How to choose between the two. I love two at once - how to choose one and only one between two men? Difficult choice: a double-edged sword

Since such a question has arisen, we can safely say: “Find the third one,” “You will understand in time,” “You will not be happy with anyone,” “The one who runs slower.” In fact, the question is serious. If you think that either of them is suitable as a husband, and both of them are not indifferent to you, you need to “turn on the math.”

Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into four parts. Let the left column above contain all the advantages of Guy No. 1, and below - respectively, his disadvantages. Second column for Guy #2. Write down all the pros and cons of both guys. You will have to work at least one hour on this work. It’s good if the list is updated throughout the day. At first it will quickly fill up, all the pros and cons will be found, then yours will dry up, it will seem that you have already written everything down. No! Do not rush things. It is now that your memory will begin to retrieve that important thing that you know, but for some reason you did not pay attention to.

It's important to reflect how much you like each guy. This one is 6 points, the other, for example, is 9, what kind of education do you have, career planning, desire to have children, attitude towards cheating, ability to do housework, emotional background, availability bad habits, from which family, which of them promises more, and who does more, who looks after you better, who really cares about you, who loves you the most, who lies to you the least, who gave you the most gifts, even inexpensive ones, who remembers yours, the day of acquaintance and so on. You can add your points.

This kind of work will help analyze each person individually. Pay special attention to the relationship between you. After all, his career and education are nothing compared to his love and care for you. Why money if you live with an insensitive blockhead?

When the list is compiled, we count all the pros and subtract the cons. Or add up the points. The arithmetic is simple. The main thing is objective assessment.

If this is not enough, it would be good to analyze guys by putting them in a situation in which they could hit you, that is, make it so that it would be difficult not to hit you. Look which one of them a real man. A man will not beat a woman. Create provocative situations, show yourself from the worst, maybe even fictitious side, find out who is ready to endure to the end just to be with you. Perhaps one will withdraw from the race, also putting you in the pluses and minuses column. Yes, this is also possible.

What situations can you think of? In a company, you can pretend to be a woman who has had too much to drink, has trouble standing on her feet and talks such “nonsense” that the guy will be ashamed. You will see with almost sober eyes how he will “take care” of you. Or introduce him to your new one. Let it not be a “friend”, but an “agent” with a task. See how he will behave with her. The “agent” can tell you that he flirted with her, winked or kept his eyes on her, and asked for her phone number. Yes! All means are good to choose a real contender for life.

Nothing works? And he carries around a drunk woman and pays zero attention to the “agent”? Try to tell him a “terrible secret” about yourself (but not in a small town!). Maybe you are sick with something? Do you have a terrible contagious disease? Can children be born with ? This will be the last straw.

The tests are over, here he is, a reliable and faithful guy, a true friend. Yes, I almost forgot, since you choose one of two, it means that you yourself don’t really love anyone, and this is a minus, but the fact that they love you will be a plus.

Perhaps it may seem to someone that being interested in two guys at the same time is very cool, but in fact, in this situation, the heart is torn into two parts. In such a situation, in order to achieve inner harmony again, it is necessary to make a choice. If you are forced to choose between two guys, think about how each of them makes you feel and trust your intuition. If you want to understand how to make a choice between two guys with the least mental loss, this article is for you.


Guy's Choice

  1. Appreciate the positive qualities of both guys. Next time you meet, try to get the guy to talk and think about what you like most about him. It is not always possible to say exactly what exactly causes sympathy, but it is very important to analyze as much as possible more information before making a decision. When you talk to each guy, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Can he make you laugh? Does he have a good sense of humor? We are all drawn to people who can make us laugh. Guys with a great sense of humor delight us and make us look at the world differently. When he tickles you, do you like it or is it unpleasant? No guy is allowed to touch you in certain places without your consent. If he wants to put his arm around your waist, take your hand, hug you tightly and kiss you, think about whether you are ready for this. Before you let him kiss you, learn how to do it. You probably don't want to put yourself in an awkward position. Your chosen one should also be able to restrain himself.
    • Is he interested in other people? Does he care about anything other than himself? Guys who are only interested in themselves are often big bores. You will probably want to date a guy who will have many friends, hobbies and his own view of the world.
    • Is he emotional? Does he care about other people? A lot of guys are quite emotional, but they don't want anyone to know about it. If a guy is calm about showing his emotions, this means that he is a mature and confident person.
    • Is he a good flirt? You can formulate the question this way: does he like only your appearance or something more? Does he compliment only his body or something else?
    • Is he in a hurry? Men who are not in a hurry love to savor everything that happens. They strive to enjoy every moment spent with a girl. Guys who rush things will start dating the next girl before you know what happened.
  2. Think about how both guys make you feel. This is just as important as what you like about each one. Perhaps one has the perfect set of qualities and all the personality traits that you like, but the other makes your heart beat faster in just one thing short SMS. So when you find yourself in the company of these men, think not about why you like them, but how they make you feel. Do you feel joy and self-confidence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like you're getting better? Here's something to think about:

