Why do you like married men? Why women often like married men Why women like married men

Elena (that's not her real name) has never entered into a relationship, and the reason for this is simple. She only likes married men and is never attracted to single men. Ethical principles are important to Elena, so she never made an attempt to get close to such men. She believes that under no circumstances should she date a married man, so she remains unmarried.

As the years passed, Elena became completely confused and began to look for help.

I am sure that you have met people with similar problems in your life. Why do some people only fall in love with married people?

It's important to note that I'm not talking about those who fell in love with a married man once or married woman, I'm talking about those who fall in love exclusively with married people.

To understand the reasons for this phenomenon, we should go back many years and look at Elena’s childhood, where the answer to this riddle is hidden.

Why am I only attracted to married men?

When Elena was 2 years old, she was the only child in the family. She was drowning in care, everyone treated her wonderfully. Suddenly, another child appears in the family, let’s call her Svetlana, and from that moment everything changes.

As always happens with newborns, most of the attention is transferred to Svetlana. Elena suddenly loses her ruling position and begins to feel threatened by her newborn sister. Svetlana tries her best to keep up with Elena, so she learns to speak much faster.

Elena begins to feel jealous of Svetlana, who is only slightly behind her older sister, although she is 2 years younger. Svetlana and Elena constantly compete, however elder sister begins to lose ground. Svetlana's grades are higher, and she turns out to be much smarter.

All this time, Elena's subconscious mind is overwhelmed by competition. She's too afraid to give in to her younger sister, just like it was with divided attention in early childhood, so a brilliant idea arises in her subconscious.

Instead of competing and losing, her subconscious forces her to leave the battlefield in a clever way. During exams at school, Elena begins to experience panic attacks, due to which she cannot get good grades.

Subconscious plan

Elena's panic attacks became a mystery to everyone who knew her, but from the point of view of the subconscious, it was a perfect plan that helped her avoid competition with Svetlana. After all, if she had a panic attack every time she took an exam, she could easily refer to this illness when receiving bad grades.

When they both reached the age of marriage, Svetlana got a fiance, but Elena never did, because she was only attracted to married men. Childhood psychological traumas go into the subconscious, and subconscious programs do not change as people grow older.

WITH early age Elena subconsciously preferred to avoid competition, and she used the same strategy in the matter of marriage. Falling in love only with married men, Elena's subconscious guaranteed that she would not participate in competition with Svetlana in this very important field of life.

So how can Elena end this problem and move forward in life?

She just needs to understand what's going on and start developing the courage to face her problems.

Does this mean that everyone who only falls in love with married people should develop courage?

Of course not, but in many cases lack of courage is the real reason for such indecisive behavior, and in such a case the optimal solution would be.

Mohammed Farukh, M.Sc.

For some reason, young girls often look at those men who are already married. What interesting things do they see in a person who is often much older. Why do girls love married men?

Why girls love married men

Probably because such a man has sufficient experience in relationships with the female sex. He is independent and often has a good income. It’s much more interesting to spend time with him than with someone his own age. But, unfortunately, such romances usually end in separation. A man does not dare to leave his family, and, besides, a girl can be just an easy romance for him, an opportunity to have an easy time. Or the girl resigns herself to the role of a mistress, not hoping to start a family with her beloved man.

Positive and negative aspects of the love of married men

But, as in any relationship, there are not only negative sides, but also positive ones.
Let's talk about the negative ones first.
The girl is practically deprived of contact with her loved one. She can't call him herself. Otherwise, there is a risk that his wife will get caught. Therefore, her whole life depends on the man’s calls. In addition, conversations are most often devoid of romance. The man speaks dryly, observing secrecy.
For the same reasons, the initiative for dating lies entirely with the man. Moreover, meetings take place away from busy streets. For fear of meeting your loved one's friends.
Love contacts occur in a hurry.
The man almost never stays overnight.
The girl constantly experiences painful jealousy and envy of happy woman- to his wife. She herself has no right to the man she loves and cannot express her grievances to him. Since in this case, the man will simply leave and it is not a fact that he will ever call again.

Positive aspects.
The girl has a lot of free time, which she spends as she pleases. She can freely visit any entertainment activities and does not have to answer to anyone.
No one is trying to sort things out and no one is creating conflict situations.
By portraying yourself as a martyr of circumstances, you can make a man feel guilty. And then he will go to great lengths to earn forgiveness.
An affair with a married man does not pass without a trace. He can leave a deep imprint on the entire future fate of the girl. No matter what she does, no matter how much she loves, for a man she is just a secondary woman. The legal spouse comes first. And this wife constantly stands between them. If you think about it, you involuntarily admit the fact that there are much more negative sides in this relationship.
And it’s even more unclear: why do girls love married men?
Don't believe their promises. Very rarely does a man exchange his wife for a young and somewhat stupid mistress. Especially if there are children growing up in the family. More often than not, the ending of this story is not attractive. Listen to other people's experiences and don't make the same mistakes.

Sooner or later, every woman realizes that she needs a serious relationship and her own family. However, sometimes thinking about past romances, a representative of the fair half of humanity realizes that all her men were far from ideal, married, or they had regular partners. For unknown reasons, a woman does not attract single men; she attracts exclusively married young men.

