Black magic for recovery. If there is no strength. Conspiracy for migraine

A conspiracy for human health. Prayer and rituals for health; Rite of recovery; Pain conspiracy; Ritual for water for health; Strong ritual for the health of the child; A conspiracy from any disease and the evil eye.

If you have any health problems, be sure to consult a doctor. However, in addition to this, you can also use proven folk conspiracies.

Every person can have health problems. In such cases, you should definitely consult a doctor, however, you can help the treatment with the help of folk methods, for example, conspiracies for healing and health. Exist a large number of harmless and completely free rituals that can be performed at home.

Even if they do not give a strong positive effect, the performer does not risk anything, does not endanger himself and does not aggravate his condition.

White rituals that affect the health of the performer or targets can serve various purposes. In general, there are two main areas of such magic:

Disease prevention is a ritual for health;

The treatment of already existing diseases is a rite of treatment.

Today, rituals for health and treatment are more relevant than ever. Crazy pace of life bad habits, environmental pollution and other causes, due to which even young people are prone to a variety of diseases, some of which, just a few years ago, only old people were affected. In such conditions, the cost of providing medical services and the cost of medicines is growing rapidly. Not everyone can afford a pill, at the price of a monthly salary of an average citizen of Russia, and therefore alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular.


If you are skeptical about the conspiracy, it will have no effect. It is important to understand and believe in what you are doing.

With the help of rituals and prayers, you can independently have a positive impact on your health, you can heal the body from many ailments. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and in those forces for whose help you turn.

Rituals intended to affect the health and body of a person have a number of features that are relevant for all such rituals. For example, such magical actions must be carried out only during the waning moon (unless the text provides other recommendations).


This ritual can be used for any disease, from the most common cold to serious illnesses. To conduct the ceremony, you need to go outside, go up to a young tree, put the palms of both hands on it and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The sickness is sore, the sickness is viscous to the tree, it passes from me to the tree. Not the servant of God (name) is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is sharpening. I give my illness, I will take the strength into myself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the disease was severe enough, after a while, the tree will begin to dry.


To get rid of pain, you need to drive the index finger of your right hand in a circular motion over the sore spot and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Oh, (the name of the diseased organ or part of the body) is mine (mine), do not pain, you, do not itch, do not torment the servant of God (name). As the moon wanes in the starry sky, so let my pain recede. Let it be so. Amen".

If after the first reading the pain does not go away, after a while you need to repeat the procedure twice more. This ritual is good for any pain, especially for problems with the teeth.


To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to fill a glass of spring or clean water from the tap and read a plot on the water:

“Mother water, healing water, you water people, but wash them, so help me, servant of God (name). Help to cope with (name of the diseased organ or place) pain, heal from torment, so as not to endure my illness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to drink all the water from the glass and lie down for 20-30 minutes. This is effective rite, which is good for frequent headaches and chronic diseases.


Drive away all bad thoughts from yourself and imagine the baby absolutely healthy - this is very important for the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Drive away all bad thoughts from yourself and imagine the baby absolutely healthy - this is very important for the effectiveness of the conspiracy.

For any health problems of the child, it should be immediately shown to the doctor. However, healing can be aided by special rituals, one of which is presented below.

You need to light a church candle on Friday, place it on the table and, looking at the fire, imagine the child is completely healthy, happy and cheerful.

Now we take a glass of holy water, put it in front of us and slander it:

“Holy water, healing water, pure, protect you the servant of God (the name of the baby), save my child from any illness, save him from pain. So that (name)'s health is always strong, the body is strong. Yes, guardian angels always stood behind him. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to give water to the child so that he drinks as much as he wants.


This powerful and universal conspiracy must be read on the night of the waning moon over a glass of spring or well water. The most suitable day for the ceremony is Tuesday, the most unfortunate is Saturday. Before the start of the ritual, on the table, next to the glass, it is necessary to install and light a church candle. Now we read the plot:

“As my mother (name) gave birth to me, and helped with all the sores and hardships, so you, voditsa, dear sister, help me, protect me from illness, remove the evil eye. Get rid of all the lessons and prizes, evil slander-talk, make everything bad for me, like glass from a stream. Help me servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to take a sip of the charmed water, wash your face with it and sprinkle the rest on the body (especially on those places that hurt). Leave the candle to burn out, and bury the cinder in the ground.

It is believed that many health problems are related to the internal state of a person. Sometimes the cause of ailments is not at all an infection, but that you are overcome by negative emotions or the influence of ill-wishers is to blame for everything. A health conspiracy in such cases is an excellent tool that will help solve internal problems and get rid of sores.

