Sports hat for a snowman made of corrugated paper. How to make a paper snowman - the best photo tutorials. To make you will need

To diversify the look of your home during the Christmas and New Year period, try creating your own hands holiday decoration in the form of a snowman. Such a craft will find its place both on the table and on the Christmas tree as a toy. The application is only limited by your imagination. The toy will be even more interesting and beautiful if you make it voluminous. The voluminous snowman looks beautiful from all sides and does not take up much space. Take it all necessary tools and be patient - your creation begins.

You will need:
  • PVA glue.
  • Sheets of thin paper.
  • Brush, pencil.
  • Round form.
  • Threads.

First, take a sheet of paper. Its size can be any, because it all depends on what kind of snowman you want: small, like a keychain, or large, like a figurine.

Cut out an even circle from paper. It is better to use some form, rather than draw a circle by eye. A compass, a baking dish, a plate and any other round object will suit you.

After that, you need to cut this circle into even pieces. Again, you will have to choose the length of the incisions yourself. For example, in this photo, the distance between the cuts is 3 centimeters.

Now run the following algorithm:

  • Take your paper circle and quickly dip it into a bowl of water.
  • The paper should be completely submerged in water.
  • Pull out the sheet and quickly place it on the towel.
  • Let the water soak into the towel.

Be careful as the sheet is easy to tear when wet.

Inside the sheet, put a lump of cotton wool or padding polyester. Pieces fit too light fabric, the main thing is that it should not be heavy.

Press the filler well so that it gathers in a pile. Now fold a sheet of paper into a bag, enveloping this filler. You can overlap them a little so that the ball is round. Tie a paper bag with thread or sew the ends for added strength.

Once you've done this, put the wad aside to dry.

Now the snowman needs to make handles. They must be spherical. It is not at all necessary that they be perfectly even, it will be even more interesting.

Take PVA glue, filler and paper. Cut out a circle from paper again, but now you need two of them. Make deep cuts evenly and dip the leaf into the water.

Repeat all the same steps as with the snowman's head, only the bag needs to be glued, not tied, as the knot will interfere with attaching to the body.

It's time to create the body. You can choose from two options: make the body also from balls, like the head, but choose a larger diameter or make the body teardrop-shaped - it's faster and looks just as good.

Cut out a teardrop shape from paper, then exactly the same, but a little smaller. Make the diameter of the underside larger than the head.

In one form, which is larger, make very small cuts along the edge, they may be uneven. Bend the shape harder.

Glue the two pieces together, but don't glue the neck.

Start filling the body with padding polyester or cotton wool. It is better to do this with a pencil, pen or other thin object, so you do not damage the part.

As soon as the torso takes on a voluminous appearance and is rounded, fill enough. Glue the neck.

It remains only to connect all the parts together with PVA glue. To make the snowman beautiful, add decor: a hat, nose, legs, eyes and buttons. If the snowman came out angular, then you took too hard paper. Moisten the corners with water with a brush and leave to dry for another time - the corners will soften.

Almost all children are waiting for winter only because it brings a lot of snow - the most fertile material for unusual street crafts. Well, what if someone lives where there is no snow at all or there is so little that even one snowball cannot be made? In this case, children can make a snowman with their own hands from improvised materials. They can be cotton wool, socks, plastic bottles, disposable cups, cotton pads, paper, balls, threads, polystyrene foam, fabric and much more. Such a cute craft, created at home, will be a wonderful souvenir for New Year 2018 or a gift to a friend. We are sure: master classes with photos, videos and step-by-step explanations of the process will help you choose the material from which you will make your little man out of "snow" just flawlessly.

Unusual do-it-yourself snowman from improvised materials for the New Year 2018

From what only real craftsmen do not create their crafts! Probably there are no such things, of which good master couldn't make something special. For example, a very unusual do-it-yourself snowman from scrap materials for the New Year 2018 can be made from old mittens and socks, bottle caps and tennis balls, balloons and wooden sticks, cans, bottles and even pebbles.