As a result, unsuccessful relationships in the past without a future and prospects for starting a family left behind only negative emotions, pain and resentment, the woman promises herself never again to fall in love with someone who is not free, but the next partners again turned out to be married.

Some seriously begin to think that they have been damaged or the evil eye has been cast upon them, complain about their evil fate and turn to psychics, others generally despair and throw themselves into work. However, a woman always independently attracts married people into her life. Naturally, this happens subconsciously and unconsciously, but the fact remains a fact. You should contact a psychologist to understand psychological problems and complexes in order to break the vicious circle of misfortunes and relationships with unfree men.

Why do some girls attract exclusively unfree representatives of the strong half of humanity into their lives and build relationships with them? You should understand the reasons for this and understand how to avoid vicious relationships and find a partner for marriage.
There are several categories of women who are considered the most attractive and desirable for young married people.

Comfortable girls

Married representatives of the stronger sex tend to choose a woman for convenience. They do not want their spouse to find out about their casual relationships with their mistresses; they carefully hide their relationships on the side. That is why married people pay attention to smart and careful girls who will not arrange a showdown with the wives of their chosen ones and will not chat in vain. If a woman is a smart person who can keep her mouth shut, then married men will flock to her like bees to honey.

High requirements

Many girls strive to find an ideal partner for life, someone who is rich and handsome, gives flowers and carries them in their arms, drives them in a white convertible, and so on. They are not going to look for a good and positive guy who, by virtue of young I have not yet managed to achieve a fat wallet, but I am ready to love my chosen one and take care of her.

Therefore, it should be remembered that wealthy, successful and attractive individuals have already managed to start a family, and they could have had a lifelong friend while still at school. They went through a lot of difficulties together and now no one is going to destroy the family because of a beautiful face and figure. You should lower the requirements for candidates and evaluate yourself from the real side.

Unhappy past relationships

It is likely that in the past the girl had unhappy relationships with young people, which ended very tragically. As a result, she is afraid of serious relationships, considers all men the same and does not want to fall in love, looking for flaws in everyone. As a result, almost all single candidates for husbands remain on the sidelines. You need to carefully look around, there will definitely be a suitable prince to start a family.

Your boyfriend

It is imperative to evaluate how a woman communicates with the opposite sex in order to understand why she attracts married people. If she listens with pleasure to male troubles, stories about unhappy love, constantly jokes and is considered “one of her own” in male company, then she needs to change her behavior. Married couples adore such mistresses, they turn to them with problems, ask for advice, are interested in how to behave with their legitimate other halves, what to give them, and so on. You should not break the distance in relationships with such individuals.

Childish spontaneity

You should think about whether the girl takes herself seriously, why married people who do not need a serious relationship are drawn to her. It is necessary to accurately determine whether she needs a daddy or an equal partner for life. It is necessary to understand why a girl is so eager to get married, but shows childish immaturity at the same time.

Too pretty

Beautiful, confident and charming ladies always attract married men. After all, they are the ones who also feel confident in themselves, look well-groomed, contented and well-fed, beloved legal wives, therefore they are completely freed from complexes and flirt with beauties with pleasure. Well, free representatives of the stronger half of humanity may simply be afraid that they will not be interested in such a sexy lady.

Most men are sure that such women are already bound by marriage, so they do not even make attempts to meet or begin to build relationships with such a special one. Women need to look carefully at their surroundings and help modest people take the first step.

Was it really a coincidence?

Sometimes a girl notices that she always becomes a mistress, and has never been a man’s main chosen one. You should think about the fact that she independently and unconsciously sends certain signals to the opposite sex, which is why only those men who already have a permanent relationship are drawn to her.

Why should married men look for relationships on the side? Naturally, they need new impressions and emotions. They love their regular partners, do not intend to break up with them and do not think about divorce, but want to add variety to their lives. Cave instincts force men to hunt and become conquerors. However, most of them feel great with their significant other, feel satisfied and are content with only one-time relationships with strangers.

If a representative of the stronger sex has a ring on his hand, then other women immediately understand that the man is something if he has already managed to conquer someone. It is strictly forbidden to flirt with such individuals; they are not going to leave their official wives.

Men who live in civil marriage, generally consider themselves free, because they do not have a ring or a stamp in their passport. They adhere to the philosophy that they are free, therefore they have the right to have connections on the side from time to time, but they also do not intend to leave their cozy family nest, they feel very good next to their civilian life partner.

Male despair

A woman instantly shows with all her appearance that she needs permanent relationship and is looking for a man. She dresses beautifully, takes good care of herself, smiles and flirts with pleasure. As a result, a married man who is looking for a one-night love affair will immediately approach such a person. He understands perfectly well that a girl doesn’t mind meeting and having a good time with the opposite sex, but then she becomes uncomfortable when the man quickly gets dressed after sex and hurries to retreat to his legal wife.

It is also worth thinking about your own complexes. If a girl low self-esteem, then it immediately catches your eye. Men immediately understand that such a lady can easily be dragged into bed for one night, and then even humiliated and elevated in her own eyes.

