How to make a homemade craft. Unusual crafts: unusual ideas for the home from ordinary materials. Instructions and tips for implementing creative ideas (115 photos). Rug of stones

Useful tips

You don't have to have a special gift to make something beautiful and unusual. If you know some tricks, you can make something beautiful. decoration for your home or gift, with minimal effort and using very few materials.

On our website you will also find:

Here is just a small part of simple crafts that absolutely anyone can do:

Simple DIY crafts

1. Autumn candles

You will need:

Leaves (real or artificial)

PVA glue (decoupage glue)

Brush or sponge

* Wipe the jar with alcohol to get rid of fats.

*Apply glue to the jar.

*Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

* You can apply decoupage glue to the glued leaves.

*Add some thread and a candle for beauty.

2. Painted cup

You will need:

Oil markers


* Cut out a stencil of any design or letter from cardboard.

* Place the stencil on the cup and start making dots around it with different colored markers.

Just do it yourself

3. Painted jars

You will need:

Alcohol (for cleaning the jar)

Acrylic paints

Decorations (flowers)

* Clean the jar with alcohol.

* Paint the jar any color and leave to dry.

* You can add a marker to the drink (in this case, there is a relief on the can that can be erased).

* Insert flowers into the vase.

4. Colored sneakers

You will need:

Fabric markers

White (light) sneakers


* Using a pencil, draw the desired design on the sneakers.

* Trace the drawing with a marker and start coloring as you like.

The simplest crafts

5. Craft from wine corks

You will need:

Wine corks


Super glue

* Draw on any paper simple form- in this example it is the shape of a heart.

* Start gluing the corks to each other (apply glue only to the sides, do not apply to the ends, so as not to stick them to the paper), placing them on the drawing to eventually get a heart.

6. Infinity scarf from an old T-shirt

You will need:

Old/unwanted T-shirt


Thread and needle ( sewing machine)

*Trim off the left and right edges of the T-shirt (see image). The width of the T-shirt will then become 35 cm.

* Cut off a small part from the bottom and top (where the neck is).

* Sew both halves from the inside and you will have a scarf.

Easy and simple with your own hands

7. Bright vases from glass bottles

You will need:

Watercolor paints


Bowl and brush (if necessary)

Syringe (if necessary)

*Pour some paint into a bowl. You can mix several colors to get a different color.

*Pour the paint into the bottle. It’s more convenient to do this with a syringe - you fill the syringe with paint and then inject it into the bottle.

*Turn the bottle until the paint covers the entire glass inside.

* Turn the bottle over and leave it in that position in the sink - excess paint will flow out.

*When the paint is dry, you can add water to the vase and insert flowers into it.

8. Towel dryer

If you have an old ladder, you can Clean it, sand it if necessary, and even paint it. After that, you can put it in the bathroom to hang towels.

Simple paper crafts

9. Garland of paper cups

You will need:

Paper cups

Regular garland

Knife or scissors.

*Make a cross-shaped cut in each cup.

* Insert a garland light bulb into each hole.

* Decorate the room with a garland.

10. Golden canvas

Even if you don’t know how to draw at all, you can make a very beautiful project and decorate your interior with it.

You will need:

2 white canvases

Gold, blue and orange acrylic paint

Sponge brush

*Paint each canvas with 2-3 coats of gold paint - allow the paint to dry after each coat.

* Using a sponge brush, start painting the canvases. There will be one of blue color, and the other is orange. Make some lines shorter, others longer.

11. Multi-colored keys

If you have several identical keys for different locks, use nail polish to color them. This way you will know which key is for which lock.

Crafts from simple materials

12. Colored candlesticks

You will need:

Wide glass and narrow glass (or vases different sizes)

Super glue

Food coloring

* Place the small glass in the large one, and secure both with glue - apply glue to the bottom of the small glass.

* Pour water into the gap between the glasses and add food coloring.

* Place a candle inside a small glass.

13. Vase made from a light bulb

You will need:




Wire (if necessary)

Cover for the base of the vase (if necessary)

Super glue

Gloves and specials goggles (to protect hands and eyes)

* Use pliers to remove the tip of the light bulb.

