Grapeseed oil for the face is the secret to beautiful skin. Grapeseed oil for face. Application, beneficial properties Use at home

IN Lately grape seed oil appeared in large quantities on pharmacy shelves. For the face (reviews confirm this), our lovely ladies use it often. Moreover, sometimes they use it instead of everything day cream. The only thing left to do is choose the right product from the variety of brands. Based on consumer comments, we will try to find the most effective among them.

How is it produced?

Many women have long discovered such a product as grape seed oil. For the face, their reviews confirm this, this is the most good care. Moreover, it is suitable for absolutely any skin: both dry and oily.

This vegetable oil It is produced mainly by hot extraction from grape seeds. However there are more complex method its production is cold pressing. It, unlike the first one, allows you to preserve all biologically active substances in the oil. But in practice, this method is used very rarely, since such production is unprofitable due to the small amount of the resulting product at the output. seeds contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids, natural sources of youth - vitamins A, C, E, flavonoids and phytosterols. Such a rich composition makes it an indispensable remedy and body.

Where can I buy?

Many people are interested in the question: how to buy it. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialized stores that sell similar cosmetics. Some users prefer to order goods on the official websites of the manufacturer.

Effect of use

What can you achieve by using grape seed oil for your face? Using it is a simple process. Some women share their secrets of using it in the comments. In this article we will look at them. This product has a wide range of effects on the skin:

Moisturizes and softens it;

Catalyzes the processes of producing your own collagen and elastin;

Increases skin elasticity, smoothes it;

Protects against dryness and flaking;

Refreshes and tones the skin;

Accelerates recovery processes;

Has a slight whitening effect;

Prevents the appearance of age spots;

Makes freckles less noticeable;

Stimulates metabolism;

Improves blood circulation;

Prevents the occurrence of irritation and rosacea;

Tightens pores;

Normalizes the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands;

Soothes sensitive skin;

Strengthens its protective function.

How to use?

Many women are sure that grape seed oil is an alternative to night cream. As you know, in the evening lovely ladies use a thicker and more nourishing cream than in the morning. This is important for overnight skin repair.

In this regard, this oil fully meets the specified criteria. It has oil base, its composition is rich in nutrients necessary for normal course all vital processes in the epidermis. In this case, in the evening after washing your face, you need to apply a little product to a cotton sponge and wipe your face with it. After half an hour, you can remove the excess by blotting the skin with a paper napkin. The product can be used either pure form, and with the addition of a drop of any essential oil: calendula, lemon, grapefruit, mint, and so on. Some women add a little to their daily face cream. This is also acceptable.

You can also make something based on this product nourishing masks for skin. For example, this would be suitable: 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, a little grape seed oil, 1 yolk chicken egg. Mix everything, heat a little in a water bath and apply to the face for 20 minutes.

Product from Organic Shop

Now, based on consumer reviews, let’s try to determine all the pros and cons of similar products from several cosmetic companies. First up is the Organic shop facial oil. it is fully revealed. The product has eco-certificates. What’s especially nice is that it is produced in Russia. The manufacturer states that this oil is excellent for both dry, flaking-prone skin and oily skin with blackheads. The product has a light, pleasant grape aroma and is well absorbed without clogging pores. The effect of its use is noticeable almost immediately - a couple of days after starting use. Users noted the convenience of the release form: a glass bottle with a pipette.

An additional plus is the low price. Cost - 203 rubles.

Aspera oil: customer reviews

But this is a very inexpensive option. We are talking about a product such as Aspera cosmetic oil. Apparently there are not many grape seeds in it. It costs about 70 rubles. Russia is also a manufacturer. Let's listen to consumer reviews.

Many of them are sure that a good product can't be cheap. And this remark is fair. Buyers are confused by the fact that the instructions say that the product is produced using the hot extraction method. And this means that useful substances There's not much in it. Some women complain about the inconvenience of using it. It is sold in dark glass bottles, tightly closed with a plastic stopper, which is very difficult to open. In addition, the product is not equipped with a pipette or dispenser. Therefore, there is no need to talk about its efficiency either.