New Year's "melting" pebble snowman - Master class with photo

Not only builders use stones in their work. For example, children can get excited about the idea of ​​​​creating an unusual “melting” snowman with their own hands from improvised materials (pebbles) and making it for the New Year 2018. Read this simple master class carefully and make a cute New Year's souvenir. But first, still find a couple of flat stones or pebbles on the street, different in size. So, after that, purchase superglue, nail polish (white, black, orange, and red), or acrylic paints in the same colors.

You can cover the craft with glitter varnish, attach a scarf to the snowman instead of drawing his eyes and nose, make the details of the craft from beads or buttons.

Do-it-yourself openwork snowman from threads - Video master class and step by step instructions

Probably, you have already seen unusual “airy” crafts more than once, hollow from the inside, and from the outside looking like a bizarre web that has taken on a wide variety of forms? You, most likely, admired the skill of the craftsmen who created such beauty? Then you will like the idea of ​​​​making an openwork snowman from threads with your own hands, and the video master class posted on our site and step-by-step instructions will help you understand the technique of creating such an original product.

How to make a snowman from threads - Master class with video and explanations

In order for you to get an openwork snowman made of threads with your own hands - a video master class and step-by-step instructions on the page are attached - prepare the following:

  • PVA glue;
  • White threads;
  • Felt red and orange;
  • Glue gun;
  • Beads or buttons;
  • Twigs;
  • Air balloons.
  1. Inflating 3 balloons different size, wrap them with threads like a cobweb and coat with PVA glue. After waiting for the glue to dry completely, remove the balls by first piercing them with a pin.
  2. Glue the balls with a glue gun.
  3. Once all the balls are glued, attach button eyes or beads, a nose and a mouth made of felt to the snowman's head.
  4. Make handles from branches by drawing balls of thread from the inside and securing them from the outside with a glue gun. Give the snowman a “broom” in his hand made of twigs tied to a long stick.
  5. Put a scarf and a red felt hat on the snowman. Everything is ready!

The easiest do-it-yourself snowman made of paper - Templates for free download

Easier and faster to do paper crafts. In addition, their cost is ten times lower than the price of products made from other materials. For example, the simplest do-it-yourself snowman made of paper, templates for free download of which you will find on our website, will literally cost you a penny. However, it will bring a lot of joy to the person who received a cute craft for the New Year 2018.

Christmas paper snowman templates for free download

In order to please friends with a pleasant New Year's gift, you do not need to save money for this present all year. Give a friend the simplest snowman made of paper with your own hands - templates for free download of crafts are included.

After downloading the templates, glue all the details of the craft with PVA glue. You can make a whole family of snowmen, presenting each of them to household members and comrades. On the back of the product, write New Year's wishes.

How to make a snowman out of plastic cups and garlands for the New Year

Sometimes popular manufacturers have no idea how craftsmen use their products. For example, it would never have occurred to them how they came up with the idea of ​​​​making a snowman out of plastic cups and garlands and decorate the house for the New Year with such a work of art. Meanwhile, more and more more people trying to create a similar home decor for the winter holidays.

New Year's snowman from plastic cups - Master class on video

Try and you create a figure of this new year character Houses. Well, how to make a snowman out of plastic cups and garlands for the New Year, you will learn from detailed master class on video.

Interesting: when the snowman is ready, it will be possible to hide small surprises for each family member and sweets for children in the voids of his cups.

How to make a snowman from disposable cups - Step by step instructions for a master class

chief christmas decoration, of course, is considered a Christmas tree. On December 31, under the fluffy beauty, all family members find gifts left there in advance by their loved ones. Well, what if there are so many presents that they simply do not fit in one room? In order not to purchase a second Christmas tree, read how to make a snowman from disposable cups - the step-by-step instructions of the master class will help you with this. The New Year's figurine will decorate the nursery - at its foot it will be possible to leave gifts for the little ones.

Big snowman from disposable cups - Master class with photo

If you want to learn how to make a big snowman out of ordinary disposable cups, read this master class to the end, study its photo and step-by-step instructions.

