Decoupage bottles design ideas with eggshells. Decorate the bottle with eggshells, threads, twine, ribbons and other materials. Decoupage of bottles with napkins step by step, master class

In almost every apartment you can find a little waste material. Who cares beautiful bottle throw away the perfume; those who can’t raise their hands get rid of wallpaper scraps after renovation. In this article we propose to consider interesting option bottle decor eggshell. This way you can decorate a bottle for a gift.

Decoupage with eggshells: master class

For work we will need the following materials:

  • a bottle of wine or other alcoholic drink of an interesting shape;
  • alcohol for surface treatment;
  • eggshell;
  • napkins, glue and brushes for decoupage;
  • primer (its color should match the main background of the napkin).

Now let's look at a simple step by step instructions decorating bottles with eggshells.

  1. Wash the bottle thoroughly. Under running hot water, remove all labels and tags.
  2. After complete drying, degrease the surface using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. You can use detergent.
  3. Water-based or acrylic paint is suitable as a primer. The water emulsion is very convenient to work with, since you can add any pigment to the white base and select the desired shade.
  4. We cut off a small piece of a dishwashing sponge, dip it in paint and work on the surface of the bottle.
  5. Let it dry. For water-based paint, about 15 minutes is enough; acrylic takes even less time to dry.
  6. To achieve a more even shade, apply a second layer in a similar way. Thanks to the sponge, the surface is uniform and streak-free.
  7. The second layer will take at least half an hour to dry.
  8. While the base is drying, let's move on to the second stage of the master class on decoupage with eggshells. Cut out suitable motifs from a napkin.
  9. Place the image on the file and moisten it with water from a spray bottle. Then carefully transfer the image onto the base.
  10. Next, we work in the usual decoupage technique using glue and a brush. We leave the workpiece to dry overnight.
  11. Decoupage from egg shells begins with preparing the material. The shells need to be washed well, cleared of films and dried.
  12. Decorating bottles with eggshells occurs in two stages: first, coat the surface with glue, then use tweezers or a toothpick to lay out a mosaic of pieces.
  13. We will glue the shell to the bottom and top of the bottle so that the image remains in the middle.
  14. Let dry for at least 20 minutes.
  15. Apply a layer of paint on top with a sponge, which was used for the background. For hard-to-reach places and along the edges of the napkin, you can use a brush.
  16. The final stage of decoupaging bottles with eggshells is to paint the surface with a darker shade of paint.
  17. At the end, we fix everything with varnish and the decoupage of bottles with eggshells is ready.

Bottle decoupage can be done simply using

Decoupage of bottles with eggshells - master class. Technique eggshell decoupage easy to perform and requires a minimum set of materials used. And what a wonderful end result!

The eggshell is glued using PVA glue onto a previously cleaned surface, and after drying the work looks like a network of cracks, a bit like craquelure made with special varnishes. Of course, the shell cannot replace special two-component craquelure varnishes. But when glued, it gives the surface of the product an unusual texture and volume.

This decoration technique - using eggshells - helps when there is a workpiece on the surface ( glass bottle, jars or tin boxes for tea, even a jewelry box will do, for example there is some convex image, say, the logo of the manufacturer , which needs to be disguised somehow. The shell glued on top hides bulges or defects in the working surface in the best way possible. Decoupage, eggshells, rubbing cracks.

Shell preparation

Preparing the shell for gluing is very simple. First, wash the shell of a fresh egg, then very carefully remove the film on the inside, and then let the shell dry thoroughly.

Decoration process

Now you can start decorating directly. Most clearly egg shell pasting process looks on a glass surface. Therefore, let's take as an example.

1. The working surface should be thoroughly degreased and cleaned of dirt. You can use glass cleaner for these purposes.

2. Now generously coat the place where the shell is supposed to be glued with PVA glue. It is better to use PVA glue, sold in large jars in construction stores. It differs significantly in quality from ordinary office glue.

3. While the glue is not dry, place pieces of prepared eggshell on it. If they are too large, you need to lightly press them with your finger so that they crack into smaller pieces. It is very important that the glued pieces of shell are as little convex as possible and adhere well to the surface. If the shell is too convex, it must be crushed.

4. Then, the pieces of shell laid out on the glue need to be slightly moved apart so that gaps form between them, the size of which depends only on your desire. This is easy to do with a toothpick.

5. You should not cover a very large part of the surface of the product with glue at once. It is much more convenient to carry out work on a small area of ​​the working surface, gradually filling the entire intended space with glued shells.