Choosing an imported product

This is a product of the Italian fashion brand Argital. The manufacturer assures that this grape seed oil is excellent for the face. Customer reviews confirm this. Women write that it has a very light texture, is perfectly absorbed, and does not clog pores. Some consumers recommend using it to get rid of blackheads in the following way: apply the oil to damp facial skin with a cotton sponge, after half an hour wash your face and scrub your face well with a scrub. After this, you can apply any usual moisturizer. This procedure helps to quickly get rid of comedones and relieve irritation.

The product has only one significant disadvantage - the price. Its cost is 1850 rubles. You can't buy it in every pharmacy.

Nikitsky Garden oil - a budget option

A Crimean manufacturer from the city of Yalta presents its product called “Nikitsky Garden”. This grape seed oil, customer reviews confirm this, is in great demand among our women. This is the most budget option of all presented here. Its price varies from 60 to 80 rubles in different pharmacies. The raw materials used in its production are grown in Crimea. Perhaps this is what influences its low cost. Users have already rated this product. Women write that it is especially good to use it at night, rubbing the skin with a sponge with a small amount of oil. It is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film. The skin in the morning after this procedure is soft and smooth. Excellent oil for daily use. Our consumers complain about only one drawback - it is very difficult to get.

Lecus product

We return to the domestic manufacturer. After all, as a rule, prices for its goods are much lower than imported ones. This statement also applies to this product. Let's listen to reviews of “Grape Seed Cosmetic Oil” from Lecus. Women write that it perfectly smoothes the skin and has a light consistency. Therefore, some of them use the product instead of day cream under makeup. You just need to blot your face with a paper napkin half an hour after applying it.

Now your facial skin is moisturized and smooth, ready for use. foundations and powder. Users also pay attention to the fact that the product has a pleasant fresh aroma and is produced in a convenient form: Glass bottle with a plug with a hole. And, of course, the price is pleasing - 65 rubles.

Let's sum it up

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that many women use grape seed oil for their face instead of the usual cream. Their reviews say that it is suitable for both dry and oily skin. When choosing this product, you should pay attention to how it was obtained. The most preferred method is cold pressing. Another selection criterion is the release form. The bottle with the product must be equipped with a pipette, hole or dispenser. Otherwise, using it will be of little pleasure. Among the imported brands producing similar products, it is worth highlighting the Argital company. Among our domestic ones, Nikitsky Sad and Lecus oils are in particular demand. They are also the cheapest in the line of products presented.

We have reviewed the most popular brands producing a cosmetic product - grape seed oil.

The beneficial properties of natural ingredients in cosmetics are beyond doubt. One of these active additives is grape seed oil for the face, widely used in creams, masks, lotions, serums, etc.

This is a unique product that can be used for any skin type. To understand where this product gets such extraordinary medicinal properties, it is worth carefully studying its composition.

Oil composition

Grapeseed oil contains a large amount of beneficial substances, amino acids and vitamins. It includes:

  • vitamin A - retinol. It promotes the growth of renewed cells and slows down their aging;
  • B vitamins, which also help preserve youthful skin;
  • vitamin C - accelerates the production of collagen, thanks to which the skin remains firm and elastic;
  • Vitamin E is the most valuable substance in the composition. This vitamin saturates the skin with moisture, prevents dryness, improves complexion;
  • vitamin PP, or a nicotinic acid- evens out the skin and transforms its color;
  • tannins - shrink pores, tighten the upper layers of the skin;
  • procyanide is a natural antioxidant that regularly renews dermal cells;
  • linoleic acid - actively nourishes and moisturizes, prevents flaking;
  • polyphenols - have bactericidal properties;
  • chlorophyll - cleanses and restores the skin.

One has only to look at this impressive list to understand why the use of grape seed oil is so popular in cosmetology.