How to make a snowman out of plastic bottles - Step by step instructions with a photo

You already know what ideas a person's rich imagination can suggest. No one remembers who first thought of how plastic bottles make a funny snowman, but whoever it is, we share his knowledge in our step-by-step instructions with a photo. By the way, pay attention: using a few dozen milk bottles, you can make a big snowman - decoration of the yard.

Small snowman from a plastic milk bottle - Workshop with photo

Before you make a snowman out of plastic bottles (step-by-step instructions with a photo are just below), you and your children will have to drink milk, kefir or yogurt. Moreover, the more crafts you want to make, the more dairy products you will have to consume. Delicious, and most importantly - useful for children's creativity. So, prepare the bottles and get started.

How to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018

Before the end of 2017, start collecting useful tips and master classes recommendations for creating New Year's souvenirs. For example, save there step-by-step instructions on how to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018. After completing them, you can give many friends and acquaintances cute homemade presents.

Homemade New Year's snowman 2018 from socks - Instructions step by step

You have time, imagination, desire to please loved ones New Year's gifts? Then you will be curious to know how to sew a cute little snowman with your own hands from simple socks for the New Year 2018. Follow the step-by-step instructions and you will make some cute souvenirs in the evening.

Before you start, prepare:

  • White long socks or stockings;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Multi-colored buttons;
  • PVA glue;
  • Textile;
  • beads;
  • Rubber bands;
  • Rice or pearl barley.

The photo shows the sequence of your actions.

  1. First, cut off the top of the toe. After attaching an elastic band to the end of the sock, turn it inside out and fill it with pearl barley or rice. There should still be some empty space on top of the sock.
  2. Tie the top end of the sock with an elastic band. Drag the middle of the already stuffed future craft with a thin rope or elastic band - you will get two balls.
  3. Stick to little ball beads or buttons-eyes, nose and mouth of a snowman. Instead of a nose, you can use a bright elongated button.
  4. Glue the buttons on the white “caftan” of the snowman, and put on a hat sewn from the remnants of a used sock on his head. Decorate the hat with a bright fabric. Tie a scarf to the fairy-tale character.

Do-it-yourself fluffy New Year's snowman from cotton pads - Master class step by step

Make a fluffy New Year's snowman with your own hands from cotton pads This photo master class will help you with step-by-step explanations of the sequence of the wizard. Creating one such craft will take no more than 10-15 minutes, so in an hour you can make at least 4-6 small snowmen and decorate the Christmas tree with them for the New Year 2018.

We make the application "Snowman" from cotton pads - Master class with photo

Fluffy christmas snowman with your own hands from cotton pads (you can find a step-by-step master class on our website) will be a great gift for mom or grandmother on December 31st. Help your child make a neat application on colored cardboard and sign the craft with wishes on the back.

Lay out on the table:

  • Blue cardboard;
  • Three cotton pads;
  • Figured hole punch;
  • Snowflakes, snowdrifts, a snowman's hat and carrot, prepared in advance;
  • Black marker;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Oilcloth.

How to make a snowman out of cotton with your own hands - Master class with explanations and photos

If you have an idea to please your family original crafts and gifts, we will teach you how to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands, and a master class with explanations and photos of each step will help you make a very unusual gift. However, experienced craftsmen It will be enough to watch this video.

Homemade New Year's snowman made of cotton wool - Master class with photo

In order to learn how to quickly and accurately make a snowman from cotton wool and a base from a toilet paper roll, study this master class with explanations and photos.

  1. Prepare cotton wool, cardboard toilet paper roll, scissors, glue and multi-colored woolen threads.

  2. Apply glue to the roll and start wrapping cotton around it. Each layer of cotton must be glued.

  3. Cut out a 6.4 cm x 5.1 cm rectangle from black construction paper.

  4. Start making a hat for the snowman (see photo).

  5. Cut out a long rectangle from orange paper and decorate a hat with such a “ribbon”.

  6. Glue the beaded nose and eyes on the snowman.

  7. Use seven tiny paper circles to make a mouth for the snowman.

  8. You can attach these handles to a snowman.

  9. The craft is almost ready and looks very nice.

  10. Now it remains to attach a rope to the snowman or wool thread, and the craft can be hung above the table or on the Christmas tree.