6. After the shell is glued, you need to let the glue dry. And then apply a second layer of PVA to fix it. This time we don't need any excess glue. Try not to fill the space between the shells with glue, otherwise, after priming with paint, the effect of cracks will not be clearly expressed.

7. When the surface of the product is completely dry, you can begin priming the surface. Apply acrylic paint using a foam sponge in 2 layers with intermediate drying. This is enough to completely paint the pieces of the shell and the gaps between them.

Glued eggshells adhere perfectly not only to glass, but also to any other surfaces, so you can combine this eggshells using decoupage technique. This simple work shows how you can use eggshells to decorate a surface that is subsequently decorated with decoupage.

This foam plastic blank for the box is decorated using this technique.

I wish you creative success!

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Bottle decor – 5 best ideas to create a small work of art

If after some festive event you still have a beautiful glass bottle, don’t rush to throw it away, believe me, it will still come in handy. For example, it can make an excellent vase or just an original accessory that decorates a room. I will tell you below how to create a unique bottle decor with your own hands without any special financial costs.

How to create an original and unusual bottle?

It seems to me that decorating is good for absolutely everyone. This is also a way to create a stylish item without spending money on expensive materials(you can decorate with anything you can get your hands on), and the opportunity to feel like a real artist, showing all your imagination to decorate glass. In addition, this is an excellent calming and peaceful pastime.

I have selected several of the simplest options for decorating bottles, which even those who have never done hand-made can easily handle. About them below.

Idea 1. Salt

When I said that you can decorate a bottle with your own hands using almost anything you can find in your apartment, I wasn’t joking. Did you know that regular kitchen salt is a great decorating tool? I’ll tell you how best to use it now.

There are two options for decorating glass products using salt. I'll share both of them with you.

Method 1

For this option you will need:

  • salt;
  • the bottle itself;
  • heat-resistant dishes;
  • fork and sieve;
  • kitchen funnel;
  • acrylic paint.

Mix salt with your favorite paint and mash the resulting mixture thoroughly with a fork. In a heat-resistant container, place the mixture in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for about an hour.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the bowl, mash the salt again with a fork and sift it through a sieve. Thus, you will end up with small crystals of colored sand. Make a few various types mixtures, changing the color of the paint.

To make your craft look even more original, do not hesitate to combine and mix shades with each other, thereby creating an extraordinary color scheme.

Using a funnel, begin adding salt one at a time, alternating layers of shades. Having filled the vessel to the top, simply seal it with a decorative stopper and place it in a visible place.

Method 2

Another simple way to decorate a bottle with salt involves using regular rubber bands and white paint. The only condition is that their width must be more than 5 mm.

Wrap several rubber bands around the bottle in a random order and cover the glass with a layer of paint. After it dries, treat the surface with glue. On a sheet plain paper sprinkle a sufficient amount of salt and roll the accessory in it.

Make sure that the salt evenly covers the product, then remove the rubber bands. As a result, you will get a fabulous decorative bottle covered with a literal layer of snow. This decor option will be a wonderful decoration for New Year's holidays or someone who misses winter.

You can do without using rubber bands - then the improvised “snow” will cover the glass in an even layer.

Idea 2. Decoupage

This decoration method is a little more complicated than the previous one, but the effect is truly amazing.

So, besides the bottle beautiful shape you will need:

  • acrylic paint white and a couple of other shades;
  • brushes of different shapes and sizes;
  • PVA glue;
  • napkin for decoupage with your favorite pattern;
  • acetone;
  • cotton wool;
  • eggshell;
  • coating varnish.

The sequence of actions is extremely simple:

  1. Remove labels from the bottle, rinse it and degrease the surface with acetone.
  2. Using a small piece of sponge coated with white paint, paint the entire bottle except the bottom using dotted movements. It should be treated after the rest of the surface has dried.
  3. After the first layer has hardened, repeat the procedure.
  4. Separate upper layer napkins with a selected pattern from the other two. Place it on the surface of the bottle and coat it with PVA glue. You must act very carefully, as the napkin tears easily.
    It is best to coat the material with a fan brush from the center towards the edges.

  1. After this, you need to give the product the desired color. Most often, bottles in the interior have delicate pastel colors, but you can choose any shade you like. Just make sure that it is in harmony with the pattern and does not overlap it.
  2. To add texture and volume to the bottle, I recommend using eggshells. It must be thoroughly washed and cleared of the thin film, then crushed into many pieces. different shapes and sizes.
  3. Alternately lubricating a section of the surface with glue and pressing pieces of shell onto it, treat the entire bottle. Next, you should paint it to match the color of the product.
  4. After decorating with eggshells, you need to use a thin brush and a different shade of paint to paint over the cracks that have formed.
  5. Finally, varnish the product and enjoy the result.