Beneficial features

Grapeseed oil for the face is an invaluable product for skin care of all types, including aging and problematic skin prone to irritation. The most important beneficial features of this product are:

  • for combined and oily skin- significantly narrows pores, eliminates oily shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • If the skin is dehydrated and prone to dryness, then the use of this oil helps saturate it with moisture, removes flaking and tightness, and gives a fresh color.
  • For problem skin-relieves inflammation, helps cure acne and acne. Heals microcracks and eliminates spider veins.
  • for aged skin that begins to fade - eliminates fine wrinkles, reduces deep wrinkles, smoothes and tightens the facial contour.

With constant use of this oil, the skin begins to look blooming and healthy, and its elasticity and protective properties increase.

Use at home

Natural grape seed oil can be safely used in its pure form, as it is very soft, and you can also mix it into your regular face creams and masks to enhance their beneficial effects. Based on this product you can prepare natural remedies for care.

Methods of application

  • To remove makeup, you need to warm the oil a little, dip a cotton swab in it and wipe your face. This way you will catch two birds with one stone: you will remove makeup and moisturize your skin. There is no need to apply night cream after this.
  • For those starting to age, as well as for dry and flaky skin, we recommend mixing grape oil with others, for example, jojoba, avocado, and wheat germ oil. Lubricate your face with this mixture instead of your usual day cream and massage lightly. Remove excess using paper napkin.
  • For normal skin The oil is mixed with almond oil in equal parts and applied to the face. You can cover your face with a napkin and hold it for about 20 minutes, then remove any unabsorbed excess.
  • An elixir made from grape oil and a few drops of essential peppermint oil will help in the fight against wrinkles. And to smooth out expression lines around the eyes, try making a mix of 1 tbsp. spoons of grape seed oil, 1 tbsp. avocado oil plus 2-3 drops each of sandalwood, rose and neroli.

Use daily before bed

  • against acne, we suggest mixing grape oil with ylang-ylang, chamomile and cajeput oils - literally one drop of each is enough.
  • A very effective anti-aging mask consisting of grape seed oil, white clay and fresh grape juice.
  • For serious facial cleansing, you can prepare this scrub: measure 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, the same portion of brown sugar, a teaspoon of honey and grape oil. Mix everything well and massage the skin for several minutes. The effect will shock you!

Grapeseed oil is usually obtained in two main ways: cold-pressed and hot-pressed. Experts recommend using a product extracted by cold pressing, since in this case more different active substances are preserved and it will not lose its beneficial properties longer.

If you don’t want to prepare skin care products at home, you can visit a SPA salon. Any of them offer treatments using grape seed oil. This way you will combine business with pleasure: you will relax and put yourself in order.

Let's sum it up

The beneficial properties of oil obtained from grapes have been known to people for a very long time, and scientists have learned to use this product to create cosmetics. By regularly using oil as part of creams, masks and gels, you can really transform your appearance, give your face a radiant and healthy complexion and significantly reduce the signs of aging.

The benefits of grape seed oil for the face have been known to mankind for thousands of years. As a by-product of winemaking, it absorbs the best properties of these sunny berries.

Beneficial features

A balanced combination of saturated and unsaturated acids with vitamins make this natural substance an ideal moisturizer. The high (up to 72%) content of linoleic acid ensures that the skin is saturated with moisture, and oleic acid binds water, preventing evaporation. In addition, grape seed oil:

  • perfectly softens the skin. Stearic acid contained in grape extract is an excellent emollient widely used in industrial cosmetology;
  • increases skin tone. Strong molecular bonds of linoleic and palmitic acids restore elasticity and smoothness, promote intensive collagen production;
  • smoothes out the first wrinkles. The ideal combination of saturated and unsaturated omega acids with vitamin E perfectly copes with the return of youth.
  • gets rid of bags under the eyes. Despite the relatively low tocopherol content, grape oil perfectly tightens the skin around the eyes and eliminates signs of fatigue;
  • treats dermatitis and eliminates acne due to the presence of phenols in the composition, which are natural antiseptics.

Also, grape seed oil helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the integument after prolonged exposure to the sun, and has a general tonic effect.