How to make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - Video and photo with explanations

After reading how you can easily and quickly make a magical snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home, after watching the videos and photos presented here with explanations, you will learn how to make beautiful, unusual New Year's souvenirs.

Snowman made of threads and balls for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photos

Before you make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - videos and photos with explanations will help you figure it out - prepare all the materials and tools:

  • Balloons;
  • White threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • wire;
  • Scissors;
  • red yarn;
  • Black buttons.

Now, having carefully studied all the master classes with step by step instructions, photos and videos telling about how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year 2018 from any improvised materials at home, you can please your family unusual crafts for the holiday. Create best work from balls and threads, paper and cotton pads, socks, disposable cups, plastic bottles and cotton and share your skills with your friends!

The most spectacular New Year's attributes have big size. And website wants to show how to make a big snowman out of various improvised or even junk materials, which can live in a house or in the yard and become its decoration.

Do-it-yourself snowman from plastic cups step by step

Plastic cups are one of the most affordable craft materials that will make a wonderful big DIY snowman. Inside such a snowman, you can put an electric LED garland and a funny snowman will be illuminated in the evenings and show the way home. Or maybe he will become a magical friend for your child? In any case, you should learn how to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands step by step.

Necessary materials:

  • plastic white glasses 3 packs of 100 pieces;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • decorative materials for creating and Christmas garland.

How to do step by step:

  1. To make such a snowman, you need to create two large balls of plastic white glasses. We begin to “roll” the balls from the bottom row - lay out 25 white cups in a circle and fasten the cups to each other with a stapler.
  2. The second row is laid between the cups of the first row. The cups should go a little inside the ball to get a hemisphere. An ideal ball is unstable, so you need to strive for a hemisphere. For the second row, you will also need 25 plastic cups.
  3. Lay the next rows. For the bottom ball, you need to lay 7 rows of glasses. With each row, there will be less and less cups required, since they are cone-shaped and your craft will take the form of a ball. The workpiece must remain open, we will install the next ball on it.
  4. To make a snowman's head out of plastic cups, you will need 18 pieces. head over small size. We also spread them in a circle, until a finished head is obtained. If it was not possible to finish the ball from above, then it will be possible to put a hat or cap on his head and thus cover the hole.
  5. Install a small ball on a large one, check how stable such a craft is and fasten it together.
  6. Decorate your head - create eyes from fabric or plasticine, nose - a cone of orange colored paper, hang tinsel around your neck, and put it inside Christmas garland for illumination.
  7. If a snowman made of plastic cups is made of 3 balls, it will turn out to be very unstable.

A detailed explanation of how to make a funny snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands, if you want to please your children and guests with something unusual. It takes a little financial costs and time to create it, and the arrival of a magical New Year's mood is guaranteed!

Do-it-yourself snowman from threads step by step.

You can also make a fairly large snowman out of thread, the advantage of this craft is that it can be made classic - from three balls. It is lighter, more elegant, it can be hung from the ceiling and it will not take up space.

Will need:

  • 3 balloons;
  • 1 skein of white b/w threads;
  • PVA glue, glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • some felt;
  • sticks and twigs;
  • colored buttons and beads.

How to make a snowman from threads step by step:

  1. From threads and glue we make 3 balls of different diameters. To do this, we inflate a ball of the size we want to make a ball of thread for a snowman.
  2. Next, you need to wrap the ball with a thread dipped in glue. This can be done in two ways. First, spread the thread on paper and smear it with glue. The second method is more convenient - you need to thread a needle and pierce a tube of PVA glue with this thread. The thread passing through a jar of glue will itself be wetted in glue.
  3. We wrap the ball with glue thread through the center, creating a pattern. If it seems to you that the ball is not completely saturated with glue, then you can additionally coat it with glue on top.
  4. Let's make two more balls of smaller sizes in this way.
  5. We leave the balls to dry for 10 - 12 hours? then we pierce balloon and we remove it.
  6. After drying, glue the balls to each other with a glue gun. To make them better stick to each other, you need to make a small indentation at one of the glued balls.
  7. We will make the hands of the snowman from twigs and glue them to the body with a glue gun.
  8. You can also make a broom out of branches.
  9. To create a snowman's face from threads, you can use buttons or beads that are glued with a glue gun. The nose and mouth are made of felt, colored paper or plasticine. Let's draw cheeks.
  10. Cut out a strip of fabric from felt and make a scarf for the snowman.
  11. A hat can be made from a small bucket or a felt cap.
  12. It turns out here is such a cute snowman made of threads with your own hands to decorate the Christmas tree.