The main rule of a woman

All women should know the basic rule that a man cannot be changed! Naturally, he may enjoy spending time with his mistress, he feels young and happy, and is aware of his own attractiveness. However, he will never leave his girlfriend or legal wife.

In the case when a man says that he wants to leave his wife, but cannot yet do this, he finds many excuses, then he will not do this. In this case, the mistress should leave and not waste time.

Naturally, if a permanent girlfriend or wife does not satisfy a man too much in bed, then he will begin to look elsewhere. However, if he tells his mistress that he does not sleep with his wife at all, then this does not mean the truth. You should not blindly trust a cheater, because his behavior speaks for itself.

Everyone usually looks for mistresses according to a certain standard. This should be a gentle girl who is always ready for sex, pretty and cheerful, with whom it is very easy to communicate, she helps to take your mind off problems. While the wife constantly drinks alcohol and does not take care of herself and the house, the man does not have sex with her. Everything is bad, he is so unhappy, even if she has five children in her arms. However, any girl should put herself in her wife’s place and leave the cheater as quickly as possible. Even if a man leaves his legal wife and goes to his mistress, then after a while he can betray her in the same way.

Psychology of attraction for married people

You should always remember that like attracts like. The Universe always guarantees this; this statement cannot be changed. A person strives to reliably hide all negative qualities and not show it to strangers, but they still remain noticeable to others. You shouldn’t deceive yourself, because everything in the Universe returns not even through the person himself, but through other people. If a woman is selfish and mercilessly hurts the opposite sex, then soon it will come back to her like a boomerang.

If a woman is a mercantile creature and thinks only about money, then soon a tight-fisted and greedy man, which will make her count every penny. If she is ready at any moment to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, then she will soon find her executioner, sadist and domestic tyrant.

Changes for the good

A woman needs to change so that single people who are ready for marriage will be attracted to her. serious relationship men. You should think about your style of behavior and manner of communication with the opposite sex in order to stop attracting married people.

If it is difficult to understand what is the reason for such attraction, then you should ask the man what exactly attracted him, why he paid attention to the lady. It is quite possible that the truth will open your eyes to your shortcomings and force you to change. Well, soon a bachelor will finally appear on the horizon, who will be independent and wealthy, and most importantly, single!

Is this a coincidence or is it just you?

Have you ever felt like you only attract men who already have a girlfriend or even a wife? In other words, do you always go around as mistresses?

If so, then perhaps you yourself are unconsciously sending signals that are received only by those who are already involved in relationships with others. You just don't understand what your actions and body language are saying.

So, why would a man who is in a relationship look for someone else? Thanks to my experience with married men and bad guys, I can shed light on this from the inside.

Men in long-term relationships are looking for new emotions and impressions. They still love their woman, but want something new. They are hunters, and the cave mentality pushes them to search for new prey. But many men are already tamed hunters, especially if their cavewoman completely satisfies them.

When there is a ring on your finger and another woman sees it, she shouldn't even try to flirt with that man. Unless he can influence her career or she just wants to drink at his expense. You can continue. But he won't leave his wife.

It's even worse with men who live in civil marriages, because they don't have any signs of belonging, such as rings. And psychologically they have given themselves such freedom, because physically they have no evidence that they are related. The philosophy "I'm only busy when she's around" becomes a mantra.

Have you noticed that when you go out with friends, not dressed up or wearing makeup, you attract men more often?

This is because men feel desperate.

A woman's need for a man is more than noticeable, and if he needs a girl for one night, then you are the first one he will approach. Sure, it's flattering - you get attention and free drinks - but it ends up being bad when you find out he has a girlfriend/wife.

I developed my theory of bad underwear. When you wear ugly underwear, you don't expect to come home with a new acquaintance. And when you have the aura of “I’m not desperately looking for a man,” you become more attractive and intriguing to the opposite sex. This way, they want you for who you are and not just to get laid.

If you have low self-esteem, it shows. Men know that a woman with low self-esteem is easy to get into bed and has a psychological and physical advantage. Such women are easy targets for one-night stands.

Rule #1 that women must learn and understand: you cannot change a man.

Yes, he enjoys spending time with you. And if he is older, then you will make him feel young again. But no matter how good you feel, you cannot convince him to leave his wife or girlfriend.

Another red flag is when a man constantly says that he is going to leave his wife. But if there is no other reason besides you for this, then this will not happen. Forget it, go away.

Sex is important too. If a man is not satisfied with his constant girlfriend, then he will look around. But just because he says he doesn't sleep with his wife doesn't mean it's true. You cannot trust a cheater, because his actions already speak louder than words.

The description of the mistress is usually the same. A mistress is sweet, cheerful and successful girl. It's easy with her while his stress-drinking, unsexy wife sits at home. When he is with you, he forgets about problems at home.

But as soon as you find out he has someone, leave. What if it was your boyfriend doing this to you? If he's cheating on his girlfriend, it's more than likely that he won't have a problem cheating on you again.

And even if he leaves her for you, somewhere in the depths of your soul you should always doubt whether he will do the same to you. And then it will hurt you. Mistresses rarely win.