Contraindications and precautions

For cosmetic purposes, grape oil can be used without restrictions.. However, this product may cause allergies. Therefore, upon first use, it is recommended to conduct an individual tolerance test. To do this, rub 2-3 drops of oil on the crook of your elbow or wrist. If there are no unpleasant reactions, one hour after application, you can safely proceed to the procedures.

Best for facial skin care use cold pressed oil. But even when used externally, you should refrain from manipulating a substance whose expiration date has long expired.

Main uses

Cosmetologists today widely use the capabilities of grape seed oil. Its beneficial properties are clearly manifested:

  • in its purest form. A half-hour compress can improve the condition of dehydrated, flaky skin after the first session;
  • as part of multi-component masks, lotions and creams. Specialists have dozens of available recipes with a high degree of effectiveness;
  • in combination with a variety of aromatic or base oils, enhancing each other’s beneficial properties;
  • when used together with factory cosmetics. Even 2-3 drops enrich its composition, significantly increasing the moisturizing properties of creams and lotions.

Thanks to its light texture the product is suitable for any skin type. The oil is perfectly absorbed without clogging pores or forming a film. Those with dry skin feel its unique properties most clearly – significant hydration is achieved after the first procedure.

In undiluted In its form, the substance can be used as a cleansing lotion and makeup remover. In this case, it is recommended to heat the oil to body temperature to ensure better penetration into the pores. After a cosmetic session, the skin does not require additional cleaning, moisturizing or nutrition.

When preparing homemade masks and creams The oil should be heated before mixing with the other ingredients.

To enrich cosmetics factory-produced, you will need to mix a small amount of your favorite product with grape seed oil and apply it to your face with light movements.

Regular use of the healing substance helps strengthen blood capillaries and makes them less noticeable.

When starting to use natural oils in your home arsenal, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists on their optimal use:

  • any oil must be applied to previously cleaned decorative cosmetics and household pollution face;
  • Pre-steaming and moisturizing greatly enhances the effect of the procedure. You can open the pores in a water bath with a decoction of pharmaceutical herbs, and moisturize them with water or herbal lotion;
  • a light massage promotes rapid penetration of the composition into skin cells, enhances tonic and rejuvenating properties;
  • optimal duration cosmetic procedures using grape seed oil is 20–30 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the drug used in its pure form is removed with a cotton pad or paper napkin. It is not recommended to wash off with water;
  • multi-component masks, on the contrary, at the end of the session, must be washed off with water without soap or special foam;
  • Cosmetic sessions should not be performed late in the evening. Optimal time– no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • The frequency of facial care procedures with oils should not exceed 2-3 times a week. The duration of the series is usually 1–2 months.

The best recipes for home use

Amateurs natural cosmetics actively use the impressive capabilities of grape seed oil. After all, the methods of its use are simple and clear, and the result is noticeable after the first session.

Moisturizing compress

Most quick effect relief from moisturizing procedures with natural preparations is achieved using compresses. A compress made from grape and almond oils mixed in equal parts shows excellent results. The resulting substance must be heated to 40°C, moistened with a cotton napkin or gauze folded in several layers with slits for the eyes and applied to the face for 20–25 minutes. Remove excess with a paper napkin.

To achieve a tonic effect, you can add 5-6 drops of sandalwood oil to the mixture.

Anti-acne applications

Coping with pinpoint acne Regularly performing the following procedure will help. You need to mix a teaspoon of grape seed oil with oil extracts of ylang-ylang, chamomile and lemon, 3 drops of each. The composition is applied daily to problem areas using a cotton pad and fixed on it for 20 minutes. The recommended duration of a series of applications is from 2 weeks to a month.

Moisturizing mask for all skin types

tablespoon oatmeal pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 10–15 minutes and mash with a fork until smooth. Add a tablespoon of finely grated apple and a teaspoon of grape seed oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, wash off the dried mixture with water. Peeling and dryness will disappear after the first session.