    • How do you feel when he is around? Does he act like you're the only one around, or does he just flirt with a lot of girls, including you?
    • Does he help you become better or is he content with what he has?
    • Do you feel the need to develop?
    • Does he give you unobtrusive but meaningful compliments?
    • Do your cheeks flush in his presence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like a little girl?
    • Does he treat you like a real lady? Do you feel special?
  3. Think about the negative character traits of both guys. You may only think about their positive qualities and whether they give you butterflies in your stomach, but you also need to evaluate the guys' negative personality traits and the aspects of their lifestyle that you don't like. If you are determined to make a choice, about the cons Just be sure to think about it. You should think about the following:

    • Does the guy carry a lot of emotional baggage with him? Does he still have a difficult past behind him? Of course, you may have a good time together, but are you ready to deal with his past all the time?
    • Is he trying to manipulate or control you? Does he want everything to always be his way, and does he refuse to admit that he is wrong? If so, then all these can serve as signs of selfishness, and this will significantly complicate the relationship.
    • Has he ever lied to you? You need a man whom you can trust, who will be honest with you, no matter how bitter the truth may be. Guys who like to talk about others behind their backs and spread gossip don't care much about others, which means it's best to stay away from them.
    • Does he find trouble all the time? Bad Boys may seem attractive, but if they are constantly getting into trouble, they simply won't have time for you.
    • Does he talk about his ex-girlfriend? If he regularly mentions his ex-lover, hints at something or talks about her all the time, this should be taken as bad sign. This doesn't mean the guy is bad - it's just that he probably still loves her.
  4. Think about how each guy feels about to you. If they are both willing to do anything for you, the choice will not be easy. Of course, you shouldn't stay with someone who likes you better just to be on the safe side, but you need to think very carefully about how important you are to each guy and what would happen if you stopped dating them. If you think that one or the other guy will just shrug his shoulders and immediately find himself new girl, you probably shouldn’t continue your relationship with such a person. If you think that one of the guys has deeper feelings for you, this should be a serious argument in your choice.

    • Of course, you shouldn't ask a direct question. You can tell how a guy feels about you by the way he looks at you, how often he wants to spend time with you and talk about a future together.
    • If you only need a short-term relationship or a holiday romance, then the prospects of the relationship can be ignored.
  5. Ask close friends for their opinions. Remember what friends are for: they will support you, advise you on how to behave, and help you when you need it. Listen to advice, but always evaluate it critically. Decision to make to you. Remember that you shouldn't ask to choose the better of the two guys - ask for help figuring out who is better for you.

    • Don't ask which guy your friends like better. Ask who suits you best. The answers to this question will allow you to understand who is better for you to date, and not who your friends would like to date.
    • Listen to what they tell you. If you have already decided everything, there is no point in asking your friends for their advice. If you want something recommended to you, be prepared to follow the recommendations.
  6. Make a list of ways these guys are similar and different. This will allow you to understand what you really want. How do you feel about each of the guys? Make a list of qualities you want and don't want in a partner. Put the pros and cons next to the guys' character traits and compare them with your wish list. You can ask yourself the following questions:

    • Which guy will treat you better?
    • Which of them will be ready to be there in difficult times?
    • Who do you have more in common with?
    • Which one will you look forward to meeting every day?
    • Which guy can find mutual language with your friends and relatives?
    • Who is the one you literally can't live without?
  7. Trust your intuition. It is not always possible to choose what we like. A person is born with a certain set of qualities, and as they grow older, everyone develops preferences. Don't think too much about the choice. Trust your intuition. Toss a coin in the air, decide that heads will mean one guy and tails will mean the other. While the coin is in the air, think about which side you would like to see when it falls. This will be the answer.