Master class on creating a New Year's snowman from threads with your own hands:

How to make a snowman with your own hands from improvised materials.

There are improvised materials literally created in order to make snowmen out of them, these are:

  • cotton wool and cotton pads,
  • skeins with white threads,
  • socks,
  • paper and paper plates,
  • felt.

Making a snowman out of cotton pads is easy! This is a great craft for kindergarten kids. 2 cotton pads are glued to each other on thick cardboard, and then they are decorated. From such decorative elements you can make very cute New Year cards.

How to make a snowman from a sock with your own hands. Master Class.

A do-it-yourself snowman from a sock is also not difficult and quick to make. For this you will need:

  • 2 white thick socks;
  • semolina for filling;
  • rope, thread and scissors;
  • buttons, beads, felt or fabric for decoration.

How to make a New Year's snowman with your own hands:

  1. Fill the sock halfway with semolina.
  2. Tie tightly with thread.
  3. We pour semolina into the second part of the sock, without filling it to the end, so that the snowman is easily tied.
  4. We sew or glue buttons - eyes, tie a scarf. From the second sock we make a hat and the New Year's craft is ready!

How to make a paper snowman

The easiest thing is to make a paper application in the form of a snowman in the form of a poster to decorate your house or porch. On a large colored sheet of drawing paper, 3 circles of different diameters are glued and painted.

More interesting is the snowman made of paper plates. To do this, you need to glue cotton on the rim on top of the plate, it will be hair, stick a hat and a nose - a carrot, draw a face.

Most interesting crafts waste materials are used to make snowmen from toilet rolls.

  1. They need to be pasted over with white paper.
  2. Make circles out of shiny paper with a hole punch, glue them in place of the mouth and eyes.
  3. Make hands and headphones out of wire for children's creativity.
  4. Tie scarves for them and place such snowmen on the balcony.

For the New Year's festivities, each of us tries to fill our home with a special atmosphere of magic. Traditional garlands, snowflakes and "rains" help in this desire. But what to do if all these sacramental attributes are pretty fed up? One of the main symbols will help to add New Year's mood to your home winter holidays- a snowman, which we propose to make from paper.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowman - step by step instructions

A cute snowman with a radiant smile, standing near the Christmas tree, not only cheers up, but also brings a special flavor to the New Year's interior. How to make a paper snowman with your own hands? Pretty simple. Firstly, when making the head of the craft, you need to work very quickly. It is important that the paper gets wet and becomes obedient during tying into a knot, and not torn and disintegrated in the hands. Secondly, having glued the details of the body, do not rush to fill it with padding polyester. It is better to wait until the part dries well. And thirdly, filling the craft, you need to periodically tamp the snowman with a pencil.

Necessary materials:

  • white sheets of paper
  • colored paper red shade
  • PVA glue
  • strong thread
  • double sided tape
  • synthetic winterizer
  • black marker
  • cardboard for making stands

Main stages:

How to make a snowman out of paper on the window - step by step instructions

Decorating windows before the New Year has already become a good tradition. Kids, and parents too, who are carried away by the creative process, with the help of various materials(toothpaste, paints, paper, napkins) invent all kinds of patterns and plots on glass. We offer you to cut a snowman on the window, which will perfectly fit into the New Year's interior and will delight you for the holidays.

In this article, we will show what crafts in the form of snowmen you can do with your own hands from improvised materials.

