Scenario of entertainment with parents "Initiation into preschool children" for children of the second group of early development. Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to students" (Grade 1) Dedication of the baby in kindergarten


Sergienko Natalya Alexandrovna,


LG MADOU "DSOV No. 6 "Rosinka"


Target: Creating conditions for the involvement of the family in the life of the child in kindergarten(from inception to release).

Description of the event:

The hall is colorfully decorated: balloons, "hearts: boy-girl", a poster with poems

Everyone loves you for no particular reason:

Because you are a daughter

Because you are a son

For being a baby

for growing up

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support!

Leading: Hello, our dear parents and distinguished guests! We are very

We are glad to see and welcome you at our holiday "Initiation of kids into preschoolers".

We think that you will be interested to know what kind of holiday it is and what is its history of appearance in our kindergarten No. 6 "Rosinka"?

Let's think a little and reflect: the birth of a child is an event. An event with a capital letter, because a new person entered the world. And this little man announces his birth with a loud cry: "Here it is - I, hello!" We, adults, rejoice at this event and register the fact of the birth of a child in the registry office.

The child grew up, went to kindergarten, school, then graduated from school - and again these events: the first and last call; delivery of certificates of maturity. And so throughout life - each significant event becomes a memorable date, a tradition.

Therefore, we, the team of kindergarten No. 6 "Rosinka", thought about the question, why can't a baby's arrival in kindergarten become the same important event in his life as in yours? After all, it is in kindergarten that a child first encounters the world of peers and the world of adults, who at first are unfamiliar to him, and then even replace his mother.

Kindergarten in our understanding is a small door to Big world. So let this door open for them, the little ones, with this amazing and sweet holiday.

Today, at our holiday, we will solemnly dedicate our kids to the Pupils of Kindergarten No. 6 Rosinka. This has become a tradition for us, from year to year we accept about 50 pupils into our ranks. We decided to coincide with this solemn day on February 14, to "St. Valentine's Day" - the patron saint of all lovers. On this day, expressing your love, it is customary to do good, arrange surprises, give gifts. So let in our hearts children see and feel great love for them, care, affection and reciprocate.

Leading: The word is given to the educators of the groups of our little pupils ( educators talk about children, about successes and achievements, interesting events each baby).

Leading: The floor is given to the head of preschool educational institution No. 6 "Rosinka".

(ceremonial presentation of passports to pupils of kindergarten No. 6 "Rosinka").

For you, dear guests, this festive concert.

  1. Dance "Palms" - children middle group.
  2. The song "My good light" - children preparatory group.
  3. The poem "My family" by E. Gomonova.
  4. Fashion theater "Ocharovashki" - children of all age groups.
  5. Dance "Dance with us" - pupils senior group
  6. The song "Merry Frogs" - pupils of the preparatory group.

Leading: Dear guests! Now it's time to meet our dear babies. (Children, the main characters of the holiday, enter the hall to the music).

caregiver: In the morning the kids got up,
They came to their garden again,
We are happy for you, as always,
We have guests here since morning,
Say hello, friends!

Children: Hello!
Leading: One, two, three, four, five...

Let's ask you to tell us:

How do we live in a kindergarten,

How we dance and sing!

musical number(at the discretion of the music director).

Leading: So you say the big ones have grown. And now I’ll check if you know how to dress, wash, do exercises, sing songs, dance. Get in order, we will do all the exercises!

"Charging" by E. Tilicheeva

Leading: We invited dads and moms artists to visit us. And now I beg your attention, here is a riddle about the name.

“Mashed on sour cream, chilled on the window, Round side, ruddy side, rolled (Gingerbread Man). (To the sound of G. Struve's song "Gingerbread Man" an adult enters the hall with a doll "Gingerbread Man").

Kolobok: I tired, I was in a hurry

I got a little lost

You guys recognized me and guessed the riddle.

Gingerbread Man, I'm Gingerbread Man. I have a rosy side!

I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother,

I came to you for a holiday

And went to a merry dance!

("Gingerbread man" dances, children clap their hands)

And you dance with me

Show yourself to all guests.

Grab your ribbons

Yes, dance more merrily.

Dance-song "Ribbons" by G. Vikharev

Kolobok: Now guess my riddle:

He jumps deftly, loves carrots (Hare).