Decorating a bottle using the decoupage technique takes more time than other methods, however, in the end you will get a unique and stylish vase or decorative element. By the way, you can decorate the neck with beautiful satin ribbons or lacing.

Idea 3. Plaster

You can create texture and add relief using, what would you think? Plaster!

Yes, modern craftswomen even manage to create miracles with plaster.

And let me tell you, the result is worthwhile:

  1. Mix plaster with water and a tablespoon of PVA glue to a creamy consistency.
  2. Next, you will need a small piece of fabric: gauze, chintz or cotton.
  3. Dip the fabric into a plaster solution and apply it to the bottle, giving it a relief texture.
  4. Paint the surface white acrylic paint.
  5. Next, we proceed in the same way as I described in the previous section about the decoupage technique. We apply the selected design and treat it with glue.
  6. We paint the bottle in the desired color and wait for it to dry. Afterwards we treat the edges of the formed folds with mother-of-pearl and apply a layer of varnish.

Idea 4. Threads

A bottle decorated with threads will add home warmth and comfort to your interior.

It's incredibly easy to make; you just need thread of any size and color, as well as double-sided tape.

  1. Cover the bottle from the neck to the bottom with double-sided tape.
  2. Start wrapping the product with thread. Make sure that each new row fits tightly to the previous one and does not create gaps.
  3. Feel free to combine thread colors. The brighter the shades, the more original the final result will be.

I would also like to note that instead of tape, you can use regular PVA glue. Then each thread should be thoroughly moistened in glue and only then applied to the glass surface.

In a similar way, you can create decor with twine. Finally, it would be appropriate to decorate the product with cute buttons or beads, gluing them to the material with special glue.

Idea 5. Cereals and pasta

Agree, using pasta as a decorative element is quite an interesting and unusual idea.

To create such a non-trivial decoration, you will also need some peas, cereals, a hot glue gun and acetone.

  1. Degrease the bottle with acetone and lubricate it with glue.
  2. Glue peas to the bottom of the bottle, and use several types of cereals a little higher for decoration. By combining them, create a pattern on the surface.
  3. Divide the bow-shaped pasta into 4 parts. Using a heat gun, connect them into a small flower; instead of the core, use a small pea. Glue the resulting flowers to the bottle in random order.
  4. As a finishing touch, paint the entire pattern with gold paint.

Believe me, in the end, no one you know will even guess what your stylish bottle is made of.


In fact, I have listed only the most popular and simple options decoration of glass products. You can give a second life to a wine or champagne bottle using applique, nylon tights, mesh, beads or even toilet paper - whatever is at hand.

Decoration of glass products – great way use all your imagination to the maximum and show all your talents and abilities.

Decoupage bottles in different options(photo)

Decoupage bottles in different versions (photo)

Nowadays, most needlewomen are fond of decoupage, namely, they decorate various objects with paper appliqué. And, to be more precise, decorations are made from special decoupage napkins, which are sold in a wide assortment on the shelves of specialized stores intended for needlework. The decoupage technique is done on many things made of wood, metal and plastic. But the most popular is decoupage on glass, or rather decoupage of bottles.
Every housewife always has empty glass containers, for example, cans for bulk products, intended to be thrown into the trash, depending on how long they have been used. Don't rush to do this yourself. You can try to remake a completely unnecessary thing into an interesting vase, which, in the future, will decorate your interior, for example in nautical style. Especially when original ideas are much more valuable than factory decoupage on glass.

Not only used alcohol bottles can be decorated, but also other glass objects that have lost their appearance. Decoupage of a vase will be very relevant.

Bottle for Women's Day

If you don’t know how to make glass decoupage on a champagne bottle for the 8th of March holiday, then the presented master class and instructions tell you how to decorate and create decoupage bottles with your own hands.
Prepare a bottle of champagne by removing all labels from it. Then, degrease it with alcohol or window cleaner. Now, you should paint the bottle with light acrylic paint in several layers, as shown in the photo.

, from which you can make an eight for the holiday of the eighth of March. Cut out the circles and make them in pairs.

Take acrylic-based paints and mix them to create a subtle shade of salad color. Thus, we will make a non-traditional bottle background. Apply this paint using a washcloth to the entire surface of the product. The bottle will turn out to be a beautiful spring shade, as shown in the photo.