Of course, you can and should make real characters out of snow! For example, :

But what if you live in the south, and there is snow only somewhere high in the mountains? Or is there enough snow on the street, but do you want to settle a cheerful non-melting friend at home? Or maybe in kindergarten or school exhibition winter crafts and urgently needs to be done small miracle with your own hands?

Then our ideas, photos and workshops on making snowmen are for you!

If you want to replenish our collection, send a photo to the competition "". So, from what you can make a craft "Snowman", see the options with photos and videos.

Cotton snowmen

Cotton wool is a material that looks very similar to snow in its lightness and whiteness. It is not surprising that a lot of handicrafts are made from a lot. In order for the snowman to keep its shape, they prepare a base of foil, plastic bottles, burnt out light bulbs or just lumps of paper, and cotton wool is already glued on top.

Step by step description

Cotton toys carry a special atmosphere. They are very light, pleasant in the hands and do not break. Everything that is required for work can be found in every home. This master class by Svetlana Satina shows how to make a snowman from cotton wool and PVA glue.

- cotton wool
- newspaper or magazine
- foil,
- white paper napkins
- threads
- PVA glue,
- brush,
- toothpick,
- awl
twine thread,
- Red ribbon,
- Acrylic paints or watercolours.

Working process

From old newspaper roll three balls of different diameters. We connect them together and fix them tightly with foil.

Zigzag cotton is more suitable for creating toys. It easily splits into strips and is easier to work with. We divide the cotton wool into strips and wrap them around the snowman, tightly winding them with threads. White threads are more suitable for work, as they are easier to mask with pieces of cotton wool. We try to pull the thread so that it lies in different directions. We increase the cotton mass until the figure of the desired shape and size is obtained.
Keep in mind that wet work awaits us, after which the snowman will add in volume.

The figure in rough outlines is ready, now you can do the details. Dilute PVA glue in half with water to make it more liquid. If such glue was not at hand, it can always be replaced with a paste. By the way, our ancestors worked with him. The only downside of the paste is that after drying it gives yellowness.
Again, we split the cotton into thin pieces and glue the workpiece with them, carefully smearing the cotton with glue. In the process of work, we try to smooth all the layers as tightly as possible so that the toy turns out with a good crust after drying.

While we are working with wet cotton, we smooth it all the time with our fingers, trying to press harder to expel excess air.
From two identical strips of cotton we form handles and glue them to the body. We make a small cotton cone and glue it in place of the nose. With a toothpick we draw a line of the mouth, we outline the eyes with it.

In general terms, the snowman is ready, it's time to send it to dry. It takes several hours, sometimes even a day. Some people dry the figures on a battery to speed up the process, then the shrinkage of the material is less even.
When the toy is completely dry, we begin to form it further. From white paper napkins put on a hat. We fold a dry napkin in a spontaneous way, as if creating a headdress. Lubricate the impromptu hat large quantity glue. We are waiting for the napkin to get completely wet, and make folds on the hat.

To make a scarf, cut the napkin in half, fold it several times in width and apply glue to the inside and smooth it with your finger right on the table. Then we wrap the scarf around the snowman's head, beautifully distributing the folds. If anyone has plain colored napkins on hand, then you can also make clothes for a snowman from them, in the future they will not have to be painted. At this stage, we again send the toy to dry.

How to color a snowman

Our snowman is dry and ready for further action.

To paint the toy, we take yellow acrylic paint, dilute it with PVA glue and apply it to the scarf and hat. Till yellow dries, paint the carrot nose in Orange color. We draw a mouth in red, put black dots in place of the eyes, outline the eyebrows. With the same color, we apply light dashes on carrots, imitating cracks.
Acrylic paint dries quickly and you can start decorating the scarf and headdress. We draw stripes on the scarf in red, put white dots. We collect red paint on a flat brush, lightly wipe it on a napkin and with a dry brush we pass along the top of the hat. In general, the snowman is ready, but something is missing. Among New Year's toys there was a small golden ball that fit well on the snowman's hand.
In this form, the cotton wool snowman has a complete image. If there is no purpose to hang it on a Christmas tree, then the work can be considered finished.