(Music sounds, “Hare” appears).

Hare: I am going with a basket, congratulations, but first I want to give the guys a task. Come on, jump like bunnies. Well, well done! I invite you to go to the hare kindergarten. I wish that the eyes would shine, that the cheeks would turn red, that the mouth would laugh, that the teeth would bite.


Do not get sick, grow up for the joy of everyone.
Leading: Surprise all the people,

The cat is coming to us!

He is known throughout the country

Who is he, tell me?

To the sound of "The Song of the Cat Leopold" the Cat Leopold enters the hall.

Leopold cat:

That's how kids are kids,

How good today!

Everyone is neat, tidy,

Amazingly dressy!

How beautiful is your kindergarten!

Leading: Today is a holiday for the guys.

CatLeopold: So I came to you to congratulate you. (Mice enter the room)


1st: Leopold, come out!

2nd: Come out, Leopold!

Together: Now let's have some fun!
1st: Leopold come out!

2nd: Come out, Leopold!

Leopold: Guys let's be friends!

Stop being naughty, we'd better play, congratulate the guys.

A game:"Mice" O.S. Boromykova.

Mice sit under the floor

They follow the cat.

The cat is not a problem here,

We are not afraid of the cat.

Let's go out for a walk mice,

And show yourself to everyone!

For now, the cat is not here.

We will dance "mouse - ballet"!

(The mice dance with the children, run away on a signal. The game is played 2 times).


1st: They had a lot of fun and didn't get tired at all.

2nd: By the way, we liked it here very much!

Leopold: And now it's time to congratulate you guys.


1st: We must respect each other

2nd: Don't offend anyone.


Our cheerful world to love

And be loved in it!

Leading: Dear guys, our holiday has come to an end and, like any fairy tale, it should end with something pleasant. And now for you congratulations from the children of graduates. ( Presentation of gifts)

Leading:(beautiful apple in hand, melody sounds) A seed sown in the ground will sprout. If the seed is healthy, the soil is favorable, then the sprout will be healthy and beautiful. If you take care of it, water it, then a healthy, strong tree with beautiful fruits will grow, such as our apple - a symbol of the family. Take it and divide it as it should be in every friendly family - equally. And let everyone feel the taste and joy of family unity and pride in their child and family (the presenter distributes apples and handbags in the form of a "heart" to all parents and children)

Leading: The holiday "Initiation of kids into preschoolers" took place. Thanks to everyone who took part in the preparation of this holiday.

Intended preliminary work with children and parents

1.Preparatory stage:

Creation of a developing environment that attracts the child to play activities.

Manufacturing didactic aids, games.

2. . Practical work:

2.1. The activity of the teacher:

Questioning of parents;

Teaching children the correct performance of actions in all regime processes with
speech accompaniment.

2.2. Children's activities:
Drawing: "My first drawing",

"Track for a kolobok".

Application: "Chicken". Music lessons.

Games and exercises in the adaptation period.

Plot - role-playing games, games - fun, dramatization of fairy tales.

2.3. Joint activities of children, educators and parents:
Production: Passport "I am a preschool child!"

Album "My family!"

Photo collage "This is how we live in Teremochka."

Souvenir "Heart for memory!"

This form of joint activity (caregivers, children, parents, music directors) helps to solve the problem of optimizing the child-parent relationship of newly enrolled children in a preschool educational institution: to create conditions for the successful adaptation of children, to acquaint parents with the conditions for the successful adaptation of a child, to involve them in the educational process.

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

"Kindergarten No. 28 "Scarlet Flower" combined type"

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to preschoolers"

2 junior group

Developed and conducted

music director

Minusinsk 2016

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to preschool children" in the 2nd junior group

Purpose: To create conditions for friendly relations between children at the stage of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten, to promote the manifestation of sincere interest of parents in ensuring the flexible adaptation of the child and their readiness for emotional support of the baby during this period.
Create a joyful mood for children.
Create the necessary emotional mood and atmosphere of the holiday.
Encourage children and parents to be actively involved.

Characters: Petrushka, Masha, Mishka, pupils of the 2nd junior and preparatory groups; guests of the holiday - parents.

Parents with children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs.

Presenter: Hello adults, hello children!