For the plot to work, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Believe in the magical power of conspiracy. It is faith in magical properties spoken words have the most impact on recovery. Therefore, it is important not to doubt that the conspiracy will definitely work.
  2. To get rid of negative emotions. If you are overwhelmed by despondency, anger or resentment, try to throw out all the negativity and achieve a peaceful, calm state. This will help meditation, creativity, or even general cleaning in the apartment.
  3. Read the plot at the right time. Late evening and night are not suitable. Healing conspiracies are read in the early morning, when the first rays of the sun appear or during sunset, when the luminary has not yet gone beyond the horizon
  4. Let into the room Fresh air or read a plot in nature. If it is not possible to go outside, open the windows and ventilate the apartment before performing a magical ritual.
  5. Do not eat before the ceremony. It is best to read the plot on an empty stomach. On the day of the ritual, you should eat only lean food, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.
  6. You need to stand while reading the conspiracy facing east
  7. Church candles will help to strengthen the effect of the conspiracy - they can be lit before the ceremony. The energy of fire has a beneficial effect on health
  8. The text of the conspiracy is read an odd number of times - from three or more

And a little advice: if you want to increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy, do not forget to read prayers, referring to the saints. A believer can go to church and light candles for the health of the patient.

Universal conspiracy for health

You need to go outside (preferably go to a park, forest or grove), find a young tree. Both hands must be placed on the trunk and say the following text:

You should feel the warmth from the wood being transferred to your hands. Imagine mentally how your body or the body of the person who needs to be cured.

Gradually, the patient will begin to recover, and the tree will dry up. After a few days or weeks, you can go up to him and check - if it dries out, then the conspiracy is working.

A simple spell for pain

This magical ritual will help in cases where a person suffers from constant pain, and no pills help.

To expel pain, you need to put your finger on the focus of pain and move it clockwise, while reading the words of the conspiracy:

You can repeat the conspiracy daily until the pain leaves the body. This magical ritual copes especially well with.

Conspiracy for water

After the ceremony is completed, the patient must be given water to drink. Then he should lie down for an hour or two. Such a conspiracy copes very well with a headache and with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Evil eye conspiracy

If you suspect that a person has become ill due to the evil eye or damage, you can use the following plot option:

It is read over the flame of a church candle. Nearby it is necessary to put a glass of water, which the patient must drink at the end of the ceremony. The rest of the water should be sprinkled on the face. Also, wait until the candle burns out completely, and put the wax in a secluded place.

This is a very powerful conspiracy that must be read on the waning moon - during this period, lunar energy is most conducive to healing. The best day of the week is Tuesday. And on Saturday, it is better to refrain from performing a magical rite.

When the spell doesn't work

Like any other magical rite, a conspiracy is not entertainment. It can have serious consequences. In what cases a conspiracy not only does not work, but can also harm:

  1. If the patient is a non-believer. In this case, no sacred text will help him. You should seek help from those who use non-Christian methods for healing
  2. The conspiracy will not work if the patient is full of negative emotions - anger, envy, resentment, hatred drown out positive energy and prevent it from penetrating into the spiritual shell of a person
  3. A conspiracy will only harm if a sick person often harms others, brings anger into the world, and seeks to cause trouble to people. He should reconsider his attitude to life and start doing good - it is possible that the cause of illness lies precisely in his negative approach to everything

And, of course, do not forget about the help of official medicine. Not a single conspiracy will work if you ignore the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Magic rite can significantly speed up the healing process, but is not a panacea.

In any case, even if recovery does not come instantly, if all the rules and recommendations are followed, you will not harm the patient, but will help bring his state of mind back to normal.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Many conspiracies have come down to our time from ancient times that help in the treatment various diseases. Combining them with traditional treatment you can get rid of the existing problem in a short period of time.

In order to have an effect on recovery, it is recommended to read it at dawn, on the street or standing at the east window. It is best to eat nothing before the ritual. It is important to pronounce the words clearly without hesitation and with full confidence in a positive result.

Universal conspiracy for a quick recovery

You can use this simple ritual to get rid of the common cold and during the treatment of serious diseases. Go outside and approach any young tree. Touching it with both hands, say these words:

“The sickness is sore, the sickness is viscous to the tree, it passes from me to the tree. Not the servant of God (name) is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is sharpening. I give my illness, I will take the strength into myself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The fact that the rite worked will be evidenced by yellowed branches or leaves on the tree.

Conspiracy for the recovery of the child

A simple ritual can be used not only to get rid of an existing disease, but also to strengthen it in order to avoid problems in the future. For the ceremony, you need to prepare a new pin and holy water. The day before reading the plot, leave the pin in holy water overnight. At dawn, get up, take out a pin and read these words:

“Help me, Lord Jesus Christ and ever-virgin Mary, and my child (name of the child), save him from unnecessary pain and illness, from stretch marks and bruises, and from bad words, keep him safe and in joy, so that he laughs every day my child, yes rejoiced at each new day. Give him good luck and joy in your generosity, make him lucky in everything, so that his failures bypass him. Help, Lord! Amen".