    • If you you know for sure If one of the guys is not right for you, but you are still attracted to him (and at the same time you do not really like the second guy), take a break from both guys. Being free isn't such a bad thing. After all, it's much better than suffering in a relationship.
    • Learn from your mistakes. If you dated someone and the relationship ended badly, don't make the same mistakes with another person. Even if you like him a lot, why go through the same thing again?
  8. Do not hurry. Don't think that you obliged make a decision right now - this process may take some time. During this time, guys can have time to do something good or bad, and this will make the choice easier. If you haven't made any commitments to either guy and if you don't feel like you're cheating on the other by being with one, you can take your time making a decision.

    • Don't delay everything too much for a long time. If you choose one guy, but he finds out that you have been communicating with another for many months in parallel, this will greatly hurt and humiliate him.

    After the decision has been made

    1. Commit yourself to the guy you choose. Once you have made a decision, do not deviate from it. This doesn't mean you need to tell your other guy that you're in a new relationship because that will hurt your feelings. Commitment manifests itself in feelings and actions. Try to build a reliable and stable relationship with the guy you choose, and only him.

      • Be ready to meet and communicate only with the chosen guy. Enjoy your relationship with one person and don't worry about what the other is doing.
      • If you feel empty inside without that other guy, it could mean that you made the wrong choice or that you never liked the person you decided to stay with - you only liked the flirting.
      • Be friendly with your dumped boyfriend, but don't try to spend a lot of time with him or do anything together. If you're very nice to him, he'll think he still has a chance. In addition, this will lead to jealousy on the part of the guy you decided to be with.
    2. Be prepared for the consequences. Having to choose one will affect your relationship with both guys. You need to accept this as a fact: most likely, you will break the heart of the second guy and deprive yourself of the opportunity to build a relationship with him. If this guy doesn't know about your rival, you won't have to explain to him why you decided to end the relationship. You will probably feel much calmer once the choice is made, but you will have to worry.

      • Remember that you can turn guys against each other. What if they best friends? What are you going to do? If you choose one and the other has feelings for you, they will most likely no longer be able to be friends. If you want to avoid this situation, it is better to find someone else.
      • Know that you may lose your other guy forever. Perhaps he will refuse to be friends with you after a more romantic and intimate relationship. Perhaps it's for the better.
    3. Be aware of your decision. Life is yours one, and you have the right to live it the way you want, trying to cause others as little pain as possible. You may feel guilty, but in the long run, if you deal with your feelings, you will all be better off. Be proud that you were able to make a mature decision and not date two guys at the same time.

      • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The main thing is to draw conclusions from the error.
      • Don't worry about someone being upset with you. When it comes to such an important decision, someone is going to get hurt anyway.
    • Remember: whatever advice you are given is yours to decide.
    • If you start to feel nervous because you can't make a decision, or if you feel pressured and rushed, your best bet is to find someone completely different. There are still many free guys in the world.
    • If you can’t choose and doubt whether your choice will be correct, try to refuse both guys. By trying to choose just one, you make things more difficult for everyone and torture yourself.
    • Think about how each of them relates to you. No, we are not talking about love, but about attitude. If one of them is only a little interested in you, and the other is bending over backwards to hang out with you in the park, take this into account. You probably don't want to be left with nothing when it turns out that you chose a guy who didn't have feelings for you at all. Just like you wouldn’t want to give up a relationship with someone who loves you madly, just because you just can’t let go of the first guy. And yes, if you really loved the first guy, you would hardly start dating another at the same time.
    • You don't have to make a decision overnight. The best decisions are informed decisions.
    • Do you love both? Choose the second one. If you truly loved the first one, you would hardly fall in love with the second one.
    • If guys ask you out at the same time, go with the one you think about the most, or the one who really makes your head spin.

Question for a psychologist:

We met with a young man, my age for 1.5 years. At the beginning everything was great, travel, care. He has an excellent Friendly family. On the contrary, I have an incomplete family. My father left the family when I was 14, with fights and swearing. And I always wanted a warm atmosphere at home, family dinners, a cozy home.

His parents gave us an apartment, we settled in, and then computer games appeared in his life. For six months I tried to get him out of there, threatening to leave if he didn’t remove him, but to no avail. These six months I simply did not feel like a woman, because all the time with me was exchanged for games and tanks. I went everywhere alone. Walk, go to the gym, go to the theater. We argued, one day, when I was lying down after a concussion, he grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head on the floor.