We are very happy to meet today!

Let's start the holiday soon

With a smile and joy to sing and play.

And our holiday is called "Dedication to preschool children",

Which all our guys are waiting for.

Dear children and parents, I did not come to you alone, my cheerful friend is with me.

His colorful cap

Famously shifted to the side,

He's a funny toy!

And his name is...

Parents and children: Parsley! (Petrushka toy appears from behind the screen).

Parsley: Yes, Parsley, Parsley, Parsley!

I'm funny and funny.

Presenter: Guys, do you like to have fun, laugh, frolic? I see, I see that you love. And parents?

Parents: Yes!

Parsley: So that we have more fun,

Let's all laugh together! (everyone laughs)

Laughed heartily

Both parents and kids!

Guys, you know, I live in the kindergarten "Scarlet Flower".

Kindergarten is good

You won't find a better garden.

We're all friends here

We cannot live without friends.

And our children are all neat,

Healthy, obedient and tidy.

We play all day

It's not too lazy to play all day!

Whoever comes will be happy

This is our kindergarten! Oh, guys, who came to us for a holiday? (children of the preparatory group enter to the music).

Presenter: Our favorite kindergarten -

it's full of guys!

And today they themselves

appear in front of you!

1 reb: Initiation is a holiday, it is a great celebration.

This is the day when so many guests came to the kindergarten!

2 reb: We dedicate kids to preschoolers in our garden.

To all the guys, we promise you will not be bored here.

3rd child: And that the kindergarten will become a second home for the children.

Here you are very, very welcome, toys live here.

4 children: Steamboats, steam locomotives, there are even electric locomotives

Dolls, clowns, balls. Have fun and laugh!

5 reb: You can be here whoever you want, a postman, a seller,

Musician and artist, hairdresser, doctor.

6 children: In this house, everything is for you: breakfast, dinner, quiet time,

Songs, dances, round dance, Santa Claus in the New Year.

7 reb: Here they clap their hands and stomp their feet.

Everyone is strong here, everyone is brave here,

Everyone here is smart and skilled!

8 reb: What a nice house!

In it we grow every day,

And now we will sing a song about kindergarten!

The song "Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten!" music .

/children of the preparatory group leave/

Presenter: And now, dear children and adults, Petrushka and I invite you to visit our friend Masha. Do you know such a girl from the cartoon - a laughter, a prankster, a talker? (children answer “yes” in chorus) Masha is now visiting the bear. Where does the bear live? (they answer “In the forest”) How will we go to the forest? (children and parents give different answers).

Parsley: Get up like a train,

Let's have fun!

Chok-chook-chook, hurry up!

Hey car, full speed! (parents line up one after the other, they hold the children by the hand and imitate a train ride)

Here our train rides, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, a locomotive is running,

And he brought the guys to visit Mashenka. (Sit on chairs) (music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" sounds)

Masha appears on the screen, sad.

Masha: Guys, guys, I'm here.

Presenter: This Masha is calling us. Masha, what's wrong with you? Why you so sad?

Masha: I want to play! And I have to go to kindergarten!

Presenter: Masha, don’t you know that in kindergarten the guys play, sing all day long, and they all live a lot of fun together!

Masha: And how is it?

Host: And we will teach you!

Musical communication game "Hello, hands" by M. Kartushina.

Hello, palms, - (hands forward, turn palms up and down)

Clap, clap, clap - (clap)

Hello legs. - (slap hands on hips)

Top, top, top. - (stomp)

Hello cheeks - (stroke cheeks)

Plop, plop, plop. - (softly slap the cheeks with the tips of the fingers)

Chubby cheeks - (stroke the cheeks in a circular motion)

Plop, plop, plop. - (the same)

Hello, sponges, - (shake their heads)

Lose - (smack 3 times)

Hello, teeth, - (shake their heads)

Lose - (click teeth)

Hello, little ones, - (shrug their hands to the sides)

Hello everyone! - (waving hand over head)

Masha: Oh, how great it is with you guys! I like it so! (Mishka appears on the screen)

Misha: So, so, what are we doing here?

Masha: We are playing.

Misha: So, are you going to the Scarlet Flower Kindergarten after all?

Masha: Mishka, of course, I'll go! You see, how many children and their parents came to visit us, it is so fun and interesting with them, and the children also go to kindergarten and I want to.

