How to dress for a child's christening. What should a godmother do before and at a christening? Responsibilities of a godmother and gifts for a girl or boy. Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

Baptism is the first of the seven church sacraments with which one becomes acquainted Orthodox man. The baby can be baptized on the 40th day after birth, when the mother in labor is allowed to attend church again. What should the baby's mother and godmother wear to the christening?

What to wear to a christening

What to wear to your godmother's christening

For a family, the baptism of a baby is a real holiday. From the moment of immersion in the holy font, a person is born for a new eternal life in God. Such an important event requires special treatment from the participants in the sacrament.

One of the main roles in the ritual belongs to the godmother. She will have to replace the sacraments for the entire time my own mother. This is a very big responsibility. In addition, the church gives the appearance of parishioners great importance. What to wear to a godmother's christening?

Since we are talking about a holiday, it is better to give preference to light colors. It can be a plain blue, milky white, pearl, pink, mint dress. Delicate prints in pastel colors are acceptable. An alternative to a dress can be a set of blouse and skirt, made in the same restrained color.

The outfit requirements are as follows:

Long sleeves (arms must be completely covered);

Lack of neckline;

The length is at least ankle length, or better yet floor length.

Trousers, jeans, miniskirts, and bare arms are prohibited (in extreme cases, you can wear a dress with elbow-length sleeves and cover yourself with a scarf). In general, nothing provocative, overtly sexual, or bright.

A woman's head entering a temple must be covered with a scarf. In order not to ruin the image, you need to choose a fabric that matches the dress in color and texture.

It is important to take into account that you will have to hold the child in your arms for quite a long time (if several babies are baptized, the ceremony may take an hour and a half). Therefore, the godmother’s clothing should be as comfortable as possible, ensuring freedom of movement. For the same reason, you should choose shoes that suit flat sole or with a minimal stable heel.

What to wear to mom's christening

The baby's own mother is not given such an important role in the baptismal ceremony. There are churches in which mothers do not need to be in the baptismal room at all. They will be called at the very end of the ceremony to accept the baby from the hands of the priest. Nevertheless, a mother should take her choice of clothing no less seriously.

What should mom wear to a christening? General rules the same as for the godmother's outfit: modesty and restraint. Head scarf, low heel, covered arms and legs, no bright makeup– this is how the image as a whole should be. To emphasize the festive atmosphere and the importance of the moment, you can wear a special dress made of beautiful expensive fabric in cream, soft pink, or pastel shades.

In the Orthodox Church there are a considerable number of traditions, as well as rules that parishioners are obliged to observe. However Lately Discussions arise around what people are required to wear modern people in church. Let's look at the attire in which lay people are allowed to come to the Temple of the Lord.

One of important rules The clothes of every young girl - “bottom” and “top” should completely cover the body, and not effectively dress it up and highlight every curve. The permitted length of any outfit depends on the temple, church or monastery you are planning to visit, and is often indicated on special signs on the territory. However, if there are no such signs or you are going on a tourist trip, the route of which includes visiting a church, and you do not know what attire to choose, there are generally accepted rules for choosing an outfit.

  1. "Top" It must be non-tight and cover the neckline and shoulders. Also, some religious institutions require that a young girl's elbows be covered. Therefore, choosing a blouse with 3/4 sleeves will be an excellent option, and you will definitely not be asked to leave the temple even with the strictest canons.
  2. In the role "bottom" You should choose a midi skirt, that is, one that completely covers your knees. The skirt should not be too tight; you should avoid a pencil skirt or a mermaid skirt. But a loose-fitting skirt without colorful patterns is the ideal way out of the situation. It is also not prohibited for parishioners to wear medium and maxi length dresses that hide all feminine assets.
  3. Headdress- a mandatory attribute every time you visit church. It is not at all necessary to take a scarf with you. It can be replaced with a hat, hat, beret and even a baseball cap.
  4. Shoes. When choosing shoes, pay attention to the height of the selections. If you are going to stand for several hours of service, then give up the heel.

When it comes to makeup, there are no strict rules. The only thing you need to pay attention to is your lips - you shouldn’t paint them. This is due to the fact that by kissing an icon, cross or the hand of a priest, you will stain them.

It is allowed to use a pectoral cross, engagement or wedding ring, as well as small earrings.

How to dress for church as a woman

In the church you can often see the faithful ladies fully dressed in long robes of dark shades. However, this does not mean that a modern woman should dress exactly like this. There were times when parishioners wore all their most elegant and beautiful clothes for Sunday services; the clothes were even called “Sunday clothes.” Nowadays, you also don’t need to forget to preen yourself and dress neatly.