To decorate the New Year's beauty with a toy, you need to make a puncture in the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hat with an awl. We thread a twine cord through the hole with a crochet hook, tie a knot and decorate with a red ribbon.

Now the toy is completely ready. And here he is with a friend.

Creative and cheerful snowman Olaf from Frozen -

More ways to do it cotton snowmen, such crafts are within the power of every child:

Simple but spectacular crafts are made from cotton pads.

"Snowman". Trushina Lydia, 8 years old.
The base of the snowman is made of paper and covered with cotton wool. Cardboard hat and cap. The Christmas tree is made of colored cotton pads.

Zakharova Olga Mikhailovna
The snowman is made of foam balls, the hat and scarf are knitted and decorated with snowflakes.

"Happy Snowman" Evseeva Varvara.
Paper threads, wire, synthetic winterizer.

Olaf. Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
Snowman - Christmas tree toy, made of paper, legs of thread. For decoration, I used decorative eyes and a spout.

"I'm the only one so cool, snow-white and with a broom." Kupriyanov Yegor and mother Natasha.
Threads, cardboard, foil, cotton pads, twigs, beads.

"Snowman Postman". Solodovnik Igor.
The snowman and skis are made of triangular modules, the hat and mittens are folded according to the origami scheme, sticks are made of boiler tubes.

From plastic cups

"Snowman". Dmitrachkova Valeria Valerievna

Video from the YouTube channel, how to make a snowman from plastic cups:

Snowman from a plastic bottle

"Snowman". Sorokin Artyom.
The snowman is made from flower pots glued together and painted White color acrylic paint. The cylinder is also made from a flower pot and a tray for it, painted with black acrylic paint. Glued eyes, nose. Drawn mouth. Our snowman is decorated with a tinsel scarf.

sock snowman

Vorsina Lyudmila Leonidovna, the work was carried out jointly with Vorsina Luchesara.

Sock snowman. Materials: white clean sock, knitted scarf, sequins, beads, buttons, synthetic winterizer inside.

Everything is sewn on ordinary thread, the scarf is tied.

Video "Sock snowman in 5 minutes":

"Visiting the Snowmen" Alferov Alexey.
The work is made of pieces of fabric, cotton swabs.

Snowman in the technique of sculptural textiles -:

From fabric

Snowmen from felt

The master class was prepared by Zakharova Olga Mikhailovna.


  • Felt: white, blue, red, orange, black, sky blue,
  • glue "Moment",
  • braid,
  • needle and thread,
  • half-beads of black color, (for eyes),
  • two buttons
  • piece of white fur
  • synthetic winterizer (batting),
  • wheel white.

Description of the work, step by step:

1. Cut out a snowman pattern from white felt (2 parts).

Between them is a layer - synthetic winterizer. We sew both halves.

2. We cut out mittens, mittens, a hat, a scarf from a synthetic winterizer of red (blue) color. Glue with glue "Moment" on the snowman.

3. We glue the braid on felt boots, mittens, a hat and a scarf.

4. We sheathe the snowman with a white braid (rubber).

5. Cut out and glue the eyes, mouth, cheeks, nose. Glue on the buttons.

Homemade snowman is ready!

Video how to quickly sew a snowman from fleece:

"Snowman". Verenich Olga.
The snowman is sewn of cotton material and filled with padding polyester. Small details and a hat are sewn from felt. Painted with watercolors. The buttons are made from salt dough. The scarf is made of wool.

"Snowman". Zakharova Olga Mikhailovna
Made of fleece, the hat and scarf are knitted and decorated with beads.

"The snowman hurries to the Christmas tree." Shekhalev Yaroslav.
Sequins, beads, felt, cardboard.

"Snowman". Sudarikov Ilya.
Made from foam balls coated with acrylic embossed snow paste. Hat, scarf, mittens and felt nose. Wire handles with tinsel. Decorated with rhinestones.

"Snowman". Sementsova Natalia.
The work is made of cut threads.