Parsley: The music is playing again, inviting us to dance.

Cheerful dance "Become dancing" to words. Yu. Entina, arr. A. Roomers

Masha: Dear children, mothers and fathers, I have a surprise for you! (Masha passes soap bubbles to the presenter through the screen in the basket).

One, two, three, one, two three - we blow bubbles.

Soap air.

obedient to the wind.

blowing bubbles-

Here are some, look!

They are all air

And very disobedient.

Bubbles fly easily

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

Look, look

How the bubbles sparkle!

A game " Bubble» (children and parents play)

Presenter: So that you, Masha, could stay in kindergarten and live with the guys in a group, we must initiate you into a preschool child and give you such a diploma.

Masha: And give all the guys such diplomas?

Host: Definitely!

(All kids are given diplomas)

Presenter: So our holiday is over.

Parsley, Misha, Masha: Congratulations to all the guys on entering kindergarten!

"Dedication of kids to preschoolers 2016"

Scenario of the autumn event for children MBDOU d / s No. 7

The date of the: "20" October 2016

Time spending: 15h 30 min.

Location: music hall MBDOU d / s No. 7

Musical director: Zadorkina E.G.


    Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate in the group and kindergarten.

    Develop children's creativity and imagination.

    Encourage children to move and sing

    Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.


    Invitations to the head of the MA -Administration of the preschool educational institution

    Presentation with photo and video of babies -tutors gr. No. 1,8, 9

    Balloons according to the number of children with a marginMandatory 7 colors of the rainbow (+ 3 per group) –educators of groups No. 1, 8, 9

    20 chocolates for adults

    Preschool Tickets -educators of groups No. 1, 8, 9

    Sweet gifts for preschoolers -Administration of the preschool educational institution

    Bouquet for the representative of the MA


    Flowers by number of children

    Wish Planet

Musical repertoire :

Dance "Barem belen!"

"Kindergarten!" - song music by K. Kostin lyrics by T. Kersten

Poems - roll call

"Flower-Semitsvetik" - a surprise moment

“Who has a flower in his hands?” - dance with kids


The beginning of the holiday - screensaver 0.46

Dance "Barem belen!" 3.43

Exit Leaders and words 2.00

Word to Sapozhnikov 3.00

Poems for children 2.00

Song 2.51

Presenters and kids exit 2.30

Tsvetik-Semitsvetik and dance with kids 3.50

Word of the manager and handing over tickets 3.30

Response word of Parents 1.30

Wish Planet 3.00

Total: 35 minutes

Performing Dance "Barem belen!"


Leading come out to the middle of the hall.

1 presenter:Welcome to children's holiday to us!

We are very glad to our dear guests!

We beg you, dear ones,

Give us all a round of applause!



Leaders leave the podium

2 leading: We know that every child is a planet

It sleeps a huge world, sheltered from the light.

And for five whole years children will be happy -

On this huge beautiful planet.

    Host: Hello, our dear parents and distinguished guests! We are very glad to see and welcome everyone to our annual anniversary celebration "Initiation of kids into preschoolers"!!!

    Leading: The arrival of a baby in kindergarten is an important event in the life of your family. And we are glad that you came to our beautiful kindergarten "Goldfish"!

    Leading: Everything here is like in a fairy tale!

And magic, and the fulfillment of desires, and the kindest wizards and sorceresses also live only with us.

Kindergarten in our understanding is a small door to a big interesting fairy tale.

    Leading: So let this door open for your children with this amazing and sweet holiday. We provide the right to open a holiday


Invited speeches. Thanks for the congratulations.

1 Presenter: Today we will for the 10th time, solemnly dedicate our kids to the Pupils of Kindergarten No. 7 "Goldfish". And the young pupils of our kindergarten will help us with this.

On the screen are pictures of our kids, against the background of music.

Children's exit.

10 child - Milana gr. No. 3: There is one country in the world

Can't find another like this

Not marked on the map, and the size is small ...

And the country was called this very simply - a kindergarten!

A home where all the kids are looking forward to!

11 child - Dima gr. #11: In the kindergarten they welcome us, they teach etiquette,

Think and reason and help each other.