* Use a screwdriver or pliers to remove excess glass at the base. You may have to get rid of several layers of glass - be careful and attentive.

* Glue the light bulb to the base (plastic cover).

* You can also hang a light bulb - use wire for this.

* You can complicate the task and add an LED light bulb. For this, in addition to the light bulb, you will need small batteries. All instructions can be seen in the video:

Simple crafts for kids

14. Ghost design on a T-shirt

You will need:

Wide adhesive tape

Light T-shirt


* Cut out the details of your ghost from adhesive tape (eyes and mouth, for example)

* Glue all the parts carefully to the T-shirt.

15. Congratulations from the keyboard

This congratulation is very easy to make.

The presence of old things is sometimes annoying, and sometimes it gives rise to brilliant thoughts that you can do a lot of pleasant and useful things with your own hands for your home and your family. Don't believe me? Read and watch further. Some fresh ideas will help you comprehend simple magic transforming ordinary trash into hand-made masterpieces modern design art.

If you have never been interested in design before, and your creative successes have not gone beyond school lessons labor and sewing miniature clothes for dolls, do not rush to close this article. We will tell you what you can do at home with your own hands.

Don’t immediately say: “I don’t have time for this” or “I won’t scour the stores for materials.” And it’s absolutely necessary to forget about the phrase “I won’t succeed.” It turns out for everyone - pay just a little attention to creativity and show your imagination. Sometimes such simple means as plastic spoons or old light bulbs turn into decorative masterpieces.

In the case of a light bulb, you can make a small hanging vase, simply removing all the “insides” from the glass flask.

Crocuses from plastic spoons– also not a difficult task. Paint the spoons your favorite color and then glue them around the stems and centers. Centers for flowers can be made from plasticine, fabric or paper.

If such a material as plastic is alien to you, and you want to work with natural raw materials, try making a stylish wooden hanger.

If you are looking original gift for a birthday - make a crystal lamp, decorating an ordinary lampshade with beads using fishing line.

The discs make a wonderful holiday dish..

IN beautiful technology decoupage can be done original candle, decorating it with fresh flowers.

You can make a stylish stand for household items from rope, yarn and glue.– if you want, for the remote control, or you can also for indoor plants.

What can you make from paper with your own hands?

If you still don’t know what you can make from paper with your own hands and are wondering what crafts you can make from this affordable material - use simple ideas.

They will come to your aid to decorate your interior. beautiful and weightless butterflies, which can be made easily and simply from paper.

Regular egg trays will become the basis for a beautiful photo frame decor. You can sell such beauty, but it is better to keep it for yourself or give it to your loved ones.

Who would you like to gift these delicate flowers to? We invite you to study step-by-step master class And make a never-fading bouquet with your own hands.

From old things, for example, You can make a lot of useful things out of corks for home.

By gluing cardboard strips together, you can become an author incredible lamp.

Cardboard and thick rope will make a very stylish box for household items.

Making crafts from old things: great ideas for the home

Perhaps only residents of other galaxies are not aware that old tires can be used to make useful and beautiful garden crafts.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular solutions for using old tires.

Case for your mobile phone I haven’t tried tinkering, perhaps I’m just lazy. And only the most stubborn succeeded in this matter and brought it to the end. From several pieces of fabric and a skein satin ribbon you can make a beautiful case.

Here's how to use it old tennis ball.

if you have Small child, you can together make crafts from potatoes for a kindergarten school or for a summer residence.

From an old unwanted T-shirt you can make a stylish T-shirt for the summer.

From an out-of-fashion winter sheepskin coat or fur coats you can make stylish and modern things: a bag or a vest.

From old tights you can make cute baby dolls.

You can sew it from an old coat dog jumpsuit.

What you can make from old jeans with your own hands: photos and videos

Jeans - so thick fabric that even after a successful “first life” they get a chance for a worthy “reincarnation”. Backpacks, bags, jewelry and even slippers can be sewn from worn out and out of fashion old jeans.

