Proper cleansing of facial skin. Expert advice: do not wipe your face with a towel, do not overpay for packaging Do not dry your face after washing

Facial skin cleansing – important element in the self-care system. How many times a day and how to wash your face correctly in order to preserve our youth and beauty for a long time?

Mandatory stages of the washing process

  • Wash your hands. A lot of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on your hands; if you don’t wash them off, you can “give” yourself some kind of infection.
  • Makeup remover You will need cotton pads soaked in makeup remover. Place two sponges on your eyes, and apply the gel or milk to your face with two other blotting movements. After two to three minutes, dip clean cotton pads in water, wring out, then gently massage lines, wash off cosmetics from your eyes and face with them.
  • Washing. It is important to wash off any remaining makeup well. Most often, ordinary tap water and gel or milk for washing are used for this. It’s more comfortable and healthier if there is water room temperature. Even if you like a contrast wash, use warm and cool water for it. With a sharp change in temperature, your blood vessels will receive too much stress, appearing as red burst capillaries on your cheeks.

If your tap water is very hard, it can cause allergic reactions in the form of flaky red spots. In such cases, before washing, soften the water using baking soda or boric acid, or use mineral water without gas.

If, after washing, your face begins to peel and red spots appear on it, perhaps your gel and milk for washing are not suitable for you, try replacing them.

You can relieve inflammation by rinsing your face with any herbal decoction: chamomile, string, parsley.

The better way to wash your face, with special cosmetic or folk remedies- it's your own choice. The main thing is to choose the care that is right for you.

Thin and delicate like a petal

The water for washing is dry and should be soft, not too cold, but not hot either. You can use mineral water at room temperature, using a suitable milk or gel.

Very good feedback on the Internet about such a procedure as washing with milk:

  • Clean your face of makeup with sponges dipped in a mixture of milk and olive oil. Do not apply too much force, otherwise you may cause wrinkles to appear.
  • To completely wash away all impurities, mix milk with ordinary or mineral water or herbal decoctions, rinse your face with this mixture. Don't forget about your neck and décolleté.
  • Dry paper napkin wet your face, apply the one that suits you nutritious cream. It is important that the face is slightly damp.

If your face still gets blotchy and flaky, try washing your face with whey instead of milk. It creates an acidic environment, similar in composition to the natural protective film present on the surface of the epidermis.

Tighten pores and remove shine

Clean oily skin from impurities using a special gel or other suitable products. They gently wash away everything that has accumulated on the face during the day, and in the morning they free the epidermis from toxins released overnight.

It is better to use herbal infusions for washing for the following reasons:

  1. This is much healthier than washing your face with regular tap water.
  2. You can easily treat your skin at home with herbs.

Water infused with lilac flowers will help you. It’s not difficult to prepare:

  • You need to collect about one hundred grams of lilac, pour one liter of boiling water, and leave to infuse for an hour in a thermos. Afterwards, the liquid must be filtered and cooled.

Contrast washing is also useful, and this procedure should be completed with not very cold water.

After washing your face, use a special serum for this skin type to nourish its lower layers. You must apply a suitable cream on top. It will create a film on the surface and prevent the serum from evaporating, otherwise it will be of little use.

Combined approach

Wash your face with combination skin necessary, paying special attention to oily and dry areas. It is better to use a special gel or suitable foam for washing. You need to thoroughly foam the product in your hands and only then apply it to your face. Lightly massaging in a circular motion, apply to the face, neck and décolleté area, then rinse with lemon juice or just mineral water. Apply cream.

Normal skin is a gift of fate

As in previous cases, in the evening it is important to wash off all the dirt accumulated during the day using gel or milk for washing. At home, you can take care of your face using various lotions and infusions that you prepare yourself.

For example, the following lotion refreshes and tones very well:

  • Fill two-thirds of the bottle with white lilac flowers (rose petals, linden blossoms), preferably dark glass. Fill it all to the top with vodka, put it in a dark place for a month and a half. The resulting mixture needs to be diluted: for one part of the tincture you will need four parts of water.

Using such infusions is better than washing your face with plain water.