Mask for oily skin

This cosmetic procedure will quickly improve the appearance of porous, oily skin. You will need to combine one tablespoon of white clay and water, grind thoroughly and add a teaspoon of oil. The composition is applied to the face using a brush massage lines, leave for at least 20–25 minutes, and then completely wash off with water.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Grind several grapes into a pulp and grind with fresh egg yolk. Add a teaspoon of oil and stir until smooth. Apply to face for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week for a month. The skin acquires elasticity and becomes smooth after the first session.

Softening rejuvenating cream

The following cream carefully but effectively takes care of the skin. To prepare it, you need to mix jojoba and grape seed oils in equal proportions and apply the composition to your face using your fingertips along the massage lines. Use as nourishing cream morning or evening. The substance should be stored in a glass container in a cool, dark place for no more than 2 weeks. It is recommended to warm to body temperature before use.

Video about using grape seed oil for facial care

Grapeseed oil is not addictive, and the skin will happily absorb a new portion of the product each time, and the reflection in the mirror will delight you with youth, the absence of wrinkles and acne.

For many years now, it has won an honorable place among the products used by cosmetologists, as well as cosmetics manufacturers. This lightweight component with a rich composition is considered an impeccable facial care product. Using it separately or in combination with other products, you can significantly improve the appearance and structure of the skin, as well as slow down age-related changes.


The wonderful characteristics of this oil were known many centuries ago. It was used in cooking, in the treatment of rosacea in folk medicine and in cosmetology, as it perfectly helps in the fight against aging of the epidermis.

Grape seed oil for the face, which has excellent reviews, contains the following components:

  • A rich complex of vitamins B, A, E and C, their benefits are quite multifaceted: from acquiring the correct skin tone to tightening contours, removing excess toxins and accelerating metabolism in cells. It contains a large amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which, in combination with collagen fibers, actively rejuvenates the face.
  • A huge arsenal of macro- and microelements (potassium, iron, calcium, sodium) increases the rate of metabolic processes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, and activates cells and blood vessels.
  • Procyanide and reratrol are considered powerful antioxidants, as they stimulate the production of natural collagen and block the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Many cosmetologists recommend using masks with grape seed oil for the face. Reviews about this component are very good, since it contains an element such as Omega-9 or oleic acid. It is an excellent cell protector that stimulates metabolism and removes harmful particles from the skin.
  • Linoleic acid (its other name is Omega-6) is considered an excellent moisturizer and also wonderfully protects the epidermis. This component perfectly stimulates regeneration processes. With the help of unsaturated acids, you can restore moisture, improve the condition of flaky skin and remove inflammatory processes.
  • Palmitic and stearic acids, flavonoids and phytosterols, tannins also make a significant contribution to improving the epidermis.

Properties and benefits

Grape seed oil for the face is valued in folk medicine for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition looks like a low-viscosity liquid, fluid, light with a light yellow color and a greenish tint without a specific odor.

It is used in cosmetology due to the following characteristics:

  • removes toxins and cleanses;
  • Great for dry, oily and combination skin;
  • fights sagging and wrinkles;
  • refreshes and improves the color of the skin;
  • since it has a light consistency, it is perfectly absorbed into the skin, thereby ensuring the delivery of a large number of useful components deep into the tissues;
  • activates the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • kills bacteria, so it helps improve problem skin;
  • used to eliminate streptoderma, dermatitis and acne.

How to choose a quality product

Grapeseed oil for the face, which has excellent reviews, will be useful if it is chosen correctly. It is obtained by pressing or by cold pressing or hot extraction.

Price natural component cold pressing is quite high, since this is the method that helps preserve greatest number the necessary substances in it. In order to get just a liter of this wonderful nectar, you will need 50 kg of seeds, and this, in turn, is half a ton of berries. The grains are crushed and squeezed, as a result of this process the coveted oil comes out. Since it contains chlorophyll, it has a slightly greenish tint and a pleasant nutty smell.

The unfiltered component is recommended for consumption due to the fact that it saturates the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements. But for facial skin, grape seed oil is best suited if it is obtained through hot extraction. With this technique, much more of the final component comes out, so its cost is lower.