While the child is sleeping, the pin must be pinned to his clothes with the point down. After waking up, comb the child, saying these words:

“Joy to us, grief from us, happiness to the house, trouble, run, help ever-virgin Mary my child, keep him safe and sound under your indescribable canopy.”

After a short period of time, you will notice the first positive changes.

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery on water

Prepare a glass of spring water for the ritual, but in a pinch, clean liquid from the tap will do. Holding it in your hands, read the following plot:

“Mother water, healing water, you water people, but wash them, so help me, servant of God (name). Help to cope with (name of the diseased organ or place) pain, heal from torment, so as not to endure my illness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Drink water and lie down in bed for at least half an hour and imagine yourself healthy. This rite will help to quickly get rid of a headache, and it should also be used in the presence of chronic diseases.

We bring to your attention Old Slavonic conspiracies for the health of children, adults, women, men, etc. These conspiracies are completely free and actually effective.

Conspiracy on good health

The conspiracy is carried out only on those people who are aware of what is happening to them. That is, the person must be fully conscious. On the last Friday of the month, you need to come to the bathhouse or sauna. Having undressed to the goal, a person should wipe himself with juniper needles, drink nettle tincture. Standing with your feet in a basin or other container of water, you need to crumble black bread into it with the words:

"A slave will rise<имя>on Friday early, wash the body with pure grass. As water flows to the floor, it will carry away with it the famously sick, fetid stench. Needles on the body around and across, protection along the body with a cross and water, bread on the crown. Water will wash away the slave<имя>dark evil spirits will drive away the sick. Out of the skin, out of the bones. From hair, from nails. From a clean body, to the black earth. From now until the end."

Pour all the water on yourself, including on your head. Wipe dry linen cloth, which you can then hide in your home.

Conspiracy on good health You can do it yourself or ask someone to do it. It is desirable that the conspiracy is read by a woman. If the ceremony is performed on a child, then after the ceremony, his face should be wiped with the hem of his shirt three times clockwise to remove fear.

Conspiracy for health and disease

I speak to the servant of God (name) twelve mournful ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from overthrowing, from shooting, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I will curse you into hell; you restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the underworld; you, overthrow, stop, otherwise I will drown you in hot water; you, shooting, stop, otherwise I will tar you in seething pitch; you, ogrenitsa, cool off, otherwise I will freeze you with Epiphany frosts; Shrink yourself, you sliver, or else I will crush you against a stone; you, stabbing, dull, otherwise I will cut you into small pieces; you, twitch, come back, otherwise I’ll block the dam at the mill with you; you, blinking, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry it in the sauna oven; you, blindness, crouch, otherwise I will drown you in tar; you, deafness, disappear, otherwise I’ll tar in a barrel and let it go across the sea; you black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I will make the water pound.
All of you, ailments, pump out, get rid of, move away from the servant of God (name) to this hour, to this day, to his life, with my strong word. Amen.

There is a special conspiracy for older people who get sick more often than young people and lose strength faster.

To feel fresh and healthy again, read the following conspiracy over drinking:

“Lord, King of Heaven, Lord of life! You created me in Your image and likeness. Just as the bones of saints do not groan, do not hurt, as their hearts do not stab and do not ache, so nothing would hurt me, would not prick, and would not itch anywhere: neither in a novice, nor in decline, nor in full moon, nor the red dawn. Be strong, my bodies. Stand, all my loins, strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Now you can drink water!

Ritual for recovery

This ritual can be used for any disease, from the most common cold to serious illnesses. To conduct the ceremony, you need to go outside, go up to a young tree, put the palms of both hands on it and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The sickness is sore, the sickness is viscous to the tree, it passes from me to the tree. Not the servant of God (name) is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is sharpening. I give my illness, I will take the strength into myself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the disease was severe enough, after a while, the tree will begin to dry.

Conspiracy for the health of the child

This plot on the health of the child is usually used to ensure that he grows up healthy and does not get sick. He slanders three times on a glass of holy water: “Holy, healing water, protect the servant of God (name of the child), my child from any ailment, but from pain. So that your health is strong and the guardian angels behind you. Amen". Give the child a drink of water (how much he will drink).

Water conspiracy for health

To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to fill a glass with spring or clean water from the tap and read a conspiracy into the water:

“Mother water, healing water, you water people, but wash them, so help me, servant of God (name). Help to cope with (name of the diseased organ or place) pain, heal from torment, so as not to endure my illness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to drink all the water from the glass and lie down for 20-30 minutes. This is an effective rite that helps well with frequent headaches and chronic diseases.

Health problems can affect anyone, and they can be specific or general. What is meant?