What can you make from plastic bottles for your home?

From bottles that have gone out of use, you can do a lot of useful things.

Beautiful stands for indoor plants will decorate your interior.

How do you like this decor??

To decorate a summer cottage you can make a cute pig.

You can learn more about DIY garden crafts in our previous article. But you can learn how to make flowers like these right now.

Old things can be transformed in the most unexpected way. From videotapes that have lost their relevance, you can make chic shelves for useful things.

Video: what can you do with your own hands?

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Many people do handicrafts. Some people think that this is a temporary hobby for them, but for others it becomes a lifelong favorite hobby.

The concept of “handicraft” covers many activities. Embroidery, knitting, wood cutting, painting, sculpting, and other interesting works. Some are interesting to both men and women. The phrase means - to work, to do with your own hands. In a word - create.

The widest free range

However, you can make original objects using any suitable, available materials and devices that are at home. They can often be found in nature, in the forest.

The results are crafts made at home. They become decorative elements of home design or, for example, a country landscape.

A new encounter with childhood

Products made independently have been called crafts since ancient times. The word is familiar to many from childhood, as is the activity itself. Who doesn’t remember how, as a child, he collected pine cones in the forest and made funny little animals out of them? Or the same acorns - an excellent natural material that contributes to the development of children's imagination.

For the same purposes, colored plasticine, paper, plastic and glass bottles, and so on were used.

Sometimes for adults, making beautiful crafts with their own hands is a kind of invisible thread connecting them with childhood.

And today’s children, like their mothers and fathers before, sculpt figures from plasticine, glue appliques, assemble cardboard stands or photo frames.

Parents themselves are happy to sit with their children, observing and helping them in difficult moments. If any problems arise, the Internet usually comes to the rescue.

In other cases, beautiful illustrated publications help, containing photos of handmade crafts and describing the working stages.

Interest plus development

The benefits of independent work are enormous. It is not surprising that children with early age instills a love of independent creativity. And crafts play an important role.

Many of them end up becoming not just decorative elements, but have a useful, practical purpose. They give the child the opportunity to develop, learning the secrets of the world around him.

Children show interest in everything. Therefore, any material at hand will certainly arouse in them a storm of imagination and an immediate desire to do something with it.

Tree branches, fallen leaves, and seashells and pebbles. A lot of interesting things can be made from such materials.

What can you turn the most ordinary objects into?

For example, consider the following crafts made from improvised means:

Sea pebbles are stones polished by water. The surface of the pebble is covered with red paint, a thin black line is carefully drawn in the middle, small dark dots made of fabric or paper are glued on, beads are glued in place of the eyes and ladybug ready.

She can be placed in a flower pot or glued to it so that it seems that she wants to climb onto the flower.

Plastic containers (bottles) are taken as blanks for original vases. The plastic is cut from the top (the upper part is removed), leaving a wide neck. Sand or small shavings are poured inside to a certain level. This adds weight to the bottom and makes the bottle stable.

The outer walls are painted with paints, one color or several. Children love to draw. It will undoubtedly be a vibrant palette.

Dry branches with cotton imitation willow are very suitable for such a vase.

Glass vases. DIY bottle crafts usually involve the use of plastic and glass.

But glass is dangerous for small children, so DIY children's crafts made from glass bottles are best left to children to do when they are old enough.

The procedure for making a decorative glass vase is simple. The surface of the walls is coated with plasticine. Then small “parts” are attached to the coating. Such elements can include white and dark beans, large beads, and dried watermelon seeds.

You can advise your child to first develop a certain drawing to make it easier to create. Perhaps during the period of work he will have his own ideas.

Remember about repairs

The house has undergone renovations, which means it’s worth taking a look at the remains of building materials. Are there pieces of wooden plinths, scraps of plywood or plasterboard sheets and other remains of construction products unsuitable for finishing work?

There is no need to throw everything in the trash. Some of them can be used as improvised material. This is what real smart people do. Their skillful hands produce beautiful stands for tablets and books, finishing boards, shelves and other household necessities.