If laziness overcomes, or you can’t find a friend -

This means that you should definitely come to our kindergarten!

12 child - Alina gr. #11: Our favorite kindergarten
This is a kids house!
It has a fervent noise and din,
Cheerful ramble,
Stompers, chuckles
And exercise in the morning!

13 child - Rinat gr. #6: Our wonderful kindergarten
It's fun for the kids!
Ribbons, balls, cars,
colorful pictures,
Laughter of cheerful children
City of fabulous game!

14 child - Aliya gr. #13: Our fun kindergarten
This is a story for kids!
Dances, songs and jokes,
Sweet dream, physical education,
Books, paints, daughter dolls,
Voices like bells!

15th child - Cyril gr. #11: Our cozy kindergarten
This is a blessing for the kids!
Straight down the track
Let's run to our beloved home
Because kindergarten
Together: Always waiting for his guys!

Performing "Kindergarten!" music by K. Kostin lyrics by T. Kersten

The children leave the room.

2 Leading: Dear guests! Now it's time to meet our dear little ones. Today, our kindergarten "Golden Fish" will open its doors to _____ wonderful children!

Children, the main characters of the holiday, enter the hall to the music

Parents help sort out the children.

1 Leading: So, we meet our smallest, most wonderful guys in the city of Mendeleevsk !!!

2 Lead: In kindergarten today is noise and bustle,
All the boys are dressed up
Simply beauty!

1leader: Look all at us

We are not babies
Look at us all.
Now we are preschoolers!

1 Host: Our dear children and respected adults! Welcome to the wonderful world of childhood!

2 Leading: And all the employees of our kindergarten "Goldfish" promise you to make it magical, bright and unforgettable!

Exit of Tsvetik-Semitsvetik with balls

Nearby are children in hats with flowers.

Handing out flowers to kids.

Flower-Semitsvetik: Hello moms!

Hello dads! Hello children!

We are very glad to see you!

To you from magical land arrived!

May your wishes be fulfilled!

I am the Flower-Semitsvetik!

The same magical flowers grow in my magical garden! I care about them, I love them very, very much. That is why they are so beautiful! I invite all the kids to my magical meadow.

Let's Dance!

Everyone who has flowers in their hands - go out and stand in a circle! And who will dance beautifully - I will give him a beautiful balloon!

"Who has a flower in his hands"

1. Who has a flower in his hands,

he will go to me in a circle,

He will show a flower to everyone,

And everyone will wave cheerfully.

Chorus: Here, here, here,

2. We got up in a circle together,

We danced with flowers.

We danced, we danced

Our legs were exposed!

Chorus: Here, here, here,

Here is my flower! (2 times)

3. Our hands were raised,

And waved a flower.

And now squat

All the guys are around.

Chorus: Down, up, one and two -

That's how kids dance! (2 times)

4. Our kids had fun

The kids were having fun.

And they circled and danced

Like bunnies jumping!

Chorus: Jump, jump, one and two -

That's how kids jump! (2 times)

5. We sit quietly in a circle,

Let's hide behind our flower

and then, and then

We'll find all the kids.

Chorus: We rested a little

Legs ran to moms!

Legs ran to mom.

Mom hugged dear!

Flower - Semitsvetik: Dear preschoolers! You will grow in the garden like these little flowers! You and I must definitely plant them in my magical garden! And make a wish! My assistants and I will take care of them in the same way that you will be taken care of:

Your caregivers

Assistant tutors

Your teachers

Everyone who left, in turn: Moms and dads, let's be friends!
Let's raise a child together!
If you have any questions for us -
Glad to see you!

Together: Welcome!

    presenter: And now comes the most solemn moment of the holiday!

1 presenter: To present a ticket to a preschooler, you are invited tohost of kindergarten No. 7 "Goldfish" Gritsuk E.A.

The head teacher reads out the names of preschoolers.

Educators give preschooler tickets and gifts from the preschool educational institution.

Parents' response.

    Host: Congratulations! The holiday "Initiation of kids into preschoolers" took place. Thanks to everyone who took part in the preparation of this colorful holiday.

Flower - Semitsvetik: And now, dear preschool children, I invite everyone to plant our flowers in my magical garden. To the planet of desire! And be sure to make a wish! I promise, it will definitely come true when you become graduates of this wonderful garden, with the magical name "Golden Fish"!