Now we do the usual decoupage for beginners. Attach cut out circles from a napkin to the bottle and coat them with decoupage glue. After the glue has dried, we can consider that the master class is finished, but that’s not all. It is necessary to decorate the ornament with an acrylic outline or glitter, circling them around the picture, as shown in the photo.

In the center of the bottle, make an inscription for the eighth of March, it will be quite useful. When the green glitter dries, it will shimmer beautifully. Cover all the work done with acrylic varnish, which will add incredible shine. Now, a festive bottle of champagne is ready to decorate the table on March 8th. In the video you can see how to decoupage a vase.

Video: Decoupage glass vases

Decorate the bottle with eggshells

The decoupage technique of bottles decorated with eggshells can be safely given to your friends or loved ones. Since such work looks original and beautiful, having acquired volumetric view. To work you need the following accessories:

  • wine containers;
  • alcohol;
  • eggshell;
  • napkin, decoupage glue and brush;
  • priming.

Wash the bottle well under running warm water so that the labels can be easily removed with your own hands. Then, the entire surface is degreased with alcohol or washing liquid.

For primer, acrylic paint is perfect. Apply it to the bottle using a kitchen sponge. Leave the product for a short amount of time to dry, as shown in the photo.

To make the layer look more even, apply another layer of paint, as shown in the photo. Using a sponge will help get rid of streaks. This time, drying will take about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, you need to continue the master class with eggshells and start cutting out pictures from napkins in decoupage style. Place the pictures on a stationery file and blot them with water. Using careful movements, place it on the main part of the bottle. The following manipulations follow the same course as for beginners, using glue and brushes. The workpiece is left to dry for one day.

Decoupage with eggshells begins with the production of the base material. Rinse the shell under water and dry. Coat the entire surface of the bottle with glue and use tweezers to lay out the shell like a mosaic. The eggshell ornament will be made on two sides, namely the top and bottom of the bottle. After a break of 20 minutes, apply background paint. This decoupage takes on a voluminous appearance.

The last stage is to paint the resulting areas with eggshells in a darker shade and open them with varnish. Now, decoupage on glass is completely done by hand. You can watch the video on how to make reverse decoupage on glass in an interesting style.

Video: Making reverse decoupage of a bottle

Wedding champagne bottle

Wedding attributes are always given Special attention. This even applies to wedding glasses and champagne. You can create decoupage of a bottle of champagne for a wedding yourself. An example presented by a master class with step by step photos, great for beginners using a postcard or picture. Prepare the following materials:

  • champagne;
  • pictures or postcards;
  • acrylic based varnish;
  • acrylic paint;
  • washcloth.

Remove all labels from the glass bottle by soaking it in water. Then, degrease the surface with alcohol. Paint the product with primer. The master class involves the use of postcards. Cover it with acrylic varnish and dry. Now, remove the top tier of paper and cut out a suitable motif.

The bottle is smeared with glue, and the selected pictures are applied on top. Use gentle movements to smooth out the pattern to avoid any bubbles or creases.
It is necessary to dilute the paint that, in your opinion, matches the color of the bottle. Use a brush to draw a darker outline. Dip a foam pad into a light tone of paint and create a haze, smoothing the edges of the image.

Now all that remains is to paint the veins in silver using an old brush and draw in the details. The final touch is to varnish the entire surface of the champagne. Decoupage of a bottle of champagne for a wedding, successfully done. This craft will perfectly decorate wedding tables. Watch the video for a master class on how to decoupage bottles with fabric.

Video: Bottle decor with fabric

Bottle decoration with tights

In order to implement such an interesting and voluminous master class, and create glass decoupage with tights, you will need the following list of materials: a bottle, craquelure, alcohol, tights, PVA glue, acrylic varnish and napkins, as well as
, a washcloth and acrylic-based paint.
Take the bottle and degrease it using alcohol. Take nylon tights and dip them completely into the glue solution. Then, stretch them over the item to be decorated and form folds. The napkins are also soaked in glue; you need to make flowers out of them. Drying time is one or two days.

After this, the product is coated with black acrylic paint. Let it dry for a while. Select the picture motif you like and apply it to the bottle, covering it with several layers of glue. Remember to take breaks between layers.

Wait until it dries and boldly apply golden acrylic paint with a washcloth, painting over the black color. Next, the craquelure is applied with a synthetic brush, and after four hours, the second layer is applied. When another two hours pass, you will see how the craquelure turns into cracks. Using bitumen patina, we create the effect of aging of the craft by rubbing over the cracks. The final touch that appears after using craquelure is the application of acrylic varnish to consolidate the creative work.