In the spring, someone else appeared in my life. Handsome, tall, smart, gallant. We were friends and talked a lot. The young man did not notice this - he played games, and I began to fall in love, I was drawn to him as a strong man, with him I again felt attractive and desirable. It’s a strong contrast when you communicate with an intelligent man, and then you come home and are greeted at home by an aggressive gambling addict.

Things got tense at home and I decided it was time to leave. He didn’t let me go for a long time, he tied me up, dragged me back by force, and threatened me with suicide.

I wanted to leave for another man, and then I was taken aback: he is 27 years old, but as it turned out, he is renting a bed and we have nowhere to live. He gave the impression of a successful person, I knew that he was a businessman, and I would never have thought that such a person had not earned enough money for an apartment or a car before he turned 27. And he spent all the money on candy wrappers: restaurants and telephones. With horror in my eyes, I moved into his room and realized with horror that he was lazy, he could lie in bed all day and do nothing, and on his computer he had correspondence with another girl. And it hurt me that he finds time to correspond with her, but does not find time to improve our conditions. And I ran away. In the meantime, the first one found out that I was with someone else and began to change, threw away the games, found a hobby, opened his own business, and we got back together. The second one wrote and called that he would fix everything, I fell for it again, I was drawn to him madly, on some animal level.

I left again and was left alone. And I am simply torn to pieces by constant calls, messages, promises, visits with flowers and gifts. Both proposed to me.

On the one hand, cozy, caring, with homely comfort, a desire to have children (but lack of passion), on the other hand, passionate, interesting, smart.

I see both of them changing and becoming better. But it’s hard for me to believe that the first one would never blackmail me with suicide. And the second one will be an excellent family man.

Psychologist Olga Petrovna Yagudina answers the question.

Yesenia, good afternoon!

I'm afraid you won't like my answer... With none of these men you will have happiness, real warm, joyful happiness. Because you both look at them as subjects who must satisfy your needs for money, care, acceptance. You don’t accept them as they are, but that’s how it is with men, they don’t change! In order for a man to get married, he must already have matured as a man and in the eyes of his woman already be one. Only on a wave of admiration and support will a man rise in status, never because of demands and threats. If you are already in doubt, don't risk it. It is better for you to solve your own psychological problems, such as creating codependent relationships. Your father was an alcoholic, the guy was a gambling addict, the other one seemed to be not an addict, but you don’t like him either. Why do you choose these? What is more attractive about them than about those who have already succeeded? The fact that he knows how to look after, is gallant and courteous, only says that he is gallant and courteous, but what kind of person will he be in the family? Can you see the true values ​​of a family man? How does he see your life together? How many children does he want? How will they be raised, what will they be taught? How does he know how to get out of difficult situations? How does he resolve conflicts? Does he know how to give in? Look in this direction, at human qualities, those that are important to you, money can be earned, and a good relationship You can’t buy it in your family.

How to choose one of two men? How do women end up in such a situation that they have to make such difficult choices? After all, a woman by nature most often loves one person. Let's take a closer look at the most common situations in which a woman has to make a choice between two men.

Why does a woman find herself in a situation where she has to choose between two men?

The most common situation occurs when a girl dates a guy for a long time, but it never comes to the point of starting a family. Over time, passion and intensity of sensations gradually begin to decline. This is quite natural, because very few couples manage to maintain great passion for several years. When the interest between the partners is still quite high, they decide to start a family. After this, all their energy, which was spent on maintaining a passionate relationship, they begin to spend on creating a cozy nest for two. When children appear, the bulk of the energy is devoted to them. If a family is not created, and the partners begin to cool off towards each other, a feeling of unfulfillment arises. A girl wants to be needed and the best for someone. The guy believes that he won her long ago and is not worth wasting time and money on special courtship.

At this moment another man may appear. Someone starts paying attention to a girl Special attention, and she again feels beautiful and desired. Passion flares up. New partner ready to devote all his time to the girl and fill her life with a mass of different emotions that are so lacking.

A permanent partner eventually notices what is happening and realizes that he has a competitor. Understanding this, he, in fear of losing his beloved girl, proposes to her. But does she need it? Who to choose: a reliable partner with whom you have been in a relationship for many years, or a new man, the thought of whom makes your blood boil? How to choose one of two guys?