Children, together with their parents and Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, plant flowers in a flowerbed of desires

1 presenter: This concludes our holiday!Thanks to everyone who was with us today!

Host: Goodbye! See you soon!




Inessa Osipova
Holiday script. "Initiation into preschool children."

Target: show the importance of the child's new status.

Tasks: continuation of work to create a friendly children's team and a favorable microclimate at a difficult stage of adaptation of children in kindergarten, the development of interest in learning, the development of speech, attention, thinking.

Equipment: decoration, visibility: the hall is decorated with balloons. On the screen is a slide with the name of the holiday, costumes of heroes, equipment for performance, refreshments.

Characters: educator, Carlson is an adult, children are graduates, children are preschoolers.

Preschool children in the corridor with the graduates of our group.


Follow me with a brisk step

Get going, friends

To us for the holiday of dedication,

You can't be late

We are very glad to all guests!

The holiday knocked on our house!

Preschoolers, come on!

We look forward to seeing you!

Graduates and preschool children enter the hall to the music of T. Zaluzhnaya "Friends have no days off."


Dear children and parents! We are very glad that all of you now go to our group "Why". Congratulations on this! (applause).

And today we all celebrate our holiday "Initiation to preschool children." We have four years of very difficult, serious work ahead of us. But today we will sing, dance, joke and play. And so we begin!

Ouch! Guys! Listen, someone is in a hurry to us!

Children: Yes! We hear!

Carlson runs into the hall to the cheerful music.


Hello guys! You recognized me?


Yes! Hello Carlson!


Why are you all here? Why is the hall so ornately decorated?


We have a holiday here with the guys, fun.


Today, when I was walking to you and saw how my mother was leading the baby to kindergarten, he was crying and did not want to go.


And our mothers, with pleasure, bring the children to kindergarten. And the children of our group really like to play, dance and joke. Stay with us and you will see what our children have learned!


I will be happy to stay on your holiday!

Carlson remains at the party.


Dear guests guys. I propose to remember and see how, quite recently, your mothers and fathers brought you, their children, to our kindergarten! Attention to the screen!

Show video presentation.


I see you really liked it, did you all recognize yourself?

Children: Yes!


And this is the history of our group!


And I also know how to have fun and invite you to play the game "What will I take to kindergarten."

A relay race “What will I take to kindergarten” is being held.

Rhythmic music plays.

Children are divided into two teams. On the tables are miscellaneous items(toys, rattles, nipples, bottles with nipples, diapers, bib, small juice bag).


Guys, what good fellows you are! You did it!

Our children have already learned a lot and learned a lot, although only 4 months have passed since they came to our kindergarten. Guys, tell me, do you like to read fairy tales?

Children: Yes!


And now we will play a game with you. V. Stepanova "Guess the tale."

Video presentation on fairy tales.

1. Masha is sitting in a box,

She looks far away.

Who bears it, answer

Quick steps?

And the bear carries it

Along with pies.

Spent it baby

He will be smarter in the future.

Here is our book

This is (Masha and the Bear).

2. Cups three and three beds.

There are also three chairs, look

And tenants here indeed

Lives for exactly three.

As you can see, it's immediately clear:

You don't have to visit them.

Run away, little sister

Fly out the window like a bird.

Run away! Well done!

So the story ends.

This fairy tale (Three Bears).

A slide from this fairy tale appears on the screen.

3. Once upon a time there were seven guys -

White little goats.

Mom loved them very much

She fed the children milk.

Here, teeth click and click,

A gray wolf appeared.

Like a goat, that beast sang:

“Open the door, children.

Your mother has come

I brought you milk."

We will answer without prompting,

Who managed to save the guys.

We know this from a fairy tale

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

A slide from this fairy tale appears on the screen.

4. They blinded him from flour,

After they put it in the oven,

On the window, he was chilling,

Rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And along the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat it

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red fox

I couldn't get away from her.

What is a fairy tale? "Kolobok".

A slide from this fairy tale appears on the screen.


Well done boys! And you did it!


And let's see how mothers are able to collect their children in kindergarten. Now we will play a game for mothers "Pick up the child in kindergarten."

A game for moms is played to rhythmic music

"Take the child to kindergarten."