Decoupage from toilet paper

Decoupage on glass with toilet paper begins with preparing the fittings:

  • bottle or jar for bulk products;
  • toilet paper;
  • acrylic based paints;
  • napkins;
  • glossy varnish;
  • scissors;
  • brush, PVA glue and washcloth.

Prepare a bottle, or if you want, you can use several cans, after wiping it with alcohol. Cut out suitable miniatures from a napkin. Small squares are cut out of toilet paper. To apply glue to paper, you will need a thin brush. Now, apply the cut-outs evenly to the bottle as shown in the photo. We leave it to dry.

Toilet paper is very thin, so we paint it with acrylic paint white. Large pictures are glued in the central part of the bottle, and small ones on the cap.

After everything is thoroughly dry, cover the entire light part of the bottle with acrylic paint. of blue color. The next stage is painting it golden, applying it to a washcloth.

Twist thin ropes from a napkin and paint them gold. When they are dry, you need to make an ornament out of them and glue them to the bottle. After this, the entire surface is varnished. Decoupage of a glass bottle, safely made with your own hands, using toilet paper.

Craquelure in bottle decoupage

The next master class for beginners will teach you how to use craquelure when working on crafts. We wash all the tags from the bottle and degrease it with alcohol or nail polish remover. We prime the container with white.

Now, we will need toilet paper, which we will use to decorate the bottle. Soak the paper in glue and apply it to the bottle, making small folds. This procedure must be done very quickly. After this, the craft will take on a three-dimensional appearance. Tear out a suitable motif from the decoupage card and glue it with PVA glue. The photo shows the result. Leave the bottle to dry for about 6 hours.

Take acrylic paint of the same color as shown in the photo. Apply it to the surface, not all over, but in parts to make the craquelure more impressive. Apply the craquelure and wait for about two hours. Then, cover the product with light acrylic paint. Paint the areas where the toilet paper is also white.

After drying, the bottle is covered finishing varnish, as shown in the photo. Volumetric master class this is where it ended. If you want to learn how to do reverse decoupage on glass or decoupage bottles with napkins, we suggest watching a video that shows how to work on a bottle in a nautical style.

As you can see, the instructions and master class on decoupage of bottles and cans for bulk products are simple and interesting. It will be clear, even for beginners. A variety of master classes and even voluminous ones will give your imagination flight.

Hello to everyone who loves to make beauty with their own hands!

Now we will decoupage the bottle on an eggshell. This is bottle decoupage for beginners using a napkin. By following all the steps of the master class, you will definitely learn how to make decoupage.

Decoupage of bottles with your own hands is a very interesting and exciting activity. I will say more, you can even earn extra money from this.

What materials will you need:

  • Beautiful glass bottle;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Eggshell;
  • Toothpick or needle;
  • PVA glue;
  • Soft brush, sponge, cloth;
  • Decoupage napkin;
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Acrylic paint, varnish and PVA can be bought on the construction market. Decoupage napkins are often sold in supermarkets or craft stores.

Let's get started with the master class.

Step 1.

We clean the bottle of all labels and stickers. Using a sponge, paint with white acrylic paint. If you didn’t paint it all at once, paint it a second time, but after the first layer of paint has dried.

Step 2.

We break the eggshell into pieces of 1-1.5 cm. Apply PVA glue to the bottle in small sections.

Apply the shell and press with your finger. The shell will split into several pieces. Using a toothpick or a needle, we straighten the shells, distributing them evenly on the bottle so that there is approximately the same distance between the pieces.

In this way we cover the entire bottle.

Step 3.

Chop the shell into small pieces. Lubricate the neck of the bottle with glue and sprinkle with small shells.

Step 4.

When the glue has set a little, you need to secure it. We dilute PVA with water 50/50 and cover the entire bottle.

Step 5.

The paint has dried, now we paint the bottle with acrylic paint 2 times.

Step 6.

Take a decoupage napkin and separate 2 layers, leaving the top one with the pattern. We tear off the necessary fragments with our hands.

Why with your hands and not with scissors? This results in torn edges that blend into the background and the edges of the napkin simply won’t be visible.

Step 7

We place a fragment of a napkin on the bottle and use PVA glue diluted with water to glue it. Glue from the center to the edges. Use a soft brush to expel the air from under the napkin and smooth out wrinkles.