When purchasing any type, you must pay attention to the country of origin, which must be indicated on the label. Best Product will be released in Spain, Argentina, Italy or France. The material from which the bottle is made is also important; it should be glass. After purchasing, it is recommended to store the liquid in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, the substance loses its healing properties.

Application for the skin around the eyes

Vitamin E found in the oil perfectly removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The regenerative properties of the composition also help reduce crow's feet. After its use, you will experience a youthful and healthy appearance.

In order to use useful component, a drop of extract is applied to the ring finger and then transferred to the eye area. All procedures are carried out before bedtime. You can also remove makeup with this product, as they claim that the oil can dissolve even the most indelible mascara. It is necessary to try to ensure that the composition does not get into the eyes at the time of processing.

Application for dry skin

If there is such a problem, then you need to know how to use grape seed oil for the face. To do this, it is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, and then applied to the previously cleansed epidermis. If several oils will be used, it is recommended to collect them in 1:1 proportions. It is recommended to combine the base product with wheat germ, castor and shea oil.

Use for oily skin

The use of grape seed oil on the face of this condition is very beneficial. It is recommended to apply compresses, cleansing lotions and applications. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and remarkably tightens pores, thereby stopping the appearance of blackheads and inflammation. It should also be noted that the oil does not leave an oily sheen - this is considered a huge plus for this type of skin. If there is a desire to use a mixture of components, then a solution is formed in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 using a large amount of the base component.

Use instead of cream

The product contains many useful ingredients, so it is recommended as a main care product. Grape seed cosmetic oil for the face, which has quite good reviews, is quite easy to use as a cream. It is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the skin twice a day. After coating with the product, it is recommended to lightly beat it with your fingertips. It should be noted that it is useful as both morning and evening care. If necessary, after a few minutes the excess product can be blotted off with a dry cloth. Often used as a makeup base, it is suitable for every skin type.

Use for acne

Grape seed oil for the face, which has very good reviews from cosmetologists, has antiseptic properties and is successfully used to combat blackheads and acne. To do this, the substance is used as a lotion, and the face is wiped with it several times a day. In order to enhance the effect, the product is used together with tea tree essential oil. It is applied pointwise to the affected areas, and then the entire face is wiped with base oil. If you regularly use these two components, the inflammation will go away and there will be no trace of the problem. Many cosmetologists recommend using these components as a scrub.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, best instant;
  • 3-5 drops of strong-smelling tea tree oil;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil.

The flakes are ground in a coffee grinder and the remaining ingredients are added to them, after which the composition is immediately applied to the face. Everything is thoroughly massaged for several minutes and washed off with cool water. A similar procedure is carried out as needed, once a week or daily.

Anti-wrinkle application

If there are shallow facial folds, then the product can be used as the main stage of care. It is applied to the area around the eyes and nasolabial triangle with small massaging movements on cleansed skin several times a week. Grapeseed oil helps the face against wrinkles in later stages; for this case it is better to use the product as a mask.


This procedure has a beneficial effect on the straightening of wrinkles. To do a massage yourself, you don’t need a lot of knowledge and effort; it’s enough that you need to take into account a few specific rules:

  • the product is applied only along massage lines, this will help avoid unnecessary tension and help improve facial contours;
  • After the procedure, you need to tap the problem areas a little with your fingertips so that the oil penetrates well;
  • The most important thing is that the folds must be squeezed out; this requires pinching the skin not along, but exclusively across the grooves. At this stage, each fold must be passed 3-5 times with small pinches.

Massage can be performed either with or without oil. When these two procedures are combined, both external nutrition and mechanical smoothing of the skin are provided.

Hi all!

I want to talk about the wonderful properties of grape seed oil and its use for the face, body and hair.

I still haven’t been able to find a decent face cream, but I found this treasure:

It does not clog pores, is easy to use, does not have a pronounced odor, and is quickly absorbed. And most importantly, thanks to this oil, the skin tone is evened out, inflammation is much less common. The skin is moisturized and nourished. For me, this is find number 1. In addition its use is not limited only to the skin of the face. More on this below.