Leading: Dear Guys! Our moms have done a great job! Let's applaud them for that!


And now we will conduct a musical warm-up "Boogie-woogie".

Musical children's warm-up "Boogie-woogie".

Children sit down.

Carlson scatters toys.

Leading: Carlson what are you doing?



And our children learned how to put toys back after the game. Let's show Carlson how to do it.

Relay race to rhythmic music

"Collect the toys."

Leading: Dear guests guys! My graduates came to our holiday and they will show us a dance with ribbons.

Dance with ribbons to the song "The Little Prince"

performed by Valeria.

Leading: Thank you very much for your performance.

All children who come to our group must take the oath of the pupil of the group.

Children go to the center of the group and solemnly all together take an oath:

“We, the pupils of the “Why” group, swear:

smart to dress,

Say goodbye politely

Sing and dance beautifully

Do not yawn in front of strangers

Don't offend kids

Listen to adults, respect

Don't fuss at the table

Always work hard in class.

Contagious laugh,

smile radiantly,

Wash hands before eating

Stand up for friends.”

I swear! I swear! I swear!

Children on the chest, to the music, the emblem of the group is attached.

Leading: Guys, when you first came to the group, many of you, but not all, at first cried, did not want to be left without your mother. Look around and tell me, who else is sad and crying among us?

A crying cloud appears on the screen.

Correctly! This is a cloud! And let's show the cloud a musical workout, maybe she will like it and she will stop crying!

Musical warm-up by I. Barinova "Guilty Cloud".

A funny cloud appears on the screen.

Look how the cloud liked it with us, she stopped crying and prepared a surprise for you!

Surprise "Cloud".

We take out inflated simple balloons in a large blanket, one balloon with sweets. All balls are tossed up.

Carlson finds (unnoticed) a candy ball and pops it, showering the kids with candy!

All children remain in the center of the hall.

Leading: Look at us

These kids are just awesome!

Even though you go around the whole garden, Better than a group you won't find.

The group prepared a treat!

The music sounds, the children, together with their parents, sit down on the chairs in the music room.

Presenter: Hello children and dear adults! Today we have a special day, because we dedicate children to preschool children of our kindergarten, and adults to caring, loving and attentive parents!

(Music sounds, Kaprizka enters, passes through the hall and teases the children)

Presenter: Hello, who are you?

Capizka: Who am I? I'm Caprice!!! Why are you sitting here?(with a smirk)

Presenter: Today we have good mood, because as a double holiday: we dedicate our kids to preschool children and the anniversary of the kindergarten. And you, Caprice, do you want to be on our holiday?

Caprice: No I do not want to! (shows tongue)

Host: What do you want?

Caprice: I don't want to sit here

I don't want to eat

All day long I'll whine

Don't listen to anyone!


Presenter: What happened to Caprice? She cries and doesn't want to do anything!

Perhaps you should talk to her, console her.

Presenter: Caprice, let's go for a walk! Look how good the weather is!

Caprice: And I want a bad one... Let it rain. Ah-ah-ah!

Leader (surprised):But you will get wet!

Caprice: That's good. I want to get wet! Ah-ah-ah...

Presenter: Maybe you want to eat?

Caprice (stomps feet): I don't want to!

Presenter: Or maybe you're cold? Are you cold?

Caprice: No-o-o! I'm not cold and I'm not hot! Ah-ah-ah!

Presenter: Then why are you crying and screaming!

Caprice: Why am I screaming?

What do you care!

I want nothing,

I'm tired of everything! Woo!

Presenter: Guys, let's cheer up the Caprice. Now children from the middle group will show the dance "Matryoshka"

Dance "Matryoshka" (middle group)

Presenter: Ah! I know you for-bo-le-la! Say "ah-ah-ah."

Caprice: B-uh!

Presenter: Breathe... Don't breathe... (He walks around Kaprizka, pressing his ear to her.)

Caprice: Breathe and don't breathe!

Leading: I need to listen to her better! (Puts on a stethoscope, approaches Kaprizka, listens to her). Aha!.. Wow!..

Caprice... I know what happened to you... you got infected with the Protivus virus. He flew into your mouth when you cried and stamped your feet!

Caprice (frightened):Protivus? And what is he?