When choosing “top” and “bottom”, give preference to calm tones of dresses, blouses and skirts. You are also allowed to come in clothes of bright, but not acidic colors. For example, on Easter, lay people often attend services in red clothes, since it is considered a symbol of this holiday.

Avoid frilly and provocative outfits.

It is not forbidden to enter the Lord's Temple and pantsuit. However, there are exceptions to this situation. Trousers should not be too tight around the butt; preference should be given to loose-fitting trousers, but not to trousers.

If you decide to visit church after a hard day, and you are wearing clothes that are not appropriate for visiting, there are always wrap skirts and scarves for the laity at the entrance.

How to dress for church as a woman in the summer

IN summer period parishioners are allowed to wear sundresses with covered shoulders and décolleté, and cover their heads with a light scarf or veil. At the same time, the sundress should not be translucent; it is important to look simple and decent even in summer. If we talk about other clothes, then you should choose it in the summer according to the same principle as described in the paragraphs above.

Pay special attention to shoes. It should be with closed toe and heel. However, if you come in open sandals, you will not be kicked out of the church, but this is considered bad manners.

How to dress for church as a man

Men's attire should also be modest. A tie and jacket are not required, but a collared shirt and pressed trousers are required. The shirt must be buttoned with all buttons; only the collar button is allowed to be left undone.

Before entering a church or temple, a man must remove his headdress.

How to dress for church as a man in the summer

In summer, a man can dress in ironed linen pants and a T-shirt. At the same time, there should not be any inscriptions, logos, and especially occult symbols and pagan deities on clothes. You should wear fishnet shoes and socks on your feet.

Shorts and ripped jeans- are not allowed to visit the Temple of God!

How to Dress Children for Church in the Summer

Children under 10 years old are allowed to come to church in shorts and T-shirts. However, shorts should not be torn or cut off, and a T-shirt should be a solid color in calm shades. You can also wear summer trousers and a light shirt for a boy. The girl should be dressed in a non-colorful dress or T-shirt with a skirt.

Children's shoes must be clean. It is not necessary to wear socks.

How to dress for a christening in church

Although the sacrament of baptism is for everyone Orthodox family special holiday, you shouldn’t wear everything new, youthful and right away. Guests are allowed to dress without pretense of formality, in simple, not flashy outfits, in accordance with generally accepted rules.

The baby's father and godfather should wear trousers and shirts, and in the warm season, T-shirts and light-colored trousers are acceptable.

How to dress for a mother's christening

The mother does not have such an important role at the christening. There are churches and temples that do not allow the mother to be in the room during the ceremony. Mothers are called either at the end of the ceremony to receive the child from the priest, or the godparents take the child outside. However, the baby’s mother should take the choice of outfit seriously.

Mom should dress modestly and discreetly. Low-top shoes, dress or skirt middle length and a blouse, a light jersey - this is how a mother’s image as a whole should be.

How to dress for a godmother's christening

The most important role in the ritual is given to the godmother, who during the entire sacrament replaces her own mother. Since this is a festive event, the future godmother needs to choose an outfit in light or pastel shades. An alternative to a set of blouse and skirt can be a dress with unobtrusive prints. The main thing is that the outfit covers your knees, chest and shoulders.

A headdress is required. Choose a piece of clothing that will not spoil your look and will be similar in texture to your main outfit.

Don’t forget that the sacrament lasts a long time, and the baby will be in your arms all this time, so choose the most comfortable clothes and shoes.

It is prohibited to wear jeans, shorts, trousers and mini skirts.

Church wedding: how to dress

For the wedding, the bride must wear her wedding dress long dress. The color of the dress does not have to be white, the main thing is that it covers the shoulders and hides the décolleté area. The groom must be dressed in an ironed formal suit.

Parents, friends and relatives are allowed to attend the ceremony in neat, elegant, but not outrageous clothes. For example, men wear suits and ladies wear midi-length dresses.

How to dress for a funeral service in church

The funeral ceremony is considered a rite of the strictest mourning, therefore clothing must be appropriate. Close and relatives are required to wear a black scarf and things as a sign of mourning.

A woman can wear a set of a black blouse and skirt or a knee-length dress of the same color. It is also allowed to wear trousers, but if they do not fit tightly. When choosing an outfit, pay attention to its style. The neckline should be closed, just like the shoulders, and the outfit should not have any inscriptions, sequins or sparkles. The outfit as a whole should be conservative.

For this church ceremony, a man should wear a black or dark blue suit and a dark shirt.