Photos of DIY crafts

Simple and affordable material allows you to create amazing toys and souvenirs. You can decorate your house for the holiday by making lanterns from colored paper or flags. By stringing elements of different shades on a thread, you can get a bright garland.

The baby always strives to imitate his parents. If you make a postcard together with him and paint it, the child will be delighted. It’s nice to receive such a surprise for any holiday, if it is made by your beloved grandchildren and nephews.

If you prepare a stencil in the shape of a butterfly, you will be able to decorate the wall in the nursery. For this purpose from paper different colors bright and light insects are cut out. Then they are mounted on the wall in the baby’s room.

Adults and children will definitely like this decor. You can make a whole flower meadow on any surface in the same way.

A homemade product in the shape of a hare or squirrel will bring a lot of joy to kids. They will be happy to help you with your work. You can cut out different characters from the same fairy tale and act out a scene.

An interesting option would be to create a theater out of paper.

Simple crafts

Children enjoy appliqué, sculpting and drawing. Little hands can make a little surprise for grandma or grandpa. It’s easy to create from plasticine and natural materials fairy-tale heroes. Simple crafts can be done with kids.

Candles in jars

With the onset of autumn, there are more and more rainy and stormy days. I want to quickly hide from the wind in cozy home under the blanket

For autumn candles, you can collect yellow, red, orange leaves that rustle under your feet in the park. If you don’t want to look for them, then artificial products will do.

The container should be degreased, and then carefully apply PVA glue. Then the leaves are attached to the glass. You can add a rope, bow or other decoration. You need to place a candle inside the jar.

This craft will be a wonderful home decoration.

If you use snowflakes instead of leaves, you will get a great option for the New Year holidays.

Snow-white or silver parts are easy to cut out of paper.

Painted cup

You can easily get an interesting item for tea parties if you put an image on a white cup. To do this, a stencil is prepared from cardboard. Afterwards it is placed on the cup, and dots are drawn around it using colored markers.

Candy gifts

If loved one or a friend’s holiday, then you can please him an unusual surprise. Those with a sweet tooth will definitely appreciate the wonderful bouquet of sweets. It's easy to make yourself. To do this you will need sweets that the birthday boy loves, corrugated paper, tapes, glue and a little imagination.

Not only flower bouquets are created from candies, but also other items are made. Interesting solution will become a box with big amount various delicacies. It must be well closed and decorated on the outside.


Buttons of different sizes, braid and paper make amazing landscapes and still lifes. A painting with your favorite pet, flowers or fish will decorate any room. Children love to fantasize, and in this matter they will be able to express themselves.

Pencil holder

She will need cardboard box, bushings from toilet paper, stickers or other decor. This craft will be useful for schoolchildren on their desk.

If a child makes a pencil holder himself, then markers and pens will be stored in one place. The bushings are carefully attached with glue to the bottom of the box. Afterwards you can start decorating the craft.

House for your favorite dolls

Furniture for Barbie is made from cardboard, which the baby will enjoy playing with. You can make a whole house with windows and curtains. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard of different densities;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper.

If it is decided that the home will have two floors, it is necessary to take care of the building frame. You can use wooden elements or thicker cardboard. The dollhouse is complemented with a veranda, balcony, and columns.

All architectural elements are painted in the desired color or pasted over wrapping paper. Furniture is placed inside the premises. You can use ready-made options or make a set of cardboard yourself.

Crafts from improvised materials

For a beautiful gift or interior decoration, a minimum of materials is required. For work, improvised materials are usually used. Unique masterpieces are created from spools, jars, and threads. If difficulties arise in your work, you can watch a master class where all the steps are described in detail.

An ordinary glass light bulb will make a wonderful vase or Christmas tree decoration. You can decorate the surface with paints. Beads, small artificial flowers or circles of colored paper are often added to the inside of the light bulb. This original product will decorate the room before any holiday.

To come up with your own souvenir, just look at the photos of ready-made solutions. Delicate spring bouquets are created from ordinary plastic spoons. It is enough to cover them with the desired color, and then attach them around the middle, which can be easily made from plasticine or paper. For such a bouquet it is easy to make a stylish vase from a glass jar or plastic bottle.