A similar situation can happen when a girl is married. For a long time, her husband has perceived her as a cook, a housekeeper, the mother of his children and a loyal friend. For her birthdays, he no longer gives her expensive underwear, but food processors and yogurt makers. Sex becomes boring and monotonous, in which the woman knows in advance what will happen and why. And it seems that not everything is so bad, because instead of passion, peace and comfort are found.

At some point, the woman gets used to this state of affairs and even feels quite happy. And then she meets a man who turns everything upside down. With him, she no longer feels like a cook and dishwasher, she feels like a desirable woman. She begins to realize how long she has lacked attention and affection. For a couple of hours of happiness, she is ready to risk years of family life.

What should you not do under any circumstances?

Sooner or later, everything secret becomes clear and you have to choose who is more important to you, so as not to torment both. The choice is very difficult, since a woman cannot fully know her new partner. Will he be able to adequately support his family? Will he propose to her? How will he treat her children? Will she be able to get along in his house? At the same time, she remains very attached to her old partner, and besides, she sees his torment over her confusion, she understands that he also loves her very much and is afraid of losing her.

Most women (and men) in such a situation, not having the strength to make a choice, continue to play a double game. They promise one of the partners that everything is over and there is no need to worry. However, at the slightest quarrel they start calling and writing to the second partner. This brings enormous pain and suffering to all three. And until the girl makes up her mind, this torment does not stop.

If all three are well-mannered and adequate people, then everything is experienced relatively calmly. But very often such a situation enrages one of the partners (or two at once) and a fight of dishes, threats, and excessive alcohol consumption begins. Having brought a person to this state, a woman can see her partner in a completely new, terrible image, because of which she can make the wrong choice. Children and neighbors often witness unpleasant scenes. At such moments, children can suffer enormous psychological trauma. The child may permanently lose trust in one of the parents. Subsequently, this mistrust will spread to other people.

No matter how hard it is for you, stop. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and being selfish. Understand that a choice needs to be made. Otherwise, everything can lead to irreparable consequences. In addition, the partner you choose will, deep down, hold a grudge against you that you hesitated for so long in making a decision.

Often a woman hesitates, trying to understand which man loves her more, who suffers more without her, what lengths her partner is ready to go to win her. This is a very big mistake, because... everyone expresses their feelings in their own way. After all, one of the men may be proud and secretive enough to show everyone his feelings.

How to choose between two men?

Realize that a choice needs to be made. The faster you do it, the better it will be for everyone. Do not be led by provocations and threats. Sooner or later everyone will accept your choice and move on with their lives. You can think and reflect for years (which many people do). By behaving this way, you are depriving both men of happiness. Therefore, determine for yourself specific date, during which you will make your final decision. The period should not be long: a maximum of a week or two.

Try to ensure that no one puts pressure on you while you are thinking. Spend more time alone. Don't ask friends and acquaintances for advice. After all, you will have to live with a specific man, not him. Explain to both that you need time to think and ask them not to disturb you during this time. It would be better for everyone to go to some quiet place for a while.

Try to mentally remember everything that connected you, determine what plays the most important role for you at the moment. Prepare for the fact that you have to break up with someone forever. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. After analyzing everything, you will accept correct solution on this moment time.

Remember which of the men you experienced more happy moments with. With whom do you feel more at ease? This is very important, because everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Determine what character qualities a man must have in his partner. Which one best matches your ideal?

It may also turn out that you simply feel affection for one person, and passion for another, but you do not feel real love for either the first or the second.

Consider whether you would have a choice if you were experiencing true love? Maybe you should refuse everyone and give yourself a little time to recover?

What to do next?

Once the decision has been made, explain to the person you are breaking up with why you made that choice. Explain that further communication will be painful for everyone and will lead nowhere. Immediately stop meetings, calls, and holiday greetings. After all, with your attention you will give hope and excite painful feelings. Plus, it won't be fair to the person you decided to stay with. Think about it, would you like to be in such an unsightly position? If a man loves you very much, then, of course, he will forgive you, but every person has a limit of patience.