However, if misfortune takes you by surprise, and you don’t have a black robe and don’t have time to buy it through organizational hassle, in such cases you are allowed to wear things in dark, muted tones, without decoration or provocative styles.

If children are also present at the ceremony, their outfits are selected according to the same rules as for adults. Bows and frills are not appropriate for girls wearing braids.

Christianity, first of all, is a religion of freedom, therefore there are no strict restrictions in the dress code that would deprive a person of the desire to attend church. Any garment that looks neat and modest has the right to be worn in the Temple of God.

  • 03.08.2012

One of the most important moments in a person’s life, his second, now spiritual birth. And every year more and more young parents baptize their children, according to their faith and primordial Russian traditions.

According to church tenets, it is advisable to baptize a baby on the 40th day of birth, however, increasingly, young families are postponing the sacrament of baptism a little so that the newborn gets a little stronger and grows up - after all, in the first weeks he is so fragile! But in any case, it is recommended to baptize babies in the first year of life.

If you want to follow all the rules, then it is better to start preparing for baptism in advance. A very responsible and serious step is to choose the right godparents for the baby. Of course, there is no point in conducting a ceremony without faith and repentance, therefore godparents must be baptized and believing people. Godparents undertake to help parents in everything related to the Christian upbringing of the child, pray for him, and instruct him spiritually. In general, for a boy it is enough to invite only godfather, and for a girl only a godmother is needed, but according to tradition, both are invited. Godparents Before the ceremony, you must go to church to confess, repent and receive communion. At least one of the parents must know the “Creed” prayer by heart; it is read during the ceremony.

For young parents, it would be a good idea to first walk through the churches, listen to your feelings, talk with the priest, the novices - they will help you sort out the details and tell you how exactly the ceremony is carried out in this church. Each church conducts the baptism ceremony a little differently - it depends on the priest and the traditions of the temple, however, in Orthodoxy there are certain strict canons. So, christening can be roughly divided into three parts: the holy father’s appeal to the Lord (at this time the child is alternately in the arms of his godparents and blood parents), anointing the baby and washing in the font. Then - the final prayers, at the end of which your child will be reliably protected by the Lord and the guardian angel.

Parents should remember that christening is not a ten-minute event, but a solemn rite, consisting of many rules and rituals lasting about 40 minutes. And this is why the right “equipment” for a baby is so important: a well-chosen baptism kit will allow your baby to withstand the entire important procedure without tears or whims.

Usually the godparents buy the outfit for the holy sacrament, however, if you don’t want “surprises,” you can still control this moment yourself. Now more and more parents are turning their attention to special baptismal sets. For example, baptismal sets trademark Choupette absolutely comply with all Orthodox canons, because the brand’s specialists approached this issue very responsibly and consulted with representatives Orthodox Church. A christening outfit for a girl is a dress, complemented by accessories such as a bonnet (lace cap) and, if desired, a commemorative sachet self made, in which it is convenient to put an icon, a cross, and then store the first cut curl there. For a boy, you can choose a laconic and sophisticated shirt, optionally complementing it with a sachet. An important point: a boy’s head, unlike a girl’s, remains uncovered during baptism. According to Orthodox canons, it is customary to dress girls and boys in long, toe-length clothes in traditional white or light cream shades, decorated with embroidery, lace, satin and silk ribbons.

Many parents are concerned about the following question: how elegant should the christening set be? There can only be one answer: an atmosphere of divinity and purity is always appropriate in a church. This is what you should consider when choosing a baptismal set. Previously, there was a tradition in Rus' - to transmit baptismal robe inheritance to their children, so the baptism kits looked like real family heirloom- truly luxurious! There was exquisite lace, and silver embroidery, and gems… IN modern world christening outfits for boys and girls are not passed on from generation to generation, however, they remain no less elegant - after all, this is such important point in life! In a christening set for a girl, embroidery, lace, satin, and silk ribbons (only in a harmonious combination) would be appropriate, but the outfit for boys should look somewhat more restrained, but no less elegant.

It is very important that the entire set fully meets the requirements for children's clothing: it is made from 100% natural, hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the baby's skin, without rough seams or roughness. It is important to pay attention that clothes are easy to put on and take off, otherwise a long time of untying and tying can ruin the solemnity of the moment and (more importantly!) the child’s mood. Clothes that need to be put on over the head are also extremely uncomfortable for the baby. Since the baptism ceremony lasts quite a long time, it is better to prepare for various surprises, a favorite toy will help distract the child in time, food, a pacifier, changeable diapers - everything should be ready. You should be able to quickly dry and change your baby.