It's always nice to make something with your own hands. If you do crafts with children, it will give them many new emotions. You can come up with ideas yourself or take ready-made options. The main thing is to work on the product with soul, then everything will definitely work out.

Handmade products can be of different levels of complexity. Most crafts can be done even by novice craftswomen, as they do not require any skills or special tools. However, only experienced needlewomen can handle the production of individual specimens.

Material for creativity can be old, unnecessary things and various items at hand. In addition, you can go to the forest or park and prepare the most different types natural material– branches, moss, dried flowers, dry herbs, stones. This kind of raw material is quite popular today to use in needlework.

Craft ideas

There are a lot of ideas for DIY interior decorations. Every year, designers offer us more and more new decor options. Let's consider the most simple solutions crafts that can be made for interior decoration.

Hot stand

Do you have a lot of beer can caps? Use them to create original coasters. This is a necessary item in the household, since it allows you to protect the table surface from exposure to high temperatures.

If you don't have beer caps, use regular river or sea pebbles. This option will be even better, since there will be no risk of scratches.

Unusual flower pots

Don't rush to get rid of old books. They can be used to make beautiful pots for indoor plants. To do this, you need to open the book and cut a hole of the required shape in the middle. To protect it from moisture, you need to take care of sizing it with cellophane. All that remains is to fill the soil and plant the flower.

Small vases with magnets will also look impressive. They can be used to decorate a refrigerator. The base will be wine bottle corks. You need to hollow out a hole in them to fill the soil and attach a magnet to one side.

Original shelves

Old books are also suitable for creating such original shelves. You only need to purchase corners and screws. The result is a beautiful and stylish decoration walls.

"Warm" crafts

It is the so-called “warm” crafts that add the most coziness and comfort to any environment. It can be crocheted or knitted pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, blankets, covers and much more. So, one of the most creative ideas is a DIY cover made of wool yarn for a mug. In addition to it, you can link square napkin, which will act as a hot stand. The thread color can be any. But it is better that it harmonizes with the color palette of the kitchen interior.

Homemade souvenirs

Souvenir products have always been expensive. Therefore, it makes sense to figure out how to make a souvenir yourself. Moreover, the products self made always more attractive in appearance. They will also not affect family budget, since improvised means are suitable for their creation. Plush and plastic toys, artificial flowers, herbariums - all this can be used.

Here's a short tutorial. Prepare:

  • liter jar with lid;
  • decorative elements;
  • multi-colored glitter;
  • glue;
  • glycerol.


  1. Pour 2 tsp into a glass container. shine.
  2. Fill the jar with water.
  3. Add glycerin (a few drops).
  4. Make a composition from decorative elements and attach to the lid with glue.
  5. Screw the lid onto the jar securely, lubricating the threads with glue.

Handmade items made from unusual materials

Crafts today can be made from anything. For example, from geographical maps. Such products will appeal to all lovers of travel. A globe lamp, a map painting, as well as candles, ceiling lamps, buckets, etc. objects depicting continents and oceans - all these things will organically fit into most modern interior styles.

Stones of different textures and sizes are another unique material for crafts. Thus, flint stones with holes made by nature itself can be used as candlesticks. Such homemade accessories will be appropriate if you have chosen a rustic design for the decoration of the room. Do you need a lamp in classic style? Place small stones in a glass glass and place a scented candle inside.

Stones are appropriate to use for marking indoor plants. It's very convenient and simple. You just need to sign the names of your green “friends” on them.

Another way to use it is to play tic-tac-toe. You can go further and make backgammon, chess, checkers.

Drawing letters on rocks will help your child learn the alphabet.

Advantages of crafts for the home

Crafts have the following advantages:

  • uniqueness;
  • originality;
  • special energy;
  • low cost.

This article shows just a few options for crafts for the home. When engaging in such creativity, it is important to strive not just to copy someone else’s idea, but to come up with something of your own. This is the only way to get exclusive decor.