Sensitive sissy

Any type of skin can be sensitive. It peels off, becomes covered with red spots, and inflammation and pimples appear on the oily skin.

In this case, in the morning and evening you need to wash your face with softened or mineral water, or use special means.

Easy to prepare at home soft scrub for washing:

  • Mash one kiwi fruit, pour in about a glass of water, and leave to steep for an hour. Before going to bed, having first cleansed your face, apply the resulting infusion with a sponge, rinse with mineral water, pat your face dry with a paper towel and use a suitable cream. It is better to use this product in the evening, as it acts as a light peeling. Kiwi soothes and relieves irritation.

Whatever products you use, it is important to remember that proper washing is the key to youth and beauty.

One of the most important steps in facial skin care is washing. However, there are several misconceptions, under the influence of which many representatives of the fair sex perform this procedure incorrectly.

Myth No. 1: You can wash your face with water, and that’s enough.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists insist that before washing your face, you must remove makeup using special cleansers. And then you can wash your face with foam, gel or mousse, which is selected according to your skin type.

Myth #2: Hot water opens pores, but cold water closes them.

Experts say that pores cannot open and close because they have no muscles. However, girls should not wash their face with hot water, as it will cause excessive heat may lead to dryness or overactive sebaceous glands. Thus, slightly warm water is suitable for gentle washing.

Myth #3: After cleansing, just rinse your face lightly with water.

If you don't rinse off the cleanser well, particles will remain on the skin and clog your pores. After cleansing, rinse your face thoroughly several times, focusing Special attention chin, hairline and nose.

Myth #4: After washing your face, you need to dry your skin.

You should not rub or stretch wet skin with a towel, because rough contact can negatively affect its elasticity. After washing, pat your skin lightly and gently.

Myth No. 5: the main thing is to wash your face, then you don’t have to do anything else

After basic cleansing, the skin of the face should be refreshed with tonic or lotion, and then applied with a moisturizer or nourishing cream. By the way, slightly damp skin better accepts the active ingredients of moisturizers and treatments.

Myth No. 6: You need to spend a lot of money on facial skin care.

In fact, in order to properly carry out the washing procedure and care for your facial skin, you do not need large financial investments. Moreover, even Hollywood actresses enjoy using it.

How many cleansers are on the shelves now - you can simply get confused! It is important to choose a product for your skin type. However, before you buy it, carefully study its composition. The fact is that the product may contain surfactants harmful to the skin - surfactants.
Products containing cationic substances(“Quaternium” or “Polyquaternium” on the packages), it’s better not to buy. Their formula penetrates deep into the skin, which can cause allergic reactions and irritation.
Anionic Surfactants foam very well, but, on the contrary, they hardly penetrate the skin, so they do not cleanse the skin enough. Their advantage is a lot of foam, and if the substance “Sodium Lauryl Sulfate” is included in the composition, it dries the skin very much and is well suited for problematic and oily skin.
Nonionic Surfactants (“Decyl-Glucoside”) hardly foam, so the skin is poorly cleaned. However, if they are created based on natural ingredients, they will take good care of your skin. Such substances are part of the most expensive care products.
Amphoteric substances are the safest and deeply cleansing skin. They can be recognized by the components “Cocoyl”, “Betaine” and “Sarcosine”.
Arm yourself with a notebook for your next trip to the store, and good luck!
You can also use it to cleanse your skin. natural remedies created at home. No chemicals and saving your budget.

2. Hands first

Wash your hands thoroughly before washing if you don’t want all the bacteria from your hands to transfer to your face!

3. Water at room temperature

It's a myth to wash your face with cold water to close your pores. If the water is too cold or too hot, it will only irritate and shock the skin, which can lead to broken capillaries.

4. Take your time

Never apply the product to dry skin. Most cleansers are too harsh and need to be diluted with water first. Use one pump of product, lather with your fingers and apply to face using gentle circular motions.

5. Rinse several times

Remaining product will dry out your skin and clog your pores. Rinse your face until the gel is completely washed off. Don't forget about the hair growth area, neck and sides of the nose. We often do not wash these places, which leads to skin irritation.