For example, you do not feel a specific illness, but simply a general malaise, as a result of vitamin deficiency - a frequent occurrence in the spring. Or maybe you've been hit by the season colds and you need to get better as soon as possible. In this case, a health conspiracy will help you.

In this material you will find several examples of completely harmless conspiracies against ailments, which you can use at home without the help of a qualified white magician.

Even if you do not get an immediate and quick effect of recovery, you still do not risk anything and certainly will not aggravate your condition.

If you manage to do everything right, you will get strong conspiracy on health. Remember that any ritual from the category of white magic has one of two goals: either to create a preventive effect against a possible disease, or to work to get rid of an already existing ailment.

That is, it can be a ceremony either for health or for treatment. Both categories are more popular today than ever, as the rhythm of city life is completely insane. And no human health is able to withstand it long enough, without additional support.

However, remember that reading such rites will only make sense if you treat the conspiracy with due respect. Simply put, if you believe in it, and strictly follow all the instructions for its implementation. Then nothing will rise up against your success.

Magic ritual for healing

Keep in mind that any magical effect from the category " folk remedies”, aimed at improving the human body, should be carried out exclusively in the waning month. The only exceptions are those rites and rituals, in the description of which the opposite is expressly indicated.

So, the first rite on our list is universal, and it can easily give you an extra incentive to recover from any disease. Not only with the simplest cold, but also effective and with a fairly serious illness. To conduct it, go outside, go to a young tree, put both hands on its trunk. Read the plot loudly and clearly, better - having learned it by heart, since both hands will be busy.

Conspiracy "For recovery" on a tree

“The sickness is sore, the sickness is viscous to the tree, it passes from me to the tree. Not the servant of God (name) is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is sharpening. I give my illness, I will take the strength into myself. Amen. Amen. Amen."

In the event that you are really very sick, it will be possible to understand the severity of the illness: the tree will not be able to cope with the illness transferred to its aura and will dry up.

Further. In order to expel pain from your body, you need to put the index finger of your right hand on it and begin to drive around the sore spot in a clockwise direction. Simultaneously with such movements, a conspiracy should be read to get rid of ailments.

Conspiracy "From pain"

“Oh, (the name of the diseased organ or part of the body) is mine (mine), do not pain, you, do not itch, do not torment the servant of God (name). As the moon wanes in the starry sky, so let my pain recede. Let it be so. Amen."

If after the first reading the pain does not subside, some time later the procedure must be repeated again. To enhance the effect, read the plot twice. This ritual is especially good if you have a toothache. However, it also works well with any other.

Conspiracy for water for health

To next conspiracy you should prepare in advance: find a spring with clean water (in cities such springs are located near temples or monasteries) and fill a glass with it. It is on this pure water that you will read the plot.

Conspiracy "To health" on spring water

“Mother water, healing water, you water people, but wash them, so help me, servant of God (name). Help to cope with (name of the diseased organ or place) pain, heal from torment, so as not to endure my illness. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After you finish reading, all the water should be drunk, and you should lie down and lie down for about twenty minutes. A conspiracy to water saves especially well if there is a headache or there is some kind of chronic disease that suddenly decided to remind itself very inopportunely.

If you do not feel unwell now, at this particular moment, but do not want the disease to strike you at the most crucial time, then it makes sense to read a conspiracy from the evil eye and any illness.

Conspiracy "From the evil eye and any disease"

“As my mother (name) gave birth to me, and helped with all the sores and hardships, so you, voditsa, dear sister, help me, protect me from illness, remove the evil eye. Get rid of all the lessons and prizes, evil slander-talk, make everything bad for me, like glass from a stream. Help me servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

The conspiracy in question is a powerful thing, it must be read in the waning month, at night, armed with a glass filled with clean water.

Best of all well or spring. The most suitable day for the performance of such a ceremony is Tuesday. And on Saturday, it’s better not to even think about reading it. Just before you begin, place a lit candle from the church on the table in front of the glass. And read the text of the plot.

After finishing, you need to take a sip from the water, wash your face with it. And sprinkle the rest of the body, especially the sore spot, if something hurts. Don't touch the candle, let it burn out. When it burns out, bury the cinder deep in the ground so that no one will ever find it.

The consequences of conspiracies on health - everything is in your hands

Depending on this or that circumstance, conspiracies may work or not - everything here depends almost entirely on the person who reads the text. And the consequences may be different. The effectiveness of his work will depend on how much a person is able to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts. And on how clearly he is able to imagine the ultimate goal of the work of the conspiracy, that is, a healthy body, his own or the patient's.

You also need to remember that Christian prayers and conspiracies will never work on an unbaptized person, and it is easier for him to turn to a white magician who works not with Christian, but with other methods (many mistakenly believe this is black magic).

Video: Conspiracy for health