil the dish. When a dense material is used, it is used repeatedly, but only for the preparation of the same dishes.

The desired piece of paper is spread on a baking sheet and spread the dough. If necessary, parchment can be greased with vegetable or butter. Bake products in the usual temperature regime and the time indicated in the recipe.

How to replace baking paper in the oven

Parchment protects the dough from burning, especially if it is baked with a filling. It happens that the house has run out of baking paper, and then you need to replace it with something else. There are several replacement options that will almost always be found in the house.

Most often, drawing tracing paper is used as a substitute at home. It is oiled on both sides.

A good option is clean office paper, also oiled on both sides. Food bags are made from thick food parchment. They are used in supermarkets for packaging baked goods.

If suddenly there was none of the listed options in the house, then you can use semolina or breadcrumbs. A baking sheet is greased with oil and a thin layer is sprinkled on top with semolina or ground crackers. It also saves from burning and helps to remove baked goods easily.

Now there is an opportunity to buy a special silicone mat. Such a product has become a real find for culinary specialists. This is a very convenient item for rolling out dough, giving it the desired shape. It perfectly withstands high temperatures and does not react with the products used. Silicone is absolutely harmless to health, therefore it is widely used for culinary purposes. It is durable, such an item will last more than one year.

Some housewives also use foil, however, there are some nuances here. The foil must be lubricated with oil if the dough is baked. For cooking meat or fish dishes, this is not necessary. The foil is laid with a matte side on the surface. Food foil is ideal for cooking meat and fish, but it is not the most suitable option for dough. It speeds up the cooking process, so the dough can burn.

Folk remedies

Folk methods were invented when there was a problem, what can be replaced with parchment paper for baking. All of them are simple, and with their help, pastries will not burn and will not stick to the walls and bottom of the mold:

It is not recommended to use scribbled sheets of paper, newspaper. Printing ink contains toxic substances harmful to health. Do not use polyethylene, because it will immediately begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Improvised means are often used by housewives in the kitchen, but they also need to be used correctly, and then the pastries will turn out to be delicious and beautiful.

Any housewife knows that in order to avoid burning baking, you need to use special baking paper. But what if it was not at hand, and the dough is already ready? Try to find a worthy replacement!

Other options

So what can you substitute for baking paper?

  1. Plain A4 office paper that is used for printing. It has sufficient strength and dense structure, therefore it will withstand elevated temperatures and forms a protective layer between the bottom of the mold and the dough inside it. But before use, the paper must be well oiled so that it is saturated. And it is advisable to use butter, but softened, since melted butter will cause the sheet to get wet and make it brittle, which will further lead to damage and destruction of cellulose fibers. And to reliably protect pastries, you can cover the form with several sheets stacked on top of each other. In any case, the bottom must be completely closed.
  2. At home, use paper from which bags are used in confectionery or bakery shops (such material has a gray-brown tint). It is dense and durable, withstands thermal effects and does not deform, so it can protect the cake, cake or cookies from burning. If desired, such paper can be additionally lubricated with oil.
  3. Try lining the bottom of a pan or baking sheet with foil. Although it is intended for slightly different purposes, it is still quite suitable for baking, especially if the quality of the container leaves much to be desired. But, firstly, such a material must be strong and have sufficient thickness, since a thin one can stick and tear. Secondly, lay the foil with the glossy side up and the matte side towards the bottom of the mold. This will reduce the risk of burning. In addition, contact of the matte layer with food can lead to oxidation and taste changes. If the foil is thin, roll it up. And if such material is folded in several layers, then it can be used to give baking certain contours, for example, to form sides or reduce the bottom compared to the top.
  4. Housewives who are aware of advanced culinary technologies are probably familiar with such a modern device as a silicone mat. It looks like a thin elastic sheet, resembling rubber in structure. If you cover the bottom of the mold with this rug, then the dough is unlikely to burn. A smooth texture will reduce the likelihood of sticking finished baking and facilitate its removal from the container. But it is impossible to cut ready-made pies or cakes on such devices, as they can be damaged.
  5. Quite fit and sewing or stationery tracing paper. It is also quite strong, although transparent. But such material must be absolutely clean, not marked and lined. Before use, you can slightly grease the tracing paper with butter, but only a little, otherwise the strength will decrease.
  6. Another achievement of culinary science is the so-called silicone paper, which can be found in the departments of dishes or kitchen utensils. It is made from paper material, but covered with silicone, forming a protective layer. Such paper is sold in the form of rolls or sheets, and it can be used up to five to eight times.
  7. Oven bags or oven sleeves are fine too, but they're best used as a last resort. The bag can be pre-cut along the edge to turn it into a single sheet. But if the shape is small, then it is advisable to use the sleeve in its original form: two layers are better than one. And if you are afraid that the dough will stick to the bag, pre-spread it with soft butter.
  8. If you don’t have any of the above at hand, then in this case you should not give up the idea of ​​​​preparing something for tea. Just do what our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. First, generously grease the bottom of the baking sheet with well-softened butter or high-quality margarine, then sprinkle it with flour, semolina or breadcrumbs. Such a layer will protect against burning and make it easy to remove the finished baking.

Tip: before using handy tool or fixture, place it in a preheated oven and watch for changes. If the material began to melt, smoke, and even more so burn, then it definitely cannot be used for such purposes.

It’s worth starting with the fact that you can’t use it as a substitute for baking paper. A newspaper is absolutely not suitable: firstly, it is very thin, and secondly, letters and illustrations can be printed on the test, and dyes can penetrate into its structure. Also, do not use plastic bags or cling film. The polyethylene from which they are made will instantly melt during heat treatment and, firstly, will mix with the bottom of the dough, and secondly, will stick or literally melt to the bottom of the baking dish.

Now a few words about the baking process itself. In order not to burn the dough, you should cook it at a low or medium temperature - about 160-170 degrees. If you increase it, then the walls of the form will quickly and strongly heat up, and the pastry will immediately begin to burn on them. In addition, you should not place the shelf on which the container will stand too low. If you raise it higher, then it will move away from the fire, and the risk of burning will be significantly reduced.

Tip: to reduce the heating of the bottom and walls of the mold and minimize the risk of burning, you can place a container of water under the baking being prepared. This technique will allow you to heat the container gradually and not very much, but at the same time the heat will spread throughout the oven, which means that the dough will be completely baked.

Now the lack of baking paper will definitely not unsettle you, because you know what to replace it with.

May 31, 2017 Olga