The oil was placed in a box

which also contained instructions, quite detailed. In it you can find a lot useful information about what oil is used for and in what proportions

What kind of oil is this?

Grapeseed oil is obtained from the seeds of grapes.

Contains oil

essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (about 69.6%), oleic acid (up to 15.8%), palmitic acid (about 7%), stearic acid (up to 4%) and some other acids with a percentage of less than 1%.

Grape seed oil contains from 0.8 to 1.5% unsaponifiable substances rich in phenols and steroids, a small amount of vitamin E.

Grapeseed oil is a source of flavonoids– powerful antioxidants, and some flavonoids have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Grapeseed oil is widely used in cosmetology. Grape seed oil and extract have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiallergic properties.

Skin care

Facial and body skin care includes addressing the following issues: dermatitis, acne, wrinkles and stretch marks, bruises, dry and itchy skin, age spots.

Linoleic acid, which is found in grape seed oil, has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful in the treatment of acne and dermatitis, the water-containing properties are used to prevent dry and itchy skin. The antioxidant properties of the oil help increase the production of collagen and elastin, which is very important for healthy skin.

Simply apply pure grape seed oil to the face and body, on the affected areas 2-3 times a day. When using oil for acne-prone skin, you can add a few drops of jojoba oil or essential oils sandalwood, lavender, rosemary. Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day. The remainder of the resulting mixture must be stored in the refrigerator. The oil perfectly cares for the skin around the eyes. Apply to cleansed skin with your fingertips. Remaining oil can be removed with a napkin after 20 minutes

Instead of moisturizer or lotion

The oil can be used to moisturize the skin, including after shaving. This is an excellent moisturizing and healing treatment for chapped lips. Simply apply the oil to areas of skin that need care. Another option is to add 5 drops to your favorite skin cream immediately before use.

Grapeseed oil for hair

Additional care for fragile and thin hair and an additional remedy for dandruff and hair loss. Just add a few drops of oil to your conditioner or balm immediately before using it. I also prefer to apply the oil alone or in combination with other oils (olive, almond, burdock) to dry hair 1-2 hours before washing your hair. The oil is quite light. and does not cause difficulties when rinsing. You can apply the oil after washing to the ends of your hair. Just rub a small amount of oil in your palms and apply to the ends. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so that you don’t have to wash your hair)) This will protect your hair from splitting.

Treatment of burns, including sunburn, sunscreen

Grapeseed oil is used to protect against UV radiation. Daily use of the oil can minimize the risk of getting sunburn and reduce the possibility of pigment spots appearing.

As a massage oil

Grapeseed oil can be used for massage, either in its pure form or in combination with other oils (for example, almond). For anti-cellulite massage, you can use the following ratio of oils: 35 ml of grape seed oil and 5 drops of lemon and geranium oil; or 35 ml of grape seed oil and 5 drops of rosemary, lavender and patchouli oil.

General strengthening agent for nails

Just apply the oil to your nails and cuticles for several days. The oil will perfectly strengthen your nails and soften the cuticles.

Aromatherapy and healing baths

Before taking a bath, add one tablespoon of grape oil and three tablespoons to the water. sea ​​salt(salt can be replaced with three tablespoons of honey). The bath should take no more than 20 minutes, pat the skin dry with a towel.

You can buy grape seed extract and oil in pharmacies. The extract can be in the form of capsules, tablets, oil and powder. When purchasing grape seed oil, you should look for natural oil cold pressed, as it retains most of the natural useful elements compared to chemically pressed oil.

Just like anyone else oil, at the oil grape seed has a number of contraindications

  1. Individual intolerance to the product. If you are allergic to grapes, you should avoid taking and using any medications containing this component.
  2. Grape seed extract is generally considered safe when taken in moderation. However, an overdose of the extract can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain.
  3. When taking medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the parallel use of grape seed oil or extract.