Leading: Angry, whiny, nasty. That's why you've become nasty. Now you can’t get close to the guys, otherwise they will turn into nasty capricious people.

Caprice : I don't want to be nasty! (Turns his head, waves his arms.)

Presenter: And our guys, in order not to get sick, do exercises every day. Caprice, come with us, you look, and the Antivus virus will fly away from you.

Cheerful exercise "Jump-jump"

Presenter: Guys, look! Virus Antivus has flown! Rather, clap, stomp loudly and laugh more cheerfully so that he does not return to us again!

Well done boys! And you, Caprice, are cured, clever girl! Now say hello to the guys properly.

Caprice: Hello boys and girls!

Let's play and have fun today.

I want to be friends with all of you!

Music sounds in the hall enters the clown Klepa

Caprice: And here my friend came, his name is Klepa.

Klepa: Oh ... how fun you have here, beautiful !!! And the guys are so joyful, red-cheeked, can I come to you for a holiday?

Presenter: Of course, stay with us! We have a big holiday today!

Do you know what kindergarten is?

Klepa: No, we don't know?

Presenter: What is a kindergarten?

It's full of guys!

While moms are at work

They live happily

Engage, play,

They walk and sing.

Klepa: Wow, yes, I myself would be glad to come to such a kindergarten! Tell us, please, more details!

Presenter: Then, listen carefully!

After morning exercise

Wash my hands in order

Breakfast is waiting for us all useful,

And he looks amazing!

Now we will hold a competition and check your appetite.(addresses the heroes, ties bibs)

Competition "Who will eat breakfast faster"

Presenter: Well ... our guests ate deliciously.

And now the guys and I will bake a kolobok (finger gymnastics)

I bake, I bake, I bake

The kids are all on the kolobok.

And for the sweet mother

I'll bake two gingerbread.

Presenter: Guys, look, a real bun has come to us.

Song "Kolobok" (middle group)

Presenter: And after class, the guys go outside for a walk,

Because everyone loves fresh air breathe!

Let's take a walk with our mothers, stretch our legs.

"Big Feet and Little Feet"

Presenter: And now the guys from the middle group have come to congratulate you with a Russian folk dance.

Russian folk dance (middle group)

Presenter: We walked on the street - worked up an appetite,

Delicious cooks prepare - you will be healthy and full!

We ate everything at dinner, and now we'll rest,

At a quiet hour, we go to bed - everyone fell asleep soundly!

Caprice: Do the kids sleep soundly?

Klepa: Let's check it out!

Close your eyes, children, and Kaprizka and I will check how well you sleep (while the heroes are checking; imperceptibly, the children of the older group are preparing to perform the song).

Presenter: Children wake up - our day continues.

Now the children from the senior group came to congratulate us with a song about Mickey Mouse.

Song "Mickey Mouse" (senior group)

Presenter: The evening comes

And finally dinner

Whoever ate everything - well done!

That's how fun we live in our kindergarten!

Presenter: Now I want to read out the decree on accepting babies as preschool children and dedicate moms and dads to the real parents of the Winnie the Pooh kindergarten:

- To be worthy pupils of our kindergarten, namely: to fulfill the daily routine. Do you agree?

All: Agree!


- Learn dance, vocal and artistic skills in our classes. Do you agree?

All: Agree!


- Obey the teachers and teachers in our kindergarten. Do you agree?

All: Agree!

Presenter: Then we take in our big friendly family you the smallest children, and all parents. And from now on, your groups will be "ABVGDEyka" and "Bee". In memory of this day, the guys from the preparatory group prepared a gift. Meet the 2015 graduates.

(Solemn music sounds; children of the preparatory group enter)

Joint dance of graduates and kids.

Presenter: 10 years ago, in 2004,
There was a new kindergarten "Winnie the Pooh"
Little children came to the garden
Tenderness and care was found in him.
Years pass, kids grow up, become schoolchildren. And our kindergarten continues to raise small children.

Final song "Winnie the Pooh" (preparatory group)

Caprice / Klepa:Thank you guys for such a holiday! We liked you very much. But, it's time for us to go. Goodbye!!!

Presenter: There are many gardens in the world,

But such as ours - one!

He shines for us like the sun

Happiness, joy gives us!

happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite garden!