Don’t pretend to be a martyr, don’t dwell on the shortcomings of the partner you broke up with. Start making plans for a new life together. Spend more time with your friends and acquaintances. You can buy a pet that you will care for together. Try to experience positive emotions more often. Listen to fun music, play games. Don't answer calls from the past. Try to regain the trust of the person you are with, do not let him constantly start talking about his former rival. Explain to him everything that interests him and ask him not to touch on this topic again. Promise that everything is in the past and you want to move on only with him. It is important not only to promise, but also to fulfill what is promised. Move on and don't look back. Your future and your happiness are only in your hands!

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Very often we talk about the problem of loneliness. About how to create close relationships and find your soulmate. However, there is another problem that my clients quite often voice when they come for a consultation.

This problem lies in the fact that a woman has several contenders for her heart at once. And what to do if it’s difficult to choose just one. Most often, people turn to a psychologist precisely at the moment when it is necessary to make a choice, to understand who is more suitable.

Two partners - problem or benefit

Of course, some women quite consciously acquire several admirers and lovers and are not at all burdened by this.

They directly say that they do this because one partner cannot give them everything they would like. One, as a rule, gives them spiritual satisfaction, and the other supports them and provides them financially.

It is clear that such a “scheme” of relationships, sooner or later, if a woman is interested in starting a family, will still lead to a situation where she will need to make a choice.

Who to choose if you like both

However, I would like to discuss another situation, when the second relationship appears not intentionally, not planned. How does this usually happen?

More than once I heard a story that was quite familiar to many. Briefly, it goes like this: we broke up with a young man, I started dating someone else, after a certain time, the former partner appears again and starts talking about love.

And this is where the problem often arises: who to choose? What to do and how to understand who is worth staying with. Is it possible to somehow calculate the most favorable option for creating an “ideal” relationship? Why is this situation happening at all?

Should you start a relationship if you are still thinking about your ex?

Let's start with the fact that first you need to understand that if you have such a question, if you cannot decide who you need, it means that you have not yet completed your past relationship. The end, so to speak, has not been put.

Sometimes my clients say: “I would be glad to end my past relationship, but he doesn’t want it.” But in fact, the decision is yours, no matter how you explain it to yourself.

A man will not insist for long on resuming a relationship with a woman if she firmly and confidently tells him “no.” With the exception, of course, of not entirely adequate masochists who enjoy pursuing a woman who rejects him.

Therefore, if you think that the resumption of relations did not occur solely on your initiative, then I hasten to dissuade you: maybe not on your initiative, but with your permission.

What do you really want from a relationship?

Most often, women find themselves in such an ambivalent situation who do not fully understand what they want from a relationship? What masculine qualities are important to them? There is nothing surprising about this.

Sometimes people live together for years and don't think about why they do it. Therefore, the first thing to do in a situation where you are choosing who to be with is to answer yourself a few questions.

  1. For what reasons did you break up? What didn't suit you in the relationship? Think about whether you might encounter the same problems again. Very often, women resume relationships by succumbing to their partner’s persuasion, believing his promises to “do everything differently.” However, in reality, everything may turn out to be completely different.
  2. Past relationships are always attractive because you have already studied the other person enough, he has already become close to you, you know his habits, which means you don’t need to learn anything again, get used to it, learn to negotiate, and so on. Compared to old ones, new relationships are always stressful and tense. Perhaps you're just afraid to start building something new?
    After some time, we forget about the negative aspects and tend to somewhat idealize our past relationships. Remember that returning to something old and familiar often seems more attractive to us than deciding to create something new.
  3. Make a list of the masculine qualities that are important to you, then write a list of the qualities that your men have. Do the same for your relationship: answer the question “what do I want in a relationship?”
    Next, define your relationship with each partner using adjectives such as “calm” or “passionate.”

As a rule, having done this work, women begin to look at their relationships more consciously, and the choice becomes obvious.

In any case, whatever decision you make, it is important to remember that:

  • No one guarantees you a happy future or gives you a 100% guarantee that the man you choose will make you happy
  • It is better to make a decision, get the result and act further than to postpone the choice, wondering: one or the other? Time spent thinking will bring you nothing but painful thoughts and wasted energy.
  • In my opinion, the most important thing is to learn how to build relationships as a couple, consciously look at your needs and not get upset if something doesn’t work out, but always try to find a solution to the problem that has arisen.

In any case, if you are confused in a relationship and cannot figure it out on your own - and this is, indeed, quite difficult to do - do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist.

The main thing to remember is that your happiness is always in your hands, so act, don’t give up and you will definitely succeed!

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