6. Frequent exfoliation

Acids and exfoliants are used in peels to make skin smoother by removing dead cells, but exfoliating too often can damage and dry out the new layer of skin. In addition, frequent peeling can damage the natural protective barrier skin.
How often can you peel?
Every day you can use: scrubs with various abrasive particles: sugar, salts, crushed walnut shells, coffee, polyethylene microbeads, salicylic acid.
Once a week: peeling with enzymes, glycolic and lactic acids.
Once a month: home dermabrasion (involving small concentrations of aluminum oxide):
Deep salon treatments such as professional chemical peeling(with the participation of the acids listed above, only stronger concentrations are used in salons), professional dermabrasion (aluminum oxide in medium concentrations), professional dermabrasion (with particles of diamond dust, sand), the frequency of which your dermatologist will tell you is worth doing no more than once every three months.

Today is an important and very useful article about how to properly cleanse your facial skin every day.

At least, I systematized this information for myself for a long time, experimenting on my own face((, since before the advent of the Internet and the new “generation” of books and magazines, it was almost impossible to find something intelligible on the topic of washing.

For some reason, this topic was avoided. Why - it’s impossible to know, perhaps the process of washing was not considered so important and, in general, everyone cleansed the face the same way - they washed with soap.

Later I asked my friends how they cleanse their face in the evening? I received different answers: I remove with milk..., foam..., gel..., soap... these options did not suit me, I tried washing with foam, and milk, and gels, but there was no system as such, and I can say that I liked the end result, it was also impossible.

And only with the advent of new literature and access to Internet knowledge, I finally discovered schemes for how to , how to properly remove makeup from your face in the evening and how to wash your face in the morning.

I am sharing these methods with you, I hope that the information will be useful.

How to properly cleanse your face every day step by step

Have you noticed how many products are intended for “cleansing”? Well yes, huge. These include tonics, foams, creams, oils, micellar water, and soap, in the end.

And there are so many of them because the washing system is also not just one and all these products need to be combined with each other in order to choose the most suitable method washing.

Cleansing your face in the morning

Despite the fact that we slept peacefully at night and during this time we hardly managed to get dirty, our face still needs to be cleaned, since during the night sebaceous glands sebum has been produced, and there may be remnants of night cream on the skin, so all this needs to be removed.

We carry out cleansing in two stages:

  1. Step one - wash your face. For this we use either
  • foaming gels and foams, mousses, soaps (products that need to be washed with water);
  • , apply it to a cotton pad and wipe your face.
  1. Step two - remove any remaining detergent:

Rinse your face big amount water, or wipe it with tonic.

For me, this point should look like this: rinse your face with water and wipe it with tonic.

Because: both gels/foams/mousses and micellar water MUST(!) need to be removed from the face, because all these products contain surfactants, which, having done their job - having cleansed the skin of the face, must be completely removed from it washed away.

That's it, morning wash is completed))

How to properly cleanse your face before bed

The evening cleansing procedure is more difficult because, in addition to the same sebum and residues day cream now on the face there are decorative means: makeup base, foundation/BB/CC cream, powder, blush, etc.

And it will not be possible to completely remove them from the face with the help of foams and mousses because they are intended for washing, and NOT for removing makeup.

The best way to remove makeup from your face

Please note that most of the dirt accumulated on the skin during the day is fat base, according to cosmetologists, “like dissolves like,” so for evening cleansing you need to use fat-based products.

What do you need to remove makeup in the evening?

  1. Fat-based products to choose from: cosmetic milk; cosmetic cream/sour cream; regular or hydrophilic oil; oil balm.
  2. Makeup can be removed with non-greasy products, but they will not be as effective. This is: micellar water and gel, but not foaming, but melting.

Scheme on how to properly cleanse your face before bed

Stage No. 1

We cleanse our face with a product that is specifically designed for removing makeup.

Let me remind you again - milk, cream, sour cream, butter, balm, micellar water.

Stage No. 2

We wash ourselves with a product that is intended for washing.

These are: foam, gel, mousse, soap (in specially designated cases).