After the rite of anointing, there is a font, which symbolizes the cleansing of the baby; this moment, by the way, is one of the most solemn and important in the baptismal rite. After bathing, the baby is dressed in a white and always new baptismal shirt or baptismal towel. This is a sign of purity before heaven and the sight of God. Sometimes it happens that young parents buy bright clothes or a towel for christening so that the child looks smarter, but this is not true, according to church laws only White color and its shades, for example, cream, are the only correct ones. You should also not forget about a very important thing - the cross. It is better if the cross is made of light material; it is better to put off the chain for small children for later. It is safer to use a ribbon or rope made of natural material instead - it will not rub the baby’s delicate skin.

Nowadays, the words “modest clothing” are very often colored with the meaning of bad taste, dullness and poverty. But it is not so. If you are going to the Temple, and even more so for baptism, then try to keep your clothes as covered as possible, with long sleeves or the hem of a dress, was expressive, beautiful and noble, but not colorful.

Those who order a child’s christening need to think especially carefully about the style of the outfit, because appearance those present at the sacrament will be sealed for years. When choosing the right clothing option, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Skirts or long sundresses are suitable for girls, and don’t forget about scarves.
  • It is better for the baby's mother and godmother to give preference to dresses or blouses for short sleeve and in calm colors. The patterns on them should be simple and discreet. Traditionally, with her appearance, a girl in the Temple creates an image of chastity and nobility. Pastel colors look very beautiful in clothes: white, apricot, beige, blue, mint and pink.
  • Length women's dress or skirts should be below the knee. Options for such outfits with floor-length hemlines are welcome.
  • When choosing shoes, you should pay attention to closed models with low heels, without platforms and high soles. The sacrament of baptism lasts on average 40-50 minutes, all this time you will need to stand in the Temple, so shoes with heels may not be very comfortable. Low shoes or sandals will do.
  • Women's heads must be covered with a scarf. Men, on the contrary, are supposed to enter the Temple without hats.
  • When preparing to visit church, do not forget about the blessed cross.
  • Men should wear trousers and a shirt, preferably in festive light colors. It is necessary that the shirt has a collar and is buttoned to the top (you can leave only one, the top button on the collar, undone).

The godmother can agree with the godfather and dress together in the same color scheme, and so can the parents. This will allow you to take beautiful, delicate photographs, especially if you order.

Christening is an important ceremony, and therefore preparations should be taken with due attention. If you have the honor of becoming a participant in this sacrament, when choosing a suitable outfit, you must follow Christian canons and traditions.

In the life of every family, baptism is a responsible and important event, as an adult or child becomes a full member of the Church. In Orthodoxy, such an event is considered solemn and celebrated as a bright holiday. And so that you do not feel awkward within the walls of the church and do not receive a reprimand from the priest, you should be especially careful when choosing an outfit for baptism. In this article we will talk about how to dress correctly for a christening, based on Orthodox traditions.

In the old days, when people gathered for Sunday services, they only wore best clothes. Today this rule is not observed. Nowadays, everyone dresses casually, and sometimes they don’t even follow the basic rules that no one has canceled. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable and not distract others from the sacred sacrament with your outfit, you should think in advance about how to dress for the ceremony, and especially if you are a godmother, since all attention will be focused on you, because the baby is on the floor during the ceremony. in your hands.

Recommendations for women:
  1. Clothes for christenings should be modest and not attract attention. special attention. Representatives of the female half should avoid short skirts, shorts, blouses with bare shoulders and large necklines, as well as jeans and trousers. The best option is a medium-length skirt or dress with closed sleeves.
  2. A mandatory tradition is a headscarf or scarf tied on the head, because the appearance of a woman with her head uncovered in the Temple of the Lord, according to the canons of Orthodoxy, is considered absolutely impermissible.
  3. Christening clothes can be any color, but to feel more comfortable, you should choose outfits that have modest shades.
  4. It is also not recommended to wear bright and provocative makeup. Only slightly tinted eyelashes would be appropriate, and lipstick is strictly prohibited. In addition, you should not wear jewelry, so it is better to remove bracelets and earrings at the entrance to the church.
Recommendations for men:
  1. Men are also encouraged to dress modestly. It is better not to wear jeans and shorts, as this is considered casual wear. Ironed and clean trousers would be a suitable option.
  2. You can skip the tie and jacket, but a shirt is a must. Her collar should be buttoned up. If you are so uncomfortable, then only one unbuttoned button is allowed.
  3. Before entering the church, male representatives are required to remove their hats.