Snowman Olaf. Sudarikov Ilya.
Sewn on a pattern of felt.

paper snowman

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a fun snowman out of a cardboard tube from cling film, foil, or a toilet paper roll. Such a funny craft will not leave indifferent any child. You can decorate with it or play a festive performance. Make a few of these toys, and now the winter collection of crafts will be replenished with new original characters.

To make a snowman, you will need the following materials:

With a black marker, draw a snowman's face and buttons on the tube. If desired, you can color it with colored markers, pencils or paints. You can also decorate the craft with sparkles, decorative glue, stickers.

Glue bamboo skewers on the back of the craft using a hot glue gun. From plasticine, make a nose in the shape of a carrot. Glue hair from colored paper. Make cardboard legs. To do this, glue two circles from below with a thermal gun. This is the final snowman!

Made from paper napkins snowman. We mixed 1 third of water and 2 thirds of PVA glue, dipped white napkins in this mixture and rolled balls out of them, connected our blanks when wet and let our snowman dry, then glued bead eyes, a cardboard nose and a cap to it, drew a mouth with a felt-tip pen . The snowman is ready. (from the master class "" of the Vasyukov family)

"Naughty Snowman" Naumov Fedya and Sveta's mother.
Cardboard, paper, twigs, paints.

New Year's decor of chocolates in the form of a snowman

It is always a pleasure to receive a sweet gift, and if it is also decorated in a special way, then the surprise will be doubly pleasant. An ordinary chocolate can be decorated using the popular winter image of a snowman. This is a unique gift for the New Year. It can be made for a baby, put a sweet treat in disguise under an elegant Christmas tree. Or the child himself can make such New Year's crafts to give it to someone. The snowman will turn out cheerful and mischievous.

What you need to prepare for decorating chocolates:

  • the chocolate bar itself - a traditional tile;
  • white paper, colored paper;
  • yellow and red fluffy pompoms;
  • green paper - plain or corrugated;
  • decorative tape with beautiful pattern or rep tape;
  • doll eyes or black pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue or double sided tape.

How to decorate a chocolate bar for the New Year in stages

1. Take a sweet gift and prepare everything you need for work - paper, fluffies, eyes. If there are no pompoms, then they can be replaced with real buttons or half beads. The snowman will be white, so a regular white sheet is suitable as the main material. office paper. Any items you have New Year theme fit.

2. Gently wrap the sheet around the chocolate bar, leaving a sweet gift inside. The top and bottom pieces can be left unfolded to use less glue. Glue only the back wall using glue stick or double-sided tape. You can wind the paper in one or more layers so that the pattern of the chocolate bar does not shine through, and it is a surprise for the child what is inside. Top and bottom parts can be trimmed with scissors as desired. Before you is a white rectangle, which is the basis of the craft. Next, you need to turn it into a snowman.

3. Take a beautiful decorative or plain ribbon and stick it on to mark the head and torso, draw out a small ponytail. The transverse strip will visually divide the figure into 2 unequal parts. The ribbon will become the snowman's scarf. At the top, attach doll eyes or draw them with a black pen.

4. At the bottom, attach 3 yellow pom-poms in the form of buttons, and place a carrot near the eyes. This snowman decor is quite traditional. Cut out a carrot from orange paper. This is a nose.

5. Make a hat using black or purple paper. Prepare a cylinder, stick 3 red pom poms on it and glue green leaves to get a Christmas flower.

6. When the hat is ready, stick it on the top of your head. Glue a decorative ornament - a heart, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, complementing it with rhinestones. An interesting sweet gift for the New Year for a child is ready. You can make a whole basket of such products, using not only the image of a snowman, but also the famous Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, deer, penguin and so on. Fantasize, introducing to the fascinating creativity of children who are very fond of sweets.

Another paper snowman

Snowman in papier-mâché technique -

"Snowman". Gronskikh Sofia.
The snowman is made of colored paper and cardboard. Multi-colored napkins are used for decoration.

"Snowman". Svintsov Vadim.
The snowman is made of corrugated paper. Decorated with a knitted hat and scarf. Inside the snowman is filled with padding polyester.