Stage No. 3

We wipe our face with tonic.

In principle, you can stop at point number two and start applying care products, but, in my opinion, a tonic is still necessary, not only because I love tonics as a product in general, but also because you:

  • remove the remnants of not-so-healthy tap water from your facial skin;
  • restore the level of ph balance of the skin;
  • check whether the cleansing procedure was carried out well.

Most important point, which you need to learn when cleansing your face in the evening:

Removing makeup and washing your face are two different rituals, and for evening cleansing they are needed BOTH in exactly that order.

That is, after carrying out the procedure with a cleanser, you will not be able to sufficiently remove makeup, some of it will still remain on the skin, as the product of the sebaceous glands will probably remain, especially for those with oily skin, and repeated use (on the third, etc.) once) the use of foam or gel will not bring any benefit to the skin, but it will easily dry it out.

That is, you can wash your face with foam/gel/micellar water in the morning or if you haven’t used it during the day. decorative cosmetics, but these products cannot thoroughly remove makeup.

The control point for the quality of skin cleansing is the cleanliness of the cotton pad after toning the face; it should be clean and not wash off the remnants of cosmetics.

Based on these rules developed. More about them in the next article.

I hope I conveyed the essence of the question; if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.

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The women's magazine Women's Tricks decided to draw your attention to such an insignificant but important topic for our beauty and health - how to properly wash your face? Often we don’t even realize and do this procedure mechanically, but if you do everything correctly, you will keep your facial skin healthy, clean, radiant and young for a long time!

In addition to the fact that facial skin needs to be regularly nourished with creams and masks, it also needs proper daily cleansing. For the whole day it gathers great amount bacteria, and if we don't remove them, it will lead to clogged pores, irritation, pimples, dull color and aging.

What water is suitable for washing your face?

The ideal choice would be spring or rain water, but in modern conditions it is quite difficult to organize this. You can take filtered or boiled water. The following procedures will help soften water:

  • In two liters of raw water you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of boric acid.
  • Per liter boiled water add 1 tablespoon of glycerin, or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or a quarter teaspoon of baking soda.

Why can't you wash your face with tap water? – Because it is hard and contains a high content of elements that will adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Water temperature

Too cold water constricts blood vessels, which can subsequently lead to poor nutrition, blood circulation and protective skin secretion. This will immediately be reflected in poor elasticity, as well as dullness and dryness of the skin.

Too hot water dilates blood vessels, which weakens and gradually destroys their walls. This is reflected by spider veins (rosacea), early wrinkles and sagging skin.

Ideal water is water at room temperature (20-24 degrees). This temperature is enough for the pores to open and clear away accumulated dirt.

  1. First of all, wash your hands with soap and collect all your hair so that it does not get into your face.
  2. When washing your face, do not stretch or rub your skin, as this will lead to the formation of wrinkles.
  3. To make it easier to wash your face with prepared soft water, take a small wide bowl and a jug where you will directly prepare the water.
  4. Do not apply cleansers to dry skin and take your time during the entire procedure. Pre-lather the product with your fingers or palms, then apply to the skin in a gentle circular motion and leave for 1-2 minutes to remove all impurities.
  5. Rinse your skin well of cleansers, paying special attention to the wings of the nose, neck, chin and eyelash growth area, where unwashed residues most often accumulate. Otherwise it will lead to irritation.
  6. Do not do frequent peelings and scrubs. For daily use, only soft exfoliating products based on salt, sugar, finely ground particles (for example, nut shells) are suitable. salicylic acid or coffee, or better yet, make it.
  7. The best sponge for your face is the pads of your fingers. If you use a special sponge or cloth to wash your face, make sure it is clean enough and do not rub your skin with it too much.
  8. Do not rub the skin with a towel, but just gently pat each area.
  9. To ensure your skin retains as much moisture as possible, apply the cream immediately after washing.
  10. You should wash your face 2-3 times a day, no more. Otherwise, you will break the natural protective barrier.
  11. Never go to bed with unclean skin! During the night, accumulated impurities and bacteria will “give” you redness, clogged pores and irritation.